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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 188 KB, 533x746, sweater tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8349437 No.8349437 [Reply] [Original]

Netplay Translation


1. Make sure your PC can handle MBAA:CC, that means it shouldn't drop below 60FPS at any given time. Netplay uses more resources than playing offline because of QUALITY Japanese engineering so keep that in mind. Optimize it until you get it right in the option settings or save yourself the trouble and buy a better PC.
2. Do not download/upload/stream anything while netplaying, it's common sense. Is your download/upload speed good enough for online games? You should know this, if it's not then get a better ISP.
3. Do not use wireless/wi-fi connection, even if it's wireless N your signal drops periodically which causes lag spikes. Wired connection is strongly recommended if you want a good latency & stability.
4. Set your in game resolution to default (640x480). It's still unclear why any resolution higher than the default one causes lag, probably because most people still have shitty computers. Play in windowed mode and not full screen otherwise shit breaks
5. Portfoward UDP&TCP 46318 and/or 7500. Required if you want to host games.
6. Hosts should announce where they're from & skill level when hosting (IP and PORT). It also helps if the challenger shows their location by filling out the comment section under their username (e.g. east coast).
7. Character selection lags for some reason so be patient and see if it gets any better when the real match starts.

>> No.8349438

8. If you're using windowed mode, try to flip between active windows during character select/victory screen to stabilize lag.
9. Try turning off stage animation, character filter, and screen filter if your PC can't handle MBAA:CC.
10. Set MBAA Mk2.exe *32 to high priority under task manager->processes.
11. Set MBAA Mk2.exe *32 processor affinity to use 1 (if dual core), or 2 (if quad core) cores.
12. http://wiki.mizuumi.net/w/Melty_Blood/Affinity_Tweak_for_Netplay
13. The netplay has a tendency to desync sometimes, when it does simply rehost/reconnect. If the other opponent's character don't budge, moves in a fixed pattern, whiffs a lot, then that's a good indication of a desync.

Some combo movie videos by few casts if you're looking for a main.

>> No.8349454


Trying again. I've long since applied all fixes/tweaks suggested in each thread. it has only worked perfectly for one person so far. Extra frustrating when the game runs fine, and i'm on a FIOS connection.

>> No.8349467

068. 194 046.120

East coast new tier trying to master BnB

>> No.8349477


Sorry, I really don't know what's wrong... I've tried everything. my connection and CPU are more than enough for this game. Guess I just have to keep trying different opponents.

>> No.8349484

tried to connect but it says you're already in a game. by the way you should include your port next time for the ease of connecting through copy clip board mode.

same thing here
ip:port (without any spaces in between)

>> No.8349498

Still hosting

>> No.8349503

Sorry about that delay before. I tried fixing it and i'll try connecting again.

>> No.8349508

Still a no go bro I got d/ced

>> No.8349516


ggs. best connection i've gotten so far!

>> No.8349513

ggs nappy, i have to go to bed.

>> No.8349555 EU

>> No.8349628
US West pretty low tier

>> No.8349646

can bnb tier

>> No.8349724


GGs, thanks for putting up with my shitty WLen. I have much to learn, but you are good.

>> No.8349772

hosting asia

>> No.8349789

gg nana

>> No.8349797

GGs. Really needed practice against H-Roa.

>> No.8349812

Exhilarating! Though, I failed to adapt to the delay, then my old habits started popping up out of the blue.

>> No.8349818


>> No.8349819

>>8349772 here
can anyone try connecting, i don't know if my netplay is working yet

>> No.8349832

Thanks for the games, I warned you I was bad.

Rehosting US West Pretty Low Tier.

>> No.8349922

Thanks for the games.

>> No.8350637

Is actual matchmaking mode even possible?
With consideration of region and probably even skill

>> No.8350682

Only works if you bought the game. Enjoy being matched up against japanese players only.

>> No.8350693

Region alone will kill it for most people. When I played matchmaking mode I was dealing with a ping consistently above 200.

>> No.8350704

Matchmaking mode always turn up errors for me, how do you do it?

>> No.8350778

I love this picture so much.
Sorry for the useless message.

>> No.8350857

Translated menus so far:

>> No.8350956

are you gonna translate NetVSKillInfoWord.ini or at least include it in your package?

>> No.8351072


>> No.8351691

213. 089. 120. 133: 46318

>> No.8351695


>> No.8351743

So, who is hosting right now?

>> No.8351751


>> No.8351749

you guys think someone will ever translate story mode?

>> No.8351755


>> No.8351765

yeah, what happened with that?

>> No.8351793

no idea. thought you left

>> No.8351798

tried to reconnect and it came up with an error. never had any problems with anyone else before.

>> No.8351809

you live in EU right? otherwise it should be no prablom

>> No.8351814

no, but I play with EU frequently without trouble.

>> No.8351818

sometimes it works for me, sometimes it dosent

>> No.8351828

Does anyone know how to change the keyboard configurations for P2?
mbaacctool and MBAA-NET only change P1, even tho with the former you can choose keys for both.
What am I doing wrong?

I want to use the arrowkeys and numpad for P1 and a controller for P2, but as soon as I go into Player vs. Player the standart P2 keyboard config is still enabled.

>> No.8351892 EC/MW

>> No.8351893


Pretty sure you can do both players with this one.

>> No.8351898

thanks, man

>> No.8352097

Oh my God.
Someone host.

>> No.8352122


GG, and thanks for my first game without constant lag spikes. For some reason 800x600 got rid of that... weird.

>> No.8352209

Dust of Psoriasis is hard :(

>> No.8352256 okay tier hosting

west canada

>> No.8352286

sorry to whoever was connecting. 13-14 ping is unplayable

>> No.8352295

Heh, you sure that wasn't because I was beating your ass?

>> No.8352621

US - East Coast

>> No.8352661

Quick question. Trying to pick up V Akiha, and having difficulty doing the [tk 22B] part of her midscreen combo; 2aa5b5c4c(1) tk j22b airdash jc land jbc jc AT

How do you do this tiger knee input? What is the motion? What is the timing? I've tried with mixed success pressing 22->8->B before the second hit on 4C, but it seems that pressing that many buttons would be nigh impossible with a joystick.

>> No.8352670

I don't suppose akihafag is here to update their trainer? G Akiha still doesn't work on my end, as she defaults to Crescent Moon

>> No.8352678

tk j22b can be done 228b or 282b

>> No.8352676


>TK 22 moves

All of my hate. I can't do it either.

>> No.8352680

22 tks are usually input as 282X.

>> No.8352682

282's best, personally. On a stick at least. If you've got a pad it'll likely end up a jumbled mess.

>> No.8352701


I ask of you, are you my master?
but yeah, i'll update it in a bit. apparently there's a few glitches i overlooked with the last version.

also unused music is awesome. especially when they're playing on the stages that they're supposed to.

>> No.8352711

Any chance of Ryougi's original theme playing on her stage?

>> No.8352708

sorry other Len use the internet crapped out, still really good even matches

>> No.8352712


Meow :3

>> No.8352714


that's what i was hinting at, yes.

>> No.8352716

It was fun! You hosting again or is the internet dead?

>> No.8352721

No I got stuff to do, sorry but I'll probably host again later or tomorrow

>> No.8352734


>> No.8352736

>> No.8352745
EU, low tier

>> No.8352789


>> No.8352836 EC/MW hosting

>> No.8352902 - US East
new to this game

>> No.8353038
File: 499 KB, 640x480, 00000002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really sorry for not posting the updated trainer yet.

i got distracted by the fact that the boss rush bosses are still in the game.

>> No.8353065


I really didn't mean to sound rude or commanding, I apologize.

>> No.8353128
File: 645 KB, 640x480, 00000003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wasn't taking offense. i was just pointing out that i stumbled onto /jp/ not long after you asked, as though I was summoned from somewhere.

>> No.8353133 east coast
Kinda new to this game

>> No.8353139

oh and port is 10800

>> No.8353172

GGs. Those lag spikes were super annoying though cause they always seemed to happen during my combos. Are you sure your computer can handle the particle effects or whatever?

>> No.8353178

ggs, sorry they were on my side.
I am on wireless at the moment.

>> No.8353313


Thanks for the games you really kicked my ass haha

I think i learned a few things

>> No.8353331


you can combo really well.

>> No.8353325


Yeah GGs I spent a lot of time in training so I knew a little something

>> No.8353367

Anyone from East Coast willing to host?

>> No.8353403


east coast learning stick tier

>> No.8353459

gg. Don't know why it suddenly lagged that last match. Either way, you're really good.

>> No.8353477

ggs, dunno why i started lagging

nvm on the hosting for now

>> No.8353486 (EU)
Decent tier. Won't be around for too long.

>> No.8353482

damn lag i've been trying to fix it all day. :( i followed the entire instructions too

>> No.8353503 east coast
still looking for a few matches

>> No.8353521
File: 705 KB, 850x610, 54ae9b24599d4e4a24f5eec4c363b8e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353558
File: 489 KB, 640x480, 00000004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the latest version of the trainer:

this release should:
- fix the bug that forces all characters to be eclipse after picking G.Akiha
- fix the G.Akiha crash (haha, yeah right. though, if it STILL crashes for you, tell me what your melty setup is like, and whether or not you've used the keyrebinder on it or anything like that
- fixes Ryougi's stage's music.

i'll try to add the boss rush bosses in a later revision, however, whether or not i can do that depends on if i can fix G.Akiha's crashing. you can probably guess why.

>> No.8353554
east-coast canada
still trying to fix netplay lag tier :( don't mind quitting if it's unbearable for you.

game runs 60fps offline. i've tried:
priority high / affinity cpu 0 only / no effects / 640x480 / closed torrents-firefox / opened both ports 46318 and 7500 / turned off rainmeter

i have a good wired connection yet i still lag like hell on netplay. i tried it with my brother with 1 delay AND it's still unplayable. holy crap.

>> No.8353565

It froze and just when I was about to win. gg.

>> No.8353567


Still hosting.

>> No.8353575


That's just the netcode taking a dump and running the game at low fps at certain sections. Even people with good computers will run into it, and there's no real fix until they patch it

>> No.8353581

is it okay with you if i include your trainer for future melty blood guide?

>> No.8353590

Too laggy. Sorry.

>> No.8353608


Try running the game in 800x600. Worked for me.

>> No.8353619 EC/MW hosting

>> No.8353656

sorry for the stupid lag. i could see those crossups coming a mile away but i couldn't do shit at blocking them. i haven't gotten used to comboing with delay it's terrible. :( but gg nonetheless

>> No.8353654

Good games, not sure what was up with the ping going up and down so randomly. If you are interested I am in US West Coast.

>> No.8353672

still hosting oceania

>> No.8353689

hosting. I used to play mbac awhile ago and just started mbaacc. I can only play h-pciel at the moment so expect gurren lagann madness.

>> No.8353722 [DELETED] 

respect for being able to combo with 10 delay. gg rehosting.

>> No.8353728


feel free

>> No.8353745
US Northeast

I'm pretty bad though, don't expect too much.

>> No.8353747
File: 145 KB, 787x702, 23012-21615-18024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
NA East Coast only, delay <=4
Above average tier, learning FRyougi, will switch to main if I get buttdevastated

>> No.8353770

New to MBAACC.
How do you use the trainer?

>> No.8353808


It still crashes with G Akiha right before the match starts. I HAVE used to the key rebinder too. Also, Dust of Osiris has her full body portrait in the character select, but not her sprite. This doesn't matter, but it would look neater.

>> No.8353827


>> No.8353858

gg capote. you have crazy mixups with aoko. i couldn't pull off anything besides some stupid basic combos. :(

on aoko in the corner i would do this with h-pciel:
2A 2B 5B 2C 5C 6B 236[A] 2C 5C 6B 236[A]
end with either 2C 5C 3C 623B / 2C 5C 4C 3C 214A it's impossible to do with delay omg.

>> No.8353873
West coast.
Will disconnect if I see lag at character select screen.

>> No.8353927

run trainer, blue star, select options, start game, green star. play as normal.

i'll look into that then. all the rebinder should do is modify some key values. unless the 'linux fix' mauve included in it changes which addresses do what.

>> No.8353939

does it work with netplay?

>> No.8353952


no idea. it might if both players are using it.

>> No.8354006

add zalgozalgo on skype for those who want to play melty

>> No.8354020
File: 69 KB, 200x200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I select Akira?

>> No.8354088

You can't, she already belongs to me.

>> No.8354090


>> No.8354092


>> No.8354105

gg, where are you connecting from?

>> No.8354189


My poor anus..

>> No.8354222

ill join up in a second

>> No.8354257
File: 1.38 MB, 1281x961, 22tk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, after mentioning that I couldn't do 22 tiger knee inputs, I sat down and worked on it, and now I'm landing them consistently.

I have not once in my variations found that 282X worked, but only 228X despite a lot of attempts and what I'm pretty certain is precise timing.

The trick to it, using F V. Akiha here (I know Nanaya has it too but I don't feel like pinning down the timing with a character I don't want to play) is input the attack before the attack leading to your tiger knee as close as possible to the attack that you will then tiger knee from.

So for example in V Akiha's case, 5B 5C 6C(1 hit) tk22B. As soon as you input 5C, input 6C right away. When you input 6C, 5C's animation will already be in effect, and 6C will follow throw immediately after 5C hits. This gives you the window between 5C and 6C's animation completing (around 20 frames in V Akiha's case) to enter 22, and then once 6C connects, to jump cancel into tiger knee (since you're doing the input in such a short amount of time, don't like, wait for the first hit of 6C to connect and then jump cancel, but press it a little bit before.)

I don't really know all the specific terminology for the shit I just said, so I attached a picture with the input data and notation so people struggling can see it themselves.

>> No.8354296

Anyone here hosting from SE Asia? I want to try if the connection is good.

Thanks for the trainer update.

>> No.8354301

What if I want to TK after a throw.

>> No.8354323
File: 341 KB, 647x511, shamsho7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g akiha crashes on load. no key binder.
also the disabled stages only adds the bamboo stage and both last boss levels? i can already choose the last boss levels normally in training.
if you could make all the stages including the extra training stages available in versus, it would be a godsend. osiris works perfectly.

>> No.8354381

Deceive yourself.

>> No.8354393

anyone host melty?

>> No.8354401

also to make things easier, i just switched to the set-up reewind posted. http://pastebin.com/JXyUjKdi
so that could be the base for everything. it gave me the same results too.

>> No.8354425

no problem

which exe are you using?

also those are the G. Akiha versions of the stages from the PS2 version's Boss Rush mode.

what extra training sta-?
oh. well that's pretty strange, why'd french bread disable random stages for no good reason? anyway, expect that in the next update I guess.

>> No.8354455


You bat me good I just blank out when it comes to being cornered

>> No.8354478

MBAA Mk2.exe from http://pastebin.com/JXyUjKdi
yeah training has an extra 16 stages for no reason. you can actually hit these sages in versus by clicking random tho. same for online.

>> No.8354473

GG. You're like one of the only people I can connect to with very low delay and no FPS lag.

>> No.8354496

iz H roa gud?
that's the the only one I knwo how to play
(And F Neko Nero)

>> No.8354508

Hey are there any in deph guides to H-moon roa?

I seem to have a problem with him when it comes to escaping pressure he even has a shitty jump in to boot (not that I can't work around that just no air cross ups)

>> No.8354513

In my opinion great

Decent zoning tools good crossup attack. Plus he has decent range and nasty setups. problem is >>8354508

I'm kind of torn between F or H

>> No.8354519

Real pros play H-Neco Arc Chaos.

>> No.8354520


>> No.8354538

I guess but my only option would be to approach with the B version due to how crap as is on block.

Still Air pressure can be a bitch

>> No.8354550

can bnb tier

>> No.8354566


>complaining when you're using Roa's best moon

>> No.8354573


just switched over to the files in that pastebin. there's a 2 byte difference in the mbaa mk2.exe file from mine, but the trainer still works fine.

i'm a bit stumped. i think i'll sleep on it.

>> No.8354584

new to the game

>> No.8354581

In MBAA yea sure but in MBAACC...
His C moon is actually the best one.
He has so much fucking options its retarded.

>> No.8354593

is someone torrenting on your connection or something?

>> No.8354596

sorry 'bout that

that second round was fucking bananas btw

>> No.8354600


>> No.8354604

that ip is completely impossible to use

try formatting it in a way that isn't fucking insane

>> No.8354614
WC, combos tier

>> No.8354611


His best moon in MBAACC is H-Roa. His specials and supers are much better than C-Roa's despite him having lightning traps and the lightning counter.

I know C-Roa has a lot of options with the lightning counter, but it's extremely difficult to use to it's fullest effect.

>> No.8354616 EC Canada

No WCers and EUfags allow.

>> No.8354617

Holy shit my IP changed

East coast USA

>> No.8354649

GG still hosting

>> No.8354679


Glad to hear

Hope I can get better and be an actual challenge

>> No.8354707

It started lagging?

>> No.8354711


>> No.8354710

>win winning first match D/C

>enter my room again

>you win no D/C

>lag out of nowhere

Yeah let not play each other again mr no name

>> No.8354720

Who are you quoting? One thing I can tell you is, your IP is automatically copied to your clipboard as soon as you host.

>> No.8354730

Some sion player with no name

>> No.8354727

Not sure why we're getting a d7 with that ping.

>> No.8354756


>> No.8354773

Lag spikes are amazingly frustrating when you lose half your inputs in them.


>> No.8354776

Delay is decided from the moment you connect and never fixes itself.

If you connect during a lag spike, or you forgot to turn off your download before connecting but closed them right as the game started, you'll be stuck with your high delay until you restart.

>> No.8354777

GGs Ash. I really need to hit training mode. Particularly for F-Mech and F-Len. Waiting too long to confirm this shit and wrong moves coming out. Couldn't resist the cake with all the wheels you were putting out.

>> No.8354783

Yeah, I know. But you're one of the only people I can actually get a decent game with. Almost everyone else is a complete disaster. Makes me a sad cat/maid/robot.

>> No.8354790

Oh, that explains it. Do you know of any way to change it mid match like caster had?

>> No.8354794


>> No.8354798


>> No.8354804

Who's the best player on /jp/? I'm curious...

>> No.8354812

Due to the shittiness of this netplay, it's impossible for people from different regions to play each other, so we'll never know.

>> No.8354810
east coast hosting daigo tier
delay lower than 5 please

>> No.8354824


>> No.8354820

>> No.8354829

Really? Too bad I can't play him.

>> No.8354838
File: 55 KB, 160x160, 1325522472142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello reewind.

>> No.8354846

ggs bossnigger, even if it was delay 3 i think there was something going on on your end. are you on wireless?

>> No.8354864

sorry dread, the delay was too much. ggs. east coast hosting
delay lower than 5 please

>> No.8354875

All my replays are 96 bytes.
So it is the replay saving that's bugged, and not the replay playing?
Now that's a bummer.

>> No.8354881

Yeah, it was. I mean, it was for most part unplayable, and combos wouldn't link either. At least not as intended.

>> No.8354920

gg. Your Kouma destroyed me. I only managed to squeak one win.

>> No.8354947

adjusting the processor affinity makes the game spike for me. Rehosting.


>> No.8354953

>> No.8354975

capote did we get desync'd? and wow it's been years since we've played each other and your aoko is still sugoi.


>> No.8354984

yeah I think so you kept whiffing so I don't know what was going on

>> No.8355003
File: 258 KB, 640x480, 00000018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replays made from online matches are messed up. local replays are fine. even osiris vs osiris saves correctly.

>> No.8355043

gg sorry that it lagged halfway in. i was getting in the groove too :(

>> No.8355056

desync'd pein, the delay was too high as well.
east coast hosting daigo tier
delay lower than 5 please

>> No.8355064

ggs. The game freeze up for me.

>> No.8355091
east coast canada (less than 5 delay please)
trying not to mess up combos tier
will disconnect if it's unbearable

>> No.8355092

still hosting,come on Oceania

>> No.8355096

anyone hosting in the US that isn't "one hit and you lose half your HP" tier?

>> No.8355114

noname/sage, we're getting horrible framedrops and lagspikes. i don't think we can netplay.

>> No.8355132

please stop connecting

>> No.8355145

You should really grind out your combos first if you're gonna try netplaying.

>> No.8355148

gg i can't stand the lag. rehosting.

>> No.8355183

Well that was terrible.

I suffered through char select hoping it would fix itself but it clearly refused to.

>> No.8355194

it's weird that i don't get insane lag in char select screen against people outside of east coast. :(

>> No.8355280

That's why I like h-sakiha; I can mess up half my combo with her without dropping it and still do 4k damage, which is kinda good in netplay.

>> No.8355583 BEAST COAST AT 3:42AM

>> No.8355782

GGs Zephna, man on the opposite side of the BEAST COAST

>> No.8355865

wanna try hosting match to see if i can, west coast by the way

do say if you tried but could not connect

>> No.8355885

Timed out. Ports probably not forwarded right.

>> No.8355909

fuck, any tips on how to forward them? what info should I put?

sorry for my newbness

>> No.8355923

make sure to pick the correct local ip address for your computer through something like run > cmd prompt > ipconfig then see the IPv4 address listed

>> No.8355943

ok done, I did TCP and UDP protocals
initial port and ending port are both 46318 normal and local ports, im guessing this is whats wrong, I already corrected the ip like you said

>> No.8355975

Now it connects, although the usual tweaking to game setup applies.

>> No.8355991

ok done, try and connect again, if it doesnt work, try hosting yourself and I'll try connecting to you, to see if its better

>> No.8355999

My connection's not usually great to begin with since MBAACC utterly shits itself on wireless, but it's not usually THAT bad for that low a ping. Someone else would be a better test at any rate.

>> No.8356009

whelp, guess i;ll be trying tomorrow then.
thanks a bunch for your help anon, hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to have my first online match

>> No.8356074

awesome just had a lagless match, to bad its so late igotta get some sleep now, i'll be on tomorrow again

>> No.8356085


>> No.8356090

same to you, good night

>> No.8356254

is the ryogi music screwed up like that originally? once it ends and loops you can hear that it loops too far and it skips.

>> No.8356264

Anyone East Coast awake at 6 in the morning?

>> No.8356397

hostan EU

>> No.8356511


>> No.8356584 [DELETED] 

If anyone's awake, I'm testing if I can host.

>> No.8356610

hosting from sea, first time so please let me know if there are any problems

>> No.8356739


Not working.Link error here.

>> No.8356875

Sorry east coast guy who connected to me, but I just started a game of dota.

>> No.8357085

Crashed,i use the same version that other guy posted,and i play with a ps3 game pad

>> No.8357421

crashes on startup

>> No.8357546

did anyone else try playing with no BGM and sound effects on both ends? I was trying it out with a friend (along with the tweaks here) and the performance was better.

Can anyone else try this?

>> No.8357585

I don't think I could play without sound effects; that would be horrible. I guess we could try the no BGM though.

>> No.8358017


>> No.8358105

desynch? gg
rehostan EU

>> No.8358133


>> No.8358140

desynch again=[ but gg's

>> No.8358147

That was a shame. The delay was great. I sort of hoped it would have fixed itself past the selection screen, though I admit I sort of doubt it.

>> No.8358210
US Northeast

>> No.8358242 EU

>> No.8358248

good game bro

I thought delay would be worse

>> No.8358281 EU. No laggers please~

>> No.8358303 EU
come at me bro

>> No.8358312

Getting the link error.

>> No.8358392

good games Rehostan

>> No.8358432

Dunno why but people can't connect when i'm hosting trough internet (LAN works).

Any ideas?

>> No.8358447

you probably didn't portforward or your anti virus/firewall is blocking other people from connecting.

by the way you have to host with your global ip.

>> No.8358460
File: 88 KB, 681x1086, ciel_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Let's fighting love!

>> No.8358466

is that you cieldude

>> No.8358467

I dit it, can you try it? EU

>> No.8358482

link error, still something wrong on your end.
if you want to make sure you portforwarded right then download this program.


>> No.8358489
File: 87 KB, 681x1086, ciel_nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else would I be if not me?

>> No.8358552 (EU)
Decent tier.

>> No.8358567

Good games!

>> No.8358575
File: 150 KB, 774x900, 1293476052061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs White Ren!

>> No.8358620


To whoever just connected, I'm sorry but the delay was at 15.
Still hosting.

>> No.8358702

barely able to beat normal CPU. anyone want to host and beat the shit out of me? East Coast US.

>> No.8358704

061 116 128 166

>> No.8358757
US East Coast. Think I have my bnb down.

>> No.8358755

like this location

>> No.8358768

213. 089. 120. 133: 46318


>> No.8358791
File: 203 KB, 1600x900, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time....

>> No.8358800

host is already playing

>> No.8358806

Netplay Translation

>> No.8358809

ggs, sorry if i was repetitive, i'll try to do the corner combos next time

>> No.8358825

I'm sorry Japan

>> No.8358826


Nothing wrong with being repetitive if it works.
In any case, my computer just blue screen'd out of nowhere between matches. Will continue to host.

>> No.8358836

if you still get broken unicode characters then go to
start>control panel>region and language>administrative tab>change system local to japanese and restart your pc.

>> No.8358916

Sorry, seems Ping is too high

>> No.8358954 EC Canada

No WCers or Eurofags allow.

>> No.8358969

GGs, did you leave?

>> No.8359025

Had fun Mr Dragon

>> No.8359026

Any Euro host?

>> No.8359029

someone hooooooost

>> No.8359036

>> No.8359045


me too
maybe another time (it's SC2 time now !)

>> No.8359046


>> No.8359055


>> No.8359076


>> No.8359109

link error?

>> No.8359117

Noob tier

>> No.8359121
us east, florida
i'm bad

>> No.8359124

For some reason the 0 was eaten

>> No.8359127


>> No.8359134

We tried Kitsame, but my internet is too crappy to play across the seas.

>> No.8359138

shame,i had good games with people from EC

>> No.8359143
File: 14 KB, 160x205, cielfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noticed my port wasn't forwarded. After two hours of waiting.

>> No.8359174

just started playing sion, megafree

east US

>> No.8359181

This is /jp/, so what is "megafree"?

>> No.8359188

ggs thanks for the smooth connection

>> No.8359189

free wins

i am shit at this game

>> No.8359192


You're certainly better than me. GGs bro

>> No.8359195

link error

>> No.8359196

link error
regardless of who it is

i am
so sad

>> No.8359201

Still getting a link error.

>> No.8359202
File: 51 KB, 717x648, Filia (40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, this happened to someone else who tried to fight me a bit ago as well

i was playing with people fine yesterday and the days before

oh shit nevermind i see the problem, give me a minute

>> No.8359207
File: 27 KB, 500x498, ADVICECIEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to change locale to moon and restart. Also random fps drops.

>> No.8359211

teo dude,youre too good

>> No.8359221

I wish someone closer to Central America hosted for me ;_;

>> No.8359225

nah man. im a bit below average. still GG

>> No.8359244 EC
im pretty terrible!!!!!!!!

>> No.8359276

anyone heard if someone is gonna translated arcade mode?

also. rehosting

>> No.8359282

not sure but i put my chips on mirror moon

>> No.8359284 daigo tier
east coast canada (less than 5 delay please)

>> No.8359285



>> No.8359320 east coast

Trying to learn how to do combos without messing up

>> No.8359370
File: 260 KB, 1200x850, b92870124c040eb40632d7705334f086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Coast (Florida)

>> No.8359408


delay was too bad, rehosting.

>> No.8359409

why do i lag so much...is everyone not playing on DEFAULT resolution? because that seems to fix a lot of lag problems i've had with people.

>> No.8359433


>> No.8359434

So many East Coast never any West coast players

>> No.8359439


Make sure to play around with the options too. On the official MB site it said to to set it to run to one CPU and if you're playing windowed to switch between active windows to help it sync up.

Don't forget to set priority to high.

>> No.8359452


Did all that and more, i still assume it's just people not using default resolution.

>> No.8359455

well every game ive hosted is awful laggy so i guess i wont be able to

i think you joined mine once, im using default resolution, dunno what it is

>> No.8359464

i hadnt done any of the tweaks though so someone try to join up


>> No.8359473
trying to see if I can host

>> No.8359481

east coast, my b

>> No.8359482

I've done the same and we still couldn't sync. It seems 50/50 I've synced up with a lot of people but some just lag when they don't when I play them in other games.


>> No.8359494
File: 2.15 MB, 2314x1636, 1320032818430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand

why isn't Seiba playable

>> No.8359497


saber a shit

>> No.8359498

ggs chirium daigo tier
east coast canada (less than 5 delay please)

>> No.8359505

But she is, you have to unlock Nitro royale

>> No.8359506
Georgia, USA
Most C-Miyako and H-Miyako
Average+ Tier

>> No.8359509


where at?
im in augusta

>> No.8359513


I get a link error anyways, which probably means bad ports.

>> No.8359514

GG I didn't respond last time I played you since captcha was a bitch. I get the feeling you're toying with me since you show me up with every character I choose. It's a good learning experience seeing what they can do though.

>> No.8359518

do what?

>> No.8359525

GGs blankname arc player

your regular arc combos were crazy

i play sion so lame sorry i cant do much with her ;_;

>> No.8359527

eh, wasn't toying you or anything. the reason why i changed to your characters was because i hoped you picked the same character and i could teach you a bit thing or two. i don't like sandbagging beginners, it just discourage them.


>> No.8359533

you didn't do anything...

>> No.8359537

very fun games. finally someone around my level. i've been getting raped almost every game. thanks for the smooth connection

>> No.8359539

Sorry about the issues, try connecting again

>> No.8359556

i did do something, i was only gauging your skill level.

sorry gundam but the lagspike is horrible. you sure there isn't something going on your end? daigo tier
east coast canada (less than 5 delay please)

>> No.8359566

Oh no I figured that. It's just that you had all these awesome combos and had real control of each game so I felt like you were going easy on me every time I won.

>> No.8359591

GG, Kohaku-chan.

>> No.8359592


>> No.8359593

gonna try hosting
US central, mid tier

>> No.8359595

In Suwanee

But how does the lag become this bad no matter who connects, or who I connect to? My connection isn't shitty, and I've played fine before... so why now?

>> No.8359602

Getting Link error.

>> No.8359605


>> No.8359631

christ dude....

i cant remember how to do those empty teleports
but god damn

>> No.8359633

eh, when i'm running away from you don't take it as an insult. i'm hinting you to HEAT so that you can recover your lost life. ggs.

>> No.8359639 daigo tier
east coast canada (less than 5 delay please)

>> No.8359645

haha when you did that to me I figured you might be doing that but didn't do it anyway. I know you dced from me because you wanted to play someone else but noone else is hosting.

>> No.8359646
Georgia, USA
Most C-Miyako and H-Miyako
Average+ Tier

Im rehosting... Its been horrible lag here the whole time, can't even get through the char. select. I can't figure out if its me or not, because I had a game go just fine a few minutes ago.

>> No.8359651

I could play just find with reewind and I can't even get any input to work when I connect to you so I'm guessing it's either on your end or a matter of distance between us.

>> No.8359667

oh no worries

honestly i think its just random

>> No.8359676

Had fun, since you've had no trouble with others, i'll assume my connection is on the fritz. Sorry about the shit connection man

>> No.8359678 usa east coast

Im hoping there wont be too much lag

>> No.8359682

it's not like i'm going to bait your heat or anything, i wouldn't do that to people who just started playing this game.

coolham are you on wireless by any chance? huge lag spikes we had.

i did make the netplay guide so if anyone who's on east coast and is LAGGING when playing me, that means the problem is most likely on your end.

>> No.8359702
File: 59 KB, 225x350, 35687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on wireless, but i've had no issues until today. I think I'll take tonight to move my router setup into my room for a direct connection

>> No.8359749

good games gundam. good connection although the character select screen was kind of weird
what do i do against the nanaya teleport thing? i don't understand it

>> No.8359751

GGs to the guy i just played. Man you should just stick to H-Arc, you were whupping my ass with her. I had trouble keeping up with her range and blockstrings.

Doesn't help that Nanaya is crazy stupid when someone's on the ground.

>> No.8359765


Well there's a few options really. Jumping and parrying is how you block the possible A dash. jumping also avoids the C dash. Honestly you just gotta be ready for a guessing game since Nanaya has so many options on a knockdown (what with a few various angles and such to attack at, including a jumping OR standing teleport (or teleport fake) to work with for mindgames)

>> No.8359787

i see, thanks.
i think i will stick with h-arc. i just like to play other characters sometimes. i'm sorry if switching bothered/bored you

>> No.8359805


No no man, i love people who try for a bit of variety. Heck, i'm all for trial by fire which is why i switched to F-Roastbeef for a little while. But i could DEFINATELY tell H-Arc is your main, your game with her was top notch. Just work on Red Arc's keepaway tools and learn how to get in on them from above with fireball support. Also for nanaya, his A and C dash attacks have a moment where he's considered to be right in front of you, so mashing out A or an Arc drive can be a good way to punish that mixup attempt if you see the ducking motion.

>> No.8359824
File: 33 KB, 273x277, MB Saber Stridberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why isn't Seiba playable
But she is.

>> No.8359830

i wouldn't recommend that to a high level nanaya though because 90% of the time it will be a feint teleport, he's specifically baiting you to press buttons so he can land a full counter bnb. it's better to just block and make him stack reversal beats which will decrease his overall damage, in the end he'll probably just throw you if he runs out of patience. which isn't bad at all, just take the throw.

>> No.8359832

anyone hosting?

>> No.8359856

new thread
