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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8232181 No.8232181 [Reply] [Original]

I find myself being attracted to little girls, /jp/. 3D ones. Part of it is actually their fault, as kids dress like total sluts nowadays and develop pretty quickly, but nonetheless. I find myself fapping to riskier and riskier porn and occasionally worrying whether one of these days the FBI will bust down my door and raid my PC, and I stare at them in public a few seconds longer than is socially acceptable.

What do I do? I don't want to go to jail, and telling a therapist is out of the question. ;_;

Despite all this I don't really feel ashamed, though. Just worried about getting busted.

>> No.8232186

As long as your money holds out longer than your obsession you should be fine. Just make sure they never photograph you, and try your best to not leave fingerprints, or biological samples that could be used against you.

>> No.8232187

how "little"?

Jailbait? Toddler?

>> No.8232188

Unless you start spreading CP yourself, or lose self-control and touch real kids, I think something like that would hardly happen.
You are not alone.

>> No.8232189

I know how you feel, you've been mentally warped by 4chan.

I used to watch all sorts till I forced myself out of it, stick to 2D and just look at the little girls irl don't touch.

>> No.8232194

Just browse Tor or i2p and fap to whatever takes your fancy. The FBI don't care about you unless you're going to start a huge collection and share it with millions of people, or produce your own child pornography. Pedophilia is more common than you think and I'm sure every male has--at some point in his life--had sexual thoughts about little girls. Just don't act on your urges (like any /jp/er ever acts on their sexual urges anyway) and take it easy.

>> No.8232214

Even well into >2011
/jp/ still remains. This makes me happy.

>> No.8232215

So while I deleted all my pizza just to be safe I do have links to CP saved in note pad and the like, I'm currently having my computer shipped to a different house do I have to worry about the possibility of customs looking through it or what? It's got a password, but it isn't encrypted or anything.

>> No.8232222

>Part of it is actually their fault, as kids dress like total sluts nowadays
What? I hate it when kids dress like sluts. Cutely dressed is so much better, prim and proper is fine too. Anything but the modern slut fashions.

>> No.8232218

Nothing against OP or his preferences, but you think attraction to 3DPD girls is indicative of the GOOD part of /jp/?

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8232219

If you're leaving the country, they do look through your drives and scan every inch of it.

If it's just cross state, they do not.

>> No.8232223

I like it becuase it bothers you.

Polite no sage.

>> No.8232226


>> No.8232230

It doesn't bother me. I said so in the first clause of my post, dummy!
I just don't see why this would make you happy or think it somehow indicates that TRUE /jp/ is alive and well.

>> No.8232232

>part of it is actually their fault
No, it's fucking not you dumb shit.
At least have the goddamn decency to admit you're attracted to them instead of hiding behind what's basically "they look like adults anyway". If it's those adult-like attributes that make you like them, why the fuck don't you just stick to adults then, you hypocritical cunt?

>> No.8232236

OpenBSD had some obfuscated code down to the kernel level that is assumed to be backdoor material.

>> No.8232240

In truth I prefer 2D too, but at least he isn't lying about it to try and fit in.

The TRUE NEET PRIDE crew is almost as bad as the tokiko crowd.

>> No.8232243

Nuh uh! There was a code audit and it said there wasn't.

>> No.8232247

I'm pretty sure he was being sorta sarcastic.

>> No.8232258

I know that feel, op. At the rate I'm going I'll probably end up in Thailand looking for a child prostitute.

>> No.8232261

You have more faith in people then me.

>> No.8232265

Oh, please, 3DPD was never a hard rule for a "true /jp/er". It was just a joke, and a choice phrase to spam at uninteresting normals being posted.
They wouldn't have banned Junior Idols if no-one cared about them enough to post them a lot here.

>> No.8232269

Everyone got trolled by that Russian fag on FD. ∞/10

>> No.8232271

I feed on your tears.

>> No.8232276


OP here. That sounds like a fantastic idea.

>> No.8232278

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to be an elitist prick and disagree. I think that if you've been in the /jp/ mindset for long enough (i.e. from long before /jp/ ever existed) then your attraction for 3DPD should have died long ago. If it hasn't, you're either like 18 or need to lurk a lot more.

>> No.8232279

Make sure you don't piss off any pimps or catch any STDs OP. Good luck.

>> No.8232283

Damn near everything on /jp/ started as a joke that is now taken seriously. I don't mind though.

>> No.8232288

Much like the normals, you propose a strict social code that allows no deviation.

>> No.8232337

You guys, "it's not allowed on /jp/" really means that it's not allowed ON /jp/. You can still like 3D if you want, but please don't bring it here.

>> No.8232364

That depends on what you define as the /jp/ mindset. It certainly doesn't seem to have been the prevalent attitude in the first year of /jp/. Are you sure you're not basing your "/jp/ mindset" on an idealized image of yourself?

To me, the 3DPD posters today sound like the religious fanatics who have had their verses, their slogans, their rhetoric, repeated to themselves so many times they've started to accept it unconditionally. They've conditioned themselves to flinch like pavlov's dog.

>> No.8232396


Even though I like 2D and have argued on the other side of this issue before.

>> No.8232450

Get a better imagination. There's some nice exercises floating these sewers. And then, you'll never need porn again.

Alternatively, upgrade to erotic books/manga/comics/anime/other 2D material.

>> No.8232485


>> No.8232561
File: 160 KB, 800x600, chihaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite all this I don't really feel ashamed, though. Just worried about getting busted.
You shouldn't need to feel ashamed. There should be no such thing as a "thought-crime".
As one of my favourite little-sister-characters said, even if everyone else if everyone else in the worlds doctrine said they was against them, it wouldn't change their true beliefs. The doctrine of the people does nothing but inflict pain on others. It bears down into the unresisting without relent.
(Or at least that's the gist of it, I haven't got the whole quote to hand, and the translation is a little stilted.)
Do you believe that your private thoughts can magically hurt people you never even knew? Why should your true feelings be considered somehow "wrong"?

>> No.8232602

Destroy your hard drive. I mean DESTROY IT. Like grind it up into powder, melt it with a blowtorch, or magnetize it with a powerful electromagnet.

Anything short of that can be traced, one guy shot his harddrive with a shotgun and they still picked up the pieces and convicted him.

Install this

Follow the instructions for creating a hidden operating system. If you live in a country that deprives people of basic human rights such as Zimbabwe or something there are further things you can do to leave no traces of your activities on your computer (you've probably got other problems however). The Truecrypt site can even help you there in pointing out places you can go to where you can find solutions.

Use Anonymouse for all google searches. Just google Anonymouse. Don't browse the internet without it unless a site specifically bans proxys (Such as 4chan).

Good luck anon.

>> No.8232621

Using truecrypt is good advice, the destroying your hard drive advice is probably overkill. Software solutions like srm are good enough if you do a 35 write overpass. Most of the stories of files being recovered are when people do an ordinary delete just before they get V& and the data hasn't been overritten, which then get talked up by the press contact to try and scare others out there.

As for the proxy suggestion, that's just bad. You're giving a single source your entire browser history. If they decide to sell your data off to the highest bidder, they can profile you easily from all your searches. Your best bet is to split them up amongst various proxies. Or use Tor.

>> No.8232634

I'm a substitute gym teacher and alot of the 5-7 graders are really hot

>> No.8232637


Oh ho ho, I have a new toy to check out. Thanks anon.

>> No.8232638

>part of it is actually their fault
>telling a therapist is out of the question

Fuuuuuck you OP! I hope all of the awful things that can very easily happen to pedophiles happen to you.

>> No.8232651

The treatment they give pedos such as yourself is by having them masturbate to normal porn. You have conditioned yourself into liking kiddie porn, now you have to *gradually* change that.

>> No.8232652

put everything illegal inside a truecrypt container

>> No.8232654

Don't forget the thermite.

>> No.8232660

I would approve of government-controlled mind readers if it meant all you pedophiles would rot in prison where you belong.

>> No.8232665

Basically OP, become a lolicon.

>> No.8232668

Reminder that:
Prepubescent = pedophile

Pubescent =/= pedophile

>> No.8232669

And this is why murika is the way it is.

Don't forget the nazis killed over 230 million jews

>> No.8232683
File: 90 KB, 613x303, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself in a situation similar to that of OP.

>> No.8232692

Sometimes I genuinely want to do things like that with children with no ill intent, but I know I can't. It sucks because when I was a kid I used to hang out in the library and talk to adults no problem. Now if I try to talk to kids in the same library, their parents get over-protective.

>> No.8232697

This awful thing about actual CP is that it doesn't just exist as a thought crime though. Actual little girls have to be manipulated into making it which I feel is wrong when they're too young to really understand what's going on and consent.

>> No.8232712

Touchy area, but it depends on what you mean by CP. Most of the CP posted on 4chan and Tor image boards and the like are just child modelling images, often from 70s German magazines. The kids knew what they were doing and had fun doing it. Their parents were asked for permission and paid well for it. It was legal at the time, though you can argue that doesn't make it right and that children are idiots who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

I think anyone would agree that things like forced intercourse with kids that sick uncles would post on Usenet is wrong, however.

>> No.8232713

Ever talk to some of these kids?

They know perfectly well what they're doing. Blame capitalism or greed or something, but don't blame innocence. Though if we're talking like six year olds and stuff, then yes you're right.

12-13 is a good spot

>> No.8232729

There's just something really pleasant about cute little girls.

>> No.8232755

Actually, the first time I had sex was when I was ~7,with a cousin who was 2 years younger. Well it would be something like sex, but I didn't get any erections, yet, I still managed to put it in. I am ashamed to admit this.

>> No.8232770

I had an extremely vivid dream last night in which I fingered a pissing loli in my bathroom toilet after helping her get her panythose off.

The dream wasn't in 2D so should I just hand myself in right now?

>> No.8232779

Don't worry Anonymous--a lot of people have stories like yours. Kids naturally experiment with their sexuality before they understand it. Playing doctor, show-me-yours-I'll-show-you-mine etc. It's all part of growing up.

>> No.8232785

It's okay. I also had sex when I was a little kid. Best thing ever.

>> No.8232790


I am so jealous of you.

>> No.8232798

I fingered an 8-year-old when I was 9. She didn't tell anyone and it probably wasn't even illegal. I wish I could remember it. Or like, go back in time and do it again.
God damn it.

>> No.8232811

How did you even get a job like that? All of the schools I've been to have more than one gym teacher so the need for substitute gym teachers isn't present.

>> No.8232814

>I fingered an 8-year-old when I was 9.
>it probably wasn't even illegal


>> No.8232825

Here in the UK, if both parties are underage the male is the lawbreaking party.

>> No.8232832

A similar thing happened to me but maybe a year or so younger. I don't know how to feel about it.

I also rolled around naked with another boy and we touched each other etc. This was in like, year 1. I don't know if it is weird or common.

>> No.8232826

Well...is it? It was consensual. I didn't stick my cock in her, so does the age of consent thing apply? What if I had been doing it for medical purposes?

>> No.8232833

What if two males?
Are they both breaking the law or does it cancel out?

>> No.8232834

This thread has just made me realise that I was more sexually active as a 10-year-old than at any point in my twenties.


>> No.8232841

If this is true it's fucking retarded. Can I have a link to verify this?

>> No.8232837

It wasn't a game. She refused to do it after two-three sessions and it became violent. She told on me and there was a very awkward family meeting.

>> No.8232840

I'm not sure. We only got taught male/female laws in biology classes.

>> No.8232847

Don't worry Anonymous--you got away with raping a child and only got a scolding! That's pretty great.

>> No.8232849

All I've got to go on is what my old biology teacher told everyone, he used to be a lawyer so it seemed reasonable enough, I don't have a direct source.

>> No.8232851

Why do I get so turned on at the thought of two kids having sex? Especially when the boy orgasms inside of the girl but is too young to ejaculate.

I got a boner typing that. I think I'm able to answer my own question.

>> No.8232857

>it became violent


>> No.8232865

Careful--you're probably on some sort of list now.

>> No.8232870

Welcome to the list anon-kun. Maybe we'll have cells next to each other after our failed last stands!~

>> No.8232965

Oh man, Hiroyuki is awesome. His Len doujinshi are also funny as fuck.

>> No.8233923


>> No.8233965

Why can't you talk to a therapist?

>> No.8234008


>> No.8234022


I'm pretty sure therapists have to report you for being a potential sex offender.

>> No.8234048

You have to be a clear and present danger to yourself or others, and even then, you'll only be placed in a mental health facility until the danger has passed, not in jail. Therapists would keep you from getting to that point.

>> No.8234044

They only have to if you speak about raping or killing someone and seem like you're likely to. If you go talk to a therapist about being a pedophile they legally cannot tell anyone at all.

>> No.8234130

Because there is nothing wrong with me.

>> No.8234143

Then you wouldn't be posting here trying to reassure yourself.

>> No.8234147

because he is therapist

>> No.8234157 [DELETED] 

I'm only here to lend me support to OP, who seems unsure about the whole thing. Also, I should probably see one for my social anxiety, but I'm fairly sure it would only result in a prescription which would only lead to another addiction.

>> No.8234162

Where I work, little girls come in all the time with their fathers. Some of them are really cute and the worst thought that comes into my head is, "I wish, when I have a daughter, that she is as cute as her."

Other times, I get this painful craving to mercilessly ravage and caress their ripe loli asses.

>> No.8234168

I worked at Peter Piper for my very first job. I worked with the arcade and ran the prize counter. As you could imagine, there were a lot of little girls who would lean forward to look at the prizes and have their shirts seperate from their chests. It wasn't hard to catch a few glances down their shirts. It was harder to suppress the erection.

Should I feel ashamed for what I've seen? I'm sure anyone would look.

>> No.8234170

i think a lot of people had sex as a kid. i had repeated gay relationships with my two best friends between 3rd and 5th grade. maybe that's why im so fucked up know.

>> No.8234177

Nope. I have decided that there is nothing wrong with admiring what you like. Just don't tell anyone else lol.

>> No.8234191

You're lying.

>> No.8234221

i did. it started out as us three having a sleep over together and some how i was dared to touch friend 1's cock and then that led to a dare for friend 2 to lick my cock. things progressed from there to all of us blowing each other. though, we never did have actual sex. the most we ever did was blow each other, give each other handjobs, and kiss. at the time, we claimed it was "practice" for when we had girlfriends. after 5th grade friend2 moved away and friend1 and i drifted apart. i still talk to them occasionally, but none of us have ever brought it up.

i thought everyone had experiences like this?

>> No.8234242


It is like when a kid is reaching down to pick something up or is climbing up somewhere and their cute panties are briefly showing. You sometimes look.

>> No.8234241

NO, I never have friends.

>> No.8234250
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>Just don't tell anyone else lol

>> No.8234263
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fake as hell

>> No.8234277
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ironically, if you weren't such a social cripple, you could befriend lolis and fuck them like any other girlfriends without worring about them telling on you. But then I'm assuming this thread is about, like, 11+ year olds and you all aren't trying to fuck little Madoka here.

>> No.8234285 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 848x480, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 09 [480p].mkv_snapshot_09.37_[2011.05.29_20.51.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 year half is half his age
That part made me mad for some reason.

>> No.8234288
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>9 year old is half his age
That part made me mad for some reason.

>> No.8234295


Me too OP, I'm convinced that it is a sexual preference, I was never molested or raped when I was child and I'm not retarded like some scientific studies say about pedophiles, I was usually the smartest guy in class.

For me a little girl is dozens of times more attractive and more beautiful than super model. I had the chance to get touchy and cuddle a lot with my 2 little cousins (they were 10 and 9) when I was 15 (8 years ago) and I really miss it, I hate getting older because it will become harder and harder to be in that kind of situation again. I'll probably have to same a lot of money for a long time and take a trip to cambodia.

>> No.8234298
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, [gg]_Break_Blade_-_3_(1080p)_[9FB589D4].mkv_snapshot_40.51_[2011.06.06_19.52.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planned on showing my cock to a friend in 5th grade, thinking it was normal for best friends to. Never did, though.
I did trade bjs with my middle brother though. Got bored and asked him to when I was 8 (he was 10), but got bored and didn't give one back. Year or so later, kept bugging me that I should also do it so we'd be even. Eldest brother walks in on me giving my middle brother head, but just makes a screwed up face. Eldest formally announced that he's gay 3 years ago, but noone really brought up that bj thing again. Middle brother still keeps touching my butt sometimes, but he mainly fucks fat black single mothers now or something.

>> No.8234310

personally, I don't care if you screw a 12-14 year old with consent on both sides, go lower than that and you're going into the WHY? zone.

Pedophilia is a very touchy subject amongst every normal person in society, and sometimes the laws for it seem straight up retarded. I think that the age of consent should be determined by a test of sorts, a "maturity test" if you will, I've seen 13 year olds smarter and more mature than some adults I know.

>> No.8234312

>I did trade bjs with my middle brother though.

And how did that happen?

>> No.8234317

My parents went to Cambodia a couple of months ago. They said there are fliers up everywhere with photos of both foreigners as locals who have been known to fuck kids and contact numbers for police if they are seen etc. I can ask them for more info if you like.

Have any of you watched the Louis Theroux episode where he goes to the mental hospital for pedos?

>> No.8234318

>develop pretty quickly

Serious question How does one stop this? What kind of food and liquids prevents a child from growing/developing faster than they should and/or unusually overdeveloped?

>> No.8234319

>I think that the age of consent should be determined by a test of sorts, a "maturity test" if you will

Everything should be judged on an individual basis, but they can't and won't ever be.

>> No.8234320


That's an extremely hot story, you should write it with more detail and share it.

>> No.8234321

10 to 13/14 looking lolis are really the only lolis I'm interested in when it comes to 2D.

>> No.8234324


I have heard about Laos too, it's a future plan anyway, I'll probably do it in 10 years or never.

>> No.8234329

I sometimes think about trying to befriend a young girl. Nothing sexual. Like I said, they're just pleasant to look at and pleasant to be around. I bet we'd have a lot of fun adventures.

>> No.8234331

A guy I know went to the Philippines. Said there were some pretty young "working girls" there. He ended up spending 3-4 days with one and they went on dates etc. No idea how old she was but he wouldn't admit the truth anyway.

>> No.8234334

This is fake as hell. The racism part just gave it away completely.

>> No.8234354 [DELETED] 

What kind of food and liquids prevents a child from growing/developing faster than they should and/or unusually overdeveloped?
Not being fat. They fatter you are, the earlier puberty starts. Protein/meat helps you grow taller too. Milk might do something.

Basically starve them and don't let them eat meat and they'll start puberty late and grow up underdeveloped.

And not the Bel-Air song part?

>> No.8234357
File: 609 KB, 850x850, sample_018cd18405028412075de101b5c11462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of food and liquids prevents a child from growing/developing faster than they should and/or unusually overdeveloped?
Not being fat. They fatter you are, the earlier puberty starts. Protein/meat helps you grow taller too. Milk might do something.

Basically starve them and don't let them eat meat and they'll start puberty late and grow up underdeveloped.

And not the Bel-Air song part?

>> No.8234359

/jp/ - Loli Construction

>> No.8234375

There really is nothing like a nice slim loli with a flat chest.

>> No.8234436

I genuinely wish that the age of consent was lower. My grandfather and father were able to marry loli, why can't I? It would be cool to be with a loli for ~6 years.
Its going to be hard to pull off a non-sexual relationship. They go to school and would end up developing interest in boys around their age leaving me heart broken. It hurts.I guess 2D really is better.

>> No.8234464

Getting NTRed by your loli waifu and taking revenge on or in the faceless shotas? Sure, why not.

>> No.8234481

I mean more like what kind of awareness of diet one should have a child eat in order to avoid all the unnecessary and excessive artificial hormones and processed food that'll induce or make a child grow up faster and be more developed than the child should be.

>> No.8234493

I agree that the age of consent, at least in my country (18), should be lower. But is your argument a good one? My great-great-great grandfather owned slaves, so why can't I?

>> No.8234494

Is there an otome game where you play as a loli and can choose from shota but also has an oniichan route?

>> No.8234505

I see nothing wrong with owning loli slaves.

>> No.8234514

>My great-great-great grandfather owned slaves, so why can't I?
Because you're too beta/awkward/weak to whip them. They'd just laugh at you when you gave them orders and force you to suck their cock for food.

>> No.8234527

>avoid all the unnecessary and excessive artificial hormones and processed food that'll induce or make a child grow up faster and be more developed than the child should be.

No such thing.

Just keep them from eating red meat and milk. It's why the Japanese used to be tiny. It'll also allow you to avoid all those spooky hormones in cow meat.

>> No.8234531

Hey, quit saying that like it's a bad thing. My fetish is sucking cock for food.

>> No.8234539

We live in an awkward age. Two centuries past we could own loli slaves. Two centuries hence we'll probably have perfect, unaging loli cyborgs.

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8234543

>unaging loli cyborgs
Read that as ungaging loli cyborgs.

>> No.8234547

>ungaging loli cyborgs
I'm assuming that'll be an aftermarket mod.

>> No.8234604

>loli cyborgs.
Cutting off all the oldness and replacing it with superior augmentations?

>> No.8234613

Guy who posted this here. Had to come back because it was bothering me that I didn't mention it earlier:

I was very iffy about actually being attracted to young girls (like twelve just to be specific), I was just posting what I said as a half-truth but mostly just for shock and lol factor. But the fact is, just typing it out and thinking about it gave me a raging hardon. Nothing has ever gotten me aroused so fast.

I, for one, am looking forward to how I will spend the rest of my life dealing with this realization.

>> No.8234624

In all likelihood either in prison, or learning where to buy giant magnets and how to make thermite.

Good luck and remember to support the industry when ever you can by buying doujinshi works from the authors themselves!

>> No.8234630

Don't do anything stupid and >>8234624

>> No.8234635
File: 147 KB, 640x960, 97128ef4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Anon. How could I forget the doujins?

Posting those sweet, loli curves in return.

>> No.8234724

doing it wrong.

>> No.8234731

Being literal, all humans have curves. Loli curves are better.

>> No.8234739

Shut your whore mouth and die!
