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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8336236 No.8336236 [Reply] [Original]

Just another proof that /jp/ sucks

some of you guys enjoy playing MMO village buiding game, while another board is building a town in the rea llife

>/diy/, a few other anons and I are attempting to found a town, and we could use your help.
>If you haven't heard of us already, we're called Project Agartha. Formerly known as the New Eden Project, we want to create a town that's (more or less) self-sufficient, sustainable, and ecologically friendly. To do this, we would utilize systems to generate electricity (windmills, small hydro, stationary bicycles), harvest water (rainwater collectors, dehumidifiers), raise crops and livestock, and recycle waste products. We would also make use of "green homes", like Earthships and shipping containers, to conserve resources. However, we could use some assistance with the specifics and actual implementation of these plans.
>Pic related, its actually some property one of our members owns in west Texas. We probably won't be using it though, seeing as its in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8336246

>Pic related
Also, looks like a sect.

>> No.8336254

Maybe you should go back to sucking /diy/'s dick instead of shitposting here.

>> No.8336270

Do you think that OP believed in the /jp/ mansion project? Heh.

>> No.8336321

bump for the good thread

>> No.8336973


sucking cock isn't an insult here, dude

>> No.8337038
File: 292 KB, 450x600, smiling touhous(3) laughing and aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To build anything you need architect approval, aesthetic committee approval, local planning agreement, climate and the natural environment research and few more.

>> No.8337161

I've read about it on /x/ a few weeks ago.

>Pic related, its actually some property one of our members owns in west Texas

I'm in

>> No.8337179

Looks about on par with the /jp/ mansion threads and the /k/ invasion plans. About as practical as hijacking the LHC to open a portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.8337220

Or with that idea of getting /jp/ to work on a visual novel.

>> No.8337237

You followed one of the /diy/ links in the computer troll thread didn't you OP.

>> No.8337260

>hippie commune
