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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8202344 No.8202344 [Reply] [Original]


Is your body ready, /jp/?

Looks like another character/setting info book along the lines of PMiSS, although it's unclear if it's written by Akyu just yet.

Byakuren is on the cover so we can assume that UFO cast will make an appearence, and probably the Taoists, too.

>> No.8202345 [DELETED] 

Go fuck an autistic nigger.

>> No.8202348

Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8202349
File: 708 KB, 816x1000, 100bb9b8f4ced7cf59d15c644405917c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wie viele /jp/?

>> No.8202355
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This will be the word of God that will confirm the superiority of the TAO

>> No.8202360


I wonder how much fanon crap will be crushed by this one.

>> No.8202374

I wonder how much will be confirmed.

>> No.8202375
File: 1.42 MB, 1299x998, 1304023305185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN should mention off handedly that one of the major characters has a boyfriend. The anal pain would be heard from Mars.

>> No.8202379

Weren't some of the TD characters married?

>> No.8202384

>Symposium of Post-mysticism
Good Lord, what kind of fucking retarded title is that?

>> No.8202387

Seiga. To Yoshika.

>> No.8202392
File: 188 KB, 916x990, 5e46f5c8d95d827e39f4ae809f05fb65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phantasmagoria of Flower View
>Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
>Changeability of Strange Dream

>> No.8202402


ZUN love DEEP titles.

>> No.8202411

... I think it is a reference to an event Japan had about Post-modernism.

I find it amusing.

>> No.8202413

>The Highly Responsive to Prayer
>Curiosities of Lotus Asia
>Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
>Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

We could go on all day...

>> No.8202417


Which is? Help us out, not everyone knows about Japan, we mostly just masturbate to its porn.

>> No.8202423

Yeah, I tried to stick to the weirder ones.

>> No.8202429

Sorry. I only remember one taking place in Tokyo in these last 3 years, but I really am not sure when.

>> No.8202432

Symposium = Drinkink party
Post-mysticism = after Mystic Square

I think ZUN is releasing this book to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Windows era (EoSD was released on 2002).

>> No.8202436

I mean Drinking, not Drinkink...

>> No.8202438

I forgive you.

>> No.8202439

Sure, whatever keeps you asleep at night, mate.

Wasn't Futo believed to be married, too?

>> No.8202443
File: 574 KB, 789x591, 1319425096224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have to wonder... you think that by some twisted thread of fate Touhou might end up as a religion one day.

You know, as in 2000 years from now these books will be held sacred, with the deep held belief that after death humans become fairies in a mystical land out of reach.

>> No.8202453

And their priests will wear frilly dresses and drink tea/beer all day erryday. Splendid, where do I sign up?

>> No.8202650
File: 422 KB, 700x700, 1306011407651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN best give my little devil a proper name.

>> No.8202663


You mean mikos.

>> No.8202730


This makes a lot of sense. I'll stick with that theory too, dude.

I wonder what will he write about in a "celebration" book, though. Maybe continue PMiSS, or just a collection of short stories... maybe both? I'm excited like a kid.

And the artist is pretty good, too.

>> No.8202761

checked out his pixiv. yeah the artist is pretty awesome, but he/she doesn't seem to draw a lot of touhou. only found one picture with remilia and flandre in it

>> No.8202771
File: 89 KB, 467x370, 1274905392731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're joking, but I totally think that a big part of the popularity of Touhou is because it's like a polytheistic religion. I'm sure ancient religion worked in the same way, only there wasn't internet and people were less cultivated and more superstitious and believed it was real.
It's the same as greeks or egyptians making up complicated stories about their gods and making art of them in all forms imaginable, people deciding what their favorite gods are, their traits etc..
It worked for people back then and it works for all of us now. I'm atheist as fuck but I totally recognize a slight religous behaviour in my approach to Touhou

>> No.8202775

Marisa seems to be reading a book with Remilia. I wonder what it's about.

>> No.8202777

They're reading Symposium of Post-mysticism.

>> No.8202795

>I'm atheist as fuck

Join the agnostic master race, and you will be able to believe in anything you want and don't feel bad about it.

I'm serious, Touhou made me realize I'm not actually atheist. I found it makes me feel better when I assume there really are little fairies living in the sealed wonderland somewhere in Japan. I won't give that up for the sake of rationalism (especially since I don't really have to).

>> No.8202801

東方求聞口授 ~ Symposium of Post-mysticism.
グリモワール オブ マリサ」に続き、今回も1冊丸ごとZUN氏による完全新規書き下ろし!
道、仏教、道教……彼らの話し合いが行きつく先とは!? 人間の安全は大
丈夫なのか? そもそも結論は出るのか? 最初にキレるのは誰か? 全六

>> No.8202811

I see amazon.co.jp still has that 3,000¥ shipping.

>> No.8202818

Is there a name for this school of thought? Like "delusionalism" or something.

(Not attacking you; this is the best way of thinking)

>> No.8202848

I know my big thing with Touhou is it allows me to enjoy all of my nerdy delights with the combined pleasure of having a pantheon of demigods as characters.

If a Touhou-ist movement ever gets started, I'll be right there on the street corner handing out the scripture.

Praise be to the great Yukari Yakumo, progenitor of distinction and lord of boundaries. May the lines she draws between here and nowhere extend to the highest heavens.

>> No.8204422

You know what it's about. They're reading SICP

>> No.8206802

Link to their pixiv?

>> No.8206805


>> No.8206816



>> No.8206821


-The book will tell a story about the three divided religions in Gensokyo. Shinto, Buddhism and Taoism and how tense are to each other.

-8 Chapters stories on Gensokyo fate between the warring religions and the conclusions

-There will also be a new content for Gensokyo Chronicles (PMiSS), Bunbunmaru Newspaper (BAiJR) and Kakashi Spirit News content on characters from MoF to TD.

In other word, It's PMiSS+BAiJR+New Contents on one book

>> No.8206824
File: 797 KB, 1399x1000, 20591148_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kakashi Spirit News

Congrats, Hatatatatatatata, you've finally made it.

>> No.8206845

>In other word, It's PMiSS+BAiJR+New Contents on one book

While that is pretty awesome, I'd still prefer a few separate books. There's only so much content that can you fit on 160 pages, after all.

>> No.8206855

What if it's more than 160 pages...

>> No.8206863

Its 1800 yen right? Can't be much more than the other ones.

>> No.8206904

If i'm not mistaken, the contents of Bohemian Archive is half actual contents and half doujin manga and it costs 1800 Yen. PMiSS on the other hand is 100% actual contents and the price is 1900 Yen.

Given that the book is 1800 Yen. I guess they will cramp everything on it. Or maybe they cut short. Or maybe the paper quality will be crap

>> No.8206911

It says 160P on OP's picture.

>> No.8206925


>> No.8207148

Wait, so will the book be getting the everything from PMiSS and the other materials to the new one? I was planning to buy myself PMiSS, Runagate, and Bohemian archive this Christmas.

Also, up on Amiami.

>> No.8210834


It's contents are pretty much summarized in >>8206821. By the way, mind sharing method to get them? I'm not in the US/EU, so I have a lot of trouble with this.

>> No.8211023

It'll have Akyuu, Aya, and Hatan's articles about the MoF+ characters to supplement the story about religions. That's how I read it anyway.

>> No.8211398

Thanks for the info.
Then it seems more likely that the content in the previous works won't be in this book. 160 pages isn't that many to cram all of them.

You mean the books? I'm going to use a proxy to order directly from Ichijinsha. Try looking at paletweb, otacute, and bk1. They should have some of them. Especially bk1. That's where I got all my Touhou mangas.

>> No.8211416

Or if you have a Kinokunia nearby. Just order there.

>> No.8211431

SPOILER: They settle the question with a danmaku tournament, coming as Touhou 14

>> No.8211432

I hope it's not another Phantasmagoria.

>> No.8211444


Cheapest Game in the Fucking Universe 2: This Time With More Characters!

>> No.8211454

So do I, especially after 13.

>> No.8211699

search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.8211706


Touhou 13.5, new fighter.

>> No.8211777

Cheapest Game in the Fucking Universe 3: This Time With Even More Characters

also, I think it will be Touhou 15.
3, 9, 15 - Phantasmagorias

>> No.8211857
File: 683 KB, 800x800, seidenstrasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this include a music cd?

>> No.8212090

search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.8215464

