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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8203823 No.8203823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




That's all it takes for you to break into a glory hole stall and suck a cock. Why haven't you sucked one yet, /jp/?

>> No.8203824

Much better now.

>> No.8203827
File: 991 KB, 1284x2079, 1317749958138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gabe newell autistic werewolf i know this is your doing

>> No.8203829 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, what a silly head. He deleted his old thread because he forgot his tripcode. What a clown!

>> No.8203837

>mfw when fake-kun was being fake near me

>> No.8203831

> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ
Phew, I was worried there!

>> No.8203839

So how do you feel about the nico nico debacle the other night where we got Saten-san to ask what we were going to do in the glolyhole?

>> No.8203842

if the person asked would you put your ass against the glory hole?

>> No.8203843

I really hope you guys all do this. Hopefully while you are off choking down cokes, /jp/ will get better, and more importantly, you get filled up with HIV tainted semen and die a slow death. It's a win for everyone important!

>> No.8203851

who are you? disappear cause you're a retard

>> No.8203860

These threads have given me a glory hole fetish.

I am not mad, I just feel....manipulated I guess...

>> No.8203862

And you are a shitposter and a faggot. We're still not even close to even. I hope you get raped; maybe then you will learn your lesson about shitposting.

>> No.8203866

Is there any type of thread that Alchemist can't ruin? This guy is like a one man /b/ raid.

>> No.8203869

post his trip code please

>> No.8203880

#the game

Not sure what the secure one is. Guessing a dictionary word.

>> No.8203887

>Is there any type of thread that Alchemist can't ruin?
That's pretty much what he's aiming for.

Also, there was nothing to ruin here.

>> No.8203888

It is actually a series of words. If you still wish to compromise my identity, you can start a dictionary attack on it by posting on /v/, where you belong, and trying each one. Why don't you go do that and leave poor ol' /jp/ alone.

>> No.8203904

that guy is more welcome here than you'll ever be. you're a nobody who appeared 2 days ago and haven't made a worthwhile post yet. go die in a ditch you piece of shit.

>> No.8203901

Because I hate you (not really, I don't hate anyone online).

You should tone it down a bit though. I sort of agree with what you're going for, but you're doing it in such a backfiring way. You also bump which I dislike (insert daily sage argument here).
Of course I'm fairly certain you're being ironic or whatever. I just hope you realize you're wasting your own time soon enough.

>> No.8203909

Stop giving him attention. you faggots.

>> No.8203915

Stop giving the attention-givers attention, faggot.

>> No.8203916

Cry and scream all you want. Your complaints about me are the sound of cancer dying.

"You also bump which I dislike"
If I did not want my post to be seen, I would not make it. I will stand by what I write and encourage people to debate me. I will not win an argument by silently getting the last comment in. Thus, I cannot not age a thread.

>> No.8203921

so this nitwit child uses a /b/ meme for his trip code and then shitposts all day on /jp/ telling people to leave to /v/? alchemist is a /b/tard shitstain and his trip code proves it. go back to where you came from, kiddo. we don't need retards who think the game is a funny term.

>> No.8203931
File: 28 KB, 334x318, yosuke_eeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it might be a guy, who the HELL knows?! also what if they find out i'm wtH for some weird reason and decide to rip off my forskin?

>> No.8203943
File: 24 KB, 299x336, the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but ur HELLa gay already dude

>> No.8203940

I had decided to adopt a tripcode, but I was hesitant as to what I should use. I decided to close my eyes and pic a random image from my large collection of 4chan-esque pictures. ""The game"" written on the inside of Loli-chan's thigh was what I had randomly selected, so it became my insecure tripcode. After posting a couple of times with that, I was much more able to settle on a secure trip and a name.

>> No.8203942

There's not much to debate, as there's already pretty much universal agreement that you are either a retard or a troll, and a shitty poster either way. The only real debate is whether it would be better to continue calling you out on this, or ignore you.

>> No.8203946
File: 84 KB, 550x745, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don';t use a tripcode , real men dont use 'em

>> No.8203948

Disregard that, I fellate phalluses.

>> No.8203949
File: 57 KB, 504x476, yosuke_sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the gel?! i shure as HELL ain't

>> No.8203950

backpedal some more /b/tard shitstain. your trip code is #the game since you're from the same clothe as a /b/tard.

>> No.8203952

A consensus among the shitposters against me will do nothing to deter me. I will not stop until /jp/ is returned to it's former glory as a haven for good posters in a galaxy of shit, with a VERY strict immigration policy.

>> No.8203973

The consensus is pretty much universal, actually.

>I will not stop until /jp/ is returned to it's former glory.
I'm sure you'll find a new gimmick in a few weeks.

>> No.8203968

Incorrect, though I will stand by all of my posts, I will not stand by those made by a clone. I would use a cryptographic signature, a concept of which I am a fan, but I am too impatient.

>> No.8203974

And hopefully you tire of shitposting by then as well.

>> No.8203980

But it took him all of 15 minutes to settle on this one!

I think I actually preferred "run-of-the mill angry flamer".

>> No.8203981

I realize that you suffer from the delusion that everybody who thinks you're a terrible poster is a shitposter, but do try and realize that this isn't the case.

>> No.8203983
File: 40 KB, 334x508, wtH ahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admit it ur GAY GAY GAY as HELL

>> No.8203987

does anyone else imagine him as a mongoloid /b/uugum throwing feces around every time he says shitposter? another self delusional teenager who's suffering from cognitive dissonance. can your tiny brain even figure out shitposter means shit poster? you are a shit poster without any redeeming qualities.
