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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8351585 No.8351585 [Reply] [Original]

>Friend come over to my house
>He sees some VN's folders
>"What is this, anon?"
Katawa Shoujo, just a VN, basically it's an interactive story where you can even romance some crippled girls
>"What you use them for?"
"to practice to hit on crippled girls"
>he laughs
>I laugh
>my soul cried

>> No.8351591



>> No.8351597

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8351606

who are you quoting?

>> No.8351632

sup jewnes

>> No.8351636

Get out of /jp/

>> No.8351638
File: 115 KB, 800x600, ks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> stairs
> no wheelchair access

>> No.8351685

As a wheelchair user I find this very offensive. I am going to email my wheelchair friends and rally a boycott against KS.

>> No.8351703

Where is this actually a photo of?
It looks like Jesus Christ College in Oxford.

>> No.8351706
File: 32 KB, 268x265, 1283544436071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all going to go marching in protest?

>> No.8351722

suck my kuk dud

>> No.8351728

Brown University.

>> No.8351733


>> No.8351735

Fuck off retard.

>> No.8351822

Fuck, see you guys in hell.

>> No.8351843

I stopped reading here.

>> No.8351890

lol but thats the 1nd word :P

>> No.8351895

Has anyone actually brought this up yet?
Is there an explanation? Surely when they chose this picture it must have crossed their minds.

>> No.8351929

There's no law that says the wheelchair ramp has to be directly next to the stairs, obviously it's somewhere out of the picture

>> No.8351956

I guess. Like if it's on the far left path, but then how do they get into that building?

>> No.8351987

They also shake hands as a greeting.
In Japan.

>> No.8352011

Japanese people do this, faggot.

>> No.8352015

Not between teacher and student or any other clearly social superior-inferior situation they don't.

>> No.8352024

Why do strange people come to your house and ask weird questions? People don't come to my house with their bullshit.

>> No.8352047


Well this would be the easy way to answer. But seriously, since you can't show everything in detail every time (otherwise you'd need thousands of sprites and BGs) you fill in through text. Mention of corridor widths, elevator access etcetera.

>> No.8352052

That would have been more interesting than the hamfisted attempts at character exposition, that's for sure.

>> No.8352057

Shit thread

>> No.8352089

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.8352115

That's also what happens minutes in.

>> No.8352132


>> No.8352133

True. I especially liked, "This corridor is a carbon-copy of the last one." The painting just made it more hilarious.
Did your stock photo budget run out or something?

>> No.8352153

Nah, we just never HAD a budget.

>> No.8352204

KSdev Q&A?

What's up with the pacing and transition

Or complete lack thereof.

I mean here you got something trying to compete with the average nip eroge in quality, and you just have no idea how to transition from scene to scene. It's especially bad going from one day to another, where you just "Goodnight" "I woke up and went to class, now I am in class"

It's really a black mark on what's otherwise the best oelvn thus far.

>> No.8352229
File: 309 KB, 800x600, ks-screen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat painting

>> No.8352230

This this this. Really threw me off. Sometimes there'd be a scene of dialogue with a character then...bed...what...wait, why are we in the classroom again, what the fuck is going on?

>> No.8352232

Deaf-chan's tits really throw me off. Get a push-up or something. Your appearance needs to make up for your complete lack of personality.

>> No.8352242

Compete? Man, it was hard enough to survive through this. We were just trying to do our thing.

And I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly. You're saying that you miss seeing a morning routine happening? Like, wake up, brush teeth, dress?

>> No.8352248

>Your appearance needs to make up for your complete lack of personality.
This is what you whisper to yourself every time you step in front of a mirror, don't you?

>> No.8352252

>It's really a black mark on what's otherwise the best oelvn thus far.
It's really hard to not be the best one when all other OELVNs are just 1 day/week jobs.

>> No.8352259

Nope. I tell myself my personality has to make up for my horrible appearance. In the end it's too much effort to fix either, so I just sit in my room all day and troll 4chan.

>> No.8352266

Maybe because "I wake up, get dressed and eat" becomes pointless dialogue after the first time?

>> No.8352268
File: 155 KB, 1023x640, DOWN WITH THE KIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems someone is forgetting "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story". Which was better in literally every regard and was finished by a single person in under a year.

>> No.8352272
File: 173 KB, 923x960, 1243575359433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8352273

Transition doesn't need to mean that you need a full morning routine, but at least SOMETHING that shows something happened.

>> No.8352274

Nothing annoys me more than breakfast scenarios unless something pivotal is happening.

>> No.8352282

Did you play it? It's not a case of skipping things, they just seem to pace it quite arbitrarily. I'm not an idiot who needs to be told when a scene change is happening, but it's confusing when time skips around all over the place. I really get the feeling the writers said, "Well, that's enough for this scene. Got any more ideas, Dave?"
"None. I can think of a good idea for the classroom scene two days later though."
"Okay, we'll just do a jump cut to that from here. Nobody'll care."

>> No.8352285

Who made these? They look a lot like an /x/ drawfag's artwork.

>> No.8352283


No, I'm saying the scene transitions are more awkward than the average /jp/sy picking up their imouto from daycare.

If there's really nothing work writing in a morning routine, for example, you could just as easily do it the really lazy nip way of rapidly transitioning backgrounds to the new scene. Or you just show a date incrementing. Or etc.

Or the opportunity could be used to do something else, like exploring the protagonists thoughts while mentioning he goes about his morning routines. Or the other nip way, reflecting on the heroines and before you know it, just finding yourself in class.

Surely one of your writers must have actual experience in writing to know this, right?

>> No.8352291

But without it how would you know the difference between background_hallway_a and background_hallway_b?!

>> No.8352287

i hate this painting

>> No.8352300


>> No.8352304

what the fuck is that

>> No.8352302


>> No.8352305

not this autistic band again
i'm going to bed shit

>> No.8352320

Katawa Shoujo >>>>> Muv Luv Extra

>> No.8352326


>> No.8352331

Ah. Well in that case, the decision VERY early on was to not have a game calendar/clock in any way, shape or form.
Basically, the heartclock timeskip is used when "much time passes, on to the next part."
The idea was to aim more for the "novel" aspect than for the "sim" aspect. We weren't hot on dumping in filler.
Sorry to hear that this doesn't work out for you.

>> No.8352339


>> No.8352349

You don't need a goddamn calendar to have transition you autist.

>> No.8352347


>> No.8352353

> more awkward than the average /jp/sy picking up their imouto from daycare.
Beautiful simile. Have you considered becoming a writer for Four Leaf Studios?

>> No.8352355


>> No.8352363

But there is transition! The screen fades to and from black for half a second. If your cognitive abilities aren't developed enough to use that time to realize your character must have decided to say his farewells to whatever scene he was in, go to bed, wake up, do his morning routine, jog (?) and then go to Scene #583, then I'm afraid you're just not intelligent enough for a game of this calibre.

>> No.8352364


>> No.8352371


>> No.8352368

Stop doing that. I can't stop myself from checking youtube links.

>> No.8352377


>> No.8352389

This. There's always a chance someone will notice someone else posting YouTube links but not get the gimmick, then they will post something incredibly interesting and worth my time.

>> No.8352419


As has been already stated, there's a lot of ways to transition a scene beyond keeping a calendar, in fact I mentioned a quite a few others. Either how to do it in a literary manner, or utilizing the functions that a VN allows. You say the manner in which you tried to write was that of a novel? If so, have you read many works of fiction? It reads more like a screenplay to me.

It really seems to me as if the writers you picked up don't actually have much experience writing, which is disappointing in comparison to the high quality of art assets you managed to gather. If you decide to pursue any further projects, I'd ask that you keep this in mind.

>> No.8352477

Unfortunately, the other options you mention are either a whole lot less "lazy" than you seem to think or look like filler (and not interesting filler) to me.

Still, thanks for your feedback. We'll see what the future will bring.

>> No.8352511

Maybe I should take up smoking. Looks like a pretty cool thing. Very expensive, though.

>> No.8354009

The transitions are some parts may be a tad lacking. Plus, I will say that there have been times so far where I have said to myself, "I would've wrote it differently."

But, the writing so far seems to be fairly well done. The disabilities are handled fairly well and the main character is really identifiable with myself (and I assume others) because his condition isn't blindess, or loss of limbs or something that severe.

The comedy is well done. I've found myself laughing on more than a few occasions.

The art is outstanding. The cross-bandaging on the heart logo is an immaculate job from a design standpoint, considering the game's subject.

I don't think I'm lowering the bar here because it is an indie game, but, let's face it, it is an indie game. So, that being said, it really has impressed me, especially so with the animation scenes because I simply wasn't expecting any at all, even though you can tell the quality of the drawings isn't all they could be.

I don't even consider myself the "easy-going" type when it comes to criticisms -- I'm legitimately impressed. I think some of you guys are just too jealous that some people collaborated and made something cool, like a visual novel.

>> No.8354021

Agreed. I wasn't that guy, but I _was_ one of the people earlier also complaining about transitions (the loading(?) Katawa Shoujo logo strikes me as odd too).
I think you've pretty much nailed the project.

>> No.8354061

Unbiased review of the game
What I like
-character sprites are good
-bgm is ok, no standout track but it isnt ear raped

What I dont like
-unnecessary long winded writings, keep it simple next time, I find myself pressing spacebar by just glancing through the text reading the start and the end of the sentence most of the times
-terrible CGs, too washout and no details
-too vanilla

It isnt a terrible game but it doesnt stand out at all from the rest of the pile of oelvn. All in all, it is a very average game, 5/10 at most. Couldnt really compare to other doujin game like Narcissu.
