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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8383321 No.8383321 [Reply] [Original]

Coming of Age Day in Japan...

>> No.8383329
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Coming of Age Day in Okinawa.

>> No.8383332
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>> No.8383333

those bros at the back are awesome

>> No.8383339

coming of what age, 30?

>> No.8383349
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>> No.8383346

>You will never be a member of delinquent sentai

>> No.8383353

I'm sensing some RAN RAN RU to be posted.

>> No.8383356

Why are Japanese men prettier than the women?

>> No.8383370

Bousouzoku Sentai Yankeenger

>> No.8383373

20, technically.
There are some old lookin' bros in there though.

>> No.8383384
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Coming of Age Day in Chiba.

>> No.8383392

Is Mickey Mouse participating in a hero show?

>> No.8383401
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20 eh? I would be Peter Pan then.

>> No.8383409
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>> No.8383417

They are teachers.

>> No.8383421
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Coming of Age Day in Yokohama.

>> No.8383431

I wish to be them.

>> No.8383507

You sure? I mean they look like those jocks who gave you wedgies back in high school.

>> No.8383515
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Daikoku Matsuri at Kanda Myojin Shrine, Chiyoda-ku. A purification ceremony, in which people newly coming of age (AGE 20) pour icy water out of wooden buckets over themselves.

>> No.8383521

They're definitely the harmless class clowns.

>> No.8383553

I'm a self-proclaimed, high school sociologist, and I say they may be class clowns, but not the harmless variety.

>> No.8383576
File: 198 KB, 413x640, osaka002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming of Age Day in Osaka.

>> No.8383579
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Nakayan so cute~ (*´Д`*)

>> No.8383585
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>> No.8383616
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>> No.8383625


>> No.8383629
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>> No.8383658


>> No.8383665


These are hott.

>> No.8383686

Where are all the raven haired Yamato nadeshikos?

>> No.8383692
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>> No.8383724
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>> No.8383728

How can she hold all those cameras?

>> No.8383788
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>> No.8383875
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There’s irony in having “coming-of-age” and “dance with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Pluto” together.

>> No.8383894
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some are from her friends

>> No.8383914
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>> No.8383922
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I like to think thats how Yukari would be like

>> No.8383932

If that cigarette was instead a pipe, it would be a perfect picture.

>> No.8383933

wait when is this coming of age day? is it always so serious looking besides the obvious other pictures. some the others look like they take it very seriously. and some of these "once kids" already look lie full grown sluts and douches

>> No.8383942

2nd Monday of January

>> No.8384304


Just because they're not failures like you doesn't mean they're "sluts" and "douches".

>> No.8384330

No, they are pretty much whores and faggots. dont kid yourself. Look at those whores and see how materialistic they are. They look like they have been idolizing some beauty magazine and think thats how every girl should look like

>> No.8384361
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idol thread

>> No.8384385

holy shit people dressed up for a ceremonial event

what sluts

>> No.8384397
File: 26 KB, 320x240, article200805271638033017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if troll or idiot :S

>> No.8384406

I turn up to funerals in a dark pink dinner jacket.

Not even joking.

>> No.8384411

You dont get it...

It is not a problem for some special event but the girls of japan always dress like sluts and wear caked on makeup every day of the week. They grow up with distorted views of what they think is beauty based on what they read from their western fashion mags and think that is the norm

>> No.8384440


There's nothing wrong with being materialistic. It's not just western fashion mags it's all fashion mags. By your logic we're equally bad as most /jp/ers have a wealth of technology and otaku products.

This is simply a backwards rationalization defense mechanism because you can't accept that some people aren't failures like you. By all means statistically you're probably a worse person than any of those dressed up guys or girls; you're only spouting this "douche" and "slut" nonsense because you can't accept that they're more successful (in society) than you.

>> No.8384460

>There's nothing wrong with being materialistic.
Yes there is. You become shallow because thtas all you would care about.
I am not a faliure actually.

>you can't accept that they're more successful
You keep assuming that I am just like the average /jp/ person here. I am not a fat dead beat like most of you and I actually am in shape and going to college and have a part time job with pretty okay money coming in.

Being successful is one thing and only caring about looks is another

>> No.8384491


Having a lot of X =! being shallow.

Association fallacy. Unfortunately your argument falls apart here.

>> No.8384508

It is not hard to see that they only care about materialistic things here.

>> No.8384545


Know that your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.8384551

Not when that is what is considered the norm in today's society.

>> No.8384584


By that logic the majority of /jp/ is shallow which is false, and therefore this situation too.


[citation needed]

Your opinion is irrelevant especially from a biased person. Unless you can turn your opinion into fact you lose. This is an undeniable truth.

>> No.8384601

>Unless you can turn your opinion into fact you lose
Oh wow

Also go to your local mall or some dance club or just about anywhere and you sree that it is not hard to tell that people rarely care about anything else

>> No.8384667


Understand that you don't know those people. Your opinions are, and will continue to be, irrelevant. Nothing has changed.

>> No.8384680

If it makes you feel better by keep saying that. But that is how it is these days, the painful truth

>> No.8384706

ITT: I am surrounded by mindless shallow drones who aren't as deep, cultured, or interesting as me. Truly being as great as I am is suffering.

>> No.8384716

ITT: People who dont like facing the truth and think that everything is alright

>> No.8384728

Just as you think I am making opinions you are no better by making them yourself. They can be just as bad by just looking at them as well. Making a wall of text does not prove anything

>> No.8384737


>Just as you think I am making opinions you are no better by making them yourself.

Anything I said is supported by non-subjective evidence.

>They can be just as bad by just looking at them as well.

Wishful thinking for someone who just got owned.

>Making a wall of text does not prove anything


By your logic that makes the majority of /jp/ shallow when you've already asserted quite the opposite.

It is impossible to know a person by only looking at them, and therefore what you think about these people is simply subjective interpretation, and as a result: opinion. There is nothing you can do about this. You're simply a /jp/er with biased opinions.

Opinion =! fact, and as long your opinions remain opinions you lose. Nothing has changed, though you've repeated yourself for two posts now. On this note I'm going to be taking my leave, and won't be reading your response as there's no reason for me too. Rationally If you could've elevated your opinion to truth you would've during your last two posts. Therefore you can't.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win. I win, and you lose. The painful truth. Bye bye.


Yes. That describes him well.

>> No.8384755

>Wishful thinking for someone who just got owned.
Oh wow

Some people on here know that this is shit to look at. Go and make yourself a facebook account and search for random people on there. make a myspace account. make a tumblr or a twitter and tell me what you see there. This place is riddled with people who watch jersey short and spend more time on their looks than anything else. You cant deny that. And to anyone who does not look like they do will be shunned because thats what they thing everyone should be like.
