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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 473x464, cirnostrongest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
821625 No.821625 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the strongest.

>> No.821628

jesus, what the fuck is that?

>> No.821631

I'm wondering why you even sage'd

>> No.821642

Move to a third world country?

>> No.821640

Doesn't know what sage is used for

>> No.821641

I-I want to feel.... your abs...

>> No.821636

I'd her muscles.

>> No.821643
File: 19 KB, 500x324, 1213428657621.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention to all the Anon's who replied to me. I started this topic because it's easy to convert into a racial debate. I enjoy debating on the Internet. It's kinda like a hobby for me. If you've replied seriously to any of my post, consider yourself trolled. The smart thing to do would have been to hide the thread and ignore me. Had you done that I wouldn't have had anybody to debate against.

In b4 "you're a complete dumbass for debating on the Interwebs against the 2 or 3 black Anons who browse /jp/."

>> No.821644

Oh, holy shit, I laughed.

>> No.821645

you're right, allcaps would have indicated my horror more clearly than a sage.

>> No.821646

Look at her tiny legs, goddamn.

>> No.821648

ITT lies

>> No.821651

No, it should be pretty fucking obvious to anyone.

>> No.821649


>> No.821653
File: 17 KB, 357x527, tewicreature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears

>> No.821656

that's not a real tripcode there, son

>> No.821654


>> No.821657

You use sage when you don't want to bump the thread, to have a thread away from the prying eyes of the front-page losers.

Which is pretty stupid considering you were second poster. Either that or you wanted to show strong discontent.

>> No.821659

What incredible observational skills you have there.

>> No.821662

What should be obvious? That >>821643
isn't actually >>821592? No shit, really?

>> No.821666

This is is simply a way to get out of losing an argument or stop looking like a moran.


>> No.821672
File: 39 KB, 500x196, 950645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.821670

>it's like 8:30 AM over there, what the fuck
8:30AM saturday. It's not unusual for faggots like us to stay up all night on the internet arguing. We probably kept him up.

>> No.821671

No, what should be obvious is that athens is a fucking troll.

>> No.821674

I didn't have anything useful to say, therefore sage.

>> No.821675

Not really, he's just a disillusioned stormfront fag.
Has it right.

>> No.821680
File: 26 KB, 393x562, sakuyacreature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.821679

>You use sage when you don't want to bump the thread, to have a thread away from the prying eyes of the front-page losers.
No you don't.

>> No.821682

Looks real to me.

Oh no guys. He's inpersonating me. Everybody is going to think I'm a troll. They're all going to laugh at me. My Internet reputation is ruined!

Jesus Christ, now I KNOW you're a 12 year old. Lighten up dude. It's all cool (as long as we're all in the same religion). Amirite?

>> No.821683

Yes, this is actually one of the uses.

>> No.821684

Holy shit someone using sage right on 4chan. Never thought I'd see the day.

Of course, here comes the obligatory "SAGE MEANS I HATE YOUR POST" /b/tard.

>> No.821687


That is proper use of sage. 4chan use of sage is GRR I'M ANGRY I HATE YOUR POST.

>> No.821689

you use sage when you want to sage

>> No.821698

You use sage for what >>821674 said.
At least that's the official 2chan usage of sage. I don't care how 4chan uses it. I mean, sometimes I even use sage when I'm too lazy to remove noko from my email field and I just sage so I go back to the 1st page.

>> No.821708
File: 14 KB, 393x350, patchpet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone sageing my thread what did I ever do to you guys

>> No.821711


Watch out Cirno she's trying to touch your vagina.

>> No.821717

everybody is too busy posting non-important posts so that your thread will never bump

>> No.821721

I-I still like you... maybe we could be friends... Haha, like you'd want that though. I'm so stupid, right? S-Stupid me...

>> No.821722
File: 176 KB, 436x502, mcpatchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.821728


>> No.821735
File: 30 KB, 417x727, youmusuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.821738
File: 141 KB, 505x383, flandreRUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAN RAN- what?

>> No.821742

Paintchat thread?

>> No.821744


>> No.821750
File: 179 KB, 357x527, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh god, is that a carrot, my horse loves carrots.

>> No.821755

Should have used the face of the black guy with shades.

>> No.821763
File: 320 KB, 724x804, chigang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have some tokyo crystal mew fanart

>> No.821766

this won't end well
