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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8209421 No.8209421 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from moving and immersing myself, whats the most effective way to learn Japanese on a level that would allow me to move there and function with minimal problems?

>> No.8209429

Don't be a weeb. Go to a cool country, like India for instance.

>> No.8209433

Everyone that matters in Japan speaks English anyway, you don't need to bother with Japanese.

>> No.8209434
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>> No.8209451

I will, eventually. Germany, France, Russia, plan to go plenty of places, Japan is just where I'm drawn currently...
But I WANT to.
So cute. Not asking you to teach me Japanese though, so that was pretty invalid.

>> No.8209483

So NO suggestions from /jp/? Any consensus on Rosetta Stone then?

>> No.8209492


>> No.8209493

Christ, no.

Download the Genki I and II PDFs (or better yet, buy the books) and read all of it.

>> No.8209496

Its shit but if you insist on using it, Pirate it.

>> No.8209510

Took a course in university. One semester. Learned all I needed to cruise through the rest of the learning curve by myself.

>> No.8209507

Will check those both out, thanks guys.

>> No.8209515

Was thinking about that, good to know, thanks.

>> No.8209520

I hate that I don't have the motivation to learn.
I guess I'll stick to hoarding ebooks. One day there'll be a worldwide internet outage or something, and after a few days of playing games and crying I'll get around to reading them.

>> No.8209525

I know that feel so hard.

>> No.8209527

It may help with listening skills but for everything else it's fairly shitty. A good way to improve your listening and speaking skills from the get-go is with Pimsleur. Learn Kana first before anything else, it helps with discerning different sounds immensely .

>> No.8209544

My motivation is that I've already sunk so many hours into learning obscure grammar and kanji that it feels like a waste not to continue to the end.

>> No.8209548

Nice, will check that out as well, though, I like to think I've got a pretty good ear for discernment, things like that have always been my strong suit. I do realize that Japanese in particular is pretty complex as far as things of that nature go, so I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.8209577

I'm right there with you.
Maybe we'll be homeless one day studying on our laptops near the same fire for warmth.

>> No.8209615
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>> No.8209630

ITAOTS on a board that isn't /mu/?!? Socking.

>> No.8209651



>> No.8209662
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Here you go, OP.

>> No.8209659

What rule was I breaking?

>> No.8209670

Using the wrong board; spam, I guess? Not him. It's jap related, it can stay.

>> No.8209716

>Romaji is BAD FOR YOU. It will fuck you up if you get used to it.

I wish I got that advice about three years ago. I can speak and comprehend most things (sentence structure is somewhat of a challenge; haven't given it much effort), but them runes are still hard for me to remember. Hiragana's especially a pain in the ass; shi and tsu are like shading and shadow.

>> No.8209738

OP here, that's...incredible. Thank you tons.
Dunno, oh well.
Has anybody here ever been to Japan? I'm from the states, and it's been a dream to learn the language and go since I was like 6 or 7, no joke. I just find everything about the country fascinating in a way I can't fully describe.

>> No.8209755

I think you meant katakana.

>> No.8209790

I live and work in Japan. I'm about to take a nap but my best advice is everybody has their own best ways of learning, try different stuff and see what you enjoy. Start with hiragana / katakana, those are pretty easy. Watch subtitled stuff, and just keep moving forward. Talk to Japanese people online, do a Japanese twitter or blog or something. (it can be anonymous.) Once you're up to a certain level, listen to lots of podcasts or talk radio.

As far as living in Japan goes, visit first if you can. It's a nice place to live though, can't deny it. But it's good to grasp the reality of a place before moving.

>> No.8209799

Is there an English equivalent of "romajii?" Something analogous to explain what the difference is between it and the katakana/hiragana? Are they all like different alphabets?
Solid sound advice, thanks. Enjoy your nap.

>> No.8209806

Romaji is Japanese words with the Latin alphabet. Kind of like all the dumb weeaboo shit everyone posts every day, but used for actual sentences.

>> No.8209812

>Is there an English equivalent of "romaji?"
No. "Baka" is romaji, Japanese words using latin letters. Not really sure what you're asking...

>> No.8209825

Oh! Thanks for explaining, that's what I was gonna go at first, now I know. So, as far as written Japanese, reading street signs, billboards, all that, the non-latin writings are more prominent, better to learn? Would I learn romaji later, or, knowing the sounds after learning katakana/hiragana/speaking the language would Romaji just fall into place, like learning a new english word?

>> No.8209831

That answered the question perfectly, was looking for the distinction between romaji/katakana/hiragana.

>> No.8209838

"I will, eventually. Germany, France, Russia, plan to go plenty of places, Japan is just where I'm drawn currently..."

You sound like a typical indecisive child. The Japanese are going to eat you alive. I don't really care though; more to the point, the only time you are allowed to post japanese questions here is when you are translating something for us. Why don't you use google and find one of the millions of ""lern nihonjin the kawaii way!! ^-^"" blogs and stay there.

>> No.8209835

If you learn the kana you'll learn romaji without even trying because it's entirely phonetic. It's just a really shitty way to try to learn the language because nothing is written in romaji anywhere except KAWAII DESU NEEEE posts on Gaia or whatever.

>> No.8209853

Because that's not me at all, and almost entirely an unfounded remark. I'm not indecisive, nor am I a child. Keep the useless shitposting to boards that don't mind it maybe?

>> No.8209845

>I've wasted my life and I'm a boring jaded cunt now and I'm slightly jealous of your ambitions

>> No.8209855

Off-topic bullshit.

>> No.8209864


I hear sucking my cock is a pretty quick way to learn, dude.

>> No.8209871


>> No.8209866

Not off topic, board is Japan, topic is...DUN DUN DUN...Japan.
You sound sad and embittered.

>> No.8209869

I would rather be a jaded cunt than an annoying, anti-intellectual shitposter like you are.

"Keep the useless shitposting to boards that don't mind it maybe?"
Funny, that's the only thing that /jp/ ask of you, yet you continue to refuse.

>> No.8209875

> board is Japan, topic is...DUN DUN DUN...Japan.
Hahaha. I know you're new here, but you should really lurk for at least a few hours before you post inane garbage like this.

>> No.8209876

The only useless shitposting I've ever done on this board is in response to your posts of the same vein.

>> No.8209882

But you're shitposting right now, bro. What are you contributing to the thread or really the board as a whole?

Also I'm not OP, don't let me taint your opinion of him~

>> No.8209884


It was never put away. I hang free bro.

>> No.8209885

False you ignorant nutsack. The topic is "Otaku Culture" and things that pertain to "Otaku Culture", such as figures, pillowcasings, Touhou, Visual Novels, and idols. Either take some time to read the big, bold, red text called the board title or take off running back to your home board. As a matter of fact, you should do both.

>> No.8209888

Calm down nerd. I wouldn't want you to bust a jelly roll.

>> No.8209890

Learning Japanese is an integral part of being able to properly enjoy otaku culture.

>> No.8209893
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>> No.8209896


>> No.8209897
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What you're referring to as Otaku Culture, is in fact, Autistic Culture, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Autism plus Culture.

>> No.8209900

You should rewrite the whole pasta.

>> No.8209901

>Three years of study
>Trouble telling the difference between shi and tsu

>> No.8209911

This is true. I'm tired of fags on this board thinking it's okay to browse /jp/ without possessing N1 level Japanese skills.

I'm being serious.

>> No.8209907

after i'm done with fukune i'm coming for you shit face

>> No.8209908

"What are you contributing to the thread or really the board as a whole?"
It is my mission to help return /jp/ to the glory of the old days, when we were elitist and troll-proof. I will not stop until every shitposter is gone. I encourage others to rise up and join the fight, drive these swine out of our lands and retake what is ours!

"Learning Japanese is an integral part of being able to properly enjoy otaku culture."
Dubious, but if it is true, then it is a prerequisite to being able to properly enjoy Otaku Culture. Ergo, there should be no threads about learning Japanese because it should not be needed. Of course, your statement is bullshit, and even if it weren't, /lang/ would be much more suited to the long-term discussion that language education needs. There is absolutely no argument for the inclusion of language threads.

>> No.8209914

Fuck that shit. The only thing you guys are good for is hentai. I'll be damned if I learn Japanese for that.

>> No.8209920

The shitposters have always been our first line of defense against trolls, newfriend.

>> No.8209922

Will you shut the fuck up about "the glory days of old /jp/"

NO BODY CARES. You're just making things worse by going on angry aspergers-fueled tirades.

I hope you know everyone wants you to die. I wish you'd get banned already.

>> No.8209932

Incorrect, aggressive punishment of shitposters (of which trolls are a subgroup) has been out defense against shitposters and other outsiders. When that didn't work, we spammed their threads, which always worked. I encourage this, though I do not have the patience to execute a proper sagebomb.

>> No.8209926

If that's what you truly believe, then you don't belong on my /jp/. Begone.

>> No.8209933

Here's a QUIK LUNCH TIP for picking up the kana a little easier.

You know how "t" and "d" are essentially the same sound, only for one of them you hum a little to voice it? Same with "s" and "z" and several other letters.

The kana function similarly - "to" and "do" have identical kana, save for a little mark called "dakuten" that tells you to voice that syllable.

There's another little diacritic called the "handakuten" that turns h- syllables into p- syllables.

Learn this early and it'll make things a lot easier.

>> No.8209935
File: 241 KB, 500x600, 94f4e9b7fe2aaccbae20b32486dd3406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we first started talking online,
I knew there was something there
but you blocked for me and now
I am yours and you’re mine,
sure there have been times
when we have almost lost each other
but that only makes us stronger
and know that we can overcome
all the little problems,
well to this day we are still together
I can't wait till the day
we meet face to face
I hope that will only make our love grow fonder
I love you with all my heart
and I don't want to lose that feeling

Don't leave me Fukune :(

>> No.8209940

I am pretty sure this much becomes clear within the first few seconds of staring at a kana chart.

>> No.8209952

Not everybody understands voiced/voiceless consonants. If you know fuck all about linguistics you might not make the connection for a while and it makes shit a lot harder than it should be.

>> No.8209961

Fair enough.

>> No.8209969

Be that as it may,
Thank you, all advice (pertaining to the general topic at least) is wholeheartedly accepted and welcomed.

>> No.8209980
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>> No.8209991

Don't mind him, it's just Suigin doing his shenanigans under a new trip. He'll realize how much we had he and go back to /a/, again in a few years or so.

>> No.8210001
File: 457 KB, 600x847, 352659b4ce1b3db3cf171d779e2c857b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sweet Fukune, so handsome and true
may I only love you ?
May God bless those eyes, but fair,
may you always be there?
Unblock me we need to talk :V

>> No.8210012

Oh, ok.

>> No.8210019

Again. The fucking filenames, man. You need to make your tokiko images 3 digit numbers with leading zeroes. This is a must!

>> No.8210016

> or as I've recently taken to calling it, Autism plus Culture.
Alright, I laughed.


>> No.8210028

>how much we had he and go
I'm sorry, my brain stalled trying to figure out what that was supposed to say...

>> No.8210038 [DELETED] 

Suigin was an annoying and pretentious cunt, but this guy is just ten kinds of asinine. Suigin and QC combined couldn't match his arrogance and I haven't seen such vile words since I went to /new/ that one time. Porbably not Suigin.
