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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 319 KB, 674x734, 1321936175454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8302597 No.8302597 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/ers. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

>> No.8302602

Why is "do not eat" on the back side of the note?

>> No.8302608

It has it on both sides.

>> No.8302606
File: 214 KB, 400x399, frodo14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302609

honey pot

>> No.8302624

I maed music

I Walk Down The Beaten Path, As The Clouds Continue Their Song... Crash... And The Rain Falls On But Victory Is In My Eye - The Blue Pulls Down, Soft, Yet I Strive Forth In Search Of Light, Towards The Neverending Struggle Of Indecent Deception Of Morality And Commerce
>[Post-Post-Minimalist Post-Music]

>> No.8302626

Is there a way to save drawings from Swapnote? I have some pretty decent drawings on there..

>> No.8302668

Warmly awaiting Okuu in a wedding dress~

>> No.8302671
File: 51 KB, 317x265, 1324489899799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302682
File: 486 KB, 1984x1116, P1010695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302694

You finished it!
It's hideous.

>> No.8302700

Nah, it's not finished, I gotta fix the copper piece and add the tassel.

And it looks exactly like it's supposed to look, so blame Tenshi, not me.

>> No.8302702

Isn't the end supposed to be a square rather than a triangle?

>> No.8302705

I was just joking, silly. It looks pretty nice actually. Just fix that goddamn copper-thing.

>> No.8302712

What, the tip? Nah, not really. I mean, technically it's supposed to be sorta formless, but when it's not being actively swung it's pointed at the tip.

The ostensibly sharp edge is facing away from the camera, as a reference, since the copper piece is even worse for now on the other side and other end.

Oh, I see... I kinda figured you were, though admittedly it's not the most beautiful thing in the world.

As an aside, does anyone have any ideas for doing the tassel? I know of someone who used tampons for Youmu's sword which has an identical one, but I'd like to avoid that...
Right now I'm planning on unraveling and tying together some yarn, maybe a bit of cotton balls for structure.

>> No.8302725

Meant to link this for reference.


>> No.8302733
File: 26 KB, 446x501, 1304189448581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302744

we should have an isketch room for /jp/ or something,
i bet that would be fun

>> No.8302750

Like the hundreds of others that have popped up and faded into obscurity over the years, it would be 1 or 2 people who can draw, 5 more drawing dicks and swastikas, 3 more claiming an area as "theirs" and erasing anything that gets close, and 1 or 2 using the largest brush possible to draw on the ENTIRE screen.

I've seen this before. Why haven't you?

>> No.8302751

Well yeah, that's pretty easy to do, but the thing is Tenshi and Youmu's tassels aren't so much traditional drapery tassels as little fluffy tails on the end of a string. Or a very large stereotypical paintbrush.

>> No.8302754

I am talking about Isketch, It's a game where you take turns in drawing and others try to guess what you are drawing,
you can make your own wordlist and therefore jp related

>> No.8302761

In that case, disregard I suck cocks. I've seen this once (different program that I can't remember the name of) and it was fairly entertaining until people moved on.

>> No.8302765

Just google some tutorial about making wolf tails or some furry shit like that. They look quite similar to Youmu's and Tenshi's.

>> No.8303905 [SPOILER] 
File: 255 KB, 950x750, Lotus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many fetishes as possible.

>> No.8303934

I made an instrumental metal rearrangement of Patchouli's theme. Only the guitar parts are recorded, the rest done on computer.


>> No.8304952

Anti spam measures

>> No.8306423

The fetish subjects are fairly relevant to my interests but the art style is too busy focusing to be cute to really be attractive, or so it seems to me at least.

>> No.8306774 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 950x750, Lotus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Update: Working on the values and colors tonight.

I can understand what you mean. Though I often don't see these fetishes done cutely, when I think futa characters really lend themselves to having cute moments. So I tend to draw them cuter than most people would.

>> No.8306817

Man, I wish I could draw huge dicked foxgirls.

>> No.8306930


I love the cuteness in your artstyle.

>> No.8306964

Me too.

And her not having ridiculously large breasts is a very nice change.

>> No.8306972

Did you really? This music has been posted on /mu/ before, in 2009.

>> No.8307355


Well, I'd rather huge breasts than huge cock.

>> No.8307363
File: 52 KB, 256x256, 256x256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not actualy "original" but its something custom

cirno spray

>> No.8307369

What are you, gay?

>> No.8307408


I like big and little breasts. But I like the one with big tits to really be the only one in the cast. It means more that way

>> No.8307531

That's awful.

And futa is only good if the breasts have at least a normal size. You need to highlight the fact that it's not just a trap.

>> No.8307589

Is the anon who was going to draw that SDM scene and Okuu still around? Really curious what the status is on your drawings.

>> No.8307632

Does this come in a larger version, my eyes cant read the fine print.

>> No.8307685

I prefer normal breasts and big cock over bog breasts and no cock. :p

>> No.8307768

Despite being a fairly hardcore huge breast fetishist, I have to agree with you on principle. Too many gigantic characters can make it seem normal, but in my case I'm more concerned that there are small/normal breasted characters for contrast.

A gradation of breast sizes can be fine too, but in actual series(like in HSOTD and Maken-Ki), it often means the biggest characters get very little time.

Probably went a little off topic there.

>> No.8308269 [SPOILER] 
File: 771 KB, 1266x1000, Lotus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm terrible at backgrounds.

>> No.8308527


>> No.8308813

You Finns and your metal. Anyways, the arrange is okay, I guess. It's not bad, but it's a bit average as well. Could've been shorter, I'd say.

Production is a bit lacking sometimes. Also, guitar was inaudible at parts, and this was the biggest problem to me. Please tell me you didn't scoop your mid...

>> No.8308856

> :p
Stop that.

>> No.8308910


I know it's a pain in the ass, but I'd also suggest spending some time manually tweaking the midi velocities for your sequenced drums, to make them sound a little more dynamic and human.

I don't claim to be very good at this, but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Here's something I made last week.


>> No.8308962

Lemme give you a hint: nobody gives a fuck about drummer

Being cereal now. I get that you're doing that tweak the timing and pitch a little thing, right?
However, I can't help but feel that some of them sounded more like a drummer making mistakes rather than the slight uncertainties caused by natural playing.
There's a thin line between the two, but the latter wouldn't fly in a studio recording. I hope I'm making sense here.

Also I don't like your cymbal sounds, but that's just a matter of sample preferences. Otherwise it's pretty okay.

>> No.8308995

Thanks for the comments and feedback.

I'm still new to the production/mixing stuff, and I agree the drums sound a bit awful(but I thought the guitar was too audible). No, I didn't scoop the mid.

I thought I made it too short tho, since first I wanted to include the stage and extra stage theme in it aswell, but couldn't come up with anything decent. And I also wanted to add shrieks and growls, but alas I'm bad with lyrical stuff.

I'll do better next time.

>> No.8309025

>However, I can't help but feel that some of them sounded more like a drummer making mistakes

Could you point out some specific instances? Everything was quantized to 32nd notes so there shouldn't be any major timing errors, the only thing that was altered was the velocity, which affects volume and dynamics but not timing. But if there are bits that sound unnatural I'd be happy if you could tell me.

>> No.8309106

Why though. :p

>> No.8309116

I'm not sure how to feel about this..

>> No.8309148


I like this. A lot.

>> No.8309436

>No, I didn't scoop the mid.
Splendid. It has to be the production, then.
Okay, inaudible wasn't the word. What I meant was that the guitar sounds muddled at times.
It's overlapping with the cymbals, which made it lose a lot of clarity.

Any longer than that and it would've been silly, I think. Your riffing is alright, but thing is, there's not enough lead to make it interesting.

And more, some of the synth leads sounds identical to the original, which doesn't help in grabbing attention. Try to make it different/arrange it into your style so that it's more interesting.
It doesn't have to be exactly the same as the original to be good (look at Iron Attack's stuffs, for example).

>shrieks and growls
oh you norwegian metulz

On some parts where you're doing grace notes, I can't tell whether they were intentional or a miss. That's about it, really.

>> No.8309641

>nobody gives a fuck about drummer
Now look here. I myself am guilty of barely paying any attention to the drums, usually playing only two or so loops for the entire song. But velocity is ESSENTIAL in drums, much more so than for any other instrument.

In drum loops, you generally repeat the same sound over and over again (kick, snare, kick kick snare). For every sound, with very few exceptions, goes that if it's repeated 100% identically it sounds terrible. Therefore, you should at all times make sure that two closely spaced identical sounds have a slightly different velocity. Furthermore, more so than any other instrument, drums can sometimes sound completely different at different velocities. This goes especially for cymbals, but snares also sound very different, and the effect on most other sounds is very noticeable as well.

Feel free to 'not give a fuck' about the drums, but drum velocity remains essential even if you only want a single simple drumbeat under the track.

>> No.8309791

>goes that if it's repeated 100% identically it sounds terrible
with the success of electronic and computerized music, i don't know how you can say this.

or maybe i'm taking your statement too far.

>> No.8309834

>with the success of electronic and computerized music, i don't know how you can say this.
Haven't you ever noticed how some electronic music sounds terribly repetitive, while other electronic music which is actually just as repetitive doesn't annoy you like that? It's because the latter type has variation, even if slightly. Sure, a lot of those hack artists who simply repeat the same loop over and over and over again without any variation, then switch to another loop to do the same thing again, a lot of them are commercially successful and popular. But that doesn't make their music good. Anyone who's heard more electronic music than they play on radio and TV knows they're pretty bad. (Unfortunately, this group is the minority...)

>> No.8309847

Oh look, someone who doesn't get the joke.

Also, although this depends on the genre being played, I believe the rudiment and pattern is much more important.
I'm not saying velocity is not important, but having just two or three, or even worse, one pattern for the whole song is one of the most surefire way to make uninspired, boring music, no matter what you do with the patterns.

There's just so much thing you can do with drumming that having it loop on and on and on is such a waste.
I'd even go as far as saying you can sometimes give a song life and identity just by good drumming alone.
That's just, like, my opinion, though~

>> No.8310653

Lovely constructive feedback.

I wish my relatives would give me such pleasures. Thank you again!

>> No.8311655
File: 1.50 MB, 1728x2304, Picture 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the bad lighting I'm not great at taking pictures.

>> No.8311672
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>> No.8311681
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>> No.8311686

Glad to see you're still doing this.
Don't pull the standard /jp/sie maneuver and give up half-way.

>> No.8311695

Did someone say music?

>> No.8311699

Now stick that up your butt and post pics

>> No.8311702

Cool dildo bro

>> No.8311708

uhh...what is that supposed to be?

>> No.8311709

see >>8311702

>> No.8311725
File: 1.55 MB, 1728x2304, Picture 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am determined to finish it, the faces scare me away sometimes when I want to work on it unlike other parts there's limited room for mistakes. I usually like everything else in life put the hard parts off as long as possible.

>> No.8311737
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>> No.8311757
File: 1.21 MB, 2304x1728, Picture 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to add kanako but I couldn't find a picture of her that had enough detail but wasn't too detailed, I figured I could reference her with the top being hewn hexagonal .It's a sin to depict a god anyway.

>> No.8311804


Autistic faggot.

>> No.8311901


>> No.8312129


Thanks, glad you like it

sage for unrelevancy

>> No.8312474


>> No.8312933

May as well post the video I made showcasing the Danmakufu Mima I made a while back.

>> No.8313187 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 850x740, snacktiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8313189

Fatsuho Reiuji?

>> No.8313193
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dunno why the created png was huge

>> No.8313205


that's what happens when you snack too much on those eggs . . .

>> No.8313215

Too much texture, man

>> No.8313467
File: 131 KB, 692x889, xeno32c9d8c2bb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transcribed Xenogears battle theme:


Also tried to fix the drums in the other song I did last week. I dunno what else I can do for this song though. It still doesn't sound right sorta?


>> No.8313553

I spent last night's downtime drinking beer and writing this. I attribute any shittiness to my drunkenness.


>> No.8313594



>> No.8313629

It was somewhat amusing until it started to be about the 3DPD ghost girl. Should have been about Yuyuko or something to keep me reading.

>> No.8313650
File: 103 KB, 1000x1250, 1320295869495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody want to color this?

>> No.8313698

Might aswell post here ask from you guys that should I finish this one? Its rare that I dont want to, but...ah whatever.

>> No.8313707

Is it me or has there been more influx of music in OC threads lately? Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.8313720

It only takes an artist or two (or lack of thereof) to change the balance of the OC threads.

>> No.8313732

>“Suck my cock, dude!” for the first time I voiced words I had typed countless times on the internet.

>> No.8313758

Someday I'll have something to contribute to one of these OC threads. But not today.

>> No.8313767

Hey, you're back. How's it going?

>> No.8313824

Pretty busy procrastinating.

>> No.8313943

I figure I'll just give this a mention:
There's an IRC channel dedicated to helping writers from /a/ and /jp/ and giving feedback and attempted advice.

If you're working on any writing, or even just discuss ideas, feel free to check out #writingcl/a/ss on Rizon.

>> No.8314182

Newfriend here. Is there anything like this for general OCs? It would be nice to be able to ask for opinions/idea for work in progresses without cluttering the thread. Also to learn techniques and tricks from more experienced people.

>> No.8314218

That was bad.

>> No.8314282

The drums definitely stand out more now amongst the other elements in the track and I think it sounds better. The mix still doesn't sound quite right, but I'm not sure what to suggest. Maybe playing with the mix some more or tweaking the effects might help.

>> No.8314296

Could be a bit more polished, but I like it. Good job, AoC.

>> No.8314374

Not AoC but yeah I didn't edit it at all.

>> No.8314387



hah, you deserve losing your wizard powers

It was short and nice.

>> No.8314655

You know that was nothing like her right?

>> No.8314741

Sadly I'm still the only one as far as I've seen that posts things game-related... though not the only one making physical stuff, thankfully.

>> No.8314855

I thought there were a few game projects on /jp/ every year?

>> No.8314871

Admittedly I haven't been checking the OC threads for the longest of times, but in the past... eh, half a year? I've only seen mine.

>> No.8314954

Dissonance and flaw is where all the interest and personality in music comes from.

>> No.8315305

I guess #jp-devel is supposed to be kind of like that, but they rarely ever do anything in there.

>> No.8315398

You guys could sage less and bump more to keep the thread alive better, even if you are not exactly contributing.

>> No.8315410

It wasn't even remotely near the bottom pages, though.

>> No.8315416


I-it's not like we want people to see it b-baka

>> No.8315431

I'll post a song one day...

>> No.8315437

This >>8315410
You new guys could try to finally learn how to keep threads alive on /jp/ which is certainly not bumping it to the top every ten minutes.

>> No.8316409

So, after... 4 years? of limiting my drawing to what amounted to napkin sketches, I'm sort of back on my feet.
I've been toying around in SAI, maybe I'll even manage to finish something to post here in a couple days, though my old woes are still plaguing me.

And so I wanted to ask, anyone here using IllustStudio? If so, share your experience, is it more similar to SAI or PS, is the 3D intuitive and easy to use, and so on.

>> No.8316517

I use IllustStudio exclusively, I prefer it above SAI or any other, it's simply professional as fuck, easy to use, great brush effects, lots of customization.

>> No.8316878
File: 140 KB, 977x458, asche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this the other day

>> No.8316981


>> No.8317767
File: 381 KB, 1600x1000, ar_tonelico_akeome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8317798

why did you make this?

>> No.8317824

Fucking awesome. Love the art style it reminds me of Disgaea

>> No.8318204
File: 624 KB, 1920x1080, strawberryfields.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8318227

I love you

>> No.8318441

I think it looks fine. The person you're giving it to probably won't be picky about it if it's a present.

>> No.8318462


>> No.8318613


>> No.8319300,1 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/'s Original Content Thread #58

>> No.8319300,2 [INTERNAL] 

Previous thread >>8268111

>> No.8318805

Wow I like it even more colored. It's very relaxing to look at it.

Thanks and you're right I think I need to EQ it more. Will try to make the frequencies more balanced in the future.

Sometimes I forget how important it is to have a second set of ears when music making.

>> No.8319300

Why not?

>> No.8320601

Bampu pantsu.­­­­

>> No.8321145

Don't believe this clown's act, I was there a month or two ago, and it was probably one of the shittiest /jp/ IRC groups I've ever visited.

Just let the group die, you haven't advertised in over a month anyway, so why are you starting it up again? All your members gone or something?

>> No.8321912


>> No.8322625


>> No.8322654

wtf r u bumping this thread for every 30 mins

>> No.8322668

Not him, but autism.

>> No.8325467


Can I reasonably assume you're droneboat, since he's the only one who's angrily left the group and never come back?

>> No.8325523

You don't need to be an ex-regular to know irc is a faggot place to chat for things related to 4chan OC.

>> No.8325601

Pretty much this.

After frequenting /jp/-related channels for 3 years I could only find a single person that actually wasn't a retard or a faggot. Channels are all bad though.

>> No.8326051
File: 137 KB, 934x716, yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, /jp/, contribute today.

>> No.8327175
File: 360 KB, 1000x933, Mikado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually fanart, sort of. But atleast it's fan art of a character that doesn't really exist in Strike Witches and only exists as a fan concept drawing. God my penis is a hipster

>> No.8327225

Where is trap Tokiko anal sex picture?

You promised you would draw that, anon!

>> No.8327306 [SPOILER] 
File: 270 KB, 1052x924, tokikoL4Danusannihilated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did (although you can't see the dick), it was posted a couple days ago.

I kind of took some artistic liberty with your request, but uh. yeah.

>> No.8327336


Meant to link this post but I was in a hurry and fucked up:

>> No.8327689


I spent today writing a love song for my waifu (and drinks)
I'm still pretty damn drunk, so maybe I'll resing (i doubt i can do much better sober) later on

>> No.8327733

Is that a dragon Strike Witch?
Damn, they should have kept that.

>> No.8327743

...Done that. Done that is what I meant.

>> No.8327867



Null, a jp artist drew the original picture as a "what if" Mikado's familiar was a Dragon. I loved the concept and so I decided to draw it for New Years too.

>> No.8327961
File: 496 KB, 675x663, ogrebattle6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat contrast of tits and non-tits. Also transcribed Ogre Battle map screen:


Also I think I finally fixed this other song; THANK YOU ANON for your help. The old version had way too many low frequencies and the power from that was just killing everything sorta:


>> No.8327985

Any guitar covers?

>> No.8328383

Finally done with this (well, mostly, got lazy towards the end and with the bass overall). A rock/speed metal arrange of 'Septette' and 'Young Descendant' in the style of X's 'Kurenai'.
I apologize in advance for the crap audio quality, as the only tool at my disposal is GP5 and it's shit audio-wise. Anyways,

If you found your ears bleeding due to the shit quality (or you want to avoid it altogether), consider listening to the midi, please?
So. Is anyone interested in plugging some vsts in there and, I dunno, do some mixing maybe?

>> No.8329214

autism bump

>> No.8329638

Sounds way better. Nice work.

>> No.8329928

Take a year longer to get better at drawing before you go anywhere near bigger projects. There's no need to rush.
At least that's what I'm saying if you consider those two pictures representative of your current level.

>> No.8329935


I drew both of these pictures. It's not to brag, i'm just trying to let people who might be interested, know that i'm working on a self VN project. A story that i'm writing and illustrating in Ren'py. Nothing big but I was hoping to get a few people who might want to offer their criticism, or their opinions of it. Harsh is fine as long as it's constructive.


>> No.8329942


Forgot the link.

Anyway, it's not a very big project, nothing that i'd consider selling. But it might interest people you know? And about my art, Those are my latest drawings (though I understand they are not amazing), the only issue I seem to have is that I don't get any constructive criticism. People either love it or hate it. No objective feedback.

>> No.8329966

Drow should probably be blacker and shinier.
Art looks like it could do with some sharper outlining but that's entirely personal preference.

>> No.8329985

/tg/ might be interested in this if they don't already know.

>> No.8329991

That's just not much objective criticism other than what should be obvious to yourself after viewing those drawings.
Is the anatomy bad? Yes. Criticism? Get better.
Does the shading work to make your subjects more three-dimensional in a consistent way? No. Criticism? Get better.

Two things I can say that you seem to be largely oblivious to - that way of shading(monochromatic underpainting) hurts your results a whole lot. I'm not saying it's bad in principle, it just needs expertise you don't have right now. Color saturation is an important part of good looking shading, you pretty much ignore that.
Also, is your line quality bad? Generally, yes. But look at your sketch. See how nice are the lines you used for the hair? Practice until the lines of the less-random parts of your drawing can look that good, instead of the choppy mess they are now. That is, if you insist on freehanding your linework.

Just practice.
Any project you release at this level will hurt the reception you're going to receive in the future.

>> No.8330242
File: 107 KB, 760x960, space bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the criticism, I'm not denying it because from my perspective it's true. However the problem is that there doesn't exist a way for me to get better other than to stumble around, trying to figure things out.

As for the two sketches above. I've been experimenting with not using lines at all. I'm actually used to doing linework. Which isn't really seen much because my coloring skills are somewhat subpar.

I generally want to do this, mostly because I believe that to learn, I just have to try it. Even if the end result is shitty, if I learn from my mistakes I feel that it was worth doing. I've tried a lot of things, even though they ended up being terrible. So anything I release won't be the greatest VN ever. But Umineko had bad art as well. I'd at least strive to be better than that. And I hope my story will be good enough to keep people interested.

With constructive criticism, redesigns and some learnings. I hope to get better at it.

>> No.8330378

If you're trying to not use line, that's fine, but that doesn't mean the edges of your sketch should be all choppy since it translates to the finished work as well.
You can for example try a rougher but cleaner sketch, and then block in major shapes with a much bigger brush - instead of chipping away at the lines until you get something you're satisfied with(I prefer having a really solid and clean sketch under everything I do, but that's because I lack talent and need to substitute patience and knowledge for intuition and sense)

Also, art is all stumbling around, but it's not like you need to stumble in the dark - if you don't have a clear image of how a body part looks, find a reference photo(or better yet a dozen of them)
If you don't have a good idea how to shade something, look at artists who you appreciate and start blatantly copying what they're doing.
And the old basics of reading all the tutorials and progress overviews you can find - even if they're not of a style you want to work in, as long as they're good quality there's often going to be something you can learn and adapt to your own style.

>> No.8330441


Well, I like lineart, I think i'm good at it (I hope I am). My anatomy needs work, I doubt i'll every get it perfect. But I mostly experimented with those pictures to try and see what I was doing write, or wrong. I stopped posting on /ic/ when it was clear that people would rather berate the subject of my work then criticize the quality of it. I like to draw futa. I'd rather be better at it, if you understand what I mean.

But yea, mostly my drawing is a lot of intuition and sense rather than going off pure knowledge. My problem is that i've been under a lack of people who will look at my work and tell me "okay, that's bad, and here's why", so i've been getting desperate and am trying to hunt it down. Because I feel like I have the drive and the motivation to draw, but lack the skill.

>> No.8330586
File: 103 KB, 760x960, space bunny so-called redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just practicing myself, not necessarily a fix at all.

>> No.8332251

(part 1)
You say it's not a very big project, but with the synopsis given there, it can only be a big project if you want to make it into anything decent.

>Each of the four characters have their own paths.
No. Unless you're going with the default shitty OELVN-approach of 'each route is 10 minutes max', having multiple routes makes the project huge. Getting a decent linear VN finished is already lots of work, and so far the only OELVN that seems to have pulled it off decently is Katawa Shoujo (we'll find out for sure in 3 days), after 5 long years of development, with multiple writers, artists and musicians. You're not going to finish anything if you start with a big project like that.

>The reason why I chose not to set Dizzy Hearts in a world that already exists, is mostly the subject matter. Even if I explained away the Dark Elves, there would be preconceptions on how the race my think and act. There would need to be much more world building in terms of clans, houses, etc to make it feel authentic to that world. The history of this VN is not important, except when it pertains directly with the cast.
No, quite the opposite. By having the setting being an unfamiliar world, you need to do MORE world building. You already have the world in your mind, but the reader doesn't. When a story is set in an unfamiliar world, the only things the reader knows about the world are the things the story tells him. Letting the story take place in an unfamiliar world and then proceeding not to tell the reader anything but 'it's set in an unfamiliar world!' is only going to leave him confused.

>> No.8332263

(part 2)
Story-wise, what is most lacking is, uh, the plot. You do a great deal of setting explanation and you describe the characters and the backstories, but you don't say what the story itself is about. Are those characters going to get together and play strip poker? Are they sucked into a parallel dimension together, where they're going to fight a monster that'll destroy their planet in 7 years? Will they revolt against the rulers of their world and cause a societal collapse? Will Seriva seduce all other characters and add them to her harem? Are we going to follow the daily school lives of these characters? It's not a story unless something actually happens (even if it's just 'protag gets into a relationship with the girl and solves her problems').

Anyways, all that's about the concept. What I'm more concerned about is not the concept, nor the art, but the writing. To be blunt, you appear to be raping the English language in a similar way to the utter crap LSF produces.

>The VN itself is set in a world where only one side of the world faces the sun. Making that side of the world hot and arid. And the other side dark, humid and semi-tropical. Where most of the heat is transferred by weather and moonlight.
The way that sentence is written. It's terrible. And annoying to read. And if you want to write well, you shouldn't do that. But instead make the sentences better readable. Or it will be annoying like this.
For example, "This story is set in a world where only one side of the planet faces the sun, making that side of the world hot and arid. The other side is the exact opposite; facing away from the sun, it gets almost no light. Most of the heat it receives is transferred by weather and moonlight, making that side of the planet dark, humid and semi-tropical." (Although I'd also advise against the word 'semi-tropical', because it raises the question of 'in what ways is and isn't it tropical, then?')

>> No.8332272

(part 3)
>It is about a house of Dark Elves, who belong to the same clan, but not the same family.
What is? Oh, the story? I thought we were talking about the planet just now. If you've just been discussing a different subject for a short while, remind the reader that you've returned to talking about the story, not the planet anymore. "The story is about [...]". You say they belong to the same clan, but not the same family, but what is the difference between a 'clan' and a 'family'? I have no idea what constitutes a 'clan' in your world, and with the unusual sexuality of your society, I'm also wondering what is considered a 'family'. And what's a 'house'? Are you referring to a physical residence, or is it another such group? The reader doesn't know what you know until you tell them. Don't expect the reader to know things you haven't told him yet.

>In a city occupied by other rival clans.
In a city occupied by other rival clans what? Is there going to be a party in a city occupied by other rival clans or something? Oh, the story takes place in such a city and the Dark Elves live there? This is an obvious 'you know what I mean' sentence, but it does take a split second of thinking to figure out this refers to the location of the story, which is extremely disruptive in storytelling. This sentence simply doesn't flow well at all. Also, hold on, there are rival clans? In what way are they rivals? Are they vying for world domination? Do they have a long history of losing prestigious kart racing tournaments against eachother? Also, 'other' rival clans? I don't recall you mentioning rival clans before. And what do you mean, 'occupied'? Do you mean they just live there as well? Or do they have control over the city? Is our clan not wanted in this city? Or perhaps the other rival clans are protesting against the 1% here? I have no idea what you mean by 'occupied' unless you give some more information.

>> No.8332281

(part 4)
And so on. There's a lot of problems like that, and those problems combine to make terrible writing. When writing, for every sentence you write down, ask yourself, 'what am I trying to say with this sentence?' Once you've figured that out, when you read the sentence again, you might notice that you haven't said everything you wanted to say, were too ambiguous in your wording, or simply forgot parts of it. It's easy to simply write down your thoughts, but explaining them in a clear way is more difficult. When writing fiction, you also get an extra challenge, as you have to not only write clearly, but write in a way that makes reading the text enjoyable. If I write like this. Then you understand. What I mean to say here. But it's a pain to read! If only I had written it better, if only I had made it entertaining to read! Do you have any idea how much more interesting it would be to read it, if only I had done that?! When I'm writing this post, I don't need to make it entertaining. After all, it's just information you need to process. But when you're writing fiction, you must take into account that the reader is only reading it for fun. If reading the text isn't fun, the reader won't read it and think the story is terrible.

>> No.8332291

(final part 5)
Also, make sure your spelling and grammar is correct. Spellcheck it. Let people proofread/QC it. Just pulling it through Word points out the following:
>i'll (lowercase I)
>And an Eroge. (incorrect article)
>an unamed (incorrect article, spelling)
>hopefuly (spelling)
>Each clan has it's own queen (should be 'its')
>The Priesthood are essentially concubines of Lloth (the Priesthood is, the priests are)
>at an arms length (should be "arm's")
>Favoring old, and strange home remedies (comma changes meaning to just favoring 'old', with the rest being unrelated)

And one last thing, the name sucks. The [adjective] Hearts title has been so overdone that I was about to dismiss it for its title alone (if it weren't for the responses I wouldn't have opened the blog). See also http://vndb.org/v/all?q=hearts .

>> No.8334034
File: 412 KB, 576x576, 日本語の紹介.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

グラントゴランド - 日本語の紹介
>4 song EP that I made as the final project for my Japanese class.
>in Japanese

>> No.8334044

shit forgot link!


>> No.8334827


Thanks for the critique. When writing blog posts I don't really proof-read everything I write. My stories yes. There are reasons why my writing tends to be a bit rambling but I don't want to go on about that without seeming like I'm trying to get pity.

What i've written on the blog, about the story doesn't scratch the surface. If you knew everything in the book, why read it? You know what the summary says on the back of the page. You know the summary that's posted on Amazon. However you are not told the plot, or character motivations. So you can't say "there's no plot" when posting the plot now, would devoid the whole purpose of the story. And making a VN isn't particularly hard. The reason why KS succeeded and others failed is a lack of dedication. And KS also failed many times before it got to this point. It would have been finished inside a year, however every so often, the backbones of the project would just leave, and everyone would have to start all over. Redraw or rewrite everything.

So a lot of what goes into my writing is first just laying out the flow of ideas, and just laying everything out on page. I don't make sure all my grammar and spelling is perfect. Then I go back and improve flow, and things like that.

It's not meant to be a serious, ground shaking project, if you don't like it, i'm okay with that.If you're willing to judge something based on it's name, then I can't help you there. I named it that before I noticed it was fairly ubiquitous. I don't intend to sound arrogant, because i'm not. I want people to check it out, but i'm okay if they don't.

>> No.8334850

The [adjective] Hearts title is cool IMO.

Reminds me of fun video games, like Shadow Hearts and Vandal Hearts.

>> No.8335066
File: 79 KB, 885x504, 1286281641173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Short little remix of the earlier portion of EXEC Rebirthia Protocol from AT3. Once again I just sample from the original and chop it up over a drum loop as that's all I know right now.

I really need to stop being a faggot and learn how to EQ, among other things

>> No.8336788

At least you're doing better than me. I can't even tell between up and down on those fancy audio tools, let alone utilize it to make something.
Where do I begin learning???

>> No.8336880 [DELETED] 


>> No.8337005

I think it sounds pretty cool. I like the Seinarukana one too.

>> No.8337094

Did this legit happen?

>> No.8337137

the vivid red background is a punch in the eyes, you should get something that's easier to look at for a lot of time if you want people to read all the introduction ou wrote
other than that, for the little I did read it sounds interesting, good luck to you

>> No.8337841

Thanks as always.

Here are some things I've learned that I felt were pretty important, though I'm not sure if they will apply to you

- Pick a single music program to learn. Watch youtube videos, get song files for that program so you can break it down, edit them, learn where sounds are placed etc. Basically learn in reverse and work with completed songs. Making something from scratch is fucking difficult when you have no idea what you are doing.

I'd give more tips but it's probably better I find out what you know first

>> No.8338780


I fixed the color, thanks for the support. It's good to have criticism because it's something I don't seem to get much of.

>> No.8338837

Track is honestly pretty bland until the vocal samples are introduced where it then improves DRASTICALLY. Pretty good stuff, keep it up. What DAW are you using?

>> No.8339001

Tangentially related to the OC thread, but I finally installed Photoshop CS5 with content-aware fill.
That was a huge mistake.
Now I'm just erasing random things from random pictures, while masturbating furiously, and I can't stop.
Why is this so magical.

>> No.8339049

Thanks for warning about that. I got only CS4 and I don't want to get addicted to that for life.

>> No.8339088

I'm exaggerating a little, and as long as you only do digital painting you're fine, but if you ever did any photo manipulation, or god forbid any kind of graphic design involving retouching photos professionally, this thing is amazing.
I wonder if after it was released, any graphic designers anywhere killed themselves because of realizing how many hours did they waste on something that now took just a single click.
The unyielding march of technology is scary sometimes.

>> No.8339272

I'm lost, what are you guys talking about?

>> No.8339291

Nevermind, just saw it on youtube, holy shit, that's fucking black magic right there. downloading CS5 right now.

>> No.8339491

Anti-spam bump.

>> No.8340102

Fuck that shit, for some reason CS5 crashes whenever I open an image or create a new file.

>> No.8340113

How old is your PC exactly?

>> No.8340141

The only thing old in it would be the video card, according to what I've read, I should buy a newer one. Fuck this software seriously, I'll stick to IllustStudio/SAI

>> No.8340159

I have a 128MB nvidia 6700 I bought used for around $15 some time ago, and CS5 is running perfectly fine.
Hell, it loads faster than CS4 did.

>> No.8340162

Programs don't suddenly crash because your PC is 'old'. It's not a car.

>> No.8340177

You can't be that autistic.

>> No.8340181
File: 400 KB, 1440x820, fuckPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I don't know what the hell is going on.

>> No.8340208

Maybe the release you got is screwy?
The one I got is the "thethingy" release from pirate bay.
I got no idea.

>> No.8340221

The comments on the torrent made it pretty clear it was working for lots of people, but guess wouldn't hurt to try that.

>> No.8340231

You didn't let Windows search for a solution online, I guess?

>> No.8340240

It did literally nothing, the window closed and nothing happened.

>> No.8340244

They do if your PC is old and newer and newer programs expect modern hardware.

Come on Microsoft. My Pentium 4 can perform billions of floating point operations per second. Rendering windows seamlessly in Windows 7 should NOT be a problem.

>> No.8340250 [DELETED] 


I visited /bun/ for the first time last night before I went to bed. "Eh, looks interesting," I thought, and I made a post and bookmarked the site. Bad move. I woke up with my inbox full of spam. My YouTube and Facebook accounts were hacked. All of my Touhou folders were deleted except my Aya folder. And on top of that my dog "ruined" my carpet (still have a payment going for that) and pissed on my laptop. Repost this message in 5 other threads or Jones will ruin your life too. You have been warned.

>> No.8340261

Wait, it does say it's a fault with nvoglv32.DLL, after some google, it seems I got to update some stupid nvidia driver.

>> No.8340808

Been busy with Christmas. I'll get it done. Someday.

>> No.8340852
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1024, akeome2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year, /jp/!

oh god what have i done

>> No.8340878
File: 13 KB, 207x340, Suika full body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for a competition last week

>> No.8340894

Did you forget to finish shading the flesh she's sinking her fingers into?
Shit looks hella weird, yo.

>> No.8340887

That looks nice. :D

>> No.8340897
File: 372 KB, 640x768, hachikiresou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and have some more cancer tits

>> No.8340927

Goddamn tumors.
Happy new year

>> No.8340939

Why boner.jpg

>> No.8340950


>> No.8340954
File: 131 KB, 500x471, maschine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Track is honestly pretty bland until the vocal samples are introduced

Completely agree. A big problem with me being so reliant on samples is that if the sample doesn't have enough sounds to sound interesting over my drum loop, I can rarely do anything about it unless I get lucky with random sounds fitting. (Like my Casshern track and the congo/seagulls)

As for DAW, I bought myself a Maschine (pic). Originally I tried to learn ableton for 2-3 weeks but after trying my friend's maschine, the interactivity helps A LOT. Especially as a beginner.

>> No.8342143

That looks really good but I think you should work on her face, it's kinda weird and I'm sure you can do better.

>> No.8342155

Stop that.

>> No.8342405
File: 546 KB, 807x850, scarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question: are the ears part of the hat or the body?

>> No.8342468

I dick around with making mashups every once in a while

and link the page


>> No.8342474

I dick around with making mashups every once in a while http://www.youtube.com/user/ColdArcana

>> No.8342544
File: 57 KB, 640x480, are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frustrated, are we?

>> No.8342552

I'd probably say part of the hat.

>> No.8342794

Those are pretty fucking terrible. I'd sooner gouge my ears than listen to those. Also, you forgot your sage.

>> No.8342904

Contributions to the thread should be age, not sage. Sageing a lot is fine, but you should also understand when to age.

>> No.8343287

Even if one is contributing shit?

>> No.8343384

Oh god my heart! All that wait was worth it after all, good job!

And the ears are part of the hat.

>> No.8343636


>> No.8343767

Is there a way to extract the midi from pre-MoF Touhou games? I might need some for a future project.

>> No.8343944
File: 6 KB, 250x250, futaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8343940
File: 7 KB, 250x250, burichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8344448
File: 48 KB, 670x670, bump tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8344463

Not that it's super complicated or anything, but does everyone else know these by heart?

>> No.8344876

Please die.

>> No.8345630


I'm thinking about replacing the piano on the beginning with an actually recorded guitar for a more natural sound. FL studio isn't perfect...

>> No.8345660


>> No.8345703



>> No.8345735

Sounds somewhat similar I guess ?

>> No.8345974

saving thread from script spam

>> No.8345993

Knowing that some sperg filled out 15 pages worth of captchas makes me unsure whether to laugh or to cry.

>> No.8346008

You and I do it every day.

>> No.8346083
File: 484 KB, 1000x1000, demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why, but this feels off.

>> No.8346122

It looks good! Maybe a little pillow-shadingy I guess?
And those eyes man. They scare me. But maybe that's a good thing.

>> No.8346131

The horns look like turds.

>> No.8346152

love these

>> No.8346167

They do not, shut up.

>> No.8346171

No they don't?

>> No.8346175

Maybe his turds look like that. Don't judge.

>> No.8346189

Just my guess, but it might be that atrocious crime against anatomy that's her butt.
Or maybe those malformed thighs.

>> No.8346179


I'm probably going something it some harsh lighting in order to break the habit.

I don't might harsh criticism though, if it's deserved. It helps me to know what's wrong so I can fix it.

>> No.8346180

that's not the right way to take criticism.

>> No.8346199

Need more. Do Reimu in the same fashion as the second pic

>> No.8346210

slutticus maximus

>> No.8346216

Not a big oppai fan myself but I love your coloring

>> No.8346280


Right, those are big intentionally, so I most of the anatomy is warped, like the size of everything. You can't really say bad anatomy when just about everything in the picture is distorted in some way. But I do appreciate the criticism.

I don't even draw things like this usually, but I wondered if I could. Mostly i'm looking if there are any fundamental mistakes i've made.

>> No.8346599


>> No.8347566


Those fags from /a/ doing the light novel about cute girls cooking cute foods are apparently desperate for fanart, just so you know.

I wouldn't link to this kind of shit normally, but they ARE cute, and were designed by the same guy who designed the KS girls, which makes them relevant?

>> No.8347576


The only "cute" girl is the one with empty eyes and the Himawari meganne clone. The others can suck a dick.

>> No.8347578

You a fat fetishist or something?

>> No.8347585

You mentioned something about cute girls. Where are they? Those girls don't look cute at all. Also /jp/ doesn't need this crap.

>> No.8347586


No, but I am the guy who routinely posts the chubby Aya artist.

>> No.8347601


Ehhh, I'm not the person you're addressing, but they don't really look fat per se. The thighs are a bit unproportionate and the races are ROUND, but they aren't landwhales.

Having said that, being made by Ke4 does not make them /jp/ relevant.

>> No.8347609



>> No.8347623

I will NEVER be able to draw correctly ;_;

>> No.8347631

Unrelated shit, take it out of here.

>> No.8347632


I kind of want to draw the Morimoto genderswap girl, but I'm afraid the rest of /jp/ will alienate me for acknowledging their cause.


>> No.8347643

You're mentally disabled?
Are you going to die next week?
Or maybe you are a quadriplegic?
If not, stop whining and stop practicing.

>> No.8347689

>If not, stop whining and stop practicing.
>stop practicing.
Yeah, that will suuuurely help improve his skills.

>> No.8347703

>>The only "cute" girl is the one with empty eyes and the Himawari meganne clone

This. I guess I can draw Fieri, at least.

>> No.8347723

Sorry, whining quitters make mad enough to make retarded mistakes like this.
Since they remind me of myself too much.

>> No.8347731

No matter how much I practice, I still suck. And my hand hurts. And I start getting nervous as fuck. Shit sucks ;_;

>> No.8347766

Hmm I used to get really nervous to my drawings not looking as I expected it, thought I was a lost case, my hands would even sweat, but that was until I got a tablet and copied the shit out of everything, and eventually got good with all that practice.
Copy a style, practice it, study its anatomy, everything.

>> No.8347804
File: 197 KB, 516x386, Picture-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matter how much
That just means you haven't practiced enough.
Or often enough.
If your hand hurts, try looking at some calligraphy tutorials/guides that deal with using proper muscle groups - basically, you need to use less of your fingers, and more of your arm/shoulder.
Also, your art is going to fucking suck for literally years, so there's nothing to be nervous about.
Draw from life.
Learn anatomy and perspective.
Copy the fuck out of everyone you think is good, while trying to understand WHY his shit looks good.

>> No.8347811

She just expanded common sense into an ``inspirational'' quote.
What a faggot.

>> No.8347817

After all these year, I gotta ask:
Just what the fuck is drawing from life?

>> No.8347824

>After all these year, I gotta ask:Just what the fuck is drawing from life?
You have a living person in front of you and you draw the shit out of the motherfucker.

>> No.8347826

Boy, I've been trying to draw for TEN YEARS, and no matter how much I change things up, the best I can do is trace. Don't you fucking dare tell me "It just needs more effort".

>> No.8347829

So like when I draw my hands, foliage and such? I thought everyone did that by default.

>> No.8347835

Well uhh, one can trace to some degree, like some body parts or backgrounds, or you mean tracing EVERYTHING?

>> No.8347857

Well then you apparently are mentally disabled after all, because every normal person who is able to make lines on paper according to his will(and if you can trace, you are able to do that) can learn to draw reasonably well given enough time.

>> No.8347861

Then you've been approaching practice the wrong way, didn't have a good teacher, didn't practice enough (in respect to effective time over overall time), or a combination of those things, among other factors. Stop whining.

>> No.8347873

Tracing everything. I can only do still lifes.
Fuck you, don't rub my aspergers syndrome in like that.
Every fucking day I try, and the best I can do is scribbles.

>> No.8347883

Draw poorly and pretend it's ironic.
I've been doing it for years and nobody has noticed.

>> No.8347929

That's what I always do, but it makes me cry when people insist that practice makes everything perfect.

>> No.8347953

It's probably what they tell themselves as they look at their own inadequacies.

>> No.8348000

Just take any /jp/ drawfag pixiv and see what practice does for them.

>> No.8348021

I think my problem is that I lack motivation. I always end up starting to draw for a few days, then stopping. So since I'm being forced from neetdom anyway, I'm going to take a drawing class. I'd be happy just being able to make some cute scribbles.

Having to draw naked 3D seems pretty lewd, though.

>> No.8348189

Soldier on.

>> No.8349073


>> No.8349139

I'll try my best. The class is three times a week, so hopefully I'll improve.

>> No.8349357
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1100, 2011shinka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause everybody's doing it and I follow fads whee

I had some fiercer shadows at first but I triple guessed myself and l redid them. I guess that was a bad idea.

Maybe sometime when I can put effort to it, cause I like Reimu a lot.

Thank you very much.

>> No.8349944

>Attention whoring
Get out

>> No.8350138

I'll never a single developed and consistent enough style to make one of these.
That would be a severe overstatement.

>> No.8350203
File: 837 KB, 1600x900, cafemaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my entry for the ougon cross CG contest thing. Looking at some of the stuff that made it in I guess mine's in there too.
I haven't really drawn anything since then. University keeps me busy right now. Oh god, I hate my life. Why can't I do the things I like. ;_;

>> No.8350227

That's pretty ...good!

>> No.8350292

Thanks. I hope I can draw things for /jp/ again soon.

>> No.8350455
File: 176 KB, 800x450, P1010696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the copper-thing. It's not exactly perfect, but a lot better than it was. Especially if I can put a bit of brown where a slight gap between leather and copper is on the other side.

NOW all I need to do is the tassel, and probably a copper piece for the not-really-a-pommel.

>> No.8350470

Looks better. Can you stab someone with that?

>> No.8350546

It has already tasted blood.

My blood, because I cut myself relatively deeply with a utility knife and bled on the sword. The wooden sword isn't sharp though, since I plan on bringing it to one or more conventions.

>> No.8350569

Man, and to think I used to think you were cool. Guess I was wrong. Just kidding. No I'm not. Actually I am. Not really.

Have we reached thread limit, by the way?

>> No.8350574

284 posts, so nah, not yet.

I'm gonna be doing a full Tenshi cosplay, dress and hat an' everything. Not sure if that makes it better or worse...

>> No.8350583

Depends, are you a guy or a gal? If it's the former, better, if it's the latter, then worse.

>> No.8350589

A guy.
Oh, I'm also the guy who did those Reisen ears a couple of months ago, for context.

>> No.8351154

Enough /cgl/ talk girls.

>> No.8351736

Hope you feel up to drawing Reimu. Its always good to have OC of my favorite touhou.

>> No.8352710

I am terrible at drawing. honestly. my largest obstacle is a lack of having something to draw. I've tried using Doodle or Die to help cope with that, but even then I just can't figure out what to even do.
A lot of times what I will do is start of with one or two random lines/curves and then see if it looks like anything. If so, I start drawing a picture from that, if not, I erase and try again.

the pictures always turn out weird.

>> No.8352935
File: 343 KB, 830x959, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8354725

Her left eye is a little bit worse than her right eye but that picture looks pretty cute.

>> No.8354882

Anyone wanna try writing a story based on this post? I loved it but it's so short...


>> No.8354900

I wrote a song for my waifu. Not really, but I made an arrange of her themes.

Not finished yet. It sounds... folk-ish, I guess? The melody might be a bit too jumpy. Also I apologize for the waifufaggotry

>> No.8355324


>> No.8355338

The bubble dithering is kind of strange at first, but then it really sticks and fits well. Gives a nice unique style to it. Welcome to my pixel art folder.

>> No.8356555


>> No.8356942

A very nice song. 0:54 is kinda weird though. The song just stops and continues a moment later.

>> No.8356951

Cute, but her eyes seem to be too low. From the top of the head to the chin you should place them about midway through. Rather than just drawing them where her hair ends, think of the head without the hair, bone structures etc. to place the eyes. Too low eyes can make your character's foreheads look enormous.

I like the fluffiness of her hair.

>> No.8357038
File: 420 KB, 1000x1000, toolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for being a slowpoke.

>> No.8357057 [DELETED] 

Damn spam.

>> No.8357082

Before it gets swallowed by the spam

>> No.8357374

Thank you!

Eh? Really? I think it feels more dramatic that way, though, haha. It's sort of emphasizing the part that comes after that. But now that you mention it, yeah, it kinda breaks the rhythm, I guess.
If anything, I thought the part people would find awkward would be the transition bit to Oriental Dark Flight...

>> No.8358519

Nice. Pretty cute.

>> No.8358779

Nice indeed. I'd describe your style as "shreddy".

>> No.8358932

