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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 85 KB, 700x641, Homhomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8233664 No.8233664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write a letter to a fellow /jp/sie thinking of commiting suicide.

>> No.8233667

Dear anon,

suck my cock dude

>> No.8233674


>> No.8233678

I think Homura is a hot girl.

>> No.8233680

You probably think everything is a hot girl.

>> No.8233688
File: 273 KB, 484x559, Goddess2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not you as well!
Even if nobody else cares about you i do!
It would be sad to see you go, i would miss reading your shitposts, they make me smile every day.

>> No.8233685
File: 92 KB, 600x600, homu031756-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /jp/ I found our new offical h0mu pic. Please save and pass around among your friends. Perfect for "my feel when" type posts too.

>>my face when grandma pooped in my shower last night

>> No.8233690

Saten-san is looking kind of manly...

>> No.8233694

I'm not in a good enough state to write, so here's some pasta.

I have something that for some reason, I just felt this incredible urge to share.
Don't get me wrong, I barely know you.
So what I have to say may not really affect your life at all.
But it's still something I'm going to say, so please listen to me.

It's not your fault.
You're just a human being like the rest of us.
Even successful people have problems.

And something else.
You aren't a failure. You never were.
You may feel like you aren't doing anything with your life. That all day long you do 'nothing'
But I just want you to remember this.

You're where you are right now, because you wanted to be right here.
Doing 'nothing' isn't a "waste" of life or talent. It's something that you yourself wanted more than anything, and that's what you're doing.
Other people expect or demand things out of you, but they're just worried about you. That's all.
They don't want to see you become unhappy. They don't think that you're doing what you wanted to do.
You are loved. In some way, shape, or form.
You may be loved by someone you've never even met. But their love is regardless.

Well I've said what I wanted.
That's all.

>> No.8233698
File: 241 KB, 600x525, 23628932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8233699
File: 28 KB, 364x298, 1323785842001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it

>> No.8233700
File: 82 KB, 600x449, homu1211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to edit in MS paint.

>> No.8233705
File: 16 KB, 125x125, 1304202987462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks ZUM!bear that's a nice pic.

>> No.8233708

Fukk homu.

>> No.8233712
File: 15 KB, 296x197, get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8233717

I meant to type in "full".

>> No.8233720

Thank you ZUN.

>> No.8233857

Dear Anonymous,

Don't do it. There are still a lot of paths open to you in the future, even if it looks like all the doors are closed. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can make meaningful progress on any of those paths today, or tomorrow, or in two months, or in three years. Life is long. Maybe you will be shown a way out in a year or four. And while you are waiting, take life one day at a time, and try to do better tomorrow than you did today.

>> No.8233963
File: 141 KB, 1237x589, That Feeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there. I've gone into tachycardia from an overdose, and had someone untie the belt from my unconscious neck. Things got better, I finished college, got a job as a network engineer, and built a stable living. Just this very night to obtain more friends I went to meet with the 20-somethings social club to walk down the festival of lights for my town. Not being able to find my group, I walked by myself for three miles and three back, only to cry my eyes out in crippling loneliness when I got to my car.

It doesn't get better, you're either a person too weak to choose an effective method (gun or jumping) or a person who cries for help in their suicide and persists on living through the pain. Your choice.

>> No.8233969


>> No.8234010

How did you get that job? Did you have connections somehow? What did you study?

I really need a job I can do and get without having to be friends with somebody higher up (It's not that I'm being edgy or anything but rather that I have no friends and can't make any).

I want to turn my life around, if only to just be able to live on my own and do the same things except with a relative peace of mind without having to worry about being homeless or continuing to live like a poor bum in the near future.

>> No.8234075
File: 759 KB, 1200x1600, Server-Colo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History major, was going to be a teacher, teaching sucks horribly. Just love computers. Best thing on your resume, is "able to learn quickly". Two applications at IT companies in my town, second one took. I was asking to be an intern in return for a year of work experience. After four months they hired me full time. Company culture is awesome, we had a pie & cupcake break last Tuesday, I'm the office DJ (iPod playlist) on Monday and Friday [Metallica, Van Halen, Pink Floyd, Guns n Roses), it's super relaxed. IT is amazing, it just bleeds money and you get to see the most amazing technology. We are a consulting firm, basically everything from fixing little machines geek-squad style to designing networks with ~25 $12,000 servers. Nine employees.

Picture related, is what I got to work on on Friday.

>> No.8234116

Moar tips, a college diploma matters despite what reddit and the rest of the internet tells you. For IT, doesn't matter what it's in, just the fact that you picked a goal, spent four years and finished it, is a huge factor. IT wants certificates, practicality, and willingness to learn/adapt.

Be willing to work for free, it's common in the industry to work as an IT grunt in a college or school setting for a year or two. When I sent in my application, we had coffee, went well. They were not advertising for positions, I just applied at the right time, right before they were about to put out an ad for a new tech, saved them the trouble of tons of interviews.

Option B, is to work as a datacenter slave, there's one in every city, usually TW-Telecom, Comcast, AT&T, whatever. Work experience.

CompTIA is worthless, get MCITP (Microsoft) certs, Citrix, Cisco, or Linux certs. Hope that's helpful. I had to live with my father before I was able to support myself when I got the job full time.

>> No.8234117

That's a dream job right there. I don't really care about having to talk with people, I'll deal with it and practice (not a very social but apparently I can't earn money by sitting on my bed all day). It sounds like you aren't stressing much (as long as the job entails).

I could jump back in uni next semester if I wanted too. I left off after declaring my major in accounting to keep financial aid for that semester (fucked up by grades the semester before that so I lost it but I still have money saved from before that, jut enough to finish 2 years so it isn't the end of world for me just yet).

If I may ask, what experience do I need to get a job like that? Did you have experience/knowledge before? I don't think anyone would hire someone with no work experience at all even if it's just being an extra hand/intern with no pay (I'm in NYC in the US). What should I study (Comp Sci? I know a little programming though not enough to make anything past shitty tetris clones and basic stuff) to prepare? And what does the job entail of?

Sorry if I'm being naggy, I'm actually a little excited because I feel like I could finally gather up my effort into this. thank you very much.

>> No.8234153

E-mail your Steam ID to bxpoiumi@sharklasers.com
That's a temporary e-mail box that expires in an hour, I'd be glad to chat this over with you over Steam chat.

>> No.8234160

I love you.

I was still writing a response but I think that's best thing to do as I've been ruining the thread and probably bothering people too. Sending an e-mail shortly.

>> No.8234165
File: 65 KB, 752x509, aoc_birthday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear AoC,

I know that you hate me, and I know that we've never gotten along well. But even though you're a jerk, I still care about you, just as much as I care about every other member of this wonderful board that we call /jp/. I've been through some hard times as well and I can only think of the pain you must have been in, but let me tell you - it gets better! Just take it easy, go get some therapy, talk to your friends. Stop lingering in the past and live in the present. You can get through these hard times in your life. And I'm here for you, if you need it.


>> No.8234173

Anyways, aside from the Steam thing, your question.

I had zero work experience, and zero certifications. IT is super duper active right now, especially the medical field since everyone is switching to paperless.

IT and programmers are different people. There is some blending as they are both computers, but you don't have to know programming to be an IT consultant. Web design "can" help a bit, but dedicated Web-Devs do that. We setup and maintain equipment to meet each company's needs.

Comp Sci will look cool on a resume, but isn't applicable to IT, but rather being a code-monkey (programmer). Only real B.A. that matters for IT, is a business degree with a focus in technology, and that's if you want to be a lone sysadmin.

Experience and knowledge, just spent too much time modding vidya, 3d modeling, photoshop, it all blends together. I sold a few websites for some money, nothing big though, but it looks awesome on a resume. Hell, make them for free, good resume material.

My job, is basically, remote maintenance of servers, whenever a server breaks or a client's junk gets old/they want new stuff, we quote them specs that match their needs, they buy it, we plug it in, secure it, set it up. For beloved customers, our contract clients, we handle all their tech work, from the little to the small. Lots of remote support (not helpdesk, we charge $150/hour). I do maintenance checks, configure the ~$500-4000 firewalls, backup appliances, and configure e-mail setups mostly.

>> No.8234175
File: 138 KB, 998x588, 1322847207065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't even on this board when the embers of war were still blazing against AoC. That guy doesn't even know who you are.
