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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8212045 No.8212045 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with your crippling social anxiety, /jp/?

>> No.8212050 [DELETED] 

By being a shut-in.

I wouldn't visit a spidertorium if I had arachnophobia.

>> No.8212048

By going outside more.

>> No.8212052

Have you ever tried getting medical help?

>> No.8212059

i dont think someone with 'crippling social anxiety' could reply to this thread

>> No.8212068

Talking anonymously on the internet is different from real social interaction.

>> No.8212072


>> No.8212078 [DELETED] 

I saw a few psychiatrists until I turned 18 and the government stopped caring about me. Now I'm seeing a social worker. Used to take prozac, it stopped working, now I'm on citalopram. I guess I'll see how it goes.

Anonymous board. Funny you say that though, I can't actually talk on any online medium that requires an identity. Every other week I make a new IRC nick and join various IRC channels, say about ten lines, then leave. I've been spoiled by anonymous boards...

>> No.8212079

I talk to my Indian therapist.

>> No.8212086
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I take it easy.

>> No.8212088

Try getting a prescription for Klonopin or Xanax or any other benzo, your regular doctor can prescribe those to you if you can't go to a psychiatrist. Medication is never the longterm solution (it's treating the symptoms, not the cause) but when you're having an anxiety attack or need to do something that will cause anxiety you will find large doses of these medications to be godly.

>> No.8212093

did nothing for me. Well, maybe it will for you.

>> No.8212097 [DELETED] 

Your Indian therapist thinks bad thoughts about what a loser you are. All your sessions are logged and recorded, then filed in a permanent database. The people you have seen are clearly aware of how socially anxious you are, and may have even discussed it behind your back.

>> No.8212098
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going to HELL for therapy

mine is cuban

>> No.8212096


Prozac is an anti-depressant, not an anti-anxiety medication or anything. I'm not saying you don't suffer from depression or a similar problem - there's a good chance you do - but Prozac is not what is usually prescribed to deal with serious anxiety, which can be completely dfferent from depression (even if you have both).

>> No.8212101

I dont get help because I feel too ashamed to tell anyone that my problem is "anxiety".

>> No.8212107

What works better then?

>> No.8212120

I don't care. It's not like my anxieties are even real. I'm just a lazy fuck who wants an SSI check.

>> No.8212123


>> No.8212125

I need friends, I don't care about my virginity and stuff, I just need friends, give me them, where I can find some?

>> No.8212127

social anxiety is a myth made up by the white devil

u ever see blacks using excuse of "social anxiety"

u ever see mexicans using excuse of "social anxiety"

white people r just lazy and taking money from hard colored working peple

>> No.8212129


>> No.8212140


>> No.8212138

We give negros and mexicans more than enough foodstamps to make up for this.

>> No.8212152


>> No.8212171

Post your address, I'm always in the market for some new friends.

>> No.8212180


>> No.8212188


>> No.8212202

Do you have a steam account ?

>> No.8212242
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I smoke weed. It really helps with the anxiety.

When in public I don't give two fucks about anyone else and I can be completely calm.

>> No.8212245 [DELETED] 

How do you even get weed?

>> No.8212249

By not having it to begin with. I just really, really hate being around other people.

>> No.8212248

I can go out and be in a crowd just fine nowadys.

Don't ask me to interact with people though, it's just impossible.

>> No.8212251

Just because I'm a shutin it doesn't mean I can't have connections to douchebags from high school.

>> No.8212256 [DELETED] 

I guess I'm slightly jelly.

I can't even buy alcohol. I'm old enough, I just find it hard to buy things. Especially if someone is going to have to ask me for my ID and I have to hand it to them and then they look at me.

>> No.8212257

weed makes my anxiety worse. Alcohol is better

>> No.8212273

Order it online. You'll still have to show your ID to the deliveryman, but it only takes a few seconds and you won't have to leave your house

>> No.8212279 [DELETED] 

Good idea.
Though I had a bad experience with that once. When I was more normal my friend and I phoned some alcohol delivery place and ordered a bunch of stuff. The delivery guy was all alpha-looking and asked for my ID. He asked my date of birth to confirm it with me, and I got the month and day reversed. For my own date of birth.
Awkward as hell.

>> No.8212284

I normally hate going to stores sober, but when I make my booze runs I'm usually pretty comfortable because the owner of our nearby party store is actually a really cool old indian guy.

>> No.8212292

Meditation is the best treatment that I've used.

Used to need klonopin just to get out the door, but meditating for about an hour each day is far more effective and I don't get hellish withdrawals. It also helps with depression, so usually you can kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.8212294
File: 451 KB, 1200x832, squidburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those of you who live alone now, how do you deal with parents calling you all the time?

I moved out of state, but they were at my door a few weeks ago knocking. I just waited for them to go away after around half an hour, but it was stressful having to wait them out and their phone calls.
I don't even know how they got my address.

>> No.8212295

Just take out your ID in advance and hand it to them before they ask. In Sweden that can even net you a reward (which is handed to you together with the receipt).

>> No.8212302

My family has been less than ideal with me. I appreciate them letting me leech for as long as I did, but as soon as I've got enough autism money set away to move I'm going to. From there all contact will be lost. I think it's better that way for all parties involved. They can think I got a job somewhere and am doing alright, and I'll never have to face them again. Since they've tracked you down though, I don't know what you could do short of moving again. Wonder if they got a private stalker, I mean detective on you.

>> No.8212311
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by avoiding social situations

>> No.8212333

I'd eat that burger out if you know what I mean

>> No.8212340

No but seriously it's very different.
It's anonymous. No one can see you.

Would you be comfortable talking about your dolls, touhou and porn games to regular people face to face?

>> No.8212350

I deal with it by never leaving my house.

>> No.8212375

Tell them you are a gay tranny now.

>> No.8212440

Listen to music. If you're forced to go outside, listening to music tends to help.

>> No.8212453 [DELETED] 

I wish I could get more autism bucks.

Oh what I would give to live alone...

>> No.8212463

I don't deal with it.

It's the secret of my success.

>> No.8212478

I pretend I am normal

>> No.8212485 [DELETED] 

Grit my teeth and force myself through it.

>> No.8212515

I've been thinking of trying to get a /jp/er on autism money to room with me for just the same reason. It's still not alone, but it beats living with the folks. Shame you can't really ask one here without it turning into "suck my cock and wear a meido outfit".

Not that I'd hold it against you if you decided to do either, though you'd still need to handle your half of the rent and your own internet bill

>> No.8212572

Getting new drugs, old ones weren't working apparently. Therapist told me to go outside more, but every time I do something horrible happens and it just makes me want to stay inside more.

>> No.8212617

Prescription for Prozac.

>> No.8212622

The tears won't stop. I pine for my lost love.

>> No.8212635
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I've been living alone for 5 years and my family has never contacted me, much less knocked on my door.

I'm the black sheep of the family and I don't even know why. They just don't seem to give a fuck about me and my parents only care about my two other brothers who don't have severe social anxiety.

>> No.8212658


How do you survive? Don't you need money and a job to live on your own?

>> No.8212674 [DELETED] 

If you live in Britain I would be willing to get a flat with you. However only if I can wear a meido outfit and suck your cock, dude.

>> No.8212685


>> No.8212702

Student grants and loans.

I'm a super senior in my 5th year. I haven't made a single friend in my entire time here, I only go outside to take exams and take the bus to Publix and back. 95% of the time I'm at home sleeping or browsing /jp/.

>> No.8212699

Living across the pond is suffering.

I'd totally suck yours back, dude

>> No.8215520
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I get better and better at perfecting a social mask.

A few months ago, and soon to happen again, I was going through a schedule with full-time college classes, and two part-time jobs that both very much involve socialization. My very sanity is probably at it's end, especially considering my mental health (omitting list of psych. disorders), but what it's done is force me to be out in public a lot more. For me, all this has only made it easier to act whilst anxiety is going on, and to hide it. The anxiety itself is still there.

I don't even enjoy music or anime as much, and medication doesn't work for me. I wish someone could just kill me. I'm pretty sure I don't have a future, and I'm sick of people trying to force one on me.

I'm not looking for attention, as I know this is pretty standard on these parts of 4chan.

>> No.8215577

I don't have it. Being around others just makes me tired is all.

>> No.8215664

I can't deal with it. I'm looking for a job. I need to put on an act and slog through it in order to preserve my own dignity and well-being.

Even so, I hate people and myself with all my heart, and I don't know what my life is going to be like once I do move away for work. I always felt like I've never belonged in the world.

>> No.8215689


By living in my own private tropical resort, and paying good money for whatever pleasures I desire, legal or not.

>> No.8215706

By generally avoiding people and social interaction. When I do have to go out and pretend to be a normal, my medicine is alcohol.

>> No.8215707

Since I don't want to make a new thread, I'll say it here. It's emo as fuck but I don't care.

You always make me smile, even in my worst moments, /jp/. Thank you guys, even if I don't know who you are.

>> No.8215724


Never forget, you're a beautiful person.... now suck my cock.

>> No.8215727
File: 179 KB, 640x480, hilarious reaction image who am i quoting get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My life is shit because of my personality, better thank my enablers

>> No.8215735


Who are you quoting?

>> No.8215765

I grew up surrounded by idiots and people who could be classified as objectively hideous. Because of this, I developed a massive superiority complex. It's hard to feel anxious around people you feel are so far below you.

>> No.8216228 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 750x600, choke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, really

>> No.8217960

For the first time since becoming a NEET I am well and truly bored. Not the usual too-depressed-to-do-anything, I am just completely restless and feel I have nothing to kill time with.
How do I get rid of this feeling, /jp/?

>> No.8217970

shitpost on /jp/
