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8255637 No.8255637 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile in Witch Hunt:

Episode 8 complete translation released!

>> No.8255647

Trick!Ange is such a badass.

>> No.8255652

Ugh. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. Should I waste another day of my life to finally finish this trainwreck or should I let it go? I used to love umineko, but it got so very bad. Decisions, decisions.

>> No.8255657


A true reader reads to the very last page.

Put the witch to rest.

>> No.8255659

I personally really enjoyed this one, I don't know what all the bitching was about to be honest. Except for the fact a lot of the previous mystery ends up becoming written off and never solved.... My main question is that who the overall culprit was. It's easy to see Yasu was involved in every one in some way, but did the other culprits change on a per-episode basis? You can easily see that it's Kyrie and Rudolf for episode 3, but what about the rest? It's not them forever, right?

>> No.8255660

Burning witches and the midnight oil, its been a good night.

>> No.8255672

I just started, and nice grandpa Kinzo is making my heart hurt. Is it okay to believe that this is how things really were? I can just end it now, right?

>> No.8255678


What occurred in the myriad worlds of fiction and lies is utterly irrelevant.

What happened in the real Rokkenjima?

Does that matter?

>> No.8255689
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What do we consider the real Rokkenjima then? Would that be episode 1, or episode 3, since Eva's escape hinges off of 3 and the rest of Ange's story (and game 8 in general) is based off of this?

>> No.8255694


None of the above. Episode 3 is the closest, but isn't accurate. None of the tales shown permit the situation of Battler and Yasu escaping to the submarine base.

>> No.8255698

By the end you'll wish you did end it there. And I don't mean that in a good way.

>> No.8255701
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Then it's not so much a matter of which episode is true, but the ending of 8 being the true ending, and the actual events leading up to Eva, Yasu, and Battler all surviving being locked inside the catbox?

Then I guess my question is what exactly IS Episode 1?

>> No.8255706



It's always been fiction.

>> No.8255708


Hasn't it been made clear already? Episode 1's the first message bottle.

>> No.8255718

Didn't Ryu07 say in that interview that it's suspect that Battler supposedly fell in the water, but wasn't wet when he was found?

Come to think of it, do we even have any proof that everyone died? Hell, Battler was considered dead, but then we found out that he was "dead" because he was living as Toya.

>> No.8255719
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I'm just trying to put final pieces together in my head, I guess.

How could a message bottle exist, though, that ended with Eva not surviving, if the message bottles were created based on the events of Rokkenjima? Or were the bottles written before the actual events occurred?

I feel like I'm confusing and forgetting details, and that's why this is so hazy for me.

>> No.8255721

Police found various body parts, but that's about it, if I remember right. I know it said most couldn't be identified

>> No.8255726

Is that so? Then it is possible that more people survived the massacre, if it was even a massacre.

>> No.8255735

I always thought the red text "battler is dead" was because of the babby loophole

>> No.8255749
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Nevermind, figured it out myself. Toya Hachijo wrote a bunch of stories based off of the first two games, which were the original two message bottles. The message bottles were discovered long after the actual disaster, so they were fabricated sometime before / after the actual incident and are just alternate retellings with different events.... That's a good enough answer for me.

>> No.8255815
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So it's finally out. Right, time to replay everything from the EP4 tea party onwards.

I lost most of my interest in Umineko after EP6 and as details of the last two episodes emerged, but after playing through the PSP ports of the first PS3 game on on a whim (I can't read Japanese all that well, but there were quite a few scenes I wanted to see in their full voice-acted glory) I realized that even though I might end up disappointed by the destination, it doesn't change the fact that the journey was pretty great.

I guess what I want to say is that I've enjoyed this series far too much for me to be able to say "it's shit" and actually mean it, even though I've certainly felt the urge to.

>> No.8255824

If Kanon and shannon are the same person, how were they both in the same room talking to each other so many times?


>> No.8255850


They're multiple personalities belonging to the same person.

>> No.8255867
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Umineko has reached the end of its dream.

I am not pleased with the ending, but I am not angered or anything. It is more of a somber emotion of impotent displeasure.
