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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 500x375, 3802010567_c4a0345275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8364330 No.8364330 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8364336


>> No.8364337

Does white money stink or something? I never got that.

>> No.8364340
File: 51 KB, 300x219, 1323548773411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8364347

It's intended to ward of Koreans and Chinese, kids.

>> No.8364352

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american student

1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont having money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same

>> No.8364353

I'd love to see the West try something like this.
Here in the UK a bed and breakfast was pretty much lynched because they didn't want a gay couple fucking in their house. I'd like to see how "English-only" B&Bs or pubs turn out.

>> No.8364355
File: 35 KB, 348x352, homura1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homu homu

>> No.8364378

>Ward off Chinese and Korean.
>In English.
Hmmm, I hate to call you out on that, but there is a more logical conclusion to be had...

>> No.8364389

Universal language, 4 words, etc.

>> No.8364396
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>> No.8364405
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>> No.8364414

Are there signs like that in Korea or China?

>> No.8364408

What story is this picture trying to tell?

>> No.8364409

Where do you find those anyway?
And what kind of shop was it?

>> No.8364410

Arudou Debito is a racist, communist, fascist, white bastard that raped his mother and sister, mutilated and ate six baby children, and is in complete support of genocide of the entire human race.

>> No.8364441

It's a whore house, for Japanese customers only, apparently. She doesn't want to have sex with a foreigner.

>> No.8364450


>> No.8364457
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>> No.8364455
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Nice wishful thinking you got there, chap. Why don't you try entering one of those establishments yourself, then? I'll wait outside with a stopwatch to check how fast they hurry you out. Unless you're Japanese, of course.

>> No.8364456

That's pretty cool.

Japan are kind of dicks.

>> No.8364463

I'm home, Japanese business owner.

What now?

>> No.8364468

The anti-gaijin prejudice doesn't bother me about this (though it usually does).
What bugs me is that someone is so open about wanting to fuck a whore that they'd complain about it on a forum. I thought normal people were supposed to be tact and not "hurr durr i wanna fuck a prostitute guise"? Isn't that shameful in the US?

>> No.8364479

Normals really don't have an ounce of tact. All they think about is fucking, and it shows.

>> No.8364481

Oh yeah all you whites around here. You know what happened when Japan banned christianity and closed all the trade routes?

People got killed immediately. That's right. All of your children of Jesus. All chances to trade lost.
You mad?

>> No.8364487
File: 34 KB, 406x280, JapsMoving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America needs a return to the good old days. Way too fucking accepting these days.

>> No.8364495

I tried. They did not let me enter for being Korean. At least they politely told me to leave. Didn't bother starting a problem there because I am not black.

>> No.8364499

typical self-entitled americans

>> No.8364503

Maybe you could pretend to be Japanese if you actually knew it.

>> No.8364518

It doesn't work that way.

>> No.8364520

No, they might still tell him to go away because they assume he's not Japanese based on appearance. I have known Japanese people who often got turned away from stores because they were suspected of being other asians.

>> No.8364521

Western values make the world go round. Japan would still be a shithole(lol, it still is) if it wasn't for western influence. Look at Japan, it's western as fuck. They just don't want to fucking admit it.

>> No.8364539

yeah cause america isnt a shithole or anything
hows that recession going?

>> No.8364540

It does.

>> No.8364545

It isn't.

Stop watching shitty 4chan media.

>> No.8364550

>It isn't.
You literally have martial law. It's a shithole.

>> No.8364562

You are a spoiled brat.

Wanna see a shithole?
Go to cambodia or India.

>> No.8364564


>literally have martial law
>It's a shithole

I guess you've never been here, then. If you have a job you're in the clear.

>> No.8364584

But Japan is following Western values.
It's just that we used to have these values 50 years ago.

>> No.8364631

>America is the only western country

>> No.8364649

>Unit 731
>Nanking Massacre

I bet you believe in the Holohoax, too.

>> No.8364674

Because white race is the master. I walk where and when I want. Fuckin jap doesn't have a slightest right to tell me what to do.

>> No.8364689


>How's that recession going
>Implying any American recession doesn't affect the rest of the world

Stay retarded, eurotrash.

>> No.8364690 [DELETED] 

then maybe you'd rather live in the eastern europe, where people have european prices and african salaries.

>> No.8364695

then maybe you'd rather live in the eastern europe, where people have european prices and african salaries?

>> No.8364699


I don't think you know what martial law is. Typical pretentious European without any actual shred of knowledge about anything beyond their own shitty region.

>> No.8364703

Anyone that even has a slight grasp of japanese culture knows those signs are meant in large part for Koreans, Nigerian niggers, Chinese, Filipinos, etc... They rarely mean caucasians.

>> No.8364706
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Nips need to learn their fucking place, just like the rest of the gooks and brownies. Bow before white superiority, slopes.

>> No.8364764

Here in Russia caucasians are also known as niggers.

>> No.8364781

Whites are painfully haughty.

>> No.8364789

>Anyone that even has a slight grasp of japanese culture
But you obviously doesn't know any.

>> No.8365015
File: 279 KB, 1000x1441, img_15_1479_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually they are meant to americans and russians mostly.

Not because they are racists , but because they had very bad exp with american or russian tourists in the past.

I know that from exp. They get drunk and start hitting on girls or destroy the chairs, glasses ....

People shouldnt take this too serious talk with the owner just and explain him that you know how to behave , even when you are drunk.

>> No.8365066

>Not because they are racists , but because they had very bad exp with american or russian tourists in the past.
That's discrimination, a superset of racism
Not that I mind, americans are scum

>> No.8365104
File: 7 KB, 190x190, 1265491933132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do whitey flip their shit when they're not wanted?

Darkies at least learn to live with it before.

>> No.8365137

I am glorious German all Japanese want me

>> No.8365180
File: 389 KB, 181x147, kago182wm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not realy if they see you , you go with some japanese friends , they will have no problem with you.
Its just if they see a group of 4-6 tall guys , they worry if they get drunk and start smashing everything.

Anyway i have never seen them actually, and I was never forbidden to enter any bar,nightclub,shop...

My point is just if you act normal, you will have no problems

>> No.8365207

Because whites realized it was unfair, and so did darkies, in fact the reason whites realized this is because blacks flipped their shit, but now it seems their whole culture flipped and you have a bunch of niggers, but I'm not racist or anything.

>> No.8365271

I don't care.

[ x ] walk in
[ ] genuflect

>> No.8365327

they're racist by any definition of racism. saying nips isn't a racist and xenophobic nation is a joke. discrimination based on race or nationality is racism. it's that simple. you can invent your own imaginary definition, but that doesn't change the actual real one.

if they have a problem with rowdy customers then they deal with the rowdy customers. saying a nation or race isn't allowed because they have some bad experience is racism.

chinks and nips are racist. just because you aren't white screaming nigger doesn't mean you aren't racist.

>> No.8365429
File: 277 KB, 676x507, gun small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You literally have martial law.

Sup bro. This is my .45 caliber pistol. I have an easily-obtainable civilian license to carry it around on my hip in 98% of the public places I go on a daily basis.

Brotip; police states? Require POLICE. There's always a lot less police then people, so the police need guns to keep control.

So there's no fucking way the US could be a police state, or have martial law. We were pretty specific on that point when we wrote our founding law documents, in fact.

>> No.8365436
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>> No.8365463

That indefinite detention thing is bullshit, but if you've ever been asked for your papers by a jap cop, then you know that it isn't worse than Japan is. Japan is much worse off in that regard.

>> No.8365536

>indefinite detention

The fuck is that? You ever watch Cops? You ever notice how many fuckheads give themselves up real easy?



All they had to say was "no sir," and then "I do not consent to any searches," and bam, there's very little the cop can do unless he can smell a fuckton of weed smoke in the air or there's blood seeping out of your trunk. No probable cause, no dice.

There's no such thing as "indefinite detention" for a citizen of the United States, unless you were caught playing cards with six Muslim terrorists all carrying AK-47s that fired claymore mines, in an airport.

Fuck even "enemy combatants" is old shit. Our first foreign war was the Barbary pirate police actions, when we sent the USS Constitution (old ironsides) and a few other warships down to the Barbary islands to whip the shit out of some people fucking with our merchants. The original stateless "enemy combatant" is a pirate. This is some old, old legal shit.

If you stay up at night worrying about "indefinite detention," don't.

>> No.8365538

Every country or nation will have racists. It's unavoidable. We shouldn't apply the exception to everyone.

>> No.8365557

I don't know about you, but most cops are bullies and will try to force some reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a full search.

They're allowed to frisk for weapons and they really make use of that to dick you over in the case that you refuse a search.

>> No.8365562

>There's no such thing as "indefinite detention" for a citizen of the United States, unless you were caught playing cards with six Muslim terrorists all carrying AK-47s that fired claymore mines, in an airport.
I take it you haven't heard of the NDAA, which is now law.

Or perhaps you believe that it really will only be used on "terrorists" (scapegoat of the century all centuries) like they claimed to get it to pass, when the wording is such that it can apply to anyone.

The government doesn't want you around, indefinite detention. That's it. Of course, a cop can't exercise this power unless he's given permission beforehand.

>> No.8365577

>So there's no fucking way the US could be a police state, or have martial law. We were pretty specific on that point when we wrote our founding law documents, in fact.
Yeah, and Obama is actually allowed to be executed under the law right now, since he did pass martial law.

I welcome anyone to go out and kill him. You're allowed to, that's in the law. Myself, I won't try because I'd probably fail and I think my case would only prove that nobody gives a shit about the law anymore.

>> No.8365602

Why is that?
Jap cops are cowards.

>> No.8365607

in civilized countries they have laws that require public business to serve everyone without discrimination. nips can continue their backwards racist practices. that's just less tourism for them.

1 China 55.67 million
8 Japan 8.61 million

>> No.8365614

It's still annoying and it's especially annoying when they stop you with a group of people to single you out. Like all cops, cowards or not, they're assholes. America can hardly be called a shithole in comparison. Japan reminds me more of Mexico than anything. The cops, the bullshit, it's the same.

>> No.8365666


the feds have always had a million ways to fuck you, dude. It's literally impossible to take a shit in the morning without violating like ten contradictory federal codes nobody's been charged with for thirty years.

But they're still on the books.

>> No.8365716

I was looking up pornography laws for that thread the other day, and I chuckled when I read this.

>Relying on the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and under the terms "obscene" and "immoral", the U.S. Customs and Border Protection prohibits the importation of any pornographic material (19 U.S.C. § 1305a "Immoral articles; importation prohibited").[19]

Look up Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.

>> No.8365721

I would like to point something out.
All was fine when Christians first came in. In fact Catholic missionaries were guests to the emperor.
Thing fell apart, however, when Dutch Protestants, ever looking to spite the Catholics, started spreading word that the Catholic missionaries were actually invaders looking to overthrow the empire.
This resulted in not only the death of the Catholic missionaries, but also the Dutch Protestants.
what dumbasses.

>> No.8365750

Really? I don't know about other countries, but in America, I always see that sign that says "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone", which I believe is appropriate since it's their restaurant. I don't think it's illegal to refuse service based on race, but that's business suicide.

I still don't understand why you're applying it to the whole of the country. That along with your usage of racial slurs just makes you seem bigoted and ignorant.

>> No.8365781

In the US, it's very illegal to refuse service based on race, though they sometimes do and they just claim it's because the customer was being rude or some other shit.

>> No.8365809

That's actually a lie spread by the catholic church to make protestants look bad, as they always do.

>> No.8365820

Which begs the question why the Japanese don't just do the same.

>> No.8365826

There are two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch.

>> No.8365832

Because in Japan it's culturally acceptable to be openly racist. They are a backwards people in many respects. Also there are no laws on the book to deny them the ability to discriminate, so they don't worry about workarounds.

>> No.8365847

Stupid weeaboos defending the Japanese even when they're openly racist.

>> No.8365850

Why didn't Russia, Britannia, France or Germany just occupy Japan during XVIIII-XIX centuries?

>> No.8365855

Because those centuries don't exist.

>> No.8365854

Their priority is maintaining their cultural identity and integrity which is fine.

Look at what's happening to Europe as we speak.

>> No.8365856

>no laws
isn't it supposed to be in their UN terms?

>> No.8365857


>> No.8365863

The most boring posters conglomerated into the most boring thread on /jp/.

>> No.8365866

>Look at what's happening to Europe as we speak.
What would that be?

>> No.8365867

to you japan haters. Japan has contribute greatly To the world and its my personal dream to go there someday, i will not let you diss japan like that. Stop looking japan in a negative way. Their creativity is one of the best if not for them Playstation,Anime,And other things we care about from there would not exist,,, i've kept this pharagraph (Diss-free) ^_^ unless you want to start a Swearing/cursing wars. I would gladly defend japan

>> No.8365873

What cultural identity? They're just copies of the west. Europe is fine. All you hear is from xenophobes. Look at Poland and Germany or France. They seem to do fine culturally, since they have found good ways to preserve their culture without being racists. I'm not saying lie down and take it like some nations that have done so, but racism is not excusable.

>> No.8365876 [DELETED] 

it's typo, I cleary meant XVIII*.

>> No.8365879

and you are one of them

>> No.8365889

Declined empires decaying. Yurop is shithole except Switzerland.

>> No.8365887

it's typo, I clearly meant XVIII*.

>> No.8365888


>> No.8365895

But Poland is racist

>> No.8365894

But he's actually right. Stop being retarded.

>> No.8365903

racist Poles?
but aren't they too low-tier?

>> No.8365896

Case in point.

>> No.8365912

Really? I've been there and it's nowhere near racist. The US is racist(at least the south is). Poland is fucking great in this respect. It's not bending over and it's not actively lynching people or doing shit like what's in the OP.

>> No.8365921

What has the Eurocrisis to do with the fact that Japs are racist fuckers?
Europe has pretty much one of the best living standards in the world.

>> No.8365916

I know of only 2 racist poles. They can't even get close to each other.

>> No.8365926

Are you a gyspy or a rusky? If not, they're cool with you.

>> No.8365931

African monkeys and towelheads are raping Europe's asshole inside out.

>> No.8365938

I prefer open racism over that "behind-closed-doors" variety.

>> No.8365957

There are like 5-7% muslims/niggers in western europe and eastern europe is almost 100% white.

>> No.8365964

Don't bother. Facts don't help with these people.

>> No.8365971

>eastern europe is almost 100% white.

>> No.8365980

You're right, they're obviously albino niggers.

>> No.8365983

I don't deny that they are causing many problems but living in Europe is still a lot better than living in most other parts of the world.

>> No.8365999

Immigrants always pose several problems for the native populace, but we can go about fixing it without resorting to racism, which in the end doesn't fix anything.

>> No.8366068

Yeah, because it doesn't affect you.

>> No.8368385

Because it was a shitty backwards island nobody really cared about. They occupied China instead.
