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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.46 MB, 3289x4671, img20111213202223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8256673 No.8256673 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8256691

dat ビッチ女

>> No.8256730

Just finished Monmusu.

Well, shit breaks the fan. Can't wait for Part 3.

>> No.8256763

The soundtrack is just too awesome so I uploaded it.
Well it's not the official soundtrack, just the bgm found in the game in .ogg format.


But goddam it's pretty much one of the best soundtrack I heard in eroge.

>> No.8256770

Oops, forgot to say that it's soundtrack of Boku to, Bokura no Natsu, one of the first eroge released by Light and the first title of the Gunjou no Sora wo Koete's writer.

>> No.8256774
File: 1.14 MB, 812x636, monmusu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop smiling while playing the game. Everything is too cute.

>> No.8256781
File: 155 KB, 1023x640, DOWN WITH THE KIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing a proper VN written by an actual, award-winning author rather than horny Japanese men.

Of course you plebeians wouldn't understand.

>> No.8256848

Be sure to post your impressions after finishing the game, I've played most everything from this writer (except for Popotan) but not this one since I heard it was somewhat draggy.

Also, I didn't know this before but seems like he's cowriting the new Nekoneko game. Guess the "他" in the OHP's writer list isn't a very good sign though...

>> No.8256873

Just wait until you see Ilias' lovely smile after you refuse to kill Alice.

She gets so fucking pissed that she decides to exterminate all humans and install Humanity 2.0 in their place.

>> No.8256879
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Humanity 2.0 seems like an improvement to me.

>> No.8256883

Well right now I like it quite a bit.
I mean, it's a romantic story set in a rural setting so I can understand that some people can find it draggy but I had no problem with the pacing so far.
Like with the other works of this writer this game change POVs regularly which help at keeping thing interesting too.
At the very least it's not boring me like Koi de wa naku that was his latest title.

>> No.8256884

You already used that joke in a previous topic

>> No.8256904
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>At that time, he didn’t know that this chance meeting would have a profound effect on the fortress city, nor that there were engels sleeping there.

Considering reading Vanitas no Hitsuji. I'm not really into moege (I dropped katahane), but maybe something actually happens here?
Pic related, sleeping Engels surely will do something.

>> No.8256915
File: 81 KB, 500x600, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need something to play, but all of the titles that sound really appealing to me are untranslated, and I can't speak Japanese. Any you would recommend? Nothing too long or too violent.

>> No.8256989

Just wait for Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.8256998

I want to play whatever game has the OP image in it.

>> No.8257078

True Remembrance

>> No.8257085

Alright, thanks >>8257078!!

>> No.8257321
File: 147 KB, 1280x800, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having an overprotective harem of dangerous females must feel nice.

>> No.8257329

Poor forgotten Kasumi.

>> No.8257345

I'm pretty sure that image itself isn't in the game though

>> No.8257350

She wasn't even the real zonnekind
Also, exchanging letters with Sakuya keeps her busy. My jaw dropped at that scene for some reason.

>> No.8257363

why did I highlight that spoiler

>> No.8257401

any good vn's where the heroines will get bitter while you're in another girls route?

>> No.8257486

So what's the deal with Yuno? Does it hold up to the other translated "classics". Please don't scrutinize my use of the word classic. I'm just asking if you think it's one of the best translated VNs.

>> No.8257503

It is.
I did about 2 years ago when I had like 200 eroge under my belt and I still loved it, great experience.
But honestly I don't know how you english only readers like it, sometime it seems that you guys are far more critical and bitter than even the most critical moon reader.

>> No.8257507

What do you expect from ungrateful peasants?

>> No.8257518

Only VNs I've ever said were shit were YMK and G-Senjou for being fucking stupid.

>> No.8257529

There's a lot of elements commonly accepted in VN writing(even in the "serious" ones) that would elicit pitying smirks, at best, in an audience used to western writing.
Since people who read only English-translated works aren't yet brainwashed enough to accept the more inane aspects of this particular culture, they tend to be critical of things that would be seen as natural by Japanese readers.
Whether that's good or bad thing is not for me to judge.

>> No.8257599

Playing Monmosu part 2.
Looking forward for Hollo Ataraxia.

>> No.8257618

I was looking at informations for this game and it seems to be pretty famous in the yuri community

>> No.8257649

There are undoubtedly bad elements of western writing too. I find them far more prominent and problematic.

>> No.8257699

>There's a lot of elements commonly accepted in VN writing(even in the "serious" ones) that would elicit pitying smirks, at best, in an audience used to western writing

Such as?

>> No.8257752

Sentence structure is a huge one, in particular dependent clauses. Most translators are not also good writers, so they tend to preserve the Japanese order of the sentence, so you end with sentence after sentence beginning with dependent clauses. That's not grammatically incorrect, but they make sentences more complex and mentally taxing to read. It's also not how people think in western society, so should really barely be used at all in anything with a first person perspective as most VNs are.

>> No.8257770

I opine it definitely is; it became my all time favorite when I played it and it hasn't changed since then. I replayed it with the voice patch even.

>> No.8257898

Uh, that's a problem with translators not VN writing.

>> No.8257901

This is by no means limited to just VNs though, longer sentence structure can wok much more naturally in Japanese than it does in English. It has more to do with most translations not being that good, like you said.

>> No.8257991

Oh, you meant original Japanese? Then my biggest problem is that they badly lack subtlety, and more generally, attempt to just state things instead of evoking the approrpriate emotion. The old "Show, don't tell" maxim. Characters just announce how they feel and major plot developments tend to come in the form of info dumps. On the flipside, even when dealing with what should be sharp, emotional events (sex is often a big one, particularly in the darker novels), instead of staccatto sentences punctuating things, you get verbose overly elaborate constructions describing every little detail while simultaneously narrating about how the speaker can't control himself or similar.
Not everything has to be Shakespeare, but if you stop and think about even rock music in English, we use pretty damn flowery and emotional language for just about everything while very little Japanese writing does the same.

>> No.8257992

gtfo fag

>> No.8257997

Just voicing that not everyone who tried it thought it was the best vn ever. It surely is better then most of the translated stuff, but that's because the latter is different levels of shit to mediocrity with few exceptions.
I really think that Yu-No can stand side to side with thing such as Muramasa, SubaHibi, etc. only with the "it's old and you must give credit for all the original stuff" argument (Actually, i don't think that argument is sound at all, but anyways). If it was released today, I wouldn't give it more then an 7.5/8 out of 10 (That's the rating I give it). And of course I'm not talking about the graphics, that would be just stupid.

>> No.8258070

>On the flipside, even when dealing with what should be sharp, emotional events (sex is often a big one, particularly in the darker novels), instead of staccatto sentences punctuating things, you get verbose overly elaborate constructions describing every little detail while simultaneously narrating about how the speaker can't control himself or similar.
That has not been my experience at all with emotional scenes in eroge (not that I find your other generalizations very accurate either). The sentences are usually shorter and simpler in relation to the rest of the writing in the game.

>> No.8258071

I highly agree with this.

However, Eroge aren't books. It's just that the main component of them is the writing. Since the text has to/should match what's going on visually, has to include paradigms intended for the play base (i.e. to be an eroge it has to have ero, virgin heroines, elements of moe subculture) I don't think it's exactly fair to compare them to books, outright, which don't have to worry about shit like that.

I'd also like to put out that, often, visual novels that are extreme deviations from the standards of the cultures that purchase them are rarely made, in my experience, often low budget, and from what I know, don't have staggering sales numbers in the field.

>> No.8258149

Omnipresent fanservice(in broadest sense possible), unnecessary sex scenes, and writing sex scenes as porn in works that aren't intended to be pornography - the biggest offender.
>The old "Show, don't tell" maxim
Completely disregarding this is another of the major problems.
There's also forcefully inserting cheap, unimaginative drama into stories where it doesn't belong, just to pad out the emotional impact of your story. Hell, it's a genre in itself.
>has to include paradigms intended for the play base (i.e. to be an eroge it has to have ero, virgin heroines, elements of moe subculture)
That's exactly right, and understanding the reason for those things is important, but does it make them any less negative when they're out of place?
I don't think so.
And that's why I only play moege.

>> No.8258182

>writing sex scenes as porn in works that aren't intended to be pornography - the biggest offender.
>elicit pitying smirks, at best, in an audience used to western writing

Either you're only reading Great Literature or you haven't read very much western writing at all.

>> No.8258217

I meant the whole thing, not the part you quoted, including the fanservice bit, is the biggest offender.
Everything has it's place.
Are there shit novels in the west? Of course. Are there novels filled with what amounts to fanservice for their intended audience? Of course.
But no one's arguing that they're universal masterpieces, and the problems I mentioned(amongst others) are often found in visual novels lauded as masterpieces, both by the fans in Japan or in the west.

>> No.8258246


He needs to read A Song of Ice and Fire; there are so many fucking sex scenes. (Granted, most are undescriptive and many are used for cheap horror, but...)

>> No.8258258

>Characters just announce how they feel and major plot developments tend to come in the form of info dumps.

On the other side of this, there's intentionally vague, confusing writing that never explains anything about character motivations, making the work seem far more shallow.

>> No.8258270

>no one's arguing that they're universal masterpieces, and the problems I mentioned(amongst others) are often found in visual novels lauded as masterpieces
so wait, you're complaining that games called masterpieces shouldn't be so just because they have porn in them?

>> No.8258276


That seems to be what he's claiming, yes.

>> No.8258290

What the hell are you guys talking about, stop it. None of you make any sense.

>> No.8258298

I wouldn't really classify sex scenes in A Song of Ice and Fire as porn.

>> No.8258308


'Smut' would be the technical term, I'd think.

There's also different writing conventions for sex scenes in western and Japanese literature... I recently read about half of Kafka on the Shore and a sex scene in that pretty much read exactly like your standard eroge scene.

>> No.8258341

>And that's why I only play moege.
As if they are any less "out of place porn" or forcefully dramatic.
So you have bland stories with faults, and interesting stories with the same faults, and somehow you think reading the bland ones is better. Ok.

>> No.8258476

Thankfully I don't want my eroge to be like "normal" literatures.

>> No.8258479

Who the fuck still reads books?

>> No.8258506

This a million times. I still don't get why people always want to compare eroge to books even though they're distinct mediums.

>> No.8258543

To go back to the main subject, which is EROGE EVERY DAYS
I uploaded Umi kara Kuru mono on Megaupload.

It's a buried masterpiece, go read it.

>> No.8258547

Uh, they should still be well written.

>> No.8258554

Because it's vastly better than when they compare them with Mortal Kombat.

>> No.8258561

Lots of eroge are well written.
But first you have to consider what is good writing.

>> No.8258564
File: 243 KB, 800x600, wwwwwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped Majikoi.
Can't play other girls' routes without being able to play Miyako's instantly afterwards, the guilt is too much.

Maybe I'll try Little Busters.

>> No.8258572

Well written is entirely subjective.

>> No.8258591

What's funny is that you probably actually believe this.
But anyway - this really isn't the thread for this, not to mention we had this discussion thousands of times before.
Can we drop it now?

>> No.8258649

But then we can't point and laugh at the monkey trying to justify his own juvenile opinion because it doesn't stand up to criticism.

>> No.8258797

I just finished Faris's route in the SG fandisc and I am kind of upset. I was expecting to romance her. If not, then what is the point in playing the fandisc?

>> No.8258817

What's the most uplifting, or the most depressing translated VN? Other than Planetarian, and not excessively long, if possible.

>> No.8258829

The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.8258843

Played it already, but yeah, something in that vein would be good.

>> No.8259032
File: 34 KB, 500x330, 1259130353735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eroge every christmas

>> No.8259054



>> No.8259082

No, I don't think I'll have even eroge this Christmas.

>> No.8259095

>most uplifting
>most depressing
>and not excessively long, if possible.

>> No.8259108


Ah, xmas sales. And what's the game in the bin?

>> No.8259122


>> No.8259125

It's だよね~

>> No.8259126

First time looking this up even though I've had that picture for years

メイド白書 - 1999

The getchu page doesn't even have any pictures

>> No.8259145

Well, shit.

>> No.8259238

Obviously, we should scour the internet for it and all play it together on Christmas.

>> No.8259525
File: 213 KB, 820x642, owata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did I just read.

>> No.8260160
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Playing through Dangan Ronpa right now. It's a great take on the Battle Royale plot, and certainly one of the better PSP VNs I've read, but will anyone ever use their "Super"-skills? I mean, so far, it doesn't look like any characters are that outstanding in what they do (well, maybe except Sakura). They are not "Super-otaku", "Super-writer" or "Super-banchou", just the regular ones.

>> No.8260339

Any other lesser-known eroge you would recommend?

>> No.8260374

Playing Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu.

Tomo is ridiculously adorable.

>> No.8260611

I'm sorry, but the hatred for dependent clauses is an english thing, and a recent one. I fucking love dependent clauses.

>> No.8260620



tone work’s/2012年初夏

 シナリオ:若瀬 諒、姫ノ木あく


>> No.8260633
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Iknowthatfeelbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recently finished G-senjou no maou. Really liked the main plotline, music, and most of the characters, so overall very enjoyable. That said, all of the girl-specific stories were bad unless you went for the bad end. Some of the "bad" ends were really entertaining, though. Especially the first one.

>> No.8260646
File: 242 KB, 1600x1000, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly, the best girl got no route. She takes over much of Mizuha's route, fortunately, but she's sadly too lesbian to romance ;_;

>> No.8260664
File: 24 KB, 356x121, eu13_res03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Emilio, Will and is that last one Haisherras or Lunas silhouette, will have cameos this time in Soukoku no Aterial

>> No.8260698

Can someone please tell me where this cg is from?

>> No.8260715


>> No.8260741

finishing little busters

>> No.8260806


ALICE SOFT/2013年以降

>> No.8260967

Is 10 going to be the last?

>> No.8260988

Yes, it's been confirmed a long time ago

>> No.8261810


>> No.8262295

Finished 2 routes in Boku to, Bokura no Natsu, Touko and Kiri.
I was spoiled about the yuri ntr but I must say it was really well done.
The portrayal of Kiri's conflicting feeling and her relationship with Arika were really well done, if there is one thing this writer can do it's to make the characters feel real and alive, Kiri feels more like a protagonist that the male one Takao. I was really surprised by the amount of time that was given to make this relationship realistic, they even have 2 ero scenes and one really hot make out session.
I guess it's only eroge where if you pursue the third heroine the first and second actually get together romantically. The rest of the route was really good too, Touko is a great heroine.

I'm looking forward to the second half of the game that is supposed to be seen from Touko's pov.

>> No.8262304

yuri ntr? You fuck thank you I'm going to get this game pronto.

>> No.8262319

It happens in Touko's route if you are only interested in this
Rest is more straightforward romance though still good

>> No.8262320

>Rance 9
>Mamatoto like gameplay

what the heck

>> No.8262350 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here if you want how it happens.

>> No.8262442

Mamatoto had some pretty addicting gameplay, it could work

>> No.8262857


>> No.8262860

Re reading Refrain is killing me.
When you kow everything going on it's so depressing.

>> No.8263048

somebody has actually played it?

also Running to the Straight R9 is a must

>> No.8263069
File: 261 KB, 385x600, ANI02B_N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Agnes route in harem party because I'm a sucker for armor moe.
It was pretty average.
still better than saber's route in bleach/stay night

>> No.8263070

I have a few questions about Sayonara wo Oshiete, if someone could help me out.

1. How much of Mutsuki and Hitomi's interactions actually happened? Is it to be assumed that everything that didn't involve her being or assuming the posture of an Angel actually happened in reality? If so, then why didn't Tonae go into detail about it in the last conversation, despite Hitomi being constantly under surveillance?

2. This is just my take from it, but whereas Koyori was meant to reflect Hitomi's inner-workings, Miyuki was meant to be a copy of him, Mahiru was meant to reflect his childhood, specifically his cruelty and fascination with death, what was the function of Nozomi? Outside of simply demonstrating his vulgar adherence to weaker things and his sadistic and cruel tendencies towards the weak? Unless that was it.

Last, what was the significance of the magic circle? He mentioned briefly that he was starting an occult ceremony according to what he had read in a book, where the ceremony itself was a process to purge himself from his illusions by receiving closure with x girl that reflected x element of Hitomi, but is there any real implicit meaning behind the imagery? I wasn't really clear when I saw that.

>> No.8263255

Just finished Steins;Gate, currently playing katahane

>> No.8263267

What a downgrade.

>> No.8263309

I'm the slowest, reading Ever17, the last route.
I dropped Umineko ep7 like three month ago, might pick it up again now that ep8 is out.

>> No.8263313

I bet they'll add the NTR part too.
I can see the game having two protags, Rance and Arios, with Rance being able to NTR Arios similar to the system in Mamatoto.

>> No.8263346

Not like I have much other choice since I've played most good translated ones (except maybe Demonbane, how's that one? And Kara no Shoujo but I still don't know whether I want to wait for Cartagra first or not)

And Katahane has been quite nice so far

>> No.8263444

while demonbane isnt the most amazing VN ever if you dont take it too seriously its actually really enjoyable

>> No.8263456 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 800x600, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing True Remembrance and absolutely loving it. I think I'll go do Little Busters next.

.... La is so adorable o/////o

>> No.8264008

age just announced Chronicles 03 on their main page for all you other agefriends.
Supposed to come out at the end of March, but lolage and all that.

>> No.8264028

How does one unlock Hell Mode and Kageaki in Baldr Sky Dive X?

>> No.8264073

If I remember correctly, finish enough of dream stories or get far enough in ES-mode to get hell-mode, Kageaki was after you beat him in ES-mode I think

>> No.8264102

Haha, I was kind of dreading that. I finished all of the dream chapters a second ago. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.8264379

And still no news on KimiMuv/MelvinaMani.

>> No.8264498

They've posted about some new about Fanclub only info/updates on their frontpage if I remember right, so I wouldn't be surprised if some KimiMuv news was in there, what with it being a Fanclub Soft title, and all.

>> No.8264645
File: 164 KB, 400x300, gallery_takeuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to check out harem party's jp page and I saw this pic.
How the HELL did they get takeuchi to do fanart for an average tier eroge?

>> No.8264700

>Average-tier eroge
Sounds right to me.

>> No.8264728

There better be proper porn this time around.

>> No.8264767

Someone on /m/ said it's to be all ages.
Not really sure where they're getting that info from though, as age's page doesn't say anything directly about that as far as I can tell.

Not like age would give us the delicious Kawashima Rino H scene we all want, anyway, in TDA.

>> No.8265047
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>> No.8265175

>age just announced Chronicles 03
They said there was going to be a 03 for sure way back when they announced 02

>> No.8265253

After reading the trial of Mahoyo and being a bit underwhelmed by it I realized there is nothing much I look forward to for the following year.
Nitro+ is doing god know what, the new Giga doesn't look very appealing.

Anything else to look forward to?

>> No.8265504

White Album 2 tomorrow.
Majikoi S, Grisaia 2, the new Eushully

>> No.8265509

>mfw theres only me and this dude that ever played princess witches

>> No.8265510


>> No.8265685

I knew I recognized that picture from somewhere. I remember playing this after I played one the other pajama games.

>> No.8265785

Speaking of Nitro+, is that Dogura Q project even alive at this point? Given the direction of their recent output I am beginning to think it was canned.
From the upcoming stuff, Iranai Ko Game seems rather intriguing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNeINmw0sqI).). The trailer makes it look a like a cross between Persona and Survivor.

>> No.8266198
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>> No.8266292
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I want to believe that Dogura Q is still coming, if only because it was in the Nitroplus Compete book dedicated to their 10-year anniversary. Now Nubatama no Nue, on the other hand, needs a small miracle to get released by now.

And then there's also the Phantom 360 remake, which no one cares about already... It's sad when the title from your favorite VN company you're looking forward to the most is a prequel for some anime series which is not even that good.

>> No.8266316
File: 355 KB, 1428x2007, 1324383678078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266341

It's out? I have seen advertisements on it but I don't know the name, mind sharing?

>> No.8266538

Guilty Crown, huh? Well, with some decent writing effort it might turn out better than anything else they have produced in the past two years.

>> No.8266543

Finished F/HA in japanese, but I have no idea what was going on. Currently restarting Steins;Gate and Omerta.

I'm actually waiting for Dramatical Murder next year. So excite :|

>> No.8266558

I'm finally going to start Swan Song in a few days since it's right around the time the VN takes place. I'm expecting it to be extremely depressing. Hope it doesn't disappoint.

>> No.8266622

Nubatama no Nue seemed extremely early in the development when they showed it, to the point that even the music in the trailer was borrowed from Jingai Makyou. It looked more like a concept than an actual game then.

Currently playing SubaHibi, finishing Mamiya's chapter. At this point, I don't quite see what the whole hype is about. It does have its excellent moments, but the artstyle and the high-school parts tend to drag the experience down considerably. The game also relies on the atmosphere a lot, but due to the weak soundtrack it doesn't always work.

>> No.8266638

>but due to the weak soundtrack it doesn't always work.
I won't comment on the rest of the post since it's opinion and all, and I agree that Subahibi can be a bit slow, especially in the early stage of Takuji's chapter.

But calling the soundtrack weak? Really?
It has one of the best soundtrack in eroge

>> No.8266639

I tried playing it... battle system was wat though, compared to what I'm used to in Twinkle Crusaders.

Now I'm just waiting for PSS so I can get the best of both worlds. Except Karen. Why isn't Karen playable in PSS, dammit.

>> No.8266659

The gameplay isn't important anyways, Princess Witches has an excellent story.

>> No.8266687

Yes, really. The number of tracks used is low, so their frequent repetition makes them lose their impact. The songs themselves are rather simple, so once you've heard them a couple of times they tend to become overly familiar.

>> No.8266729

It has 39 tracks.
Considering the game is around 2mb of text it's pretty standard, not low in any way.
Muramasa had around the same amount of tracks and was much longer, FSN that is like twice the length had even fewer tracks.

>> No.8266823

Uh, maybe it just wasn't your game... I thought the soundtrack was great like the other anon said, and the art actually grew on me as I played it. Those sparky colors actually added to the denpa feeling for me. If you didn't like it at Mamiya's, then chances are you won't like it at all.

>> No.8266839

Perhaps some tracks will appear later, but at the point where I am, the variety just seems lacking.
Since you mentioned Muramasa, that soundtrack by itself wasn't exactly a masterpiece, but the individual tracks were stylistically different enough to be both memorable and varied. SubaHibi on the other hand seemingly tends to overuse a couple of piano tracks (which then blend into each other), plus one incredibly obnoxious "wacky stuff is happening" tune.
The soundtrack by itself is by no means bad (a few songs were downright beautiful), it just doesn't seem to be used all that well.

>> No.8266848

>I don't quite see what the whole hype is about
Hype ruins games for most people. You see posts like yours everywhere, "I heard it was good, but" "Had high expectations, but" "Thought it would be the equivalent of a mind blowjob, but".
You probably won't like the game considering you already set some standard of excellence it had to hold up to before even playing it.

>> No.8266877

The color sense is actually great and provides some excellent atmosphere. It's the character art that I have a problem with, but it's more a matter of personal taste than a quality issue.
I actually don't dislike the game at all; it's just that because there are legitimately very intriguing and excellently done parts, the weaker aspects seem more disappointing.

>> No.8267160

So what's /jp/'s opinion on the newest Elf NTR game? Is it really that good?

>> No.8267173

About to install Yu-No.

Wishing a lot of the VNs on PSP were translated so I can read them in my bed.

>> No.8267243

Anything to look forward to for December?
I've got 3 titles that I have, mostly for the art, but that's about it.

>> No.8267249

It will make you feel miserable.

>> No.8267257

White Album 2

>> No.8267273

I'm looking forward to HOTEL and White Album 2 of course.

>> No.8267277

Dragonloli Recettear

>> No.8267286

There's a certain trial for a nukige I want to read this month, that's about it.

>> No.8267306

What, is it just not translated yet or is it something in the route itself?

Still dont know what order I'm going to do Majikoi in.. Can anyone suggest?

>> No.8267318

Title is お尻っ娘ヴィーナス
Released late January

>> No.8267322

It's not translated yet, and it's going to take something like 4 months at the least at this pace.

You can just play the prologue and decide with that, it's long enough, and I don't think it's the kind of game where the route order matters outside of your preferences.

>> No.8267335

Will do.... I had a goal to read Majikoi raw before translators finished it a long time ago for study motivation but I'm well past that point and have put it off for too long... That and Grisaia will make up my winter break after umineko.

>> No.8267609

Was boring as far as I'm concerned.
There are a few PSP VNs being translated, isn't there?

>> No.8267864

Yeah. There's a long build up to the NTR so it has a real emotional impact. The porn is good. Just have some fluffy game installed to play as a chaser after or you'll get depressed.

>> No.8267960

Finished Rui's route in Ruitomo, do they explain in the other routes the reason the curse didn't activate when Tomo was seen naked and confessed?
I'm guessing it jas to do with the fact that Tomo doesn't seem to have a gift so breaking her rule doesn't summon the skull thing, but it just felt weird how they left it hanging. Or was the bit about Rui's mom's promise weakening the curse supposed to be a hint?

>> No.8267993

It's explained, don't worry.

>> No.8268007

Good, thank you.

>> No.8268035

Thanks, I will enjoy it thoroughly when it comes out.

>> No.8268377
File: 390 KB, 1092x614, Unknown 2011-12-20 20-50-42-65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8268431

More like fuckin background art dev, if Takeuchi isn't doing them himself.

>> No.8268453

What does it say?
I wanna laugh too.

>> No.8268466

if i just got a psp and have no vn experience whatsoever, just anime and manga
what would you suggest i do to get started, like getting it set up and different titles, im pretty ignorant on the subject but looking to get into it if possible

>> No.8268618

It says that the heating equipment is meager. And then he points to the three heaters in the hallway.

>> No.8268639

Considering the huge-ass windows and the old-looking building, I don't think this is THAT much of a stretch. It's not like it says there's no heating at all, right?
Also worth considering - Japanese buildings, other than in the very north, aren't usually properly insulated, so a Japanese person might have a different idea of what's considered adequate heating in the cold climate.

>> No.8268714

Can someone recommend for me a VN with bullying (of a heroine) and forced exhibitionism?

>> No.8268771

Yume Miru Kusuri.

>> No.8268800

Read that one already. Also read SubaHibi and Itakano.

>> No.8270108

White Album 2 is out

>> No.8270228
File: 75 KB, 800x600, steelsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Zwei Worter and it keeps bugging me how obvious it is that every route has a different writer. But well, it's not like I can be too picky about what mecha eroge to play.

The suit is the best character.

>> No.8270278

Full voice version of the "What a beautiful..." series is out.
I'm not downloading this since I'm actually buying it.

>> No.8270305

Damn White Album 2 is 7gb.

>> No.8270373

What's the deal with White Album 2 ~introductory chapter~? Do I need to get that as well, or is this new download enough?

>> No.8270392

inb4Torrent where

>> No.8270492

Already? Great, time to search.

>> No.8270625

I'm going to play Ruitomo.
Was tomo voiced in the original or was there a patch or something?

>> No.8270705

There is a patch
There is also a full voice version so download this if you can

>> No.8270782

I can't run Yu-No on my 64bit Windows 7, with compatibility modes and all.

Any way for me to play it?

>> No.8270800

Working fine over here on XP Pro.

>> No.8270917

I think the problem is the 64bit part. It worked on a laptop I used some time ago that had Windows 7, but 32bit.

>> No.8270976

Mine worked in x64 w7.

>> No.8271034

Really? Did you use a compatibility mode of some sort?

>> No.8271222

Well starting White Album 2, hoping it won't disappoint.
Soundtrack is great

>> No.8271313

There gonna be a patch for those titles that already have been translated or are being translated by Ixrec?

>> No.8271503
File: 73 KB, 231x228, ohrain2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Baldr dive 1+2. After muvluv trilogy and muramasa, I probably had an unfair impression starting off. Chinatsu's was quite a chore, Rain probably had the short end of the stick as far as route goes, being the first that leads into the rest (character-wise I really liked the capable partner role - Rain is awesome). Gameplay really lifted the whole thing, but probably won't try dive X for some time.

Going to start ep 8 of umineko, since I don't have anything else (action-wise) lined up.

>> No.8271550


Only bad ends so far, i'm going through a walkthrough now.

>> No.8271560

Felt the same. I'm happy not to be alone anymore.

>> No.8271760

What error are you getting? Mine worked just fine in W7 x64, no compatibilty modes at all.

>> No.8271791 [DELETED] 

It's a fun game, but I thought that the H scenes were poorly done. And I'm not really into guro...

>> No.8271825

When I start the application, it says the game isn't installed, even though I obviously have it installed.

>> No.8271832

Did you run the installer as an administrator, and in Japanese locale?

>> No.8272245


>> No.8272704

White Album 2 is pretty excellent, Maruto doesn't disappoint.

>> No.8272710

What kind of game is it? Do I have to play the first White Album 2? Is it all ages?

>> No.8272727

The release that is out contain the entire story so you don't have to read the first WA 2.

As for the sort of story, it's basically a love triangle that later get a bit more complicated.
It's a more realistic take on romance than the usual in eroge.
If you know Maruto you should know that he excels at writing great character interaction and he shows it in this game, it's a true pleasure to read.

>> No.8272733

So is there like strong jealousy between the girls? I love that kinda shit.

>> No.8273038

Came in here to post exactly this. Maruto is my hero.

I'm not too far into it, just got to the first kiss. Still, I can tell this is going to be great.

>> No.8273172
File: 256 KB, 980x574, top1006-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded Angel Ring but without Hongfire I don't know how to crack it. Heh, I became so dependent on that site I don't know how to do things for myself anymore. I remember an eroge DVD crack site but I don't remember it anymore.

Well, I'm off on an adventure to search for a way around this. Wish me luck /jp/!

I don't even know if it's worth it. Is it a pretty cute moege?

>> No.8273203

Did you try searching some Japanese boards for the addresses you need to change in a hex editor?
That was how I usually did it for games that weren't cracked on hongfire.

>> No.8273228

I should really get me one of those Terabyte HDDs. Just finished downloading KKK (8+ Gigs) and now I see that White Album 2 is out...

>> No.8273240

My japanese is pretty limited, I do all right with easy speech you find in moege like this but technical stuff flies over my head.

I'm just looking around google. It'll take me awhile but I'll find it. No worries. I just want to know if it's worth it. Sure looks cute and the game description sounds cute too.

>> No.8273296

Is there forced sex with characters?

>> No.8273455

You can try the generic AlphaROM signup tool, most eroge use those.

>> No.8273459

Opening chapter was a kinetic novel with sexual content, so presumably yes

>> No.8273548

Oh my god I give up.

Thanks for the tip. At this point I'm willing to try about anything.

>> No.8273692

Not sure if this is what you are looking for


Found it off anime-sharing, poster said its a patch+save, not sure if they are referring to patch as in crack or patch as in game update

>> No.8273785 [SPOILER] 
File: 664 KB, 1060x1500, default..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the new NTR game by 13cc. It was pretty disappointing.
It's really short and stupid. The games by Atelier Sakura are better than this. The hscenes are pretty short and are neither erotic nor rageinducing. The point of view system is pointless since all of them have the same scenes.

They didn't even have this scene.

>> No.8273834

Anybody know of an NTR where the NTR'd guy grabs some balls and takes revenge the other guy? I think I need one right now. It can be game, manga or anime.

>> No.8273853

Triangle Blue
True Blue too (if you pick the right choices)

>> No.8273856

True Blue.

>> No.8273873


>> No.8273887

By the way, the game not the anime.
The anime changed both protags personality into beta, in the game they were both pretty alpha.

>> No.8273932

Figures. I was going to check up the game anyways, but thanks.

>> No.8273955

That NTR game just out by Anim wasn't bad.
I don't know about True Blue, but the protag in Triangle Blue game is hardly Alpha.

>> No.8274029

Ah, that's too bad then. Thanks anyway.

>> No.8274179 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, whitealbum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit. I'm happy as fuck this happened because I love this pairing. But I'm also pissed off as fuck because I love the other pairing.


>> No.8274225
File: 48 KB, 429x369, Why cant I hold all these tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that will make me really break down and cry? I've read all of babbys first VNs Fate/G-Senjou etc.

>> No.8274227

Focus them into your penis and fap like it's Armageddon.

>> No.8274236

Try the new NTR game by elf.

>> No.8274259

Well, it opens a website that doesn't exist. Thanks for the effort though, I had simply decided to give up though.

Guess I'll play it in another life.

>> No.8274280

Why did they ripoff their own cg from Tenshi12?

>> No.8274288

Because they knew this too, would be a December without angels.

>> No.8274300

It should work if you do it properly. Though I assume the setup.exe you already downloaded was the one that had already been changed.

>> No.8274363

Why you do this for me? I'm nobody.

>> No.8274380

True Blue's protagonist could be very alpha or very beta depending on the choices you make.

>> No.8275079

Anyone have links for the liarsoft Steampunk Collection while I wait for my copy to arrive in the mail

>> No.8275083
File: 932 KB, 1040x679, tsslullshareillear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of my hype.

>> No.8275112

The reborn ones?
Nyaa has them all, so does TT.
Same position by the way.

>> No.8275114

fuck year i fucking love twinkle crusaders

>> No.8275124

Got it, thank you.

I've been looking so forward to this since it was announced, since I haven't played Sharnoth yet.

>> No.8275521
File: 557 KB, 1029x830, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About damn time.

>> No.8275622

A new trap game?

>> No.8275645

Do they look like traps to you? I don't think so.
That said, it wouldn't be surprising if one heroine or subheroine would be a trap.

>> No.8275916

Damn it, I suck at reading English in kana. I could read the kana just fine but without the link to the video, I would have never known the name of this thing.

Also, why exactly would they use hiragana for the second part?

>> No.8275986

White Album 2 is a masterpiece.
That is all.

>> No.8276008

Is there an option to read closing chapter immediately in the set version of White Album 2? I already played introductory chapter so I want to know if I should just go get the set version or wait for the closing chapter only version.

>> No.8276021

Is it really that good?
I probably have time to finish re reading Inganock before it finsihes downloading though.

>> No.8276027

You can just ctrl it through I guess.

>> No.8276036

If you have a savedata of WA IC completed you can skip it.
Otherwise you have to go through it again

>> No.8276117

Thanks guys. I guess I'll go download it now then.

>> No.8276168

Is the second part a kinetic novel too or are there routes?

>> No.8276207

Routes, bad ends too.
Closing chapter is about 10 times longer than introduction chapter

>> No.8276245

Dude please tell me the protag of White Album 2 is not as fucking pathetic and annoying as the guy from 1.

>> No.8276268

He is pretty good in IC at least.
Remind me of Sasamaru from Asairo if you know him.

>> No.8276452
File: 74 KB, 962x489, propeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A countdown has started on propeller's website. Their next game is by Higashide according to the official blog.

>> No.8276491

Aw yeah, 14 gigs between just 2 new releases.

Fuck, I really need to replace my dead external to get some of this shit off my harddrive.[/spoile]

>> No.8276694

Why aren't there any visual novels made for e-readers like the Nook or Kindle? I think it'd be great. E-readers are made for reading and also have a great battery life. A laptop gets maybe four, five hours of battery, tops. A tablet computer maybe gets eight hours. But most e-readers get one or two months of reading. Sure, they don't have color, but to make up for it they have page turn buttons and are incredibly light.

>> No.8276793
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>> No.8276851

God fucking damn it. Why not PS3, why not Vita. I want my opera in HD. Extremely disappointing, though I'll buy it either way.

>> No.8276869

>new propeller's game
My body is ready.

>> No.8276876

That's pretty disappointing. What's more is that the new additions are just scenes and other minor stuff, making it a bitch to look up if you just get it for the new material

>> No.8276949

I'm going to end up using my psp a lot.

>> No.8276983
File: 288 KB, 1366x768, asdfkj68aoidsfjn324sffd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just finished all the translated routes for Majikoi Now I'm trying out Little Busters EX unfortunately the damn game won't work. I need some help here guys.

>> No.8276995

original disk check, you need the crack

>> No.8276999

It just says to insert the original disk.

If you just google searched the error code and game title, you could have figured that out.

>> No.8276998

Looks like you need a crack.

"please insert original disk"

>> No.8277004

where can I find the crack only?

>> No.8277016

I think it was posted in the Little Busters! thread.

>> No.8277229

Yeah, it might be cool I guess. Though they'd be limited to black-and-white of course, and also the sort of minimal graphic updates that would be most likely with the little sprite changes and whatnot are the most likely to cause ghosting on e-ink screens, and any animation is out the window for obvious reasons, they should still be able to have sound and music and whatnot.

Are e-readers popular in Japan?

>> No.8277280

>Are e-readers popular in Japan?
No, they aren't.

>> No.8277325

It looks like later on White Album 2 become a choice hell.
So much that a lot of players simply can't access the true route of a certain character

>> No.8277456

Which heroine would that be? I found a walkthrough but Kazusa's name is crossed out even though there is a list of choices for her route. I'm worried now.

>> No.8277464

Where is that walkthrough?

>> No.8277541

Probably means this one http://finalion.jp/game/leaf/wa2cc/

>> No.8277620

Yeah, that's the one.

Just got the Forever Alone ending, hopefully someone will figure things out by the time I'm done with the other routes.

>> No.8278987


>> No.8279076

that walkthrough was just updated with Kazusa

>> No.8279392

Are 爆走女装計画 and Tsuyokiss Full Edition out yet? They are the only things I wanted to read along with the omega star nukige.

>> No.8279560

Hanakoi and Little Bitches are out

>> No.8279745

starting majikoi (friend told me to) waiting for katawa shoujo

>> No.8279956

Finished the best OL in the world route in WA2.
I guess WA2 will take the first place in the 2ch eroge ranking, too bad for Eustia and Grisaia.

>> No.8279966

Nanatsu no Fushigi no Owaru Toki is out

>> No.8280078

That good? I guess I'll dl it then.

>> No.8280191

>their next game is by Higashide
Instant read on day 1.

>> No.8280251

Well as far as I know he'll only do the writing, and won't be the project lead this time as he's too busy writing FSN fanfiction light novels... God I wish I was joking...

>> No.8280303

Sweet, thanks.

Yeah, agree with >>8280078, it's that good. I've only played two routes so far, but this game is already amazing. Haven't yet played that OL route, ftr.

>> No.8281202

A sudden Christmas update of the Lost Christmas website:
That fucking trap.

>> No.8281206

Who's a trap?

>> No.8281209

Inverse quotation?

>> No.8281234
File: 782 KB, 962x602, ocelotdes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure whether I should be disgusted with myself or not that just this is enough to get me to buy a game that I wasn't really interested in otherwise.

>> No.8281247

Eroge companies need to eat.

Started WA2, still in the introductory, but Touma is so fucking cute, definitely doing her route first unless there's a some radical change.

>> No.8281258

Looking for an eroge that was posted on /jp/ a few weeks ago, it was loli filled and had engrish title below the title about pigs or something.
The demo was released and people were excited for it but I forgot to save the link and can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

>> No.8281259

Haha yes, fucked up there.

Finished Chiaki route, the guilt just gets worse and worse. And worse.

>> No.8281265

little bitches in hog farm, or something like that

>> No.8281269

That's what I was looking for, ty bro.

>> No.8281278

That should be under 'ecchi'.

>> No.8281798
File: 73 KB, 800x600, capture_20110617_221413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not much point trying to keep this on the board when it's already close to the bump limit but oh well, doing it anyway.

Picture taken at random in screenshot folder.

>> No.8281831

Bampu ­pantsu.

>> No.8282910

Another Append Life is out for Lovely Cation.

>> No.8283270

What's wrong with nyaatorrents? If they go down right after hongfire I really am going to have to install some shitty japanese p2p software

>> No.8284097

Looking for a trap based vn with fantastic cgi. Any ideas?

>> No.8284104

Asked before but didn't really get anything... Anyone know any good VNs with bullying/forced exposure of a heroine, besides YMK SubaHibi or Itakano?

>> No.8284130

has anyone checked F/SN Realta Nuá PC Fate route?

>> No.8284646

The one on the left. He's named Present.

>> No.8284792

Doesn't really count as bullying but Terebi no Kieta Hi.

>> No.8285170

Do I have to read White Album 1 before the second?

>> No.8285187

No, there are some references here and there but WA 2 is standalone.

Talking about it, it currently has a 99 in Egs.
It will probably settle down to 90 if it continues like this.
I agree too, I liked Parfait and Damekoi but WA2 is easily the strongest eroge Maruto ever wrote.

>> No.8285188


>> No.8285982

>This is the second part of the White Album 2 game, taking place three years after the end of the introductory chapter and adding new heroines Koharu, Chiaki and Mari. This is one of the most anticipated games of the month, if not the year, after a well-received prologue that featured beautiful visuals and an engaging story. If you haven’t played the first part, it might not be a bad idea to pick up the set of two games together.

