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File: 563 KB, 795x591, 752a49178c63591e07aded78186ce7d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8353108 No.8353108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kenji is my favourite Katawa Shoujo because his character is a scathing critique on all the ridiculous misconceptions people have about feminism.

How does /jp/ feel about Kenji? it seems a lot of guys here are pretty much him without the shitty eyesight.

>> No.8353113


What rules an I breaking?

>> No.8353110

Why are you not banned yet.

>> No.8353119

Painfully unfunny interactions. I skip all of his scenes.

Pretty sure the writers based him off of athens.

>> No.8353117


This is how I feel about your post.

>> No.8353127


>Pretty sure the writers based him off of athens.

Haha, see that makes him funny.

I agree he was a bit forced though, but we've gotten so used to that batshit paranoia in mainstream politics that it's hard to make it stand out without exaggerating it.

>> No.8353140

this is what feminazis actually believe misogynists are like?

>> No.8353147

I laughed my ass off watching that... How did you find out about it? Did you ever actually play that?

>> No.8353150
File: 232 KB, 818x640, oh kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not a misogynist, he has nothing against women, just feminists, because they're trying to take over the world
Besides, he's by far the best character, with Shizune in second place
Kenji is just too strong a character, he even demands attention offscreen

>> No.8353176

"You can't trust women, the second you turn your back on them you will wake up with a knife in your back"

oh yeah I guess you are right

>> No.8353179

I'm eagerly awaiting for the release since 2008.
It's going to happen right after Otome function, I'm sure.

It expresses my feelings about a lot of things pretty well, so I will never forget about it.

>> No.8353187


I want this, right now.

>> No.8353189

athens was cool and so is kenji

i miss athens....

>> No.8353193


No, but at least one person posted "arguments" that sounded a lot like his ranting in pervious threads. He's a parody of the general Alex Jones fan nutjob conspiracy theorist, they just picked feminism because misconceptions about it are so common and the OELVN community is pretty female heavy.

>> No.8353195

I don't get how his eyesight can be that bad.
Surely he has thick enough glasses.

>> No.8353199

He later says he doesn't hate women
Kenji is a complex and confusing character, mostly because he's batshit insane

>> No.8353202

Not thick enough
He can eventually just recognize you instantly though
By your hair cut, no normal person would have it

>> No.8353217

Simplifying him into a feminist hating parody is too narrow minded.

Sage for retards.

>> No.8353222

athens comes around every so often.

>> No.8353226
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not that just hating feminist women makes it acceptable, but still.

>> No.8353233

Is there a rapidshare link for this beast yet?

>> No.8353238
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Someday he'll get the appreciation he deserves
its a free game

>> No.8353239

shit really?

i live in /v/ so i don't see him

guess ill have to lurk more here

>> No.8353241
File: 21 KB, 324x324, 2010.11.18 What Privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, the other day we found out he hates all minorities. All of them. Even the very concept of somebody not being of the exact same kind of person as athens makes athens think they should be kicked out of society.

I'm thinking athens probably doesn't get on too well with wider society either. Though he was probably born to rich parents who set him up for life no matter how much of a failure he is.

>> No.8353248

Yeah but i can't torrent shit, and the links on the site are down.

>> No.8353249

not sure why you can't torrent, sorry about the dl links being down

>> No.8353298

Fuck feminism, your one of the biggest problems in the world today. go suck a fucking dick and leave us alone.

>> No.8353308
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>> No.8353329

don't you know male pornstars only make half of what female pornstars make?

>> No.8353322 [DELETED] 


And feminists do what to bother you exactly? Make you think about male privilege?

Most of the things people "blame" feminists for aren't even remotely feminists fault. Like they'll point out ways in which men are discriminated against, when most feminists don't like that either ,since they dislike gender roles.

You're just a big Kenji.

>> No.8353334

> Like they'll point out ways in which men are discriminated against, when most feminists don't like that either ,since they dislike gender roles.

You're naive

>> No.8353339

you don't even watch the new , do you?
And did you forget the american fems trying to stop japan making visual novel and anime all together? go fuck yourself.

>> No.8353341


"Uneducated" just means I haven't read the same shitty "anti-misandry" blogs you have.

There being some discrimination against men doesn't excuse discrimination against women. And women are still less represented in positions of power. There's no real reason for that - a gender can't make a career choice. It's just how society is, and it's something that's changing over time, thanks to feminism.

Focusing on discrimination against gays doesn't mean you don't care about discrimination against koreans or something.

>> No.8353347
File: 575 KB, 820x640, porn star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess how many fucks I give?
I was making another Kenji Joke

>> No.8353348


What about the news?

And am I trying to stop visual novels getting made? Obviously not, since I'm promoting one. Hell I've even played Rance.

Painting all feminists with the same brush when most are mildly annoying at worst is what makes you look like a Kenji.

>> No.8353362

You are retarded, the fems are able to start shit easily and dont leave us alone, they have been starting shit with japan also. you dont know shit, go back to /a/.

>> No.8353364


Let me argue with your strawman anon, I'm waiting for stuff to download :/

>> No.8353375
File: 87 KB, 719x458, TOUCHDOWN THURMAN THOMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing katawa crash

>> No.8353380
File: 35 KB, 193x230, 1313364709466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are retarded, the fems are able to start shit easily and dont leave us alone, they have been starting shit with japan also. you dont know shit, go back to /a/.

>> No.8353392

you are not a " feminist" , your just a retard who has no clue just what the real problems that feminism has started. they are biased as fuck and have a shitty justice that is just as bad as Christians. they also took over the news and the government in general if you haven't fucking noticed.

>> No.8353394

Don't respond to the 'female' troll.

>> No.8353401
File: 106 KB, 799x598, Kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you get mad at this face?

Oy, after finishing Shizune's story I just don't think I can play the rest, only lily's even has a chance of being that good

>> No.8353402
File: 248 KB, 942x960, 308873_299595563384492_100000021511226_1248118_76745659_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they also took over the news and the government in general if you haven't fucking noticed.

Just a puzzler for all the Kenjis out there, if women have taken over the government, why are there so few of them in the government?

>> No.8353407

Can someone send a copy of katawa shoujo to agnes chan?

>> No.8353408

Lobbies you fucker, do you know em?

>> No.8353405


Shit, I want to mother him now :(

>> No.8353406
File: 48 KB, 607x363, there is one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
retards few can match up to

>> No.8353411

how long is each route anyway?

It only takes one fat landwhale in the government to stir up shit and you should know this.

>> No.8353415
File: 420 KB, 1000x680, SISFIST_by_furiousrockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since I'm a huge Sis, I've uploaded it to Rapidshare for anyone that can't torrent it.



>> No.8353420
File: 112 KB, 572x418, shizune final route time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only finished shizune's. Reading every word it took 7:48 it says to get the final section
May take a bit shorter, not sure how often I paused to think or type on 4chan.

>> No.8353422

Why do females have to be so fucking annoying?
please leave.

>> No.8353427
File: 10 KB, 267x189, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Feminists are somehow the only lobby group

>It only takes one fat landwhale in the government to stir up shit and you should know this.

How does this even work?

If Feminists had as much power as people said, you would have same sex marriage in the US so we can all marry our butch lesbian powers.

>> No.8353431
File: 170 KB, 821x643, Her disability....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbians like Misha

>> No.8353432

I have no problem with feminism that is based on logic, reason, and rational thought, but I have serious issues with radical feminism that tries to tip the natural balance too far in the other direction.

Case in point is the woman who was breast feeding her infant in Target while she was walking around the isles shopping, and then took issue when they asked her to use a fitting room. Of course in typical modern-day retard fashion, she spearheaded a mass breast feeding event at Target where tons of brainless idiot mothers with a warped sense of rights all got together and walked around with a tot sucking on their tit.

First of all, a business has the legal right to eject anyone from their premises if the customer's actions is detrimental to business. Secondly, it's pretty clear walking around a store doing your shopping with your kid sucking away on your fat bag is a sanitary issue for other customers.... and honestly, no one wants to look at that.

Equal rights for all doesn't mean some stupid bitch that happens to get offended by a sensible request has the power to throw a massive fit and impede everyone else. If it were me, I'd have every last one of them arrested.

>> No.8353433

>Painting all feminists with the same brush when most are mildly annoying at worst is what makes you look like a Kenji.

I think this is the crux of the issue. If you label yourself as a feminist then, by definition, you cast yourself under the same umbrella as those man-hating bitches that make up your extremes. This is why I am always leery of anyone who would use such generalized statements to define themselves, be it "gamer," "conservative," or "feminist." Whether you like it or not, there are plenty of annoying and stupid people that *also* apply those labels to themselves. You cannot and should not fault other people for applying generalized statements based on their own limited experiences if you yourself are too lazy to say "I believe women should have equal opportunity as men," rather than "feminist," which for all I and any other reader knows, could very well make you one of those same extremists who will not rest until women are the domineering gender in society.

>> No.8353435
File: 15 KB, 290x290, 1296142661892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized you're from /a/.

>> No.8353446

So uh... Only VN's I've played are Rance and MGQ...
Anything I need to know before I try this?

>> No.8353445

what was her disability, all these negative comments about KS make me even less likely to read it than I was to begin with. Also does she die like some anon here said that she probably does?

>> No.8353455

Is there a walk through out or do you not need one?

please leave and never come back. feminists only want to start shit all the time and take away everything. I don't give a fuck about what type you are, the most type are the type that want too fuck with japan and make women more and more like bitches every day. fuck you and your shit.

>> No.8353451


Now how would you know that if you haven't been there, and if you have been there recently.....


>> No.8353452
File: 20 KB, 568x340, 1307610057668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't die, and they never actually say her disability, if she even has one, not every student there is disabled
it is mentioned she gets a discount to go there because she wants to become a sign language teacher, and the only other thing mentioned is how she seems to always yell and isn't good with stairs making it possible she has an inner ear disorder
anyway she lives throughout the entire story and theres even a sex scene if you want it.

>> No.8353461
File: 127 KB, 825x654, misha haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one choice in shizune's entire story
save before it
do both for both endings

>> No.8353464

Because obviously those crafty feminist bitches are just hiding in the background, manipulating the men to avoid blame. Typical feminist misandry. They think they can get away with anything at all, because that's what they're doing! And you aren't even trying to stop them! What are you, some kind of feminist sympathiser!?

I thought we were comrades-in-arms, bro.

>> No.8353469

Feminism doesn't need women in powerful positions to get it's way.

When most of the politicians are white knights and believe women should be protected far beyond levels men are then feminists have no reason to complain.

If someone, even a politician spoke out against the injustice then he gets branded as a misogynist, a woman hater or a loser.
Yet they can get away with having a Minister for women in my country (UK) and no mention of ever having a counterpart for men?

There are two types of feminist, the radical man-haters who know about this and the naive Women who shroud the real female supremacy goals because they are sucked into a movement that ultimately only benefits women whether they are aware of it or not. Good intentions don't count for anything when you support a movement that fundamentally believes one gender is superior to the other.

The only way to move forward is for women who can see the truth speak out against feminism and for men to stop being a bunch of manginas and white knights and wake up to see the injustice at their doors.

>> No.8353501


No, I dislike radical feminism too. There are some genuine assholes there that spend all their time ranting about how transsexuals are men trying to invade their space. Radical feminists can be oddly conservative in terms of values, just swapping the man for the woman.

>> No.8353505


I don't think it's reasonable not to associate yourself with any movement just because extremists exist. That's not really my fault, it's the fault of the mentality that focuses in on the extremists on the first place. It's actually not as bad on mainland europe from what I gather where people can actually have intelligent political discussion to some degree.

In one way, I'd agree, I don't like to define myself as any one thing. But that's the thing - you don't have to do that. People who bitch about "goths" or "punks" defining themselves by it, etc., that's ridiculous, it's not something you automatically assume of everyone that uses that word. There's a whole string of things I could use to describe myself.

Labels are only a bad thing when you try to overextend them. They should never be taken as absolutes. The worst thing is when you get someone who go on about how they defy labels, etc., and ultimately they're just a generic "alternative" or normalfag pretending to be somehow alternative.

I don't think getting rid of labels helps anything, it just makes it harder to know what the hell you're talking about. One of the big problems is that people aren't taught logic and debate in school - possibly largely down to corporate/religious influence - they do in some european countries and it makes things better. That's the real solution to stop people making hasty generalisations like "All feminists are man haters because I read something by a man hating feminist".

I could explain my reasons for saying I am a feminist, but really, I just like showing people this -


In the circles I hang around in, feminism is definitely needed.

>> No.8353509
File: 47 KB, 204x201, 1320319752260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I'll tell you how it is. I hate women. I realize how irrational and idiotic it is to do this but I don't give a fuck, it's how I feel. I've met somewhat a lot of women IRL and over the Internet and they were all either crazy or self-righteous retarded bitches. And thus, everything those purpose it is to to help women having the same status as men is negative in my book. So of course, feminists are the ultimate evil in my eyes and I don't really care how exactly they are destroying everything, I just 'feel' like that because women are disgusting and people who like that half of humanity can't be anything but disgusting. However there are still some very rational points which can be made in order to justify despising feminists. Such as these people being mostly extremely insecure, resorting to insults immediately, there constant self-righteous behaviour and them pretending that everything they say should be perfectly clear for every human being and everyone who opposes their view is a chauvinistic, backwards pig. These bitches are crazy and retarded, even without my personal irrational hate towards women. There you go, now fuck off.

>> No.8353511

This, this is why we hate feminism and everything about it. The feminist extremists are actually the ones in fucking power, nit people like you. Now please take your feminism shit outta here.

>> No.8353515

athens new trip?

>> No.8353525

fuck you and get out.

>> No.8353528

Okay, what the hell is sage+

>> No.8353531

You're mom is sage+

>> No.8353535

>your mom joke
so it's a gamefaqs thing?
should I *hit you*?

>> No.8353538
File: 16 KB, 215x223, 1312921858555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you really have anything to back up any of this?

Women are still underrepresented in positions of power. Regardless if there's a minister for women, that's an imbalance. That means that decisions will be made from a male perspective, without direct experience of what it may be like for a woman. That leads to all kinds of institutionalised biases.

>Good intentions don't count for anything when you support a movement that fundamentally believes one gender is superior to the other.

This is incorrect. Just because you don't perceive current inequalities doesn't mean they don't exist. You are male, looking at things from male perspective, and selectively chosing things that match this outlook.

Saying Feminism is about women wanting to be more powerful than men is being completely ignorant of the movement's history and how it's developed.




These are decent links for addressing some of the misconceptions people have.

The thing is that you haven't really studied feminism and what it actually is and what it does. You've just heard things off hand and come to rash conclusions, yet act like I'm somehow more ignorant when I have experience of dealing with the average feminist first hand.

This is why you are a Kenji.

>> No.8353544


I can't think of any radical feminists in positions of power, at least in the United States, where I believe you're from since Europeans tend to be a little more educated on social matters.

>> No.8353548

Just shut up already. Fuck off. We don't care.

>> No.8353562
File: 149 KB, 640x958, 1324085186405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353559

>Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI
Who are you?

>> No.8353560


Fuck off.

>> No.8353570
File: 176 KB, 429x428, 1309416629495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like Kenji

>> No.8353572
File: 78 KB, 558x600, b6b77ed1df77e78e9b97606ddce3098f23bbb0c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't care, don't read the thread or post.

>> No.8353587

You are an eyesore you know that don't you?

>> No.8353579

feminize this *grabs dick*

>> No.8353580

>Europeans tend to be a little more educated on social matters


Oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh harder.

>> No.8353585


Jesus, why did they cut her hair? Her hair was the best thing about KS. It doesn't suit her at all. And that tacky hairclip. Urgh urgh urgh rushed character design.

>> No.8353598

She cuts it herself in the third act. It is a small plot point

>> No.8353602
File: 13 KB, 230x229, 230px-Penisremoval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353612

Well for starters, I suggest we tie a cute little ribbon around the base of the shaft. And, maybe a unicorn sticker would make the tip more appealing to the younger crowd. Oh! And I see you've got a little bush growing here. I suggest we do something with that as well. How do you feel about highlights? Maybe a nice rich color to offset the paleness of your skin? Oh! And I have some really cute dick-sized dresses that your dick could wear.

>> No.8353609

Can you take your reddit level image macros and get out of here? We don't appreciate your new and creative "me gusta" or "advice dog" images because they're all basically the same uncreative garbage. Finally, stop posting links - no one wants to read a bunch of tl;dr bullshit spouted by bleeding-heart liberal arts majors in Acting101 at the local community college. Unless it's based in well researched fact and it's not the ramblings of some tenured education professor, I don't want any of it. Also, any attempts to paint the scientific community as male biased or male-centric or whatever the hell you kids call it these days will be met with ridicule before being compared to evangelical christians.

>> No.8353621

That's right, tell the fucking bitch to get the fuck out.

I wonder if this will actually scare her away.

>> No.8353626
File: 220 KB, 813x637, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked up the exact point, pretty early in Act 3 she gets it cut

>> No.8353636

gb2 /a/

>> No.8353630

Seriously, what's the fucking point of posting here? We will not stop hating women or you, all your postings will be met with hostilities and that will never change. So just go, please.

>> No.8353631


And where are these "Well research facts" about feminism?

Yeah, thought so.

Actually hearing what feminism is from feminists would be a big step up from just believing whatever shit you hear.

If you're interested though(which you aren't) this version of the male privilege checklist actually links back to peer reviewed studies -


I expect that's not the real issue here, though.

>> No.8353633

I agree with equal rights for all people, but the history and past actions of any given cultural movement don't mean shit for assessing its current worth.

Just because feminism was originally a vehicle for equal rights granted to women doesn't excuse the people bandwagoning onto the cause as an excuse for misandry. Discrimination is a bad thing regardless of where it comes from, and needed or otherwise, pushing specifically for 'women's rights' as a preferential term to 'equal rights' makes you look like you have a bias, even if that's only a misconception.

>> No.8353641

Please don't spout "peer-reviewed studies" with regards to psychology or sociology papers. It's offensive to real scientists.

>> No.8353638

>Bush Cheney 2004

>> No.8353646
File: 340 KB, 818x858, 1f4d3d77928389fa0ee06489be4d3f65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353655


Yeah, the usual sociology tard bullshit.

>> No.8353658


But if you push for equal rights when there's still an overall imbalance against women, that fact gets glossed over. That's why so many "men" *want* that. Having feminism doesn't mean that men can't talk about men's issues either. If anything expecting women's groups to talk about male issues is quite sexist in of itself(even though many feminists do anyway). The problem is that a lot of these "anti-misandry" groups do nothing but blame it on feminists.

There are very few mainstream feminist blogs that are quite that shit.

Really it's generally just used as a derailment tactic though.


>> No.8353659

Please do not link to feminist blogs as a source when debating feminism. It's the same as when drug abusers link to pro-drugs websites in similar debates; the information is obviously going to be biased.

>> No.8353670

Scientist are a joke. Anyone can pull a bunch of theories out of their ass while wasting thousands of taxpayers dollars on bullshit too.

>> No.8353677


>> No.8353683


It links back to actual studies. Click on "more". It will bring you to a page that cites various studies, you can see at the end where they're referenced. Not all of these are sociology/psychology studies, some of them are economic. Plus a sociology study is better than absolutely nothing. Someone has to go out and actually measure these things.

I got presented with a *youtube video* as "proof" against my claims, for fuck's sake.

It has to be possible to somehow be more educated on the issue of feminism, and make a more accurate judgement. As far as I can see you're drawing your conclusions based off no reputable source whatsoever.

If you want to continue being ignorant and wrong, fine. But don't pretend you're anything more than yet another Kenji.

>> No.8353685
File: 327 KB, 600x771, 7d2735aa49c625488733c19fad058733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those silly women complaining about? I mean, we let them vote. And guys are put in jail for rape. What more do they want? Bitches should stop complaining. Am I right fellows? Now lets such each others cocks.

>> No.8353692

Yes. Sorry faggot, but I don't need my taxpayers dollars wasted on retards doing pointless research like "fat kids can be healthy if they become skinny" and "how much honey can an African bee make while being sodomized with a q-tip."

>> No.8353693

i'm sorry you don't have a penis.

now go whine elsewhere.

>> No.8353694
File: 48 KB, 652x490, 1298786758546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so close to a quality post

>> No.8353697


That's not really the same thing at all. The purpose of those feminism blogs isn't to throw biased evidence of you, it's to explain things and put up an argument. It's only as misleading as you allow it to be. It's just short-hand for me typing out the entire argument they make there.

Some things can be wrong because they are internally inconsistent, illogical. A lot of the claims being made here are fallacious. some of the links I provided points this out. That's not something you need to do studies you know, and in a real debate and not the shitty political ones you're used to in the states, it wouldn't fly.

>> No.8353698

You can buy penises now. Having a penis isn't something to brag about.

>> No.8353701

Thanks for pointing out the mistake, bro. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to type the correct words while getting my dick sucked.

>> No.8353703
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1316242096115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the circles I hang around in, feminism is definitely needed.
let me re-arrange this to what you are really saying
>I force myself into places where I think feminism is definitely needed.

and to that I say look at my image

>> No.8353705
File: 146 KB, 429x428, 1307772465872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine.

>> No.8353708


Why should certain spaces be so male-only anyway? Unless they're specifically set up to deal with men's issues, and even then they should welcome women who wish to do so just like most feminist groups do.

You probably don't understand the concept of "privilege", but you're being a bit full of it right now.

>> No.8353711
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 23257331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353716

>It's actually not as bad on mainland europe from what I gather where people can actually have intelligent political discussion to some degree.
>mainland europe...intelligent political discussion

confirmed for being underage and knowing nothing about the world


>> No.8353713

My point is, you shouldn't be singling out any one group. It shouldn't be about 'equal rights for this gender' or 'equal rights for this race'. It should be 'equal rights for everyone, because we're all fucking human beings and that is the only classification that ought to matter'.

Maybe I'm just being an idealist here, but both men and women sideline the others' issues because "Our gender has problems too OMG midandry/misogyny!" I hate that it has to come down to specifying differences with the intent of removing them - it seems hypocritical to me that in this attempt to create equality, the first move is always to say "We are inherently unequal". It needs to be addressed, yes, but not in the manner of creating division between people just to try and bring the issues to light.

I guess the best example I can give is with wage-gap. Rather than "We need to raise women's wages" why is it somehow less valid to instead argue "We need to equalise wages for all employees in a given position"?

That said, I have a bus to catch, and I expect this thread to 404 before I get back. It was fun getting to discuss this with you, though. Drop me an email or something if you wanna keep talking, address is in the email field.

>> No.8353714

Just getting my opinion out
In Japan they have women only sections of trains
That's horribly offensive to men
I know "women don't grope" but a man's life can easily be destroyed by being accused of groping, even if it's proven false
And I know most women won't make up charges, but also most men don't molest so...

>> No.8353721

I just want a nice quiet, studious, and plainly attractive young girl with a promising career in the sciences.

but instead loud bitches everywhere that want to take all my Jew gold.. ;_;

Fuck life.

>> No.8353718
File: 263 KB, 796x1000, j80Kq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey existing thread.

I was playing KS, and somehow stumbled into Emi's route. Which, all things considered, was nice. That aside, what choices would I need to make my way into Lilly or Hanako's routes?

>> No.8353727
File: 53 KB, 795x700, 48314606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skip hanako's, I've heard from fans of hers it's pretty bad, especially the sex scene

>> No.8353725

>ven then they should welcome women who wish to do so just like most feminist groups do.

You're joking right? Most "feminist" today think that being feminist means female-only.

With that said, to be honest, the femnazis and the mennazis in this thread are pretty much the same coin. Both stupidly flinging shit at each other without realizing that neither sex has it easy.

>> No.8353734


Okay, how are americans more educated on social issues than europeans? Go on.

>> No.8353737

Then maybe you should get off your ass and go find a girl like that.

>> No.8353740

Did they add that chocolate scene in?

>> No.8353744
File: 1.11 MB, 800x2982, 1307512312127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that kenji route looks just like shizune's except for option 9, truth is, if you fail completely you just end up at kenji's

>> No.8353748

What does your nationality have to do with anything? Like, at all.

>> No.8353749
File: 68 KB, 311x791, 1303703197041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As funny as it would be I don't think so

>> No.8353750


>> No.8353752


>Decline to Introduce Yourself
>Ask About the Library
>It's a trap
>Say Hello to Hanako
>She was Cute
>Talk to Hanako
>Waffle on exercising
>Defend Lily

Should get you to a point where you can split towards either one

>> No.8353758

>Japanese otaku won't give a shit for the same reason they only buy obscure Japanese made games that no one else buys, for the same reason the Japanese games industry is dying and is having to turn to western developers and western fans to prop it up. These otaku thrive purely on western inventions, like cartoons, videogames, computers, plastic figurines etc, but they really can't take it when the westernness is overt.

>As long as it's background enough for their simple minds to block out, they're okay. The art quality and production quality isn't a problem - look at how much they love Touhou. Look at Umineko and Higurashi. Katawa Shoujo is countless leagues ahead of those things visually - and they all charge money for their childish scrawls.

I will just leave this joke by a ksfag here. hahahahaha.

>> No.8353760


But the point is, they don't exist anymore.

>> No.8353761

fuck off femnazi landwhale.
we dont give a flying shit about your rights, i wish i lived in the past where i could just rape women for fun. So fuck you and leave. I am tried of you and your groups shit, leave us men alone you have your fucking rights sadly.

>> No.8353768

In america at least. Im gonna get me a china girl.

>> No.8353773

This sounds like concentrated buttfrustration

>> No.8353774 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 410x392, 1280407601618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pedo necrophiliac

>> No.8353775

Just what I'd expect a woman to say. Keep coming up with excuses for why you're too much of a beta to go out and find your dream girl.

>> No.8353776

3d women are not aloud on /jp/.
leave leave and go back to /soc/.

>> No.8353778


Maybe you're right... Whelp time to move.

Or maybe I'll head to Afghanistan and get me a little opium bride. Yeah, that's the ticket!

>> No.8353781

Get the fuck out of /jp/. You are not welcome here.

>> No.8353782

I think I'll post this on /a/ to see how they feel.

Kinda feeling bummed about the game after seeing that pic of Misha and some stuff I heard though.

>> No.8353785


I'm allergic to jail.

>> No.8353783

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8353792
File: 19 KB, 214x214, 1323697116051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't rape your way out of a wet paper bag with a giant dick hole in the middle of it.

>> No.8353798

Just like a typical woman.

>> No.8353799
File: 447 KB, 800x600, screenshot0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emi is a slut that NTR's you with a black guy on your second date.

Lilly is the town bicycle.

Hanako becomes a cock hungry slut and fucks the entire 3-3 class

Shizune cheats constantly with Misha

NTR shoujo

>> No.8353803

oh my god are you that retarded
do I need to bring in the kopipe about how there's usually never a problem about gender in /jp/?
you are severely new here
stop posting
you are only stirring up shit.

We don't hate people for being female. Take the time to look around. There are plenty of female members in /jp/
but unlike *you*, they don't shove that fact in our face.

another problem is that you are a tripfag
I said tripFAG
jp has tripfriends. unobtrusive people that contribute quality content in some form or another, and they need a tripcode in order to facilitate people finding their posts in the archive

a tripFAG uses a tripcode in order to draw attention to oneself and generally stir up shit. this is what you are doing
/jp/ is about taking it easy. you are interfering with that.
if the meido was actually around this thread would be deleted because GUESS WHAT? this doesn't have a damned thing to do with touhou or JVNs


drop your trip

>> No.8353800

This has to be the worse tripfag i have ever seen on /jp/ so far, and she is not even part of the steam group. I would rather have sudos fucking pig threads anyday.

>> No.8353810


>> No.8353820

Don't try to say that /jp/ doesn't hate its female posters when this board alienated apotho-chan with constant misogyny so hard she killed herself after realizing she didn't fit in here, the only social circle she thought she was accepted in.

>> No.8353815

The normal /jp/ female population can't be told apart from the homos, why do you need to stand out?

>> No.8353816

/jp/ i want cute 2d waifu

>> No.8353825

Why must we stuffer more and more every year with these tripfags and groups of little shits? Why cant moot just enter in a voting ban name thing where if a trip gets more than 5 hates, the trip is banned? same thing with threads.

>> No.8353837

But it doesn't. As long as they don't bring up their gender at every possible opportunity.
Too bad women seem to be unable to do that.

>> No.8353831

Maybe we hate them because they are always social sluts and like to shit up /jp/?

>> No.8353833


>> No.8353846
File: 2.40 MB, 1500x1067, Konachan.com - 120760 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly, what the hell /jp/? You produced something? You did work and are actually marketing it? What happened to the hiki way; too many bills?

>> No.8353840

The userbase is too stupid to be trusted with peer moderation and the feature would quickly be abused so hard this plae would become reddit.

>> No.8353843

Oh for the love of GOD, OP. Stop bumping your thread. I can tell it's you for two reasons: /jp/ regs always use sage (out of courtesy, mind you), and only a non-reg would make such a shitty thread and such shitty posts within it. I've taken the time to personally report each and every one of your replies for spam. This thread has peacefully ended; I will report each one of your further replies, sage or not, which, in my experiences, adds another day to your ban. Go ahead. Try your luck.

>> No.8353854
File: 6 KB, 359x56, 5684564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Her first sex scene is running up for the corkiest First Time in VN History

>> No.8353857
File: 65 KB, 311x427, 1307239669890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most the developers actually come from /a/

>> No.8353861


Most of the developers came from animesuki

Stop kidding yourself thinking this was a 4chan project.

>> No.8353863

First of all, this was an /a/ project you dumbass butthomo.

Secondly, I believe this was released for free, so no bills will be payed.

>> No.8353864

She posted anonymously and never brought up her gender publicly, only on her tumblr, and she was a schizo NEET shut-in. Hardly a social person.

>> No.8353866

>killed herself
Citation needed.
How about you post the obituaries cutting from a newspaper or something? No? Then fuck off with your made up bullshit.
Be right back, making another portal threads then I can make about countless male anons offing themselves because the feminists egg them on.

>> No.8353859

what? Im sure it wouldn't matter and would fucking work fine. /jp/ would be saved.

>> No.8353872

that explains why it is shit

>> No.8353874

That doesn't even sound like a troll, that just sounds like you're misinformed

>> No.8353875

imagine the endless darkness,the void that cannot be filled... it engulfies you.
it's cold∵∴ your consciousness is dizzying, nothingness fills your mind.

you dream of water.
drinking water is essential to humans∵∴ and other lifeforms...(?)∵∴
water drop∵drop∴drop∵drop∴drop∵drop∴drop∵∴∵∵
∵∴∵∴y∵ou wak∵∴e up?∵
The world.
The world where the sun never rises.
A planet with no oxygen.
The earth with no oceans or trees.

joy, sadness, despair, happiness
matter nothing...
i wake up.
there is nothing
I play the piano.∵∵∵am∴∵∴I∵?∵∵∵∴∵∴∵
i'm not the one playing the piano -- someone playes it.
i do not control body... is this my body?∵∴∵∵
∵∵∴∵∵i play a melody∵∵∴∵∵∵∵∴∵∵
surrounded by people(?)∴∵∵∴∵
i play the melody∵∵∴∵∵∵∵∴∵∵

people(?) seem to know this melody, but i do not
i am the one playing this melody. it seems nostalgic, but i don't know neither the name nor the notes.∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵
i(?) just play it∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵∴

my body starts to hurt∵∴∵i∵t∵∴∵∵h∵urts∵?∵∵∵∴∵∴∵∴w∵∴hy∵∵∴a∵∵∴re you∵hu∴rti∵∴ng∵me?

my eyes are blurry
my throat is dry
my head is dizzy
my vision is blurred
my conscience returns to me like lightning from heaven∵∵∴
in the instant-----
--i recognize this body
--i recognize this view
--i recognize this melody
--i recognize this people
∵∴∵∴i was tanasinn∵∴∵∴

>> No.8353878

Wait, what? Seriously?

>> No.8353879
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1310721356237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>148 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

You're pathetic, /jp/.

>> No.8353889

There's only one feminist on this entire board and she's never told anyone to kill herself, at least as far as I know. They are not the majority here.

>> No.8353886

So what if a fucking female killed herself, /jp/ had a lot of people killing themselves in the fucking past. this is 4chan, we don't fucking care if your a fucking emo and want too end yourself.

>> No.8353894

We dont have a fucking janitor anymore and our userbase is filled with /a/ and /v/. we have no pride left anyway.

>> No.8353896

Wasn't one of us to begin with. You shouldn't have even known she existed outside of /jp/.

>> No.8353892

this is why /jp/ is often thought of on par with /b/
comments like that

>> No.8353899

>Burn-face not being best Katawa Shoujo

I seriously hope you guys don't think this.

>> No.8353903

>mfw my favorite is still pure

>> No.8353906

A 3d female killing herself is no different from a male /jp/er killing himself. please leave.

>> No.8353908


Yeah, one female dies ... big whoop.

Now think of all the cute little jew girls that got gassed by the Nazis... now that's a damn tragedy. I hope some of them stole a Jew or two for themselves, seriously.

>> No.8353909

The point is, no one give a shit if you kill yourself or not.
/jp/ encourages people opening portal to gensokyo.
Nobody give a shit if 100 male anons or a single slut off themselves. You want people that care? call the suicide help line.

>> No.8353904

Two-face's story was shit other than the batman event
Shizune is the best

>> No.8353913
File: 42 KB, 275x213, 1307158191678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misha? She's a lesbian

>> No.8353915
File: 25 KB, 280x381, 1323697077073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Faggots flaunting their gender while bashing females that do the same thing

You homos are silly.

>> No.8353923

Why the fuck do we always get these fucking tripfags?
Somebody call moot to get a fucking mod to ban her and clean /jp/, please.

>> No.8353925

please go back to /b/
we, as a japanese culture board haha okay just kidding about that part take the japanese stance on suicide. It is a respectable means of completing your life. We will not bend over backwards to stop you.

We'll see them in Gensokyo anyway

>> No.8353922


What about those of us that have no gender or reproduce asexually?

>> No.8353929

thats still a very large deal
someone killing themselves isn't something to just wave by like that

>> No.8353930
File: 1.29 MB, 1800x1440, Konachan.com - 108689 fuji_choko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


free's always nice (didn't actually read the article).

But, didn't this project start when /a/ and /jp/ were the same board?

>> No.8353940

It's a good thing she committed soduko.
If you don't agree, you're in the wrong board.

>> No.8353941


Give me one good reason it's a big deal.

>> No.8353947

Hey /jp/, when did you first learn that you could suck your own dick?

>> No.8353943

>Hardly a social person.

>we know her gender, tumblr, and that she is "schizo NEET shut-in".
>all that worthless drama and that suicide bullshit

She is a fucking attention whore.

How much do you know about me anonymous? About other anons? How much drama is about anonymous being anonymous?
This is how it should be.
Everything else is whoring for attention.

>> No.8353944

I don't believe an individual of a total of 7 billion ending its live is anything of worht.

>> No.8353958

One life is literally worthless.

>> No.8353969


Especially considering all the starving people in Africa, China, India, North Korea, etc. that die every day in huge numbers.

Some emo fuck that can't see how good he or she has it offs themselves.... oh, I think I'm about to cry.

>> No.8353963
File: 58 KB, 812x887, 657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ this is getting depressing. I need some tea.

>> No.8353964

She never posted her tumblr here. It was her private blog and she only had 11 folowers, which she would regularly message to stop following her from what I've heard. People only knew she ever even existed after she died.

>> No.8353976


Make it bleach tea.

>> No.8353977

>she died
Citation needed.
I am still waiting for the obituary clip from a newspaper.

>> No.8353978



It's clearly the same level of autism he displays on 4ch0n when he talks about niggers.

>> No.8353979

Why are there so many normals here now?
what the fuck happened to /jp/ being free form these people in 2009? Why did it turn out like this? Does anybody even report anymore?

>> No.8353973

when I was 13

>> No.8353974
File: 135 KB, 730x482, hug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kenji is a loser

>> No.8353984

Oh you're trying to bring up your troll attempt from IRC again are we? This "female" never existed, and no one would care even if "she" did. Go back to /x/ or wherever you came from.

Fucking this. Every person on this board could die tonight and the world would continue on completely unaware.

>> No.8353992

>from what I've heard
So all you're going off is hearsay and an image?

>> No.8353987



>> No.8353988

People in /a/ got banned or mad because one thread got spammed and came here.

>> No.8353989


You're displaying a fairly substantial amount of idiocy yourself, what with the multiple post links and all.

>> No.8353990

>Africa, China, India, North Korea
>Some emo fuck that can't see how good he or she has it
You stupid fuck, human psyche doesn't work that way. Starving African children is not a valid argument in suicide discussion.

>> No.8353996


Fuck you too.

>> No.8353998

|∴. (・)∴∵(・)..∵|
|:∴ / ○ \.∵:|
|∴ / 三 | 三.ヘ ∵|
|∴ | _____|_____ | ∵|
ヽ: |   ===  .| :/


   ___                 ___
 /∴∵∵∴\             /∴∵∵∴\
/∴∵∴∴∵∴.ヘ           /∴∵∴∴∵∴.ヘ
|∴(●).:::.(●)∵|          |∴(●).:::.(●)∵|
|:∴ / ○ \.∵:|          |:∴ / ○ \.∵:|
|∴ / 三 | 三.ヘ ∵|          |∴ / 三 | 三.ヘ ∵|
|∴ | _____|_____ | ∵|          |∴ | _____|_____ | ∵|
ヽ: |   ===  .| :/            ヽ: |   ===  .| :/
 \\___//              \\___//

>> No.8353999

She was one of us. Don't you feel any sense of community to this board and your fellow posters? If not, why do you participate in this community? Portal threads are always depressing regardless of the gender of the person making them. You are my friends and I don't want any of you to die. Especially if the reason you want to die is because you feel like you aren't accepted here.

>> No.8354000

Well why the fuck do you even care about some nobody?
You want some pussy, anonymous? You aren't getting any.

>> No.8354002


I'm not even remotely "Normal". Just because I have more social skills than the average /jp/ poster

I'm just seriously depressed now. I don't know how this became about suicide, but there is a line where the lolitrollu shit should stop and people should show some basic respect.

I know this 4chan, but whatever. The world largely sucks because of shit like this. Someone pointed out before that it was odd that a lot of people display a lot of "Pride" in being a Hikki or NEET when if they really like that they probably wouldn't be proud at all.

Being a sociopath really isn't something to be proud of either, yet it seems to be what a lot of 4chan aspires to be.

What a lot of people don't get is that it's generally not the "don't give a shit" crowd that make the really entertaining posts and original content. It often is the more emotional people, the outcasts, etc. you might not like my posts but in time you might appreciate some level of diversity here, and I'm sure there are others that are better examples than I am.

>> No.8354007

Isn't it nice? And people still think this board is salvageable. When they start falling for this, or that other troll, it's time to move on.

>> No.8354010

>in time you might appreciate some level of diversity here
No. Fuck you and your horse.

>> No.8354012


Do I care? Honestly.... If someone is in 'oh woe is me' mode and jumps off the fucking Aurora bridge into the Adobe parking lot.... Big deal. More resources for everyone else.

>> No.8354013


Fuck off to /whine9gay/

You're the worst shitposters on /jp/

>> No.8354018
File: 65 KB, 409x497, autism55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gtfo bicth


>> No.8354019

∴∵∴∵∴ tanasinn operates the whole world
               ∴∵∴∵∴∵ tanasinn is the soul of the universe
            ∴∵∴∵∴∵∵∴∵∴∵ tanasinn is the bottom of your heart
       .∵∴∵:(・)∴∵∴∵∴∵ tanasinn transcends surrealism and realism
          ∴∵rミ ,○、:(・)∴∵∴∵ tanasinn is inherent in every self
         ∴∵/  / ミ 〉∴∵∵ tanasinn is inherent in every structure
      ∴∵∴∵|  ̄\ /∴∵∴∵ tanasinn is inherent in every system
      ∴∴∵∴.、`  /∴∵∴∵∴∵ tanasinn is decadent and may cause self-collapse
    ri  ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ tanasinn vacumeir alles
  __,! ヽ,∴∵∴∴tanasinn∵∴ tanasinn plays with all elements
三三  _{{∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ The Messenger of fear
   ̄ ~~∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴==ュ The Child of darkness and confusion
       ∴∵∴∵∴∵/, |.! The King of infinite decomposition
        ∴∵∴∵  ^|.|.| The Khaos
      ∴∵    .l.|.| 「Don't think. Feel and you'll be tanasinn」

>> No.8354014

Fuck off.

Why don't you go back to animesuki you fucking faggot.

>> No.8354015


Meant no insult... Just pointing out the obvious so you can avoid making the same mistake twice. Think of it as a public service.

>> No.8354016

why this shit still here

>> No.8354023

>It often is the more emotional people, the outcasts, etc.
/r9k/ sure is a great board right? I actually browsed it for the first few weeks after it was brought back, and it was a streaming pile of shit. Seriously fuck you, you are the worst.

>> No.8354025


Once you're dead, it's all over. A starving african child at least has some hope for life, as sucky as it is. You can't really compare those metrics like that. Some people who should be well off really do suffer.

I'd lecture people on Intersectionality too but I think it would be a waste right now.

>> No.8354024


No dude, her horse clearly fucks her....daily.

>> No.8354027

>You are my friends and I don't want any of you to die.
Oooh, anonymous. You are so cute. I love you and all.

But you are fucking nobody and I wouldn't even remember if you died. Just like you wouldn't remember if I died. We don't know shit about each other. We aren't friends. We aren't anything at all.

>> No.8354029
File: 11 KB, 272x212, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy

>> No.8354030


r9k is shit because it's r9k. Those are people that have largely decided not to be productive with their lives or go to r9k exclusively to talk about whatever shit they have going on. It's not a fair comparison.

>> No.8354032


>Just because I have more social skills than the average /jp/ poster

You'd be surprised my dear. Some of us can play, we just chose not to. Some of us are also absurdly successful, but that's a whole different topic.

>> No.8354033

>Being a sociopath really isn't something to be proud of either
practice what you preach, ビッチ 女

>> No.8354034

No, /r9k/ is specifically about people who like to be emotional, be depressed and want to whine about their feels on a shitty board. Very fair.

>> No.8354035

The problem with /jp/ specifically is that a vocal minority of posters here are legitimately Autistic and are genuinely incapable of conversing in a way that is not inherently offensive, even if they don't mean to be. They are as socially inappropriate online as they are in real life. It's sad but they really can't help it, it is best just to accept them even if they constantly project an aura of hate.

>> No.8354038

>even if they don't mean to be.

You are so fucking stupid.
Stop posting.

>> No.8354037

>Women are shit because they're women.
I love your strong female logic, allow me to use it.

>> No.8354039
File: 162 KB, 263x247, 1324037744024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're my friend, dude. Look, I'm giving you an e-blowjob. Just sit back and let the warm cavern of my mouth spread happiness through your loins.

>> No.8354040

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You're not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home.

>> No.8354041

This bitch is Taiga. I know it.

What the fuck are you trying to prove, you retarded whore? How long you can keep a thread going before it gets deleted?

Look at the board. The mods have abandoned us and your a shit.

>> No.8354045

If you knew anything about autists you'd know what he says is actually true.

>> No.8354048

'm an Aplha male /jp/.

And girls want to fuck alpha males. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That girl you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet an

>> No.8354050


Well said you stupid fuck... Oh wait, I didn't really mean that, fuck you. Good job.

>> No.8354051

I don't give a shit about your opinion on suicide and it's effects.
Just don't fucking use africans/coreans in a suicide discussion. It's a really really bad argument.
Happiness is fucking relative. What people call "First world's problems" are just as valid as African problems.
Hierarchy of needs. Just because you have food on the table and ipod doesn't mean you "have it good". It's pretty fucking hard to actually be happy. It's pretty fucking easy to derp and off yourself.

Fucking human mind, why are you so shitty.

>> No.8354052

If you knew anything about /jp/, you'd realize that you're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.

>> No.8354058

I guess I haven't been on /jp/ very long, but why do you have people trying to start shit over gender inequalities on here? And that's clearly what OP is trying to do.
But. . .what? Why?

>> No.8354059

>Those are people that have largely decided not to be productive with their lives

>> No.8354062


Gays don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.8354053


But that's *all the board is about*. /jp/ has the context for original content(like Katawa Shoujo, though that's an /a/ production mostly) to be formed. /r9k/ really doesn't.

Also don't forget that some of the people involved in KS were bleeding hearts to some degree which is why it displays such sensitivity towards the subject matter, at least to start off with.


I know. That's why I'm more forgiving of /jp/ than some of the other boards for being the way it is. I was hoping to be a positive influence as I suffer from social anxiety myself and probably register somewhere on the spectrum.

But it's still depressing and they need to be told off. Besides lack of empathy is a self fulfilling stereotype - most autistic people are bad at reciprocating more than empathising, acting appropriately in response. You don't have to be a sociopath because you're autistic.

>> No.8354054

Why can't Princess of the Crystal be awesome and fun like gensokyo_gal_97?

But no, Princess is on a never ending quest to talk about feminism. And then wonder why we hate her.

>> No.8354057


>> No.8354069

It's a pretty obvious troll.
Just report or ignore, please.

>> No.8354068

>Why can't Princess of the Crystal be awesome and fun like gensokyo_gal_97?
>awesome and fun like gensokyo_gal_97
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.8354075

▲  ▲

>> No.8354072

I only meant the part about autists not helping it, though. I thought that poster made a point about the facts he brought up about autists were false, while they were right. (the one about them not meaning harm)

Although you can't rule out the possibility of an autist on /jp/, right? Although everyone should be aware that it's only a joke

>> No.8354073

>Those are people that have largely decided not to be productive with their lives
Welcome to /jp/
I am a useless piece of shit and so are most of us. You will fit right in.

>> No.8354074


Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /jp/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

>> No.8354081
File: 43 KB, 192x272, 1323634180186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day you fine young gentleman will experience the burning, passionate embrace of a strange man in a public bathroom, and then, you too shall know love. All the hatred shall be released from your handsome forms and you shall be born anew. Until that day, I shall quietly watch over you all.

>> No.8354077


Because it's pretty sexist in of itself to act like the female that never talks about female issues in a place where they are obviously a problem is somehow the more acceptable one. This happens with minorities too.

Just because I post about feminist things doesn't mean I can't post entertaining things too. And there could be interesting discussions out of my threads if people cared to make them instead of just going Shit Post and spamming it into one. I've posted some minor OC on /jp/ before that some people liked back when I was anon, which is better than the average person at least.

>> No.8354079

Some of the assholes you meet are only assholes because they are bad at socializing, but most of them are deliberately choosing to be assholes.

>> No.8354089

>Although you can't rule out the possibility of an autist on /jp/, right?
I have autistic tendencies, if it helps you sleep at night. Nothing full scaled though.

>> No.8354082

Whatever you say, backpedaling faggot.

>> No.8354095

I wanted to hate you, PotC, but you're kind of growing on me.
I also want to agree with you, but then, "HURR DURR FORGOT YOU'RE TRIP POTC," from the newbie shitposters.

Go back to /a/ guys. We're better than this.

>> No.8354096


I think the problem with regards the autism thing is that for someone with poor social skills it's easier to be an asshole. Most 4chan boards provide an environment where it's very easy to do that, especially since you can post completely anonymously.

It's not that people are making inappropriate remarks without thinking, obviously. It's that they don't realise, perhaps quite "Literally", how retarded they're being since it's all they know.

>> No.8354103

I don't even know where to start. Just go away, please, I can't take it easy with you around.

>> No.8354097

>Because it's pretty sexist in of itself to act like the female that never talks about female issues in a place where they are obviously a problem is somehow the more acceptable one.

>> No.8354099

It's not sexiest, it's following the rules. This board is about otaku culture, not feminism.

All that aside, you don't need to bring feminism up here. Take that shit to /pol/.

You could say your desire to talk about feminism here is selfish and only damages the position you so valiantly present.

>> No.8354100
File: 47 KB, 400x533, 1323434149658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we both know that's untrue. Deny yourself no longer. Surrender yourself to my friendly embrace.

>> No.8354109

Telling them off will only cause them to lash out. I wasn't even trying to be rude and was just explaining the situation, and look at all the shit it stirred up. They are hopeless cases. Just be friendly to them even if it isn't reciprocated. That's the best way you can try to be a positive influence.

>> No.8354106

I'm waiting for PotC and athens to get married and live happily ever after.

If somebody says fuck off to your face, it's not because their parents didn't raise them properly and they are incapable of civility. It's because they want you to fuck off.

>> No.8354107

>for someone with poor social skills it's easier to be an asshole
Nice guy (oh look, a sexist term) losers. Asshole jocks.

>> No.8354113


stop bumping your shit thread piece of shit fucking nerd autist

>> No.8354114

>I wasn't even trying to be rude and was just explaining the situation
And people flamed you because they thought your explanation was retarded.

>> No.8354121
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>> No.8354117

Then go back to doing that. Stop trying to punch through a brick wall.

Either you're a fucking retard for keeping this up, or a troll.

Normally I would think you're just a troll, but you are a woman, so who fucking knows.

>> No.8354122
File: 137 KB, 980x472, payslip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made $10k/month and are probably more successful and more outgoing socially than you lot. Do you see me making thread about how /jp/ are all losers and shit? No dumbshit. I come to /jp/ to talk about 2hus and pissing and shitting on the floor in my fucking basement. Nobody give a shit about your real life outside of /jp/ or how some slut kill themselves because she couldnt get any cock.

>> No.8354134

get the fuck out.

>> No.8354130


This thread is clearly talking about a character from a visual novel that /jp/ seems to be very interested in. It's not even remotely a stretch.

There's nothing wrong with tangential discussion and I've brought up examples of how it relates to "Otaku Culture" before. Gender roles is a recurring theme.

Actually talking about deeper themes is productive and would steer us away from the constant shitposting, not further into it. If you do nothing but spam and troll in response of course it's going to look like shitposting.

Regardless, if there is a problem in a particular grouping, it makes sense to talk about it. Posting in /pol/ would do very little about the problems of being a girl amongst Otaku. It's a valid discussion to have, and there's nothing selfish about it since it doesn't negatively affect you - meaning trying to stamp down on it *is* selfish.

What I was trying to say is that when you compare a woman who talks about her rights with one that doesn't, a guy will generally choose to hang out with the one that doesn't.

This can be extended to all sorts of things - if you're a gay guy and you come into some community where people are making stupid jokes or statements, you may find when you take offense they then start pointing to the gay guy who came in before you who's really quiet about everything.

He isn't somehow a "better Gay". He's just making it easier for himself, which may result in making it harder for others. This is the Jim Sterling way of thinking. The truth is that many groups of people face issues that aren't resolved by simply not talking about them. If you're an average straight white male, you haven't experienced these first hand.

I just resent being "uncool" because I choose to talk about something important to me that I consider relevant.

>> No.8354132
File: 102 KB, 600x600, hi rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I'm a site model. I'm probably more successful than you will ever be, okay? So yeah, you actually made me laugh out loud for the second time in three years. Oh yeah — that's another thing — you learned how to count, didn't you? Ha. Stupid bitch. People like you make me sick.

>> No.8354140

Trolling is against the rules. Breaking the rules is never board relevant.

>> No.8354145

> yeah — that's
> thing — you
I don't care what your country's style guides say, don't set em dashes flushed. Fuck that noise.

>> No.8354146

Please stop using "quotes". It is very annoying, and makes it look like you're trying to be some shitty "sociology" *professor*

Also who are you quoting?

>> No.8354147

>I made $10k/month and are probably more successful and more outgoing socially than you lot.
Get the fuck out of here, Mugen.
You don't deserve to shit on the floor when you are normalfag scum.

>> No.8354150

>Regardless, if there is a problem in a particular grouping, it makes sense to talk about it. Posting in /pol/ would do very little about the problems of being a girl amongst Otaku. It's a valid discussion to have, and there's nothing selfish about it since it doesn't negatively affect you - meaning trying to stamp down on it *is* selfish.

No one asked. Fuck off already.

>> No.8354154

Mugen earned his special exception.

>> No.8354156


You'd be surprised how poor some asshole jocks can be socially. Be clueless to those around you and being constantly offensive hardly makes for good social skills. They just happen to fit into an archetype that is, unlike a NEET, socially acceptable.

Regardless my point is that autistic people tend to rely even more heavily on mimicry and while a lot of them are aware they're being abrasive or nasty, they're not always aware that it's a bad thing and why.

It's like a kid who constantly uses dirty words. He knows it's offensive. What he doesn't know is how tired and unfunny it gets after the 100th time, because he's a kid.

>> No.8354164

You are just in on his fraud/smuggling operation, aren't you?

>> No.8354165
File: 60 KB, 622x271, DEAN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dick-sized dresses that your dick could wear
I want my waifu dress my dick, if you got what I mean.

>> No.8354166

>This thread is clearly talking about a character from a visual novel that /jp/ seems to be very interested in. It's not even remotely a stretch.

KS is an /a/ thing
go check the archives for just how damn many instances of "KS DEVS GET OUT" there are. we hate KS

secondly you are just using Kenji as an excuse to post your stupid ass feminism shit that DOESN'T EVEN BELONG IN /JP/

the motherfuck

or drop your trip

these are your choices. it's the best I can do.

>> No.8354167

>girls shouldn't shove the fact they're girls in our faces!
>/jp/ talks about fapping, dicks, and various other clues at being male all the time
>a female can't be self-referential in that way without being vague or outright lying, lest be accused of attention-whoring for something the males here do all the time.

seriously people, think through what you're implying.

>> No.8354180

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sure he's bought me a gift or two, but that's just becuase he's such a nice man.

>> No.8354175
File: 244 KB, 993x559, autism16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>visual novel that /jp/ seems to be very interested in

You thought wrong.


>> No.8354178

Explain the implications.

>> No.8354183


suck my cock dude

>> No.8354205

Just remember, when the law goes down on you, you will both sink together.

>> No.8354191

Since clearly this past year we've gotten so many females who are bothered by this, why don't they make their own place to hang out to get away from us nasty boys?

>> No.8354195

Hey Princess, do you have a facebook? I would like to be your friend. You don't need to respond to this post in this thread, use the disposable email.

>> No.8354196

Princess of the Crystal, are you the same person who got a Zoom G3 for Christmas?

>> No.8354197

>You'd be surprised how poor some asshole jocks can be socially.
I would?

>They just happen to fit into an archetype that is, unlike a NEET, socially acceptable.
That's what people with social skills do, act in ways that are socially acceptable. How often do popular kids complain about asshole nerds excluding them? I'd "be surprised", right?

>Regardless my point is that autistic people tend to rely even more heavily on mimicry
How many memes do boards like /b/, /fit/ or /sp/ which are filled with a more normal population make in comparison to /jp/?

I know you already tried, but remind me what your point was again.

>> No.8354199
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls shouldn't shove the fact they're girls in our faces!
>/jp/ talks about fapping, dicks, and various other clues at being male all the time
>a female can't be self-referential in that way without being vague or outright lying, lest be accused of attention-whoring for something the males here do all the time.

Yes, and the same people will claim women have all the rights.

In the context of places like this at least, it really fucking sucks to be a girl. What a lot of people fail to realise is that while you may hate my posts, there are probably at least a few girls out there who feel a little less alone now.

Or at least would if it wasn't for those suicide comments. Jesus christ.

>> No.8354202

This thread is fucking horrible.
thats it im done with /jp/, this was the last place away from the shit that the internet and reality turned into. I thought /jp/ would get better, but then we had to deal with the steam group and now its even worse, we have fucking fems and landwhales shitting up our last place in this world. fuck you and fuck your bitch rights, just be happy you fucking have those. I wish we still at least had a fucking janitor that cared.

>> No.8354216

reported for off-topic

>> No.8354211


Yo Patrick, are you online? I'm bored of this now so I wouldn't mind talking about music and stuff.

>> No.8354212

You can go to fucking /y/ and /cgl/ and talk with bitches all you fucking want. leave us alone.

>> No.8354213

Dont associate me with that onion smuggler scum.
I earned that money legally with hard work.
Too bad I quit the job last month.

>> No.8354218

Females have existed perfectly peaceably in /jp/ for ages. It's only when threads like this are made that /pol/-types and company turn everything into a shitfest. Good job making everyone feel at home.

>> No.8354223

I don't regret the choices I have made.

>> No.8354221

It's out board. Majority of population is male. We are okay with being male around males. We don't like girls showing their vaginas into out faces. If females don't like that, they should just get the fuck out.

>> No.8354230

If you want to kill yourself, don't feel bad. Your family may not understand, but overpopulation is serious business.

>> No.8354225

Someone claimed that girls can post just like the boys, as long as they don't shove it in anyone's face. The truth is though, even accidentally letting it slip that you're female, even for the sake of a story, will get you hounded. There is no fairness as claimed, it's simply that boys are allowed to be the default gender here and girls should never be seen as such.

Why is that? Because a few attention whores pop up sometimes? Canwhores, bloggers and attention seekers, male OR female, should be banned. (looking at you, traps)
The only reason girls get so much attention here is because you GIVE it to them, whether they want it or not. If you give a camwhore attention, you're perpetuating the problem, just like feeding a troll. If you give a girl attention when she doesn't want it, and just wants to participate like everyone else, you blaming the victim of discrimination just for existing.

>> No.8354231

I was actually considering doing that but I don't know where or how I'd advertise it without drawing a lot of attention from trolls. All the female only forums I've seen are too full of normalfags and I wouldn't want people like /cgl/ers there.

>> No.8354233

the only instances I usually see where dicks are discussed is when there is sucking going on. and it's never about getting sucked off, it's always about doing the sucking.
and it's not just saten-anon either.
I don't see how you wouldn't fit in with that.

>> No.8354236

I don't agree that we should talk about feminism on here, but I like to talk about otaku culture too, yaknow!

>> No.8354237

Yes. Blaming the whole board because white knights and online pussy chasers exist in abundant.
Good job.

>> No.8354238

delete you fucking thread and stop using a trip, please. If you dont care about /jp/ and only come here to shitpost, you are no better than the steam group. prove us that females dont have to be social sluts and do that.

>> No.8354245

This thread isn't about Kenji, it's about Kenji's feminism position. It's not about the character, it's about the character's stance. You may ask what we feel about Kenji, but your implications are focusing on Kenji's stance, not the character itself. And you can pretend that implications don't matter, but they really fucking do.

You're being selfish because your constant posting about this shit only makes us think worse of women. You're only lowering women further in the eyes of Otaku.

The things we want from women are to be quiet and talk about relevant things. They may be ugly, people are ugly. They may be stupid, people are stupid. But if you're quiet and talk about things relevant to otaku shit, the male otaku tend not to be bothered by you. Enough of that, and the female position in Otaku culture will improve.

>> No.8354247

Not blaming the whole board. I'm just saying that it's -everyone who perpetuates the problem's- fault, and that girls should be allowed to post as girls without being shouted at for "shoving their vaginas in your face" when if fact we were just posting like anyone else, except maybe using a different pronoun.

>> No.8354248

>Yes, and the same people will claim women have all the rights.
Even if we are going to roll with feminazi bullshit, /jp/ not wanting to deal with your vagina has nothing to do with your rights.
Imagine you have a house. It's a nice house, although it smells of piss a bit. Now imagine somebody blasts the door open, fires up his boom box with shitty dubstep and then shits on your table.
This is how you are behaving.
We don't want your shit on our table.
If we wanted some shit in our house, we'd just shit on the floor.

>> No.8354251

A female feeling hopelessly alone because she wants to frequent an image board that is full of misogynists...no one is actually that retarded, right? Seriously, kill yourself. We don't need you in the gene pool.

>> No.8354254

Females aren't actually "hounded" for being female unless they actually respond to the hecklers, and even then, only if they respond on the "wrong way."

>> No.8354255
File: 53 KB, 467x600, 839747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Females have existed in society forever, does not mean not having the right to vote wasn't a problem?

The fact that some people will reply "No" proves there's a problem. If there's a problem, you talk about it. This board is about Otaku Culture. anything Otaku related is okay. That includes how women are perceived in Otaku culture. It's a better line of discussion than "What 2hu is your waifu" threads.

It sucks for girls. It shouldn't suck for girls. I know nearly as many female Otaku as I do male, probably more in terms of Touhou and VN fans. The truth is some of you are just being horrible here and chasing a large portion of the potential audience away from your "No Girls Allowed(unless they shut the fuck up)" clubhouse.

I'm sorry you hate intelligent discussion, /jp/. I'm off to do something intellectual for a bit. Laters.

>> No.8354260

I'm a senior moderator on another imageboard.

I guess I should thank people like you OP, since lately a couple of our dead boards have seen a second wind. If I had to guess how many of our new unique users have been driven off from here, I'd put the number at about 50. A good start.

Christmas break really drove a bunch over, but I don't think a lot of them will be long time users. Also not /bun/ here.

>> No.8354261


I spent almost 12 hours on Rin good end because there were lots of moments where I really just had to slow down and take it all in. It's really, massively emotionally draining, if Rin is your thing.

Basically everyone who lieks Rin in theory because of Bromont threads is going to be majorly disappointed, but everyone who lieks Rin because of the Act 1 demo is going to fall in love all over again.

>> No.8354262

>I'm sorry you hate intelligent discussion, /jp/. I'm off to do something intellectual for a bit. Laters.
It's like your goal is really to make /jp/ hate women even more than they already do.

>> No.8354268

You're right, it was about Japan when it was Japan/General and now we discuss social issues amongst the Otaku subculture.

>> No.8354269

there are no feminine personal pronouns
any case where you would use a feminine pronoun that somehow referred to yourself would be RPing or a greentext story
both are hated here in /jp/

>> No.8354272

They shouldn't be heckled in the first place if they're being polite and on-topic.

>> No.8354274

4chan isn't a secret clubhouse anymore, and it's also a website where you don't even have to register to post.

This isn't "your" board, faggots. It's a board for anyone to talk about the titled subject, just like every other goddamn board.
Fuck, board-community mentality pisses me off.

>> No.8354284

You wouldn't notice because -you don't have to do this.- The times where I have to subtly alter my text in a discussion to avoid looking female is quite often.

>> No.8354291

Does this thread look board related to you?

>> No.8354295

Go back to wherever you came from, and kill yourself when you get there.

>> No.8354300

I wish i could punch you in the face 300 times and then slam you across the universe so you will never come on /jp/ again. you are a fucking female, of course people are gonna not trust a female posting on 4chan or the internet other than fucking facebook. just shut the fuck up and leave us alone and lurk or post without a trip like the rest of us.

>> No.8354303

>The fact that some people will reply "No" proves there's a problem. If there's a problem, you talk about it.
no one who makes that reply is serious
if anyone says that in a reply post it will either be you samefagging, or it will be one of your white knights


abandon your trip

>> No.8354305

I don't really understand what you're complaining about.

I never said anything about owning this board. Or having any affiliation from 4chan at all, other than posting here.

I'm also told by a friend from TohnoChan that an increase of board traffic popped up over the last few weeks. They're more of an /a/ thing though, so it may have been over the spammer and down time, and not the shitfest going on here.

>> No.8354308

I alter my text sometimes to avoid looking like a well rounded person. Help me start a campaign for normalcy on /jp/, it really sucks for normal people here.

>> No.8354310

>Enough of that, and the female position in Otaku culture will improve.

I think that's clearly a lie and is very much the opposite of what happened with women's or any other group's rights in history. It's already happened and it obviously hasn't any effect at all I know loads of girls who browse /jp/, but who identifies themselves as one and why would you. Princess of the crystal aside, women have been refered to here as sluts, whores

Why should females have to be the ones to suck up here? You're the one in the wrong; males can plaster their sexuality however they please. If women continue to be quiet, it'll be like that forever.

If women standing up for women makes you hate women more then I don't think the problem is with the women. And it's not something that's going to be solved by doing as you say.

>> No.8354324


with every group throughout history, they always say the same thing. keep your head down and you'll be accepted.

What they're really trying to get you to do is shut up so they don't have to feel pressured into changing how they act. Tough guys cave under pressure.

>> No.8354332

>I know loads of girls who browse /jp/,
Stop interacting with whores.

>> No.8354333

>I will proudly defend my right to browse 4chan without being offended, and disregard your desire to do the same.
Strong female logic.

>> No.8354337

We want women to be like that for fucking forever.
males LIKE pure and quiet women.
We dont like bitches and sluts that mostly took over BECAUSE they got rights. I wish women NEVER got rights because things would be nicer for men still. I could give a fuck about how you or any fem feels. if you dont like it, get ou of /jp/ bitch.

>> No.8354339

>Why should females have to be the ones to suck up here?
Why not? You are the minority. Get the fuck out or suck my dick, dude.

>> No.8354343

You dont see me complaining how I alter myself from being called a normalfag.
Suck it and deal with it.
Not happy then move to other boards. If you want to change to your ideal then why the fuck are you even on /jp/ in the first place? /jp/ is /jp/ because it is the way it is.

>> No.8354350

>Regardless, if there is a problem in a particular grouping, it makes sense to talk about it.
Yeah because metathreads about why /jp/ is so astoundingly shitty are well-received by everybody.

>women have been refered to here as sluts, whores
I have it from a reliable source that men have also been referred to in /jp/ in negative terms.

>males can plaster their sexuality however they please.
Men can't even admit to wanting to have sex with a real woman here without being lit up.

>If women standing up for women makes you hate women more then I don't think the problem is with the women.
People hate metadiscussion about women. The end.

>> No.8354351


The people who say this are always the ones who never have anything to be "offended" by themselves. sheltered fucks. otherwise they'd know it's not about offense, but about how depressing it is putting up with the same bullshit day in day out.

The offended bullshit only works if everyone is offended equally.

If it's shit for females, it's shit for females. There's no reason it should be better for you than a female Otaku. It's not shit for you, obviously, since you don't get called a whore just because of your sex, so don't pretend to be on an equal footing.

>> No.8354356

>You wouldn't notice because -you don't have to do this.-
you're assuming I am male.
remember now, assumptions are bad!
once again, the english language only has neutral personal pronouns-- I, my, me, mine.
there are no feminine or masculine reflexives

and even then I doubt people would really jump on your shit since /jp/ses are all little girls.

>> No.8354357

I cant even understand why we have to put up with even women on /jp/ now. This is getting fucking out of control. everybody stop posting and let this thread die. Never reply to this trip again. this shit is getting way out of hand. We really need a powerful meido to step in, we need to send moot some emails again.

>> No.8354362

The other day I was blogging about I have an active social life and /jp/ bullied me.*

I'm gonna make a thread about how this kind of exclusionary behavior is unacceptable.

If I make enough of them sure /jp/ will cave to my interests.

* This isn't even a total lie.

>> No.8354364

>since you don't get called a whore just because of your sex, so don't pretend to be on an equal footing.

'men are such pigs!'

Now fuck off,please.

>> No.8354370

>women have been refered to here as sluts, whores
I have it from a reliable source that men have also been referred to in /jp/ in negative terms.

So if someone posts something insulting about straight people once or twice, it's okay to constantly shitpost about gays?

I don't see anyone calling men anything offensive in this thread at all. People say feminists are so bad yet everyone else is much worse?

>Men can't even admit to wanting to have sex with a real woman here without being lit up.

And called a whore, having their threads derailed, spammed, etc.? Do you think a woman admitting to wanting to have sex with a real women would go down well?

Pointing out how some things are bad for men doesn't change that it's worse for women.

>People hate metadiscussion about women. The end.

You hate it, as do all the other assholes. It doesn't mean people shouldn't talk about it. Some people just flat out hate Otaku, does that mean we shouldn't have this board? In Japan Otaku are hated too. It doesn't make everyone else "right".

>> No.8354372
File: 161 KB, 558x529, 1320975283022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ses are all little girls.
Posts like that always make me smile and sorta warm and fuzzy.

I've got to say, that was a good shitstorm. I enjoyed throwing shit at you, people. Thank you for a good time and good night.

>> No.8354376

Keep practicing your English, buddy. You might learn to recognize obvious sarcasm.

>> No.8354385

>'men are such pigs!'

Just to point out; nobody said anything that in this thread. Unless they were referring to Sudo.

The only sexism in this thread has been against women, despite feminists supposedly being so awful. This is why nobody will go out with you. Even if you could date your 2D girls, they would reject you. How does that feel?

>> No.8354387

>So if someone posts something insulting about straight people once or twice
Try ten thousand times.

>And called a whore, having their threads derailed, spammed, etc.?
Pretty much, yeah.

>It doesn't mean people shouldn't talk about it.
Just because everybody hates something doesn't mean you can't post about it. It just means everybody will dislike you.

>Some people just flat out hate Otaku, does that
mean we shouldn't have this board?
This is a board for otaku. Otaku-haters are perfectly welcome to hate otaku in their own otaku-hating boards which sensible otaku will stay out of.

>> No.8354395

the only sexism in this thread was the OP samefagging, and his whiteknights trying to make /jp/ look bad.

>> No.8354396

>People hate metadiscussion about women. The end.

>You hate it, as do all the other assholes. It doesn't mean people shouldn't talk about it. Some people just flat out hate Otaku, does that mean we shouldn't have this board? In Japan Otaku are hated too. It doesn't make everyone else "right".

Why shouldn't we hate off-topic shit? Good god.

>> No.8354398


Do you seriously believe women have an equally easy time on this board?

Have you ever considering actually caring what a woman has to say about that?

That's really where the sexism is. Telling women how they should feel about being here. If you had a good, respectful argument it might be another story. But you don't. It's the same "But men have it bad too!" shit, ignoring the difference in scale completely.

>> No.8354403

I feel no sympathy for you.

Your arguments based on emotional grounds will not work.

If you want to be feminists and not get shit on, go make your own club house.

>> No.8354404


In fairness, regardless of the OP's intent, and the OP has made a few "normal" threads, you could actually have just talked about a VN character's hilarious antics. Don't bitch about a thread being off topic if the majority of off topic content was instigated by your side of the shitfest.

>> No.8354405

>The only sexism in this thread has been against women
That's because you are on our territory.
If we went to any of the feminazi sites we'd be knee deep in shit.
But here you are going to choke on our shit or go away.

>> No.8354411

>It's the same "But men have it bad too!" shit, ignoring the difference in scale completely.

At this point I'm just going to stop posting here. You're encouraging offtopic shit and you obviously lack knowledge on the subject.

>> No.8354413

>Do you seriously believe women have an equally easy time on this board?

>Have you ever considering actually caring what a woman has to say about that?
I'm sure that there are many women out there who wish /jp/ weren't so misogynistic.

>It's the same "But men have it bad too!" shit, ignoring the difference in scale completely.
You get more shit than some other people here. Cry me a river.

>> No.8354421

Why should a woman feel any displeasure while perusing this fine board? After all, this is a place for discussion for little girls about fine things such as drinking tea, dodging danmaku and sucking cocks. Does aging a few years really make it suddenly so unenjoyable? I think you are the one who is frustrated, because there are plenty of little girls here that are having a ball. Labeling your frustrations as a "feminist issue" to make your autistic self feel less alienated is unproductive and ultimately self-destructive, because it encourages dependence on others. Fix yourself.

>> No.8354423


Have you *been* to any feminist sites?


Let's take a look at one that was posted earlier. This one says specifically that non-feminist posters are welcomed too. Wow, they're pretty lenient about their "territory".

Does any of the comments here look *remotely* as nasty? Even when people disagree? No? Do *any* mainstream feminist blogs? Then shut the fuck up with your false equivalence.

>> No.8354424

>This is why nobody will go out with you. Even if you could date your 2D girls, they would reject you.
I thought nobody will go out with me because I haven't showered in 3 weeks and currently covered in semen. Also fat and no social skills.

>> No.8354436

>mainstream blog
Why are you so retarded and why do you choose to make it so obvious? Put on your trip again or just stop posting.

>> No.8354437

You look to the wrong sources for examples.
We are not a government, we aren't some structured group. We are all individuals with no need to appease a specific group to appear better or because it's "right".

Maintaining this zeal about your vagina will only make things worse.

The sooner you realize people are people, and Otaku are Otaku, the sooner you can better your position. As individuals, you need to convince us individually, through example and behavior, not protest and complaining.

And even with all that, women aren't hounded as much as you think. It's only when women reply to the hounding do real conflicts begin. But this goes for everything people with jobs, people with girlfriends, ect, if you reply to something and show such passion for defense of it, it only calls harsh jokes and prodding because some, maybe most, find such things entertaining.

>> No.8354444

>You get more shit than some other people here. Cry me a river.

"Cry me a river" really isn't an argument. It's kind of the opposite of the kind of thing you say if you want to be right, which from your constant reply, I imagine you desperately want to be.

If you don't give a shit about people other than you, it only proves the point. And you have no right to bitch about others being unfair to you as a result.

>> No.8354454

Do you not see the difference? It's like asking why /b/ is more retarded than your average forum or shit.

Do you even know what these are for..?

>> No.8354467


But you're a guy, and you're still telling women what to do and feel. Why would you be an expert on this anyway? It's a pretty blatant stereotype, the privileged person telling the outsider what to do to be accepted. That just results in a bad fucking relationship.

There's still no real pretext for what you say being the right thing to do. If every woman on /jp/ spoke up at once ,it would be far more effective. It would cause a shitfest in the short term, but at least it would be more entertaining than what you have now.

>> No.8354472

>This one says specifically that non-feminist posters are welcomed too.
What about misogynistic posters? Because I hate your kind and something tells me it won't be welcomed there.

>> No.8354479


Then compare borderhouse or any similar feminist site to the equivalant "anti-misandry" or masculinist site.

You really can't win this, you know. You can't just rewrite reality to suit your own biases.

>> No.8354483

``He'' is not a guy. She's a fine maiden like many of us here. But you wouldn't know that, seeing as your colored perception views anyone opposing you as a male chauvinist

>> No.8354485 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 700x641, itsmehomura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION that shitposters are hated and too often receive angry responses when they choose to reveal that they are shitposters. You wouldn't tell a shitposter that they're not allowed to vote, would you? Really guys, you make us shitposters feel unwelcome, we have a right to feel comfortable posting on /jp/.

Bump for awareness. SAVE the shitposters from the discriminatory on-topic masses. Peace not hate.

>> No.8354487


not welcoming someone who's actively hateful and will cause discomfort no matter how people respond is a little different to not welcoming someone purely because they point out mistreatment towards them and other like them.

There is a difference between being an asshole and not being an asshole, you know. It's not all about "Political Correctness", which is largely an imagined thing in the context in which it's used.

>> No.8354493
File: 17 KB, 159x147, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really can't win this, you know. You can't just rewrite reality to suit your own biases.

But I already am.

>> No.8354499

>But you're a guy, and you're still telling women what to do and feel.
People tell people what to do all the time if they want to belong to /jp/.

>If every woman on /jp/ spoke up at once ,it would be far more effective.
Effective in starting a huge shitstorm and causing /jp/ to double up on hating females, yeah. Fortunately most of them have better sense than you.

>It would cause a shitfest in the short term, but at least it would be more entertaining than what you have now.
"Entertaining" is why we're drowning in shit threads all the time.

>> No.8354507

>purely because they point out mistreatment towards them and other like them.

>will cause discomfort no matter how people respond
Nobody needs it and you still push this bullshit here. Keep it to your site. You aren't welcome here.

>> No.8354509


Internalised misogyny is still misogyny. In Muslim culture, it's generally women who spread the worst shit these days. Doesn't change it originates from the men.

The argument needs to change a little, but it's still there. If that person really is a female, they've just had to assume the identity of the kind of person that'd persecute them.

It's pretty selfish to say you don't care about women's rights, whether a man or a woman, because there may be someone who ends up more affected by it than you. A rape victim has more experience when talking about abuse than the average person.

It doesn't make any of his or her points in any way valid. Sexism is still bullshit, even if some chick decides to sell out. I think it was already said that this always happens with people that stand out, there's always one example of a doormat that drives everyone else nuts because they actually choose to hold onto their dignity.

>> No.8354517

Nobody has any rights here.

>> No.8354522

Hey /sci/, I have a problem I want to talk about. I'm a psychologist (lol psychology). I was recently offered a job at a rape center, and have tried to go out of my way to be friendly with the patients but they all seem to treat me coldly. Why are women such judgmental whores? How do you feel this issue affects the scientific world?

>> No.8354525

No one cares. You can't make anyone care.

I don't think it will do anything, and I'm sending an email about this thread and the shitposter who made it. Maybe by some off chance he'll read it, maybe by some fluke he'll look at your posting history, and maybe by some miracle you'll be perma banned and your trip set to auto ban.

I encourage everyone else to do the same.

>> No.8354528

I'm not telling you what to do or feel. I'm telling you how to better your appearance to Otaku. You can choose to do it or not, but I'm laying out how men think for you, how Otaku think. You can think about how things should be all day, but until you think about how things actually are, you can't make it happen.

Just so you know, I don't reference my gender because I hate identifying myself with one. I even alter my posting styles to seem more girly or manly, randomly. Only my close friends really know my gender.

Trying to associate my gender to my position only shows how delusional and misguided you are when it comes to sexism.

>> No.8354529

You're just looking for something that isn't there. Not unlike those religious fanatics.

>> No.8354543


or you could just not be a total dramawhore and ignore threads you don't like. Having a destructive attitude isn't going to help /jp/ at all. Have fun seeing what's left of fun in this board get pissed away.

>> No.8354547

Upset you may be held accountable for your shitposting?

>> No.8354548

No one likes this thread. Except for shitposting. I mean, there isn't even any new kopipe to add to my repository!

>> No.8354559


You're just reciting what men have told you to get you to shut up. Staying quiet doesn't achieve anything in the long run. Someone already told you they consciously altered their posting style as to not appear female. I think the problem is a bit too deep to be solved by just shutting up at this stage.

Anyway, I'm deleting this thread since nobody can play nice. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon though(hopefully) so you'll just have to put up with a horrible feminist posting amongst you(not that I haven't been actively posting here since near the start of /jp/ anyway, so don't blame me for it being shit, that's your own doing).

Honestly, doing this is probably more likely to win people over. I always planned to make a few threads to identify me as feminist at first, and then just become "that feminist tripfag". That way I'm at least visible and people have to confront the reality that not all feminists are man haters.

>> No.8354562

>If every woman on /jp/ spoke up at once ,it would be far more effective.
alright you shit. you want us to speak up, fine.
I'll throw in what I want to say, just because you asked so nicely.
you are making us look bad. you are doing everything in your power to make everyone, male and female, to hate women. are you proud of yourself? Do you like watching the world burn?
Here's me speaking up. right now. are you sure you are ready?
I want you to stop these threads. I want you to delete this thread.
You are new to /jp/, it seems, because /jp/ is all about taking it easy. You are disrupting this even more than the shipstr steam group. please stop this.
stop samefagging and call off your white knights. I know the men of /jp/ are much more civil than what you are roleplaying them to be.

>> No.8354571

>You're just reciting what men have told you to get you to shut up.
You're an astoundingly pretentious retard.

The "problem" is "too deep to be solved," period. The only thing that you might achieve is to start a whole lot of shitstorms, and maybe achieve fame as "that one feminist who won't shut up ever and only retards respond to" the same way athens is "that one racist misogynist etc."

>> No.8354577

Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, /jp/...
And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.

>> No.8354580


No proof you're a woman, plus you've had to survive in a highly misogynistic environment so it's reasonable you've internalised those values. You're not making an argument.

One possible woman saying something doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. There are other women that feel differently - or would if they weren't already chased away. You can't pretend that the way /jp/ carries on is acceptable, and that any women who speak out are at fault.

and I'm not a white knight. there are more females on the board than you(if you are one) and princess.

>> No.8354587


Women are naturally submissive and thus immoral. It is in the female subconsciousness to want to be degraded, conquered, and destroyed by that which is stronger than them. Women want to be denigrated to the level of objects for their own demented pleasure, and to use the desire of males to manipulate and purchase a better place for themselves.

Women are designed to profit from their own destruction.

The vast, vast, vast majority of females, anywhere, are sexually submissive.

This is just biological reality, not 'conditioning' (which is basically up there with moon landing conspiracy theories in absurdity levels).

So when you're sitting on the subway/tube, or in any public place really, and you see all those women around you? Most of them enjoy being called a slut and a whore in the bedroom. Pinned down, fucked hard and the vast majority have rape fantasies too. Many have degradation fantasies on top of this.

Also, fantasy = hyperreality, as in, it's reflective of reality. Otherwise women would all be fantasizing over short, bald men in their fantasies.

But the thing is, feminists and libs tell women that they are equal to men in every way, and that there are no innate differences between men and women beyond the superficial.

So this creates a problem for women, it makes them confused and a bit messed up in the head. Because society tells them they are equal, but deep down they want to be totally dominated.

Would women be happier as a submissive, housewife esque partner, as it was before?

>> No.8354588

Scared of moderation?

Most imageboards have a sort of built in archive that allows moderation to search for posts by IP, and post number.

In my email I will be including the post number of this thread and a few choice others. I'll also be including the name and trip you post with. And a link to the archive just for shits, even though I'd assume moot is smart enough never to use a link gotten from an email.

Do I expect anything to come from this? No.

Will I try anyway on the off chance that it does? Yes.

>> No.8354591

> "that one feminist who won't shut up ever and only retards respond to"

Um, I see a problem here, anon.

>> No.8354592

So all people who disagree with you are either men or women who have been brainwashed by men.

Yeah, these threads are going places fast.

>> No.8354598

I talk to athens, too. And Tokiko, and Labarador, and King of /jp/. This is because I'm retarded.

>> No.8354599


Of course I don't want to be permabanned because of some idiot who couldn't just keep out of threads he didn't like. It's not a matter of being scared, it's just a really shitty thing to do to someone who's obviously already having a hard time speaking up. Whether you like to believe it or not I'm genuine. I'm obviously at least more eloquent than the average poster here and I can guarantee I've posted some OC in the past that some people have liked.

Anyway, had to pee, I'm back now so I'll nuke the thread to save everyone the bother.

>> No.8354601

Why do women feel the need to speak up when everyone else can just keep silent and not care?

"Normalfags" are discriminated against on this board, and you can bet most of them just suck it up and don't complain. In fact, I know this to be true.

But women are special. Trolls and idiots that are ignored by all other groups need to spoken out against for the glory of womenkind.

This is my one post, don't expect me to respond to you.

>> No.8354607

>You can't pretend that the way /jp/ carries on is acceptable
I dare you to explain how /jp/'s behavior is not acceptable on /jp/.

>> No.8354609

1. It is astoundingly unlikely that anyone will actually permaban you.
2. If you do nuke the thread it looks to most people like you're simply demanding the last word.

>> No.8354610


It's not "just because they disagree". You can do that to any argument. If you're right than all it takes is one gay person to say "I don't think marriage is important" for them to not have a case at all. That's the way idiots argue anon, don't be like that.

>> No.8354612


>> No.8354613

Deleted posts still show up.

I will continue to recommend this course of action every time you derail a thread or make one for this purpose.
