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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 103 KB, 480x272, ehhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8342628 No.8342628 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]Previous thread >>8279373


Translation in progress - average rate 13.3% per month, current progress as of this post >50%. Beta ETA April 2012.

We are looking for an editor, image editor, and software analyst familiar with PSP hardware/software (they do not all have to be the same person.)

Use REpatch to apply any of the following deltas to your original ISO image. Apply the delta to a patched image to revert to the original (it's symmetric).

PoC delta (known issues, for Proof Of Concept only):
20111218_1_IUO (48%, no confirmed issues):
Test Mode (for quick access to any script);

Images to be Translated:

Outstanding issues (in decreasing priority order):
** Text dialog 2-line limit (3 should be possible)
** Backlog length 52-character limit</spoiler>

>> No.8342634 [DELETED] 

Reported for spamming.

>> No.8342641

Don't bully Cudder please</spoiler>

>> No.8342643

[spoiler]This game is shit, none of the girls act anything like their anime counterparts. A total waste of time.

Pick something with loli futa lesbians instead and I'll help.</spoiler>

>> No.8342649

[spoiler]Hey cudder, go prove your hacking skill by inserting the new Ever17 into the pc version.

>> No.8342654

[spoiler]Files added:
Files changed:
90/160 371/668 55.5%

(answering some replies in the last thread, from last year)
Yes, the 52-character limit is one of the items that will be worked on very very soon, along with increasing the text to 3 lines (and maybe even 4 for 1 or 2 lines, if necessary.)

Let's push hard to finish this!</spoiler>

>> No.8342676 [DELETED] 

Reported for being Cudder.

>> No.8342679

Then shut up and go watch the anime.

Get in the queue. There's 神採りアルケミーマイスター, 姫狩りダンジョンマイスター, and 処女はお姉さまに恋してる in line ahead of you. [Some more detailed requirements couldn't hurt either.]</spoiler>

>> No.8342695 [DELETED] 

>Hacking needed for Otoboku
Reported for being retarded.

>> No.8342721

Which one is that? Someone else has text insertion working? Show proof and I'll dequeue it.

[spoiler]Reported for abusing the report system.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8342726 [DELETED] 

>Otome ha Boku ni Koi Shiteru

>Which one is Otoboku?

You sure you should be doing ANYTHING related to visual novels, Cud-tan?

>> No.8342749

The third one 処女はお姉さまに恋してる? Either way, show some proof someone else has got it working.

Here's a memorable quote from a previous thread:
"it's like expecting the cable guy to know about your favorite TV show"</spoiler>

>> No.8342776

[spoiler]Haven't seen this thread in a while, so I thought Cudder was perma-banned. Too bad it wasn't true.</spoiler>

>> No.8342780 [DELETED] 

No, Cudder. It's like knowing the programmer to know the name of what he's working on.
Which is what it is.
And as far as VNs go, this is an extremely well known one.
In your analogy, it's like expecting the cable guy to know what a TV is.

>> No.8342783 [DELETED] 

It's funny how his legion of fanboys stopped posting even before he posted on the ghost board that he was taking a holiday break (or banned) for a week. What a happy, joyous coincidence.

>> No.8342906

No, not banned. Never was.

It may be "extremely well known" to YOU but keep in mind that I don't really care. AND you're assuming I know enough Japanese to read the titles. We just provide text extraction and insertion services, and technical assistance. Here's another example with PCB fab --- I send the PCB house the necessary files, they make the product and send it back. They don't need to care about anything other than the fact that I'm conforming to their design rules.

"The captain is the last to leave the ship." (And first to board.)</spoiler>

>> No.8342913 [DELETED] 

>No, not banned. Never was.
Reported for lying.

>> No.8342919

[spoiler]>>8342906 We just provide text extraction and insertion services, and technical assistance.
How about you get a real job, cdr? I'm pretty sure you'd do extremely well with bullshit bingo in the industry, seeing how ``elaborate'' your ``services'' are.</spoiler>

>> No.8342948 [DELETED] 

He's still looking for a project to put on his resume. Retrans was a complete failure. Hatsukoi was a disaster. Nobody with a working brain would be proud of Flyable Heart. His latest project doesn't work and he can't even test it himself.

With a track record like that, he may as well just throw in the towel on life now.

>> No.8342957

I do.

The more you trolls harp on this, the more we ignore you and focus on getting shit done.</spoiler>

>> No.8342963 [DELETED] 

>I'm ignoring you! I'm totally ignoring you! You hear me!? I'm not listening! I'm ignoring you! I totally don't hear anything you say because I'm ignoring you!

Honestly, I kind of feel bad for him. It's like making fun of a 5 year old.

>> No.8343070 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 930x594, 8fc743c79e3291b14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on milking~

>> No.8343079 [DELETED] 

Have a fun day at school, Cud-tan. They'll probably teach you how to make turnip vodka for the long Russian winter.

>> No.8343084

[spoiler]I'm bored, so I guess I'll start editing some images.
Is that pack fully unedited as of right now? I would prefer to not spend time editing things that are already done.</spoiler>

>> No.8343096 [DELETED] 

Don't reward a spammer for spamming. Go to the translator's blog if you want to help the person actually spending time on the project instead of jerking off over how their patches don't work.

>> No.8343144
File: 213 KB, 480x272, graphics+title+titlekari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Like this?</spoiler>

>> No.8343206 [DELETED] 

Go eat a bag of cunts, trolldick.

>> No.8343381 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 496x310, backlog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a week your spam update is "happy new year"? Crawl back to the VNTS thread please, seriously.

And yes, the game does crash because of the backlog overflow, it wasn't "lol my faulty hardware".

>> No.8343422 [DELETED] 

To the slaughterhouse you go, porkfags!

>> No.8343437

[spoiler]If it's just you doing this shit why do you still use first person plural? And why do you use [ instead of ( like normal people do? you're a very annoying tripfag, even worse than that nipaa faggot</spoiler>

>> No.8343491

People that want to avoid taking responsibility usually speak in terms of "we" instead of "I". But for Cudder, I guess he just wants to up his ``importance'' by pretending to work in a team.</spoiler>

>> No.8344703

>It may be "extremely well known" to YOU but keep in mind that I don't really care. AND you're assuming I know enough Japanese to read the titles. We just provide text extraction and insertion services, and technical assistance. Here's another example with PCB fab --- I send the PCB house the necessary files, they make the product and send it back. They don't need to care about anything other than the fact that I'm conforming to their design rules.

So then why don't you believe me that the VN is shit and you should work on a loli futa yuri one instead?</spoiler>

>> No.8344744 [DELETED] 

Stop talking to yourself, Cudder. You ain't fooling anyone.

>> No.8345720 [DELETED] 

Thanks Cudder

>> No.8345753 [DELETED] 

Thanks for what?

Not like a bumpbot will reply or anything...

>> No.8345758 [DELETED] 

I'm not a bot, I am a real person of flesh and bone grateful for Cudder hard work. Without her this project would have never happened

>> No.8345772 [DELETED] 

>for Cudder hard work
You're not doing anything, Cudder. You're just spamming a patch that doesn't work. If you spent a tenth the time actually fixing your shit instead of spamming, maybe it would.

>> No.8345778 [DELETED] 

Explain how? Her patch is broken and she can't even debug it.

By the way, are you the same desperate dude that went ``bumping'' the translator blog during the week where Cudder was banned?

But worry not fatty, once I'm done with adding the 3rd line of text I'll contact directly the translator and Cudder will become completely irrelevant.

>> No.8345997 [DELETED] 

bump to save the thread from the spam

>> No.8346021

bump bump

>> No.8346025 [DELETED] 

Why do you want to save the thread?
Honestly, do you think the project will die without it?

>> No.8346582 [DELETED] 

She started it.

And just like the problems from before, they got fixed.

>> No.8346655 [DELETED] 

>She started it
And? What's her excuse to keep forcing her thread and not use the VNTS thread instead?
The translator continues to translate peacefully on his blog, while Cudder will never be able to fix her buggy patch without proper hardware. And here you are, glorifying her useless cunt, completely forgetting the most important person of the project.

You are like Cudder in fact: no PSP, can't help testing, can't translate, can't edit, can program. Can only spam.

You can't always be here to bump this thread dude, you have school tomorrow. Spammers will come. They always do.

>> No.8347441 [DELETED] 

>You are like Cudder in fact
Probably because it is Cudder. We went over this with Flyable Heart. A ton of bump, flyable bump, bampu pantsu, etc posts would disappear all the time minutes before Cudder would bump the thread with some meaningless status update. He stopped doing that the moment someone pointed out that the archives tracked that shit.

>> No.8348249 [DELETED] 

So just because you have some sort of personal vendetta against Cudder, you're attempting to sabotage this project? That makes you the worse kind of troll, much worse than Cudder.

Noticed how /jp/ loses a few pages shortly after this gets bumped?

>> No.8348467 [DELETED] 

>you're attempting to sabotage this project?
It's funny how you think "Project not spammed on /jp/" = "Dead project", but I guess when the goal of the project is to get your dick sucked, Cudder, a day without waving your cock around in everyone's faces is a day wasted.

>> No.8349184

[spoiler]Files added:
Files changed:
91/160 372/668 55.7%

Yes, I believe so. The convention we've established is to create a Mediafire folder and upload your work there (after posting the URL/ID). Welcome aboard. [Do you know the translations?]

I have explained the first point before; also this is intended to be a collaborative project. I use both () and [] depending on how auxillary the point is.

That's your opinion. The translator's is certainly different. If you have a VN in mind, you will have to wait as the free requests queue is rather full at the moment.

Whatever issues there are, they are not insurmountable. Report them and they will be investigated and eventually fixed. (An emulator is better in some respects, because you can manipulate the virtual hardware state at your own convenience. No worries of bricking anything either.) The releases so far are still WORK IN PROGRESS and should not be misconstrued as anything other than such. Your useless speculation and accusations do not hold at all.

I would like to repeat once more that I was NOT banned and only took a week of vacation. This is merely my word against yours, but take it for what it is.

You may be able to fix those issues, but gloating about it and not releasing anything helps not one bit. Our patches have issues but everyone can see that we have *something* tangible to provide, while you don't.

I do not see any reason why your confrontational and uncooperative abusive attitude is anything other than a personal issue. I'm not a fan of the "let's hug each other and apologize" stuff, but you should seriously think about whether your emotions are getting in the way of your judgement, and drop the adversarial behavior.

Do note that as a consequence of this thread being here, we have now an image editor. The rest of your remarks are unintelligible.</spoiler>

>> No.8349281 [DELETED] 

No you don't.

>> No.8349448 [DELETED] 

>You may be able to fix those issues, but gloating about it and not releasing anything helps not one bit.
I'll cooperate when you stop acting like a spammer, otherwise I'll just contact directly the translator. I don't think it could go wrong, unless he has a strong preference for mentally unstable attention whores (reminder: >The scripts are in a stupid file format though (CSV))

In 2 months of spamming, there was only one legit reply (yesterday, the image editing guy), this should really give you a good hint about the quality of this thread.

>> No.8349670

Excuse me?

You need to change your definition of "spamming", especially since it does not agree with any reasonable definition that both me AND the moderation have. I am most certainly NOT "acting like a spammer". Your arguments have all been rebutted.

YOU are the only one complaining about everything. YOU are the only one who thinks one thread for a translation project is "spamming". This thread did not push any better thread off the board; /jp/ did not even have 15 pages when I created this yesterday.

>[...] there was only one legit reply (yesterday, the image editing guy), this should really give you a good hint about the quality of this thread.
I do not have any control over who posts here. You chose to complain and troll, not me.

I'll ask you one thing: Do you really not want /jp/ VN translation projects?</spoiler>

>> No.8349734 [DELETED] 

>I do not have any control over who posts here. You chose to complain and troll, not me.
Bump, bump, bump, imperishable bump, bumpu pantsu, keep milking bampu. Sure is full of interest in here.

>I'll ask you one thing: Do you really not want /jp/ VN translation projects?
I'm pretty sure nobody cares if it is a "/jp/" translation project or not.

>Do note that as a consequence of this thread being here, we have now an image editor.
I'll just start making threads for every VN I want translated and keep bumping them until I am satisfied.
Somebody will eventually translate them and then, after several years of spamming, I'll be like "See guys? the consequence of my threads is that the VNs got finally translated!"

There's no point in forcing this on /jp/, it's not your project, you don't coordinate anything, you just keep bumping until somebody shows up and does the stuff for you. Making a thread once a week or using the VNTS one is more than enough.

Good luck with your emulator.

>> No.8349847

>Bump, bump, bump, imperishable bump, bumpu pantsu, keep milking bampu. Sure is full of interest in here.
If they choose to keep the thread alive, that's much appreciated. This is not a "fast" thread.

>I'll just start making threads for every VN I want translated and keep bumping them until I am satisfied.
The crucial difference is, there IS a translator who wanted to do it, and would do it if the framework was in place to.

>I'm pretty sure nobody cares if it is a "/jp/" translation project or not.
Once in a while someone suggests /jp/ work together on something. I'll also remind you that I was the *first* to post email and suggest non-/jp/ collaboration, but it ended up otherwise. Don't think I'm the one who was forcing this as a /jp/ project from the beginning. But now that it is one, it should remain one.

>There's no point in forcing this on /jp/, it's not your project, you don't coordinate anything, you just keep bumping until somebody shows up and does the stuff for you.
It's _our_ project (that includes every one of you here who want to participate too.) I'm not the one who is bumping, see above. I released the first build, and did get those last few freezing issues resolved. There will be more work in that direction. Also I'm likely to help out with editing in order to get the multi-dialect stuff done.

If you're the one who got the backlog limit issue fixed, then please release something that everyone can try. Giving a few "pointers" is fine too.

In summary, I'm not just being lazy even though it may look like that for now. I also have many OTHER things to do besides work on this project (which is basically allocated to my spare time/breaks away from REAL work, along with whatever other text extraction requests are queued.)</spoiler>

>> No.8349974 [DELETED] 

>backlog limit issue
The ``backlog limit issue'' is a buffer overflow issue. Sometimes the backlog gets written to memory AFTER the part that is supposed to truncate it, crashing the game and rebooting the psp.

>release something that everyone can try
There's no hurry, nobody tests the patches anyway, besides maybe the translator.

>> No.8351923

[spoiler]What's this doing on page 15?</spoiler>

>> No.8352012 [DELETED] 

Hello, Cudder. What happened to all that interest you were harping on about?

>> No.8352079

Stop assuming everyone is Cudder.</spoiler>

>> No.8352102 [DELETED] 

>What is irony?

>> No.8352681 [DELETED] 

>Stop thinking I'm Cudder just because I'm Cudder.

>> No.8352752 [DELETED] 

Free bump

>> No.8352860 [DELETED] 

Reported for being Cudder.

>> No.8352884 [DELETED] 

>but it ended up otherwise.
Who asked you to keep it on /jp/?
Where are all those people who begged you to make it a "/jp/ community project?" And I'm talking about real human beings, not ANSI C spambots who can't make a post without the word "bump" in it.

Not even the translator is using this thread, how do you explain that?

You are ill Cudder.

>> No.8353986

[spoiler]You are the best Cudder, many thanks for making this project real.</spoiler>

>> No.8354008

In before accusations of being Cudder

[spoiler]I hope no one finds out we're the same person![/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8354022 [DELETED] 

Good thing the translator doesn't know about this thread.

>> No.8354028

He's a /jp/ regular so I'm sure he does.

>> No.8354036 [DELETED] 

Just like Cudder made Hatsukoi and Flyable Heart real too, right?

>> No.8354043 [DELETED] 

You are really as clueless as cudder.

>> No.8354047 [DELETED] 

And notice how he keeps all his shit on his blog, which Cudder refuses to use. Cudder also refuses to give the translator the tools to make udpates himself, unlike every single other hacker in the world. Because god help us all if it's ever not all about Cudder.

>> No.8354083 [DELETED] 

I already know what Cudder will say tomorrow:

>blog, which Cudder refuses to use
The blog doesn't work in my browser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Cudder also refuses to give the translator the tools
The tools are part of "our" "ENTERPRISE GRADE INTEGRATED SOLUTION FOR SYNERGIZING VISUAL NOVELS TEXT EXTRACTION" and are not open source. And I also must protect my intellectual property!

Funny cunt.

>> No.8354246 [DELETED] 

I know, but it still bears pointing out Cudder's retardedness. I feel bad for the translator trying to do his/her own shit while Cudder's busy formenting negative publicity for this all over the place and holding the tools to work on it for ransom. If they ever say anything against Cudder, he'll just take his shit and go home. Or more likely, fire up Google Translate again to prove how he thinks knowledge and skill are unneeded.

>> No.8354858 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 256x128, graphics+advmenu+map_systxt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are only one complain about it, you are only one to causing the "negative publicity"!

>> No.8354861 [DELETED] 

Hello Cudder. Hitting the Russian vodka early tonight?

>> No.8354870 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 384x256, graphics+gameclear+gameclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 kanji says (investigation success), maybe put as TL note

>> No.8354893

[spoiler]I rarely visit /jp/, but as a /prog/rider of yore I must say I sympathize with you guys. Go to REchan or 4-ch or /prog/ and look up some of his old Anonix posts. The guy has a serious case of histrionic personality disorder coupled with NIH syndrome.</spoiler>

>> No.8354911 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 256x128, graphics+gameclear+map_systxt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8354956 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 208x128, graphics+gameclear+systxt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8355004 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 256x128, graphics+eyecatch+eye_systxt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why is so many duplicate?

>> No.8355036 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 96x128, graphics+eyecatch+logo_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8355062 [DELETED] 

graphics+eyecatch+systxt2.png same as graphics+gameclear+systxt2.png

i think all basal one finished now

>> No.8355082 [DELETED] 

>Play until here is not recorded return to title screen?
>Ahead with the story.
>To record it, please choose to save.

So, posting as the old FH4 persona with the trip off, eh, Cudder? I'm sure the translator will be thrilled with this 'help.'

>> No.8355108 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 224x64, graphics+chapter+chapter_systxt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8355161 [DELETED] 

Hahaha. Oh god, you can't even edit images right. Stop Cudder, just stop.

>> No.8355193 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 256x128, graphics+chapter+chapter_txt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are helping too?

>> No.8355325 [DELETED] 

Oops, you got me. I am in fact contributing to the betterment of the project by pointing out that what you're doing is utterly garbage. You win this round.

>> No.8355705

[spoiler]>>8354858 - >>8355193
...Oh. So that's what the FH guy meant when he told me he'd "send help". The reaction was not surprising.
You should provide a better translation. I don't think Yes/No/Return to Title/Load/Save need fixing. "Play until here is not recorded return to title screen?" should be something like "Discard unsaved changes and return to title screen?" ?

With the translator translating, me looking over things and getting releases out, and us working on the outstanding issues, it's only you and your trolls "formenting negative publicity" with your attacks and attempted smear tactics.

1. The translator's blog is his/her personal site. Not until he/she personally states to use it for this project will there be any change to that. Even the header says
>I don't really expect anyone to read it, so I'm more just writing it for myself.
[And I can't see anything more than the header in neither IE, FF, nor Opera.]

2. I said this before and I will say it again: I am not a "hacker", and what we are offering is a *service*. This was made quite clear in the beginning. The translator need not do more than translate and give feedback. Whether YOU agree with that model is irrelevant, because you are not the translator. FYI our tools are a mix of free AND licensed commercial software, and VNs are just one of the many things that they can be, and are, used for. We do offer *development* services, but that's a whole other story. Asking us for the tools is like asking Apple to sell you their entire factory and plans for all their products because you want to build one iPhone yourself.</spoiler>

>> No.8355741 [DELETED] 

You're relentlessly spamming 6-8 times a day, and spreading a buggy patch. How does that reflect well on your work again?

>> No.8355781 [DELETED] 

>Asking us for the tools is like asking Apple to sell you their entire factory and plans for all their products because you want to build one iPhone yourself.
No, Cudder, it's not. You are not a manufacturer, nobody is asking you to make them a PSP. What you have is called a compiler. Something available for free in your inane analogy. Try pulling your head out of your ass for a couple minutes. Or at the very least, go back to editing images again and try not to completely fuck up the translation AND images this time.

>> No.8355911

See >>8349670 and >>8349184.

It's not a "compiler", nor are all compilers free.

I won't get into the economic and legal aspects, but for the sake of argument let's say we *did* give the translator everything we needed to get builds working. The first thing he/she is going to think is "how do I install and configure this thing?" Keep in mind that this is "in-house" software that was never intended to be used on anything other than our machines.

Maybe you want tools because you're more computer-literate, but we don't assume the translator has any more computer skills than the minimum required. It's unreasonable to get the translator to learn another skillset (and provide support for those skills). The translator just wants to translate. Thus, the translator will handle the translation, we will handle the technical aspects.

And I won't "go back to editing images again", because I never edited any images in the first place. [Are you going to give any better translations then? I might try a bit if you do, but that means less time for the more technical issues.]</spoiler>

>> No.8355919 [DELETED] 

>I'm not spamming. I'm just posting it 8 times a day to a forum that doesn't want it posted here. Also, ignore that I claimed my spamming worked earlier when I said that someone was going to do images because it turned out to be my alt.


>> No.8355934

>calling 4chan a forum
Newfag detected, get the fuck out.</spoiler>

>> No.8355963 [DELETED] 

>The first thing he/she is going to think is "how do I install and configure this thing?"
So you don't know how to make a standalone executable. No wonder /prog/ thinks you're retarded.

>> No.8356004 [DELETED] 

4chan is a forum, Cud-tan. Just like you're a hacker and a spammer. I know, I know. The truth can be hard, but I have faith that one day, the gleaming light of obvious facts will dawn upon you and you will emerge a better person for it.

>> No.8356120

It *could* be done, but it's highly impractical. There's half a dozen major components, at least another dozen dependencies, and $deity knows how many more various little patches to stuff here and there. It would be simpler to just ship the whole thing as a VM (driver issues notwithstanding), except now you're having someone to get a multi-GB disk image and have 4GB of RAM free, just to make some patches for a VN.

I also remembered it's not all on one machine either. Not going to go find the documentation for that right now. The bottom line is, we built this system for our work, and it's grown organically and become a part of the environment here. It's efficient for us in the same way that a production line is.</spoiler>

>> No.8356167 [DELETED] 

The sad part is that I suspect you believe this bullshit you're spewing.

>> No.8356456 [DELETED] 

Ohayou /jp/

>> No.8356526 [DELETED] 

>Translated images getting dumped one by one.
How more of a joke project can it become?

Cudder, if you can't provide tools for a ``community'' project, then you are useless. But don't worry, you will become completely irrelevant soon, this is my biggest motivation in fact when I think about it. How funny is that?

>> No.8356783

"joke project"? What exactly are you trying to say with that? This is an imageboard. I would not expect whoever dumped those images to know all the details; FH guy probably just told him to edit them and post them here. Stop with the lies and slander, start speaking facts "because they're hard enough to hit people with" [or so that saying goes.]

The last time I checked, you haven't released ANYTHING: no tools, no documentation, not even a patch. How "useless" is that! I've already explained well enough why our tools are not public --- but everything else is. If you think it is a *requirement* to "provide tools for a ``community'' project", then look at all the projects out there which have open-source AND closed-source portions, and if you think thus, then YOU should be the one to release tools, because YOU think that is a requirement. YOU are the only one complaining about that, when neither the translator nor you need them. What the translator requires is text extraction and insertion, which we've provided. I even offered documentation before, and no one took the offer. If you want to release yours, that's your choice.

I do realize our services are not for everyone, BUT I hear no objection from the translator. SaaS has plenty of opponents as well as supporters. Go argue about that somewhere else.</spoiler>

>> No.8356842

>The last time I checked, you haven't released ANYTHING
Where do you think the images come from?

>BUT I hear no objection from the translator
Check his blog, he isn't very fond of your shitty csv forcing.
Shit cudder, the translator isn't even posting in this thread anymore, he simply doesn't give a fuck about your spamfest.

>YOU should be the one to release tools
You are only relevant because you have the repacking tools and this is why you think you can keep spamming freely. If you were right, and the translator didn't care about the tools, what do you think he'll chose: a working patch or a broken patch? A bullshit csv format or a human readable and easily editable custom format? Rethink your spamming strategy now, ``please''.

For the image translating dude, keep the PSD files, because your images will need to be edited later. And don't dump them one by one here.
See Cudder, you should be saying this instead, as a "lol official project manager".

>> No.8358775 [DELETED] 

stealth bump

>> No.8358798 [DELETED] 

eyeenbeefour post deletino cudder

>> No.8358864 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 496x620, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it Cudder, you can now stop spamming and move on to another "project".

Good bye Cudder and thank you, those two months of shitposting were extremely fun!

>> No.8358892


>> No.8358918 [DELETED] 

Don't taunt her, dude.

>> No.8358935 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 496x310, backlog3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a shot of the backlog with a 4 lines of text.
This won't happen after editing.

typical 12yo Cudder cuntlicker.

>> No.8359071 [DELETED] 

Actually, that's 5 lines of text.
But good work. Just get the translator to stop sending Cudder scripts and we'll have a Cudderless world for a week or two.

>> No.8359092 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 394x259, chen.no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, that's 5 lines of text.
Dude, there are only 4 lines in the middle box.

>> No.8360185 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 25738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you guys get along like them.

Please not hate and love each other~

>> No.8360205

I'm here</spoiler>

>> No.8360233 [DELETED] 

Because of autists like you and Cudder.

>> No.8360283 [DELETED] 

That IS Cudder.

>> No.8360372 [DELETED] 

Funny how you blame everything you don't like on her,

>> No.8360402 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 419x263, 1317507877064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Cudder

>> No.8360484 [DELETED] 

Nope, Cudder. Only the empty bumps and attempts to suck Cudder's dick.

>> No.8360841 [DELETED] 

So encouraging peace is "attempts to suck Cudder's dick"? Maybe attempts to suck everyone's dick...

>> No.8361268

[spoiler]Cudder can you sub episode of Milky Holmes season two?</spoiler>

>> No.8361276 [DELETED] 

Knock it off, Cudder, you're not fooling anybody.

>> No.8362084

[spoiler]Files added:
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92/160 373/668 55.8%

I believe that finishes off the test scripts. All the rest is up to the main translator.

I noticed more people downloaded the PoC than REpatch. As the instructions clearly state, you need REpatch to use the deltas.

If those screenshots are to be believed, it's good that you figured it out, but you seriously need to stop with the insults and accusations.

>>8356842 Curious how your post disappeared, isn't it?
From what I remember, that quote was taken a long time ago when this project started. It is the translator's personal opinion and nothing more. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions; I'm not "very fond of" many things too, but most of the time it's best to just follow along. The fact that the translator has had no problems with following the CSV spec and only YOU seem to be complaining loudly makes this quite clear.

It didn't start out like this. The first few threads were quite civilized. Then everyone started throwing insults around and accusing me of whatever they can think of. I'm not the one being hostile here.

That being said, although it's depressing, on the bright side... things are actually getting done.</spoiler>

>> No.8362121

Try these guys. They did the anime and the videos in the VN.

Seriously, you are misidentifying everyone as me to the point that others are bumping just to see this reaction from you.</spoiler>

>> No.8362134 [DELETED] 

>things are actually getting done.
In order to get rid of you.

>> No.8362239 [DELETED] 

>It's not me, it's just a legion of fans for me! An anonymous legion who are only ever awake when it's daylight in my time zone who have wholeheartedly supported every single one of my failed projects for years in exactly the same way.
Why do you even bother?

>> No.8362297

[spoiler]ITT Cudder getting trolled and obsoleted by Anonymous. I don't even care about Milky Holmes VN, but reading this thread somewhat brightened my day.</spoiler>

>> No.8362366

Please examine the timestamps a little more closely.

Whatever you want to call it, I'm "the spark that lights a thousand fires".</spoiler>

>> No.8362672 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 334x334, are_you_a_cdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If those screenshots are to be believed

Cudder, are you going to keep this spamfest alive until April? And that will be only the "beta". So how long? Katawa Shoujo was in development for 4 years, do you remember them spamming boards during that whole time?

Remove all saged replies and see what kind of thread you get: Files added, Files removed, bump, stealth bump, milky bump~, bump, Files added, Files removed, free bump.

>> No.8363552
File: 278 KB, 515x480, clippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]It looks like you are experiencing butthurt.

Would you help with:
* Crying more
* Ignoring the thread
* Making another post

[ ] Don't show this tip again</spoiler>

>> No.8363567

A ``retro'' computer reference, a five hour bump, and common hacker/plaintext conventions?

Gee, I wonder who this could be!</spoiler>

>> No.8363568 [DELETED] 

Sup Cudder?

>> No.8363607 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 334x334, are_you_a_cdr_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8363781
File: 53 KB, 262x322, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8363796 [DELETED] 


>> No.8363811

[spoiler]Why does this get its own thread?
Cudder, just set a blog up (/jp/ is not your personal blog) and post your detailed status in there. Then, let the VNTS threads take care of reporting the status.

This doesn't need it's own thread and you just come off as attention whoring, the sooner you realise this, the quicker people will become less hostile.
If you don't realise this and not act on it, you'll be a faggot forever.

I hope this helps.


>> No.8363831 [DELETED] 


>> No.8363854

Sup Cudder?</spoiler>

>> No.8363870 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 500x661, identifying-cdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8364500

I only just saw the thread now.

Instead of "complete investigation, ahead to next?"
I would put maybe "Finish the investigation and proceed?" or something.</spoiler>

>> No.8364683 [DELETED] 

You know, the 'translation' is shitty, the text isn't aligned right, and the font/effects very obviously won't work as he has them. It would literally be faster to just do it from scratch.

>> No.8364713 [DELETED] 

He just needs to keep the PSD files, or make a textual translation first, for the future editor. And only then put the final tranlsation on images.

>> No.8364729 [DELETED] 

bumpu pantsu

>> No.8364750 [DELETED] 

I don't understand. Do you really enjoy that much having your thread at the top of the board 24/7 Cudder?

>> No.8364762 [DELETED] 

He also needs to fix the font, alignment, and effects. Like I said, may as well do it from scratch.

>> No.8364766

Same Cudder</spoiler>

>> No.8364785 [DELETED] 


>> No.8364800 [DELETED] 

There are over 9000 projects being updated in the VNTS thread. Why can't Cudder's project be the same?

>> No.8364816

Because he's a faggot</spoiler>

>> No.8364830 [DELETED] 

Cudder is a she

>> No.8364844 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't like MH
>Doesn't have a PSP
>Can't translate
>Can't edit
>Can't program

I don't even know who am I quoting.

>> No.8364906 [DELETED] 

koko made no purei ha
kiroku saremasen ga
taitoru gamen ni modorimasuka?

>> No.8366495 [DELETED] 

stay milky /jp/

>> No.8366660 [DELETED] 

I don't think Cudder even like VNs period, just attention.

>> No.8368177 [DELETED] 

Any MH or RO doujins got scanned?

>> No.8368182 [DELETED] 

Hello, Cudder. Trying new tactics?

>> No.8368200 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 131022457414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Cudder, this is the most hilarious shitposting thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.8368283

[spoiler]Files added:
Files changed:
93/160 379/668 56.7%

Change it to "if that video is to be believed".

>This doesn't need it's own thread
>This doesn't need it is own thread
Anyway. See >>8349847

I agree about the translation (and we're working to get better ones), but everything else should be judged when you insert them back into the game and test how they actually display.

I might help out with editing later. Do I like or hate this VN? Neither. I'm neutral on that, because [1] it's just being translated now, and [2] I'd like to remain neutral because it shouldn't matter to me.</spoiler>

>> No.8368297 [DELETED] 

>everything else should be judged when you insert them back into the game
This is the most retarded thing I think I've seen you write in a while. Congratulations.

>> No.8368308

You think that's me? Really?

I was actually writing >>8368283 at that time.</spoiler>

>> No.8368309 [DELETED] 

>Anyway. See >>8349847
"It's not my fault, I don't have a blog, I don't have a forum, I don't have an email address, my browser doesn't work. My only responsability is bumping this thread every 4 hours."

brb asking the translator what he thinks about using plain text format for editing and if he wants a working copy of the patched psp eboot.

>> No.8368323 [DELETED] 

Quick, delete your post and then claim that they were banned.

>> No.8368331
File: 374 B, 126x32, lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8368339 [DELETED] 

You are funny.

>> No.8368341

[spoiler]Oh, for fuck's sake. Didn't we see the last of Cudder and his amazing machine translations after he fucked up Flyable Heart?</spoiler>

>> No.8368354

>Didn't we see the last of Cudder and his amazing machine translations after he fucked up Flyable Heart?
No, Cudder and the Flyable Translation Machine is still on the road.</spoiler>

>> No.8368379 [DELETED] 

Doing their shows 6 times a day, every single day.

>> No.8368826

Above that.

We have a better translator now.

>Can't program
You want to challenge me?</spoiler>

>> No.8368861 [DELETED] 

I want you to stop spamming the board.

This is not a /jp/ project, nobody asked you to keep this thread alive, all the translator wanted is somebody to extract text from the game and you immediately saw this as a perfect pretext to start attention whoring once again.

>> No.8369139

I'm not "spamming", by any reasonable definition of such.

As I remember the Katawa Shoujo guys made a ton of threads at once and they weren't staying on /jp/ either. That's different.

If /jp/ project threads aren't, then /jp/ will never have its own projects. Whether you choose to argue or help is your decision. You can ignore the thread if you're not interested.

"Good things come to those who wait."</spoiler>

>> No.8369184 [DELETED] 

Yeah, basically "I don't care, I'll just continue waving my tripcode all over the board until this game is fully translated".

Learn to do things properly, nobody asked you to make these threads, and in two months of forcing you got absolutely 0 legit replies. Even the image translator guy was sent here by one of your buddies.

>> No.8369190 [DELETED] 

>If /jp/ project threads aren't, then /jp/ will never have its own projects.

Are you avoiding the most relevant parts on purpose?

>This is not a /jp/ project, nobody asked you to keep this thread alive, all the translator wanted is somebody to extract text from the game and you immediately saw this as a perfect pretext to start attention whoring once again.

>nobody asked you to keep this thread alive

>> No.8369730 [DELETED] 

Spam: the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately

Mmhmm. You're not spamming. You're informing a population through continuous mass solicitation. Totally 100% different.

>> No.8369746 [DELETED] 

Exactly! She's simply informing the whole board through unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. Totally legit.

>> No.8372263 [DELETED] 

my holmes is getting milky

>> No.8372310 [DELETED] 

Reported for being Cudder.

>> No.8372344 [DELETED] 

You're all just jealous of her talent.

>> No.8372362 [DELETED] 

>Hack that crashes

Uh huh

>> No.8372381 [DELETED] 

Just so you know, fixing the backlog crash and removing the line limit will be a pain in the cunt without proper hardware.

>> No.8372571 [DELETED] 

Kawaii bumpu

>> No.8372644 [DELETED] 

Cudder just trolling now.

>> No.8374600 [DELETED] 

I am not Cudder though

>> No.8374757 [DELETED] 

Okay, Cudder.

>> No.8375873

[spoiler]Files added:
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93/160 379/668 56.7%

There is value in keeping this thread alive. [Or maybe they're just trolling you too.] More MH images in the thread are welcome.

If anything you should be complaining about the multiple "why is Touhou X Y" "which Touhou would you X" etc. threads.


Do you have a hardware debugger or something? Otherwise it's a lot easier to use an emulator, albeit an imperfect one, to investigate these issues since you have complete control and visibility of the machine state. This is quite common in embedded development. [The only thing annoying for me when I was looking a bit at it was the superfluous sigils that keep reminding me of immediate constants. That and the low density of MIPS code in general.]

On the image editing front, I managed to get the list of text in images to be inserted along with the rough translation you saw earlier. If you find better translations, repaste it and post the link:

>> No.8376014 [DELETED] 

>Otherwise it's a lot easier to use an emulator
It's so much easier, you can't solve the problem and you can't test anything.
Derp de Cudder derp.

>> No.8376066

I don't have 24/7 to work on that, you know.

Shut up and have patience.</spoiler>

>> No.8376107 [DELETED] 

I don't want you to fix it. I want you to leave.

>> No.8376232 [DELETED] 

>Do you have a hardware debugger or something?
You can debug directly on the PSP, provided the console has a custom firmware.

Well, it's just a question of time anyway, there's very little skill involved in staring at assembly and stepping the program in a debugger.

>> No.8377048
File: 53 KB, 482x274, scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]No hardware? No problem! We're getting there.

Maybe we should compare how we're fixing this. I have a feeling we chose different ways of doing it.</spoiler>

>> No.8377075 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - Prog Culture

>> No.8377114
File: 59 KB, 482x274, scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]80+ characters. Barely fit in 2 lines.

Time for me to go eat and take a break from this stuff for the rest of the day.

Likely patch release tomorrow.</spoiler>

>> No.8377129 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 300x132, ProgrammingDiapsid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cudder, let's go. Let's go to the translator's blog. Nobody understands you here. I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything. Everything!. Let's leave, Cudder. Let's go.

>> No.8377523 [DELETED] 

Good morning bump

>> No.8377641 [DELETED] 

downtime bump

>> No.8377644 [DELETED] 

And good afternoon to you, Cudder.

>> No.8378524 [DELETED] 

Thanks for translating this to us cudder :3

>> No.8378531 [DELETED] 

Hi Cudder.

>> No.8378538

Why don't you guys just confess to Cudder already?

>> No.8378542

[spoiler]      ____
   /∵∴●∴∴.● |   
   |∵∵∵/ ●\∵|
   |∵∵ /三 | 三| |  
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    \∵ | \__ノ .|/ムシャムシャ
      \|_ Д゚)/
            |レ'`  、w,,
       ,,w,,  ||  ,, ノ""
     /∵∴∵∴∵/ <・>|
     |∴∵∴∵∴|      |
     |∵∴ (6∵∴    ○
     ,|∵∴  ∵∴  __|</spoiler>

>> No.8379948

>implying it's not just cudder and one anon</spoiler>

>> No.8380605 [DELETED] 

Warming up for flanfly

>> No.8381316

[spoiler]Files added:
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93/160 379/668 56.7%

I've said this before: I can't view the blog; it's his/her personal site.


Currently figuring out encryption so we can put everything back together. I found prxEncrypter which curiously bloats the EBOOT.BIN up to 5.xxMB whereas the original should be ~1.3MB. [Any hints?]</spoiler>

>> No.8381339 [DELETED] 

>I've said this before: I can't view the blog; it's his/her personal site.
Who am I quoting? >Also, if you can't comment, you can always email me. (followed by his email).

>Any hints?
Helping you here will only result in more spam.

>> No.8381382

"spam"? Excuse me?

We've discussed that to death already. Final verdict: Thread stays.

I don't *require* your help. Things will get done either way. You can choose to be unhelpful and gloat. I don't care - there's the whole Internet out there.

>> No.8381408 [DELETED] 

Read the full post ``please''
>Also, if you can't comment, you can always email me. (followed by his email).

And yes, this thread is spam, there maybe a whole Internet out there, but in two months of forcing you managed to attract nobody but shitposters.

>> No.8381484

I don't have your email. [You and everyone else probably have mine by now.] Are you telling me to ask the translator about technical issues?

I don't care about the shitposters either, they'll just get reported and their posts wiped.</spoiler>

>> No.8381513

fug off cudder. reported for spam. video games go on /v/

>> No.8381530

[spoiler]When is KS going to be translated into Japanese?</spoiler>

>> No.8381551 [DELETED] 

That's happened so often, right? Reported for metamodding.

>> No.8381558 [DELETED] 

>We've discussed that to death already. Final verdict: Thread stays
No we haven't. Everybody has given up proof that this is spam and serves no purpose. You, on the other hand, have lied about attracting help and when people do report issues, accuse them of being liars trying to undermine you.
Verdict: Fuck off.

>> No.8381604 [DELETED] 

I was quoting the translator. Basically he says that you can contact him if you want instead of spamming /jp/.
But we all know you don't want to do that.

And helping by email won't stop you from forcing this thread.

>> No.8381690

I do remember him/her saying something like that, but that's not exactly it. [I do believe the translator has a female name. Not completely certain.]

>lied about attracting help
What? That's one of the main purposes of this thread.
>when people do report issues, accuse them of being liars trying to undermine you
I'm asking for the facts and details. You say "it doesn't work" --- anyone can do that in an attempt to stir up trouble. Talk is cheap. Given that it seems YOU and your trolls ARE trying to "undermine" me, more scrutiny IS going to be needed.</spoiler>

>> No.8381696

[spoiler]Hey faggot. Use normal parenthesis. your brackets push my buttons</spoiler>

>> No.8381698 [DELETED] 

>Do note that as a consequence of this thread being here, we have now an image editor.
>...Oh. So that's what the FH guy meant when he told me he'd "send help".

Yeah, you didn't lie about anything. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8381704 [DELETED] 

>I'm asking for the facts and details. You say "it doesn't work" --- anyone can do that in an attempt to stir up trouble.
Guess who shouldn't be trying to program on something they can't test.
It's you.

>> No.8381747 [DELETED] 

>but that's not exactly it.
I'm quoting his blog, Cudder. I couldn't post comments there in Firefox so he kindly told me I could email him.

But I know what you are going to answer: "He wasn't talking directly to me so it doesn't apply, moreover, since I can't access his blog, I can't confirm if what you are saying is true. therefore I will continue spamming /jp/ about me, myself and I"

You are crazy Cudder, you know that?

>> No.8381815

>>8343084 and >>8343144 came before that. I don't know what happened to him and I do not believe they are the same people.

Irrelevant, I've talked about that before. Also see >>8377048 and >>8377114.

>But I know what you are going to answer
Not quite. You experiencing issues with posting comments just makes me even less willing to figure that out. We have a thread here and it -works-. (Maybe not 100% because of downtime, but that's trivial.) If you don't want to participate you can ignore the thread like all the others you're not interested in.

>You are crazy Cudder, you know that?
Thanks for the compliment ^_^</spoiler>

>> No.8381864 [DELETED] 

>We have a thread here and it -works-.
Who "we"?
There's nobody here but you and that other desperate abo.

People who are genuinely interested in this game don't want to be spoiled by a partial/buggy/unedited patch.
This isn't /prog/ Cudder, nobody cares about technical details.

Checking the VNTS thread for weekly progress is what people usually do.

>> No.8382370 [DELETED] 

Good morning Cudder-chan!

>> No.8382935 [DELETED] 

Guten morgen

>> No.8383004

>Checking the VNTS thread for weekly progress is what people usually do.
To be fair, the progress is never updated in that thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8383096 [DELETED] 

Simply posting there is enough.
But no, Cudder absolutely needs her own thread, even though the only thing she does is replying to shitposts.

>> No.8383169 [DELETED] 

Hump de bump de doo

>> No.8384044 [DELETED] 

holmes = sherlock holmes
milky = ??

what's so milky about this anyway?

>> No.8384052

the pleasure of being cummed inside</spoiler>

>> No.8384056

If you haven't jerked off to Milky Holmes, you don't know SHIT about Milky Holmes.</spoiler>

>> No.8384065 [DELETED] 

Well played Cudder, well played.

>> No.8384124 [DELETED] 

>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky

>> No.8386146 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 800x795, Kokoro - Suspicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miruki Homezu...??!

>> No.8386169 [DELETED] 

Nice try, Cud-chan.

>> No.8386260 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 246x138, ughwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8386586 [DELETED] 

Imperishable bump

>> No.8386601 [DELETED] 

>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump

>> No.8386604 [DELETED] 

Best community driven collaboration project EVER

>> No.8386613

The true collaboration is between the dedicated trolls harassing this project and the people associated with it.</spoiler>

>> No.8386618

[spoiler]What happened to that game drew by the artist for the Shana light novels</spoiler>

>> No.8386619 [DELETED] 

>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump
>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject

>> No.8386627

Flyable Heart was released</spoiler>

>> No.8386628 [DELETED] 

Man I haven't had this much fun since Cudder released the FH patch, that day was hilarious

>> No.8386640 [DELETED] 

What about when he released My Lover is a Male Daughter?

>> No.8386652


>> No.8386655 [DELETED] 

I just remembered that, ahaha oh my sides...

>> No.8386661


Really? It actually was completed? With bad translations and all?</spoiler>

>> No.8386668 [DELETED] 

No, even worse. He went through and replaced the few parts that humans did at the start with his own machine translations. That's what he called editing.

>> No.8386719 [DELETED] 

Ok, this is the last bump for tonight

stay milky /jp/

>> No.8386721 [DELETED] 

Now this is contributing!
>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump
>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject

>> No.8386723

[spoiler]Given how much I love Milky Holmes, as well as this game, it saddens me alot that this project is subject to so much, shit.</spoiler>

>> No.8386725 [DELETED] 

This tread is an eyesore

>> No.8386729


Wow what an idiot</spoiler>

>> No.8386730

This. Fucking Cudder.</spoiler>

>> No.8386731 [DELETED] 

This project will never see the light of a real translation thanks to Cudder incompetence. Nobody is going to be interested in working on something that has already been "translated" after all.

>> No.8386735

[spoiler]I've noticed that I subconsciously filter out Cudder's threads.

I've done it for so long with the idol threads that I simply can't tell with certainty if they're here anymore.</spoiler>

>> No.8386736 [DELETED] 

The translator themself seems like a decent guy and isn't a sockpuppet like FH4 was. He started his own blog for the project, was coordinating work with other people there, etc. Cudder's the one jamming this down our throats and holding the (broken) tools for ransom. I really hope that other anon really does get his tools working and get in touch with the translator to take all of this out of Cudder's slimy grasp.

>> No.8386739 [DELETED] 

I am afraid moderation intervention will be necessary.
Troll project or not this kind of thread does not belong /jp/.

>> No.8386743 [DELETED] 

It could belong on /jp/ once or twice. Eight times a day for six months? Fuck no.

>> No.8386823


/jp/ project dont hate</spoiler>

>> No.8386836 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Cudder. If anybody on /jp/ was willing to help you, they'd have done it already. Go to the translator's blog. Oh wait, for some reason, you can't. You, the mighty hacker, cannot operate a web browser and navigate to a site. You also cannot figure out how to use that cryptic thing called e-mail. Your only excuses for staying here are that you're incompetent and retarded.

>> No.8387078

Is it so hard to filter?</spoiler>

>> No.8387081 [DELETED] 

It's the fun that never ends.
>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump
>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject
>just ignore my spamming

>> No.8387091 [DELETED] 

>It's the fun that never ends.
>>milky bump
>>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>>milky bump
>>why so milky?
>>Status update: This isn't spam
>>what is milky
>>why so milky
>>milky bump
>>milky bump
>>Status update: This thread has value
>>milky bump
>>what are milky
>>Status update: I are super programmer
>>milky bump
>>am i milky
>>Milky bump
>>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject
>>just ignore my spamming

>> No.8387174

[spoiler]Files added:
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94/160 381/668 57.0%

Wow. Looks like the rumour mill is running at full speed.

Calling the ones complaining shitposts? Which side are you on?

Your (wrong) theory that I'm the one doing the bumping may have had slightly better support if that was an Anonymous post. To make this perfectly clear: I'm not the one(s) keeping this thread alive. [Have you entertained the possibility that they are also trolls doing it to get a reaction, or perhaps staging things to support their side?]

We offered editing, he didn't like it and wanted to keep things "raw". I'll just leave it at that; what the translator decides is outside my responsibility.

I didn't have anything to do with that. Not even text extraction. (I pointed him to TLwiki's tools page when he asked.)

Again, misinformation and accusations. The blog you keep mentioning is the translator's personal site and was NOT started for this project. Even doing a Google site search on it will show that clearly. It's existed as far back as 2010.

I know as much as anyone that /jp/ is - in its current state - not particularly helpful. However, there are exceptions. I will ignore your ad hominem. But for your information, I have already talked with the translator offline.

It's a personal issue.</spoiler>

>> No.8387182 [DELETED] 

I like this new game of mine.
>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump
>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject
>just ignore my spamming
>status update: no changes, u r all trolls

>> No.8387198 [DELETED] 

See Cudder, the only thing you do is replying to shitposts. So what's the real purpose of this thread? Where are the contributors to this /jp/ project? Where are all those excited people that just can't wait for you to release a new patch?
Remove all the saged replies and you will have nobody to reply to, nobody besides your own disguised bumping of course.

The only /jp/ content in this thread is the picture in the OP. Very cleverly disguised spam thread. As expected from Cudder.

>> No.8387212

"I hate you and can't think of any more counterarguments, so I'll just bomb the shit of out you."

Resorting to violence so soon?</spoiler>

>> No.8387217 [DELETED] 

But Cud-tan, it's just a list of your own posts. Don't you like seeing everything you have to say so aptly summarized?

>> No.8387218 [DELETED] 

lol he's probably american

jus' sayin'

>> No.8387227 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 268x356, gojpimas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8387231 [DELETED] 

"There's nothing on topic, so I just post bump every 6 hours."
See? I can do it too.

>> No.8387232

Have you never lol'd?
It is a very enjoyable thing to do.
Please try it.</spoiler>

>> No.8387239

[spoiler]It's almost as if this thread is personally insulting someone. It's not wrong to get shit done.</spoiler>

>> No.8387247 [DELETED] 

It's not almost as if that. It is that. Because he's not getting shit done. And he's doing it badly. And posting about it 6 times a day.

>> No.8387262

>Because he's not getting shit done. And he's doing it badly.
How much does it cost?</spoiler>

>> No.8387272

How much is it worth?</spoiler>

>> No.8387277

There is an anon that really really hates Cudder and everything Cudder is involved in.</spoiler>

>> No.8387344 [DELETED] 

How often do we need to hear about it?

>> No.8387351 [DELETED] 

Just one, Cudder? You're delusional.

>> No.8387365 [DELETED] 

Eating cudder's spam on a daily basis. That's what it costs.

>> No.8387741

Apparently you guys don't like the current translations, but once there are better ones we can get the images edited. I may do a little bit of script editing later on too.

I also have the more technical issues to work on, currently in the process of doing more research on that.

That's not me. My word against yours, although at this point I really don't care if you believe me or not, but keep in mind nothing is stopping anyone from bumping the thread and then immediately posting afterwards to claim that it's me, especially with all the smear tactics you trolls are so keen on attempting now.</spoiler>

>> No.8387783

>I also have the more technical issues to work on
Do you think people care? Do you think people want to read MIPS hacking discussion on /jp/?
Use your brain for a second, nobody will test your patches. Nobody wants to get spoiled by a partially translated / unedited / buggy game. What people want is to know if the translation is still going on or not, and no need to keep this thread alive 24/7 just for that. You simply have nothing to say in this thread, nothing at all, there's nothing to discuss.

But you just can't understand that, because you don't play VNs, you don't like MH and all you keep saying is "hurr durr free service provider durr". Think for a second, why do you think your "/jp/ project" threads attract so much shitposting? Because you don't know how to do things properly, that's why everythig you touch turns into drama/spam/shitfest.

>> No.8388026

You're trying to argue with an autist. Nothing good can come out of this. Filter/report the thread, if anything.</spoiler>

>> No.8388413 [DELETED] 

The trolls are working at full force today

>> No.8389395 [DELETED] 


>> No.8389605 [DELETED] 


>> No.8389662 [DELETED] 

In mouth, vagina, and ass?

>> No.8389822 [DELETED] 

Cudder-sama has spoken.

Things are going to change my comrades.

From now on the bumpings shall be done hourly



>> No.8390117 [DELETED] 

Keep milking bumpu

>> No.8390235 [DELETED] 

Would you cuddle with cudder?

>> No.8390263

Not unless you wanted to lose your head.</spoiler>

>> No.8390360

[spoiler]Wow, the mod is literally deleting posts ridiculing cudder. What the fuck is wrong with /jp/?</spoiler>

>> No.8390365

A mod deleting rule breaking posts? That is crazy.</spoiler>

>> No.8390369

First off, newfriend, it would be a janitor, not a mod. Second off, a janitor deleting shitposts and offtopic posts is pretty common.</spoiler>

>> No.8390379 [DELETED] 

Let me show you the way troll


>> No.8390383 [DELETED] 

This is a community driven collaboration project, if you don't want to collaborate piss off.

>> No.8390388 [DELETED] 

Am I being trolled?

>> No.8390392

Just because it's Cudder doesn't mean you get free reign to shit up an on-topic thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8390400

People are fed up with your constant bitching in these threads.</spoiler>

>> No.8390518 [DELETED] 

Just stop bothering Cudder

>> No.8391047 [DELETED] 

And bump

>> No.8391084 [DELETED] 

I said BUMP

>> No.8391107 [DELETED] 

If being fed up with someone meant they would go away these threads wouldn't be here anymore.

>> No.8391316 [DELETED] 

I don't think /jp/ is moving that fast, is it?

>> No.8391334 [DELETED] 

What is this thread doing on page 3?

>> No.8391435 [DELETED] 

Holy shit I said "What is this thread doing on page 3?" and my post almost ended in 333. I swear I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't even knew that post number was coming up.

This truly must be fate.

>> No.8391446

[spoiler]Holy shit Cudder thank you SO MUCH for this. You're so awesome for taking the time to do this, and I'm sure it takes a lot of talent. Kudos for putting up with the haters despite everything. You're the best!</spoiler>

>> No.8391474 [DELETED] 

She's so awesome she deserves a bump.

>> No.8391579 [DELETED] 


>> No.8391669 [DELETED] 


>> No.8391679 [DELETED] 

Is it safe to assume Cudder has gone full retard now?

>> No.8391711

[spoiler]So I get that the characters don't match between the [spoiler]anime[/spoiler] and the VN, but is the weird sense of humor intact?</spoiler>

>> No.8391725

Weird sense of humour?</spoiler>

>> No.8391734 [DELETED] 

Weird sense of humor

>> No.8391752

Well. The anime is a gag show where the characters are borderline retarded. The game is not. And by comparison is quite more serious.</spoiler>

>> No.8391793 [DELETED] 

midnight bump

>> No.8391851 [DELETED] 

Stop bumping your thread Cudder

>> No.8391854 [DELETED] 

Sorry... Forgot my sage

>> No.8391858

Nice try, Cudder.</spoiler>

>> No.8391882 [DELETED] 


>> No.8391906

[spoiler]Stop it Cudder</spoiler>

>> No.8391911 [DELETED] 


>> No.8392215

[spoiler]Cudder went crying to a mod on IRC. This is his way of waving his dick around. I can't wait for a more intelligent mod to see this.</spoiler>

>> No.8392222 [DELETED] 

bump tiem

>> No.8392226 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 500x376, it begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8392234

Sick quads bro</spoiler>

>> No.8392267
File: 9 KB, 119x135, milky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Cool deletions, Cudder.

And every time this thread flies by I get disturbed by her strange pseudo-yandere face.</spoiler>

>> No.8392931
File: 288 KB, 480x272, untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Files added:
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There is no mh04_050.

Here are more translations for images; please improve and repaste:

No, keeping it from falling off the end is sufficient.

There will be at least 2 versions, en-US and en-CA.

You're wrong again.

The guy in the car was getting a little boring.</spoiler>

>> No.8392939

Why don't you put your discussion on >>>/games/, >>>/lang/, or >>>/lounge/? Threads don't 404, can have over a thousand posts before they're locked, are automatically archived, and never accidentally deleted. There's really no reason to have them on /jp/.

You should also tell your fellow translators to get tripcodes. In translation, especially, identities are important.

>> No.8392950

No they arent.</spoiler>

>> No.8392952

No WHO aren't?

>> No.8392959

>Where are all those excited people that just can't wait for you to release a new patch?
I am incredibly excited for Milky Holmes, and I love this game.
These threads are somewhat discouraging though, considering practically all of them, are subject to shit like this.

No I might be very sceptical about whatever Cudder is doing, but from the looks of it, these threads stay, which might not be the best thing ever depending on things. They would look alot better/be easier to ignore without them being shit all the time though, the shit also makes the project (not Cudder's project, don't turn everything into Cudder) look worse than necessary.

Of course no fan would reply in these threads, they are shit and makes the game and franchise look bad. Now, what Cudder is doing might be annoying and or clutter up /jp/ if you can't filter it. But what makes everything look bad are the ones that shit over it more than necessary.

So, in short.
keep going translator guy, Milky Holmes is wonderful. The project is great etc etc.
But fuck the mess on both sides.</spoiler>

>> No.8393086

Nobody's got a beef with the translator. They've organized shit on their own site, given their e-mail, all the things you'd want them to do. Cudder's the one who is not working on the project while simultaneously begging for attention and people to suck his dick every few hours. We want (or are ambivalent to) the project to succeed since it seems like this is a real person as opposed to Cudder trying to dress up Google Translate in a wig. We don't want it to be spammed on the board with more regularity than daily dose spamming.

>Status Update:
>I did nothing

You're such retard moe, Cud-tan</spoiler>

>> No.8393095

>We want
Who exactly is this 'we'? You and one other guy?</spoiler>

>> No.8393110
File: 58 KB, 590x378, formspringbg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I wish they were real so bad...</spoiler>

>> No.8393123

Silly Cudder. You are not the project. You are just a pathetic little creature trying to hold the project hostage. I'm still hoping that one anon takes it from you by, unlike you, not being so completely clueless that you'd try to develop for a platform you can't see or use.</spoiler>

>> No.8393470

It's just the nature of /jp/ (and maybe 4chan in general) to complain about everything. I *try* to get people involved, but it's not easy in an environment like this. That doesn't mean giving up though.

I won't bother debunking your post but I'll add that it's much easier for you to filter out a thread that stays around than a new one being created every day. [That's what the REAL "spammers" do.]

>Status Update:
>I did nothing
See >>8376066

Silly Anonymous. That is not me. Maybe YOU can't do anything without hardware (and possibly can't do anything even IF you do). But all you really need is a brain and some time.

Go look up Xiaoyun Wang and the story of how she found a collision in MD4 --- BY HAND.</spoiler>

>> No.8393731 [DELETED] 

Whooops my hand slipped


>> No.8393757 [DELETED] 

Whoopsie my hand slipped again


>> No.8393760

[spoiler]Whoops my cock slipped!


>> No.8393778 [DELETED] 

Not on my watch!


>> No.8394726 [DELETED] 

Bumpu pantsu

>> No.8394733 [DELETED] 

So many posts disappeared in this thread not because a janitor/mod deleted them.

They disappeared because Cudder got banned

>> No.8394836 [DELETED] 

What is this thread doing outside of page 0?

>> No.8395586

That might be true, except that, you know, [spoiler]those who get banned tend to get their posts deleted?[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8395603
File: 61 KB, 480x272, ULJS00167-Shot-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]So is the gonna work in jpcsp or what?</spoiler>

>> No.8395607

If you get banned as Anonymous only your anonymous posts will be deleted.</spoiler>

>> No.8395611
File: 124 KB, 472x271, ULJS00167-Shot-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err...this, I mean.</spoiler>

>> No.8395614

No. It deletes all posts based on IP.</spoiler>

>> No.8395738

[spoiler]You really think a script kiddy like Cudder wouldn't use a proxy for all his spamming? Heck, it could even be something like his work IP. Notice how he never bumps the thread as either himself or as his sock puppet within certain time spans? Shame nobody raids us during those hours to kill his attention whoring</spoiler>

>> No.8395978 [DELETED] 

This thread need a good bump

>> No.8395982 [DELETED] 

I am an experienced shitposter.

I can assure you only the anonymous posts get deleted.

>> No.8396007

And good evening to you, Cud-tan.</spoiler>

>> No.8396048

I've been banned as anonymous numerous times. My posts with my trip were deleted as well.</spoiler>

>> No.8396083

That's weird</spoiler>

>> No.8396093

It's not. Mods can delete posts by IP. They also can see all your posts, whether they're anonymous or with tripcode.</spoiler>

>> No.8397136 [DELETED] 

Think about it

What if I was Cudder bumping this thread?

>> No.8397231 [DELETED] 

If that's true, then who am I?

>> No.8397350 [DELETED] 

A bit late for the midnight bump but here I am

>> No.8397369 [DELETED] 

Man I love my job, would you guys believe me if I told you Cudder makes a monthly deposit of 10 dollars on my paypal account for me to bump this thread every few hours?

>> No.8397556 [DELETED] 

Tantei bumpu

>> No.8397563

[spoiler]I just watched like the first six episodes of Milky Holmes, it was unexpectedly pretty great actually.</spoiler>

>> No.8397619

>I can't work 24/7
>Day 1: Status update: Didn't work on it. Pay attention to me.
>Day 2: Status update: Didn't work on it. Pay attention to me.
>Day 72: Status update: Didn't work on it. Pay attention to me.</spoiler>

>> No.8397623

Yea. I was expecting the show to be some kids show (for some reason) but it was hilarious and I've been hooked since.</spoiler>

>> No.8398116
File: 177 KB, 480x272, untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Files added:
Files changed:
95/160 382/668 57.2%

Attempting to spread lies again? That won't work.

Sorry, but IRL work takes precedence over this, and recently there has been an increase of that, so the time for this has decreased somewhat. However I still put in whatever time I can. This thread being here is also a reminder for me to do that, and an assurance for you that I have it in mind. [Of course if that anon who gloats about having solved the issues -if he really has- decides that it's no good to hold grudges and does release something, you might see some action here.]

What. That doesn't look familiar. If you're not talking aboit MH - try it yourself. If you are - where do you think I'm getting screenshots from? It's not 100% playable but you can at least "preview" the game. (We are also trying to fix the emulator.)

If you're into that sort of stuff.</spoiler>

>> No.8398180

>I can only spam /jp/, not work on it. If I wasn't spamming, I wouldn't have a reason to work.

Uh huh.</spoiler>

>> No.8398457 [DELETED] 

Why are you mad at him.

Oops, forgot sage.

>> No.8398558

Work on /jp/? What?

Oops, forgot gender.</spoiler>

>> No.8398771 [DELETED] 

Good morning bump!

>> No.8399194 [DELETED] 

I am bumping this thread and there is nothing you trolls can do about it.

>> No.8399342

[spoiler]Cudder must be female, or else he wouldn't whore for attention and bitch at everyone all day long. I bet his vagina smells like rotten fish and putrid blood.</spoiler>

>> No.8399486

>I'm Cudder and my vagina is THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS sandy</spoiler>

>> No.8400507 [DELETED] 

>sandy vagina


>> No.8400513
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1297574686094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and please stay there this time.</spoiler>

>> No.8400905 [DELETED] 

Le bump

>> No.8400935

Funny how Cudder's completely given up trying to pretend like he's not just bumping the thread after finding a mod stupid enough to listen to him.</spoiler>

>> No.8401004 [DELETED] 

Too bad for you I am not breaking any rules shitposter.

>> No.8401020

>Almost all of your posts deleted

>Not breaking any rules

Sure thing, Ruskiebro</spoiler>

>> No.8401023

why would a shitposter even click on this thread? it's a the try hard board police from other boards and forums. i shitpost every day and i never even click on besides looking at images.

rude sage

>> No.8401055

[spoiler]Why would a shitposter want to eat one of their own? Cudder's the most frequent and least creative shitposters of them all.</spoiler>

>> No.8401222 [DELETED] 


>> No.8401276

Sweet dreams, Cudder. See you again in 8 hours.</spoiler>

>> No.8401905 [DELETED] 

Can't sleep, might as well bump this thread

>> No.8403414

[spoiler]Files added:
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95/160 382/668 57.2%

mh04_070 which is coming up is about 7 times longer than the previous one. I'm hoping to get another patch out once we hit 60%.

What's stopping you from doing that...
...just so you can blame it on me!

Same thing here.</spoiler>

>> No.8403498

[spoiler]Yes, Cudder. My plan to get you to stop spamming the board is to bump your thread so it doesn't die, but I won't just bump it, I'll use /g/ memes and the same bump messages you've used since Hatsukoi. What a flawless plan. Why didn't I think of it years ago?</spoiler>

>> No.8403557

[spoiler]>>8401276 20:06
>>84034140 3:55
Surprisingly accurate prediction.</spoiler>

>> No.8403997

It's not surprising when it's during my lunch break every day.</spoiler>

>> No.8405121

>mh04_070 which is coming up is about 7 times longer than the previous one.
It's mostly just that I am busy. I won't be back from work until 23:00 tonight then have to be up 7:30 in the morning the next day to work so not really much time for it. Probably won't get done till Monday/Tuesday.</spoiler>

>> No.8405117 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 500x411, nmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are not the bumps your looking for

>> No.8405461

[spoiler]Even the translator is nice enough to sage the thread. Why can't you be more like him, Cud-tan? Learn from your betters.</spoiler>

>> No.8406053 [DELETED] 

Taking a break.
Bumping this thread.

Living the dream

>> No.8406454

[spoiler]Reported for spamming, yet again.</spoiler>

>> No.8406589 [DELETED] 

Reported for abusing the report system, again.

>> No.8407121

[spoiler]Good luck with that, Cud-tan. Let me know how it works out for you.</spoiler>

>> No.8408019 [DELETED] 

Bump because I can

>> No.8408272

I love how you keep track of this thread specifically even though you hate it.</spoiler>

>> No.8408297

[spoiler]>Pay attention to me
>Pay attention to me
>Pay attention to me
>Pay attention to me
>Pay attention to me
>...Two years later
>Pay attention to me
>Pay attention to me
>You're a troll who goes out of their way to follow me

Cudder logic is best logic</spoiler>

>> No.8409252

[spoiler]Files added:
Files changed:
96/160 383/668 57.3%

Image editing is currently proceeding with the translations in >>8392931. If anyone repastes improved ones, we'll get those switched in.

Alright, just keep us informed.

Look above, the thread was bumped within the same minute. I nokosage too if that is the case.

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say, and I have a feeling neither do you.</spoiler>

>> No.8409308

[spoiler]>I know his work is complete shit, but we're using them anyway.

Worked out great for Flyable Heart, right, Cud-tan? You're so respected and appreciated for that one.</spoiler>

>> No.8410118

Your post is unintelligible.</spoiler>

>> No.8410145

Your post is faggots.</spoiler>

>> No.8410458 [DELETED] 

Reported for inane trolling garbage.

>> No.8410492 [DELETED] 


>> No.8412097 [DELETED] 

Just got back from my 4 days trip to slavland, haven't met Cudder there though.

So, cunt, where's your patch?

>> No.8412841 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 452x621, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8413010

[spoiler]Cudder's learned to GIS Milky Holmes. It's so adorable.</spoiler>

>> No.8413632 [DELETED] 

Milky Milky

>> No.8413713

[spoiler]And good morning to you, comrade Cudder.</spoiler>

>> No.8415607 [DELETED] 

What's this doing on page 13.

>> No.8416134

[spoiler]Watching anime, what subs. Don't tell me to ask [spoiler]/a/[/spoiler], what do they know.</spoiler>

>> No.8416251

Kiteseekers guys seem fine. Subs for season 2 are slow though.</spoiler>

>> No.8416444


>> No.8416489

Bampu pantsu

>> No.8417015

[spoiler]Files added:
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Read the thread. Maybe you could've gotten a more specific answer if you asked more politely.

They're also the official subtitle provider for this project.</spoiler>

>> No.8417124

>Official provider
You're a funny guy.</spoiler>

>> No.8417198 [DELETED] 

>Read the thread.
But Cuntter, my post was ironic, we all know that your only job here is bumping this thread by replying to shitposts.

You are completely useless in fact since all you pretend to work on is already done. Once the translation hit 100%, I'll release a patch with tools and stuff, hopefully with translated locations aligned properly. At that point the game will be perfectly playable for those who can't wait for the editing pass.

You will reply to my shitpost

>> No.8417969

They are. Check the last thread.

"We" as in YOU.

>You are completely useless in fact since all you pretend to work on is already done.
"pretend"? I can say the same to you. I already have patches released. They may not be 100% but nonzero is damn far from ZERO. Why don't YOU stop gloating about whatever theoretical accomplishments you may or may not have achieved, and "show me the money"!

[spoiler]And claiming you're shitposting is not the best thing to do, especially when our client might be reading this thread.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8418006 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 495x495, 問題ない.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"show me the money"
Why do you feel the need to release patches each time a line gets translated? Nobody asked you to do this.

Get rid of your forcing habits and everything will go much smoother for you.

>> No.8418209

[spoiler]>>8417969 our client
Come on, Cudder, don't you think your taking this a bit too far?</spoiler>

>> No.8418242 [DELETED] 


>> No.8418381 [DELETED] 

You sage I bump.

That's how I roll.

>> No.8419004

But Cudder will shrivel up and die unless he spams every day.</spoiler>

>> No.8420448 [DELETED] 


>> No.8420457

Awww. Was the downtime making you so nervous you couldn't spam? Poor baby.</spoiler>

>> No.8421155
File: 221 KB, 480x272, graphics+title+titlekari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Files added:
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>Why do you feel the need to release patches each time a line gets translated?
A total of SEVEN (7) patches have been released since the project started. Do you think there has been 7 lines translated, or that each line is over 50KB long? [Alternatively: Why do you think I'm waiting until 60%?]

>Nobody asked you to do this.
Nobody asked YOU to complain either!


>> No.8421161

>Nobody asked YOU to complain either!
Ice burn.</spoiler>

>> No.8421267 [DELETED] 

On a scale from 0 to 10, how happy are you that there are so many shitposters you can talk with and bumping the thread without looking silly?

>> No.8421298

It's got to be at least a 9. Remember the days of Flyable Heart when he was throwing shitfits and banning people all over the place for pointing out how shitty the project was? Those were fun times.</spoiler>

>> No.8421305

7 patches.
That's almost one patch per 250 bumps.
Aren't you proud of yourself?</spoiler>

>> No.8421340 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 334x334, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Cudder reads: >Why do you feel the need to release patches each time a line gets translated?
What Cudder understands: >Why do you release patches for each and every line of dialog‽

What a normal person reads: >Why do you feel the need to release patches each time a line gets translated?
What a normal person understands: >Why do you keep releasing so many unplayable patches that not even you will test?

>> No.8421757

In other words, even YOU are saying that there have not been many releases.

Isn't that the exact opposite of what you were trying to claim?

It appears your idea of "normal person" is a psychic.


>> No.8421796 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone want to download partial/unplayable patches?

Also, would you mind answering this ``please'', >>8421267

Your illness is very interesting. I want to study your rotten mind a bit more.

>> No.8422755 [DELETED] 

Milky bump

>> No.8422769 [DELETED] 

Hahaha oh wow so much for a /jp/ community project:


>> No.8422773 [DELETED] 

>milky bump
>Worthless status update: Nothing changed
>milky bump
>why so milky?
>Status update: This isn't spam
>what is milky
>why so milky
>milky bump
>milky bump
>Status update: This thread has value
>milky bump
>what are milky
>Status update: I are super programmer
>milky bump
>am i milky
>Milky bump
>u guys r trolls trying to kill my perject
>just ignore my spamming
>status update: no changes, u r all trolls

>> No.8422799 [DELETED] 

You guys just don't understand.

The community part of the project is bumping the thread together with Cudder, that's what we're supposed to do.


>> No.8422811 [DELETED] 

I wonder if Cudder-sama will reply to my shitpost tomorrow.

I can't wait!

>> No.8422832

Another example of Cudder's warped reality.
>You spam the thread all the fucking time despite doing nothing
>So what you're saying is that I should release more broken patches</spoiler>

>> No.8425355 [DELETED] 

keep on milking~!

>> No.8425365

Hello page 13 bumpbot.</spoiler>

>> No.8426186

[spoiler]Alright, I edited a few of the earlier scripts to make the translations for certain things consistent with the way I translated them in later scripts. Also a couple scripts where I was writing Saku as Saki...</spoiler>

>> No.8426316

>loli futa lesbians
say what</spoiler>

>> No.8426318

Also I quickly edited the stuff in that pastebin a little.</spoiler>

>> No.8426757

Reported for being Cudder. Come on, dude. At least TRY.</spoiler>

>> No.8427250 [DELETED] 

Awww yeah it's 9am, it's Cudder time soon!

I can't wait, even though I know exactly how she will bump this thread:
She will make some useless replies to a couple of shitposts, and then she'll say something like "Okay, just keep us informed" to the translator.

This thread in a nutshell.

>> No.8427253

You love it.</spoiler>

>> No.8427316

You're early. It's still another 30 minutes off.</spoiler>

>> No.8427347 [DELETED] 

Thanks to Cudder's ``/jp/ community project'' my sleeping schedule is back to normal!
Thank you Cudder-sama!

>> No.8427478

[spoiler]Files added:
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Is this the correct set of changes? Let us know if we're missing any.

Did you repaste it? If you did, without giving the link or at least the ID, we can't find it [and forward it to the guy whose putting the text on the images, etc.]

BUSY day today.

What's this "Cudder-sama" thing about? I'm not Japanese but keep seeing it more and more.</spoiler>

>> No.8427490

Wow. You're a psychic. Let me try a prediction.
Cudder will sit around here for an hour or two, bumping the thread, then after he leaves, there will be no bumps until it hits page 13 at which point it will immediately be bumped by a script.

Oooh, I'm all giddy in anticipation.</spoiler>

>> No.8427507


>> No.8427513 [DELETED] 

Where's the patch Cudder, I want to see how many bytes you changed to fix the backlog.

Also, Cudder, a very important question:
What do you think will happen if you suddenly stopped bumping this thread?
Do you think the project will immediately die if you are not here 24/7?

>> No.8427537

Sorry, I haven't used pastebin before so I wasn't sure what I was doing. I think this would be the link to it http://pastebin.com/ATMm1LRx</spoiler>

>> No.8427926

Didn't I say? 60%.

If I remember correctly, 2 bytes for extending the buffer length. Changing the line limit will probably be one byte. I haven't had the time to look at that deeply yet. Encryption makes the diff go up an extra 1.3M or so because of how everything changes. Where's YOUR patch?

The threads get bumped even if I'm not around. They'll probably stay. I'm will not speculate too much because I do not want to post the whole disclaimer about forward-looking statements.

You missed the update in >>8392931 which added a few more rows to the end but I merged yours and that one here:
Rows 53-71 are new.</spoiler>

>> No.8427947 [DELETED] 

>Where's YOUR patch?
Nobody cares about an unfinished patch Cudder-chan. Mine, yours, nobody gives a shit if the game isn't at least 100% translated.

>The threads get bumped even if I'm not around.
You mean, this thread is the only thing that keeps the translation going on?
What will happen if you don't remake a thread once this one hits the bump limit?

>> No.8428544

That's my favorite part. He keeps implying that someone else is bumping the thread, but we all know that he'll just make a new one if it dies. That's the only way he can keep pretending to the mods he goes crying to with his asspain that there's actually interest in daily updates on a broken, unfinished, unedited patch for a platform most people can't even play.</spoiler>

>> No.8429486

[spoiler]What is this thread doing heading towards page 15?</spoiler>

>> No.8429518
File: 139 KB, 800x515, kMJbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Thank you based janitor/mod, now this thread will have another week of spamfest.

I can't wait to see how Cudder-chan will handle pic related.</spoiler>

>> No.8429523

>Point out Cudder has it set to bump on page 13
>Cudder changes it to bump on page 10

And nobody noticed anything!</spoiler>

>> No.8429554

Tell the translator you have a fully functional patch and ask him if he could stop sending Cudder his scripts.</spoiler>

>> No.8429809

Not anymore it isn't</spoiler>

>> No.8429909

Good night, Cudder. See you in the morning for your wake up bump and then again at lunch.</spoiler>

>> No.8431079

This is the thread that never ends,
Yes, it goes on and on my friend,
Some people started posting in it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue posting in it forever just because....

>> No.8431099

A page 8 trigger? Pathetic, Cudder.</spoiler>

>> No.8432663

One page to go until page 13 Cudder bot bump!</spoiler>

>> No.8432775

[spoiler]Is my page 13 sagebot faster than Cudder's bumpbot?
I guess we'll find out!</spoiler>

>> No.8432776 [DELETED] 

[spoiler]/jp/ just got milky</spoiler>

>> No.8432780

Ha! I love good old fashioned experiments showing that Cudder's seriously using a bumpbot to keep his thread alive. I'll have to do it again some time.</spoiler>

>> No.8433013
File: 88 KB, 482x274, mhsopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Files added:
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97/160 394/668 59.0%

America - land of the free? Keep fighting!

Stop trying to spread misinformation, it won't work. For the record, I have never had any communication with the 4chan staff about this project. [But I appreciate their efforts in keeping this thread clean.]

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment.
And I see what you did there.

Ever learned that correlation is not causation?</spoiler>

>> No.8433021

Sure thing, Cud-tan. SOMEBODY ELSE has a bump bot set up for the last 2 years to bump your and only your threads. It's all just a big conspiracy to frame you for spamming. Oh wait, you're not spamming, you're Communicating An Unsolicited Opportunity For Community Translation Through ReTrans Inc LTD Targeted Marketing. I get those confused so easily.</spoiler>

>> No.8433030

What did I do there? I found it on the translator's blog.
Are you implying it's a photoshop trying to undermine you?</spoiler>

>> No.8433064

EVERYTHING is done to undermine him. Aren't you up to date on #Cudder?</spoiler>

>> No.8433137

Any long-lived, slow-moving thread gets periodic bumps.

I don't care what or where, but as long as it's only an image and there is no actual deliverable released, as far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist. No real proof.

All you're doing is gloating that you've done something when you have nothing real to show for it. [Good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7bZyBSh2tQ ]

I may not have done much - BUT what I have, you can download and try. You can see on your very own hardware (or suitable emulation thereof), the game showing text in English. That's a huge world of difference from some images and videos you have no control over.

But you trolls love to use appeal to emotion and such to attempt to convince people of falsehoods. That shouldn't work and it definitely won't work on me.</spoiler>

>> No.8433162

This is all what's wrong with you Cudder. You have those attention whoring needs mixed with your warped neckbeard vision of the world. You think people care about partial / broken patches. They don't. Nobody who is genuinely interested in the game will want to download an unfinished patch and get spoiled for nothing. You just can't understand that, you don't play VNs, or any other game for that matter.

Just see for yourself, all you do is replying to shitposts. The whole thread is a joke, it doesn't contribute to anything, it's exactly like your daily doses of saten and glory holes.

You are like a meme spouting /b/tard, but instead of memes you are throwing your silly IUO/POC/client/integrated solutions/frameworks buzzwords nobody cares about.</spoiler>

>> No.8433193

>as far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist.
But Cudder-chan, very few people actually give a shit about you (only one in fact, the bumpbot).

Right now, I only care about what the translator thinks, I sent him the extracted location strings, he translated them, and I'll make a fully functional and playable patch once the translation hit 100%.
Then another patch, probably the final one, after the editing pass.

That's how you should have done it. But it's too late for damage control now that you put yourself into a corner.</spoiler>

>> No.8433208

Total number of people who downloaded the PoC as of this post: 300.
Total number of MHTRANS downloads across all releases: 505.

It might be only YOU who thinks that way. What's "get spoiled for nothing" supposed to mean? The fact that they're unfinished is no issue - even the PoC which freezes not long into the game received quite a bit of downloads. Those who are interested will download the releases and read it as far as they can. Once a more progressed version is available, they'll obtain it and read further. Other VN translation groups do this too; we're not the first nor the only one.</spoiler>

>> No.8433211

Do what you want, but don't tell ME what to do.


>> No.8433218 [DELETED] 

>Total number of MHTRANS downloads across all releases: 505.
Because people don't know what it is. I myself had to search what "IUO" meant.

Why do you think nobody posts in this thread? Why do you think nobody reports bugs? And why when I told you the game crashed "randomly" you dismissed it as trolling? Because that's exactly what a normal person would tell you when their game crashes unconsistently.</spoiler>

>> No.8434230

The only reason it is long lived is BECAUSE you're using a bump bot to prevent it from dying. It's not slow moving, it's DEAD.</spoiler>

>> No.8434257

[spoiler]lol that's because of you trolls isn't it

keep being milky, /jp/</spoiler>

>> No.8434298

[spoiler]I refreshed page 13 for 10 minutes last night just so I could immediately bump this thread and look like a bot.</spoiler>

>> No.8434332

Cudder's created a self-aware bumpbot. If only Cudder were the same.</spoiler>

>> No.8435991

how do you get it working with emulator? all i see is text</spoiler>

>> No.8436437

You're not fooling anybody, Cudder. I don't even know why you bother trying.</spoiler>

>> No.8436437,1 [INTERNAL] 

New thread >>8437694

>> No.8436437,2 [INTERNAL] 

You jinxed it.
