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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 265 KB, 600x600, 8722160_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8355710 No.8355710 [Reply] [Original]

>A 25-year-old engineer in Puy-en-Velay, France was sentenced on Tuesday to one year in prison, as well as court-ordered therapy, by a three-judge tribunal for possession and distribution of images of child pornography. According to the court, he had collected "pornographic" Japanese manga featuring sexually abused female characters, six to eight years old, on his computer and shared the manga on the Internet.

>The authorities had interrogated him about an Internet forum post in which he wrote, "We're recruiting female members, 12 years old or younger." The man asserted that the post was a joke, and his lawyer added that the defendant is a social recluse.

>One of the judges asked the suspect, "When you see a girl six to eight years old being raped, don't you think there's something wrong?" He responded, "If you had read my psychiatric report, I don't imagine myself in the place of the rapist, but rather in the girl's." The judge replied back, "You're very intelligent. The doctor only reported what you told him. Me, I don't believe a word of what you are saying."

>The convicted man has been barred from any activity that has regular contact with minors and will be registered on the national sexual offenders' list.

>I don't imagine myself in the place of the rapist, but rather in the girl's
>I don't imagine myself in the place of the rapist, but rather in the girl's

It seems like becoming a little girl is a crime now.

>> No.8355726

>You're very intelligent. The doctor only reported what you told him. Me, I don't believe a word of what you are saying
I fucking raged at this.

>> No.8355739

That judge sounds like a piece of shit.

>> No.8355753

What the hell France, you used to be one of the shining examples of eurofag loli non-persecution.

>> No.8355761

So when are GTA players going to be convicted for murder?

>> No.8355760

Typical Euroscum justice.

A man who murdered 80 people will get a max of 20 years in a comfy prison with television and internet, while this guy gets a fate arguably as bad.

>> No.8355769
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Can no man just enjoy his desires in peace?

>> No.8355771

Ink on paper arranged in a certain way is a crime in France.

Thought crime.

>> No.8355776


His sentence is suspended and he isn't going to prison, moreover in France they don't report the names of the accused so he isn't even being publicly humiliated like most lolicons. Stop being dramatic.

>> No.8355783
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and in finland you dont even go to jail for real cp

>> No.8355784

>The convicted man has been barred from any activity that has regular contact with minors and will be registered on the national sexual offenders' list.


>> No.8355787

Probably mean no internet for life.

>> No.8355795

>I don't believe a word of what you are saying
>will be registered on the national sexual offenders' list

The judge thinks he's lying despite it being impossible to prove otherwise, so he ruins his life forever because he possessed some drawings?

How horrible.

>> No.8355796

>sexual offenders' list.
I don't even get why this exists and a "physical violence offender's list" doesn't.

Is nearly killing/beating up someone somehow less-evil than looking at drawings or *ghasp* touching inappropriately?

>> No.8355792


That's a little different than murdering 80 people and going to prison for two decades.

>> No.8355794

So basically he got arrested for making post "We're recruiting female members, 12 years old or younger." and possessing loli pictures made it worse for him in that regard. It's pretty retarded if someone doesn't distinguish between joke and SERIOUS BUSINESS. Then again, it's sad to know there are retarded countries where police forces are willing to prosecute people for enjoying drawings without hurting anyone. That's why i hate these so called "authorities", but also majority of "society" simply blindly going with the flow or even advocating such abusing actions.


>I don't imagine myself in the place of the rapist, but rather in the girl's

I would be in girl/woman place in that regard as well. Having vagina feels much better and it looks better as well. Not that i embrace overall "women" thinking, but rather certain pleasures.

>> No.8355806

Law doesn't exist to distinguish between good and evil, it exists to enforce current societal norms.

In this case, it is nowadays more repugnant to molest a woman than it is to beat someone to within an inch of their life.

>> No.8355807

a lot of people also think rape is worse than murder

>> No.8355809

>>"We're recruiting female members, 12 years old or younger."

I wonder how they even found him saying that. And like where did he even say that.

That's pretty much nothing though compared to the stuff Anon posts here.

>> No.8355815
File: 77 KB, 480x471, remidrinkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The judge has to do it otherwise he would look like a pedophile, fucking media and hivemind mentality.

>> No.8355836

He was probably part of a h-manga/doujin translation group and he ended up posting that in a recruitment thread.

>> No.8355838 [DELETED] 

Breivik killed the kinds of people who started Occupy Wall Street though.

>> No.8355846


>Law doesn't exist to distinguish between good and evil, it exists to enforce current societal norms.

"Law" is word which most people are psychologically wired to, even through enforcing might hurt others, whose on the other hand didn't intended/made any "objective" "harm/damage". I would like to believe and see that principle of following "law" will be abandoned and more conscientious decisions not infringing personal "freedoms" (which is argumentative as well) will be made (I guess many might find this "difficult", but it's certainly not impossible). This starts from individuals in society, if they don't care/are scared to take any action against such thing, then these "governments" might do whatever they please because there would be no impediment for them aside from their own "morals"

>> No.8355851

What's the point of the police wasting resources on proffesional investigasions and assessments, if the result of said work is to simply be disregarded by judges not proffesionals in the related matters at hand?

>> No.8355859
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I don't get why people think that. As long as the guy's not beating me or anything, I would be fine with rape - I wouldn't go out looking for it, and I might call the police if I didn't like him, but my life wouldn't be ruined. Heck, if it were a close friend of mine, I'd probably end up developing feelings for him.

>> No.8355863

Suck my cock, dude

>> No.8355864
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Can't wait for western yorop to be turned into a caliphate.

>> No.8355951

Implying being "exposed" as lolicon is humilitating.

>> No.8355970

While I imagine it is, I am also reminded that I basically never look up sex offender lists to see if pedos or lolicons live near me. I doubt anyone normal does either.

>> No.8356052


According to this the judges were 3 women.

>> No.8356073

Omelette du fromage

>> No.8356067

This is why women make awful judges

>> No.8356111

Should I really be surprised?

>> No.8356117


It wouldn't have turned out differently otherwise.

>> No.8356128
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>> No.8356151

I wonder what books he got busted for.
Would be funny if he got busted for Flandre or Satori doujins.

>> No.8356155

What would be the problem if he did "imagine himself" as the rapist. It's just a cartoon book.
Why does he have to imagine himself in any position at all? Can't he just fap because the material is erotic and not any other deeper meaning?

>> No.8356163

>not taking this into EU high court
>not getting your shitty country sanctioned by the EU

Doing it wrong.

>> No.8356166


Thought crimes are the latest fad in the normalfag world.

>> No.8356178

Thank you for reminding me dear anon, time to download the patch...

>> No.8356182

>Why does he have to imagine himself in any position at all?

This. I don't imagine anything when viewing porn. I just fap and that's it.

>> No.8356210

This sex offender list thing in France isn't a public available database for anyone like in the US, so he's not necessarily going to be publicly humiliated and stigmatized like in the US.

It is, because for normalfags, lolicon=child rapist, and moralfagging is the norm everywhere. Worst case people in the neighborhood will line up protesting to make you leave.

That always makes me rage. Society considers imaginary "crimes" and anything sexually related committed by men to be lower than manslaughter or murder.
The modern witch-hunt is on.

>> No.8356241

You do realize how much effort, time and other judical instances have to be passed before it can be taken there?

But I also think the High Court would object the french sentence.

>> No.8356251

Marguerite chapel de lapachevie
>64 years
>main judge

>> No.8356285

In Australia, a guy got v& for Simpsons Rule 34 back in 08. According to Australian Law with regards to this topic, any fictionalised depictions of minors engaged in any sexual activities, or at least pertains to such, is considered equal to real CP.

It's a dangerous world we live in guys. I don't know how those you who look at/post Lolicon can continue to do so as if they are immune to the authorities.

>> No.8356289


>That always makes me rage. Society considers imaginary "crimes" and anything sexually related committed by men to be lower than manslaughter or murder.
>The modern witch-hunt is on.

This so called "society" and "justice" is just absurd farce. Most people are just hypocrites without any bit of willingness to point out/fight against things principles which only prosecute for actions which doesn't do any harm aside from it's done in minority, and majority likes to point that out, away from their own wrongdoings. People love being in "comfort zone" and having "opinion" corresponding with group they are in instead of trying to go at least a little with their own "moral" compass.

>> No.8356290

because not everyone lives in austria

>> No.8356293

I don't live in the commonwealth or ship porn through the mail so yeah.

>> No.8356300
File: 68 KB, 360x324, 1307128707795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sucks to be lolicons who arn't living in America, protected by our silly First Amendment.

>> No.8356309



It is forbidden to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with the intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Attempts or conspiracies to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with the intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, are also forbidden.

It is forbidden to knowingly possess a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that

* depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or

* depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

>> No.8356314

The thing that always interests me with these types of cases is what particular circumstances lead to his arrest? Out of everybody who engages in that activity, why was he the one that got singled out and made an example of?

A quick google search can bring up blogs of scanlator groups who release loli doujins, why aren't they even scared of publishing this stuff in the face of the law?

>> No.8356321

too bad that's been ruled unconstitutional under the first amendment.

>> No.8356322


Probably the easiest to get a hold of and destroy

The thing i dont understand is how there are thousands of real little girls being raped the world over and yet they put more effort into stopping some guy who hides in his room with comics...

>> No.8356326

>is obscene
>lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Welp, now we know why pornos have shitty stories.

Also art is inherently artistic.

>> No.8356336


Obscenity laws are only enacted when the person is also in possession of Child Pornography or shows egregious threat to Children, such as a past history of violence against children. You for instance. Cannot be arrested for owning Lolicon. They can try to arrest you for owning CP but those cases are always thrown out of court. There is no precedence in the entire law system of the United States where a person has been rendered guilty by a court for possession of lolicon and not CP.

In most cases a person who has CP may also have lolicon, in which case Obscenity laws are used to extend that persons sentence, as in that case they are considered to be the same. On it's own however possession of Lolicon and only lolicon is protected by the First Amendment.

Ontop of that I am an illustrator and I draw lolis, so I am most assuredly protected by the First Amendment as what I draw and what I possess is related to my work, and is a protected form of speech. I also have no criminal history whatsoever. I have never even really cared to talk to kids. I barely leave my house except to buy groceries. I don't own children's paraphernalia and so by all accounts there is nothing the state could do to hang me. Not even counting that I do nothing that would warrant them to try and search my computer.

Compare this to the case above where the man's actions and discussions were monitored by the fucking government. Freedom my ass.

>> No.8356337

Because he posted on a forum that he wanted to recruit 12 years old 3DPD girls. I'm sure he got flagged for this particular move.

>> No.8356344

I wonder how many /jp/ers there are who continue to look at Loli/Shota even though they come from countries that have ruled it illegal and have zero tolerance policies in place.

I hope your behind 7 proxies!

>> No.8356361

Watch out guys, don't make pedo-jokes

>> No.8356367
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>> No.8356374
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The feds are monitoring this thread. Stay chill guys, show them your innocent face.

>> No.8356377

At first I trololol'ed

but then I read wikipedia, and was informed as I once thought, that the US government can fuck you if it wants.

Note that "community" standards—not national standards—are applied whether the material appeals to the prurient interest; thus, material may be deemed obscene in one locality but not in another. National standards, however, are applied whether the material is of value. Child pornography is not subject to the Miller test, as the Supreme Court decided in New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747 (1982). The Court thought that the government's interest in protecting children from abuse was paramount.[59]

In the end, it just depends on whoever is reviewing the case's opinion. I wouldn't hope for protection under the first amendment, and either way after going to trial for something like that I would probably just an hero from the destruction that would cause on my ability to get better jobs or whatever.

>> No.8356386


>I wonder how many /jp/ers there are who continue to look at Loli/Shota even though they come from countries that have ruled it illegal and have zero tolerance policies in place.

>I hope your behind 7 proxies!

I would try some power in myself to participate in protests which might be organized and might resort to physical violence if things got bad. Not because i like fighting, but because i like freedoms and despise some forced absurdities. And before that, even sending petitions with well though arguments wouldn't be necessary useless.

>> No.8356403


Sure, if the government wants to, it can fuck you over. They might dig through your life, talk to everyone you ever knew. They might find your illegally downloaded music, movies and games and pin your ass for that. The government will do that, but they won't go through that much time, and effort unless there you really are a rotten bastard and are very good at covering your tracks. Most of the time they will throw everything they can at you to see what sticks. Or if you get arrested, you might not even make it to court and 99% of all criminals confess while they are in custody. Police can detain anyone without cause for 24hours, in which time they can try to get you to confess to anything. Or admit something they can use to get a warrant and search your home.

The point is, if you are a lolicon, and are just a no-lifer like the rest of us. They will never have a reason to touch you.

>> No.8356411

You know, in Australia small breasted women can get you v& for CP even though the women in question is over 18. I think having a video of child abuse e.g. an over-enthusiastic father swinging his kid around like a helicopter (not child sexual abuse) can get you done as well. Fuck Australia and the Christian Lobbyists.

1) Why won't you think of the children!

2) Why won't YOU think of the man-children!

>> No.8356428


Loli isn't CP in the first place though, this has been court-tested. Animu eyes saved lives and one of the circuit courts ruled that it was obviously not human. This has thankfully been the precedent followed since.

That's not to say loli is completely safe in the US, your local state can still bust you over it's obscenity laws. But atleast you can choose to live in a state with lax/no obscenity laws.

>> No.8356442

Or you can get a good lawyer. The obscenity saw is as thin as the paper its written on.

>> No.8356449

That costs money that most of us here don't have.

>> No.8356452

Many doujins feature characters that aren't lolis but are obviously under 18 even with a cover disclaimer attached saying otherwise. Couldn't you still get done if the judge ruled that it still depicted 'minors' engaged in sexual activities?

>> No.8356460

Then hire a bad one, if he can tie his shoes, he should be able to beat the obscenity law. All you have to do is prove it has artistic value.

>> No.8356472

I remember reading a case about a frail shut-in woman from rural Pennsylvania (Lancaster?) being convicted for written pornography despite the relevant laws being struck down by the Rehnquist Supreme Court during the Clinton administration, but I can't find it now.

>> No.8356467

Hey guys, I have a radical idea. Why not just don't even put yourself in any situation that may get you in trouble.

Be a good law abiding citizen like the rest even though your liberties are being taken from you. That's just how it is nowadays...DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.8356468
File: 546 KB, 1366x768, Kangaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't know your shit.

It's not Australia, it's all by state, and even then it's because the Judges are idiots.

In any non shit state, like Victoria, that kind of shit does not happen. I've had my many many officers in airports look at my loli porn and not give a fuck.

Also in regard to the Simpsons thing.

Basically the public isn't retarded, and complains about shit when Judges acting like retards, and the Judges admit they are wrong, and they just got a $3000 dollar fine and good behaviour bond.

Basically Australia is a very good country for drawn porn laws. No ones ever suffered a real punishment for having loli stuff, because the public would never let that happen.

>> No.8356478

Why not use your neet time to study law and defend yourself for free?

>> No.8356496

The law is pretty much dumb.
I wont be surprised if the french guy was busted for fapping to old youkai like remilia or cirno just cause they look like a kid.

>> No.8356497

Queensland and NSW may be tougher than Victoria with regards to upholding the law, but the possibility of getting charged still stands. I think the in the article you cited, the judges ruling set a future precedent with regards to the illegality of the fictionalised depictions of CP.

Maybe you've had a good run, I wouldn't continue testing my luck if I was you...bringing that shit through customs like a BOSS.

>> No.8356517


>Why not use your neet time to study law and defend yourself for free?

Why not rather try abandoning psychologically wired thinking with word "law" deemed by majority as something absolute and rather argument/fight for freedoms and demand "reasons" for prosecuting actions which doesn't do any so called "harm/damage" aside from not simply being mindless prude about it?

>> No.8356519

I guess aslong as i live in VIC then my many TB's worth of loli will be fine.

>> No.8356529

Because its rarely a good idea to defend your self, even if you are a lawyer.

>> No.8356540

I hope for your sake you're right. Although...putting faith in some random guy's anecdotes is a leap too far for me.

>Michael Clarke
>Highest test score at the SCG
>Confirmed for GOAT

>> No.8356552

>>8356517 here

>Because its rarely a good idea to defend your self, even if you are a lawyer.

Are you serious or that apathetic about what's going in Your life and around You? I don't know much about you or Your life, but Your post is truly depressing.

>> No.8356554

I can not describe how suprised I am to see a cricket post on /jp/

>> No.8356558

What is with the random capitals?

>> No.8356573

There mere fact that you dont have a lawyer says a great many things. Foremost is probably, no one would take you seriously, because you are so guilty it hurts. But dont let me stop you from defending your self. Should make for a funny read in the paper when you get sent to jail for 10 years for possessing a picture of an anime girl.

>> No.8356574
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The same shit happened to me, except it was about shota.
Identifying as a little boy makes sense.

By the way I got EXACTLY the same sentence: 1 year on parole, therapy, three judges, registered on the list etc.
Except in my case the judges weren't even openly hostile. Although they didn't buy my argument that distributing lolishota freely would destroy the industry like distributing MP3s is supposed to do to the music industry.
But anyway yeah, the exact same thing happened to me like two months ago.
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.8356579

Are you that French Bernd from krautchan? How'd that all work out?

>> No.8356596

As I said, it didn't. One year on probation and I'll most likely have to see a therapist. I don't know what else will be required, I haven't met my probation officer yet. Our justice system is slow as shit, I was arrested 2 and a half years ago for fuck's sake.

>> No.8356594 [DELETED] 

>Although they didn't buy my argument that distributing lolishota freely would destroy the industry like distributing MP3s is supposed to do to the music industry.

That kind of reasoning is retarded.

>> No.8356598

I don't get it. It's just drawings. Nobody was hurt.

>> No.8356599

I used to let my friend sexually abuse me in middle school because I liked to pretend I was a little girl getting assaulted. Those were good times.

>> No.8356617


>There mere fact that you dont have a lawyer says a great many things.

"Needing" someone proving wrong your "guilt" just implies there is guild and "crime" in the first place.

>Foremost is probably, no one would take you seriously, because you are so guilty it hurts.

Again, "guilty" of what? Thinking that word from lawyer is always more valuable than the one of "criminal" shows much of your own insecurities and arrogance.

Arguments and logical discussion can be lead even without presence of lawyer in cases where court trial is more like farce to call "crime" where it isn't.

>But dont let me stop you from defending your self. Should make for a funny read in the paper when you get sent to jail for 10 years for possessing a picture of an anime girl.

How's that comfort zone thing going for you?

>> No.8356620

How does this list work, will you have problems getting jobs etc. or are you shunned from society yet?

>> No.8356628
File: 140 KB, 430x284, 1325632713982 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must fuck your ass

>> No.8356638

I thought in a court things had to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, instead of being based on the whims of a judge?

>> No.8356639

Sorry, could you rewrite that with out that ADD quots? I cant bring my self to read that much garbage. I value my eye site.

>> No.8356652

with those communication skills please get a lawyer

>> No.8356658

Nothing really happened for now, although I haven't really received any orders yet.
Also, once my probation ends, this will be wiped from my criminal file thing so employers will have no clue.
I'm pretty sure the cops will keep my fingerprint and DNA though.

On the other hand I'm registered on that sex offender list thing, which is thankfully not public as far as I know, and I have to go prove I live where I claim to live to the cops every year until 2046, which is a pain in the ass.

>> No.8356661

yeah, you have to prove your innocence beyond a reasonable doubt

>> No.8356662

>eye site

>> No.8356670

do you still fap to loli?

>> No.8356672


>Sorry, could you rewrite that with out that ADD quots? I cant bring my self to read that much garbage. I value my eye site.

If that's your reason for not reading it, then be my guest.

>> No.8356688

It's the other way around. You're innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.8356694

That's the joke.

>> No.8356697


>yeah, you have to prove your innocence beyond a reasonable doubt

"Guilt" needs to be proven first. How come such faulty and downright absurd ideas are still tolerated?

>> No.8356699
File: 102 KB, 480x640, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never fapped to loli. Vaginas are disgusting.

>> No.8356701

Not in civil law.

>> No.8356710

No they are not.

>> No.8356715
File: 35 KB, 200x199, spurdoiluvoimat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical French being a faggot, you sure you aren't Swedish? :DD

so do you still fap to shota?

>> No.8356722
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>> No.8356740
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joni :DD
i have ES's for you :DDDD

>> No.8356750
File: 199 KB, 950x830, spurdo mlp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dids u kno i liked ES and fuggin gaye :DD x-D

>> No.8356772
File: 44 KB, 464x510, 1323783891001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hab some drang boys XD after gome into my home blay with my gat :DDD don't fuggen run :DDDD

>> No.8356791

> so he's not necessarily going to be publicly humiliated and stigmatized like in the US.

Unless some local official let's it slip.
The lists works similarly in Germany, and in the past at least two mayors have publicly announced a former child rapist (okay, that's way worse) had moved into town.
Daily mobs in front of the guy's house ensured.

>> No.8356799


>> No.8356873

>"Needing" someone proving wrong your "guilt" just implies there is guild and "crime" in the first place.

I'm pretty sure that's what the criminal prosecution is doing, actually.

>> No.8356964

You're referring to the story in the village Insel, right? They are not child-rapists. They raped adult women like 30 years ago and got released now, because their detention was not based on a lawful sentence anymore (which the EU court criticized).
Normalfags together with Nazis wearing shirts saying "death sentence to child abusers".

Of course even with non-public lists, there is always the danger that somebody will let it slip or finds out, but it's chances of destroying your life are way lower compared to a completely public list where every hipster can lookup nearby registered offenders with an iphone-app.

I'll probably end up killing myself should I ever get convicted because of loli.

>> No.8357056

Do any of you guys ever have fantasies about being in this kind of position?

Like, you're be in a court case, and the judges condemn you for liking 2D loli, or whatever. And then you come back with some kind of heartfelt argument about how 2D girls don't exist, and how 2D loli is just a fantasy that prevents abnormals like us from hurting real little girls, and so on and so on. But, the normalfags won't have it. So then, faced with a life in prison and no internet connection, you pull out that mac 10 you always keep hidden in your coat and proceed to spray everyone in the court room, until some cops shoot you down.

After you're dead, you watch the image boards from Gensokyo, and observe how Anonymous argues over whether you were a true member of the culture, or just some faggot trying desperately to assert his place in a niche online culture that he never really belonged to in the first place. In time, image macros depicting your face become popular on /b/, and then on non-4chan sites. Eventually, simply mentioning your name is enough to start a shitstorm on /jp/. After a while, most /jp/ers stop caring enough about you to even bother posting in the troll threads that get posted by outsiders about "that one /jp/er who went crazy." After all, they've only heard about /jp/ from Fox News.

In the end, you live on forever as a generic internet meme, hated by the people you once considered your only friends.

Do any of you ever have this fantasy? Because I do. Every day. Every god dammed day.

>> No.8357062

I live in Germany, and I didn't even know this.
As far as I know, uploading normal porn without age verification (to stop kids from accessing porn) on the internet is already a sex crime and enough to get on the list.

>> No.8357064

How would you get the gun into the courtroom? Nice fantasy, but it wouldn't work out.

>> No.8357418

I sometime find myself thinking about something like that, or what it would be like when the police would search my room and confiscate my pc.

I plan to fully-encrypt my next system properly from scratch, but I can't really be assed to do it now.
