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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8351839 No.8351839 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here wishes that no one was translating VNs? Because for me, nothing is more annoying when /a/ and /v/ discover something you've liked for a long time, and the new, horrendous fanbase forces you to dissociate yourself from it.

>> No.8351842

Obvious troll.

>> No.8351846

Sorry, but some of us aren't so retarded and autistic to be incapable of learning the language of our hobbies.

>> No.8351851

Remember when us gaijin could access Minori and Akebe2's websites? Good times.

>> No.8351857

Well, yeah. If no one was translating VN's, only the small spectrum of of people from /a/, /v/ and /jp/ that know Japanese would care about them. But then again, I feel like one of the key functions of /jp/, which is the discussion of VN's, would die with the change.

Stop translating VN's and kill activity, or translate them and bring outsiders? There's really not a correct option here.

>> No.8351862

Just get off the English-speaking internet already.

Problem solved.

>> No.8351867

There's plenty of discussion of untranslated VNs in the running discussion threads. Discussion of translated VNs is only fun for about 5 days until we reach the inevitable hate part of the VN translation cycle, we wouldn't be losing much.

>> No.8351877

What makes you think you're somehow superior because you read it in japanese?
You have as much potential as any other human to be a part of a horrendous fanbase.
As a proof, you're making this shitty thread.

>> No.8351878

This is easily the worst part of /jp/

Cool fact: The fanbase of any form of media does not in any way affect the quality of that media

>> No.8351879

But futaba won't let one post from an ip outside of jp.

>> No.8351884

Then start your own Japanese-only chan that can't be defiled by English-only peasants.

>> No.8351882

Use proxy or something.

>> No.8351896

Who the fuck cares about their 'image' on a fucking anonymous imageboard full of NEETs?

>> No.8351900

Why are you retards still replying seriously to that copypasta?

>> No.8351897

I guess. I don't really go to the discussion threads so I don't have a say in it.

I still think the VN discussion threads are redundant in a board where you're supposed to discuss VN's in the first place, but when I see the discussions on said threads, I sort of invalidate my own argument.

>> No.8351899

>What makes you think you're somehow superior because you read it in japanese?

Unlike the kinds of people who like Katawa Shitsucks, Umiunko, and Fate/Stay Shit, we aren't normalfags, and we actually have the knowledge to make informed criticisms about VNs as a medium. Compare this to your average /a/ and /v/ goer, who thinks that garbage like G-Senjou is the best thing ever written and who hasn't even heard of Muramasa or Baldr Sky.

>> No.8351901

People still respond to this?

>> No.8351908

I have nothing against translations, I just wish more people would learn Japanese. It has great benefits for both the community and the individual.

Also, you people know this is copypasta, right?

>> No.8351909

Why aren't you?

>> No.8351915

There's maybe 10% of /jp/ regulars on /jp/ right now, since KS and comiket. Rest is either /a/v/ or people who only come here twice a year.

>> No.8351914

But it's haaaaard...

>> No.8351912

Even if it's just a copypasta, it's nice enough to debate over these things sometimes. Intellectual stimulation and provocation are good for your brain.

>> No.8351910

They're responding because they aren't from /jp/. They're /a/ fags who came over here to spam ks threads for their ks devs, which is why they didn't recognize this copypasta.

>> No.8351917

I wanted to see how much of a fag OP would end up being.

>> No.8351920

What a pretentious post. Go back to /lit/.

>> No.8351925

I think the worst part about translations is that most of the people turning them out have a shitty command of English and an even shittier command of Japanese, or vice-versa. Look at how badly Takajun fucked up Swan Song, for example.

>> No.8351930

EPIC image OP i lov tsukihime xD

>> No.8351931

You spend all of your time arguing about the relative merits of powerpoint porn books, and you're calling other people "pretentious"?

Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8351932

While I admire you for being serious about your hobbies, *you* are fucking autistic for learning a language just to feel superior.

>> No.8351936

But Swan Song was already Autism: The VN in Japanese.

>> No.8351949

I know the author of this copypasta was just trolling, but this got me thinking.

What's stopping him from skipping the middle man and going straight to the source (futaba and the japanese blogosphere) if he can read japanese? Why stay in this limbo with us?

Oh that's right, because he can't read Japanese, has to use a dictionary to read his eroge, and every line usually takes him 10 minutes to process. The best he can do is guess what the author was trying convey. Since he cant communicate with the japanese at all beyond the 'hellomynameisjohnimacollegestudentpleasedtomeetyou' phase, he's stuck here with us.

why would this type of person believe he's any better than all the animesuki fags who try to find the most obscure game on VNDB, play it with AGTH+ATLAS and then pretend they're eroge connoisseurs? pathetic.

>> No.8351950

You're missing the point. A common criticism brought up in threads about translated VNs is that the writing is shit. While this is indeed true in some cases, the problem much of the time is that people are reading the translation of a high school dropout with 1 and half years of Japanese under his belt, which invariably results in derpy and non-idiomatic phrasing.

>> No.8351959

You just described nearly every VN fan on /jp/ except for the ones that come from other boards.

>> No.8351960

When things go mainstream the quality declines. I don't really care about all those newfriends, what irritates me is that how they misunderstand and misinterpret a lot of things and how people eat up all the misinformation they spout out. It especially hurts when those VN/anime/otaku experts doesn't even have a basic grasp of the english language and still spread their nonsense despite using the correct sources.

>Cool fact: The fanbase of any form of media does not in any way affect the quality of that media
As much as I'd like that to be true, you're wrong. The prime example is the state of the anime industry.

>> No.8351963

>What's stopping him from skipping the middle man and going straight to the source (futaba and the japanese blogosphere) if he can read japanese? Why stay in this limbo with us?

Because the japanese have shit taste in media and because here we're at the top of the Otaku totem pole instead of the bottom.

>> No.8351971

Who else here wishes that no one was translating anime? Because for me, nothing is more annoying when USA and Europe discover something you've liked for a long time, and the new, horrendous fanbase forces you to dissociate yourself from it.

>> No.8351982

1. What makes you not a normalfag and what makes tem normalfags? Did you mean something like "newfag"?
2. What they like isn't necessarely related to how much they've seen/played.
The average /a/non, and I'd like to suppose a regular anon from /v/ too, should have a nice understanding of how to analize a story.
Be it either reading manga, watching anime, or playing games (many of which can also be considered VNs), they are gaining the same knowledge you might have..

And possibly I'm not really understanding you, but what is this "informed criticism" you speak of?

I've read Baldr Sky, it was mediocre.

>> No.8352025

There might also be a lingering hesitation obstructing full participation in what is basically an alien culture.

>> No.8352033

I've been a /jp/-only regular for years and I avoid reading in Japanese because, while I study regularly, I read much more slowly, and I can't concentrate on the VN itself. It makes it a painful experience overall.

Not to mention that English isn't my native language; I'm already reading it in a foreign language. Reading it in Japanese makes it worse.
