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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8338466 No.8338466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's /jp/s favorite webmanga?

>> No.8338470

ctrl alt del and xkcd

>> No.8338477

> xkcd
I love when anti-hipster hipsters hate this comic. It's just supposed to be a fun one-shot-per-week hit-or-miss geeky comic. That's right, I said "geeky". I could apply the "lol such a nerd xD" formula to anything you like too.

>> No.8338478

cad? Judging from how you mentioned xkcd, probably unironically? ...how?!

>> No.8338488

No, he mentioned it ironically. xkcd is one of the cool comics to hate because we're all so jaded and edgy.

>> No.8338494

Really now? I didn't expect people to troll xkcd.
Not saying that it's a brilliant comic or anything, but most people in IT I know read it unironically.
The hate just seems kind of misdirected

>> No.8338498

webmanga? Sure smells like weeaboo in here.

>> No.8338502

>anti-hipster hipsters
how does that even work

>> No.8338500


>> No.8338509
File: 8 KB, 207x176, mootxrandall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's the kind of comic sysadmins can get a chuckle out of and maybe pin up on the notice board (kind of like Dilbert back in the day). Unfortunately too many people think, "Oh those wannabe-nerds from REDDIT like it! Wow, what hipsters! I bet they think they're 'such nerds' because they know what Ubuntu is! Randall is such a faggot!"

I don't even get why people on 4chan hate it of all places. Randall Munroe did an interview here and he's friends with moot. There's even a whole board derived from an algorithm he came up with.

>> No.8338517
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You wouldn't understand.

>> No.8338522

I got Penny Arcade, 3PS, and Johnny Wander in my feeds.
I read XKCD and SMBC whenever I feel like it.
And there's like 3 dozen different ones I stopped reading at one point but want to read from the beginning again, like Sinfest.

>> No.8338529

The last good webcomic was PBF.

And it only had like three good comics.

>> No.8338536
File: 70 KB, 740x250, 2011-05-27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinfest is pretty awesome, if you can enjoy a comic neither story or much humor.
It's pretty much moe slice of life of webcomics.

>> No.8338545

I like BitF.

>> No.8338550

I liked QC when it wasn't all normalfag drama and a bit more humor, but for some reason I'm still reading even nowadays.
Mostly because Hanners is pure and moe

>> No.8338560
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Yeah, I used to read it, and still consider it one of the best.
It's just that's a lot to catch up on, and I never find the time.

>> No.8338574

There's a few good ones.
PBF, super mega comics, oglaf, nedroid and KC green's stuff come to mind.

But this doesn't belong in /jp/, so reported.

>> No.8338573

>I'm still reading
I'm not saying anything, since I did read it at one point, but... at a certain point it just got so absolutely impossible for me to relate with the characters in any way whatsoever, not to mention the art pretty much regressing at a certain point, that I couldn't go on anymore.

>> No.8338581
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Homestuck's nonsensical complexity is attractive to me.

>> No.8338588

I liked Ghastly's Ghastly Comic, before it stopped.

>> No.8338591
File: 950 KB, 807x545, joker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither can i relate to the goddamn Batman, yet I still read the comics.

>> No.8338592

Yeah, I don't know either. I'm kind of ashamed.
But I have a lot of time to waste because I work in IT so I find myself going there again and again.
These days even his nonsensical filler strips are more humorous than the real strip

>> No.8338596
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The only good part of this is SBaHJ

>> No.8338611

I used to read sinfest and recently I tried to catch up but the first thing I saw was
>"bawwwww the patriarchy is keeping women oppressed".
and I couldn't bring myself to give a fuck about it anymore.

>> No.8338615

Uhh... nedroid?
And gunshow sometimes I guess.

I used to read xkcd and hark a vagrant, but they are more miss than hit.

>> No.8338631
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Nedroid is hella cute

>> No.8338647

Jerkcity is the only /jp/ related one

>> No.8338655

I can't tell if I'm supposed to fakepost itt or not.

>> No.8338650

Maybe Outsiders, if it updated more then once every few months.

>> No.8338659
File: 373 KB, 740x1476, 2011-07-31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah, that "storyline" was kinda weird, but I still think you're missing out a bit

>> No.8338845
File: 156 KB, 720x720, adbbecd64104b837d96b15b15499ee3331841669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read many webcomics nowadays (nothing that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread), but would anyone care to discuss the blogs they read? There's nothing quite as satisfying as sitting down to gorge yourself on a full RSS reader.

Terra's Sketchbook is the artblog of Katsuya Terada, a Japanese artist who has been involved in a number of projects over the years, from concept art for the original Legend of Zelda and Cutie Honey live action adaptation to designing an official Hellboy statuette for Dark Horse Comics. He's been known to do quite a bit of doodling in his spare time, and as a result his blog is updated quite frequently.

>> No.8338875
File: 199 KB, 1024x358, lefty_rx_gt_sport_prototype_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beforemario is an interesting showcase of Nintendo's toy products from their pre-video game days. Each post describes a particular toy and the history surrounding it in great detail, accompanied by a few high quality photographs.

>> No.8338874
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>> No.8338879

/jp/ - Random Culture

I dislike XKCD because it's shit, not because the fanbase is retarded (it isn't). And it's not moot has great taste.

I follow some fantasy and gaming webcomics, OOTS, LFG, Erfworld, Girl Genius, Oglaf, Penny Arcade, Nerfnow. This is the part where you lambast me for my shit taste.
