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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8228853 No.8228853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I program, /jp/?

>> No.8228865
File: 293 KB, 700x849, 1302412679612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know the answer.

>> No.8228858

The key is in your hands.

Open the gate, Anon.

>> No.8228866

I would prefer serious advice from someone who isn't a memespamming neo-/prog/lodyte, thanks.

>> No.8228872



>> No.8228875

Python is the most intuitive but may fuck your learning sense if you want any other language.

Java if you want it to run in anything

C++ if you want stability

Stick to these 3 if it's your first time, don't even try first C unless you want a challenge.

Here you go, now go find some good book and read it, your pick is kinda related .

>> No.8228877
File: 384 KB, 1024x768, dbed0138f8f3c13b589d509f47c8da1ea56029f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't.

>> No.8228880

I want to marry her. We'd read SICP together and sit in the library all day and make stupid jokes about summoning the spirits of the computer with our spells. We'd laugh together and we'd gradually come to love one another but we'd both be too shy to act on it until one day I bashfully propose to her and she says yes and her face lights up and we have a wedding and then we live happily forever doing the same things we always did but we sometimes hold hands and read the same book to each other.

>> No.8228884
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You could actually go to /g/ and ask.

We're helpful most of the time.

>> No.8228886
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 0c808873181123afccd9e7619e1c78ac0b8eb5cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have never ever compiled a single line of C in your life, have you?

>> No.8228893

C++ is better because it's one more.

>> No.8228895

I meant that C would fuck up his learning process, latter he would need a new language more orientated to objects and if he start with C it may be harder, it depends of the person.

Sorry for the missunderstanding.

>> No.8228898

Doesn't sound like he has ever used java or c++ either.

Anyway, if you can't do SICP (or one of the ML variants) don't bother trying to learn to program.
Instead find something you want to do like a game, app, etc and find out how to do it. Otherwise you will give up in record time.

>> No.8228905
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Don't try to save face, much less if you are going to argue about enterprise quality programming paradigms.

>> No.8228910

It's not as though C is the de facto programming language and most contemporary languages are based upon it or anything...

>> No.8228911

if you don't program in MMIX you don't know SHIT about lolicon

>> No.8228921

OP, perl is the best programming language to learn as a starter. Don't listen to everyone else. Especially the guy that told you to learn Java. Java is awful. Avoid it like the plague.

>> No.8228923

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>> No.8228924

you forgot your'are [aa] tags.

>> No.8228927

Valid Perl code.

>> No.8228928

OP, brainfuck is the best programming language to learn as a starter. Don't listen to everyone else. Especially the guy that told you to learn Lisp. Lisp is awful. Avoid it like the plague.

>> No.8228929

Can I create friendship through the power of programming?

I want a little girl that will sit on my desktop and talk to me. Kind of like a touhou Bonzi Buddy with chat AI.

>> No.8228936

It's actually monospaced text art. I thought I'd be able to get around it by placing invisible character between every space, but it didn't work ;_;

>> No.8228938

Get a Finnish guy to teach you.

>> No.8228942

>hurp durp

>> No.8228945

Chatbots still haven't quite passed the Turing test, but they are getting there.

>> No.8228946
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It's like the most autistic fucks of /prog/ together in the same thread, but in /jp/.

>> No.8228959
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>> No.8228960
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Programming is truly the last form of magic that exists within our realm.

As long as you know the words of power needed to summon it into existence then you can create anything that your mind can imagine.

>> No.8228955

You mean an Indian guy?

>> No.8228968

A+ post

>> No.8229015

The amount of people who want to learn to program for no particular reason sickens me. Just having programming knowledge won't do you any kind of good in any area in life, and you have to be literally autistic to actually enjoy programming, so the only reason people could possibly want to learn it is because its become hip.

>> No.8229024

Oh shit, programming is hip. Mainstream even! Time for every /jp/sie to abandon programming forever and take up something that's no longer "cool" to the normals
Like reading!

>> No.8229022

Or maybe they want to learn more about their computer and write programs.


>> No.8229030

Normals breathe, does that mean I should stop breathing too?

>> No.8229029

I actually discovered that common plebeians BREATHE a few minutes ago. The nerve! As a result, I've stopped breathing. I'm not going to conform to their mainstrea

>> No.8229033


I like talking to my computer because it makes me feel like I have a friend

>> No.8229040

People who take up programming just to learn more about their computer are autistic.

But I can respect those who actually want to write useful programs. Too bad they're a really tiny minority.

>> No.8229043
File: 26 KB, 400x321, what a dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8229050

I learnt to program and managed to rewrite the soft of my microwave to avoid that disgusting sound when it's done, some people told me that I could just remove the bell but damn, I didn't learn programmation to do things that way.

I'm sorry for this kind of speech in /jp/, but that is how I roll, motherfuckersc and you are Goddman dumb if you think that programmation is not useful, literally you could make most devices do what you want just with java, and sorry java haters, it works for it's purpose that is running in any fucking device.

>> No.8229054

Computers are everywhere. You can't escape. YOU CAN'T ESACPE.
It's best to have some idea of how all the junk you install on your box works.

>> No.8229056

Mainly the reason why I think /jp/ and /prog/ came together so well. Having programming knowledge is like the cool, hipstery thing to do.

Sadly, I am of neither side. I know some simple stuff to help support my work, but only ever learn more when a situation arises at work that would benefit from some kind of scripting/programming. It's like I need something useful as a goal to have the motivation to learn new programming.

>> No.8229065

> People who take up programming just to learn more about their computer are autistic.
Are people who want to learn more about anything autistic?

>> No.8229067
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>> No.8229078

No, it's because programming and computers actually have very little to do with each other.
Computers are just a tool we use to learn programming.

>> No.8229086

Someone has read his SICP today

>> No.8229092

I remember you. You posted this thread:


Seriously, magic is nothing like programming. Programming isn't fun. It's boring as fuck.

The only reason you post these threads is because you think everybody on here is autistic and would actually WANT to reason Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs even if they're not actually programmers by profession.

>> No.8229097

> You posted this thread
No I didn't.

>> No.8229099

I'm probably going to make a Touhou fangame in XNA here in a bit.

>> No.8229101


Yes you did, nobody else would post a Touhou holding SICP and making a thread about it.

>> No.8229113
File: 68 KB, 800x534, 1298091534279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you jest.

>> No.8229121


Dunno why you would feel physically ill from other peoples' actions, that's not logical at all.
But yeah, the absolute best way to learn how to program is to think of something that you want your computer to do but doesn't, and learn how to make it.

>> No.8229124

contain yo flame

>> No.8229125

Been looking for this image forever since I saw it in that one WE CONJURE THE SPIRITS OF THE COMPUTER WITH OUR SPELLS video. Thank you good sir.

>> No.8229126


>Dunno why you would feel physically ill from other peoples' actions,

It can invoke an emotion that causes you to become sick.

>> No.8229136

>Dunno why you would feel physically ill from other peoples' actions, that's not logical at all.
I hope you know how autistic you're sounding right now.

>> No.8229139

I'm autistic, you're autistic, we're all autistic here.

>> No.8229177
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Anon, seriously, stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.8229184
File: 148 KB, 480x720, jp_mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To understand Computation is to understand the Gods."
- marshviperX, during an address to /jp/


>> No.8229208

While arguably unnecessary, I would recommend you to start by looking at and trying out some excercises for C. Yes, ordinary C.

I recommend this because the C family of code have still without doubt been a staple in programming history, and it have also influenced lots of what have been to come since.

For instance, in C++ and C#, you might find aa bunch of functions that make all the hard work you needed to go through in simply C, seem "completely unnecessary". But this is only the case if you don't care about how and you only ant to do some shit with what you have available.

My point is basically, that a person knowledgeable in C, could in short create what is known as C++, wheras the other way around would be alot more of a hassle.
The methods used in C could give you an increased level of insight in other languages in genereal, even outside of the C family of code, compared to if you would have chosen to look at a later trend of code.

And well, that's my advice for now. Also, you need a compiler and something to work as your developer environment. Lots of things to chose from.

>> No.8229216

But we're all autistic here, neo/jp/.
