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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 480x272, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8279373 No.8279373 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>8182334

Translation in progress - average rate 13.3% per month, current progress as of this post >50%. Beta ETA April 2012.

We are looking for an editor, image editor, and software analyst familiar with PSP hardware/software (they do not all have to be the same person.)

Use REpatch to apply any of the following deltas to your original ISO image. Apply the delta to a patched image to revert to the original (it's symmetric).

PoC delta (known issues, for Proof Of Concept only):
20111218_1_IUO (48%, no confirmed issues):
Test Mode (for quick access to any script);

Images to be Translated:

Outstanding issues (in decreasing priority order):
** Text dialog 2-line limit (3 should be possible)
** Backlog length 52-character limit

>> No.8279376 [DELETED] 

not your blog

>> No.8279383

Tonkotsu nau

>> No.8279459
File: 108 KB, 480x272, 1324630518507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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<--- Someone with a PSP (they can show images, I believe?) can check how this looks on real hardware.

Not a blog. I'm white.


>> No.8279477

You bumped your own spam thread 30 minutes after making it? Reported as fuck.
And thank you for deleting his last one, moderator.

>> No.8279487

(answering some replies in the last thread)

Even better, since that way you're testing the packaging too. But I don't think the ISO should be changing size; I remember reading somewhere about the size and file order being important.

You're the one who started talking about ISOs first...

>> No.8279497

You might want to check page 15, troll. I'd ascribe it to being something else, because according to the archive, the thread was still alive 4 hours(!) after it allegedly got deleted.

>> No.8279508

Every time I think you've said the stupidest thing possible, you go ahead and one-up yourself. Way to go, champ.

>> No.8279529


>> No.8279533

You're not being funny, you're just making the shitposting worse.

>> No.8279541

Cudder, I'm getting an error trying to open up the mediafire link to the 48% patch.

>> No.8279555

Then how about YOU try explaining this:
Look at the post times.


>> No.8279563

Works fine here.

>> No.8279580

Yeah, we're good.

>> No.8279664


>> No.8281538 [DELETED] 

What's this doing on page 15?

>> No.8281554

I wonder.
Maybe it's because nobody cares about this spam?

>> No.8281934

Just another piece of spam in a flood of spam.

>> No.8282310 [DELETED] 

If you bump the Milky Holmes thread do you become a Milky Holmes?

>> No.8282343

Reported for spamming

>> No.8282373

I still don't understand why you do this.
Do you think the translation will be halted without this thread?

Dammit, talking to a spambot, how pathetic of me...

>> No.8282459

Because Cudder's an attentionwhore and can't go 4 hours without reminding /jp/ that he exists. I'm not sure if it was sadder before when he was spamming the shitheap that was FH, or now when he's spamming a patch that doesn't work and he can't test.

>> No.8282479

>doesn't work

>> No.8282495

It doesn't.

I'll make a video tomorrow if you want.

>> No.8284559

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What's the matter now? So far you seem to be the ONLY one experiencing problems out of approximately 50 (including the translator) who have downloaded it.

I don't doubt YOU (singular) may be having problems, but a single report with nothing else to go on makes it hard to believe it's not an anomaly with your specific hardware.

Ensure your ISO has the following SHA1:
Ensure ISO with MHTRANS_20111218_5_IUO applied has this:

I'll ask you to report any problems you encounter with the patch too.

>> No.8284702

Reported for spamming

>> No.8284712

did you mean to quote >>8284597 or >>8284645

>> No.8284873


>> No.8284900


>> No.8284911

Cudder, here's an idea. If you really want to report progress, report it every month. Let threads die when they die, and use the archive if someone wants to contact you. That way, the project won't be hated as much, even by people who are actually interested.

>> No.8285127

I've already replied to this post before.

There is still more than one archive. (It would be less of a problem if they were synchronized.)

>> No.8285133

>So far you seem to be the ONLY one experiencing problems
Are you implying again that every saged post is me?

>but a single report with nothing else to go on makes it hard to believe it's not an anomaly with your specific hardware.
You won't get anything from anyone, besides the translator.
I tell you again cudder, people don't care about this thread, your ANSI C bumpbot needs to bump it with "lol" and "how do i become milky holmes" every 4 hours otherwise it dies. Take the hint. It's pure shitposting: you post a thread, nobody replies, the thread dies. Rince and repeat.

>> No.8285541

So what? Use e-mail or the translator's blog like EVERY SINGLE OTHER FUCKING PROJECT ON THE INTERNET DOES.

>> No.8285990

>people don't care about this thread
Who do you think you are? Don't act like you represent all of /jp/ you autist.

>> No.8286087

Who do you think YOU are?

This thread will die if Cudder's script doesn't auto bump it when it reaches page 15. I think we can safely assume that, yes, indeed, nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.8286103

>nobody gives a fuck.
Except you, of course. Who, without fail, will cry and whine because Cudder makes a thread.

>> No.8286132

Yes, of course I care about this thread, in a negative kind of way.
You are good at stating the obvious, aren't you?

>> No.8286448

What's this thread doing on page 15?

>> No.8286453

Being where it belongs. Why would you ruin that?

>> No.8286457

See what I'm talking about?

>> No.8286494

Guys, don't you ever get tired of replying to him? I mean, this have been going for MONTHS and you keep arguing about the same stupid shit. Can't you just hide the thread already and take it easy?

>> No.8286559

I don't now about the others but, I do it because it's amusing. Cudder is such a clown.

>> No.8286567

Typing with one hand, the other one is cupping my balls.

>> No.8286590

Are you saying that you get tired of seeing Cudder throw shitfits and impotently whine?

>> No.8286615
File: 10 KB, 228x165, rustle_burichan_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is for Cudder to teach me how to program spambots. But I don't know how to ask her about it.
I'm not good around females.

>> No.8286659

>There's interest in my project

>bampu pantsu
>saved from page 15
>saved from page 15
>saved from page 15

>> No.8287286




>> No.8287315

Learn perl. Ta-dah!

>> No.8287373

Yes, the difference being, I don't care if the thread is alive or not. However it seems to be a big deal to you.

>> No.8287403

Yes, and?
You seem to care a lot about people wanting this thread to die peacefully.

See what I did there?

>> No.8287429

>You seem to care a lot about people wanting this thread to die peacefully.
Correct. Point?

>> No.8287478

I want you to stop caring about me caring about this thread, ``please''.

Be advised, or else the consequences will never be the same.

>> No.8287489

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

>> No.8287529

My point is that you seem to care a lot about the fact that I am correct.

You are good at stating the obvious, aren't you?

>> No.8287533

What the heck are you even going on about?

>> No.8287536

>I don't care if the thread is alive or not
>Bumps thread every 4 hours

Yeah, you sure don't care.

>> No.8287546

It entertains me when people get upset by the thread being bumped.

>> No.8287550 [DELETED] 

I just want to understand why do you care about me caring about this thread.

>> No.8287556

Nobody's upset about threads being bumped. What people are upset about is spam. Do you like spam?

>> No.8287582

I dunno about spam, but I love bumping this thread.

>> No.8288004

What does this thread have to do with spam?

>> No.8288855

they mad.

>> No.8288882

Merry Christmas, Cudder. You can burn your coal for heat.

>> No.8289329

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We don't celebrate it here but seems everyone else on 4chan is, so... merry Christmas!

I'll remind you that the first to suggest email was me, yet that never went anywhere. But these threads have worked fine so far. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke." I can't access the translator's blog (site loads but is blank), nor did he/she mention it.

It isn't THAT undeveloped here. The office has electric underfloor heating.

>> No.8289878



inb4 I get called cudder

>> No.8290000

>But these threads have worked fine so far.
Want to see a VN status thread that really works?
Here >>8287895
Funny how you sage your replies whenever you post there.

>> No.8290037

No sage.

Also this thread is specific to THIS project. Those threads are aggregated.

Have a nice day.

>> No.8290055

Seeing how there's nothing to talk about in this thread you could use the other one. You know, to avoid cluttering the front page? Spam and stuff.

>> No.8290076

>But these threads have worked fine so far.
Is this >>8286659 your definition of "working fine"?

No wonder the projects you participate in will never amount to anything.
Shit just can't work with this rotten mentality of yours.

>> No.8291317

There is no interest in your project at all, Cudder.
There is interest in the finished product.
Learn the difference, you Russian cockgargler.

>> No.8291317,1 [INTERNAL] 

New year, new thread.

Archive policy:
I will use warosu for now, while it works, since old.foolz is unstable and their new version is horrendous.
