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8369834 No.8369834 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8359072

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8369849

I just "finished" Saya no Uta last night, but i don't think i got the best possible ending.

Was my first VN and i enjoyed it alot, i would like to try others, preferably some that won't keep me glued to the screen for 6 hours. Any suggestions for a newcomer?

>> No.8369852
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>> No.8369860

>i would like to try others, preferably some that won't keep me glued to the screen for 6 hours
I think you're missing the point of a VN. They're not exactly a bite-sized entertainment form. Saya no Uta and Planetarian are about as short as VNs get.

>> No.8369863

> preferably some that won't keep me glued to the screen for 6 hours
If you're talking about short VNs, there's not much out there really.
It took me 6 hours to finish the first route on KS even though it has no voices.
Either way, vndb.org is your friend. Everything English translated is bound to be decent enough, and it has tags based on length, genre, content and whatnot.

>> No.8369872

Still playing Osadai, I'm slow.
Yukino is a pretty generic character, but god damn if the voice acting doesn't elevate her route to a quite enjoyable level.

>> No.8369880

Sitting on my ass waiting for Forest while reading Period (decent enough, not much more than romance school VN #17352 so far but I am enjoying it)

Does anyone know the name/website of the artist that littlewitch uses?

>> No.8369887


The point wasn't that i want them to be short, i just want to save and play a little bit every day for a long time, but that one was just hard to put down.

>> No.8369896

Rozen Vamp's remix is now playing in your head

>> No.8369897

Pick a slice of life or moege. Little Busters just got translated and it features quite a lot of slice of life, with drama concentrated at the ends of the routes. You would only get sucked in like SnU when you were finishing up a route.

>> No.8369906

That artwork looks amazing. Is there anyway I could get a link to Kajiri Kamui Kagura, please? I'm not really sure where to search for most VNs to tell the truth.

>> No.8369907

Most VNs are good because of how immersive they are, if a VN isn't imerssive it usually isn't good. I suggest reading Inganock, it is episodic enough and you can take chunks out of it at a time.

>> No.8369917

Disregard. Found a copy on TT.

>> No.8369919

next time whoever opens the new thread should remember to link the new one in the old one too

>> No.8369926


DO NOT PLAY THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY PLAYED THROUGH DIES IRAE. It goes Paradise Lost -> Dies Irae -> KKK, but Paradise Lost is sort of optional.

>> No.8369927

Sukebei nyaa has all new releases.
If you wantb to find some, go there. nihonomaru works fine for ddls. Usually has several mirros.

>> No.8369939

Okay. Thanks.

>> No.8369946

well, you can sort of play it anyways, but half the game is going to be incomprehensible or fly over your head if you do

>> No.8369963

I just downloaded Sharin no Kuni

Is it good?

>> No.8369975

It's good, but the third girl's route is boring as fuck. Also, the fan disk is excellent. There's a more complete translation floating around on mediafire than on TLWiki, so be sure to grab that. I think you can probably find it in /rs/

>> No.8369971
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>> No.8369972

Why don't you play it and find out? Some people like it, some people are hipsters.

>> No.8369982

It is good enough, it has been under the magnifying glass for /jp/ long enough that people only complain about it but I am almost certain you will enjoy it. The story isn't perfect and the setting isn't well explained and some of the turns are retarded it is still enjoyable.

>> No.8369991


I'm about to head off to bed, so don't really have time to start it now.

Will begin in the morning.

>> No.8370007


>> No.8370002

i have recently played kawata shoujo(1rst vn that i played, ever).
does anyone knows any vn's that are good as ks?

>> No.8370011

and i aint even trolling.

>> No.8370017

I hope the next VN by Masada Takashi goes back to occidental mythos.
I like opera frangments a lot better than sutras.

>> No.8370025

in other news, white album dropped to second place in the filtered erogamescape
though I guess ports aren't really fair since they have a bigger fans:voters ratio than a first game release

>> No.8370026

In case you're trying to be sincere...

You just did the equivalent of going to /v/ and proclaiming yourself to be a hardcore grrrl gamer who plays Halo in MLG.

Try again.

>> No.8370032

>in other news, white album dropped to second place in the filtered erogamescape
Kusoge confirmed.

>> No.8370036
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I don't get why anyone would try and troll these threads... Maybe I am the bad one for giving a shit.

>> No.8370037


Whoa, that must be, like, going to /r9k/ and saying you're a foreveralone female who hasn't had a boyfriend for 2 whole months.

>> No.8370046

>filtered erogamescape
Does it filter out the butthurt YUNO and MLA fags who vote 0 because they're upset because a new game is on top? Last I saw WA2 had a huge standard deviation and tons of spam 0 votes that were stopping it from having a 99 median.

>> No.8370060

It probably will, considering he twitted to Higashide about how his next project was really similar to his, and it has all kinds of christian-derived imagery in it
Basically, yes. It only takes into account people who have a certain amount of votes (like 30+), have a determinated average in their votes (to avoid people spamming only 0 or 100), have been registered to the site for more than one year and have been active in last months.

>> No.8370061

Yeah it filters them.
It also filters the new IDs created just to give it 100

>> No.8370069

forget what i posted then
just give me any good vn to start with

>> No.8370076

KKK was good but it was more of a tie-in to Dies Irae than anything.

I hope the next title will be more ambitious, especially considering Masada's writing got better with time.
Heck it's even apparent in Dies Irae when Kei and Rea's routes are quite a bit better written than the rest.

>> No.8370084
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>> No.8370081


God, people suck so much that some dudes would actually be bothered to do that for e-recognition.

> i don't want to live on this planet anymore

>> No.8370088

thanks, i really appreciate it,

>> No.8370095

The most common starting VNs are Saya no Uta, Yume Miru Kusuri, Tsukihime, and F/SN. The latter two are very long, though.

>> No.8370096

Is it 2008 again?

>> No.8370099
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Even mroe evident with the SoL parts of KKK, they were actually funny to read (helps it wasn't just generic japanese high school).
Parts like this were a lot ebtter than what you could find in DI, even if it was just dumb.

>> No.8370109

Shut up, just let him grab that and get out. Not like it has bad stuff.

Nagisa dies.

>> No.8370194
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Currently reading FSN Heavens Feel and Sharnoth. Like both.
The next VNs I'll read are for sure: Muvluv Alternative and Remember11.
Looking forward to (translations): Higanbana, Forest, Fate/HA and Rance 8.

>> No.8370272

So where is the place to go for VN discussion nowadays?

>> No.8370297

Or just make a thread

>> No.8370330

make a twitter account
don't forget to follow thousands of eroge-related people so they'll follow you back, then unfollow them so you'll look like a very popular opinionist

>> No.8370354


but I just want to read in a more livelier place :(

>> No.8370392

I just finished the last route I had to do in Yume Miru Kusuri (Mizuki's) after avoiding it for over a year.

Other than that I've been on and off trying to play Communication with Sonico but I still read sooo slow. I keep having to tab out and look shit up while I'm playing, too.

>> No.8370395

Speaking of KKK, anyone got a link to the OST? Haven't read it yet since I didn't read Dies Irae, but I do appreciate a good Japanesque music.

>> No.8370403

it's getting released in three weeks, I don't think anyone ripped it either

>> No.8370418

Officially, the OST is released on the 26th.

>> No.8370550

Oh, okay, cool. The game rip would be fine, too, but I can wait.

>> No.8370915

Both RLSE loader and NTLEAC don't seem to work with Hatsuyuki Sakura's trial. I'm still getting that region block message. How depressing.

>> No.8370932

RLSE loader worked for me

>> No.8370986

Well, asking for a VN as good as KS is a hard question, because it's of such a level of quality. If I had to choose one VN as good as KS it would probably be this:

>> No.8371311

The last thread sure went fast.

>> No.8371597

In the middle of KS trying to replace my real life with a scripted one.

>> No.8371842
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I really wish I knew moon so I play and actually understand what's going on in Appare! Tenka Gomen

I loved Koihime Musou and pretty much anything that Baseson puts out i'm attracted to

>> No.8372337
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Yumina, still the most badass character

>> No.8372350

So, just finished Tsukihime, I started last year and played Higurashi, Little Busters, Saya, Sharin no Kuni, G-Senjou, YMK, Monster Girl Quest, Wanko so far. Will start with Fate/Stay now. Anything else mandatory, popular or well discussed? Other than Umineko

>> No.8372365


I'd help you, but I fear the wrath of spoonfeed anon.

>> No.8372368

Official /jp/ list of kusoge
1. Muv Luv
2. Cross†Channel
3. Umineko
4. Yume Miru Kusuri
5. Subahibi
6. Fate/Stay Night

Official /jp/ list of kamige
1. Clannad
2. Planetarian
3. Muramasa
4. Baldr Sky
5. Tsukihime
6. Grisaia

>> No.8372376

Fate/Stay Night is good. I liked AoiShiro.

>> No.8372378

It's been too long, list.

>> No.8372380

I see, thanks. I'm kind of curious about CC though.

>> No.8372537

>taking trolls seriously.

>> No.8372690
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Any programs or way to maximize a VN while keeping aspect ratio?

>> No.8372707

keep aspect ratio when fullscreen should be an option in your graphics card control panel

>> No.8372905

Oohh, that's handy

>> No.8372930

do eroge VN for those who can't into moon exist?

>> No.8372938

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.8372948

finished it

>> No.8372983


See >>8370084

Don't come back till you finish all of those.

>> No.8373009

finished the nasu novels,clannad and i dropped chaos head, any of them have a lot of h scenes?

>> No.8373016

Check it out yourself

>> No.8373027

Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.8373038


Just go to exhentai or some other porn site playing VNs for porn simply isn't worth it.

On a side note is forest part of the 'what a beautifully ___'' franchise or does it have nothing to do with them.

>> No.8373046

>Just go to exhentai or some other porn site playing VNs for porn simply isn't worth it.
What about nukige like MGQ?

>> No.8373056

>playing VNs for porn simply isn't worth it
Nukiges exist for a reason.
And no, it isn't part.

>> No.8373058

nothing to do with them, though the WAB writer admitted to the game being one of her inspirations (mostly the folklore/literature aspect)

>> No.8373069


Still not worth it. It's easier just to google vore and fap to that I don't even get why nukige are so popular fapping to other kinds of porn is way less of a hassle.

>> No.8373502

>I don't even get


>> No.8373970
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Whoever mentioned "Kurahime" in the last thread undoubtedly meant Kusarihime, and yes, it's a fantastic game. It's also complex, probably difficult to translate, and just plain weird in places. Nevertheless, I hope 2012 will see someone try to translate it.

>> No.8373991

The fapping experience is much better with nukige if you ask me.

>> No.8376274
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>> No.8376637

After WA2 I don't have the energy to start something long.
Anyone can recommend some VN not too long, also nothing too famous since I most likely already did them.

>> No.8376646

Went through the same thing, but I've settled on Natsuyume Nagisa for now. Finished the prologue and a bit and I have to say it promises to be quite good. Not sure how long it is, though.

Apart from that, you could check out Comyu or Legend Seven if you haven't played them, but they might be a bit too long.

>> No.8376661

I was hoping to go for some drama now. Has anyone around here readen France Shoujo? Is there any hope of it being translated?

>> No.8376668

I doubt there is anyone crazy enough to translate France Shoujo.
Not like it's good enough to warrant a translation

>> No.8376696

Finished Baldr Sky Dive 1. A bit disappointed with Chinatsu's route. They pretty much kept rehashing the same events from earlier routes until the very last chapters, which were much more interesting to read. I would hold the her route a bit above Rain's but still a far below Nanoha's.

Going to try out Katawa Shoujo next, then aiming for Baldr's normal/bad ends like you guys suggested a few threads ago. Though it feels stupid having to intentionally lose those piss easy boss battles.

>> No.8376707

So, don't you like Sharin no Kuni?

>> No.8376776

does anyone have any good rec for yuri VNs?
Or should I just go ask /u/? thanks

>> No.8376793


So, I just started playing this.

Is it ok to turn the voices off in VN's? They're pissing me off.

>> No.8376794

Katahane if you want translated

>> No.8376796

it either Aoishiro if you like horror stories and no porn, or the few translated Sono Hanabira for moe and sex

>> No.8376828

You may not missing much, but Houzuki's is worth it.

>> No.8376887
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Oyari Ashito is the name. He has a blog at http://oyariashito.blogspot.com/ (which, surprisingly, has some English here and there)

>> No.8376903
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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Not like any of them can measure up to oneechan.

>> No.8376911

Wind does not belong on that list. It is really quite terrible. IMO ef was even worse, although that has its share of fans.

>> No.8376919

Yeah, these: >>8372350
Also, the Infinity games (Ever17, Remember11, and the soon-to-be-released Never7).

>> No.8376934

Of those, I'd recommend Amaranto, Sapphism no Gensou, and Noel, although none of those are translated.

Euclid Panic (a.k.a. Yukkuri Panic): Escalation is a yuri nukige, though it does have its moments.

>> No.8376941

You're the one playing it; it's up to you.

However, I'd advise against it, as there are two god-tier seiyuu in this game (Houzuki's and Ririko's).

>> No.8376963

Sono Hanabira series were my first, nice entry for beginners.

>> No.8377185

Thanks a lot, there is something about his art that I really like. I know most of /jp/ doesn't like it with the distinct chin and protruding cheeks but I like the way he draws girls' figures. I am a flat chest enthusiast so my opinion may be warped.

>> No.8377374

souce please

>> No.8377378

read the thread

>> No.8377616

What's a good REAL DEAL VN like Kara no Shoujo?

>> No.8377618


I posted a bunch in the /a/ thread.

>> No.8377650

I remember requesting RT to do it but he declined. I want to read it so much, but learning moon to understand it will take too damn long.

>> No.8377665

Depends on which part of Kara no Shoujo was REAL DEAL for you. Can you elaborate?

And referring to the reply in the /a/ thread, if you're really going to read MLA you should make sure to finish the minimum required amount of MLE and MLU first, or the REAL DEAL won't be at as high a level as it otherwise would be.

>> No.8378960


>> No.8379041

At what point can you say you've read a VN?
After you complete one route?
Or do you have to read all of it?

>> No.8379067

Charage/moege/nukige = Heroines that interest you
Scenario-ge = everything

>> No.8379104


Could anyone recommend any good horror VN?

I already played Saya

>> No.8379110

In most cases, yes. But it depends. Can you say you've read Clannad without reading After Story? Can you say you've read Baldr Sky having only read Rain's route?

If the game is just common route into character routes, then I say you can consider having read it after only reading one or two routes.

>> No.8379168 [DELETED] 

There's no absolute spot for any media. You don't need to watch every single episode of a show to be able to have a solid opinion on it, but by the same token, the more you watch, the more better supported your opinion will be. If you haven't formed any kind of opinion about a VN after even just an hour of reading it, then you have problems. Yeah, twists and development can modify things, but if the introduction sucks, there's a hell of a good chance the rest is going to suck too. Far from absolute, obviously, but good writing is good from start to finish.

>> No.8379193

Right, I would mostly agree. Which is why I get sad when people bully me for only reading a route or two of some VN they like.

>> No.8379446

If you've read only the intro then you can only judge the intro, not the whole thing.

>> No.8379702

So what do you think about coda in WA2?

>> No.8379782

The poster I replied to said "at what point can you say you've read a VN?" I'm pretty sure I never said I read WA2, only that I read a character's route.

>> No.8379798 [DELETED] 

The number of shitty games with shitty intros outnumber the number of good games with shitty intros by a factor of about 100.

>> No.8379823


>> No.8380006
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Just finished Utawarerumono. Originally got it shortly after it got translated a few years ago but dropped it before you even get out of the starter village. Was bored this weekend and couldn't remember why I dropped it. Pretty much played straight through it and it was great the whole way, or at least until the end, sort of conflicted about that.

>> No.8380616

I'm reading muramasa and pretty much skipping through all the fights

Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.8380638


>> No.8380676

Naw. How could the same company that made Demonbane possibly have any fights that top that? Nothing else compares in scale, which is why I've abandoned shit that has fighting in it completely.

>> No.8380702 [SPOILER] 
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Finished the normal route of Swan Song a few hours ago. I enjoyed i. I kind of don't want to do the "good" ending because I think it ended fine and I would hate to see it ruined by some deus ex machina crap that forces a happy ending.

>> No.8380706

You probably dropped it because of those ridiculously stupid looking ear-wings, wouldn't blame you

>> No.8380723

ridiculously stupid looking ear-wings isn't in starting village though

>> No.8380747

Any vns that work with atlas really good?
Any body also got a link to Axanael?

>> No.8380753

Anyone here knows what Touhou is?

>> No.8380759

Please, get out.

>> No.8380758

Nope. You should go ask /ck/

>> No.8380762

Never mind found Axanael, would this game translate nicely?

>> No.8380838

VNs that work good with Atlas? Is there such a thing?

>> No.8380848

Well somebody said Axanael translated pretty good.

>> No.8381061

Axanael has quite a lot of slang, and Noko's hiragana-speak does not work well with Atlas. It is a good "my first Japanese VN", but it's read better without any translation tools (as is everything else, for that matter).

>> No.8381100

Guys, since I was out on vacations I still have these in my backlog: Canvas 2, Kotori Love Ex P, A Profile, Osadai. I'm looking for a laid back moege, what's your opinion on them?

>> No.8381158

So will atlas at least somewhat translate it decent than other vns?

>> No.8381215

I guess it will, but seriously, even having entry-level Japanese understanding from anime and such should be enough to understand Axanael. Most of the lines are voiced, for crying out loud.

>> No.8381569
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I played and finished Sugar's Delight last night.
Cute, short story and good art. This is the kind of thing I'd like to see from non-japanese circles. This tops KS any day as being a VN originally written in English.

I'm warmly waiting for Neko-Soft's next game, Dragon Spirit.

>> No.8381628
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>Also, the fan disk is excellent. There's a more complete translation floating around on mediafire than on TLWiki, so be sure to grab that.
oh, that's good to know. I've just got the last couple endings to clear before starting on the fandisk

>> No.8381830
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>> No.8382867

I sure do like it when I download a game, and all signs, from the website to the first 30 minutes or so of the game point to it being a nukige and it turns out to not be a nukige, and rather a chara/moege.

I'm frustrated.

>> No.8382893

I appear to have lost the ability to enjoy ero scenes in non-nukige.
What the flying fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.8382897

That happened to me with Ikikoi. 100% ero sample CGs on their website what the fuck.

>> No.8382944

How horrifying.
Maybe you just need to take a break, or play a non-nukige with good lewd scenes?

>> No.8382954
File: 37 KB, 438x640, Kara.no.Shoujo.406914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kara no soujo
interesting story, cool setting, good characters..except for the protagonist who is a fucking idiot. Really, you'd expect far more from a 30-year old detective.

>> No.8382965

Actually it's always been like that for me too. If I read a VN for the plot, I always feel a little distracted by the ero, so if I want porn I always go for nukige. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8383009

I always skip h-scenes. Unless the vn is "suck my dick or die" or anything among these lines

>> No.8383018 [SPOILER] 
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If they can get away with this kind of censorship it's pretty obvious that nobody really gives a fuck.

>> No.8383022

Yea. I plain don't like them and prefer all ages versions when available.

>> No.8383327

I really do hate it when moege where I'm interested in multiple heroines do the "Every heroine has been in love with the MC for a long time" thing, and take moments to shove it in my face, and make me feel bad enough that I find myself unable to do any other routes after the first one.

>> No.8383347


I seldom enjoy ero scenes period. However, leaving them out is worse. Sex is an important part of a relationship and needs to be there, otherwise I can't respect the relationship of the characters.

>> No.8383455
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>> No.8383474

there's a te too much in there

>> No.8383482

Thanks god for this thread. I'm looking for more HNNNG Visual Novels after Katawa Shoujo. I've already gone through Clannad, Kanon and Yume Miru Kusuri. Could anyone help a bro out?

>> No.8383492


>> No.8383496

If you like Key, you should play Little Busters.

If you're looking for HNNNGGH, Wanko to Kurasou is basically nothing but cuteness and sex.

>> No.8383504

but everyone just says 萌え死んだ and I've never seen it written like that

>> No.8383511
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Thanks for the suggestions. Going through these two next. Any others? I'm Basically after any good romance VN's.

>> No.8383524

Muv-Luv Extra.
Da Capo/ II
To Heart 2 is translated right? Try that.

>> No.8383532

You can't really have Muv-Luv Extra on there without throwing in the rest of the trilogy.

>> No.8383549

>that list
Are you trolling? Da Capo and Shuffle are the worst dog shits I've ever played.

>> No.8383555

Go to google and search "萌えて死んだ".Both are fine. The meaning is just slightly different.

>> No.8383615

They're fairly good entry level moege on about the same level of one of the titles he said he's enjoyed.

>> No.8383639

I really liked D.C., especially II.

>> No.8383644

With fairly good modifying entry level, not moege.

>> No.8383648

>on about the same level of one of the titles he said he's enjoyed.
I don't know which game you're talking about, but you shouldn't recommend utter shit just because someone likes something you don't.

>> No.8383657


Romances Completely On Target
Kira Kira
True Remembrance
Crescendo (lowest quality of the recommendations on this section)

Romantic Elements
Seiken no Ignanock

>> No.8383677

YMK and Shuffle and Da Capo/II were all on about the same level to me. About the same enjoyment level as well.
If I were doing what you think, I'd be recommending Umineko for example as I title I think is beyond shit, because he enjoyed Kanon and Clannad, two titles which were absolutely not to my taste.

>> No.8383681
File: 17 KB, 180x200, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy >>8383511 here.
Many thanks for all the suggestions. Looks like I'm set for quite a while now!

>> No.8383749


Sumaga SP?

>> No.8383757

Yep. I started it when I finished Sumaga but I stopped halfway through. I'm gonna try to finish it here if I don't get sidetracked again.

I have some sort of VN-related ADHD. I have such a bad habit of starting games, playing half or so of it, then starting another one and getting absorbed in that. I'm actually partway through about 15 different VNs.

>> No.8383856

Played through one route of the PS1 version of Otogirisou. The game is short but there's so many choices. Looks like more get unlocked the second time through and I can ZAP to the heroine's perspective as well. The chart for this must look ridiculous.

Atmosphere in the game is really good, though the plot is stereotypical horror stuff. Lead characters are both too stupid to live but, well, it's a horror game so that's expected. Think I'll do a few more runs through and then decide whether to do everything or move on to Kamaitachi no Yoru.

>> No.8383931

Finished Tsukasa's route in Natsuyume Nagisa. That was weird and forced as fuck, could hardly bring myself to care about it at all. Are all the other side-routes going to be like this, because though I'm interested in the Maki and Ayumu routes I can't take much more of this.

>> No.8384156

So what's the general consensus on Noble Works?
I read it because I heard it was easy, but it was surprisingly entertaining.

>> No.8384167

It definetely was, incredibly cliched but with good execution.
Only read three routes but they were well done and even felt romantic.

>> No.8384173

General consensus is that it's pretty good.

>> No.8384194

It's the worst route by far.
Do Hitsuji's route

>> No.8384615

>>8380616 here

I just finished chapter three and I am buttfrustrated beyond imagination.

I don't even. I literally don't even.

My heroine died. It wasn't even a scene either. Just some fucking text--then WHOOPS bye bye.

They killed her because she had the most points right? Should I continue? My favorite character is dead. Should I restart? What's the point of following a different heroine with the knowledge she'll die to save another? That's not something Kageaki would know beforehand (or I don't know--fuck, maybe he does), and it completely breaks immersion to pursue a completely uninteresting girl just to KILL her.

The story's fine and all and I'm glad they're letting me continue but fuck me if I was KINDA EXPECTING SOMETHING from that stupid meter they kept flashing in my face. Now it has no meaning.

I'm frustrated and confused. Sorry if it sounds like I'm slowpoke talking about Coco's route. This is just...

>> No.8384723

...it has meaning, just not the meaning you were expecting - because apparently you didn't catch on to a good deal of foreshadowing about Kageaki's positive feelings = danger

>> No.8384740

you had three-four chapters to notice how the graph worked. And both heroines are good and should read their routes anyways, Muramasa isn't a game where you just play the routes you like, not completing it 100% is stupid.

>> No.8384752
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Well, it's not much of a spoiler - you enter the route by getting too close to a girl (4 blocks). It took me a few tries before hand as well. The frustration is intended pertaining to the true route. Just hang in there - you will be handsomely rewarded.

>> No.8384772

eh just now starting Yume Miru Kusuri atm.. Looks good so far.. Anyone got any feedback on this VN? Is it any good?

>> No.8384780


Everyone will probably say "baby's first VN" and troll you, so just be ready for that.

Personally, I found it pretty enjoyable and a good introduction to romance VNs. I liked all of the routes in their own way.

It's accessible, the music is enjoyable, the characters work, and the story works. Enough for a start.

>> No.8384799

By "danger" I immediately thought "getting killed by one of the fifty hundred assholes introduced every chapter." And by the time that conversation happened, I'm pretty sure my meters were already fucked up beyond repair from chapter 2's early "Sure, call me Kageaki." which I know now translates to "Sure, I'll cut you eventually."

You'll have to forgive me if I failed to view Kanae in the same light as Shounen Wonderboy and the Two Elves. I didn't think she was invincible, but I didn't view her as another target for the regular chapter end where they take the most innocent puppy they can find and kick it to death I didn't even think Kageaki liked Yuuhi or the elves that much, so the connection was much less clear for me.

Dammit, not even a cunting scene...I thought she would at least say something...."hurr abdominal exercises so random" FUCK YOU Kageaki.

So I should continue? Fuck, that's a lot to ask. You don't see novels pulling this shit. If my favorite character dies, I lose my motivation. The logical opposite of plot armor, I suppose...

man this VN is balls...I just want to read about heroes dammit...

>> No.8384805

Thanks for the info about it.. I just started and was curious if it was any good anyhow haha.. And idk why they would (but this IS 4chan so yeah..) cause i've played lots of VNs, just never this one yet.. lol. Wasn't really into "Romance" VN's till I played Saya no Uta and started checking others out..

>> No.8384825

>I just want to read about heroes dammit...

Did you somehow miss the game's tagline or something?

>> No.8384839

Well thank fuck for that. I wouldn't know what to say if that wasn't the worst. Was kinda expecting to enjoy Haruka's route the least though, so it was a bit of a shock.

Going for Hitsuji next.

Like the others have said, you should've had an inkling after the end of Chapter 1 and it was pretty damn obvious after Chapter 2.

But yeah, stick with it. Just out of curiosity, which one was it?

>> No.8384845


Well, you probably gathered that Kageaki is atypical - he isn't really pretending to be all nice nor evil, just as is. Saying anymore would be awful spoilers...

Perhaps it's time for another VN more to your flavour?

>> No.8384860

>I just want to read about heroes dammit...
Haha wow. How did you miss the "これは英雄の物語ではない"?

>> No.8384892 [DELETED] 

It's called verbal irony. Sorry that it was lost.

How about this: "I just want to read a story where I can bone Ootori Kanae"

But which VN has Kanae? Oh right, this one. Well, not anymore.

Fuck it, I'll continue. Is Chachamaru a heroine? Her lisp is the only thing that can cure my sphincter sorrow I'm uninstalling if she dies

>> No.8384903

Shit, I keep messing up the spoiler tags.

It's called verbal irony. Sorry that it was lost.

How about this: "I just want to read a story where I can bone Ootori Kanae"

But which VN has Kanae? Oh right, this one. Well, not anymore.

Fuck it, I'll continue. Is Chachamaru a heroine? Her lisp is the only thing that can cure my sphincter sorrow I'm uninstalling if she dies

>> No.8384933 [DELETED] 


Yes, chachamaru has a route too, but gets short-changed, sadly. The Kanae route is great, imo.

>> No.8384938


Yes, chachamaru has a route too, but gets short-changed, sadly. The Kanae route is great, much better than Ichijou's, imo.

>> No.8385520

Hey /jp/, where can I download hoshizora no memoria?

>> No.8385594 [DELETED] 

It's on the ftp.

>> No.8385718

Mhm, where would that be?

>> No.8386094


>> No.8386155


>> No.8386414
File: 633 KB, 800x600, sounds good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a little surreal, I'm still unsure what the deal was with Touka's "I'll murder you!"
Was it supposed to be Ririko saying it or something?

>> No.8386426

Sounds good.

>> No.8386921

Would you guys still consider Muramasa worth reading even with the use of shitty translator software? I want to read it so fucking badly, but I can't read Japanese for shit yet, and waiting for an official translation is killing me.

>> No.8386926

Haha wow, oh god. Don't bother. Just don't do it.

>> No.8386954

Don't bother coming to VN threads if you don't know Japanese. You'll be looked down upon. Secretly.

>> No.8387000


>> No.8387016
File: 160 KB, 600x848, MakeContent4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You simply won't be able to read it even with the software if you don't at least have some level of Japanese understanding. I don't speak Moon that well right now, but I played through Muramasa just fine with the help of some kanji dictionaries and stuff. Will certainly re-read it when I get better, though.

But Masamune > Kanae > Ichijou, so it's much harder to choose the better route.

>> No.8387023 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I meant to say blatantly.

>> No.8387048

It all boils down to whether you prefer Uzuki or the better paced route, really.

>> No.8387064
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>> No.8387128

Not that poster, but also interested in trying to machine translate another VN (KKK, possibly Dies Irie as well). Any idea if it'll end up readable, before I waste 6 hours or so finishing this download? I do know some basic japanese, but 90% of that is just kana and some basic phrases of shit from playing JP-Tera, wouldn't be able to really read anything in straight japanese. I've not used a machine translator before, so I'm not sure what to expect.
Thanks in advance, even if the response may be not what I'd hope for.

>> No.8387144

Just learn Japanese. Machine translations will never be good.

>> No.8387165

Already in the process of it, but takes time and Im looking for an outlet to enjoy myself temporarily - already read just about every other translated VN, hence the motivation to learn Japanese.

Any idea if there's a way to have the machine translate displayed against the original text? If I could do that, even if I don't understand a portion of the translation, I can look up the meaning of the original text, and slowly practice my japanese while reading it as I go.

>> No.8387187
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>> No.8387197

Thank you. I should be able to make do with this on my own from here.

>> No.8387200

If you're going to do that, at least don't do it with something that's hard to read in the first place.

>> No.8387202

So the Japanese in KKK is considered advanced? I hate putting it off, but I might have to put it to the side and look at easier VNs beforehand, til I know Japanese well enough, I guess. Thanks anyways.

>> No.8387211

the writer of dies irae and kkk is somewhat hard to read because it embellishes his sentences a lot. I had a bit of trouble adjusting to his style of narration at first, I can't imagine how it would be with machine translations.
And considering how you should really read DI before KKK and it's fucking long, it's not something you'd want to play as a beginniner for sure.

>> No.8387229

Requesting for source.

>> No.8387233

thanks for the advice. Ill shelf it til later this year, I suppose. I already know of a few other VNs that should be much easier to read and learn from as I go.

>> No.8387246

Where are the characters in the op from?

>> No.8387258

Kajiri Kamui Kagura.

>> No.8387260

Its the VN we were literally just talking about (translating). Kajiri Kamui Kagura, or KKK for short. Its untranslated, and you should play its sequel Dies Irie before playing it. All of this was discussed already, I didn't feel like being a prick and answering with "search the thread" or whatever, but now I feel bad for spoonfeeding you. Oh well.

>> No.8387264

meant prequel/alternative whatever.

>> No.8387302

Do you mean just hard/obscure kanji or stuff like intentional grammatical errors? The former is no problem at all, it's the latter that fucks up machine translators.

>> No.8387353
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, ToHeart2-2-KRX3RMXAMW-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F+Ctrl for To Heart 2
>found one search

Sweet! I recently got it since they released a partially translated english patch. I've been waiting about 6 years to play this game! I'm so excited, I play while I'm in bed going to sleep.

Feels good man that I've come a long way and this far.

>> No.8387354

Starting out Flyable Heart. Been wondering if there are any further plans to translate this beyond that god awful machine translated garbage.

>> No.8387359

Thank you.

I read the first few posts and realised it wasn't this VN you were discussing, but I suppose I should have looked for it a little longer.

>> No.8387361

Even correct grammar fucks up machine translators.

>> No.8387384

You wanna know what fucks up machine translations? Double ellipses. At least in Atlas, sentences that are divided by double ellipses are considered to be a single sentence, which turns the phrase into a jumbled mess. You may think that double ellipses are not that easy to find in VNs, but SubaHibi uses them even more often than simple periods.

>> No.8387402

It's not really hard kanji the problem, though it's by no means a simple style. It's how he describes thing in an abstract manner and with lots of metaphors and all that.
I had no problem "reading" the literal sentence itself, but I had to stop and think about what the writer wanted to say quite often at first, if that makes any sense. Of course it's not like I'm a japanese _expert so that might be part of the problem but I can see it only being worse with machine translation

>> No.8387503

what game is image from

>> No.8387540

What's the best VN for sex?

>> No.8387556

depends vastly on your fetishes

>> No.8387560


>> No.8387572 [DELETED] 

Personally, I have to complete the whole game. Not just routes/ends; I don't mark a game as completed until I'm reasonably sure I've seen 100% of the possible text too. This is why being constantly stuck at something like 99.3% completion in Ever17 for years, no matter what I do, is driving me crazy.

Touko is my hands-down favorite heroine in anything I've ever played. I don't know that a fictional character has ever entranced me like that before.

Holy shit do I hope she's actually in Kara no Shoujo 2.

>> No.8387605
File: 219 KB, 796x408, top_2012nenga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I have to complete the whole game. Not just routes/ends; I don't mark a game as completed until I'm reasonably sure I've seen 100% of the possible text too. This is why being constantly stuck at something like 99.3% completion in Ever17 for years, no matter what I do, is driving me crazy.

Touko is my hands-down favorite heroine in anything I've ever played. I don't know that a fictional character has ever entranced me like that before.

Holy shit do I hope she's actually in Kara no Shoujo 2.

>> No.8387627

There's a Hongfire patch that fixes that, I think.

Well... it's a step up from reading it with ATLAS.

>> No.8387634

I wish Innocent Grey would stop making shitty mystery games.

>> No.8387650

KnS pretty much follows the same pacing and development structure as Cartagra. I guess I'm just happy to see more Sugina Miki.

>> No.8387702


>Go to vndb
>'no sexual content'

Nice try /jp/. You're not trolling me this time.

>> No.8387747

Would you like "further plans"?

The same guy is working on a related VN right now and his translation looks like it's improved a bit. I can't say anything more than that at the moment.

>> No.8387756
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>> No.8388110

So something like comyu?

>> No.8388207

I really want to play My Girlfriend is the President (Osananajimi wa Daitouryou). Is there a torrent of the localization JAST did up on the net yet?

>> No.8388276


>> No.8388356



>> No.8388627

Ok, regarding comyu, is Ayaya's route worth doing, at all?
Because I can't stand her and seems incredibly pointless.

>> No.8388639
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>> No.8388650


>> No.8388653


You'll enjoy it if you like shounen shit. I personally found it painfully bad. The fan disc is even worse.

>> No.8388696
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Started skimming SuGirly Wish. Hina's pretty amusing.

>> No.8389204

I liked it but I like Ayaya, I actually laughed a lot during a route.
Though in term of important stuff it does introduce an important character who get a big role in the last route

>> No.8389218

Ok, thanks.
If it's funny it can't be too bad, since I dig the humour in this a lot.

>> No.8389238

I thought Ayaya's route was a fucking waste of time. The shitennou avatar-name guessing game was pretty funny though.

>> No.8389263

It's a comedy route, nothing happens but that's the point.
It managed to make me laugh quite a bit so it wasn't a waste of time for me.
Honestly only Mayuki's route felt like a waste for me.

>> No.8389271
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my sides

>> No.8389278

If it was yaoi, Ko wouldn't have survived.

>> No.8389314

I swear that everyone who play Sky and takes screencaps takes screencap of that scene. but what can we do, we all are gay for Eiji

>> No.8389315

blushing Kou looked kinda like a really cute reverse trap, that scene left me penis pretty confused

>> No.8389489
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Yes, we should all play dive 801

>> No.8389586

I'm dead

>> No.8389985

Gregory and Eiji routes were the best, although Gilbert and Kurihara routes were pretty interesting too

>> No.8390042

Hahahaha, oh fuck.

Fuck Eiji route, that shit was the worst. Incest is not cool. Masa and Gilbert best routes.

>> No.8390343
File: 172 KB, 816x638, best-references.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha, this game is off the hook, seriously.

>> No.8390368

Translations when?

>> No.8390548

Oh, a patch for Eden was released.
Finally something to read

>> No.8390569


>> No.8390582


>> No.8390609

Decided to finally play 星空へ架かる橋 despite having it on my harddrive since it came out.
Was sort of nice when Minato's theme from AkaSaka played when she appeared, I suppose.

>> No.8390722

Mohawk x Claymore fandisc when

>> No.8390901

Wait till you actually see him. It's one of the stranger scenes in the game, and that's saying something.

>> No.8390912

>that sprite
This must have the same artist as Kanon.

>> No.8390924

Why would you even compare Motoyon to Itaru?

>> No.8392967

Ok. I'll let him know.

>> No.8393133
File: 175 KB, 1030x766, pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are we going to do on the bed?

>> No.8393185

Aria PS2 Game?

>> No.8393211

you're going to hahi~~~~ all night long.

>> No.8393221


>> No.8394208

What the hell happened to erogamescape, did they get new url or something? They've been down for like forever

>> No.8394240

works fine for me, I just use a proxy when it doesn't

>> No.8394246

Working fine like forever for me. Clear cache or something.

>> No.8394261

You're fucking with me.


>> No.8394348

Re-reading Chaos;Head, despite the lol science nonsense that comes at the end it really is excellent during the first few chapters. It would have been great if it stuck to the keeping things in Takumi's head.

>> No.8394368

use free proxies, erogamescape's server randomly decides it doesn't want people accessing it, it's been going n for a few months.
I can load it maybe once a week if I don't use an american proxy, and even that sometimes doesn't load.

>> No.8394998


>> No.8395014

>lol science nonsense
Yeah, you should be re-reading it, all right.

>> No.8395017

Any good?
I like going through obsure eroge and sometime I have some good surprises but this one has some pretty shitty rating

>> No.8395032

that feel when you download a new eroge and it needs a nodvd crack

>> No.8395039

>that feel
I hope you die a painful death.

>> No.8395037

That feel when you buy a new eroge and need a crack and region hack.

>> No.8395095

I've never had a problem accessing erogamescape from the glorious US of A. You guys just need to stop using shitty 3rd world internet.

>> No.8395432
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>> No.8395436

How horrifying.

>> No.8395481

/jp/ I hate to ask this but in all my days I haven't seen a VN that actually included scat in an h scene.

So, does /jp/ know any?

>> No.8395492

If only vndb and EGS had a way to search tags...

>> No.8395495

And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg.
Also, that list reminded me that I need to finish Moon. someday.

>> No.8395499


>> No.8395528


did that shit ever get translated?

>> No.8395549

I laughed. Not just a giggle, it was a really good laugh.

>> No.8396038
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Its aright so far

>> No.8396418
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>> No.8396440

Filthy halfling.

>> No.8396534

Oretsuba question, does Naru have a route outside of chapter 3? Seeing as Narita "dies" and all

>> No.8396735

She does. The individual routes don't start until after Chapter 5.

>> No.8396766

I was mostly wondering because the new content in chapter 3 once that flag hits is like 10 fold the difference with say the difference in new content when hitting flags for Hiyoko's route. But then again, she wasn't a character in chapter 3 outside of that initial scene the first play through, so that makes sense.


>> No.8398213

new thread

>> No.8398306

new new thread >>8398303
