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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8300011 No.8300011 [Reply] [Original]


all MMOs welcome
(watch this thread get overrun by MapleStory) I'm perfectly okay with that

>> No.8300026

I think if I'd take up an MMO my parents would definitely kick me out as fast as possible.

They wouldn't sit well with me sitting on their necks and playing games.

>> No.8300034

>sitting on their necks and playing games.
>sitting on their necks
what does that mean?

>> No.8300036

This. Although I just sit here and read 4chan, so MMOs wouldn't make much of a difference. They just feel like timesinks though (as opposed to 4chan, which is well worth the time and effort I put into it).

I guess it's good that I run Linux as my main operating system, since it's kind of an incentive to stay away from games (especially MMOs).

>> No.8300046
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I am not playing any MMOs right now. Nothing appeals to me. I'm still looking forward to Tera though.

>> No.8300054

Tera? That censored piece of junk?

>> No.8300059

A bunch of people from /a/ and a few people from /jp/ are playing a private ragnarok online server called limit ro. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.8300070

raiding in wow right now

>> No.8300065
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Whatever. Modding is easy. I played the Japanese version as well, and it's kind of fun.

>> No.8300066

Currently waiting for SWTOR servers to go back up.

>> No.8300068

Tera? That monthly subscription piece of junk?

>> No.8300071

prove it bro , dude.

>> No.8300077

I play Vindictus. Does anyone else play Vindictus?

>> No.8300089

yeah I play it casually

>> No.8300091

Anyone playing SW:TOR? I'm kinda torn between getting it and not.

I have two friends playing and while it would be fun to join them I'm afraid of what I hear about there not being any end-game content, and with people hitting max level in 2 days.. I don't know.

>> No.8300095

Why play maplestory when Wonderking has superior combat engine?

>> No.8300103

Aion is going freemiumin February. i'm definably gonna pick up my 55 Cleric again by then.

>> No.8300104

Sudo plays SWTOR.
Sudo is a friend to us all.
Play with Sudo.
Sudo master race

>> No.8300106

I'm playing it, I like it a lot. The people who've hit max level already must have done so in beta already so they knew exactly what to do and skip all conversations.

>> No.8300111

I played the beta and absolutely loved it. Awesome voices and awesome dialog. Cool stories too.

Unfortunately I have no way to pay for an MMO right now.

>> No.8300120

Good, because I play it casually too

>> No.8300125

fucking knew sudo would come in here

>> No.8300128
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I'm mostly looking forward to playing PSO2. I loved PSO and PSU.


>> No.8300132

Hey hey, which side are you on?

>> No.8300142

sudo is sith because DARK AND EDGY LUL

>> No.8300144

I want to play an MMO but none I've seen recently appeal to me. I just want to go back to the early days in WoW where I played with others and enjoyed leveling up together and talking in /guild.

>> No.8300148

I understand how you feel. The whole community thing is more fun than grinding and whatever. It's terrible that so many people are in worlds filled with millions of people but so horribly alone.
I spent all my WoW time chatting and riding the Griffins back and forth (that was fun for some reason).

>> No.8300149

Is there any MMO I can play casually? I tried to play maplestory the other day but there are so many stats and things to keep track of I just feel lost and the game world is so immense it gives me vertigo.
I played LoL to death and it's getting boring, and DOTA 2 is too hard

>> No.8300150
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this is a screenshot sudo took

>> No.8300157

Try realm of the mad god.

>> No.8300155

Sith Marauder.
Oh, you're that guy from the other thread. Hi!

>> No.8300158

I'll probably play Tera until Lineage Eternal comes out.

>> No.8300162


>> No.8300226

Whats a popular one where i can create a loli?

Would really like to get back into an MMO

>> No.8300233

What's that in the OP?

>> No.8300251

Anyone play Runescape?

>> No.8300261

Runescape was the first and only MMO i ever really got into. Which is why i'm trying to find a new one to get that feeling back again.

>> No.8300270

I've been playing Dragon nest, but now it just seems like a struggle to be the best, people use real money on getting ingame money and just buy gear + ruin the entire AH with overpriced shit they farm.. So i've been looking for a new game instead.

>> No.8300271

pay 2 win
pay 2 fun

Gave up on it once I finished all the free-play had to offer. Still liked and enjoyed myself there, though.

>> No.8300281

>first and only MMO i ever really got into
Yeah, me too. I got members in 2006 and I've been playing ever since, though. An update every week (sometimes every 2 weeks) helped keep my interest.

>> No.8300286

They did this?

I think I left after they introduced a "member's area" but it was pretty tasteful and not very pay-to-win.

It's all in proper 3D now, right? Not just 3D terrain with sprites?

>> No.8300303
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Mabinogi (but they age one year per week and you get free rebirths only each time you hit 20 years age. you can buy age potions though.)

>> No.8300314


Is it free?

>> No.8300318
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, DN 2011-12-27 13-50-45 Tue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Dragon Nest for awhile. Though it's probably best to think of it as a one-player game the MMO, makes it more fun.

The weapon enhancing is addicting as fuck, I feel like I spend more time on that then the actually game play.

>> No.8300319
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What do you mean by pay 2 win? The only items you can buy for the game are purely cosmetic (unless you count that "refer a friend and get 1.1x exp! shit)

The graphics have come a long way.

>> No.8300327

Dude just wait for level 40 equip and up .. you'll go insane over the rate being so freaking low, and the average onyx's ( Every sort of em ) going for 30-300+ g.. You better begin to find a way of earning money soon.

Also is that SEA or NA?

>> No.8300330

free to play
cash shop items are mostly only cosmetic
it's a good game.
find some friends quickly or you will have trouble.

>> No.8300343

I was under the impression that Runescape was the Gaia of MMOs.

>> No.8300344


Will I get raped or something?

>> No.8300351
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Playing Elsword. I think the number of digits gets too ridiculous sometimes (cash and stats).

>> No.8300355

Hide public chat at all times. It makes it sort of bearable.

>> No.8300358
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, DN 2011-12-27 13-58-58 Tue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA I believe.

Geez, sounds crazy. Probably good I'm taking it slow on this game, I heard this game doesn't have a good rep for it's issues and, well, being Nexon, all there games have issues one way or another.

>> No.8300374

depends on what sense of the word you mean.
it won't be too bad though, you get free premium service until you hit lv30 or something so you get free Nao soul stones in case you do happen to aggro an animal you shouldn't.
The combat system in this game is not like other games that depend largely on your equipment.
all armor in this game is only like 1 or 2 defense points.
Combat is based off of what ranks your skills are levelled up to

>> No.8300401

The issue is people using gold bots and such, then they sell leftover Nexon points and gear for more also.. there's also a craft bug atm, if you get some life-giving weps you'll be insta immortal.. reason is that on a chance of 10% something you'll get 2,5% hp every hit, and the chance is like every 5 sec, so already there you can see how broken it is.

Same goes for Archer or SS, when they hit 40 and use barrage of arrows they can crite 550k with nature rage, which means insta boss kill.

>> No.8300408

Both Maple Story and Runescape are. Hell, last I checked MS and Gaia practically have the same avatar style, probably why they're both popular among the preteen crowd, so MS even more so.

I remember in my preteens(I'm 26) having a friend or two who loved both Gaia and Maple Story. One of them even moved on to 4chan and tried to force some memes unsuccessfully, apparently.

I guess there's some new fantastic thing about MS that makes it bearable, though.

>> No.8300414

I still play Vindictus when there's an update. I'm almost AP capped, so there's nothing to do other than upgrade gear. This thread reminds me that I need to start playing DFO and Dragon Nest and get to level 20 for that reward.

Other than that, I've been playing the new class in maplestory. It's pretty fun, but social interaction is required if you want to fight a boss. That's no good.

>> No.8300411
File: 484 KB, 1280x768, screenLimitRO025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres proof bro, If you need more I have more screenshots

>> No.8300429

>MS and Gaia practically have the same avatar style
nah. I think you are thinking of TinierMe
>popular among the preteen crowd, so MS even more so.
average age of MapleStory players is 19. quoted from an MS dev.

>> No.8300433

Does Mabinogi still have that NA only bullshit?

Don't even speak of the EU server, it's a ghost town.

>> No.8300434

looks like /b/tards to me

>> No.8300437

>average age of MapleStory players is 19. quoted from an MS dev.
Sure it is, all the pedophiles hunting for prey bring up the average.

>> No.8300457
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Is this not proof enough?

>> No.8300471
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Which server?

I just finished ranking thunder and lightning mastery.

What a skill.

>> No.8300482

>Smoked Cheese
So all of taigas tripfag friends decided to join?

>> No.8300479

Mabinogi didn't really appeal to me, and i hear Tera is monthly fees.

>> No.8300487


Not really, she doesn't play Mabi.

>> No.8300489

No, I am pretty sure I am thinking of Maple Story. As in 100%.

And if MS is free, I very highly doubt they have any way of confirming the age of their players. That means very little unless we know how they confirm their information. And even supposing the average is 19, that doesn't mean the game isn't swarming with 11-15 year olds compared to other available games.

>> No.8300496 [SPOILER] 
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I think that character is in Mari or something. I don't really play it.
My main account is in Tarlach but I can't play on any of those characters because nexon is nexon.

disregard spoilers. apparently it's all been fixed.
oh happy days.

>> No.8300508
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I play Dragon Nest too.

>> No.8300513

those people are very easy to spot and very easy to avoid.
I have a large guild and buddy list just filled with mature people.
and about 10 intelligent cohorts.
of course that may only be just because it's Windia

>> No.8300510

Does anybody here plays RO?
I've played it for a long time, but abandoned it last year. I've been wanting to play it again, recently.

>> No.8300514



>> No.8300521


Did you get yourself some nice AP pots?

>> No.8300522
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, DN 2011-12-27 14-36-12 Tue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sup.

>> No.8300531

Oh, sorry about that.
Do they have any guild or something like that.

>> No.8300534

waiting for patcher right now

>> No.8300537
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Some people ask me why I still play WoW, I just say it's for the writing.

>> No.8300540


If your character was locked out, there's a good chance that you got two codes for AP 100 pots in your email.

>> No.8300550
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Did somebody say LOTRO?

>> No.8300553

I play SWTOR for quality Bioware writing.

>> No.8300563

I like all the useless skills in mabinogi, unfortunately the EU servers are shit, is there a game like Mabi ?

>> No.8300560

I want to be a Jedi.

>> No.8300569

this explains the mysterious 10k increase in Nx Prepaid also

>> No.8300568
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We have like 4 guilds, if you decide to join up with us come to northwest lunette(main town) a bit below the job changer, near what we like to call "the cow". If no one is there it means we're all mvp partying or doing our own thing. Just wait a while and you'll see us. Pic attached is our gathering spot.

>> No.8300574


Despite how shitty the game is, if you put mabi against any other MMOs, Mabi is one of the best MMOs that's out there at the moment.

It's like comparing shit to a different kind of shit, and Mabi just happens to have some redeeming qualities that makes it a bit less shitty. Mainly because there are no MMOs out there that's like Mabi in any way.

>> No.8300579

I was playing Elsword NA up until the release of Eve's 2nd job.
Now i'm just playing WoW with some friends.
I've been thinking of playing Maplestory since I heard it's gotten a lot more bearable than before.

>> No.8300582

how shitty is SMT imagine?

>> No.8300586
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It has a lot of open world and walking. LOTS AND LOTS of walking.

Other then that it's very good.

Get this girl once you start, she's amazing.

>> No.8300601

I agree.
I guess i like it because in other mmo's, if you're a warrior or whatever you get a lot of weird magicgayrainbow skills without any logic, in mabinogi instead you just get a sword and it does swordthings.

>> No.8300602

I might.
It's been a looong time since I last played RO, never got a chance to see those new classes

>> No.8300604

How much time would I need to invest into it to get Alice?

>> No.8300617

I remember playing in wow private servers during BC. The lack of scripts on neutral guards turned places like goblin towns, cenarion camps, etc into warzones.

>> No.8300644
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Remember me /jp/?

>> No.8300650
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Nice, finally gets mentioned in a thread with plenty of Nexon

>> No.8300679

A lot, I think. She's only from events and some dungeon that you need to grind for, you also get Hell's Angel and Mara from that dungeon.

If you bunch are playing, let me see if I recall my pass. My English server character sucks, so you'll catch up in no time.

>> No.8300724

Alright then. This is my new goal. I will post my ID or whatever once it's finished downloading. I was taking a look at the wiki and checking out the classes, I think I'm going with gunner.

>> No.8300740

J-Tera has a free trial for 40 hours of gametime for new Hangame accounts. Im just saying.

>> No.8300745
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I played drift city with /o/ about five years ago, it was pretty fun for a while.

Not sure if it's even alive anymore, but I'm thinking about trying it again.

>> No.8300746
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So /jp/. Have you made a new fellow anon friend today.

>> No.8300759

It's sad that I can only tell this apart from World of Warcraft because the character models are smaller.

>> No.8300760
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>> No.8300770

I play CABALonline on the German servers

It truely is a grindfest.

>> No.8300775

Finally I can post somewhere on /jp/ about how damn amazed I am that Nexon NA actually fixed something (Mabinogi's lockout error) for once in their existence.

Though I think giving 20k back in summerish for the servers being unstable vs 10k for not being able to play at all on certain characters is a bit underwhelming. Nonetheless, being able to continue not grinding or doing anything of worth to develop my character that has existed since the game came out of beta but is only like total level 750 was arguably the best present I could get.

Mabi is fun but it'll be great only once I get the archeress school wear and become completely flat.

>> No.8300783


Which server?

>> No.8300799

There are no classes. You just get a character and build it however you like.

The usual paths are pure melee, magic bullet and magic melee (you get DeLorean with magic melee, which allows you to run into things at 88 miles per hour repeatedly until they explode into chunks of magnitite.) Throw in enchanter skills once you get them and you're set. If you don't like your skills, you can always use Lethe water to reset them.

It's been quite a while since I left the game though (English service had just opened back then I think) so things might have changed. Maybe pure magic works now.

>> No.8300805

Fuck, so is Mabinogi really my only option to be able to play as a cute girl?

>> No.8300811
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I'd say Mabi takes the cake for hottest characters in general.

>> No.8300818

How viable is it to play the game by picking up skills based solely on how fun they sound?

>> No.8300832
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The only MMO I am currently playing is MicroVolts.
Do you guys know this game or any of its versions (ToyWars in jp and some other name for korea)?

>> No.8300828

How is Uncharted Waters Online?

>> No.8300838

>I remember in my preteens(I'm 26) having a friend or two who loved both Gaia and Maple Story

Both those are from like 2003ish, so no.

>> No.8300852

Hmmm, this looks a lot better than the other screens. The thing is, i don't know anyone else that plays and i hear the game is kinda confusing.

>> No.8300859

watching the trailer gave me the shivers.

>> No.8300862

Depends, if you have a high level fellow (my EN server character is only level 20, unfortunately) get you an Oberon and Titania for some nice skill inheritance and pass those skills to a melee-based demon (and if your demon isn't melee-based, you can make her to be so cheaply by using rune stones. Hagalaz is the best, if I recall.) you'll do mighty fine in most dungeons, especially in a party. Or you could choose to grind right away for Mahagidyne, Megidolaon and the like.

With that setup you'll only start struggling in Gold rank no matter how much you fool around with character skills and stats, Silver and the game's main quest won't be a problem and will continue to shower you with experience until you're a reasonable level. You can do those special chip dungeons (I forgot what they were called, sorry) to get a chance at a good demon too, though the one that actually drops the good demons (including Inexperienced Succubus, the earliest demon to get Mahaziodyne) is extremely hard and you'll need to find someone to let you leech.

>> No.8300872


It is indeed confusing at first, and it's in your best interest to have someone that knows the ins and outs of the game guide you along.

I can help you out, if you want. If you ever decide to play, feel free to add my address on MSN (email field), since the ingame friends list is FUBAR at the moment.

There's an entire chat (although we kind of talk about LoL there too) for some bros from /a/ that I started playing with, along with other people that we met ingame. It's full of people that played for over a year, so we're all fully capable of helping you out with whichever class route you choose.

>> No.8300878

I can't wait to get my dirty gaijin hands on PSO2. Finally a worthy sequel.

>> No.8300895

Alright, i'll make one here in a bit.

Is this chat you speak of in the game or IRC?

>> No.8300897


MSN chat.

>> No.8300899
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Oh wow I dint know smoche posted in /jp/

Also I have been playing shin megami tensei imagine again for god knows why. I have also been playing cosmic break as well too~

That one game eden eternal. I have not played it yet but are they still coming out with new races? I know that bear and loli race has been released. What are the chances of them coming out with that Frog race? I am really hoping that they will let you play as them. That is the deal breaker for me.

>> No.8300900

What the fuck.


>> No.8300901


I'm always lurking, but I seldom ever post.

>> No.8300904
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So when does Sword Girls go into the next beta? I miss the music

>> No.8300915

Hi smochi, fudge here. I stopped posting with a trip ages ago, mostly just been lurking since then.

Come play JP-Tera, new accounts get 40 hours of free game time.

>> No.8300922

I am glad to here it. I still love you even though I am still too shy to talk to you on msn :3

You and Yutanpo are probably the only trip code users I like.

>> No.8300919


>> No.8300927


Oh gosh, I thought you died because you haven't signed on in ages.

As for JP-Tera, I'm not sure if 40 hours will leave me satisfied.

Sign on again, you goober.


That's a first, Most people from /jp/ tend to play on Mari.

>> No.8300942

>That's a first, Most people from /jp/ tend to play on Mari.
Yeah, when I started it was back when /jp/ was playing and hotglue and all those other guilds like rapethemaids and I forget the others were playing on Mari (that is I didn't realize the wonders of a 4chan filled server yet) and most others who thought Mari was too mainstream went to Tarlach so I went to Ruairi.

>> No.8300945


How is Ruairi working out? I heard it was hacking central with that Martyr guild and whatnot.

>> No.8300954

It's pretty cool. I don't know anything about hacking or duping because I don't talk to or interact with anyone who are not online friends from older MMORPGs or people they introduced me to.

>> No.8300957


Well, if you ever feel lonely, feel free to visit us on Alexina.

>> No.8300958

And is Mabinogi good?

>> No.8300968

It's good compared to most MMORPGs which are generally not good.

Did Alexina stop being that server that everyone complained had lag problems and general brokenness?

>> No.8300963


The combat aspect of it is pretty awful.

It's everything else that makes the game enjoyable.

If you mixed the fluid mechanics and controls of, say, WoW and the non-combat content of Mabi, it would be the perfect MMO. True story.

>> No.8300966

i play flyff on a private server
don't do that

>> No.8300976


It appears like the lag is gone.

I did, however, experience the mob de-spawn thing yesterday.

>> No.8300978

Anyone still playing Cosmic Break? Take a good idea, then put it in hands of the shittiest management team and use the servers for watching porn rather than the game. That's what it's like.

It was fun playing against the rest of 4chan though, I want to relive the times of the beta.

>> No.8300982

You think Mabinogi's combat is awful and wish it had WoW style? What are you like unable to kill bears or something? The combat is the best aspect. It's actually somewhat skill based sometimes.

>> No.8300992


I meant the fluidity of its controls.

Once you hit past level 1000, though, it becomes more smash/windmill spam, crash shot/magnum shot spam, and magesnevertaggingalongforelitemissionsbecausethey'reeasilyoutDPS'dbymeleeandrange spam, etc etc.

>> No.8301006
File: 95 KB, 640x738, parsee03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play but servers are dead, why is Mabinogi EU so shitty ?
Pic related mfw you can play.

>> No.8301011

I miss Runescape and I miss WoW. I wish I still liked them, especially the later.

>> No.8301018


But... I can't into runes!

>> No.8301016

I might later today. As for Tera, I bought two of my friends a subscription, but now they might be backing out on it because they dont want to set their display language to japanese... If thats the case, i can probably get you a months sub after the 40 hours expires. Not sure yet though.

>> No.8301022


>> No.8301023
File: 449 KB, 1024x768, I dont care anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I play it sometimes. It's like watching a trainwreck.

>> No.8301025

Neither can I, but I can get along perfectly fine.

All you need to know is よろしく、乙, and ありがとう.

>> No.8301027


What do those sharp squiggles mean?

>> No.8301031

Its just pleasure to meet you (group entrance), Good job, and thank you. Roughly.

>> No.8301070

People on /v/ started up a RP Ultima Online server. I really don't want to play with them and have them ruin some of my fondest gaming memories.

Unless /jp/edos want to join up as well and start a PK guild to fuck with them constantly.

>> No.8301073
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as always. Christmas event is pretty nice this year.

>> No.8301136
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All that time spent making a pretty character for nothing...

>> No.8301312

Thats weird. I just started to play it like last week and created a new char and everything. Maybe redownload it?

>> No.8301336

oh my god I am on Alexina

>> No.8301344


Oh my.


Friendslist is broken, so if you want to stay in touch, feel free to add me on MSN.

>> No.8301358

This game was so awesome. except for the fact that even when i did good i was till towards the bottom of the list...

I will never have enough to buy a cute outfit...

>> No.8301379

Playing RIFT and Final Fantasy 14 while waiting for Sword Girls to come back.

>> No.8301531

Fuck that fucking lagarmor piece of shit. Hope he gags on a dildo.

CS just needs to put the damn anti-lag system back on globally. This game isn't designed to handle third world connections.

>> No.8301566

>mabinogi combat

No, spamming Crash Shot/WM and cycling 20 dollar AOE pet summons is not fucking skill just because you can stay in deadly doing it.

Anyway, let me know when endgame doesn't cost 100 bucks a month for a year.

>> No.8301573
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, Maple0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory MapleStory guild plug.
Located on the Broa Server. We don't have many people, but we will welcome anyone who wants to join. If you want to join just add someone in the guild to your buddy list and ask them.

>> No.8301580

>He thinks he needs to spend money on a free game

>> No.8301596

try running imagine update and diagnose.

btw if any anyone else is playing i can power level you

>> No.8301616

also thing with imagine is everything on sale for cash you can buy ingame for ingame currency which is pretty great

>> No.8301620
File: 30 KB, 186x161, picture of a massive faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shit, get on Nova and join the MegucaSquad, headed by MegucaHomura. We're missing a MegucaMadoka.

>> No.8301622

>he doesn't realize mabinogi is the most pay2win game in existence

Imagine if a MMO implemented a system where your leveling speed was cut by 1/3rd if you didn't pay 10 dollars a week. Imagine if that MMO had some ridiculous level cap, like 1000. That's Mabinogi in a nutshell.

In a given server, there are less than 30 players that can legitimately be considered endgame, and most of them either have steady allowances that they sink into the game, or are rich IRL.

>> No.8301668

No one on Zenith?

>> No.8301675

Get on Nova!

>> No.8301693

I would but I'm 116 already;
grinded all weekend. ;_;

>> No.8301710

It's not that hard to hit 116 again! I'll gift you 2x.

>> No.8301799
File: 930 KB, 1280x768, SC_ 2011-12-20 20-05-00-650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu.

Add me!

>> No.8302211
File: 32 KB, 300x135, 1672351219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I forgot the pic.

>> No.8302206


Why I hate MMO.

1:Playing without any money = hard as fuck and not amusing.
2: Sociablility > playability. It sucks. I want to play a game! Not to make friends in the game!!
3: Pic related.

>> No.8302219


>> No.8302234

hue hue hue hue br internet to slow go back to ragarok

>> No.8302244

I just tried SMT imagine and quit after a couple hours...

I know I'm going to sound like a retard, but why are MMOs so complicated? as soon as you start your first quest your screen is bombarded with 200 different windows, your character has 500 or 600 stats you have to keep track of, the world map is HUGE and you have no idea where to find anything, etc.

Is there a MMO where I can take it easy? my ideal online game needs to be simple, but with lots of content. a "easy to learn, hard to master" kind of thing.

So far the only online games I've found with this kind of simplicity and amount of content are DOTA clones but I need something else...

>> No.8302243
File: 23 KB, 632x471, 1249886012073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lineage 2 is free to play
>people are playing shit like WoW in Space and Maplestory

>> No.8302248
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>> No.8302283

Anyone wanna replay Flyff?

>> No.8302288

I'll join, been a while since I played RO.

Do I choose Renewal, Metro or Nova?

>> No.8302292

Play Gunz. It's easy to learn, just shootan, but hard to master K-style.

>> No.8302301


It'll take you anywhere from a month to half a year for you to master triple butterfly, depending on what kind of a player you are.

>> No.8302311

play again i can probably help you around in imagine im on atm

>> No.8302329
File: 117 KB, 742x363, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling a bunch of crap in El Nido Free Market 6, I'll be there all night.

>> No.8302347

nah it's ok. Combat was too blocky and the distances too long anyway. I like the SMT series but this game just isn't for me.

>> No.8302870
File: 11 KB, 128x256, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, good night everyone. see your tomorrow.

>> No.8302882

i see hope you find a mmo youd like

>> No.8302968
File: 38 KB, 396x416, 708390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a whole lot of CosmicBreak lately. I'm bad at that game, I don't even know why I keep going back.

I've been playing a little of Megaten as well. But since I'm alone, I only do a sugi gold run and log out.

Mabinogi, I only log on to play some new music I've converted to MML from midi files. I have characters on Tarlach and Mari. Trying to get a party in Mabi is impossible if you don't know anybody, though.

If anybody's playing Mabi or Megaten, let me know so I can play with you. ;_;

>> No.8302983

Contact Mark, he's still botting in it.

I miss those WC3 games night from a few years back, anyone want to set it up again?

>> No.8302986

Megaten looked pretty cool, so I might join it. How is it?

>> No.8302997

Currently just playing JPTera because of them pretty Elins. Maybe DotA2 if that even counts.

>> No.8302999

I play a lot of Imagine and Dragon Nest

Considered picking up Elsword and that one dancing MMO whose name escapes me. Kind of want to branch out a lot more.

>> No.8303006

That game is so fucking unstable, I had to re-download it three times for them ALL to shit out randomly during install..

I then had to use a fucking download managing client just to keep it from breaking during download

then after that it still didn't fucking work, the game looked good, it's a shame..

Trying Elsword now, any comments about it?

>> No.8303015

Perhaps it's a problem on your end? I've never had a problem with it in the two years I've used it. I mean I got two random crashes but that seems pretty good for a span of two years.

>> No.8303018

To me, the fun part of this game is building demons. There's a fairly good variety. Another thing I liked was the story aspect, Megaten fits in between SMT and SMT II. So if you're interested in SMT story, it's worth a look.

Even though there are no classes, you basically get to choose, roughly, between melee, mage, gunner, and buffer.

>> No.8303022


Most likely, but I personally don't care, everything from Eden Eternal to their other halfcast games have been off.

Speaking of which, I have an account, I can log into the account, I had registered for EE early beta, I can't login ingame.. invalid account, exact same criteria logs me into the site though... ideas?

>> No.8303023

Goddamn new MMO's don't run on my toaster.

>> No.8303028

Anyone want to play DOTA 2?

>> No.8303032

I would love to, but I'm not really good at it

>> No.8303033

I'm not really planning on playing any mmo until gw2 comes out.

>> No.8303035

Do you still have to pay for half of your skill hotkeys in Elsword?

>> No.8303045
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, 2011-12-24_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in the beta private server of B & S ?

>> No.8303053

Does anyone play Tartarus? Is it any good?

>> No.8303059

I have 10 hrs played and so far I've only gotten 2 or 3 kills in total, so I think we'd be pretty even. if you want to add me I'll post my id

>> No.8303066
File: 307 KB, 600x840, 1319970338598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What server?

>> No.8303067

Any got some suggestions on a mmorpg... I've been seriously bored lately. And no Maplestory, tried it and it wasn't my cup of tea.

>> No.8303070

Sure feel free.

>> No.8303071

How is FlyFF these days? Aswell as the pservers.

>> No.8303073

Play TINY or Centaur and get a dagger.

>> No.8303077


>> No.8303083

Damn. I used to play on Kaia and I was looking for an excuse to get another month. I don't feel like starting on a new server though.

>> No.8303089

I would play Mabi with you on Alexander, but you are the only one in the group that does anything to my knowledge.

I didn't know the LimitRO group is still holding strong. Thats weird as fuck for an /a/ group.

>> No.8303091

I went into Shara cause I thought its where most foreigners are due to the "JP ONRY" on party finder...lol

Turns out its still rare.

>> No.8303096


>> No.8303100
File: 211 KB, 1308x766, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played about a year ago with a couple of online friends. I'm not sure if that's what you meant by "these days," but it was really boring after only a couple weeks. I managed to hit level 50 or so, but it was just eternal grinding, so not even my friends' company could make it interesting.

>> No.8303108

I haven't played recently, but I did play it with a friend, first on official, then on a pserver, a couple months ago. There's not much to say about it. The game is all about grinding, and I guess PVP if you get all the top tier equipment. FlyFF's real draw for me was the cute female character designs and a bit of nostalgia.

>> No.8303109


>> No.8303146

Picked up Pangya again with a friend.

About to spend hundreds of dollars on this shit. Back in 06 or so, I spent at least 300 on it. I was really mad when I found out there was a wipe of all my shit, but now I'm back on ready to feed them more fucking money.

Graphics are now shit, since I've decided to play with 640x320 so I can korean it up. Still, it's fun and awesome as fuck. Chip ins are the most rewarding feeling I've ever felt from a game.

>> No.8303148

Renewal: http://renewal.limit-ro.net/

>> No.8303171
File: 883 KB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110924_194545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had an 8 person guild on Kaia that carried over from the beta. We originally had a 93 person guild from 4chan, on a server that I can't remember the name of, but not many were willing to pay the steep subscription fees. We eventually merged with a Russian guild. It was very multilingual, but most could speak English to a degree, and almost all of us had some knowledge of Japanese. By the time I quit a couple months ago though, I was one of the last. It's a shame, but the exchange rate is just so criminal.

>> No.8303173

has flyff always looked like this i dont remember

>> No.8303181

How many people do you have now? I joined early on in the guild, but got a little burnt out.

>> No.8303189
File: 295 KB, 1306x766, 0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. That was the first and only time I've played it. A little over a year ago.

>> No.8303196

I'm still playing. I love it. But I can't play properly because the lag is terrible.

>> No.8303216


Realistic depiction of RO gameplay.

>> No.8303219

Well, we've got ~3 guilds going right now, 2 of which are /a/ and one of which has a few /jp/ users and is otherwise just an /a/ overflow guild. We'll be pruning soon, so we'll probably have room for newcomers.

>> No.8303220

Who do I contact to get in the guild?

>> No.8303244

I think most everyone can invite. At least everyone with a Vitabitinghat guild image. If you wander around the cow in the main town (Lunette), you should fine someone.

>> No.8303246

Go to Lunette, the main town. Head west of the Kafra lady to the cow. Everyone hangs out there. Ask for an invite and you'll get one.

>> No.8303302

GunZ is a great game. Do you play on any private servers?

>> No.8303359

I really need a game to play x.x Looking for something Anime and generally stomach upsetting with cuteness to normal people.

>> No.8303364

Mabinogi. Eden Eternal.

>> No.8303376


I fucking hate nexon, but I'll give it a try.

>> No.8303384

Yeah the prices are horribly expensive compared to Korean version.

>> No.8303627

Download the game to start playing.

What.. I don't even..

I've already downloaded and installed Mabinogi, but nexon's site is telling me to download it to play x.x

>> No.8303658

About TeraJP and that free trial..
Do I still need to buy myself a JP VPN?

>> No.8303715

Is anyone playing L2?

I only played on private servers before and am kind of interested in it

>> No.8303907

I really should have avoided this thread


>> No.8303932

Downloading maplestory again. I haven't played since 2006.
Which server should I join. Which guild is /jp/ one?

>> No.8303957

Sup /jp/. If you're interested in playing RO with us, have some pasta.

Server: http://renewal.limit-ro.net/
To avoid sprite errors, don't let the installer launch the game when it's done. Delete LimitRO.exe and use LimitRORenewal.exe instead. Also make sure that everything's updated. You might have to set your computer to the English locale while installing or updating.

BGM pack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=tv6swgl3
Extract to your RO folder, enable in-game.

Meeting place: Northwest Lunette, by the cow
Ask someone there for a guild invite. Current guilds are Animoe and Mangar (pomf emblem), the Moebros (nonowa), the Weeabros (Sakamoto) and BestTaste (Hot Glue/Vita).

Classes needed: Priests, sorcerers/warlocks, genetics, royal guards. Play whatever floats your fancy, though.

Character/alt listing: http://pastebin.com/ZjFPqucq
If you happen to know whether a certain character is active or inactive, please help adjust the document accordingly.

Where to level:
1-30: Training grounds, Prontera fields
30-60: Payon dungeon, Anthell
60-99: Orc dungeon, Moscovia, Gonryuun, Glast Heim
100+: Scarabas, Juperos, Thor, MvPs
We also often do levelling parties for those who are about 80+.

How to get rich:
Farm at Juperos, sell everything
Farm at Gefenia, sell accessories
Farm for royal jellies, yggs, oridecon, etc

Transparent skillbar mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?9cicnv7d11j3zxt
Backup data.ini, extract into RO folder.

Convenient Tagalog phrases:
>kantutin mo sarili mo puta
>tangina mo gago
>ang baho yung buhok ng kilikili mo
>inumin mo yung tae ko

For everything else:

>> No.8303958

Am I the only one who still plays Aika Online?

>> No.8303968

I quit when everyone else did...2 years ago. Because there was no content.

It was a lot of fun those few weeks.

Didn't they make it NA only or something stupid a few months later?

>> No.8303987

I never played RO because I played UO for obsessively for years. So I can't even play for nostalgia ;_;

>> No.8303991

Stop that

I'm playing Imagine, Atlantica Online, Rusty Hearts and Lord of the Rings Online
My character name in imagine is Atzumo, lvl 32 gunner

>> No.8304011

I forgot why, but I never liked that game.

Does anyone even play on Ruairi? ;_;

>> No.8304026

Don't bother with it trust me.

>> No.8304039
File: 42 KB, 750x600, double-facepalm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw those "convenient" tagalog phrases

>kantutin mo sarili mo puta (something like "fuck yourself bitch")
>tangina mo gago (you fucking dumbass)
>ang baho yung buhok ng kilikili mo (your armpit hair stinks)
>inumin mo yung tae ko (drink my shit)

...do want to get banned, or something?

>> No.8304045

Does /jp/ play WoW

>> No.8304050

is anyone on /jp/ playing sdgo?

>> No.8304069

But it looks so nice

>> No.8304124

Not like gms give a fuck, I've been cursing out fags that have been begging for items and shit, saying "nigger" in public chat, and saying every single curse you can think of on public chat (fuck, shit, etc.). A couple of pinoy string of words aren't getting anyone banned.

>> No.8304131

Only the second one sounds acceptably insulting. The others just sound retarded

>> No.8304137

Don't say I didn't try to warn you.

>> No.8304180
File: 586 KB, 1280x720, snapshot_20111221_110028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone play this with me when it comes live in English?

>> No.8304192

Does anyone here know when OB for sword girls opens? I'm not too keen with RPG type mmos anymore. Can anyone suggest mmo games form other genres? Hell MMO puzzle games would probably do.

>> No.8304254
File: 135 KB, 818x542, Rusty-Hearts-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stumbled over Rusty Hearts yesterday and got stuck playing it for several hours. I'm only level 10 and didn't really do any grouping yet (wasn't really needed), but so far it's been fun.

>> No.8304267
File: 236 KB, 1366x768, orkseverywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in for FolunFolun Online, weren't you supposed to be in War of the Immortals?

Anyone here else plays Spess Marines?

>> No.8304295

>Alone in Megaten
Same here, I only log in to do my demon quests and lvling up/increasing my Fenrir's tiwaz or whatever it's called through Sugi silver and gold or even ichi gold (kinda pointless to go there anymore) if I'm bored. Meh...

>> No.8304298

Me too, lvl 14 atm. Too bad there's like a millions servers and channels, so it's hard to get in one with a decent number of people, so I haven't grouped up yet either

>> No.8304332

Is Rusty Hearts IP blocked for some countries?

>> No.8304356


I've heard about IP blocks for eastern Europe, though I have no idea to what extend that's true.


>> No.8304378

I play it through steam, so I don't think there is. I live in southamerica though.

I actually play 'cause I can't play Vindictus (US only). That, and my computer can't handle it

>> No.8304385

Can anyone recommend a good F2P MMO I can play on a 360 controller?

>> No.8304388

Any kind of fighting or hack and slash, like Vindictus or Rusty Hearts. If you are not into that, maybe a racing game

>> No.8304399


Speaking of Rusty Hearts, do any of you know the exchange rate for ZEN? Been searching for some time now, but I haven't found anything yet. Kinda tempted to buy some of the costumes, if they aren't to expensive ...

>> No.8304493
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x1024, irisloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing LaTale all alone ;_;

>> No.8304515

Downloading Hunter Blade right now, going to see how it goes.

Because I'll play MHF, even if I don't have a PSP.

>> No.8304587

Did some research and the game looks good, I don't want to play MH in korean. Tell us how it goes

>> No.8304640

MapleStory doesn't even have widescreen support and the highest resolution it can do is 1024x768.

How do you faggots stand that shit?

>> No.8304641
File: 239 KB, 850x1202, 1324139373951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Rusty Hearts EU on Steam. Might be interested in playing something like Trickster or Megaten with /jp/ again if we can get enough people together.

>> No.8304648

What was the server that /jp/ used to play on Rusty Hearts back then?

>> No.8304650

I'll join trickster. Megaten is just not cute enough

>> No.8304653


What world / channel / level?

>> No.8304660

used to play a ton of vindictus but quit due to nexon, how is rusty hearts in comparison?

>> No.8304667

equally as shitty. Honestly, most MMO companies fuck you in the ass, none of them caress it gently

>> No.8304830
File: 214 KB, 500x600, 1324876480602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have something other than MSN?
It doesn't seem to work for me.

>> No.8304833
File: 120 KB, 294x430, fio-metalslug6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys use GGPO, Superarcade or Gameranger? What game do you play there in that case?

>> No.8304846

Count me in for Megaten although I doubt there's anything else to do for me there other than powering up my fenrir. The only thing that distracts me at the moment is bbcsex/aion

>> No.8304912

manually launch using Client.exe

>> No.8305099

Well Rusty Hearts does not IP block, tho the game is a bit iffy here and there.
No issues with battles so far tho.

>> No.8305109

I'm in for Megaten as well.

Let's see how well my poor level 25 sap can do before those Messians flood Tokyo again or some shit and kill us all.

>> No.8305223

I quit Megaten a long time ago, but I've tried Rusty Hearts a few days ago, and it's not too bad to play with a controller. The only time I tried grouping, tho, I got like, 600 experience from a 6k experience one, what gives?

>> No.8305223,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is SMoked Pig so god damn fat?

>> No.8305223,2 [INTERNAL] 

The good old days

>> No.8305223,3 [INTERNAL] 

>>no "shitposting"
>>no e-autism
>>just people contributing content

The good old days!
