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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 756 KB, 241x182, native american tears up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8274866 No.8274866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That feel when sub-human /a/v/ posters are creating threads on your precious /jp/.

>> No.8274871

Delete this and direct your shitposting toward their actual threads, idiot.

>> No.8274879
File: 11 KB, 250x325, 1286726190959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you examine my identical numerals

>> No.8274882
File: 194 KB, 351x1697, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when neo-/jp/ers don't know anything about this image and will cry themselves to sleep asking for a mod to protect them and babysit their afterschool daycare center.

>> No.8274910


u mad weabo?

>> No.8274912

I remember when we used to report shitty threads

>> No.8274932
File: 367 KB, 700x1593, 1274954748686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work unless the staff are around. It's shameful how long some of these terrible threads stay around before finally being deleted.

>> No.8274944

Never going to get a good janitor as long as moot only hires /a/ offcasts.

>> No.8274954

There are almost always some staff members is almost always around, but they're busy dealing with stuff that's been reported a few dozen times.

>> No.8274967

Don't threads get autodeleted if you report for illegal content enough times?

>> No.8274970

Neo-/jp/ers are cancer. They aren't nice or friendly in the community, all they do is shitpost.

>> No.8274977

Sure. And you can't sage with an image, and evaluating 2+2 in JavaScript detects samefags!

>> No.8274981

Outsiders detected. A year ago we moderated ourselves. Now we just cry for moot like a baby. Threads were buried using copypasta spam.

>> No.8274988
File: 4 KB, 168x109, paf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274989

You shut up. /jp/ has always needed and depended on moderation. So have all boards, the difference is that /jp/ actually got it.
I do miss self-moderation though. It was nice to make newbies feel unwelcome and/or lurk more depending on what they were posting. /jp/'s elitism is dead, now it's all about, "Lol what do you MEAN who are you quoting? Greentext has CHANGED! >That feel when greentext has changed (tihs meme started on /jp/ so its allowed here lol). And stop saging the threads are just gonna get bumped neways. I am so mature!"

>> No.8274996

They sure as HELL aren't sub-humans. Say you're sorry now!

>> No.8274999

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to imply or make anything come out of this, but I'm sure self-moderation would be more abundant on this board if the people who wanted to do it were organized.

>> No.8275002

I think that's sort of backwards. Mostly because /g/ had the same idea a few days ago, and started up IRC channels and such to do "organized reporting" and "self-moderation." Worst case scenario: board police everywhere. Best case scenario: everyone reports even though they would have anyway.
Just encourage reports and lurking more. Don't spoonfeed. Don't flame. Read those unofficial guidelines eksopl or whoever wrote. They're not perfect, but they're quite nice.

>> No.8275012
File: 16 KB, 309x263, 1245720443115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self moderation

That's a GREAT idea. I'm gonna tell accelspammer to pay you guys a visit.

>> No.8275018


Cool idea nerd. Let's just put accelspammer everywhere.

>> No.8275021

Oh no shit guy's he might be serious we're so sorry! ;_;

If we meant "spam", we'd run delayclose ourselves. But we don't. Go away.

>> No.8275032

accelspammers in my vagina to self moderate my abnormally heavy vaginal discharges. No more pussy snot for me!

>> No.8275036
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1252240758755s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because manually spamming "copypasta" sure is completely different.

>> No.8275038

s/completely different/at least interesting/

>> No.8275045

Go away Taiga.

But since I know you're not going to because you're some sort of super bitch with something to prove, could you at least sage your posts?

>> No.8275047
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 1283653033345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Taiga came in and basically reinforced the notion that a lot of the shitposters come from /a/.

>> No.8275049

When I post something my intention is for people to read it. If I didn't intend anyone to have access to my post I would not post at all.

>> No.8275053

Cute image macro. Is that your kitty in the picture?

>> No.8275056

>>accelspammers in my vagina to self moderate my abnormally heavy vaginal discharges. No more pussy snot for me!

The HELL are you talking about; that sounds gross dude. I'm outta here for the night.

Vaginal discharge posts would work better at trolling than any accelspammer.

>> No.8275054

Haha because "sage" means people won't read your post!
And he asked you to do something and you did the opposite.
Epic win, br/a/h!

>> No.8275059
File: 82 KB, 380x285, gold_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it Taiga: you can act autistic and be annoying.
Epic win, 10/10, you're so mature, congratulations, have a star.

Now please leave instead of bumping shit threads for the glory of /a/nonymous.

>> No.8275061

get own3d

>> No.8275069
File: 24 KB, 288x340, 1280174210567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could also just stop posting. Though then you'd claim any anonymous post replying to me is me posting anonymously.
What best self moderation is there than to ignore stuff that bothers you?

>> No.8275072

Why are you so meta all the time?

>> No.8275076

Nice occupatio.

We can still have a discussion without bumping the thread. I don't want you to bump the thread, therefore I am kindly asking you not to. Of course you will continue you to as you have in the past, and then it's MY fault that YOU'RE bumping! Joke's sure on me xD

>> No.8275077

>What best self moderation is there than to ignore stuff that bothers you?
You mean doing the thing that you didn't do when you replied to this thread in the first place?

>> No.8275081

Isn't /jp/ mostly:
meta threads
/soc/ threads
dick threads
a few "touhou" threads that are actually something like "which touhou would you fuck xD"
ONE VN thread
one ar tonelico thread

Oh but it's cool because all the shit threads are done ironically or were made by people from other boards.

>> No.8275086

I don't have a problem with you Taiga-chan. You're a wonderful, beautiful girl who can make the world light up with a smile alone.

>> No.8275085

No, the thing is that I'm under no obligation to do something just because you ask me to.
I already know about the sage function and already made the conscious decision not to use it long before you told me about it.
Me not using it is not sticking it up to you or being rebellious and going against you. It's simply not doing what I already decided I'm not going to do.

>> No.8275097

>a wonderful, beautiful girl who can make the world light up with a smile alone.
Only in the sense that the world might light itself on fire in protest.

>> No.8275100

Oh well. I'm out. I have to take a shower and then I'm going to play videogames or bother people online.
Hope that self moderation turns out alright for you guys.

>> No.8275106

Taiga wants only what anons ITT want. Love and romance.

>> No.8275111

But I'm asking beyond /jp/

>> No.8275113

Do you still speak with that hikki who used to post on /a/ all the time some years ago?

Whatever happened to him? I can't remember the name he used to go by.

>> No.8275116

more like /b/, judging from the half-baked goatse-substitute* pics they're posting

*accept no substitutes! Also lemon party a shit.

>> No.8275118

Which one, 60%?

>> No.8275121

No, the one we used to chat about. There was him, MiMW, and a couple of others.

He's always post about how much he hated his sisters.

>> No.8275126

You might be talking about me, since I was the one who kept saying that.

Our of all the people like Cink, Stein, etc. I don't recall anyone else saying anything about their sisters.

>> No.8275132

God dammit. His name is on the tip of my tongue...

>> No.8275141

Don't know, if you gave me a year it'd be easier to narrow it down.

>> No.8275144


That was it.

What the fuck is up with that guy? He just dropped off the radar.

>> No.8275154

Oh lord, him? I have him added on Steam. He's become quite the popular one. He changed his trip to Komeiji when he turned 18 after posting as anon for 2 years.

He's super popular because of some meme where /a/ calls Azusa a slut and he gets butthurt.

>> No.8275162


Never knew. Thanks for that drill. I look at /a/ and hardly recognize the place these days..

>> No.8275181

Yup, it's a shame how everything just seems to deteriorate with age.
