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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 298x300, mishima envoking the ranks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8210058 No.8210058 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite Japanese Idol(s) /jp/ ?

Mine is Mishima,

but he's dead.

otherwise it's Masatoshi Nagase.

>> No.8210075

You mean that guy that was not only a failure in life, but a horrible horrible failure in death? If I died like that I'd be so embarrassed I'd kill myself.

>> No.8210080

Commodore Matthew Perry

>> No.8210081

Why is he your idol, what has he done for you and why would anybody look up to him

>> No.8210089

He tried to go to Gensokyo and got lost on the way there.

>> No.8210119


I have several:

Toshiro Mifune
Sho Kosugi
Minamoto Musashi
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Hattori Hanzo

>> No.8210372

>>8210081 He was in a lot of movies and back when he was around he did a lot of modeling, both TV and news papers interviewed him where all of Japan followed him as a Pop star, he acted and directed in over 70 plays he wrote that were shown at the National Tokyo Theater, and started his own personal army. He was skilled in so nany feilds. He is still well known to the young and old Japanese, but he is a taboo, so you won't get very far talking about him....though many see him as heroic.
I hold many of his ideas in high standard, but his nihilistic thoughts I do not. He was amazing.

But more importantly who are the rest of /jp/'s favorite idols?
Come, come now tell us anons and why.

>> No.8210469

Ayano Omoto, a.k.a. Nocchi

>> No.8210715

Mishima, easily.

>> No.8210984
File: 44 KB, 336x475, Afraid_to_Die-760750319-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that because of what you learned of him in this thread?

>> No.8210987

>try to kill self
>plan glorius suicide
>killing yourself hurts a lot more than you thought it would
>too painful to do full harakiri
>too painful to write death poem in blood
>beg your best friend to kill you quickly
>friend cant cut your head off
>he tries 3 times and still cant because he keeps kitting spinal discs
>finally some other guy comes and puts you out of your misery

>> No.8211002

I lol'd

>> No.8211008

Sonny Motherfucking Chiba
Toshiro Mifune
Takeshi Kitano

>> No.8211018

Tatsuya Nakadai

>> No.8211026

Aya Hirano

>> No.8211050
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general Mao

>> No.8211051

He should have at least finished the poem. I am Catholic and know the teaching about suicide, but we can never know or understand the person's motives or thoughts so we never really can say how grve of a sin it was on that person. I think about Mishima all the time. I plan on talking about him in the future with my old teacher and classmates.

I can't say I've seen a lot of Sonny Motherfucking Chiba's work, but he accomplished a lot, though I thought a film or two was a little cheesy.
Toshiro Mifune is arguably the best Japanese actor that ever lived.

I loled too bro

>> No.8211058


>> No.8211087

Is that the one 33ish - 35ish looking idol who's nude pictures I've seen posted here a few times? You know the one that is sitting on a cock and you can see the cock going upward ger vagina as the two her vagina spreads apart?

>> No.8211126
File: 14 KB, 236x308, Mike Hama style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope never mind not her looked her up.
Any /jp/ers know who I'm talking about. It was only last week I saw the pics here.

>> No.8211158

Sonny Chiba
Hiroshi Fujioka

Technology & Enterprise
Akio Morita (Sony - the Walkman)
Konosuke Matsushita (Panasonic)

Video Game Design
Shigeru Miyamoto
Yu Suzuki
Tetsuya Mizuguchi
Yuji Naka
Gunpei Yokoi

>> No.8211165

Nice. You have that down pat.

>> No.8211182

Fabio Cannavaro
Marco Delvecchio
Giovanni Visconti-Sforza
Tony Storella
Angelo Di Benedetto
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Fernando Rossi
Paolo Di Canio
Mauro Tassotti
Gianluigi Buffon
Salvatore Gamberini

>> No.8211183

Tsuneki Ikeda and Shinji Mikami > every game designer on your list, aside from Yu Suzuki.

>> No.8211200
File: 45 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lurecuThu31r6creeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Jr Idols qualify? If so, mines Shiori.

>> No.8211216

An idol is an idol.

lets get some vdeo links going on everybody's idols. I am on the PS3, so I can't.
I still am looking for an answer here....

>> No.8211219
File: 20 KB, 600x376, 4220xtylnjoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe Hisashi. He's on my list of favorite composers of all time.

>> No.8211223


here is a particularly touching performance of Hisaihi's "One Summer's Day" where he literally gets teary eyed whilst playing. It's really beautiful,

>> No.8211246
File: 71 KB, 460x452, 63346440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for that. I liked it. it's nice to have a really artistic idol isn't it? I didn't include him in the thread header, bur Shing02 is my Japanese music idol.

>> No.8211254
File: 9 KB, 222x170, kanazawafuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second post.... this time is the long list of karateka that I idolize

Anko Itosu (developed Heian kata, introduced karate as part of elementary physical education)

Gichin Funakoshi (introduced karate to mainland Japan)
Masatoshi Nakayama (co-founder JKA)
Hidetaka Nishiyama
Hirokazu Kanazawa (80, still teaching SKIF)
Takayuki Mikami (78, still teaching JKA)
Teruyuki Okazaki (80, still teaching ISKF)
Shigeru Egami (Shoto-kai)

Other styles
Mas Oyama (Kyokushin karate, 100 man kumite!, Korean born)
Fumio Demura

I should also mention Japan's most famous gaijin, C.W. Nicol, is also a practicing karateka.

>> No.8211268
File: 61 KB, 408x312, sevensamurai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third post! how could I forget filmmaker Akira Kurasawa

>> No.8211271

Shing02 is good stuff

>> No.8211280
File: 39 KB, 500x350, peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peter is obv the #1 person from japan

>> No.8211282

I'm happy to hear that a gajin can become popular in Japan.
I shed a tear in happiness....(figurative)
So happy to hear that someone here knows who he is. Where I'm from in America no one, but a small group of 5 people know who he is.

>> No.8211293

I hate this word. But I like Mishima and Masutatsu Oyama too bad he was korean

>> No.8211300

I like him. He has a cool hip hop-esque feel that still has that underlying japanese feel. Also when he speaks english he doesn't butcher it, he speaks really well, which i enjoy.

>> No.8211316

me too, but I didn't know what else to label it as. I like "Star" better.

Agreed. He raps with meaning and understanding. He knows what life is about, really unlike most hip hopers who sing about getting laied, payed and how they evade murder or drug arest, when in actuality they've forgotten how to profess what matters.

>> No.8211333

He was a bodybuilder and a poet too. As you said, he had done a lot of thing.

>> No.8211636

Takashi Mizutani
Keiji Haino
Akifumi Nakajima
Reiko Ike
Ryoji Ikeda
Teiji Ito
Jun Togawa
Toshi Ichiyanagi
Takehisa Kosugi
Taku Sugimoto
Yoshi Wada

>> No.8211732

Sada Abe

Reasons should be obvious

>> No.8211889
File: 124 KB, 480x643, o0480064311655613148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Who's your favorite Japanese Idol?

Pic related.

>> No.8212511

Bum - Da - Da - Dum Bum - Bum Bump

>> No.8212522

ITT people that nobody knows.

>> No.8214492
File: 28 KB, 424x485, satensmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiro Hito
