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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8308193 No.8308193 [Reply] [Original]

What makes someone /jp/?

Do they need to love Touhou? Are VNs alone enough? Do you have to be a NEET or hikki?

Teach me your ways!

>> No.8308200


>> No.8308202

you just need to suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8308198

You have to be here since the beginning

>> No.8308205

If you don't know you are not true /jp/

>> No.8308209
File: 197 KB, 500x500, bacon_wrapped_hotdoggu..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about Touhou, have never read/played a VN in my life, and in fact I don't know anything about japanese culture at all or care about it.

I'm more /jp/ than most people here.

>> No.8308210

They have to be intelligent, mature, and a NEET.

Note to newcomers: Don't just post on /jp/ because you're bored! That makes the board shitty. Only post when you have something to contribute!

>> No.8308213

OP, you just need to love little girls. That's all. Whether they be from Touhou or VNs. Most of the people here ARE hikki or NEET; you don't have to be, but with all that free time on their hands, they're here 24/7 and they'll accuse you of being a normalfag just for something like having a job.

You need to rub the stink of beta upon yourself to blend in.

>> No.8308222

So says /jp/'s number one shitposter and the worst piece of shit attention whore to hit the board in months.

Fuck off Tokiko you don't belong here.

>> No.8308217


>intelligent and mature

Hahahaha oh wow, you're serious aren't you?

>> No.8308219

What makes a /jp/?
Is it reporting the OP?
Is it dodging self-loathing?

>> No.8308218

Mature people have no place on /jp/.

>> No.8308216

>What makes someone /jp/?
When you first arrive, you are not true /jp/. You must lurk.
When you first post, you are not true /jp/. You must sage.
When you have done these things, you are not true /jp/. You must despise the people who are new, just as you were despised when you first came here.
Then, you will be true /jp/.

>> No.8308226

Well first of all you should not reply to tokiko

>> No.8308227

You only need to be a self loathing weeaboo that finds /a/ too "mainstream" and /v/ too threatening. Then you either fall down through the cracks into /jp/ if you're lucky, or /vp/ if you have hit the bottom of the barrel.


>> No.8308230
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Being destructive as a means for getting attention certainly isn't VIP quality. Trying to get attention on an anonymous board simply won't work. For that, try Facebook, Gaia Online, Twitter, Reddit, or any of the other more traditional web communities.

>> No.8308234


>> No.8308232
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/jp/ can suck /vp/'s nuts

>> No.8308240


>he thinks /vp/ is better than /jp/

>> No.8308238


>Trying to get attention on an anonymous board simply won't work

Then why are you a namefag?

>> No.8308241

You're fine if you have some /jp/ related hobby like collecting figs, VNs, eroge, Touhou, etc (other than shitposting, guys). Also, post in threads that interest you, ignore those that don't. And don't do anything...

Fuck it someone post Keine-sensei's list of /jp/ rules.

>> No.8308242


>> No.8308243

Don't spam memes like a retard is a good start.

>> No.8308246

Over the years I've been described so well on so many unrelated things that it's somewhat unsettling. Either a lot of people here are exactly like me or I am some kind of living, breathing /jp/ stereotype. Either one is nice.

>> No.8308247
File: 1.20 MB, 1249x1519, 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just enjoy posting pictures of Tokiko. You can always filter me out if you don't like me.

>> No.8308244
File: 62 KB, 237x237, cut_from_a_porn_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're both shit boards, deal with it

>> No.8308255

I suspect more and more it's a particularly intelligent shitposter posting serious and valid replies under Tokiko's name. Whether or not it's the original Tokiko is yet to be found, but irrelevant.

It's actually pretty amusing once you apply some vaseline to your hurts and start taking it easy.

>> No.8308259

Nobody told OP the most important rule :

Take it easy.

>> No.8308261

The truth is OP, you sound like you are ready for initiation. What you need to do is find a 3D that somewhat resembles you. You need to stalk her and learn all her habits. Then you need to kill her and become her with out anyone being suspicious. Only after you have become the girl, will you be able to post on /jp/ with out being a newfag.

>> No.8308275
File: 455 KB, 1585x791, rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308288

No you don't. You post images of Tokiko because you think it's your gimmick and want people to recognize you. You might want to be a fucking hypocrite (in addition to an attention whore) but stop involving Tokiko in your shitposts.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8308293

That's not what he asked you, attention whore. Stop copypasting the same butthurt response.
