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8248944 No.8248944 [Reply] [Original]

Latest VH translation released a couple of days ago, didn't see anything on the archive about it so here it is, prepatched just for you /jp/.


>> No.8248965

Which botnet will I be in after installing this?

>> No.8248970

All of them.

>> No.8250684
File: 166 KB, 652x512, vh-slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slutty McSlutslut, reporting for slut duty.
I think I've now fucking everything in the game(*). What to do next.

(*) Only includes unique NPCs, not all monsters on the field have been fucked. Does not include Slime King due to massive amount of bugs in current build. Does not include Goblin quests. Does not include untranslated areas. Consult your doctor before use.

>> No.8250839

But latest RT translation was realeased weeks ago. Are you trying to cheat me again?

>> No.8250880

It might be the machine translation some guy is doing.

>> No.8251757

>Slime King due to massive amount of bugs in current build.
do tell. I'll fix em.

>> No.8252238

Doing the quest before murderer quest makes the game believe that you've done the murderer quest, I think. Doing the quest after the save-Rin questline will get you conversations as if you had that guard dude with you... and it seems like you can sneak into the jail as if you were in the Save-Rin questline.

I assume it's just bad coding from whoever added the save-Rin questline, since they use the same map.

>> No.8252254

>guard dude
the guard in front of the jail, Rin as your companion, or something else?

>> No.8252309

The guard dude from infront the jail. As soon as you enter the sewers Nanako is like "EWW it's horrible in here" which is fine, since that's part of the Slime King quest if I recall right. One step further and you'll get "First, take a left" from the guard dude... even if he's not supposed to be with you plotwise.

That alone made me go NOPE.JPG. It didn't help that you have to lose all your VHearts before getting proper Slime King tender lovings.

>> No.8252357

The hearts are supposed to prevent game overs. You don't have to pick them up, you know.

>> No.8252398

Indeed. But since the hearts don't come back to the field (at least I assume so) and King Slime losing scene is something you recover from... it's quite annoying to lose the VHearts.

>> No.8252503

Where can I get the latest Japanese releases?

>> No.8252521

Dude, you realize that he stands right above the ladder, right?

>> No.8252595

Is there anyway to access the old Rin storyline where you could be her slut and the maid becomes crazy?

>> No.8252608

hang on. I'm working on it

yeah, not a bug, it's a feature

you are supposed to do the slime quest BEFORE the murder quest. I'll try to replicate the bug in a bit

yeah, definitely want to save VH hearts so you can buy the extra clothes and skills from a shop in a later area.

>> No.8252624
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> not a bug, it's a feature
This post brought you by Apple Inc.

>> No.8252733
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it's like I'm in /g/!

>> No.8252738
File: 28 KB, 340x462, madrms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad brah?

>> No.8253790

what kind of clothes and skills? have they added new outfits?

>> No.8253830

lord knows, but they already have a waitress outfit and two swimsuits. There's a dress in the code. Artist have yet to go crazy on outfits since they require about 80 images a piece, but you'd think they'd make one for each job the characters can take on.

>> No.8253890
File: 36 KB, 643x482, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only new outfit they've added in a while is the dress, which only Rin has graphics for so far.
Also while poking around in the Japanese wiki I stumbled over the first ever version of VH.
From May 2008..

>> No.8255269

Is there a way to make ashley recover? Or to have one arm girl whose name escapes me join my party after I complete the bandit hideout questline? I want to make them goblin sluts but barring cheating with debug, I don't know how to get them in my party again.

>> No.8255290

Alright, I think I've got Hinano's route back into the game:

a note: you must complete the murder quest, rescue rin, and reach level 3 in the arena for Gebera in order to be able to access Rin's events. Hinano's father route will be reset upon completing the arena quest. No idea if Goblin route is still broken (re-broken) or not.

it's not implemented yet, since the storyline for level 3 isn't done yet.

>> No.8255341

those have been in the game forever. what was the other guy talking about needing hearts to buy clothes? is it just regular armor?

>> No.8256285

it's just planned, not implemented, since a normal person wouldn't use all their hearts.

>> No.8256422

I still want the dirty Serena Minotaur scene.

>> No.8256437

I've been trying to advance the rin and hinano storylines but just can't figure it out.

Can't figure out what I'm supposed to do after selling the ovulation drug to hinanos father or levelling up in the arena.

>> No.8256541

I'm having problems trying to do the minotaur mission with serena.
Going to the cave, there are only goblins and slimes in there.

>> No.8256584

Same here.

If anybody is interested in fixing it, the bug happens when you give up with Serena while having high desire. A Minotaur appears but stops midwalk.

>> No.8256676

The bug has been fixed in the latest Japanese version, but if you apply the translation patch to that version it leaves many lines untranslated (so apparently the event has gone through some changes too).

>> No.8257961

this thread needs more attention!
Question to OP and everyone else:
Is this patch the newest rogue one? Or is it from machine translator like someone said? Does it have a botnet? Is this the Serena translated patch?

>> No.8258023

As far as I can tell from running it, it's version 111024 with the latest rogue patch.

>> No.8258727

Its a really good deed to translate vh.
I use the last translated and there are lots of animated scenes how not working, for example birth. Is this ok in this version?
I have herd there are an old vh doujinshi.
Do someone know about that?

>> No.8258772

You can apply the translation patch yourself to a version of VH which you are not experiencing any bugs with.
There are a few one page VH things (one by ShindoL).

>> No.8259687

well, don't take my word for it but this one is not a botnet
it's the latest build as of 12/16 and is pre-patched btw if I didn't make that clear, and yes, minotaur quest is completely different and still very broke in many ways.

>> No.8261651

Now I have installed this new vh.
But the Nanako birth animation do not work.
Is there some there to chose what to show?

>> No.8261672

The newest VH version adds larger sections to the City. I don't see an end in sight.

>> No.8261682

>I don't see an end in sight.
I'm pretty sure that's the intention/

>> No.8261689

I downloaded the file in the OP but I get this error with japanese and 2000 in it whenever I try to run it.

>> No.8261694

You probably need the Japanese RTP for RPGmaker 2000 (not RPGmaker 2000 itself).
You can get that here.

>> No.8261697

Rin's events? You mean the Rin x Nanako stuff that happened originally after the murder?

Also can't you already access Hinano's route by using the clock in the guards office and forcing it to start?

>> No.8261699

I would suck your cock, dude.

Why was the route fucked anyway?

>> No.8261706

Still not working.

>> No.8261713

wait nvm I didn't install it

you have to extract the installer and that cocked me up, working now

thanks bro

>> No.8261741

They're trying to integrate the Murder quest into the main quest.
The quest where you restore Rins reputation and kick out the new guard captain who is molesting Hinano has not been made yet.

>> No.8261812

I see, anyway I couldn't take the murder quest, it seems like you can only take it when you have exactly rank 14 or 15. I think it should let you take it when you are 15 or higher. It makes no sense that if you accidentally rank up to 13 you can't take it anymore.
Maybe I'm talking shit, but could it be as simple as changing a '==' in the code for '<=' ?

>> No.8262523

Are there diferent versions of RPG-maker 2000?

>> No.8262552

please don't.

why fucked? cause they had two conflicting ideas about the storyline that are currently clashing. Some places have had three or four different sets of dialogue competing. Remember rescuing Rin from the basement, you used to meet and fight Serena there at one point.

>> No.8262589

reason for that is your supposed to complete the quests in order. In other words, all the onsen quests and then all the capital quests that are non-repeatable. Eventually, they'll remove the Murder Quest from the book I'm sure and it will just trigger when you get high enough like in the Onsen town. Lemme check if it's just = though, cause that would be a horrible bug.

>> No.8263308

This game is hot.
But do not like the pixels.

>> No.8263339

So you don't like anything in it?

>> No.8263354

I like most of the game but don't like that I can see the pixels.

>> No.8263365

Well motherfucker, everything you see un your computer and consoles are pixels.

You young people don't know about the glorious Atari and NES era. Back then we only had pixelated art and were thankful for it.

Now get off my lawn.

>> No.8264342

There are a lot of bugs in the current version I've been using for VH. Once MGQ2 is done, I'll try to find the most stable bug free release to patch it up to before starting on new areas.

>> No.8264357

neat, maybe they'll have more of Serenas main quest finished by that time.
Because honestly you have now translated like 80% of the games finished content.
The untranslated stuff is like towns with almost zero finished quests and events.

>> No.8264364

Sort of... Hot Spring/Onsen town is about 25% of the game, and the capital is about 25% of the game. The rest of the things are like 2~5% each, but then the Orc Kingdom is like 25%, and the underground city is growing bigger quickly.

I actually think the underground city has one of the biggest map files, clocking in at 2000 text boxes (Each text box can be a single word up to three sentence or so).

>> No.8264376

Sure underground town and orc kingdom has a lot of text but that is just that 1020 guy going crazy trying to write the greatest story ever told.
Neither town has an adventurer guild with quests and both towns have very little content outside of the tl;dr main quest.

>> No.8264389

hey there.

actually, there's a list with the "levels" in VH... hang on:

nope, lost it somewhere. Anyways, Onsen is lvl 1, Capital is lvl 2, Orc Country is lvl 3 and they've got a new city in dev for lvl 4. It's the magic academy Mel stole that book from actually.

and it's been totally re-written 10 times. not joking. the original story concept is a comment in the code of the first design of the orc dungeon. It's really simple, you save her or you don't save her and get raped. what the hell happened?

>> No.8264408

Yeah, I have the huge map list for everything that lists each area and all that. I actually haven't done much myself in either the Orc Kingdom or the underground city, so I don't know all there is to do in the different places (nor have I looked at the text itself yet).

But once I'm caught up with whatever they have done, the whole thing will be really easy from then on. They seem to add, on average, about 1000 boxes per month to the game. If I go full crazy mode, I can do about 500 in a day.

>> No.8264416

just take a break for now. I'll let you know when they actually finish "level 3". Hell, level 2 is still so broke I had to re-program it >.> Also we need to hope Habisan makes title changes translatable. If he doesn't I'll have to do it. ick. I have anime to watch, and a life to live, can't be bothered to fix a megalomaniac's text replacement application.

>> No.8264443

Hah, my break is MGQ2. It's a lot more entertaining than VH to translate, I have to say.

The story scenes in thief and sword were actually some of the most fun, but the incredibly repetitive H-scenes started to get painful after a while.

>> No.8264772

>Hah, my break is MGQ2. It's a lot more entertaining than VH to translate, I have to say.
I guess there goes my hopes of Ryona being translated next.
Oh well, it's just Mind Break: The Game. I guess I can live with machine translations.

>> No.8265769

Make a vh2!

>> No.8265779

The first one isn't going to be finished in decades. What makes you think of a VH2?

That might happen if there'd be some tons better, easy-ish to use engine compared to RPGmaker though.

>> No.8265906

Nah, there should be a point where it starts to get less and less updates due to decrease of interest until they stop adding secondary shit and finish the main storyline.
I'd give it another 2-3 years at most.

>> No.8266360

there's vh1 through 5 all in one game

Serena's route is vh5

Rin's route... I have NO idea what her storyline will be like

>> No.8269285

>The story scenes in thief and sword were actually some of the most fun, but the incredibly repetitive H-scenes started to get painful after a while.
Thief and Sword looked a lot of fun. Was it really that bad? I was waiting for it to get finished but then it seems you dropped out of translating it. Is the stuff translated the best part of it?

>I guess there goes my hopes of Ryona being translated next.
Heh, another RyonaRPG fan? I was starting to think I was alone by now.
It's a shame because RyonaRPG is quite a nice sandbox game for you to do crazy things with your heroine(s) but at the same time so many things get added and updated at breakneck pace and old heroines get left without new updates for new events.

Indeed, why make a new game when this one ain't finished?
Though there is an English equivalent called Adventure of Garnet with a dev who apparently is asking for help if anyone wants to help him out. Apparently people tell him a lot of their ideas but nobody helps out on implementing them.

>> No.8269376

What level do you need to be to accept the Murder Investigation quest? I assumed 15 from what I read in this thread but I am now level 15 and still cannot accept it.

>> No.8269800

You have to complete all the onsen town quests including both parts of the thief hideout quest.

>> No.8269867

I have, unless there is more than when everyone else in the guild dies and ashley is in the infirmiry.

>> No.8269893
File: 135 KB, 500x667, 1323782858652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want a micro patch that translates all the companion's rape dialogues.

I can hope.

>> No.8269913

IDK then. You should be able to do it regardless of level as long as you've completed the onsen quests.

>> No.8270039

>and old heroines get left without new updates for new events.
Much to my pleasure, Airi from Queen's Blade seems to have artists who constantly update her sprites as new events roll around.
Now, if only I could get that goddamn mechanization to work without freezing the game...

>> No.8270629

No, Thief and Sword really is fun. The main reason I did it was for the pretty unique setup of the flow of the game (Like a gamebook). It was just the H-scenes that got a little annoying. They went on far too long.

When I started it, I said I would only do Shalt's route. So after I finished Shalt's route, I stopped. The other is the same story (Except a different prologue and ending, and a few scenes in between), but different H-scenes.

>> No.8270673

You need guild rank 15, NOT level. I don't know if there is a char level requirement.

Examine the poster in the guild and see what rank you have. From my experience you can only take it in levels 15 or 14.

>> No.8270899

this anon is correct. Main quests my be completed. So right now the bug is if you fail the bodyguard quest the game is over.

Don't just use debug mode to go to the capital, play it right.

>> No.8270929

Don't listen to this guy. I've done the murder investigation mission 3 times and each time I was in debug mode and skipped all the onsen missions, using the cheat to increase my guild level to 15 then taking the murder quest.

>> No.8271320

all I'm saying is you use debug mode at the risk of breaking your save. This is one of those places.

>> No.8271721

I didn't use the debug mode and I couldn't take the murder quest even after completing all onsen quests including thief's one and the quests previous to murder one in the capital. So I had no choice but doing wyvern quest and that broke my save.

>> No.8272092

I guess I'll take a stab at it.

Hell, I still have to do monmosu quest, I just haven't had the time (alone) to go through a long game like that.
Last (translated) hentai game I dedicated a lot of time into was Sengoku Rance and I still haven't unlocked everything (though I did all routes) nor done the Free-For-All campaign because I was too lazy to install it on my Windows 7 partition.

>> No.8273419

ok, so upon further review, this guy is both right and wrong. The programmers seem to have forgot to up the value of variable 430 from 6 to 7, and that book "cheat" is a debug event for this value, guild rank, and character level. If >>8271721 hadn't played the game normally, I never would've noticed, so thanks. I actually think they want you to beat the Dead Village quest first, so can I ask what's broken about that before I fix it up too?

>> No.8273888


I am >>8269376

I have completed every single quest in both onsen town and capitol minus the murder quest. I am rank 7 in capitol and I have not been playing debug mode. Is there any way for me to get the quest?

>> No.8274990

Well, with "broken" I mean that after completing Dead Village quest, the game skipped the murder quest to the part where the new captain comes.
From that point on I don't know how but the game let me enter the hidden whorehouse to rescue Sara, even though I didn't talk to anyone.
Also the princess being fucked by goblins keeps returning to the same place but I think it's normal because that part is not completed.

>> No.8275468

yup, grab the debug tool from the pot in your room in the onsen town. Now it should give you a message to pick up the quest immediately.

>> No.8275589

Can't do the Goblin quest with serena (They won't allow me to leave through the northern gate.)

But I can go west and South to a different cave I believe.

>> No.8275669

ORLY? Interesting. I think I have it fixed then. I'll test and release tonight

>> No.8278377

would you guys like it to be world guild rank 15 (quests up to the capital and lvl 8) or higher to unlock the quest, that's actually a nice easy thing for me to do? I think I'll put a lvl requirement of 15 or something as well.

>> No.8278402

Why do I suddenly feel like touching myself after playing this.

>> No.8278405

"PIG"ma everyone has seen you naked and they make fun of you and with good reason

your body is disgusting

>> No.8278516

Out of the risk of parroting the same question, how much of Serena's quest has been translated and which of her exclusive quests work?

>> No.8278690

In terms of Quests, she's about as complete as Nanako really, except for the faces and graphics they haven't fixed yet in a couple spots. You might turn into Nanako in a couple of scenes still, but she's pretty workable really. Obviously, she can't do the Murder Quest yet, which is why it's inaccessible in normal play lately. She doesn't have any "exclusive" quests except for her main storyline, but some of her quests might have some surprising twists. btw: http://www.mediafire.com/?yl418iu9n3vf3bb

This should fix some of those issues. You must now be lvl 15 and ranked 15th to unlock the murder quest. Minotaur Quest is fixed for Serena, no more randomly dying... I hope. Tell me if you still die.

>> No.8280140

>You must now be lvl 15 and ranked 15th to unlock the murder quest
Nice, but you mean 15 or higher right? i.e. You can take the murder quest even with guild rank 4.

>> No.8280152

>You must now be lvl 15 and ranked 15th to unlock the murder quest
Nice, but you mean 15 or higher right? i.e. You can take the murder quest with rank from 4 to 15, and not ONLY in 14-15 like it has been until now.

>> No.8280373

yeah, there's a local and world ranking, i mean the world ranking. yup, it's >= now lol, or rather I just up the value when you talk to Diggy if you're high enough in both.

>> No.8280389

But I thought the world ranking was not implemented? In my other save I think my name never appeared in world ranking, and I completed every single quest except the murder one. I'm talking about the version that RT used.

>> No.8280427

yeah, they've changed a bunch since Rouge's version. For the better for once.

>> No.8280567

Does the modified version use the machine translation as well as the proper translation?

I saw in pictures that Hirano, the maid, seemed to have a birth scene, but goddamn the quest stops at the stage where she becomes pregnant.

>> No.8280654

that's right, it's not done yet. And it still break the main quest line. So I totally destroy it when you beat the arena lol.

>> No.8281745


>> No.8282247
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>> No.8282594
File: 54 KB, 644x484, Screenshot-VHゲーム01_111223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver: 111223.
Seems like next the step of Nanakos main quest is coming along.

>> No.8282665

So guys...im pretty new to visual novel stuff and i wanted to ask you guys for advice

i like em like sengoku rance or big bang age , are there more in that style ?

>> No.8282746

Fuck off.

This is newer than the RT one isn't it? Got a list of any differences?

>> No.8282805

Woah, you can have 2 party members? Are they changeable with Nanako?

>> No.8282945


-capital is finally looking done or rather bigger.
-more stuff works (no thanks to actually devs)
-Orc quest is getting "attached" to the end of the murder quest, but it's not really linked up yet
-Serena's quest's are getting added features especially the ones in the onsen town
-titles work a little bit better, but they totally dropped the new ones on account that they suck
-Goblin's route is complete, once you bring Rin and Ashley "on board" an interesting end is triggered.
-The latest builds have been trying to fix those nasty picture deficiencies, but if you're 8+ months pregnant you'll probably notice Nanako is missing some pictures in that area still.
-some kinda incest thing with Hinano that breaks everything. It gets killed when you beat the area in my version
-other shit in the beach area and mountains that aren't connected to the non-debug part of the game I don't give a fuck about yet
-haven't even looked at Guruhasta, but there's definately a few quests there that they're still working out

>> No.8282997

Is it machine translated where the normal translation leaves off?

>> No.8283022

Thank you very much. Do you still need to do slime king quest first in normal game? I tried a quick debug-mode game, leveled up with the book and I can take the murder quest despite the fact that I have not done slime king's.

>> No.8283178

no, I only care about the game working. Use chiitrans or something else on the rest.

>> No.8283181

no, actually, they wanted you to do that before the murder quest originally, but now it takes a totally different route down the sewers

>> No.8283318

How do you start the quest where the little witch asks you to do something?

>> No.8283327

If you're talking about the girl in the house South of the inn in Onsen Town you need a high HP (80 I think) to get her to ask you a favor. Also you need to read the shiny thing on the book case near her before talking to her.

>> No.8283395

Is getting raped in the bathroom a random event?

>> No.8283416

Is there any events which raise charm besides the book?

>> No.8283517
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>> No.8284249

yes, work at a brothel. The capital is the only one in the regular game at the moment. Also, save those slime fragments, you can make slime packs with them later on to raise your charm.

The best trick for raising charm at the moment though is to get pregnant on a dangerous day. It freezes your menstrual cycle and give you +75 charm over the 9 days.

>> No.8285656

It seems that the 6 brother gangbang in the capital when you work as a dancer has been adapted for Serena as well.

>> No.8287297

I understand that some stuff has changed a lot, but it seems to me that some events that were translated in older rogue patches(like the event of showing around the young noble in the Capital, with Serena) are now untranslated (and also some lines she says here and there). Is this because they changed the event, or event number/location in later versions?

>> No.8287865

of course, and they'll change it another 3 or 4 times until they like it

welcome to VH translation

>> No.8288616

Is there a trick to getting the gangbang to work? Get a high dancing score, talk to all the brutes then try to leave?

Nanako is allowed to leave normally whenever I do that quest.

>> No.8288631

It's based off of your lust stat. RPG Maker says it has to be higher than 100 for one of the guys to offer to let you gangbang them. It's one of them, not any of them, that offers.

Look this shit up in RPG Maker, people.

>> No.8288682

I still remember a n00b tripfag named White Ren that said I should stop posting about shitty porn games.

one of us

>> No.8289948

Probably because white ren's tripcode is pretty widely used.
