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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8367349 No.8367349 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about our childhood, /jp/. What are the most strange and maybe sick things you've witnessed/done as a kid?

Once, when I was about 6 years old I made a fire in the room with a friend. Burned some books and pillows. It was strong enough to leave a huge hole in the carpet and linoleum.
Didn't know why I did it but I liked to set things on fire. My toilet routine while taking a shit was setting up a little fire out of matches.

>> No.8367352

When I was a child, an old friend stuck his penis in my ass.
I cried, he hit me in the face.

>> No.8367356

A 13 year old kid made me suck his cock and lick his ass when I was 6.

>> No.8367360

my brother made me touch his dick
Well, not exactly made, but he was old enough at the time to know better, and I wasn't. I thought we were just playing around.

I don't feel that it affected me in any way, but then again I'm in /jp/

btw reported

>> No.8367361

I was around five years old I think, and I took my moms lipstick and rubbed it on my feet, then all over the wall.
She started to beat me with a belt and it was probably a very hard beating, as my father stepped in and then they both got in a physical fight.

Then me and my only older brother had to move in with my grandparents. He still blames me for that.

>> No.8367366

I liked to take care of the ants that lived in my garden, like give them bread and sweets. I also used to pour alcohol 97 over the ant's nest and turn it on fire.
I was their alpha and omega.

>> No.8367383

I satisfied my brother, been interested in cocks ever since...

>> No.8367402

Does 12 still count as childhood? Anyway I put on my older sister's used clothes and dressed up as a girl at night, including pantsu, crudely padded bra and twintails (I had chinlong hair at the time). Then I fapped.

I was thinking about taking a train and dressing up somewhere where nobody would recognize me and see if I would pass as a girl, but then was too scared to do so.

I'd also like to add that the fact that the clothes were used had nothing to go with my preference, but using fresh clothes would simply have been way more risky.

>> No.8367403

When I was 5 I would kill ants for fun, then I stopped because it made me feel like a bad person. I would pee in a cup and drink it quite often when I was 6-8. When I was 8-10 I would often try and suck my own penis, I was never successful. I would also strip all of my GI joes down and put them in sexual positions at that age. I started masturbating at 11, usually to anime girls and penises. I started fapping to lolis at 12. Then traps at 14. I was always the remarkably normal and boring kid at school. It wasn't until I was 16 that my creepiness really started to shine through, mostly because of uncontrollable laughter and weird smiles.

>> No.8367424

When I was about 10 I strangled my dog until it fell unconscious then told my parents it fainted. To this day I feel weird thinking about it.

>> No.8367428

/jp/ - Pretend psychopaths

I hope

>> No.8367429

When I was 6 or 7 I was sleepwalking and peed inside our huge lego box.
Never sleepwalked before or again. Cleaning the thing was a bitch.

>> No.8367441

Was it full? I think cleaning piss off of lego would be a stressful experience.

>> No.8367447

Nah, just let them sit in some bleach or something over night. Should be fine, come morning.

>> No.8367445

Sadly yes.

>> No.8367452

I see absolutely no possible problems with that plan.

>> No.8367475

i shat on the lawn

>> No.8367481

I always stole my mothers make up and put on her shoes. Then I played pretend with my friend in one of those tiny plastic houses and I insisted on being the wife. Doesn't help that my parents bought me dolls and feminine things. I sucked his dick as well.

>> No.8367491

Went as Pocahontas to carnival. I guess I was 8 or something.

>> No.8367496

I got in one little fight.

>> No.8367499

I broke into someones property. I think that's about as bad as it gets for me. Oh and made a flamethrower out of a water gun.

>> No.8367510

My little brother and me were playing knights and he accidentally whacked me with a stick so I hit him over the head like 20 times with mine. My parents took him to the hospital and never spoke with me about it after that.

>> No.8367509


You are clearly a wizard or I am a giant newfag who doesn't know about some way to make your name disappear

>> No.8367514

Oh wait, I remembered another one. I was grounded for two days or something and I had a bunch of posters on the walls. So I went crazy and stabbed out all their eyes because I felt like they were watching me and judging me. Then I took black felt and colored out all the eyes on my toys. Probably one of the stranger things I've done.

>> No.8367523

I'm a ghost.

>> No.8367534

Also one little story. When I was about 10 years old we with friends from school used to play on a huge abandoned construction site. It was a four story building with unfinished stairs and walls and of course one of my friends ended up falling of the second floor on his head. When he stood up there was a string of blood pouring down his face. I, unlike other guys around, found it extremly funny. I laughed so hard I was folding in half and crying.

>> No.8367563

I once planned to rape this one girl in my middle school. The plan was to sneak into her house during day, which could be done easily, hide under the bed, wait until she's sound asleep then attack her. Got the blindfold, duct tape, ski mask to hide my face ready, but never actually went through with it, I don't remember why.

>> No.8367564

Why did so many people here get to suck a cock and not me!? Fucking bullshit!

>> No.8367594

either i was never a kid or i still am one

either way you guys all have stupid stories lol

>> No.8367607

LOL XD!!!!!!!!

>> No.8367622

When I was 6 or 7 we had 2 pet chinese hamsters. I secretly walked up to the cage when no one was around, took the lid off, and tried to grab it. When it kept getting away I got frustrated and grabbed it very roughly and crushed it to death. I dropped it and it was sitting there with 2 of its legs twitching rapidly into the air. I think my mother knew I killed it but never talked about it. I felt very sick and still do when I think about it.

I did the same exact thing to a different chinese hamster we had a year later.

Finally, a few months later we had a pet parakeet (the /jp/ bird) in a bird cage. I did the same thing: I snuck up to the cage when no one was there, tried to grab the bird, and when it kept getting away I angerly grabbed it and crushed it.

I think I always did it because I got an adrenaline rush when I grabbed and killed something as "sacred" as one of our pets, and I felt sick as I was coming off the high. My mother again knew I did it (I think) because I said something like it slammed into a bell inside the cage and it died, which she didn't buy.

My mother didn't buy any more pets for a couple years after that.

Sadly I still get the same rush when I think about it and I later discovered I have always had death fetishes such as vore. When I first fapped to a vore story I got the same rush, so thank the internet for vore stories or I may have been hurting more animals!

>> No.8367628

In middle school I entered the lady's bathroom. I got out of class and locked me up in one of the cubicles.
I waited for the break bell to ring, then the bathroom got full of young ladies.

I was sitting in squating position over the toilet, hearing what they were talking about, when a girl opened the door (they had no locks). I pushed the door from the inside to avoid being discovered, but somehow I made the mistake of saying something like "Hold on!". She realised, and called the tutor. It was the most embarrassing time of my life.

Thanks god I was expeled form that school and didn't had to see any of my schoolmates again.

>> No.8367636

I was a single child in the family and my mother was never around. So when I wanted to take a piss I just peed on the carpet we had in the living room in front of the TV, when I was too lazy or there wasn't a commercial break for too long. I did it every single day for at least one time, starting from the first grade of the school until we moved to another place, which was about 5 years ago.

>> No.8367643

Once ate my own shit and drank my piss.
True story. Oh god what the fuck

>> No.8367653

I drank some dudes piss once. He told me it was apple juice.

>> No.8367662

Why do you have so many LREs?

>> No.8367671

Also does this count as strange and sick?
I used to go to my cousin's house next door just to watch tv and play.
One time we covered ourselves in blankets and just started touching each other, from then on we'd have "sex" and all that. I was 8 and she was 10 at that time. Don't know how I started to penetrate her/hump her, instinct?

>> No.8367714

I once kidnapped some stray puppies right after they were born when I was a kid. My mum freaked out when she found me walking and dragging the bitch around who apparent sank her fangs into my thighs. Good times.

>> No.8367717

I remember going to see a kid's corpse with my friends when I was like 12. We made of lot of weird shit and even we became better persons, but the corpse thing ended being a rumor.

They still stand by me in my memories

>> No.8367741

Oh darling, darling, please~

>> No.8367751

That was a good movie.

>> No.8367770

I yelled out Nigger out loud in the ghetto region for no particular reason.
I pissed inside a water gun then shot my siblings with it.
When I used the sliding pole at the playground, I used to stay on the for a couple of seconds making my penis feeling good.
I used to shower only once a week in every school year till the end of junior high.
I once caught a rat and its babies, then trapped it inside a box. Heard little screams so I checked inside, I saw bunch of bodiless heads and the mother rat. To which I just let it continue feasting.

>> No.8367795

I've molested many a pet of mine.

>> No.8367906

When I was a kid I was playing 'wrestling' with a friend and we were playing our favourite characters from tv. I was the Ultimate Warrior (the best ever) and he was Hulk Hogan. I tied the strings around my arms and he wore a Hulk Hogan headband. Anyway I pretended that my dad was a ninja and he used to train me because one day a friend found a Judo book when we were looking for my dad's pornos and automatically assumed my dad was super badass - but I digress...

so we're mucking around at the playground one saturday and it's just us two. I was like "you know I know karate from my dad (don't know why but we thought all martial arts were 'karate') and he called me a liar and said prove it, so I grabbed him and picked him up and tried to do like a piledriver like the Ultimate Warrior. Anyway, when I landed I was like "see? I told you!" but he didn't move, just made a really fcuked up, quiet moan. I thought he was playing around and got angry with him, but he wouldn't move and stopped making noise. I freaked the fuck out and ran home, then started playing video games. His mum called my house and I said I went home hours ago and he was hanging out with some older kids at the park. She found him dead in the park. To this day she still thinks he was showing off on the monkey bars (because he had the headband on) and fell off and broke his neck.

>> No.8367915

I don't believe this for a minute. But it's realistic enough to have possibly happened. And stuff like that is why I still come here.

>> No.8367923

My older cousin touched me.
I actually didn't mind it because I looked up to him as a big bro, so I would've done anything he asked.
He was pretty gentle too.
Oh course I also have fantasies of being fucked by much bigger older guy.

>> No.8367937

>be 9
>in toilet cubicle at school
>mix gender toilets
>we both get half naked
>notice we have different genitals
>finger her cunt
>she starts rubbing my dick
>put penis in her cunt
>pulled in and out because it felt weird
>get dressed and leave toilets
about 3 years later, i realised we had sex.
she doesn't remember a thing about the day.
I even asked her if she remembered we were in toilets together. She said no.

>> No.8367952

That is a scary story. I never liked sparing with kids like that because I always assumed something like that would happen to me. When I was in ARMY bootcamp, someone tried to strangle me to death. Punched him in the Adam's apple.
No, just kidding. I cried like a bitch and begged him to stop while tapping his arm.

I'm not what you'd call a Otaku, I'd never step foot in Japan even if you paid me to. We are still seeing enormous waves on the west coast because of the most recent quakes that are slamming that inferior nation. Fuck that.

>> No.8367953

Now you cant ever be a wizard

>> No.8367961

In middle school I lied to a mentally retarded kid and said my uncle worked for Nintendo in order to scam him out of his Gameboy Advance.

It makes me feel so sick thinking back to what I did. If I had a time machine, I would go back to that moment and gut myself for even thinking it. I don't even know how I was capable of doing something like that.

>> No.8367963

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8367965


I quoted Jackie Chan from Rush Hour.

I got sucker punched by two black dudes and I cried like the wuss I am.

>> No.8367969

peed on the doorsill when i was really young, repeatedly. i didn't go to the bathroom itself for some reason.

>> No.8367991

>be about 11 I guess
>used to hang out with my brother (2yrs older) and neighbour (1yr older)
>meet this dude who's probably early 30's I guess and he's real friendly
>starts talking about vidya games and says he has hundreds and he'll copy them so we can play them on our Amiga 500 (badass comp, I know)
>whips out a list of all the games. Fuckin impressive
>get talking about games and after a while before we say goodbye he asks if he can buy our socks off our feet
>we all think it's a bit weird and ask why
>"oh it's just the way I like to remember my friends"
>"umm okay, fair enough" and sell him socks for like 3-5 bucks
>see him a few times
>sell him socks a few times
>all 3 go to his house one day because we think he's kinda weird and want to be safe (lol)
>as we're looking at games/playing games etc he puts on hardcore porn where a dude is blowing in a chicks mouth and shit
>"I bet your dad doesn't have stuff as good as this"
>I call him gay at one point and he jumps on top of me and pins me to the bed
>surprisingly strong
>kind of laugh it off and break free and we end up leaving not too long after
>btw his fridge was FULL of coke/fanta, snacks, candy etc and we could have what we want

>> No.8368002

>be 11 or 12 (not sure)
>Playing Farcry with one of bestfriends
>Said if I beat him I can stick my dick in him
> I beat him
>Only get the tip in
>Stop because it's hurting him

>> No.8368015

When I was little I accidentally erased my older brother's Banjo-Kazooie save file. I started crying and I didn't want him to find out, so i hid the game in my closet behind everything. He never found the game again.

So last Christmas we were together and we were talking about games that we used to play when we were younger. He brought up Banjo-Kazooie and my face got red and I started hyperventilating. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do.

I was so embarrassing, I think he hates me now

>> No.8368021

When I was 9, I saw my friend, who was like 13-14, fuck a whore that lived next door to me. She told us we could have 4 thrusts for $20 each. He saved up for about two weeks then invited me to watch. Fucking weird, man.

I also used to steal scissors in kindergarten and shit.

>> No.8368036

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8368042


>> No.8368057

Once or twice when I was maybe 10 or 11 I pissed on our carpet in the living room. Not like out where everyone sits, though. We had the couches and tables set up, and then there was this big area off to the side in front of a sliding glass door, and that's where I'd do it.

Our carpet was brown and had this weird kind of texture, so even though it was brown it almost looked black, like splotchy everywhere. So I'd just pee while whipping my dick back and forth kinda sprayin it all over so it wasn't in one place. I donno why I did it, probably to be rebellious or something. We had a dog at the time that tended to piss and shit in the same room so I figured no one would notice.

>> No.8368064

My older brother once peed in some Nestle Quick and gave it to me. It tasted horrible.

>> No.8368150

I had a lot of random sexual encounters in my early childhood that I only vaguely remember.
These include me fingering a girl when I was about 5, my neighbor trying to butt fuck me around age 7 (but he was young too and didn't know what he was doing)
Dry humping my older sister and her friend letting me feel her tits.

>> No.8368180

I was a normal kid. Then I turned out like this. Why?

>> No.8368203

I always thought the pissing in bottles thing was really fucked up and stupid. I just thought it was unfathomable that someone couldn't be bothered to get up for a minute while playing wow or some shit.

And then I started smoking pot once in a while, and let me tell you, when you're high as shit you don't wanna get up for fuckin nothing. So now I have a giant empty hawaiian punch bottle for those emergencies when I'm just too fucking lazy or too busy listening to shitty dubstep to get up.

>> No.8368448

I pissed in bottles in the car when I was really young and impatient.

>> No.8368475

Weird things that happened to me:

Bathing with other kids was normal I guess, but we used to clean each other all over. It's really weird thinking back on it.

A girl showed my friend and I her naked body in year 1. Even then I felt weird about it. Later that year the same friend and I (both of us male) undressed each other and "played around" with each other. It didn't seem sexual or anything.

Left school at 14. Left home at 17 but moved back in a year later. Joined a few cults, had a couple of psychotic episodes and now at 25 I'm a bisexual transgender with no friends. Pretty typical I would assume.

>> No.8368506

My friend sucked my dick and I sucked his. Remembered that it tasted like unwashed dick because apparently he didn't shower that often.

We also attempted buttsex once which resulted in failure, his butthole was full of shit aswell.

>> No.8368522

A friend a little older than me, gave me a hand job. I was 11 and my friend was 15. Since then, I learned to fap and I fap a lot of times.

>> No.8368553

Strange and sick stories? I did the nasty with my sister

>> No.8368567

>Not brother

>> No.8368631
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>> No.8368643

My friend used to put thumbtacks in a down syndrome girls playdough. He is an odd fellow, I wonder if he secretly posts or lurks here.

>> No.8368735

>Captured buckets of caterpillars
>impaled them on sticks
>stuck sticks in ground around flowers
>it was to make the flowers grow stronger

>dove in ponds and rivers to catch turtles
>threw turtles back into water
>caught them again
>threw them back in

>find groups of the same plant
>pluck every leaf off every plant except the center plant
>make that one grow stronger

>catch crawdads
>feed them baloney

Not sure why I did any of it, just something to pass time I guess.

>> No.8368745

i pissed on some girl's head once standing on a garage
i still was invited to her birthday but they wrote that they hope i don't pee on her head anymore

i probably was 5 years old or so

>> No.8368760

Glad to know that I'm not the only one. I was 7 and he was 8 though, and it was in front of a group of other kids our age.

>> No.8368820

Since you've all been awesome in sharing your ill stories I will share one of mine.

When I was young I was playing in the front yard with my two sisters, we had a hose and we were having fun just messing around with the water. At one point I stuck the hose into my pants so that it looked like I was urinating while simultaneously my sisters were drinking it, when my older sister started to drink the hose water I started to piss in her mouth. At the time I thought it was funny prank, thinking back it reminds me of my twisted self.

>> No.8368848
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>At one point I stuck the hose into my pants so that it looked like I was urinating while simultaneously my sisters were drinking it

pic related. It's the size of my boner.

>> No.8368852

My dad doused my mother with kerosene and tried to set her on fire while we were coming back from her cancer treatment. It was weird. We were on the side of the road, but nobody noticed. Then when my mom finally begged enough, my dad got back into the car and we went home. At that time, I didn't even realize that he had done anything wrong.

>> No.8368854

Around age 5, I was at a new babby sitting becuase my mom was an over protective fuck. I had a history of being a problem child becuase I kept acting up. The reasoning is becuase I was socially anxious around strangers and just wanted to be able to stay home.

So anyway, most of the normal people wouldn't take me, so we had to switch to the more desperate kind. For about two weeks I was just my usual pain in the ass autistic self. Wasn't cutting it, so I beat my babby sitting's son with a hammer to the head. I don't know how far I intended to go, but I remember a lot of blood and screaming

I wasn't allowed over anymore after that. They made me bathe with their son my age, and I hated it. And hated him for it.

Why couldn't they just let me stay home? Fortunately, after that story got around no one would take me. So in the end it all worked out.

I was I were still motivated, and certain of myself

>> No.8368874

It's actually pretty normal around kids, though it may look a bit messed up from an adult's point of view.

Then again what would I know.

>> No.8369573

My younger brother and I once saw mom and dad masturbating in front of each other. To them I guess it's a form of birth control and voyeur excitement. My brother asked if we could do it too but I said no, and he kept bugging me so finally one day I relented and we did it when the parents were out. He came real fast watching me spread wide and finger myself. He shot a big gob up in the air and was all done while I was just getting warmed up. I made him stand by me and fondle my tits while I got off with my right hand and played with his gooey limp cock with my left hand

>> No.8369610

i have a few

>kindergarten age
>had friend who lived in the next house
>we were in the bathroom together
>he was pooping, i was watching
>he picked up his poop out of the toilet
>i thought this was cool

>another time, high school age
>had cats, one of them had babies
>one of the kittens died
>i threw it in the neighbors yard

>used to fap to staticy porn channels on tv
>mother, and two sisters come down laughing and ask what im doing
>i cover up my junk and say nothing, while the moans continue

>> No.8369639

Try not to greentext next time. I automatically skip over it for some reason, and it's typically frowned upon here.

>> No.8369722

I brought a friend behind the house when I was 6-8 and pulled his pants down and probably touched his dick dude. Completely out of curiosity. Almost got caught. I must have been completely different before puberty because that was the sickest thing I've ever done.

>> No.8369748

My mother got me a hamster when I was 8-9. It was a cute little thing, all white with red beady little eyes. My friend used to joke that it looked like a rat. I don't remember why, but I started grabbing it and forcing a pencil into its mouth until it started bleeding. I guess it wasn't able to eat anymore because it died when I came home from school one day.

>> No.8369795
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Shouldn't you be off searching for your little sister, Kizami?

>> No.8369824 [DELETED] 

When I was younger I moved into a sub-division that was still being built, and I would explore the frames of the houses and such. There were always quails running around, the mother followed by her babies. I used to corner and catch the chicks and once when I caught one it wouldn't stop calling for its mom so I threw it against the wall and killed it. I felt bad about what I did and I still do.

I also did some other stuff to animals but I'm not sure I should post those stories here. I feel horrible when I think about it.

>> No.8369886

What's up with all these greentext stories?

Please change, /jp/.

>> No.8369908

Performed some animal abuse and torture to at least half a dozen pets and other animals, all of which died from the torture, used to kill ants for fun, nearly made a kid blind from a fistfight, and contemplated murder of some guys who were annoying as fuck. This all happened between ages of 8 and 12.

now you know why I love Yuuka so much

>> No.8369930

It is the weekend, afterall.

>> No.8369962

Was thinking about going on a homicidal rampage in my school with a knife and kill every single fucks who were so annoying during school days, and then kill myself with the knife. The only thing that prevented me from doing that was me falling ill on that day. Never got to carry out my plan of blood because my family moved out to another part of the town a few days later. I still have the knife I was going to use in that planned rampage.

I think this was when I was around like 10 or 11.

>> No.8369966

Stole makeup from my mother to give to one girl. Shat on the bath. Mutually masturbated a couple friends. Watched my friend's little sister taking a bath (but then we were nine and she was eight so I didn't exactly know it was supposed to be wrong). Painted the walls with shit a lot. Masturbated with Lego. Masturbated while jumping on the bed. Ripped off my mother's bra at the beach in front of the entire family during Christmas. Punched a guy until he fainted because he called me fat. Kicked a boy once because he was annoying (I was ten, he was five), and he started crying and stuff. Watched two friends buttfuck because they said they were doing something weird and wanted to know if I thought it was gay. I pissed on the sink, for, oh, the last ten years (8-18). I also shat on the floor from three to thirteen (and still do sometimes), because toilets hurt my ass.

I think that's about it.

>> No.8369986

Age 6, slit my finger with the blade of a pair of scissors to see what it felt like.

>> No.8370027

>Please change, /jp/.
But it was the change that brought problem! What we really need is to unchange.

>> No.8370038

Weird things i did when i was child?

Huh. When i was something about 7 or something i dressed like roman from Asterix with spear and everything and crashed my so called "friends" playhouse. It was weird but when i think back of it i looked quite cool.

I have always had a don't take shit from anyone attitude. So i always got in many fights. Never lost. That might be why people make jokes of me being a general and salute me singing french military tune.

>> No.8370049

Me and my friends used to masturbate in the same room to the same porn during sleepovers while we were 13-16. Never seemed that weird at the time, I mean, we were horny.

Everyone I tell thinks it's weird though, and I can kinda see where they're coming from.

>> No.8370051

When i was 5 or 6 i used to, out of frustration i think, badmouth my mother really bad, bitch slut cunt etc, no one ever do a thing to me for that, i kinda wish dad knocked my head off for that, but i'm not sure if he ever knew about it. I wonder did it tip her to turn out to be overprotective cunt she is.

>> No.8370065

I mutually masturbated with a girl and made lick cock when I was 5 years old.

I liked to kill insects like ants, cicadas, etc for fun, in increasingly cruel ways. Which was pretty strange since I've always loved and still love animals.

I used to be an asshole kid, got into fights with everyone and shit. When I was 9, I cut a big piece of hair of this long-haired girl I knew, when she wasn't looking. It ruined her hair, and I got expelled from school.

I saw kids throwing literal shit at each other in a birthday party I was.

One time, when I was 12 years old, I got angry at some kid during class, and I absolutely flipped my shit, got up in the middle of class, started punching him on the face, threw him on the floor, and choked him, all the while I was crying and screaming like a madman.

>> No.8370086
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> One time, when I was 12 years old, I got angry at some kid during class, and I absolutely flipped my shit, got up in the middle of class, started punching him on the face, threw him on the floor, and choked him, all the while I was crying and screaming like a madman.
U mad?

>> No.8370185

/jp/ is fucked up.

>> No.8370189
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>I pissed on weird things
>I sucked brothers'/neighbors' dicks

>> No.8370210

When I was younger I was pretty scared of the dark. Whenever I had to go to the bathroom at night, instead of bugging my parents who weren't on the best of terms, I'd pee under the carpet in my room.

>> No.8370206


stop the presses

>> No.8370220

I didn't even know carpet could be removed when I was young.

>> No.8370221

I have a wardrobe/closet in my room - it's about 2 meters tall, a bit over a meter wide, and under half a meter deep. The door doesn't start from the floor, it only takes the upper part.
When I was a kid, I used to empty it of clothes, put a small stool and a light inside, and read books for hours at a time. I liked being hidden away, and I liked the cramped feeling.

>> No.8370225
File: 67 KB, 244x233, 1242135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carpet? you're small time. My little brother used to wet the bed, so I'd just go and pee there instead of going to the bathroom. Nobody ever noticed.

>> No.8370224

I used to play with fire a lot. I had a friend who did too. One day we were playing about, and I got his older brother's girlfriend was involved. I don't know if either of them got in trouble for it.

>> No.8370228

I got in the bath with this girl and put her legs up on the sides and peed on her and had her straddle me and pee on me recently.

>> No.8370252

Well, I guess it was more of a rug than a carpet.

That's pretty clever. Thank god for little brothers.

>> No.8370321
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Oh, and also, I used to fap and cum all over the family sofa. Because of the color and shape of the cover, it was impossible to tell, but I ejaculated there hundreds of times.

>> No.8370396

One time at band camp, when I was 5, I strangled a kid with my pussy lips just to see what it felt like. Felt good. Real good.

>> No.8370463

When I was like 4, I shit on the floor in my closet for a week or so before my parents found the turd stockpile and yelled at me.

When I was in Kindergarten, I used to make my friend show me his dick on sleepovers.

I like 3-5th grades, I had one of those screens with a flash bulb deal that would preserve the silhouette. My friend and I would take turns getting a silhouette of ourselves with our boner out, trying to make it look like both of our dicks were just barely touching. It never worked, we knew it wouldn't, it was basically an excuse to jack off together in a dark room every time he came over.

I used to like fapping in weird places. I did it on the school bus with some chick sitting next to me without her catching on. I also did it on the skate park's ramp. I pretty much jacked off in the bathrooms of all the businesses around anywhere I worked for several years as well.

One time some bitch started drama online, so we stole a few dozen traffic cones and covered her yard with them. She said she lived with her grandparents and one of them tripped or some shit, so we came back a week later with a trunk full of cinderblocks and blocked up her front door.

Someone made my friend cry in public. Two days, a can of lighter fluid, and some fireworks later, her mailbox was twenty foot flames.

Idk, not much of it seems that odd to me.

>> No.8370567

I ran naked in the public when I was 10

>> No.8370602

I took a shit down the shower drain (open hole), and my mom made me fish it out with my bare hands.

>> No.8370603

Being touched by my uncle at 4, raped by my older brother at 5 and by my other brother from 8 to 10.

I blocked those memories until a few years ago.

>> No.8370619

I'm glad to be in such illustrious company.

>> No.8370621

Are you still on good terms with them?

>> No.8370640


FAGGGG (ur a fag because you fucked three guys LMAO)

>> No.8370655



>> No.8370669

You won't be saying the same thing when California sinks to the bottom of the sea and Yellowstone blows up along with the entire east coast.

>> No.8370678

Your family is full of gay people.
Let me guess, they post at /jp/ too...

>> No.8370846

I haven't seen my uncle for more than 10 years and I try to be in good terms with my brothers because no one thinks that they could have done something like that while they act like it never happened, got married and had kids.

>> No.8371076

I don't think that's too uncommon; I still get on fine with my cousin, for instance.
