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8212728 No.8212728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been a target of bullying before?

>> No.8212731


>> No.8212737 [DELETED] 

No. I was that "in between" kid who was quiet and unpopular, but I never stuck out enough to get bullied. Sometimes I kind of wish I did.

>> No.8212743

Yes, all my time in high school. Now delete this thread.

>> No.8212741

I'd love to be the target of rape.

>> No.8212747

Yes, but I can't blame them. Each one by themselves was a nice person...

>> No.8212750

I was bullied a lot in school because I was weird and obnoxious.

>> No.8212758

He wanted to fuck.

>> No.8212756

Only by one kid and he did it from elementary school to high school.

I wonder what his problem was.

>> No.8212767

Nobody bullies tall guys.

>> No.8212773 [DELETED] 

Some guys I thought were my friends took pictures of my micropenis and showed them to everybody.

>> No.8212774

Are you feeling bullied, OP?

>> No.8212777

I was in 9th grade for a bit. Kid thought he was hot shit by picking on me all the time. He challenged to a fight and I beat him up afterschool. Then everyone thought I was uncool and felt real sorry for him, it probably made him cooler. The only people who thought I was awesome after that were the band geeks and other rejects. Both sides of the fence were shit people, so I ignored them both. I didn't get bullied after that though.

>> No.8212781

Nope. And it confuses me a little because I'm rather short. As in, I've yet to meet a shorter male with normal genetics.

I'd guess I was never considered a rival as a result? People felt protective instead? Maybe I lucked out on an amiable disposition? I've got a older friend who once briefly mentioned he was bullied and he went to the same school, so that couldn't have been it.

>> No.8212780

>I beat him up afterschool. Then everyone thought I was uncool and felt real sorry for him
What the fuck? Seriously, fuck people.

>> No.8212783

Luckily, no. I kept to myself and was polite to everyone the few times people tried to talk to me.

>> No.8212782
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me too.

>> No.8212791 [DELETED] 


>> No.8212789

I made a Myspace page just to show everyone from school an image of my 3 inch dick the day after I graduated.

>> No.8212796

Yes, that Tokiko faggot keeps making shitty thread after shitty thread on my nice, peaceful board and he- oh, wait

>> No.8212802

I had favorable disposition checks all through school. Naturally I stayed in my room whenever I wasn't at school or a bros house.

>> No.8212799

Nope, I was just left alone.

>> No.8212819

I was called an arab all the time by a few people but that was all.
I wish I could bully OP, he is asking for it.
It's like he is one of these annoying kids who think they know anything and won't stop talking, but somehow people leave him alone because they pity him.

>> No.8212828

Some douchebag once knocked my texttbooks out of my hand and all the girls came over and helped me pick them up.

Does that count?

>> No.8212835

Now THAT'S how you get women.

>> No.8212840

>and all the girls came over and helped me pick them up.
WHOA, what did you do after?

>> No.8212848

No it isn't. They'll feel sorry for him and think of him as nothing. Only helped him to look like a "nice girl". I can guarantee you that those girls probably went out and fucked the same guy that knocked over his books.

>> No.8212845

Nope. Even though I was obnoxious sometimes, all anyone ever did was let me know as much.

>> No.8212852

They wanted to fuck from the start. The douchebag knew this, and knocked the books out of your hands out of jealousy.

>> No.8212851
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Nope, i was normal at the time.

>> No.8212850 [DELETED] 

I intentionally dropped textbooks so girls would help me pick them up. Or so I could bump into them moe-style and we'd exchange two seconds of awkward apologies, then I could go home and reminisce about it later.

>> No.8212858

king beta.

>> No.8212866

ive been bullied all my life

>> No.8212867
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I've been threatened to death with lethal weapons more than once and laughed at amongst other things. I've suffered the proverbial paperballs and I've been spat on my hair, had my property stolen and clothes ruined. There was a particulary bad HS year where I was afraid to death to go to school, but I had to go anyways; I remember sitting in class and not looking in the direction of the bullies for the entire day until my neck hurt, barely surviving the day without being able to think about anything else. Feels fucking bad man ;_;
The worst of the bullies, I fucking hated him. But last time I saw him was worth it. I went to the board with the list of the classes on the start of a new school year to see who my new classmates were and heard him saying "sup, how are you doing?" to me in a very friendly and weird manner. He then asked "what class are you in?". I answered and he realized I had passed to the next grade while he did not. I think he mumbled something like "damn, I don't know anyone in my new class, everyone passed grade" almost bawwing and he left alone saying good luck or something. When I watched him leaving alone crushed, that was truly one of the greatest moments in my life. That next year was awesome in every sense, I wasn't bullied at all even if I was still a weirdo (the bullying really took a toll in my social functioning)
Pic not related

>> No.8212870

Ever since grade three
The arabs and niggers were always up front with it, a punch to the gut there, a rock to the head here,
the caucasians try to cause scenes to embarrass you and asians always did it behind your back.

>> No.8212871

I walked away like an omega.

>> No.8212877

>the caucasians
Here in Russia caucasians are known as "niggers".

>> No.8212883

This is true story, I'm the bully and I'm so popular in my highschool. Shit was awesome. I don't even know how did my life end up like this. Karma is a bitch dude.

>> No.8212891

Enjoying your Chancellor Putin for life?

What's it like knowing you'll never have a democracy again because Yeltsin fucked it up and Gorbachev has been defanged?

I can't wait to see your shitty country crumble once the oil runs out or gets replaced.

>> No.8212900

I'm not ashamed to admit I fell in love. But when she blocked me I took it hard. Now I cry every day and life without her seems not worth living. I... I mocked her favorite anime and now I feel bad. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FUKUNE

>> No.8212910

Why are you spoutig unrelated stuff?

>> No.8212915
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one time i got bullied by the TODBOB

ill never forgive him

>> No.8212918

i get bullied by KoG

>> No.8212920
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Hah. You took a risk knowing you could get burned. It hurts like hell doesn't it?
It's fun, but I'd rather have nothing at all than take a risk again.

>> No.8212934
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My body is yearning for your hand,
and this broken heart lonely stands.
I wait for your gentle kiss,
and those soft lips I really miss!
Your bright eyes and the way you smile,
they only last for a while,
But I will wait for you here,
until you come and dry my last tear,
I just want you to know,
I will always be waiting for you.

I love you Fukune please unblock me!

>> No.8212960

I was rarely physically bullied in middle and high school, but the teasing and psychodrama went on way too long. I'm a fucked up adult now because of it, and I don't have much in the way of self-confidence. I have to force myself to look people in the eye when I talk to them instead of turning away.

>> No.8212992

He has down syndrome, please forgive him.

>> No.8212993
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No, I'm that socially retarded kid who was homeschooled his whole life.

I think I would have rather been bullied though. At least you learn how to talk to people.

>> No.8213000

I can't talk to people and I went to public school.

>> No.8213008
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What are you going on about?

I've seen you complain about getting unblocked dozens of times these last few days. What's the story behind this?

>> No.8213021

Tokiko fell in love with someone and got blocked and then went insane

>> No.8213054

One time in elementary school, these kids picked on me when we were playing tag or something and I ended up punching one of them in the face and making him cry. I also got bullied pretty hard by these three sisters that lived in my neighborhood and I stopped playing outside for a good while.

It sucks because most of the time, you can't do anything about it, and when you do, people act like you're fucked up. It's a lose-lose.

>> No.8213099

I was somehow popular in school.
I didn't really do anything to earn it, either.

>> No.8213109

Good.The poor girl or guy does not have to suffer such an unlikeable person anymore.

>> No.8213184

Never been bullied before, but I was made fun out of all the time for being quiet or looking creepy and walking in an awkward way. I never really did figure out how to walk like a normal person but nobody really comments on it anymore. I run really fast, or least, I think I still can, but they say I run like a penguin. I always just followed the guys who went to my school who come from the same area I live in and always stay in the back of the line, they say I'm a nice person, but it also gave them the idea that I'm defenseless since I don't talk too much. As for the name calling from kids, people got tired of me after 2-3 years since I don't do anything about it and just ignore them, I've always wondered why nobody ever hit me once. I wonder what its like to be in a physical fight, I've seen hundreds while at school, most people can't even swing a punch properly and end up hitting the other person with the side of their fist and end up just holding the person in a headlock and not being able to deliver a blow to the head because the dude keeps moving around.

I wish I got into a fight at school at least once or received physical bullying, I'm sure I'd get a thrill out of it trying to fight back. I'm too old for that shit now, those days are over.

>> No.8213205

>poor girl or guy
It's dntf**kwitmeormyfriend-chan

>> No.8213551
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Sure, I even developed tactics to avoid contact with people because of it. I always slept, and even if I wasn't tired I would put my head down and pretend to sleep. I remember someone making a comment to me, "dude how high are you?". From that point on, I tried to pretend like I was "high" on something when I wasn't sleeping or pretending to sleep. I think it worked, I was successful in avoiding almost all contact and never made friends.

I don't really understand why I was so serious about it. I guess that's autism.

>> No.8213705

Your cases sound bad. What country?
