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8275525 No.8275525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8275533

Because i like cocks

>> No.8275532


Why don't you go to >>>/b/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/soc/ ?

>> No.8275541

u mad bro? why don't you take that sage and shove it up your ass?

>> No.8275540

Gypsy curse... ;_;

>> No.8275551

There was a time when I thought I didnt have a girlfriend because I was a pedophile and that the law frowned on my getting a girl friend. Recently Im starting to think I am not a pedophile. I was going through my collection and I couldnt fap to it. Ohh I loved it all the same and really just enjoyed looking at all the little girls stored their, they are just so cute. The adolescent female form is the highest form of art. In the end I had to finish by fapping to loli, which isnt bad at all.

I think the change is that now I truely wish I were the little girl. So I have advanced beyond pedophilia to, something more, something... better.

I wonder if I should write a book about it.

>> No.8275552

not interested in romantic relationships at all. Why are you on /jp/ posting the same thread for the hundredth time?

>> No.8275556

why do you have your period?

>> No.8275559

Why don't you grow up and get a real hobby? Trolling in of itself is an extremely childish thing to do. I'm not mad, you can wish I was but that's all part of the troll's fallacy; you think we actually care when in reality it's just you in a make-believe world where you think you're so edgy and awesome. You're not.

Sorry to break it to you, but your style and technique is as lame and passe as 70s fashion.

>> No.8275569

Because I have a boyfriend.

>> No.8275573

Because I have my right hand.

>> No.8275576

I seriously hope this thread doesn't read the usual 150+ replies that it gets.

>> No.8275577


>> No.8275579

But i have a girlfriend thankyouverymuch

>> No.8275580

I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

But most of all, /jp/, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. No woman will even know what it feels like to be completely alone and unloved unless she is FIERCELY ugly. All their crying about relationships is merely them fucking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless /a/ssholes thinks the same thing. When you watch your roomate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

>> No.8275587

/jp/, you've got to stop this obsession with virginity.

I speak as a female anon first and foremost. You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18, it's unreasonable to expect a girl to wait that long, it's unreasonable to expect ANYONE to wait that long. But I think any girl who waited until prom night deserves at least some respect, there are more opportunities to have sex as a girl so you're turning down guys literally all the time. On top of that, sex is more of a temptation to us because it feels better for a girl than it does for a guy, especially if the guy you're having sex with is experienced. So in many ways it's not just unreasonable socially, it's biologically unreasonable too and it's being unreasonable to any future partner who has had sex because you're not going to be able to pleasure her that effectively because you've been hung up on outdated ideas of purity. There are still good girls out there who have had sex, there are good girlfriend material girls out there who have even had a few flings (everyone makes mistakes, don't be so harsh and hold people to insane standards), so go out there and look, work on yourself and maybe you can get one! I'm just trying to help you guys you know. Because I too know what it's like to be ronery (I only had my first boyfriend when I was 18 and was single all before that).

Oh well, maybe you'll ignore and flame me, but femanon here, signing out.

>> No.8275591
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There's no such thing as the right woman. All women are leeches who want to suck the life force out of you and live off of your income. And when they grow tired of you, they will divorce you, lie to your children that you cheated on her and ran away with someone else, stop you from ever seeing your children ever again, keep your house, and force you to pay child support.

Sounds like a lose/lose situation for a man.

No thanks. I think going forward, as the feminist movement matures, more and more men will wake up to the true horror they find themselves in where women control every aspect of their lives. The only way out is to cut off all ties and avoid real women.

I imagine their will be an increasing trend in robotic girlfriends and housemades over the coming decades, as the technology for it improves.

The only thing you 3D whores have to blame for this is yourselves and your disgusting feminist agenda.

>> No.8275592

You still talk to them? In my engineering class, there are about 5 girls in a population of 150 students. Last time I talked to a girl that wasn't family was a month or two ago.

Also, I feel ashamed of replying in this thread.

>> No.8275595

he mad

>> No.8275601

Because three years of an abusive relationship.

Because masturbation and porn will always be more fun and less stress than having sex.

Because The Manipulated Man.

Because society turns women into disgusting makeup-and-fakery clad airheads.

Because I have better things to spend my time and money on.

Because bros before hos.

Because they have only themselves to blame.

>> No.8275615

im saving myself for my android wife.

currently working on going up the business ladder to rake more money for her.

>> No.8275629

because i cant wait to plunder some gay ass

>> No.8275640

That's kopipe, friend.

>> No.8275656

I know that feel.
Too bad you'd get thrown in the nigger pit for writing about that, unless you manage to get the book out fully anonymously.

>> No.8275672

Because I want a pure virgin girl and these don't exist in 3D.

>> No.8275700
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>You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18,

Too hard to stop those cravings for dick eh?

>> No.8275719

Of all people, /jp/ should be most familiar with the difficulty of suppressing those cravings.

>> No.8275723

Answer: because I'm not good-looking and don't have a lot of money.

>> No.8275725

Hi /jp/, I'm a girl and I've seen a lot of threads from some rather sad and depressed anonymous' tonight on here. I think I should give you guys some advice, genuine advice that is (not the pseudo rubbish that some people spout).
Firstly, if you want to compete for my attention as a girl or any girl for that matter you have to shape up. Go to the gym, work out, build up muscle: Girls will instantly notice you.
Secondly, don't really let on that you're into anime, we know there are plenty of socialable, hot guys on campus that are into that kind of thing - but hearing those two words leads a lot of us to believe that you may be *too* into anime for your own good.
Thirdly, develop some confidence, if you want my attention, come up to me and try to chat me up, be confident about it, even be quite brash and somewhat arrogant if you want. We like a man who knows how to take control. What we don't like is shyness or introversion.
And finally, I can't emphasize this enough, don't breach intellectual topics. Talk about things like sports, trying to start a conversation about Plato or Aristotle just appears boring and pretentious, whatsmore, it gives us the impression your a bit.... well, for lack of a better term, loser-ish.
In general /jp/, and I know I'm going to be shitstormed, just act a bit more *normal*.

>> No.8275737

>Firstly, if you want to compete for my attention
Stopped reading.

I don't have a girlfriend because all women are vapid cunts who think like the above.
I don't have a girlfriend because everyone I know who does complains about them non-stop.

>> No.8275741

Sort of this.

Losing your virginity really doesn't change you as a person. I had let 4chan itself pressure me into thinking that the moment I lost my virginity, everyone (including my boyfriend who I intend to be with for the rest of my life) would think I was damaged goods and a different person forever, but that's not what happened at all.

I'm satisfied, my man is satisfied, no one even knows about it. No one can tell I ever lost it at all.

Plus, even if a girl is a virgin, they are just as perverted as you most likely. Purity is something absolutely no one has, and you (as an obviously impure person) can't expect that out of anyone and then complain about being forever alone.

Besides, if you found this unicorn virgin never a pervert girl, she wouldn't have sex with you unless you married her, and then it'd ruin your life. Someone who was 'pure' wouldn't appreciate your porn games and waifu. You need to find someone who respects, appreciates, even shares your interests, that you are attracted too, and maybe that person WILL be a virgin (but they won't be 'pure').

>> No.8275746

Feminism didn't do this. Sexism actually did. It's sexism that tries to paint women as the down to earth sex, married men as the idiots, and gives women the idea that they are superior. Feminism wan'ts an abolition of gender roles and stereotypes. At least that's what they are supposed to be doing. Feminism is the attempt to make everyone equal by bringing women to be equal to men, and to get rid of harmful things that hurt both men and women in the media.

People just don't know how to raise anyone anymore .Everyone is spoiled, not just those 'vapid whores'.

>> No.8275755

Why da fuk do i even need a girl if she can't argue with me about the class of the warship we just saw (was it Galleon? Caravel? Frigate?)?
Why da fuk do i even need a girl if she can't read and discuss Einstein's article in Monthly Review?
Why da fuk do i even need a girl if she can't provide a competition for me in Mortal Kombat, or dota, or DoW/CoH?
Why da fuk do i even need a girl if she can't even be better than me in Contra co-op on DS or Peace Walker on PSP?

I fukken gym everyday, I play competitive online games every day, I read books on war history every day, I even look sexier than any dirty vagina-having girl.

Unless she's a 2d virgin-nerd-loli...

>> No.8275766


>> No.8275769

>Feminism is the attempt to make everyone equal
No it doesn't.
It never has and never will.
Feminism is about female superiority.

>> No.8275775
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Troll pasta, but the major issue here would be I shouldn't have to change any part of myself to please someone else. I'd like a moderately attractive girl that's just as much into my interests as I am and can actually get my jokes. She'd know to take it easy, and actually want to talk out any problems we may have instead of running away from the issue by blocking communication while they talk behind your back to a friend or something.

Someone introverted, doesn't like attention, and would even like having alone time every now and then (I'd be the same, I don't want to be around each other 24/7.

She'd need to have at least intelligent enough to not have to ask me for help every single day because she can't really trust herself to be a little independent at times.

And someone that's serious about people they date and don't plan to hop around from person to person.

In other words, my standards are unrealistically high. Any girl with these qualities would most certainly have found a wonderful guy by now anyway (and if they didn't, then I'm certainly not prime meat for them to find interest in).

I'm not being hypocritical, I wouldn't want any girl to change who she is and put as "mask" over her true self to try pleasing me. All of the features I listed are one's I'd prefer were genuine. But because they're near impossible to find decent women with these traits in 3D, they're not worth it for me. Had I found someone like this, I'd consider it, but by this age she's alright found someone for her anyway. 3D's not inherently disgusting, there just aren't really any women worth the trouble in my opinion, so there's no point in looking for 3D.

>> No.8275781

No, it isn't. It's the advancement of women towards equality with men and that's what it always has been. Modern day feminism is working more with gender roles that would even improve life for men, as making everyone equal would imply. Just because some misandrists pissed you off doesn't change that.

Everyone treats feminism like some dirty word when they don't even know what it does and why it's still needed, they just hear OH GOD WOMEN WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WHAT ABOUT OUR PRIVILEGED.

It's sickening. The only fault feminism has is still having the gendered name of feminism, and that really can't be helped sense it was started in a time when women were being treated as second class citizens.

>> No.8275784

>Losing your virginity really doesn't change you as a person.
It doesn't change a person but whether or not someone is a virgin shows a lot about who they are.
Women who marry as a virgin have happier, more stable marriages.
It shows they care about what their partner feels and that they love you. To a virgin you aren't boyfriend number 55, you are number 1.

>> No.8275786

>don't breach intellectual topics

so don't talk about smart/intelligent things. you're straight up asking for conversation to be dumbed down because appearing smart will lower ones chances with women.

and feminists try to claim they're intellectually equal to men.

>> No.8275789

Well, the problem is witch that is, just because someone is a virgin doesn't mean they've never had a boyfriend, and there's always the chance you're just boyfriend number two and the one they'll really want for life. Also, what if boyfriend/husband number one just dies?

I can understand why you want to be a girls first and only if they are your first and only, but there are simply cases where that's kind of unreasonable. Feel free to keep aiming for it, but /jp/ can kind of be dicks about it. Losing your virginity doesn't make you a better or worse person or mean and following relationships will not have true meaning or marriage potential anymore.

The problem with everyone is that they here non-virgin girl and immediately come up with your example, 50 boyfriends and so many sex partners. It's not like that. Being a non virgin doesn't make you a whore nor a better person (if your obsessed with losing it).

>> No.8275795
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Still here? Sheesh.

>> No.8275797

It's sad that you believe this shit.
If feminism is about equality they shouldn't have a need to lie, yet everything they say has been proven to be a lie.
There is no pay gap, men get raped more than women, violence against women is the minority of violence, women commit more DV than men, women kill and abuse more children then men and they still are more likely to get custody.
Lets not get started about false rape charges, the bias the law has against men or paternity fraud.

Feminism is as much about equality as communism is about free market economy.

>> No.8275799

Don't reply to kopipe.

And you missed the point, you fucking lamer idiot; Brevity is the soul of wit. Show intelligence through interesting, subtle means rather than babbling on about the moral implications of outer-space land ownership, or other such "intelligent" trite.

>> No.8275803

I don't have one because I simply can't be that close to people. Maybe it will be different someday, I don't know.

>> No.8275805

Why is day /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.8275806

>and following relationships will not have true meaning or marriage potential anymore.
It sort of does. Virgins = happy marriage.
Non virgin = 50/50 chance of divorce. It's not a tough choice.

>50 boyfriends and so many sex partners.
1 or 50, doesn't matter. What matters is that you had sex outside of a permanent, committed relationship.

And don't give me that "what if her boyfriend died" shit, this is almost never the case.

>> No.8275807

im allergic to people maybe if they werent as filthy as they are

>> No.8275809

Are you sure about more men being raped than women?

>> No.8275813
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I know you don't give a fuck, but I'm going on a date with this girl on Christmas Eve. I think I'll kiss her when the moment's right.
She likes a few anime, and she enjoyed playing Persona 3 with me last time, so atleast she's not a total normal, and we can talk about such things together. She's cute, funny and doesn't say no to a few beers. I think I've found my soulmate, /jp/.

>> No.8275816

Well, for one, yes there is a pay gap and for two all those other things are things feminism works to fix. Feminists don't support prison rape (which I am sure is the majority of this 'men are raped more' statistics), they don't want women to always get custody as that shows a sexist stereotype, and violence against women is inherent in our culture and high and that's just a fact. Violence against ANYONE isn't good, so why does it matter if a group focuses to prevent violence on the group of their choice?

Plus, look at this thread and tell me sexism isn't rampant. Everyone in this thread detests 3D women for horrible stereotypes and stories. Maybe they did live them themselves, but the fact is so many people on this site alone hate women just for being women. That's why it's still necessary.

>> No.8275817

I'm proud of you

>> No.8275825

>persona 4
As far as normalness goes, rpg's are in second place next to cowaduty since they take no significant amount of skill to complete. Also, 3DPD.

>> No.8275826

Male prison rape numbers alone are already higher than the total of female rape.

>> No.8275827

>She likes a few anime, and she enjoyed playing Persona 3
> She's cute, funny and doesn't say no to a few beers.

If you honestly think this is what makes a soulmate then I feel sorry for you. Assuming you're joking though, congratulations on finding someone, anon.

>> No.8275834
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That’s it. I’m sick of all this “Masterwork Bastard Sword” bullshit that’s going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I’m talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that’s about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I’m pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That’s right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)

1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)

2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don’t you think?

>> No.8275837

Ofcourse not, but she's the closest I've got. She likes me, she likes anime, and she enjoys japanese high school dating sim RPG's. It's more than I could've hoped for, to be honest.

>> No.8275840
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I bet this is as good a time as any to reveal some info that will change your life.

I have mastered the art of hands free masturbating.

The countless years, the endless hours, all of it has gone into mastering this technique. It's so mindlessly simple I hate myself for not finding it sooner.

What you need:
-Laptop with mouse
-Bed and pillows
-NEW material (like, 30+ images of some new fetish you just found. Something you have yet to use)

First, lay down on your back and become as comfortable as possible. Take a long pillow and lay it next to you lengthwise and set the laptop on it so it's about a foot from your face and at a 45 degree angle. Take your right arm and put it under the pillow with the mouse. You should be flat on your back, pillow under head and your head should be tilted slightly right to the laptop monitor.

Next, start looking at whatever you want. Your right arm with the mouse should be at an angle you are comfortable with. About 5 minuets into a solid erection slowly start to vibrate your hips.

That's it. Shortly after you start to vibrate you will notice slight twitches and pre-cum flowing out uncontrollably. Soon enough you will be breathing hard and your body will start to vibrate harder and harder on it's own until you climax.

It takes practice, but the result is always one of those 30 second long pulsating super loads.

Tips for beginners:
-Be as calm as possible. The room must be quiet and you MUST be able to concentrate.
-Try moving your legs. Start with them straight and after a bit bring the bottom of your feet together.
-If you absolutely cannot do this at first, gently rub the underside of your penis with one finger for 5 seconds every 60 seconds. This will accelerate the possess.

I share this information for one reason, so it can be used. There are some things mankind should know.

>> No.8275845
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When I stopped masturbating, at first I was pretty horny and even had a few wet dreams, but after a month or so the urges ceased. After another two weeks or so, my penis started to get smaller. I don't participate in fratboy dickwaving contests or anything like that so I didn't notice it at first, but later on it was pretty obvious. Weight loss followed that, though I attributed it to the season (since I don't eat much in summer).

Anyway, three months after ceasing masturbation, I caught a particularly bad cold, called the day off and dozed off. Woke up in the middle of the night, only to find all the pent-up urges from the past months have returned. I was literally fucking burning. So I did the right thing, decided to screw the no masturbation rule and booted up PC to spill my semen to something with flat chest and hopefully a vagina.
I opened some Inuboshi doujin in the masturbation folder and went for my pants, only to find my dick missing. That was the first shock. The second was when I noticed I wasn't wearing boxers, but a long skirt. The third was finding out that except my room, what used to be my house had entirely changed. Lights were on in one room, so I immediately went for that one, and found a girl there. She was adorable and after three months of no fapping I was ready to drop my pants and violate her right there, but then I remembered I no longer had a penis. Whoops.

While I was standing there like an idiot, pondering how to remedy my current lack of rape instruments, she walked to me, kissed me and told me that I have been judged worthy for spurning my penis, I was eligible to be the little girl and that she is my designated partner.

Needless to say, much tender lesbian love occurred and now I'll apparently spend my days elegantly drinking tea with my devoted partner as unaging girls until the heat death of the universe (big crunch is a lie and you know it)

>> No.8275848

i found a similar like person 2 years ago and she even said that she loved me but then she left me after we had dated for 3 weeks... such a bitch
Now my interest in women is gone and i would love to date a cute /jp/er instead
