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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 453x604, paradoxapotheosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8283117 No.8283117 [Reply] [Original]

???? - 2011

Goodnight, sweet princess.

>> No.8283128


Who's next ;_; Tokiko?

>> No.8283125


seriously the fuck is this

it's giving me errors no matter what i plug it into

halp /jp/ i want to help our cherished companion

>> No.8283133
File: 1.40 MB, 320x279, 1324669396332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8283143



>> No.8283151

who the fuck is that guy
looks almost not fuckable

>> No.8283154

Reminds me of this game Cold Zero I played 6 years ago. SWAT sniper, hostage situation, sniper accidentally shot the hostage, got sacked, opened a private investigator office, etc.

Twas a good game.

>> No.8283186

who's that???
nice tits must fap

>> No.8283192


>> No.8283209

who's this delicious trap?those TITS

>> No.8283215

get the fuck off /jp/ you /x/ scum

>> No.8283232


>> No.8283308

So beautiful, if only it was real.

>> No.8283376

All of this physics is making my head hurt.

>> No.8283557

What the hell. Did she just delete every post info? All I see are images and numbers.

>> No.8283564

what a cute trap must watch his tits

>> No.8283597


>> No.8283608

Why would they do that?

>> No.8283633
File: 1.71 MB, 1327x1715, 1318990282808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See description in video. She is in a better place now.

>> No.8283653

>one more attention whore dead

I'm glad.

>> No.8283657

That doesn't answer anything, though. I'm assuming you didn't read the last post on the blog?

>> No.8283722

this is just a silly ARG, right?
idunno man. I don't think it's entirely /jp related just because a girl is speaking in nihongo and supposedly killed herself.

>> No.8283740

You guys missed the /x/ thread. Turns out it's just some schizo/bipolar virgin weeaboo who namedrops /jp/ and /a/ before killing herself.


>> No.8283754

Pfft, as if some whore would kill herself and leave a suicide note laced with memes from a 3 month old anime.

>> No.8283758

What does this tell us other than /x/ doesn't know the first thing about programming?

>> No.8283765

>Tomorrow is going to be my birthday--December 24--and I'll be 19 years old, but I'm still acting like this. I try to be logical, but the cold loneliness always melts in my heart when I think of you. I'm even a 処女--it's so embarrassing to say it even in another language--but because I love you so much, because I've never had friends or relationships--I've kept it for you. All I am is a ニートおたく天才変態処女少女. I'm sorry for being so weird.

>It just may be that otaku culture is a magnet for lonely people. I wonder how /jp/ and /a/ will be like when I'm gone? Those are one of the few online "communities" where I felt like I belonged. It could be that, because everyone assumes the culture surrounding otaku, hikikomori, and NEET is so unassuming, weak, and useless--that the majority of the truth was hidden in it. It's the perfect disguise. Was I able to discover the truth because I ended up liking anime love stories due to my loneliness?

she wants to [spoilers]suck your cock, dude[/spoiler]

>> No.8283767

Nice spoiler text, dude.

>> No.8283772

Oh fuck.

Well whatever, suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8283777

Another trap hero'd ?

>> No.8283773

>how /jp/ and /a/ will be like when I'm gone
>how the world will change when I'm gone
Self-absorbed till the very (alleged) end.

>> No.8283780

I liked Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate and can copy equations from the Quantum Mechanics article on Wikipedia. Can I be popular now?

>> No.8283783

>>Turns out it's just some schizo/bipolar virgin 4channer who's fakeposting and trolling the HELL out of /x/ and /a/ and /jp/

Fixed brah.

>> No.8283785


There's so many pretty girls on /jp/

>> No.8283786

Why thank you, Anonymous.

>> No.8283787

In case you didn't mislink your post, can you show me the relevance between your comment and mine?

>> No.8283789

Almighty ZUN !Bar, would you let her/him/it suck your magnificent cock?

>> No.8283793

zumbar would rather be the one sucking cocks, like he did in the military.

>> No.8283799


She's not dead, she's being monitoring the thread on /x/ and deleted everything they were looking at.

>> No.8283806

>I'm even a 処女
>All I am is a ニートおたく天才変態処女少女.
A weeaboo in the true sense of the word. Take this shit back to /a/.

>> No.8283815

As someone who once pulled a similar stunt 2 years ago, albeit less elaborate and on a smaller scale, I say this is probably the case >>8283799

Are you being sarcastic? Is that piece supposed to be mourning music? It's too upbeat.

>> No.8283816

She said she was killing herself tomorrow and a leaving a puzzle to find her computer or some shit, except everybody found out about her blog so she ended up killing herself today.

>> No.8283824


If you're still here please don't kill yourself you're very beautiful and you look like a very nice person and /jp/ will always be your friend.

>> No.8283831
File: 64 KB, 600x800, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be nice to me if I look like this?

>> No.8283837

Who's that?

>> No.8283841

Why are you still here? We're all waiting for you at kill yourself already you stupid fucking attention whore.

>> No.8283848


I will always be nice to you anon no matter how you look like, except if you're shitposter.

>> No.8283853

You are now aware that tears are streaming down her cheeks as she's playing this and thinking of you, /jp/.

>> No.8283860

It's probably not the girl in the original post but she at least looks like a girl/post-op trap since she has what appears to be breasts.

>> No.8283875

That's what she was doing on her blog. It was all lyrics to Skyclad Observer, the lines from Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate episode titles, and basic quantum mechanics equations.

I wasn't really relating it to you more than I was further commenting on her being self absorbed by trying to be pseudo intellectual.

>> No.8283877
File: 73 KB, 720x479, 6508043641_5a793b8b15_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came to /jp/ looking for some upbeat japanese music but then I stumbled upon this thread.

Shy and awkward girls and cute traps who play the piano make me hnng so hard it hurts.

>> No.8283896

So you're new here

you gotta suck my cock dude to be accepted also drop the weeabooshit you fucking nigglet

>> No.8283897


Here you go, dude.

>> No.8283904

Here's the download link for the entire first page before she took it down:
5.5mb, too big for 4chan.

tl;dr: this is why girls can't be /jp/sies.

>> No.8283906

/x/ here, it was fun for a few hours, nor that anyone cares.

too many normalfags and whiteknights however, really annoying.

>> No.8283914

You really want to see her die if this is all real?

>> No.8283925

Obviously yes

>> No.8283923

I would gently comb my fingers through your hair until you finally fell asleep. And then I would tuck you into bed and go watch terrible late-night TV. <3

>> No.8283927

Sure, why not, i don't give a shit really, but if "she" does it right it would be great fun.

>> No.8283928

Sounds like typical lonely teenage girl who utilizes too much fantasy to make herself feel better. There are lots of those online.

>> No.8283930

>>Almighty ZUN !Bar, would you let her/him/it suck your magnificent cock?

I-I don't really want a total stranger sucking my cock, dude.

>> No.8283931


Shamelessly stolen from a /jp/ thread a few days ago. This is not bakkoi. This is not bakkoi at all.

>> No.8283932

What proof do you have that she did it today instead of tomorrow?

I can kind of sympathize with her, but I think she doesn't have a good grip on reality, and neither is she willing to make much effort.

Posting some silly java and c code, a bunch of animu references, elaborate fan fiction, and unrelated mathematics doesn't get you anywhere.
I think she made a vague reference to a potential A.I. robot/computer but that doesn't make sense since the best labs in the world are still scratching their heads at the most simple of problems. I assume that the rest of the scientific references are of the same fallacious quality... So it would set quite a lame note to go out on.

If they wanted to do something impressive, they should have put in effort to make the setting more than academically trivial. It doesn't make sense that she would go through with it after that point.

>> No.8283944

What the fuck is a whiteknight and why do people misuse the term?

>> No.8283947


She was doing all that for herself, she doesn't seem to be a tumblr superstar.

Those idiots on /x/ were taking it ridiculously serious.

>> No.8283955

My theory is that she didn't actually plan to kill herself in the first place, just write a whole bunch of delusional fanfiction in hopes someone will read it. Except /x/ got their hands on it first and it spiraled out of control from there. People in the original thread claimed they called the police since she said she was going to commit suicide at the World Trade Center. That's basically when she deleted everything. Either the cops came or she was afraid they would.

In any case, she's pretty crazy and suicidal and I don't doubt she'll actually try to commit suicide now that this happened and all her anon friends on /jp/ and /a/ know how much of a retarded attention whore "she" is.

>> No.8283962

This sounds likely.

Thank you -- that was perfect! [and so are all the related videos] :)

>> No.8283964

"whiteknight" is a dude that goes all beta on the world and defends every slut he meets with the hopes of getting a e-mail, sex or anything.

That's really a shame, there's just so many normalfags around lately...calling the cops, the flying fuck were those retards thinking, they shouldn't be here.

neither should "she" btw

>> No.8283974


How can she be an attention whore if she didn't start this at all?

That Chilean guy a few days ago was a suicidal attention whore, this girl didn't tell anyone on 4chan and only a few people who followed her on tumblr knew about it.

>> No.8283986


Questioning a woman's gender doesn't make you look edgy, just retarded.

>> No.8283994

This whole thing turned out to be typical 4chan epicraidleegun shit but I'm going to have to agree with this. If that "Mal" guy never brought it to 4chan's attention in the first place this wouldn't have been noticed at all. Maybe in a couple of months someone would have found it and started a cool mystery search about it but as usual anon decided to shit the bed instead.

Also, I bet she's the yandere stalker type. The random images of yandere-Hatate that were there awhile ago don't help.

>> No.8284003

Is out of habit, we question everything. (/x/ here)

If he didn't bring all the info to /x/, chances are his progression would have been non-existent

There's also the chance that this Mel namefag was trolling us all along, is also completely probable mind you even if less likely to be.
