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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 309 KB, 1050x1340, 1317361706659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8373678 No.8373678 [Reply] [Original]


Japan's top commercial star is African-American. It's pretty awesome if you ask me. I think he is handsome.

Would /jp/ ever go to Japan? Would /jp/ be an actor like this man?

>> No.8373718


I'm only interested in their products, why would anyone want to go to Japan, I have no idea.

>> No.8373726

Yukari is so beautiful.

>> No.8373737
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yukarin thread?

>> No.8373744

Well this is better than /a/ shit. It was pretty interesting, because I want to go.

>> No.8373867


>> No.8374430


I think most /jp/ers wouldn't mind going because they don't have a life in their home country in the first place.

>> No.8374479

niggers are lower than dogs but better than females, truthful commercial for once

>> No.8374487
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Beacuse they believe japan is some kind of paradise

<--- ( ̄∇ ̄)ノ

>> No.8374500


Reported. Don't derail threads with your bigotry.


>> No.8374507


What if a person is genuinely is fascinated with the culture?

>> No.8374508

And if they went to Japan they suddenly would have?

>> No.8374521

Well its sure as hell isn't the shithole you guys make it out to be. Been visiting every summer for about 3 years.
Exaggerations come often from people who have never been to Japan on /jp/. It isn't paradise but, then again what place is outside of a vacation resort.

>> No.8374518


Is it wrong to enjoy something?

>> No.8374524

it's wrong to enjoy the wrong thing

>> No.8374526


Why would enjoying Japan be wrong, anon?

>> No.8374546

He has a very strong, defined face for being black.

Or maybe I've just never seen a lot of dark folk.

>> No.8374550

Is that Arc?

>> No.8374554

>404 not found

Just like a smart black man!

>> No.8374576




Yes. He is handsome.

>> No.8374611

It's not working for me.

>> No.8374771


Comiket merchandise.

>> No.8375159


True, but you can also order such things.

>> No.8375179

He seems like an alright guy, but sadly I'm sure this is only because of the low population of black people in Japan.

Group them up with their own kind and they'll devolve into what they really are. It's kind of sad really, but this is why people in the suburbs get a different view of them than other areas and think racism is bad rather than a survival tactic.

>> No.8375235


He was raised in America. Fuck off.

>> No.8375242


He was raised in America, so your entire argument is invalid. It would take a unintelligent racist to not understand that the point of this thread isn't his race, but the idea of going to Japan in general.


>> No.8375264

I plan to go. I'm just hoping my local college will have a good program for this.

>> No.8375298

how does that invalidate anything?
you can see a huge change in black people from just moving them near other blacks in like a matter of hours

stop being so pc

>> No.8375299

I shit a brick when my boss was like "Hey, you want to do our presentation at CES?" Acting would straight out kill me.

I'd visit. I don't think I'd stay forever though.

>> No.8375382



>> No.8375386


What is CES anon?

>> No.8375408
File: 352 KB, 855x473, Untitledb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black guy in Japan?
That's a bad omen.

>> No.8375415

god, that reporter bitch is an annoying f**king gook

>> No.8375419

Consumer Electronics Show. It's one of the main technology expos where companies show off their newest stuff.

>> No.8375422


>Group a bunch of people that are poor and live in the ghetto

>Group a bunch that live in a nice neighborhood

>Somehow this means different for blacks hurr durr they're all the same

If you took a bunch of trailer trash hicks to Japan, they would devolve to a bunch of pigs. This was already done by a Japanese television show.

>> No.8375432
File: 197 KB, 387x405, 1316471537310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jelly as fuck basement dwelling white virgins getting upset

He also has a japanese girlfriend, in which he puts his black dick inside each night.

How does it feel that you'll never taste that glorious nippon pussy, /jp/?

Look at my face when I'm speaking to you, bitch.

>> No.8375445

I can't help but read that in his voice. Don't care though.

>> No.8375447


>> No.8375453

Clearly you don't know what goes on here.

>> No.8375462

Holy shit the dog is talking.
Holy shit the dog has a family.
Why is nobody saying anything about the goddamn talking dog? Black actors are a dime a dozen, talking dogs are mind blowing.

>> No.8375491
File: 39 KB, 500x333, slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers aren't human
>stop race mixing
>blacks penis aren't actually big
>whites are superior
>at least i'm white

>> No.8375528
File: 63 KB, 462x619, Arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, this is Arc.

>> No.8375547

There is a difference between a nigger and a black person.

>> No.8375549
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>> No.8375553

Does anyone have Arc's actual picture saved?

>> No.8375565

Not since my hard drive was lost, but I think it was archived.

>> No.8375561 [SPOILER] 
File: 227 KB, 612x1376, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stop race mixing

Sorry I can't hear you.

>> No.8375574

Black people sure have come a long way.

>> No.8375579
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>> No.8375589
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>> No.8375624

I'm glad I'm white then. There's my excuse for not getting married not having kids and remaining a virgin.

I have inferior white seed. No women on the planet want anything to do with me.

>> No.8375646

Is there hybrid vigor for mixed race humans?

>> No.8375721


>> No.8375738
File: 46 KB, 488x415, 1317220757594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8375761

that's a starcraft 2 pro from /v/. that isn't actually arc.

>> No.8375767

That's Vin Diesel you retard.

>> No.8376797

There's no reason to devolve this into a race thread. It's about Japan anons, not his race. Does anyone know how college programs typically work?

>> No.8376825

Surely you jest

>> No.8376877

>Implying Japan is racist and hostile to foreigners
>Asking stupid questions about being black
>Making an Asian reporter report on Asian related stuff
>Implying White people are as bad (and thus worse) than those racist Japanese
Go go America!

>> No.8376884
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Yeah the report was slightly odd, but it wasn't that bad in my opinion. Just CNN.

>> No.8376945
File: 66 KB, 400x588, MeinKampf_131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't seem like a nigger in the Chris Rock sense of the word

still, fuck multicult bullshit and their shining golden idol ie the negro male

>> No.8376959


We don't act like children here. You'd fit in better at >>>/a/
