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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8271615 No.8271615 [Reply] [Original]

>years away from wizardry
>think I'm home alone
>find a nice, vanilla h-doujin and fap erotically
>sound my emotions "aah, that feels so good! So nice!... etc"
>little imouto comes in the room
>still fapping, look at her, then look back
>"I'm a little busy. Whatever it is, I'll do it later."
>"Anoon! Why are you always doing thiiis!"
>"It feels good, and I'm honest with my feelings. Now cut it out, I'm going to loose my boner!"
>She comes over and looks at the h-doujin while I'm still trying to fap
>"Pfffhahahah! Anon that's so corny!"
>"Hey, I said beat it! Let me enjoy myself in peace."
>"You're cute when you're frustrated like that, Anon."
>Imouto goes to my bookshelf and reads Vampire Knight, still in my room.
>When I finish, she throws a roll of toilet paper at my head.
>"Clean it up or your room will get that musky smell again."

I feel violated, /jp/. How do I get her to stop going into my room? I think she's doing it on purpose to annoy me.
That said, Sanae thread.

>> No.8271626

>>I'm going to loose my boner!

>> No.8271623

Are you going to post source damn you.

>> No.8271629

How many times have you had sex with her?

>> No.8271634

I find it hard to accept this is true. Rather, I find it hard to accept incest did not ensue.

>> No.8271641

No sexhavers allowed, I wish I had a cute little girl, fuck the kid, post pics, etc

>> No.8271639


Not the one I was fapping to, though.
I forgot the link to it. It was a loli who was playing violin while her master pleased her. Very poetic, not at all like your typical >fill my slutty vagina with your cum! hentai.

>> No.8271647

I've had my sister run into me a few times and hassle me about it, but never with my dick out. Rather, just after I finish and I hurry to clean up and make up a story to hide it.

>> No.8271652

Why the fuck do you own Vampire Knight?

>> No.8271650

never, actually.

She always tells my parents during family dinner, too. The little bastard.
>"Hey mom and dad, did you know Anon was was masturbating to X tonight?"
Then father makes a really snarky comment like "How was your hand"? While sis giggles like a little devil.

I don't let it bother me, though.

>> No.8271655


Kill your family. This is unforgiveable.

>> No.8271656
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Thanks that's plenty of info.

>> No.8271663

Sort of got boner from OP post.

>> No.8271665

>When I finish, she throws a roll of toilet paper at my head.
>"Clean it up or your room will get that musky smell again."


>> No.8271672

That would feel too awkward.

>> No.8271700

How do I lock my room?

>> No.8271714

Doors in my house don't have locks except for the bathroom and front door.

Sis made me buy it.

>> No.8271724

Why can't my sisters be like yours. Fuck this gay earth.


>> No.8271727

Yes yes yes yes yes-
Damn it!

>> No.8271734

your sister sucks your dick while you sleep, OP

>> No.8271735

Have you ever walked on her while she was masturbating? Do it next time, stay in her room and pretend you're playing with dolls or some shit.

>> No.8271739

The Westermarck effect would get in the way of your fun anyways, Anon.

>> No.8271747

>Doors in my house don't have locks except for the bathroom and front door.
My mother took the keys so I can't lock myself in my room.
Sage for blog. I just felt saying it.

>> No.8271753

I don't know, that sounds kinda gay.
But I did hear her masturbating once. Her room is right next to mine, so I went in mine and started moaning her name loudly and shit to make her feel awkward.

But I regret it now because she thought I had the hots for her for a month and started teasing me. >wiggling her booty "Haha, see this? Can't have it, sicko! I'm gonna tell all my friends at school that you have the hots for me!"

Seems anything I try to do backfires.

>> No.8271761

Your entire family is weird.

>> No.8271808

This is like something straight out of a h-doujin.
And those end in sex. Don't let this be any different.

>> No.8271819


No way. She's an annoying little brat.

>> No.8271826

She won't be a brat when you make her your slave. Dr. Anonymous recommends a healthy dose of rape.

>> No.8271828
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Then you should punish her.

>> No.8271837


and /jp/ tells me I'M weird...

Suppose I do do it. What am I going to say when she brings it up at dinner? There's no one doubt in my mind that she won't say >"anon made me X in his/my room while you two were away" during family dinner?

>> No.8271851 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8271866 [SPOILER] 
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Huh, when did this get translated?

>> No.8271869
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She definitely has some kind of onii-chan complex.

>> No.8271876

Once you've broken her mind and she can't live without your cock, you don't have to worry about that.

Besides, if worse comes to the worst, at least you got to do it with a cute little sister once in your life.

>> No.8271884

This was on the front page.

Good show.

>> No.8271892
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So much green text and a Touhou. Do you really expect me to read all of that?

>> No.8272426

You are living in a dream and you complain?
Or well that with
Ohh, ok maybe not a dream but now you have the right to rape her, really.

>> No.8272430

I know this feel
My little sister doesn't read Vampire Knight, though

she thinks it's japanese Twilight

>> No.8272449

You've raised her well.

>> No.8272460

Your sister is an intolerant bitch.

>> No.8272466

>little imouto

Unless I'm missing it, I haven't seen an age posted anywhere. Is she 11 or younger?

>> No.8272470

If only I had raised her, she might not be such a loser
she's as bad as I am ;_;

I don't know, I respect her opinion of Vampire Knight

>> No.8272484

>If only I had raised her, she might not be such a loser
That's cute. Do you get along with her well?

>> No.8272493
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Why haven't you railed your sister yet?

>> No.8272494

yeah, we get along very well, surprisingly
we both don't have much of a life, and since we spend so much time at home, we are eachother's main source of social interaction

>> No.8272498

Replace that with mischievous childhood friend and extend it by having her asking to watch you masturbate and this would make an excellent h manga.

>> No.8272499

by the way, congratulations on not being homo anymore, jp user

>> No.8272511
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I would never RAIL her
that's disrespectful

feels good to not be a homo

>> No.8272519

>going to loose my boner
Is that the part where you burst into treats?

>> No.8272523


Your /jp/ membership card just got revoked, even though you and your sister are moe.

>> No.8272525

You're a lucky anon.
I often wish I had a sister like that.
I wouldn't think of doing anything lewd of course, maybe only a hug once in a while.

>> No.8272530

sometimes I think of doing lewd things with her
she's cute, she just lacks social skills and direction, which is why she sits at home all day

but I don't think I'd ever do anything. I don't want to ruin what we have.

I'm sorry... can I still stay and just visit every once in a while?

>> No.8272539

Actually, I give him credit for not making it turn into incest. In a real life situation I'd imagine that the little sister wouldn't elevate it to that on the first time. She'd probably stick around just like in this story with the excuse of "just here caus I wanna annoy you."

>> No.8272547

You masturbate freely with her in the same room. Something is up with that, think about it.

Next you'll tell us that you still take baths together.

>> No.8272550

I'm not OP. I've never openly masturbated in from of my sister.

>> No.8272555

>I'm sorry... can I still stay and just visit every once in a while?

You can stay if you can atone for your sin of memetical shitposting by enduring the most humiliating trial ever known to any /jp/ denizen: you need to 1cc Perfect Cherry Blossom on easy even if you can 1cc it on lunatic.

>> No.8272557

How old is she anyway?
If I had someone like her, I'd probably be overly affectionate with her all the time.

>> No.8272577

.... I accept my fate
and I will complete the task

anything to return to my sweet, sweet, /jp/

She's 13, but surprisingly mature
I feel like we're the same age often

We're pretty affectionate, but I try not to get too affectionate. I don't want to seem creepy....

>> No.8272592

>I don't want to seem creepy....
If she's ok with it, then there's nothing wrong about it.
Who's going to judge you anyway?

>> No.8272597

use her as a throw/hug pillow when you sleep. Trust me, this works. Act annoying about it and you can sneak feeling her up all the time.

Also, just go in her room and bother her, then lay on her bed and start sleeping. One of two things can happen here.

1. She tells you to get off, you don't, and she leaves you alone.

2. She tells you to get off, you don't, she says something like "fine" and just lays in bed pretending to ignore you.

If 2 occurs... you know what must be done.

>> No.8272606

I guess you're right. She enjoys it, I enjoy it. I might as well not hold back affection.
She really likes cuddling, so it'll probably be better for her than me.

I don't have any intention of feeling her up, but this still sounds fun to do. I'll try this tonight.

>> No.8272615

I wish that some day I'll become delusional enough to imagine an imouto I masturbate in front of. ;_;

>> No.8272635

>We're pretty affectionate, but I try not to get too affectionate. I don't want to seem creepy....
Nah, you just jerk off in front of her and let her see your porn. Nothing creepy about that.

>> No.8272641

I'm not OP


>> No.8272645

suck my cock dude

>> No.8272654

My first and only sexual encounter was with my older sister when I was 9 and she was 14. We were home alone, which was usual because our parents worked late and they just left her money to order takeout often. I was taking my bath for the night and she said she wanted to take a bath too. I told her she could go first but she said it'd waste time because we both had to sleep soon due to not keeping track of time, so we just both went in at the same time (I thought it was awkward and kinda turned the opposite way in the tub so we were back to back).

But she turned around and just asked "do you sperm yet?" (yeah, it was a broken line kinda like that, don't remember the exact words but it was awkward sounding.)

I knew what she meant, though not fully, but I did masturbate at that age by just dry humping my pillow and clear fluid came out occasionally if I did it roughly. I just said "I dunno" and didn't look her direction, but she pulled my hands up so I could stop hiding my penis and said "can I see if you can or not?"

I didn't even answer her really because I wasn't even sure what exactly she even meant, though I did kinda know (I did like looking at my father's La Blue Girl VHS tapes at that age). She just got in front of me and poked my penis a little before giving it a small kiss and licking the tip while stroking slowly. I didn't even stop her, but I felt really awkward with it. Then she kinda sucked really hard and it ended up being a little painful because I guess she figured guys feel better the harder you suck, so I told her it doesn't feel good anymore.

>> No.8272667

I hate you all, I don't have an imouto and never can. There better be another go once I die, this is complete bullshit otherwise. Only semi decent thing is that I get to be a wizard, that's pretty cool, but I'd much rather be a wizard with an imouto.

>> No.8272672

So she apologized and then stopped for a bit, but I told her she doesn't have to stop, just not do that hard. She just said "nah, that's a little boring" and just lathered my penis up with soap and told me to wash her back with it. So I just kinda rubbed my penis up and down her back and eventually I did actually cum but she noticed and got mad at me.

"Noooooooooo, you were supposed to do that in me! Do it again."

And she spent like 30 minutes trying to get me erect again but it wasn't going up. It wasn't even an actual semen shot orgasm, just clear fluid. Sure, I came, but it wasn't like actual cum.

But we had to stop because we realized it was well past bed time by then and our parents would come home. We just never did it again, never even spoke about it.

We still don't do this day, but we're not awkward around each other or anything. I didn't really enjoy the experience, to be honest. It was more awkward than anything, and now I can't even be a wizard anymore because I had my virginity partially stolen.

>> No.8272679

When you're a wizard, you can summon an imouto. But you must have a purely platonic relationship with her. The second your relationship gets intimate, your magic will wither away and she will disappear forever.

>> No.8272682


>> No.8272683
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>my father's La Blue Girl VHS tapes
That's pretty cool.

I know what you mean.
Having a loving sister would have been the only chance for me to experience affection from someone.
But I rolled my dice badly on character creation I guess, so no luck.

>> No.8272685

>La Blue Girl

Oh, wow, nostalgia blast from the past.
I still have the 1st OVA of it that I downloaded something like 15 years ago using 33.6kbps dial-up connection. Took 3 or 4 nights to download (dial-up was cheaper at night). Ah, and it was dubbed too.

>> No.8272692

I don't want anything more than a platonic relationship. There's someone in this thread who GETS TO HUG HIS SOCIALLY INEPT LITTLE SISTER.

The jealousy makes me physically sick.

>> No.8272694

I have a dick sucking experience too, but with my younger brother. I was around seven or eight, so that would have made him three or four too.
We got naked on the couch and hid under blankets one morning, and took turn sucking each other off. We both said it tasted terrible, but it felt very good. To keep it going we only sucked each other off after the other one did by taking turns. Went on for about 10 minutes before we got tired.

>> No.8272696
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OP here.

Wow, I didn't expect this thread to stay up for so many hours. I guess people are kind of interested in it?
Ask me anything, I guess.

Oh, and I know I never said this, but my sister is 13.

>> No.8272697

Yeah, my father inadvertently got me into anime. I mean, I liked DBZ and stuff as a kid, and even got the VHS tapes in Japanese with piss yellow English subtitles that had profanity everywhere (which I thought was SUPER MATURE AND AWESOME as a kid). I got those VHS tapes from the very same Chinese bootleg shop he got his La Blue Girls from, and they had La Blue Girl literally just at the counter next to Fist of the North Star and stuff.

>> No.8272719

Wait, so if my virginity is partially stolen, my magic is gone?!
I was hoping I'd be a badass half-wizard, like Dante is half-demon. Fuck,

>> No.8272721
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Sorry for the /v/ tier image, but it's the most suitable one for the situation.

I guess the only upside to not having a sister like that is that it will be easier to kill myself once the time comes.

>> No.8272741

That feel is considered /v/ tier now? /jp/ was the first to use it on this site...

>> No.8272768

I thought it was from the old /r9k/ before moot killed it off for being too whiny.

>> No.8274097

God If I fucking see her hairpin change sides one more time...
