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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 148 KB, 496x310, mheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8182334 No.8182334 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>8101736

Translation in progress - average rate 13.3% per month, current progress as of this post ~40%. Beta ETA April 2012.

We are looking for an editor, image editor, and software analyst familiar with PSP hardware/software (they do not all have to be the same person.) Any fansub group wanting to sub the videos in this game would also be useful.

Use REpatch to apply any of the following deltas to your original ISO image. Apply the delta to a patched image to revert to the original (it's symmetric).

PoC delta (known issues, for Proof Of Concept only):
20111017_1_IUO (30%, known issues, help debug):
Test Mode (for quick access to any script);
20111201_2_IUO (original mh01_060 script, help debug):

Outstanding issues:
** Freeze after mh01_060/before mh01_080 (being worked on right now, help debug)
** Backlog length 52-character limit
** Text dialog 2-line limit (3 should be possible)

>> No.8182343


again with this shit. just give up

>> No.8182358

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What are the references to a camera? Does this game make use of a PSP with a camera?

>> No.8182360

sage for Cudder

>> No.8182369

>I am looking for an editor, image editor, and software analyst familiar with PSP hardware/software (they do not all have to be the same person.) Any fansub group wanting to sub the videos in this game would also be useful.


>> No.8182380

I have a small group on my side. There's the translator too. (Are you here? This is why I don't like these threads disappearing --- everyone gets scattered. "Out of sight, out of mind.")

>> No.8182397

Get fucked, nerd.


In the Bible:

At the Home of Martha and Mary 38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” 41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

>> No.8182593

>I have a small group on my side.
Sure, but can you fight all of ``us''? We are Anonymous, We do not forget, We do not forgive! We a leegeun!

>> No.8183195

Remember when you recruited 'editors' for Flyable Heart and then proceeded to kick them off for not agreeing with your vision of the One True Way To Translate?

>> No.8183218

Why isn't Cudder banned?

>> No.8183242

Hey Cudder, do you see other translators doing this shit? No, right? It's because it's not necessary. Put up a website and update there. And if you need help, ask for it there too. Chances of people not interested helping are about 0.01%.

>> No.8183285

>Cudder has a team
>Said team doesn't have a website
>Who am I quoting?

>> No.8183295

>spaghetti fell out of your pocket

>> No.8183404

>Does this game make use of a PSP with a camera?

>> No.8183987

Do you really need to do this every week Cudder?

>> No.8183991

Do you want to make a bet /jp/? Which one will be finished furst: Umineko or Cudder troll translation?

>> No.8184002

Every week? I wish. He does this at least 5 times a day.

>> No.8184012

The worst is that the mods can't even tell if this is a troll project or not.
I wish we could find another way to report it.

>> No.8184008

/jp/ is too slow for that. He does it every time one thread 404's, so about once every 3~4 days. Not to say he doesn't bump it every 3 or so hours...

>> No.8184015

Cudder is a girl.

>> No.8184023

Uh, are you completely new here? He bumps his threads constantly. Check the last two he made in the archive. They lasted weeks.

>> No.8184033

No, Cudder is a leaky cunt. There's a difference.

>> No.8184068

>He does it every time one thread 404's, so about once every 3~4 days.
The last thread was here about 3 weeks, newfriend.

>> No.8184788 [DELETED] 

>November 11
>December 3
Exactly 3 weeks. How cute.

I'll try not to bump too often now.

>> No.8184803

Can you upload a video footage of what you've translate in this vn so far?

>> No.8184809

Patch doesn't work, hambro.

>> No.8184877

It works enough to read the first bit in English...

>> No.8184875

That would explain so much is not funny. Is this true?

>> No.8184972

What's the matter, hambro?

>> No.8186600

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Still waiting for results of testing 20111201_2_IUO.

The translator was complaining about that. Dumping lines in the thread doesn't help.

Try using that mass of neurons in your head.

This project started on /jp/ and will STAY on /jp/. This is not a "large translation group", but more like a loose collaboration. Moving it to some other website makes it get even less attention and me liable for advertising an external site. 0.01% of /jp/'s population is a lot more than 100% of probably less than 10.

Then why?

Why video? Get one of the patches, apply it, and just try it. We released PoC for a reason.

/jp/ is not an amateur radio meetup.

>> No.8186687


>> No.8186722

>Moving it to some other website makes it get even less attention and me liable for advertising an external site
Here's a wild idea.
Stop fucking advertising it anywhere. Especially if you're going to bitch and whine about people scrutinizing the shit you post upwards of 10 times a day. "I just want people to know how great I am, but not actually look at the work." Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.

>> No.8186737

So you admit you are doing this for attention?

>> No.8186738

In other words, you want this project to die? No chance.

And I'm just teasing you trolls a little right now. Me and the translator have been ignoring you for some time already.

>> No.8186746

You notice how none of us are saying word one about the translator? Only about the cunt continually bumping the thread for no reason? You ever think those things might be connected?
And we can tell how much you're ignoring people by how you respond to every one of them. Good work, dipshit.

>> No.8186858

My other car is a cdr. And it's pronounced `` F A G G O T ''.

>> No.8187654

Is it possible to extract the videos from the game? Someone expressed interest in trying to subtitle them.

>> No.8187737

Movies are stored unpacked on the ISO in PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie

>> No.8189527 [DELETED] 

Miracles, dude.


>> No.8189536

I will just pretend you are not Cudder samefagging to bump your own thread.

>> No.8189559

Fun fact, Cudder spams his shit more often than dedicated shitposters spam theirs.

>> No.8189583

>Cudder spams his shit even more than I do

>> No.8189596

Yes, Cudder. Everybody who is against you spamming must be a spammer. Same thing you said about Flyable Heart too. You're not winning any points for creativity.

>> No.8189604

>implying I'm Cudder
>implying I'm not Cudder
>implying the great Cudder-sama would debase himself into anonymously greentexting his own threads

>> No.8189624
File: 28 KB, 421x248, kyouko_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually one of the most entertaining shitthreads on /jp/.

Thank you Cudder, thank you.

>> No.8189626

Fun fact, this thread rose to the top moments before /jp/ lost page 15.

>> No.8189668

Almost like he just sets a trigger for it.

>> No.8191700

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Still waiting for results of testing 20111201_2_IUO.

Great, one item off the TODO list. Do they have any experience with PMF format? They can ask us if they need any assistance with that.

lol. I don't have anything to do with that.

>> No.8191848

>Do they have any experience with PMF format?
Doesn't seem like it. If they were in a format like AVI or something he could probably subtitle them.

>> No.8191901

PMF is H.264 video and AT3 audio.

The audio can be left alone (extracted as a complete stream, and re-multiplexed later.)

The video will need to be modified to add the subtitles. The H.264 stream can be easily extracted to work with.

Going back to PMF:

You can ask him to contact us if he requires any further assistance. Fansub groups should be familiar with H.264. The slight complication is that the subs must be visible at 480x272.

>> No.8193739

Well I somehow managed to convert the first video in the game to AVI, though I have no idea how to convert it back to PMF after as I can't seem to find any tutorials about that.

Here is the video if anyone wants to see it: http://www.mediafire.com/?w9hk3r5gk9o5v7z

>> No.8193867

Let's stay alive.

>> No.8193886

>though I have no idea how to convert it back to PMF after as I can't seem to find any tutorials about that.
Oops nevermind. Didn't realise the tutorial cudder posted was for converting to PMF. I'll give that a try.

>> No.8193901

stealth bump

>> No.8193946

The game in emulator freezes after two lines, "!!!!!" then "..........".
I've tried jpscp r2373 and r2324 with the same result. I read in the previous threads that you could play it on JPSCP.

>> No.8194049

No, Cudder.

>> No.8194267

>Still waiting for results of testing 20111201_2_IUO.
It seemed to work fine for the most part. It froze on my once, but when I reloaded it didn't freeze at the same line again. Also the text in the decisions weren't displaying properly. They were missing letters or entire words and stuff. The decisions I'm referring to are the ones that show up in 310, 330, 350, and 370.

>> No.8196471


>> No.8196488

>Hi, I'm Cudder.

>> No.8196513

Sorry it doesn't even start with a black screen in that version for me, Win x86. amd64 even gets a ton of exceptions when choosing the UMD.

>> No.8197060
File: 448 KB, 823x636, scrotum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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Slowly getting towards that 50% mark!

Where are the subs? [That guy also looks REALLY familiar.]

I have r2322 Linux 32-bit. It works until the end of the first scene (i.e. the guy in the car.)

>but when I reloaded it didn't freeze at the same line again.
This is a little worrisome. There shouldn't be anything random about those scripts, so intermittent issues are a cause for concern.
>the text in the decisions weren't displaying properly. They were missing letters or entire words and stuff
This is even more worrisome. Could you give a more detailed explanation of what happens? Images if you can, quoting lines displayed is fine too. A proper assessment of the situation can only be arrived at by knowing exactly what's happening --- whether that is because of hardcoded offsets that were somewhere overlooked or simple data corruption [e.g. dirty disc, flaky cabling, etc.]

Please verify the SHA1 hashes of
- original ISO:
- original ISO with 20111201_2_IUO applied:

If they match, then the problem is on our end and we'll investigate more. If they don't, then the problem is on your end and you should find out what's corrupting the data.

>> No.8197072

One more thing.

Why did you reencode to XVID? The original material is H.264 and of superior quality. Any reencoding will degrade the quality, so keep it to the minimum required (i.e. once, to insert subtitles.)

>> No.8197444

>Why did you reencode to XVID
Because otherwise it's about 300MB for that video. And I was only testing to see if I could successfully convert it to AVI.

>> No.8197479

I talked to KiteSeekers subs, and it seems they will subtitle the videos for us.

>> No.8197481

Did you tell them that ``Cudder'' was in charge of the project?

>> No.8198768

Awesome, they're the ones who subbed the anime.
I don't think he's in charge anymore now that the translator is the one getting others involved.

>> No.8198813

How retarded do you have to be to think that subtitling about 5 minutes of clips containing a couple dozen lines is difficult or time consuming?

>> No.8199072

Then why don't you go ahead and do it, faggot?

>> No.8199083

In the time it took you to search out the thread and bitch, you could have subtitled the entire set of movies. But you didn't, Cudder.

>> No.8199088

Who said it was time consuming?

>> No.8199117

Because then I would be rewarding a spammer for his bad behavior and he'd spam more.
Or would you prefer a less honest answer?

>> No.8199110

Has anyone tested this on real hardware?

>> No.8199145

Yes. Read >>8194267
I don't think it even works on the emulator past the first script so I'm not sure what else you would test it on.

>> No.8199287

I would prefer a more honest answer... like "I don't want to".

>> No.8199440

I've subtitled shows before. Here's how it works. Open the video in Aegis, highlight the voice sample in the audio display, type what you hear, press enter. 10 seconds tops.
If you want to go the extra mile, tweak the exact display times to coincide with the video and set up stylings for speakers. Call it 20 seconds.
Here's the entire set of videos from the game. Barely 8 minutes and about 40 lines.
If you spent a tenth the time spamming /jp/ as you did being productive, you'd be done with this already.

>> No.8199493

>Here's the entire set of videos from the game.
Not to saying there are a ton of lines or anything, but those are just the QCA videos, which are not all the videos in the game.

>> No.8199653

>If you spent a tenth the time spamming /jp/ as you did being productive, you'd be done with this already.
>highlight the voice sample in the audio display, type what you hear, press enter.
I could do that, but I don't think anyone waiting for this patch is going to want romaji subs.

>> No.8199723
File: 188 KB, 886x496, milkybugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could you give a more detailed explanation of what happens? Images if you can
Sure. The image is from script 01_330 by the way.
>Please verify the SHA1 hashes
The hashes are the same.

>> No.8199789

Just run it through Google like you always do. After all, quality doesn't matter.

>> No.8199792

Yes. OP's image is where my game hangs/freezes.

And cudder, I demand the immediate removal of my image from the OP or else the consequences will never be the same.

>> No.8199837
File: 4 KB, 23x26, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8199860

lol owned for lyfe! xD

>> No.8201830

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300MB? The entire ISO is only 783MB! milkey_01.pmf is 13.4MB and your H.264 stream extracted from that should be around that size too (a little less, without the audio.)

I was thinking of going to /a/ and asking sooner or later, but he beat me to it.

For your testing: MHTRANS_20111207_3_IUO
SHA1 of ISO after application of above:

(Translated mh01_060 is still absent from this build. But this SHOULD fix the problem you are seeing in that image.)


>> No.8203039


Seriously, good to see.

>> No.8203046

Not even trying to hide it, are you, Cudder?

>> No.8203063

LOL I'm not Cudder-sama dude

>> No.8204861

Safety bampu~

>> No.8206657

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How is build MHTRANS_20111207_3_IUO?

I'm not Japanese.

>> No.8208514
File: 169 KB, 700x480, 374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warmly milking~

>> No.8208540

Cudder gonna keep Cuddering like the spammer he is.

>> No.8208624

The fuck did you just said.

>> No.8208668

Knock it off, Cudder.

>> No.8208813 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 198x198, ange-eyeroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did said

>> No.8211234

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No test results, no progress on the text display/freezing issues. [We'll be doing something else while we wait.]

>> No.8213427

Milky warming.

>> No.8213430

Sup Cudder

>> No.8213514

>No test results, no progress on the text display/freezing issues.

I'll be bumping this thread even though I have nothing to contribute.

>> No.8213520

>tons of sudo shit flooding the front page
And all you can do is call me Cudder?

You fail at trolling.

>> No.8213528

>I'm Cudder and all you can do is call me Cudder?

Yeah, that sums it up.

>> No.8213554

You really need to explain what's the relation between sudo and this thread. Don't dodge the question this time, ``please''.

Or is it the same old argument: "/jp/ is shit, and since my shit is less shitty that other shit, it's okay"?

>> No.8213582

Quality is relative. If most threads on /jp/ are bad, then that makes this a good thread.

>> No.8213618

Yep. Basically, "since /jp/ is getting constantly spammed by shitposters, there's no problem if I shitposted too."

>> No.8213641

>since /jp/ is getting constantly spammed by shitposters
You seem confused. The majority of /jp/'s population consists of shitposters. It's not /jp/ 24/7 getting 'spammed'.

>> No.8213778

Then you admit that you're a shitposter. Great. Maybe we can finally have Cudder's spamming and advertising stopped.

>> No.8214762

Text displays properly in latest patch.

>> No.8214836

Still freezes on my PSP.

>> No.8216587

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WHERE, and what happens, exactly? As I said before (>>8197060), we need a detailed description. We are not psychic. The more detail you can provide, the easier and faster it is for us to resolve the issue.


>> No.8217007

>WHERE, and what happens, exactly?
It's okay now, it works if I disable plugins.

>> No.8219111

Have you milked your holmes today, Cudder?

>> No.8221130

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Plugins? This makes it more like Firefox than Opera. Here is build MHTRANS_20111211_4_IUO with mh01_060.asb present. Please report back with test results.


>> No.8221991

>0.01% of /jp/'s population is a lot more than 100% of probably less than 10.
Are you saying /jp/'s population ascends to 100,000 people? I'd have trouble believing even /a/ has that many on average during wee hours/American schooltime.

>> No.8222011

>I bump this thread with meaningless semantics off page 10. I'm totally not Cudder.

>> No.8222049

I actually forgot to sage, but do you seriously monitor this thread 24/7? That's sad...

>> No.8222051

And I don't think semantics means what you think it means.

>> No.8222053

>meaningless semantics
This is exactly what this thread is about, dude. Can't blame him for being on topic.

>> No.8222060

I'm sure, Cudder. Someone just happened to be reading posts from a week ago in a thread on page 10 and felt the need to argue something completely meaningless.

And look up what semantics means, you fucking Russian illiterate.

>> No.8222064

Cudder is russian?
There's that one funny russian tripscum on /prog/ and I'm wondering if he isn't in fact part of the Cudder's ``team'' too.

>> No.8222075

>bump thread
>call people pathetic for noticing thread on front page

>> No.8222077

Cudder linked this to the VNTS thread dude. And:

plural of se·man·tics (Noun)
1. The branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.
2. The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text: "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff".

What I was talking is closer to statistics, and even that is a long shot.

>> No.8222086

If he "noticed the thread on the front page" he wouldn't know it was on page 10 or whatever page it actually was, faggot.

>> No.8222097
File: 132 KB, 316x346, -jp-_1323627222228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wrong with following one of the funniest threads on /jp/?

>> No.8222108

It's not, but from the looks of his (your?) posts, he it's not particularly in here for the laughs.

>> No.8222135

My name is blue, your name is blue, you are me, I am you, he is me!

>> No.8222142

You should stop talking you yourself, me.

>> No.8222145

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.8222147

Speaking of semantics...

>> No.8222156

Yes, that is semantics, what's the problem?

>> No.8222157

His (my) post is based on the assumption that every person with a blue name is you (me).

>> No.8222163

Having schizophrenia is suffering.

>> No.8222165


>> No.8222168

Back to finishing your borscht Cudder, ``please''

>> No.8222172


>> No.8222173

Why can't I hold all this sage.

Dude, do you zoom your browser? Or otherwise, how did you get the catalog pics that huge?

>> No.8222175

Fucking quotation marks, how do they work?

>> No.8222176
File: 67 KB, 626x348, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click on "Resize"

>> No.8222177

You appear to be ``new''.

>> No.8222180 [DELETED] 

At least he is not a ``faggot'', faggot.

>> No.8222183

Don't refer to yourself in the third person, ``please''.

>> No.8222187

Shut up, Cirno.

>> No.8222197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8222206

Shut up, Cirno.

>> No.8222212

Meant to >>8222197

>> No.8222219 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8222228

This is the best this thread has been in months.

>> No.8222233 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 327x342, 1305693391445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8222615

Here are the hardsubbed videos in PMF. I don't know how to put them in the iso so I haven't tested them to make sure I did it properly.

>> No.8224137


>> No.8224142

Cudder's gonna Cud. Maybe I should start posting this at the translator's blog every time you bump this thread. I bet they'll love that.

>> No.8224791

I am the bump of my.. nah, just bump.

>> No.8224852

Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder

>> No.8225196

One last bump before I go to sleep.

>> No.8225200

Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder v

>> No.8225930
File: 66 KB, 480x272, checkmysubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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You can use a program like mkisofs on *nix or UltraISO on Windows to replace the files. Ensure the original file order is preserved. We can make an in-place patch but we'll hold off on that for now because the deltas are going to be at least the size of the updated content (~75MB right now.)

Anyway, the subs are coming in loud and clear; others can comment on the readability of the font. [I think it's small and a little blurry.]

There is a small blue line at the top, which may be an emulator issue (it happens in original too) --- you can try the original on real hardware and tell me whether that line is there.

>> No.8226328

Why does a troll project like this gets so much attention on /jp/?

>> No.8226355

Sup Cudder

>> No.8226670

I'm totally not Cudder.

>> No.8226677

Because it's constantly spammed here six or seven times a day. The same reason anontalk 'got so much attention.'

>> No.8226727 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8226730 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8226939

Shut up, Cirno.

>> No.8226998 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 626x348, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8227063

And you will never know.

Shut up, Cirno.

>> No.8227696

>comparing shitty forum to a VN translation project

>> No.8227710

Yay, progress.

>> No.8227712

>Comparing spamming to spamming

>> No.8227724

Can somebody tell me who this moron is quoting?

>> No.8227772

Stealth sage

>> No.8227789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8229200

Shut up, Cirno.

>> No.8229802

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So... does MHTRANS_20111211_4_IUO work?

>> No.8229888

Just think, in three weeks, we can just use this thread to dump MH screencaps.

>> No.8230246
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>So... does MHTRANS_20111211_4_IUO work?
Thanks OP the patch works perfectly! No virus (:
Continue the great job Cudder-sama!

>> No.8232070


>> No.8232109

The bumpbot is back from school.

>> No.8232121

Cudder's Russian. It's time for bed. He'll bump it again when he wakes up in about 6-8 hours.

>> No.8232140 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8232883

Still freezing at the same part as before,

>> No.8233069

заткнись, Cирно.

>> No.8233075

bump for lawlz

Get out Cirno, the freezing has nothing to do with you.

>> No.8234751

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>4:30AM in the morning MSD
Are you fucking retarded?

That narrows down the problem to mh01_060. Until we figure out what's wrong, future builds will not contain the translated version. I'll let the others here work on it as I currently have a rather "heavenly" challenge.

>> No.8234755

Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder Cudder

>> No.8234798

You want to lick the banhammer (again)?

>> No.8234821

Silly Cudder, that wasn't me. Nor was I banned.
Although I'm a little curious as to why someone would mimic my laziest moment. Maybe it's time to actually look at this 'translation' and begin make fun of it.

>> No.8235345
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>Maybe it's time to actually look at this 'translation' and begin make fun of it.
The translation this time is done by a canadian human being. It's actually fine and only needs some proofreading and editing.

There are like only 2 dudes with a PSP to do the testing, why do you need to maintain this thread? Consider blogging somewhere else, ``please'' since it is clear that nobody cares about your daily FOLES OPDOTED bullshit.

pic related, it's why nobody cares about a 5% translated unplayable psp game.

>> No.8236060

Can you really call Canadians humans? They drink milk out of bags.

>> No.8236114

I haven't seen milk in a bag in years. Pretty sure it's only the people in the prairies.

>> No.8237043

I can shut you up in person, Cirno.

>> No.8237262

Can you really call /b/tards humans? They piss in bags.

>> No.8237267

...who wants to tell him?

>> No.8237334

I think it's more of something that we do in Ontario. I lived out in Alberta a couple years back and we only had milk in jugs. Might have just been where I lived out in the countryside though.

>> No.8237336

but we don't piss in bags, we piss in jars or other suitable containers. The smell always escapes bags anyways.

>> No.8237683

B-but it's not me. I hadn't even noticed because I didn't refresh the page.

Speak up, Cirno ;_;

>> No.8237724

>The smell always escapes bags anyways.
so you've actually done it?

post pics on /b/ of that if you're a girl

>> No.8237774

The smell escapes bottles for me. The moment I open my bin, I can smell all the piss bottles. I've never known piss to smell so horrible.

>> No.8239011

You're welcome Cudder.

>> No.8239554

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>>8235345 see >>8186600 and >>8186738
Or maybe you could do something useful like translating the rest of the test scripts? The guy doing it right now isn't very fast because he's got his own project to work on.

[And nobody cares about YOU and your complaining either.]

>> No.8239595

>If you find my management distasteful, then perhaps you should understand my reasoning: I'm only following in the footsteps of my past managers whom I have great respect for. They never thanked me until the very end. They're the ones who taught me that one should work not for the sake of getting the attention of others, but for one's own satisfaction and catharsis in finally crossing the finish line... whether there's any truth to that I don't know, but what I do know, is that it's worked for me for over forty years. Maybe this new generation just doesn't have the same values anymore.

Oh the irony.

>> No.8240026

What. I probably am a lot older than you.

>> No.8240028

>In other words, you want this project to die? No chance.
Same argument as before: if you put "sage" in the email field, then you are a shitposter and want this project to die.

Make a thread when you have some real progress to show, like after you've resolved the freezing bug. That's how real, serious projects work.

This thread needs constant bumping by an automated script to survive, get a clue Cudder-chan.

>> No.8241103

>They're the ones who taught me that one should work not for the sake of getting the attention of others
>work not for the sake of getting the attention of others
> work not for getting attention

So translators deserve nothing until they finish, but what do (have yet to successfully do) needs to be advertised so that everybody can see it for years on end.

>> No.8241131

>They're the ones who taught me that one should work not for the sake of getting the attention of others

>Some users here were begging me to take a look at this because it was claimed "difficult to hack".


>> No.8242237

You mad troll?

>> No.8242347

Sweet dreams, Cudder. See you in the morning.

>> No.8242392
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So, how's the testing going? Does the POC_BETA_UIC_IBO_pre-b0-Nightly- ``build'' work on your PSP? It doesn't work on mine unfortunately.

Wait a second... you don't have a PSP.

>> No.8242524

Hey Cudder thanks for translating this I love you ^_^
*smooches you through the monitor <3*

>> No.8242564

And this is why I was saying I felt bad for the translator.

>> No.8242898
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>> No.8244486

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>Same argument as before
And same counterargument as before. I don't need to repeat myself.

>Make a thread when you have some real progress to show
This project moves almost every day. It's slow and steady.

>like after you've resolved the freezing bug
I have not forgotten about that, currently some others in our group are attempting it but once I get a clear stretch of time I'll take a closer look. The reports so far only point to mh01_060 being problematic, so unless there are more reports of later scripts having the same issues it might just be an anomaly. MHTRANS_20111207_3_IUO has the original mh01_060 and later scripts tranalated, test with that if you can.

>That's how real, serious projects work
That's what YOU think, and I don't care about your opinion.

>This thread needs constant bumping by an automated script to survive, get a clue Cudder-chan.
It's not --- contrary to what you think there are those here who welcome these projects and I've already stated the reasons for keeping this thread alive --- so stop propagating lies.

Are you illiterate or just have a very fleeting memory?

I'm not translating. That reminds me ---

LTP - REtrans
Subtitles - KiteSeekers
Translation - ???

What name would you like to be credited as? Anonymous? Sakura(?)? Something else? You don't have to decide this until the end, but keep in mind.

>> No.8244562

>so stop propagating lies

>If you want to prove you're not just an attention whore
>They were begging me to help

You'd know all about lies, eh, Cud-tan?

>> No.8244601

No, the former would be extracting text out of random VNs just to show off.

I'm doing it because there is a need. The attention is just a side effect.

>> No.8244858 [DELETED] 


>> No.8244865

>This project moves almost every day. It's slow and steady.
The translation, yes.
Your part of the project hasn't moved a bit, though.

Back to resolving the freeze bug ``please'' instead of shitposting here.

>> No.8244931


>> No.8244945

Hey guys I'm bumping this thread now. I know you need to have two Cudder threads on the front page at all times or you start getting that itchy feeling in the back of your brain.

>> No.8244952

>contrary to what you think there are those here who welcome these projects
It seems to me that you keep this thread alive for this one dude only. >>8244858
The faggot can't even help testing your patches.

>test with that if you can.
But it just werks if I don't use your ISO

>> No.8244957

Hey now, don't sage Cudder's thread! He needs his thread to be on the front page or he doesn't get e-peen.

>> No.8245047

Woah, someone's translating Milky Holmes? I can't wait!

>> No.8245064

thanks for translating it Cudder

>> No.8245175

>But it just werks if I don't use your ISO
Is that the test mode release? mh01_060 works when selected from test mode, it was confirmed before. I didn't provide the ISO, the translator did in the original thread and all the releases are deltas against it. (Is the ISO corrupted or something?)

No, it just needs to be somewhere on the board. Keep it from falling off the end.

>>8245064 see >>8244486

>> No.8245245

>Is that the test mode release?

>> No.8245981

>No, it just needs to be somewhere on the board

Wrong. The translator doesn't need it to be here. He's not looking for or desiring help. You haven't fixed the crashing problem nor are you working on it. There is no reason this NEEDS to be here. There's no reason this should be here.
If it's not okay for every single fucking VN project to do this, it's not okay for you. You are not a special snowflake. You are just a run of the mill spammer, shitposter, and attention whore.

>> No.8246309

You're so amazing, Cudder.

>> No.8246350

>I'm totally not Cudder. My lips are just permanently stuck around his dick.

>> No.8247238

Waiting warmly.

>> No.8247312
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>> No.8247316

No you're not, Cudder. You can't even play it. And besides, it's not up to your standards anyway.
>「A good man is lost love of the suicidal explosion readiness; this; this; to be enough… I am ashamed」

>> No.8247590 [DELETED] 
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>Cudder in charge of cuddering

>> No.8248706


>> No.8248814

Morning, Cudder.

>> No.8248815

Where is that line from? Please tell me it's from Flyable Heart..

>> No.8248820

When a former translator that Cudder had told to fuck off pointed it out, Cudder lost his shit.

>> No.8248828

If you want hilarious lines from Flyable Heart though we can always relive Cudder's glory days from when he pretended to be a translator.

>> No.8248841

Oh, that's OK then. I take it there's nothing wrong with MH's translation itself?

Nah, I was just worried that this project go through that too, since you can't just ITH a PSP game.

>> No.8248851

Fuck me, I keep forgetting to sage.

>> No.8248860

Maybe it's time to find out. I just know that the translator has taken steps to get this OFF of /jp/, so I bear them no ill will. Cudder on the other hand, remains a spamming cunt.

>> No.8248891

>the translator has taken steps to get this OFF of /jp/
The translation is gonna be godly, then.

>> No.8248961 [DELETED] 

nightly bump

>> No.8249017

But it had been bumped 20 minutes before...

>> No.8249738

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Almost halfway. I still remember the very first thread, so it doesn't feel that slow.

Thank you for that VERY detailed explanation, I'm sure it'll help us resolve the problem quickly! </sarcasm>

We don't care that you resolved it if you don't provide any information on what's wrong, because this is a community project. You could've made those in Photoshop for all we know. [Since even you were able to figure it out, I doubt it's anything complex.]

>If it's not okay for every single fucking VN project to do this, it's not okay for you.
But it is --- have YOU started any projects on /jp/? I'm not repeating myself. This thread stays. That is FINAL. You are free to ignore it, just as I am ignoring your ad hominem.

The translator has not. He/she responds here when I ask, and has not attempted to contact us via any other means despite us also making that possible via email SINCE THE FIRST THREAD.

tl;dr: Stop rocking the boat, you'll get thrown overboard. And I won't be the one doing that.

>> No.8249841


>> No.8249986

Don't let the trolls get to you, Cudder!

>> No.8250273

>this is a community project
Nope, this is a Cudder's project. There's only you and your bumpbot in this thread.

>He/she responds here when I ask
A /jp/ dweller posting on /jp/? See trolls?! This clearly means the translator wants to stay on /jp/!

>> No.8250311

>We don't care that you resolved it if you don't provide any information on what's wrong
I have a unified framework for software analysis and my services such as text extraction are built upon it, enabling increased productivity through a more streamlined workflow. All of that, including the information about any of my ``projects'', is a substantial chunk of IP, and the components are not all under one license nor are they all free/open-source.

>Since even you were able to figure it out
Silly goy, you still think reverse-engineering chinese dating sims requires skill?

I should probably start a TLWiki page or something.

>> No.8250494

>chinese dating sims


>> No.8250995

>chinese dating sims
I'm not sure whether to tell you to fuck of to >>>/a/ or not. It was ingenious though...

>> No.8251025

I'm not even sure if this post was made by a human and not a bump AI script.

>> No.8251033

I forgot to sage. I'm sorry ;_;

>> No.8251035

My bad.

>> No.8251375

>have YOU started any projects on /jp/?
No, Cud-tan. I've been part of about half a dozen projects OFF of /jp/ and have translated dozens of short doujins. You see, I'm not a spammer or an attention whore.

>> No.8251480

>The translator has not. He/she responds here when I ask, and has not attempted to contact us via any other means despite us also making that possible via email SINCE THE FIRST THREAD.
No, Cudder, he's probably not using emails because posting here is more convenient. But do you know what's more convenient? Having your own blog. We wouldn't care if you posted once a month with your progress of the month, but most of us here are fed up with your nonsense that there has to be a thread at any given moment until you finish the project.

>> No.8251502

Like this

>> No.8251538

So the translator has his/(her?) own blog? Why the fuck are you still spamming here, Cudder?

And before you call me a shitposter, I'm actually looking forward to the translation.

>> No.8251573

>most of us here are fed up with your nonsense that there has to be a thread at any given moment until you finish the project.
You are literally crazy. Who do you think you are exactly, /jp/ police? Because you don't like a thread that means it has to go? There are 100+ threads on /jp/ at any given time, and because one of them is this one, you get your panties in a twist? I think you need to grow up a little.

>> No.8251581
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>The scripts are in a stupid file format though (CSV)

>> No.8251854
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>You could've made those in Photoshop for all we know.

>> No.8253032


>> No.8253051

Fuck off Cudder

>> No.8253189

Seriously. Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.8255379
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I don't care what you do elsewhere (I could list my credentials there too), but it doesn't matter; if you're not here to contribute then you're worthless.
>OFF of

>>8251538 see >>8251573
Are you the translator? If you're not, then I don't care. That's the translator's own site and it's NOT your decision whether he/she wants to publicize it. [He/she has not disclosed that, nor asked us to post there.]

See the first thread, we discussed that for long enough. It's like complaining "pages are in a stupid file format though (HTML)" when you're asked to work on a website. [And stop inventing your own formats, I can already see issues with that ad-hoc one.]

It's nice that you can get it working, but the guy below you says it exactly --- we don't care if you can if you don't do what we've been doing the past few months --- releasing patches so everyone can test.

Speaking of releasing patches... give this one a try.

ISO SHA1 after application:

They found an anomaly related to mh01_060.asb and I figured out the cause. Report back whether this resolves the freezing issue or not. (Unless specified, these are all applied against original ISO.)

>> No.8255387

So your advice is that everybody should be spamming what they're working on here. Do you even read what you write?
>Confluenced with Akira said to be returning to the state of Max, I left Kujo in the classroom and decided to return to the dormitory earlier with Suzuno.
Oh yeah, no. You don't.

>> No.8255468


I don't go into vulgar mode often, but your idiocy and level of communication clearly requires that I match:


You might want to complain about these guys too >>8238670

>> No.8255954

>See the first thread, we discussed that for long enough.
I was just quoting what the translator said on his blog, Cudder-chan.

>we don't care if you can if you don't do what we've been doing the past few months --- releasing patches so everyone can test.
Nobody tests your patches, besides maybe the translator (and me, to give me a reason to disrespect you). /jp/ is not your devblog, you don't blog on /jp/ with every changeset you push: >Oups forgot a semicolon line 362 xD
There's no "everyone", there's only you here, the translator manages his stuff peacefully on his blog (like finding a sub group for the movies).

Hell, even TLWiki progress pages aren't updated that often.
