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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 500x529, fujoshi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8200850 No.8200850 [Reply] [Original]

☒ Likes Touhou.
☒ Likes other dojin shit.
☒ Is elitist.
☒ Are usually lonely.
☒ Cosplays.

So why aren't you dating a fujoshi yet /jp/?

>> No.8200853

Are those last 3 supposed to be positive?

>> No.8200855

Gross. I think most of us have been already conditioned to react negatively to cosplay.

>> No.8200861

I want, but I don't want americunt fujoshi, they're usually fat.

>> No.8200867

I get the feeling that those women are left to rot for a good reason.

>> No.8200877

I think that's a generalization. In my experience they get more attention than your average /jp/er and they're more likely to have dated too. Not trying to troll here, I'm just as much of a virgin as the rest of you. That's just my experience.

>> No.8200893
File: 48 KB, 138x132, 1321283981680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm into femdom, I want a fujoshi forced me to put dildo in my ass or forced me to get fucked by another man.

>> No.8200891


Except even fat disgusting girls can get attention from guys, so yeah... Doesn't really mean much. Especially in anime fandom.

>> No.8200918

Anyone else get kind of pissed off at moefags and anime elitists because they drag our image down a little bit?

Let's face it, anime fans have come a long way since the 80s and 90s, we are no longer social losers, hell I've met (and fucked) girls from /jp/ who were pretty damn hot and I know that probably most people here stick two fingers up to the neckbeard/fat/loser stereotype. For example, my friend who introduced me to /jp/ last year is a guy who had his first threesome at 16 and regularly bangs underage girls who he meets as a result of dealing in his spare time. And this is a guy who has been here since mid 2007, so he's clearly not a newfag. Keep in mind this is a guy who enjoys cosplay from time to time and we regularly go to cons together to try and pick up as many girls on here can testify :P

But... as much as there are those of us who are contributing to anime's image change there are those who are holding us back so to speak. People like moe and GAR fags are the reason that anime is still viewed as distinct from the mainstream to some degree. Not to mention neckbearded elitist fucks lording it over others.

To be honest I'm just sick and tired of being put in the same camp of these faggots just because I watch anime. These losers drag everyone else down with them and they have this idea because they've been watching anime for longer their opinions need to be respected more.

Keep in mind also these are the same fucks who insult girls who are into anime. Just because they can't get any (and trust me, you be wanting some of that female otaku pussy a lot, girls on /jp/ are pretty damn hot or at least the ones I've met are).

What exactly are we going to do to improve our image and get rid of these people /jp/?

>> No.8200919

I have fujoshi fetish, and I'm stalking a japanese fujoshi right now.

>> No.8200914

Why would anyone do such a thing?If one wants a girlfriend to fuck so badly why not just become a normalfag and go to clubs?Or you could jusf buy a whore

>> No.8200925
File: 471 KB, 1051x1515, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in general are unreasonable and manipulative. I get nothing but trouble from them. I prefer to live my with my delusion where a girl's blush can easily be seen.

>> No.8200921

A man can dream, punk. Shut up.

>> No.8200934

I don't care what you think, you have only watched 50 anime and you don't even play touhou, read VNs, and play niche JRPGs. You don't belong on /jp/ in any capacity.

>> No.8200949

Fujoshi femanon on /jp/? They aren't exist.
/jp/ femanons are just raging dykes from /u/

>> No.8200958


Why would anyone want to play niche JRPGs?

>> No.8200962

Ok so you dream about a girl who has your hobbies and is just as socially retarded as you right?But then you retards go like "Ewwwww I'm not into fat chicks, just look at them right guise xD?"
This just fucking pisses me off, if looks is so damn important to you that you act like a normalfag regardless, of the fact that you are probally more ugly than most fujoshis, then why not just be a normalfag?

>> No.8200968

Shut it, porky.

>> No.8200969

That isn't the point, he has no reason to be on /jp/ whatsoever is the point.

>> No.8200972

What the fuck are you talking about?
I don't get your point at all.
Also in my country, fujoshi aren't fat.

>> No.8200967

Because 3DPD

>> No.8200976

There's no connection between being a social recluse and being fat, I don't see what you're trying to stab at.
Fat people are just fat

>> No.8200974

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.8200981

Name me one positive effect dating fujoshi... or any girls for that matter has.

I can't possibly think of one

>> No.8200977

Hell, why anyone would want to play Visual Novels is beyond me. I consider these things a distraction at best.

>> No.8200984


Well firstly, give some examples of what you're talking about. Do you mean stuff like Atelier Rorona, or actual Japanese releases that never get released over here, or independent releases or what? Because AR is shit.

>> No.8200986

>implying I wouldn't happily date a fujoshi, just to see what it was like.

As a rule, I do not date chicks who are fatter than me, though.

>> No.8200992

Nah, it's decent.

>> No.8200991

I'm dating a fujoshi right now, Her name is Mamizou.

>> No.8200995

>What exactly are we going to do to improve our image and get rid of these people /jp/?

Why would you want to do that?

>> No.8201000

It's a mind numbingly mediocre series. If it were as popular as big franchises, nobody on /jp/ would like it.

>> No.8200997

the only one i can think of is having her suck my cock, dude, so i can use my mouse and keyboard at the same time while masturbating. the cons outweigh the pros by far.

>> No.8201001

No one said fat, get back to >>>/cgl/

>> No.8201004

He's crazy and doesn't belong here.

>> No.8201005

If she can draw, we can make porn together

>> No.8201018

Fuck off to /soc/ you mega slut.

>> No.8201015

I'll never understand why some of you think /jp/ is a club treehouse wth a "no girls allowed" sign outside. There are plenty of us here, and not all of us are 'fat disgusting fujoshi'. Some of us take care of ourselves, lead relatively ordinary and normal social lives, date guys from outside anime fandom, go to parties and so on. It's just that inbetween these kinds of things we happen to enjoy /jp/ related hobbies.

>> No.8201026

I just don't understand why people make a difference between fat 3dpd and thin 3dpd

>> No.8201023

Even if you weren't a woman, you wouldn't belong here.

>> No.8201027

>and not all of us are 'fat disgusting fujoshi'.
I knew that, I never generalize. Since I don't live in America.

>> No.8201031

Fat people are disgusting regardless of gender.

>> No.8201036

How do you figure I "don't belong here" exactly? I enjoy all the same things you do, and enjoy talking about them too.

Also, only on /jp/ would a girl be considered a "slut" for being normal and dating guys. I've had 6 partners and every single one of them has been a boyfriend. Not once have I had a fling. That makes me the opposite of a slut, don't you think?

>> No.8201044
File: 778 KB, 196x207, dawson_crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you here then?

>> No.8201041

Just stop it, you're disgrace to /jp/ femanons

>> No.8201042

>I enjoy all the same things you do
We don't enjoy being normalfags

>> No.8201046

It isn't about you not being here, it is about you not belonging here. I don't care who you are and I don't give one fuck about how you spend your time. You just post /jp/ related things and we're cool but you have to get all autistic when these threads come up. I know you're just a beardneck waiting for your pizza rolls to get out of the oven but as long as you pretend to ne what you are in you're post I will still hate you.

>> No.8201047


Hey femanon. I've been here longer than you.

>> No.8201049

>I've had 6 partners
>Not a slut

>> No.8201051

Oh shit, things just got REAL.

>> No.8201052

Sup /jp/, femanon here. I do have sex, although it's infrequent since I'm not really fond of it. I get off with guys on a regular basis though, last being Saturday night. But I've never had a proper boyfriend and frankly, I don't think that I want one. I don't think that I'm unattractive. An eating disorder in my teen years still casts a shadow over me, so I'm stupidly skinny. I don't even have a chest. No DFC here- it's flat as fuck, and looks awkward with my protruding ribs. I'm obsessed with my looks, and buy a lot of clothes and shit. But I still play VNs and all that shit. It'd be cool if I actually knew a male anon I could sit down and read VNs with, but I know that that will never happens. Feels bad man.

>> No.8201056

Doesn't change the fact you don't belong here.

>> No.8201057

That isn't the point, you don't belong no matter how long you have been here. I will never understand why you come here when it is obvious you care nothing for the board's regular discussion and posters.

>> No.8201061

I don't think so. If a person is nice I dont't care about looks


I was referring to such posts

>> No.8201066

Fat really doesn't bother me any more than height does. Even the slimmies are unattractive, so I've never felt a need to hate anything beyond their third dimension.

>> No.8201067

Oh this thread

Stay golden /jp/.

>> No.8201081

I come here because I have fujoshi fetish and I just want to sharing fujoshi manga.
Such is a life, fuck you attention whore femanon you're not even a fujoshi.

>> No.8201076

I just don't understand the obsession with virginity. If I'd slept with 30 guys I could understand being called a slut. But now sleeping with just 6 guys makes you a slut? I don't understand you /jp/. or the virginity obsession. So I'll leave it at that.

>> No.8201077

im a femanon with a multitude of mental and personality disorders including asperger's syndrome, i am also wheelchair bound. this makes me highly appealing to otaku men because I have a very high helpless moe factor. i wish my boyfriend liked touhou but he watched madoka with me and we held eachother as we cried watching anohana so he gets points for that. im sorry for any mistakes im very bad at writing im pretty sure i might even be mildy retarded... being autist is suffering

>> No.8201083

What the hell are you people doing?

>> No.8201084


You're not a slut. I'm a cosplayer who has had a few one night stands at cons and the minute I even hinted at this on /jp/ they went berserk. They're retarded. Ignore them.

>> No.8201086

Every single post in this thread is made by athens.

>> No.8201087

Don't worry, at least you're not as bad as this slut >>8201084

>> No.8201091

>multitude of mental and personality disorders including asperger's syndrome, i am also wheelchair bound
Also, Alzheimer's suffering blind alien ghost.

It's a conspiracy.

>> No.8201094

I certainly hope so.

>> No.8201105

Obviously all the female posts are his. There's no way sluts like that actually post here.

>> No.8201108

My thoughts exactly

>> No.8201110

>I just don't understand the obsession with virginity.

I don't either. I'm a girl who until now has never mentioned my gender but it is literally on every single board here and it gets under your skin sometimes. You start to question whether particular things you've done are 'slutty' and start to feel ashamed about them and so on. It's shitty we have to put up with this in this day and age, but hey, I guess that's the price you pay.

On the flip side, no guy I've ever slept with or done anything with has held views like this. And most of the cute guys I've met at cons in general aren't like this either. I think it's just a 4chan thing and the rest of us are moving past it.

>> No.8201113

I'm not into 3D but I would definitely befriend a fujoshi as long as she wasn't an insufferable drama queen, which is hardly likely since almost all women are.

>> No.8201115

This thread is really derailed, I hope no one replying to this thread.

>> No.8201117

The "cute guys you meet at cons" obviously won't be that way, because they know they can't get into your pants by speaking their minds.
Rest assured that no man likes sluts, though.

>> No.8201124

It can't be helped. 4chan holds onto its roots as Nerd Central, despite being basically populated by normals. Memes are like that.
I'm surprised other boards still do it, considering us original models have basically settled here on /jp/.

>> No.8201125

It's simple, if you enjoy sleeping with many different people you are a slut regardless of gender. /jp/ - romantic people who want to lose their virginity to the love of their life general

>> No.8201128

I hope OP does what is right.

>> No.8201133


I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.8201130

I imagine /jp/ femanons to be housewifey girls casually interested in traditional female arts like cooking and sewing but who don't actually have any skills in those areas because they are too busy shitposting and crying.

>> No.8201131


Or maybe it's just that those of us who go to cons aren't nasty people like /jp/? The stereotypes about anime fans aren't as true there anyway. There are tons of cute guys cosplaying and although I'm not bi, a fair number of attractive girls too.

>> No.8201136

But they are not fujoshi.

>> No.8201139

>I imagine /jp/ femanons to be housewifey girls

Huh. Aren't cosplayers almost universally pretty slutty though?

>> No.8201144

Actually, those of you that go to cons are low tier trash with no principles, but hey.

>> No.8201148


>> No.8201154
File: 141 KB, 1068x575, 1318539379127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201160

But wouldn't girls who are fans of feminine and demure moe aesthetics want to actively seek to embody them? It makes sense to me.

>> No.8201186
File: 70 KB, 640x419, ISM posts on jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201185

I never really understood where the whole 'reserved, romantic nerdy girl' trope came from. Hollywood? TV? Anime? A mixture of all of these things? Some stereotypes, or most in my experience, have at least some basis in fact, but this is one that is completely devoid of almost any basis in fact because nerd chicks are generally way sluttier than 'ordinary' girls owing to a whole host of reasons like insecurities and daddy issues. Generally though, they mix in exclusively male circles and end up sleeping with all of them in order to keep their attention and interest and 'make them like her'.

It's sort of sad, but meh. I just find the fact people still believe the stereotype weird. It's sort of obvious if you go to conventions these days that girls who like nerd shit are nothing like that.

>> No.8201189

>It's sort of obvious if you go to conventions these days that girls who like nerd shit are nothing like that.

I think anime and especially stuff like cosplay/lolita has been especially prone to infiltration by hipsters over the past 5 or 6 years or so.

>> No.8201193

Yeah right.

I've seen pictures. Droves of hambeasts with yaoi paddles amidst an unwashed wilderness populated by Narutards and soap dodging basement demons.

Imagine what a hotel room smells like after copulation. Holy Moses.

>> No.8201204

There are times where I really love /jp/, but there are times where I really can't stand it. Looking at the replies to this thread, this is one of those times. Some of you people are insufferable jerks.

>> No.8201200

Those people aren't actually nerds though, they're the same as girls who think they're so geeky XD for getting excited about Twilight movie premiers. Extroverted "I'm so geeky haha XDD" types are shit regardless of gender.

>> No.8201206

It has a certain ironic appeal I guess.

>> No.8201215


You are so obviously a femanon it isn't even funny.

>> No.8201224

Indeed, just look at /cgl/, there are often threads from hipsters saying "I don't watch anime or read comics or whatevs aside from Pokemon but this is what I look like, who can I cosplay as? ^_^"

>> No.8201228

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.8201234

He's not the one who brought a truckload of /cgl/ drama where it isn't wanted.

>> No.8201229
File: 47 KB, 234x263, Cirno Laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks I'm female.

Oh, and I can't wait for the sea of "Who are you quoting?" following this post.

>> No.8201232

>Some of you people are insufferable jerks.
Confirmed for girl fastboarder.

>> No.8201241

Neither did I...

>> No.8201238

Gurlfriend, you are really bad at this "pretend" game.

>> No.8201253
File: 15 KB, 300x281, Hakase Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201254

athens confirmed for mega faggot

>> No.8201255

I'll be honest, I didn't really read the thread. However, whenever I see two hundred posts involving both females and athens, I feel like it must somehow be your fault.

>> No.8201266

Where exactly? And what about?

>> No.8201260
File: 409 KB, 1435x2000, 1280495671861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

athens, /cgl/ AND "femanons?"

>> No.8201261

Yes you did.

>> No.8201262

Jesus christ! Thanks captain!!

>> No.8201268

Why did this thread get even one reply, much less ones without sage?

>> No.8201272

Oh for fuck sake... Look, /jp/, you've got to stop this obsession with virginity.

I speak as a female anon first and foremost. You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18, it's unreasonable to expect a girl to wait that long, it's unreasonable to expect ANYONE to wait that long. But I think any girl who waited until prom night deserves at least some respect, there are more opportunities to have sex as a girl so you're turning down guys literally ALL THE TIME. On top of that, sex is more of a temptation to us because it feels better for a girl than it does for a guy, especially if the guy you're having sex with is experienced.

So in many ways it's not just unreasonable socially, it's biologically unreasonable too and it's being unreasonable to any future partner who has had sex because you're not going to be able to pleasure her that effectively because you've been hung up on outdated ideas of purity. There are still good girls out there who have had sex, there are good girlfriend material girls out there who have even had a few flings (everyone makes mistakes, don't be so harsh and hold people to insane standards), so go out there and look, work on yourself and maybe you can get one! I'm just trying to help you guys you know. Because I too know what it's like to be ronery (I only had my first boyfriend when I was 15 and was single all before that).

Oh well, maybe you'll ignore and flame me, but femanon here, signing out.

>> No.8201276

Where did it all go so wrong, /jp/?

>> No.8201281

Help /jp/ sometimes when I fart it gets smothered in my bootylicious apple bottom jeans and it descends back into my buttcrack and it just kind of floats around in there until it gets stuck in my vagina and then finally "pops" in there. How do I stop my farts from exploding in my vagina? I'm afraid they will break my hymen and then I won't be a virgin anymore and then I can't get a cute /jp/sies boyfriend.

>> No.8201280

>You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18
My sister is 20 years old and still virgin. We are muslims here, sex outside marriage is forbidden.

>> No.8201287

Your an idiot. You think /jp/'s standards are on the 3DPD level, go away you heathen. Or maybe they are just fucking virgins that never touched a FUCKEN PUSSY.

>> No.8201283

The moment you appeared, the thread turned into a shitstorm. As for how, well you're a known faggot, you carry your faggotry wherever you go. Now, kindly leave this board, preferably forever.

>> No.8201285

fuck off athens

>> No.8201286

And a kopipe to end another unsatisfying night of refreshing /jp/.

>> No.8201291

Hi athens.

>> No.8201305


>I speak as a female

I was going to stop reading there, but I figured I'd humor you and read the whole post. I regret doing so.

>All girls are used goods sooner or later, you guys should just deal with it and accept that we're people, too, even if we're insufferable sluts. In fact, that's more reason for you to like us.

Your post in a nutshell.

>> No.8201301




>> No.8201310

I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;

Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!

Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.

We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.

>> No.8201323

I can understand being this upset about it if it was a double-standard.

Like say:
>Woman sleeps with a lot of men = slut
>Man sleeps with a lot of women = badass

But you're up against a crowd that values their sense of self-worth. Part of that worth is the preservation of virginity.

It would be kind of a shitty double standard to regard a female with standards that I wouldn't hold for myself.

Funny enough that even under certain circumstances, people as unattractive as myself have the opportunity to lose or keep our virginity. I had at least 3 or 4 different chances that I was aware of but I turned them down because I knew it wasn't what I wanted of myself.

To disregard the exact same standards you have for yourself because society gives you something different is a dumb deal.

>> No.8201331
File: 100 KB, 1026x421, suwako you stupid virgin-only people_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't understand the obsession with virginity.

If it makes you feel better, speaking as a manon, I don't either. If even half the things I've heard about taking a woman's virginity are true, I don't ever want to bother if I can avoid it. I don't fucking care if you're toight as a toiger, my dick goes limp as a noodle at the idea of causing someone I ostensibly love enough to sleep with harm. Also, blood on my dick is one of my main turnoffs

So fuck that noise, experienced women are best women

>> No.8201325

/jp/ I have another girl problem, okay so a while ago I had this ingrown hair in my vagina so I plucked it out with tweezers and there was blood and pus everywhere. it left a purple mark that is like a constantly pus-producing secret pimple, it isn't a scar cause it's producing pus but I don't know what it is! i tried putting acne medication on it but that just made my peepee hurt. what will i do if it stays there forever? did it get turned into an std? ive never had sex before i dont want my first std to be from tweezers!!!! what will my future /jp/sie boyfriend think of me?

>> No.8201339
File: 152 KB, 500x500, getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8201340

"fujoshi" are usually pretty hostile, right?

>115 replies
Fuck that, not reading the thread, lol.

>> No.8201337


>> No.8201338

I saw this one thread on /a/ the other day and commented that as bad as /jp/ is, at least we don't get ridiculous threads about girls that hit bump limit in a few hours.

Obviously I'm somehow responsible for this because Irony hates me.

>> No.8201344

I don't care what /jp/ says, I'd like to date a cosplayer one day.

>> No.8201348
File: 73 KB, 396x303, hazmat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're replying to kopipe, citizens, this is dangerous for you, please evacuate immediately. This thread is now jurisdiction of the /jp/ Kopipe Department.

>> No.8201346

Maybe if you kill yourself it will appease the powers that be.

>> No.8201349

I figured that was the case...

>> No.8201352

The bleeding is not noticeable. Unless you're a jackhammer and do way more damage than appropriate.

>> No.8201356 [DELETED] 

I thought torrents of blood eruped from virgin's vaginas.

That's what my studies have suggested.

>> No.8201358

I thought torrents of blood erupted from virgin vaginas.

That's what my research currently suggests.

>> No.8201364

tanasinn is very important to me. I am a big advocate of the feeling and feeling. I have studied tanasinn for about 6-7 years and am a proud member of the tanasinn-nnisanat Society of tanasinnvania. During my college program semester at tanasinn World, I passed the tanasinn Company's language assessment test, and received a language pin under my tanasinn to indicate that I was responsible and could assist tanasinn guests should they have any inquiries. I study hard every day in order to gain some insight on the lananguage and culture. I have dreams to become either a tanasinn language interpreter for business conferences (the person with headphones and microphone that sits in the little glass booth and simultaneously translates what the person is saying), 今∴山●∵ミひど(・)tanasinnっ●∵す

でも●そ∵∴な(・)人メ● ∵∴tanasinnが定(・(・))しす
∵の名∵(・)これ●か | '`-イ∴(・)のイ●け<・>て●くメ∵(・)∵くぁ(・)wせ●drftgyふじ

でイ∵(・)●が変(・)どtanasinn∵(・)∴なこ ∵∴(・)

>> No.8201365

Only if the hymen is already partially broken. Speaking from experience if she's never even put a finger in there before there's going to be blood everywhere and she will be crying from the pain. I thought after getting three fingers in her she would be ready, but I was very wrong. There was also a really horrible subtle popping sound as it broke.

>> No.8201369

Imagine you are having terrible nightmare.

It's terrible, but it's terrible only to you and no other. It's a horror custom made for you by your own mind.

The content is not important, but the fear is.

When you wake, you wake in a room on a bed. It is your bed, but it is not your bed.

It is your room, but it is not your room.

With effort, you realize you have not awoken at all, but are still asleep and have dreamed of an awakening.

The question remains if you are to wake and be greeted with reality, should you get out of bed or go back to sleep.

You decide to do both, and you fall backward through the bed as the sheets envelop your body.

It's dark, but it's not dark.

You're awake, but you're not awake.

You are dead and being cremated.

As flames disintegrate your flesh, a scream echos through your mind but not does not escape your lips which, even if you could speak, have been glued shut.

You black out once more, and awaken at dawn. As the mingled ashes of bone and oak are scattered on a beach by the one you've left behind, you finally understand:

You are not the ashes of the man, you are the ashes of coffin.

You were not a man dreaming of life, but a tree dreaming you were a man.

This awakening, this epiphany... this is tanasinn.

>> No.8201374

Let me tell you a "No homo story".

I remember that one day my parents wanted to spend the night fucking so they sent me to sleep with my neighbor and childhood friend that's one year younger than me (I was 14 back then). Coincidently, (or not?) his parents also spent that night fucking on a motel. When that happened, we liked to watch porn together at late night TV, and we used to rub our cocks over our clothes, so naturally we did the same that day. During one of the hot moments, I went to the toilet to fend off my drowsiness (and to release what was about to burst), and left him there. I did it quickly. After about five minutes, I came back, and he, being really sleepy too, seemed to have forgotten that I was going to come back and had pulled his boxers off and started to masturbate raw. I got an instant boner again (no homo, just reflexes) and hid myself while watching him. He was shafting it violently up down up down up down up down up down up down and I could no longer hold it in. It was released, and I matched his rhythm. However, his drowsiness got the best of him, and he fell asleep, pulsating cock still in hand. I couldn't endure that sight anymore. It looked painful, it was begging me for it. Make me cum, I need to let it out! And his face, he looked so defenseless. So, my lips and my hand moved on their own (no homo). Then it started. I kept going, the porn didn't stop, and his cute moans alone were worth it (no homo). The porn actress seemed to understand us, and groaned like a beast. It didn't take long for the inevitable to happen. We cuddled, and he freaked out when he woke up and saw that I slept while holding his cock tightly while soaked in his white slimy cum. No homo, I tell you, it's just some friendly skinship.

>> No.8201375

I think we can safely say it varies. Initial entry was... Unnerving.

>> No.8201376

  |__/⌒i__________/| tanasinn is watching
  | '`-イ.|∵∴(・)∴∴.(・)∴|  |  .|
  |ヽ ノ |∵∵∵/ ○\∵|  |  .|
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  | '`-イ|∵∴(・)∴∴.∵∴∴   |  tanasinn is leaking tanasinn
  |ヽ ノ...|∵∵∵∵ ∵∵∴____|
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∵∵∵∴∵∴  
            ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴      ∵
∵      ∵   ∵∵∴∵∴∵(・)∵∴∵    ∵∴∵∴
∵∴∵∴  ∵  ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
 ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴     ∵∴∵
    ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴     ∵∴∵∴

>> No.8201377


Incorrect. A woman's hymen can be paper-thin or take a lot of effort to tear. The amount of blood and pain felt also varies. For some girls it's easy to get "broken in," it's a fucking trainwreck for others.

Not experienced, just a doctor-in-training. ;_;

>> No.8201382
File: 140 KB, 314x1669, 1321891141463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201386


Get the fuck out.

>> No.8201392
File: 29 KB, 450x312, bestyahooanswers06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201390

Oh, I see. I guess my partner was just very unlucky in having a hymen as thick as a sheet of plastic... I've only been with one girl so I thought it was the same for everyone.

>> No.8201393

ITT: 3DPD whores straight off /cgl/ trying to convince us to lower our standards to what they were back when we were 8 years old.

>> No.8201399

Don't worry, it's actually just athens talking to himself.

>> No.8201403

You are now aware half of /d/ is female and women are submissive as fuck in bed.

>> No.8201402
File: 49 KB, 455x447, marisa horrified_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was also a really horrible subtle popping sound as it broke.

Yeah. Nah

Fuck virgins

>> No.8201405

They're trying to lay the groundwork for having your wizard powers stolen. What a shit wat to go about it, though.

>> No.8201406

Women butthurt that no one wants them anymore.

If someone ate half a sandwich and drank half a bottle of something, would you be happy to eat and drink the other halves with that person's spit and germs on it?

>> No.8201408

I hope the half of /d/ that is female is the half that likes diaper threads, I like the idea of incontinent sweet lolitas uncontrollably peeing all over their expensive dresses and crying as I lap up their sweet nectar like a ferocious dog.

>> No.8201407

Bad analogy, as that's no problem for me. More like getting someone's used condom.

>> No.8201409

>what a shit way to go about it
I know right? They could at least try to rape us, that would at least take some effort.

>> No.8201412

You know I sometimes wish I had the ability to see if someones post is serious or not

>> No.8201418

But anon, not knowing who's secretly an ironic shitposter is the fun of /jp/.

>> No.8201414

>lap up 3DPD nectar
Woman spotted. Don't try to hide it, just go back where you came from.

>> No.8201415


I'm not normally one to wave fingers and say "newfag," but seriously? I was pretty sure ";_;" was accepted here.

>> No.8201416

Yeah, I eat anything.

I mean, only if it was going to go to waste otherwise.

>> No.8201420

I already drink my own pee, girl pee can't be that much different.

>> No.8201424

Yeah, men with piss fetishes don't exist.

>> No.8201421

You just don't get it, do you?

>> No.8201423

Only in spoilers. ^_^

>> No.8201427


>> No.8201428

Men with submissive fetishes are fucking disgusting. I'm not joking. Have some pride, the only reason you are submissive is because you eat shit and you lay about all day. Virtually all women like being dominated.

>> No.8201430

What does what women want have anything to do with anything?

>> No.8201433

>women like being dominated

>> No.8201434

Get out of this thread squiddy, using jews and finns to troll is cute, but this is not funny, this is annoying as all hell

>> No.8201432

why wou∴(・)l∵∴∴(・)d∵o∵

>> No.8201436

They've had dicks other than yours in there.
Not men worthy of /jp/, unless it's a fetish for 2D piss.

>> No.8201439


He's sort of right. Women are kind of neurologically wired to respond to displays of dominance in a positive way. I think all men like the thought of doing dominant things to a woman they like deep down.

>> No.8201442

Didn't I tell you to get out already? Go to >>>/soc/, or >>>/r9k/ or whatever.

>> No.8201443

By definition, men don't like womanly things. If you do, you aren't a man. Mentally you're a woman. Liking women's clothing is fine however, since we know for a fact that their often more pleasurable than men's.

>> No.8201447

I'm not arguing that. I just think it's disgusting that someone would belly over like that. Whether they're hardwired for it or not is beside the point.

>> No.8201451

I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.8201457

Why would I want to go there? /soc/ is full of hipsters anyway, I wouldn't fit in. I want to hang out with my bros here.

I used to feel that way, but I think it sort of makes sense now. You can't blame women for being women, you can blame them for demanding society to treat them as if they are neurologically the same as men and then behaving in such a manner though.

I think modern neuroticism has a lot to do with people denying their own nature. Especially amongst women. Think about being brought up and being told you're exactly equal to boys/men in every way except cosmetically, and then having all these submissive thoughts that you try to stifle because you feel they go against what the paradigm dictates you have to behave like. It must fuck women up mentally I'd imagine.

>> No.8201458

Everyday I look at /fit/ and laugh. They are so pathetic, wasting there time in a hot stinky gym lifting weights.

I just do Aikido and I look twice as aesthetic as the best looking /fit/ poster. I'm probably twice as strong too, strong enough to compete competitively as a strongman or Olympic lifter.

But I can actually use my strength to defend myself, I can probably take on four Brock Lesnars.

At once.

>> No.8201462

>Why would I want to go there?

Because you're a hipster faggot like them.

>> No.8201463
File: 27 KB, 184x184, hurp informative_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By definition, men don't like womanly things.

Yeah, man. Like pink shit, romance movies, and cooking. God, fucking women things, amirite boys?

In case I wasn't being obvious enough, I find your gender stereotypes absolutely insulting and retarded. I don't think you could even *define* what makes something manly or womanly, much less make a remotely intelligent claim regarding someone's mental gender

Consider this butt flustered, mister

>> No.8201466

I don't think I could name 10 bands from the past 40 years. I didn't even know who the Rolling Stones were until a few years ago.

>> No.8201468

Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is.

>> No.8201471

'Hipster' may originate from the music scene, but it surely does not only apply to that.

We aren't your bros.

>> No.8201472
File: 32 KB, 452x430, 1315549421493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201475

girls are poopyneenerheads!!!

>> No.8201479
File: 77 KB, 553x546, 1309875561330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201480

And they give you icky cooties! Yuck!

>> No.8201487
File: 59 KB, 500x375, 1314268758476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201486

Sounds like somebody could use a dicking.

>> No.8201491

I could use some dickings

>> No.8201492
File: 12 KB, 281x236, okayguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We aren't your bros.


>> No.8201493
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>> No.8201500
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>> No.8201509

athens is the best poster in the history of 4chan.

>> No.8201516

But that's not you!

>> No.8201518

Cooking isn't womanly. Men are far more skilled at cooking at the highest level. There's nothing girly about pleasurable tastes and skill based pursuits. Romance movies are womanly because a man realizes women are only worth their time when they're getting the man off, or simply not worth their time. Pink is rarely an aesthetic color, so it's quite womanly considering women have no damn taste. Try harder.

Actually, please don't try at all. You're boring. Much like...a woman.

>> No.8201526

Girls? On my /jp/? Where did the standards go?
In all seriousness, if the female posters here are gonna whine about shit that can't change and never will, they really aren't welcome. This place is the way it is for a reason.

>> No.8201527

well, she's half right
the "no girls allowed" club thing is dumb

but not all of us are normalfags

>> No.8201529

Fuck off woman

>> No.8201535

The presence of females isn't inherently bad, but as soon as gender comes up, threads like this happen.
HelenXonpool is proof women can in fact be welcome bros. Granted, she may be the exception that proves the rule.

I much prefer a 'No normals allowed' mentality, myself.

>> No.8201543
File: 116 KB, 700x640, 2f2c1a2d4d4b0b57ac6d902aea237c57..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. i don't think there should be threads that bring up gender because it creates problems and nobody really wants this

I have no idea who HelenXonpool
I assume a tripfriend
I don't pay attention to most trips...

>> No.8201542

W-Wait wait wait.

Are you telling me that Helen is actually a girl?

Did the rest of you know about this?

>> No.8201547

I have trouble agreeing with you on a lot of points you've said previously, but this I can wholeheartedly agree with.

>> No.8201545

Abysmal thread.

>> No.8201551 [DELETED] 

If that surprised you, you might also be astouned to learn that Sudo collects disability, ZUN!bar was in the army, Hong Meiling is from Poland, 「ロリあき」 is homeless, and Jones is Jewish.

>> No.8201553

Either she's a girl, or likes to pretend to be a lesbian on /jp/. Either way, one of the better trips.

>> No.8201557

If that surprised you, you might also be astounded to learn that Sudo collects disability, ZUN!bar was in the army, Hong Meiling is from Poland, 「ロリあき」 is homeless, Jones is Jewish, and wtH says HELL a lot.

>> No.8201560

>Rofl misogyny I'm so cool xD

Who are you quoting, etc

>> No.8201637
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>> No.8201643
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>over 200 replies
Shall we go for the top score?

>> No.8201645

I'm sorry I don't give half a shit about tripcode users.

>> No.8201650
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>> No.8201651

That's nice.

>> No.8201655

install gentoo

>> No.8201667

Because I don't have the courage to.

>> No.8201738

Really, this thread...it just saddens me.
Quantity of replies in this thread directly reveals how sexually frustrated /jp/ is and how much it cares about this topic...indifferent man won't argue about something that he doesn't care about with such agitation. The only thing that those very butthurt-like replies tell me is that major part of /jp/ (well, at least, those who cry "3DPD", "sluts" the loudest) would stick in without second thought given opportunity.
It kind of troubles me...there is still time before I become a wizard, but won't I turn in something simillar to that part of /jp/ meanwhile, being sex frustrated and obsessed? I just hope I have more guts that the fallen ones here.

>> No.8201753

No, it proves that /jp/ is filled with hopeless romantics.
Second hand goods can never love someone the way /jp/ wants to be loved.

Also, it proves that /jp/sies aren't as immoral as they like to think they are.

>> No.8201759

This is the worst fucking thread I've ever seen

>> No.8201808

That's just self-exculpation by the means of endowing worth to something that doesn't really has it and understating the opposite. It is simmilar to how some of the poor envy the rich ones and blame them of being corrupt, and stuff; like someones look down on a person with a great skill, saying that they don't care about it and don't recognize it, and so on.
It is okay to envy and to aspire for the subject of their envy; it is even okay to envy and not strive for it, judjing it to be unattainable. It might be even okay not to envy. But it is not okay to badmounth it or to create illusion that not having it/not being able to do it is better just because you think it is imposibble for you or because you couldn't attain it, for those how don't envy - don't bark. It really stinks and is miserable, that self-exculpation.

>> No.8201822

Except that true out the history of mankind non-virgin women have been looked down upon.
It's completely natural to do so and has nothing to do with jealousy.
Just face it, used goods can never love someone as much as a pure girl can.

>> No.8201842
File: 313 KB, 800x800, 1278368718594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never saw >>8201643 then? Also does anyone have the last version of that picture?

>> No.8201903

In religious times? Maybe. Or if you are a muslim...though they are still religious, so first applies to them. But if it might be just a little true for women, male virgins were always looked down upon, well, in most cases. Because it messures capability in a way; the act of sex itself matters little (the point /jp/ fails to recognize, because it normally is not so in VN\hentai, etc.; then they find it to be convenient ground to build up ilussions around it, and take it as a basis to the real life, thus 3DPD etc are born), especially for men..
That was the first part, now to the second - women are not goods, it doesn't make sense for them to be. If anything - they are a trophy. Trophy's worth doesn't decrease from it previously being in opponent's hand, in fact, it may be quite opposite. Though a trophy that it too easy to get, or the one which wondered through too many hands have little worth as well, what correspond with women just right.

>> No.8201912
File: 299 KB, 1400x1200, a13c6f8960f459cf964e7939db6b90bda568e5c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fujoshi/femanons are shit because they're not virgins.
Why is virginity such a big deal? because I'm virgin too. We're from different worlds, you don't understand. It's the epitome of normalfaggotry.
I wish I could meet a sweet intelligent virgin fujoshi ;_; I only draw the line at obesity. But even if you're a landwhale, if you're a virgin you have something going for you.

>> No.8201945

Femanons love rape.

>> No.8201961

>I wish I could meet a sweet intelligent virgin fujoshi ;_;
This dude, this.

>> No.8201966

>In religious times
Not really.
It was expected for a women to be a virgin even in non-religious cultures.
Take the Norse as an example. The old Germanic faith is very lax and had few laws. Yet if a women wasn't a virgin and she wasn't previously married she was exiled or worse.
Non-virgin women are just far less desirable.
It's only since the rise of feminism, where everything men want is evil, that virginity became useless.
It's been proven that non-virgin women that marry are less happy and more likely to cheat, divorce and commit paternity fraud.

>they are a trophy
Goods isn't just a better analogy, it's a less misogynistic one. Trophies are useless, goods aren't.
Women serve a purpose, they are wives and mothers. You want the best mother for your children, you want a wife who won't cheat or divorce you. Non-virgin women have already proven themselves untrustworthy.

>> No.8202059

Just go on deviantart and find some loser girl then.

Oh you wanted someone intelligent. If they were intelligent surely they would have made more out of themselves than becoming a fujoshi.

>> No.8202150

>they are a trophy
So by your standarts, an 80 years old should be more valuable than a 20 years old one, right?

>> No.8202167

Forget about AIDS, this is a reason why you should look for a virgin, kissless girl to have your children.
>infects between 50% and 80% of adults in the United States (40% worldwide)

>> No.8202177

Because they're fat and ugly and I don't date.

>> No.8202182

Supposedly 80%+ of my nation's population has that virus, but it's dormant in many cases. That shit spreads through other things.

I have herpes, and I'm as kissless as the next loser.

>> No.8202186
File: 229 KB, 1200x1600, bleuurgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face to this thread

>> No.8202185

>If they were intelligent surely they would have made more out of themselves than becoming a fujoshi.
Nah dude. They have BL fetish, It's a fetish. There's no connection between intelligent and fetish.

>> No.8202194

>fat and ugly
American fujoshi only

>> No.8202198

Don't really care. Take this shit back to /soc/.

>> No.8202199

What's BL in this context? Bahamut Lagoon?

>> No.8202200

It spreads through birth and saliva, mostly. Even if it is dormant.

>> No.8202212 [DELETED] 

Then why are posting in this thread?

>> No.8202216


>> No.8202220

Stop giving Athens attention retards.

>> No.8202221

Then why are you posting in this thread in the first place?

>> No.8202228

Bahamut x Laguna

>> No.8202232
File: 136 KB, 536x408, 1314652725202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, LoGH was right about everything mentioned in all of its shows, why do you consistently deny the truth, normalfags?

>> No.8202253 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 800x1000, 114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fujoshi (or a female NEET, at least) that I've been talking to online recently. She's pretty nice and she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. It was a little awkward, talking at first, but it's fun.

>> No.8202272
File: 23 KB, 512x448, bh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bahamut Lagoon?

Damn, I need to finish this game. I stopped somewhere around stage20. Fuck, do I even remember the story? It was so long ago...

>> No.8202365
File: 65 KB, 227x219, 1280860321817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8202604

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku. I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, God Hand)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer for Square Enix!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.8202610

After a long walk between the bookcases, she stops. And she starts searching for that book.
"May I help you?" you say already seeing the book, and that Koakuma searches at the wrong place. You get the book down from the bookcase.
"Oh, you've found it!" she says smiling. But why is she blushing so heavily? She steps closer to you. She hugs you, you try to push her away, because your first thoughts was Sakuya and her silver knives...
But, her pretty hands won't let go of you.
"Oh? What's wrong?" you ask her surprised.
"...you smell good." She stares you with dreamy eyes. "Awww...your scent makes me dizzy..."
"Umm...milk...I want milk..."
"Are you alright, Koakuma?" Koakuma looks at you vacantly and puts her hands on your pants.
What the...wait a minute!!"

