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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8338667 No.8338667 [Reply] [Original]

Now that KS is almost complete, what will /jp/ create next? Serious question. Or is there going to be more KS-related material coming out?

>> No.8338672

Good joke.

>> No.8338671

How does she cook if she's deaf?

>> No.8338680

Nothing, and no one feels like waiting another five years for content, anyway.

Why /jp/ doesn't work on something simpler is beyond me.

>> No.8338690

/a/ created KS. You know that right? I'm sure they're already coming up with some retarded clusterfuck as we speak. As for /jp/? We've never created anything, and probably will never.

>> No.8338691

KS is going to be amazing it's going to cause an amazing VN boom causing hundreds of high quality OELVNS coming out that surpass the quality of those shitty nip ones causing the japanese VN industry to go out of business

>> No.8338695
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/jp/ cannot create anything even if it meant their NEET way of life was in danger.

These people have nothing to do with 4chan. We, /jp/, are only the nexus to the rest of the internet when it comes to translations, assorted fandom and archaic knowledge. And shitposting.

>> No.8338700
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>> No.8338703


Not quite true.


>> No.8338710


She uses ears of corn

>> No.8338716
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>> No.8338725

>I'm sure they're already coming up with some retarded clusterfuck as we speak.

They are. It's about cute girls cooking cute foods.And it's not even a VN.

>> No.8338729


Godamnit, why did I laugh?

>> No.8338757
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>cute girls cooking cute foods.And it's not even a VN.

>> No.8338798
File: 45 KB, 350x600, Aeka_Shiraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yume miru kusuri: endless play edition
only playable route is aeka

>> No.8338805


>it's not even a VN.

Then what the fuck is it?

>> No.8338847


A light novel. k4 is doing illustrations.

>> No.8338886

Probably another raid by /lit/ nerds.

>> No.8338883


>Light novel

And... how is that /jp/ relevant? No one here reads.

>> No.8338891

I don't understand why you think it's noteworthy that something that /a/ is cooking up might not be /jp/-related.

>> No.8338901


Actually it's very /jp/ relevant. Cute girls cooking cute foods? Come on, now. The fact that every thread gets at least 100 replies says something about how it's being treated.

I'm sure they're petrified of /jp/'s reaction, though. I wouldn't post it here if I was them, even though I hate /a/ to begin with.

>> No.8338914

What was the name that comic. I wanted to find it again/

>> No.8338962

You can say that as many times as you want, but it won't be true.

>> No.8338980


>No one here reads.

Fuck off.

>> No.8338976

Which part?

/a/ started KS. There is nothing ti disagree on there because it is true. /a/ made the basis and the girls. Whether any member of the original team from /a/ is still there now for the finished project I have no fucking idea, but probably not. I wouldn't say /jp/s made anything either since I can't think of a single thing that has come from here besides more awareness of VNs

>> No.8338985

Fuck off yourself you pretentious twat.

>> No.8338998

It was started on /a/ because /jp/ didn't even exist at the time. /jp/ was made for a reason, shit like this never belonged on /a/ in the first place. A few people that browse /a/ during a time when /jp/ didn't exist making a VN != /a/'s project. Get over it, nerd.

>> No.8339003

That's retarded.

/jp/ didn't exist but that doesn't mean the people who joined back then all moved to /jp/

You are aware KS even had a sticky on /a/ back during its creation right? So that even people less interested in VNs might come out of the woodwork and help?

>> No.8339022

Are you really this dense or do you just try to come off that way? KS moved to its proper board, /jp/, upon its creation. Are you going to try to say Rance and Monmusu Quest are /a/ or /v/ related because they had threads about them?

>> No.8339016

>We've never created anything, and probably will never.
That's wrong. Not a lot of things, mind you, but still.

>> No.8339034

No, but I would say Gust generals are /v/ related despite their constant threads in /jp/

>> No.8339042

Technically KS is /jp/-related because it's a VN and not /a/-related because it's neither manga nor anime nor light novel, but /jp/ didn't want it and /a/ did so it went there and everybody rejoiced. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8339053

I had a pin of Rin in a bin and Fluttershy's cutie mark on my arts and crafts bag. Someone stole my Rin pin but they left the Fluttershy pin.

>> No.8339051

>but /jp/ didn't want it
Were you here during KS hype on /jp/? That was a rhetorical question. /jp/ ends up hating everything, but that doesn't prove anything.

>> No.8339058
File: 142 KB, 723x613, flayandhercorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking Girls still seems /jp/-related to me because of the cute girls but I think you guys would hate it because there's no gameplay/music anyway.

Not that I browse /a/, myself, anyway.

>> No.8339077

It's okay anon, you can admit to browsing /a/. The worst someone can do is post marisagetout.

>> No.8339085


People getting looked down on for reading.

Now I've seen everything.

>> No.8339110


Wow, she's... surprisingly cute. Ke4 really did this?

>> No.8339119


Yeah, you can find more here if you want. N-not that I care if you're interested! S-stupid Anon...! http://girlsarecooking.wikia.com/wiki/Special:NewFiles

>> No.8339128

Well since they started this shit in 2007, I'm not getting my hopes up for anything. They couldn't even beat Duke Nukem Forever to release.

>> No.8339129

Why is she so fat.

>> No.8339130

>I can't think of a single thing that has come from here besides more awareness of VNs

/jp/'s THEME!


>> No.8339136


If you think Flay's fat, wait till you see Haru and Fieri.

>> No.8339138

Do you expect to be worshiped just because you can read a little, college boy?

>> No.8339142


because Ke4

>> No.8339155


But Haru's the best girl, and Flay is a cunt.

>> No.8339161

>college boy?

Ahahaha, I can't even get GED, you obnoxious asswipe. Enjoy being outclassed by a high-school dropout like me.

>> No.8339267

I dropped out of middle school. Don't get cocky just because you had a few extra years of learning.

>> No.8339295


>Flay is a cunt.

No, you piece of shit.

>> No.8339690
File: 52 KB, 802x437, 1320462852146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they're all fat

>> No.8339785


>arguing about who reads the least
>arguing about who has the least schooling


sometimes i wonder why im still here

>> No.8339846


You have a problem with healthy girls? Kill yourself.

>> No.8341045

>but I would say Gust generals are /v/ related despite their constant threads in /jp/
Ar Tonelico is /jp/ related no matter how you look at it, and are indeed a very elaborate Galge series.

As for the rest? It became "gust general" because people kept begging and begging to include them, condense those threads as to not have them clutter up the rest of /jp/ with their own threads of whih were made reguarly all the time already. Eventually, that's what happened. So fuck that if you don't like it, I was never fond of it either, but Ar Tonelico is about as /jp/ as something can be outside of Touhou.

>> No.8341555

We translate and hack stuff.

>> No.8342918
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>> No.8343380
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Next up the line is /v/'s project BroQuest


>> No.8343382

That new design for the Suave Devil is pretty rubbish. He was better with more slim look.

>> No.8343392

>I can't think of a single thing that has come from here
Sup /a/. You know what they say about assumptions.

>> No.8343396

No one's said it?!
Get out devs.

>> No.8343397

You don't think it's fitting that the devil is cobra-mode?

>> No.8343403

As previously said, /jp/ hacks and translates tons of games (i.e. Irisu Syndrome), which is really nice.

BroQuest is shaping up pretty fantastic, btw. Tried the demo just now. Reminds me of Knights of Xentar!

>> No.8343583

Just because something's cute doesn't make it /jp/ related.

I don't know why the fuck you'd think that.

>> No.8343613

>/jp/ made
>actual website only mentions /a/

>> No.8343846

It mentioned /jp/ before. Not that I care, and the staff keeps changing too. The product as well for that matter. I mean really, it's no longer the same thing, their site might as well point to facebook or whatever by now.
