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File: 207 KB, 698x829, chubbycirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8318328 No.8318328 [Reply] [Original]

How often do your dreams scare you, /jp/?

My nightmares don't end, even when I wake up.

>> No.8318334

I always have nightmares, always have. But they don't scare me as much as they used to.

>> No.8318359


The fact that you continue posting is a nightmare for the rest of us.

>> No.8318361

I have all manners of strange dreams, I can't remember being scared by one in many years though.
But after I got done with my military draft year I kept having dreams where I woke up and was back in the barracks.
So it was always a relief to wake up and find out it was just a dream.
I didn't hate my draft year but it was very nice once it was over.

>> No.8318367

My dreams tend to be very uncanny and it scares me when some of them seem very vivid and real.
At least with nightmares I can tell they're not real.

>> No.8318381
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My dreams usually have sense of incoming danger but usually not scary.

>> No.8318390
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I had been having bad dreams every day for months this year

but something happened recently and they've all been really good~

>> No.8318394

I always kick everyones ass in my dreams and if I happen to die I just respawn and kick some more ass

>> No.8318409

I have very vivid, memorable dreams that persist between sleep sessions. For the past month I've been hacking away (literally) in the Nasuverse. There are good moments, bad moments and painful experiences, but it feels nice.

Sometimes after I wake up, I'm not sure wether this life is true or the one in my dreams.

>> No.8318418

I dreamt I got banned from #bun.

>> No.8318435
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How do you feel, knowing that's a reality for some people?

>> No.8318434

I haven't had a nightmare since I was a kid.

>> No.8318463

I feel like giving Jones and friends a few fine cigars.

>> No.8318518
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>> No.8318522

I haven't seen chubby on /jp/ in a while, maybe I've been on at the wrong times.

>> No.8318531

I dreamt a post getting doubles...and woke to find myself posting it.

>> No.8318540

how recently?

>> No.8318558
File: 1.76 MB, 400x210, 1323724010939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking glad I don't live in an old-country genocidal hellhole where everybody gets drafted instead of just a little random jury duty.

>> No.8318575
File: 107 KB, 600x600, 1325118436428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very early this month~

>> No.8318721

good~ good~ remember, a healthy diet and stuff like vitamins can help also if they turn sour again.

>> No.8318734

But hey they got me in shape, taught me how to procrastinate less and I got to do some cool stuff.
Also they gave me $5000~ when I finished.

>> No.8318738
File: 308 KB, 1280x960, Windows 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on being able to eat more, can't wait until the start of the month to get food I actually like. I'll also buy some vitamins while I'm there

>> No.8318761

>they got me in shape
>I got to do some cool stuff
>they gave me $5000~
Was it compulsory service?

>> No.8318767

Yep, conscription isn't so bad in Norway

>> No.8318806

a multivitamin is good choice if you don't want to pick out specific stuff which is lacking from your diet. there is stuff like fish oils too. just stay in good care and have a good new years eve tomorrow.

>> No.8318822

my dreams are more weird than scary as HELL

>> No.8318827
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I think I will just get those then. I probably don't get enough of anything with my diet... Thank you.

>> No.8318832

I am starting to like it in my nightmares. Even if my dreams were silent hill hell like I got a good control over pain. So in my dreams i don't really feel fear of being torn into shreds or something. Monsters in my dreams know this too and they understand to leave me alone, it is like if they welcomed me as one of them.
I like the sights, to see the things that could be true or that i could do. I cannot even tell what it is like.

>> No.8318840

I haven't had a nightmare in years. No idea what's with you guys.

>> No.8318889

I had a dream today about a country at war. There were these chandeliers which had swords instead of candles. The rebel nobility were then picked up and and impaled on the swords. The result was 5 to 6 people per chandelier all ahogaing with blood coming out of their mouths. It was like an assembly line since there were thousands of people impaled and waiting to be impaled.

>> No.8318897

>posting the chubby.jpg without fangs

>> No.8318903


I suggest you look at the file name more closely.

>> No.8318907

For me, it is like a moment of clarity.

>> No.8318922
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>> No.8318934

Yes sort of like. But there is never real crystal clear clarity for endings, solutions... No end to possibilities. So i can't really say it is all that clarifying for me.

>> No.8320577

Part of my dream consisted of going to a hospital for some reason.
I was a doctor who went insane for some reason and spread blood with a huge syringe on every person I came across, including my actual self.
Eventually that doctor got shot down and I was myself again.
I went to the same hospital because I was afraid of having a disease from this blood and it turned out that I had malaria and several other diseases.
The malaria made me shit uncontrollably all the time so I always had to stay close to toilets.

This was just a tiny part of last nights adventures though

>> No.8321880
File: 9 KB, 496x470, SCARY MONSTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just woke up from dream that my computer's fan broke down and then i turned it over and inside were millions of bugs and other insane insects

and a bunch of things that idk what it looked like (pictured) was covering my arm and then i frantically tried to remove them and it left a huge mosquito bite acne thing (pictured)

then i think i got in a car accident and died

then i woke up to a nightmare far worse than anything i could ever have dreamed of: REAL LIFE

>> No.8322036

I'm not scared of dreams anymore. Murders, nuclear and vampiring apocalypses, genocides, rapes - it's all just like watching movies in proper 3D(and not it these shitty 3d glasses).

Too bad recently I don't see much of dreams. My last dream was a week ago, it involved death of six people who tried to escape by touching silver pipe. This does not make any sense if you'll think about it.
