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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 600x500, 1295777272344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8199121 No.8199121 [Reply] [Original]

Remember /jp/ had its own culture and memes and wasn't just all left over /a/ shit and /a/ spam.

>> No.8199128 [DELETED] 

jay-pee jay-pee creativity

>> No.8199131

I hate this because someone has went and made a funny thing entirely unfunny.
Also it's clearly Lanced Jack:

>> No.8199138
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>> No.8199142

I still don't know the story behind this


>> No.8199143

and I thought this would be a ONE thread.

>> No.8199149

Are you joking? That Flan shit started last year.

>> No.8199155
File: 187 KB, 450x600, one54513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which ONE would u fuk

>> No.8199156

And it got worse and worse since then, it was the last thing /jp/ actually had control of, until the shitposters all came here.

>> No.8199159

/jp/ - Clock Town - Day 3

>> No.8199162

Isn't there a flash of this?

>> No.8199165

"Suck my cock dude" is the most original /jp/ meme of the past 6 years.

>> No.8199170

> Clock Town
Is that a poke at the glory hole stuff floating around?

>> No.8199171
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>> No.8199173

/jp/ has been shitty for a lot longer than last year, but you newfriends wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.8199176

How are you so insufferably dumb? What sort of child rearing did your parents use on you for you to turn out so horribly wrong?

>> No.8199179

I remember where everyone thought /jp/ was shitty and a weeaboo board so they stayed away. And it seems like 5 minutes or so would pass between posts.

So much of the memes here now remind me of the kids who think 4chan is about inside jokes and spamming the joke over and over. It seems like this place is filled with kids and being a college student is something to be proud of, they shouldn't have to put up with being looked down on by NEETs.

>> No.8199181

/jp/ has been going downhill ever since GM got banned.

>> No.8199182 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 446x369, suckmycockdude3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8199187

Gensokyo Man was a putz, but banning him did nothing whatsoever. At least they put an end to the alice role player.

>> No.8199198

What happened to QC? Did he get banned or did he give up?

>> No.8199199

At least one good thing that came out of the whole debacle.
Some day moot will come back with his long-term solution. I hope it'll be a text-board where we can bring back the old /jp/ and all be happy together.

>> No.8199201

the board is slower than it use to be. the board has always slowed to a crawl at around 4:00 board time. that isn't anything new. at peak hours it's slower and even during off hours it's slower. the only point it was any slower was when we had the janitor deleting 13 pages and half of the original users just left until he quit. go to /bun/ if you want a post every one hour. i'm sure you already go there, shitposter.

>> No.8199203

Even those threads he posted in have gotten far fucking worse over the last 6 months and they were terrible to begin with.

>> No.8199206

Every thread is a quality thread these days, there's no need for someone to point them out.

>> No.8199214

I'm starting to think it's /jp/'s culture that made it shitty in the first place. If we had just stuck to discussing what this board was for, I don't see how we'd have any problems. But no, we had to let our tripfags do their circlejerks, and gradually accept the memes being forced.

Most shitposts follow a clear theme that can be traced back many months, sometimes even years. So it's clear that our regulars are doing far more damage than new people who don't understand our culture. I, for one, would gladly hide 20 "how do I learn Japanese" threads every day if it meant I didn't have to see a post from Sion ever again.

>> No.8199215

You're a fool.

>> No.8199236

Why are you so dumb? The true autists are the ones making the threads anonymously. Every day. They're also the ones making the off-topic JAPAN CULTURE/GIRLFRIEND/whatever threads, and then replying to them positively.

If you think I'm paranoid, then you haven't been here for very long. It's an accepted fact that about 5 autists make 90% of all the threads on /jp/. The rest are good threads by uploaders/fotm discussions, illegal immigrant rushes, and very confused people.

>> No.8199248

I do, and it was great times. Spinning /jp/ was the worst thing to ever happen to /a/. The collective IQ of that board dropped by about 40 points. Not that you could tell that now, as we are infested with idiot shitposters with no respect for Old /jp/ culture.

>> No.8199253

not much of a story, an anon made a /jp/ tune and posted it, later it got reposted and youtube'd like most stuff

>> No.8199264

this trip code needs to get banned. so tired of people who came here 4 months ago using it. i even saw some fag posting with it on /a/. post as anonymous or build your own identity.

there is a lot more than 5 autists posting stuff on the board. i know since i'm one of them and know many of the others too.

>> No.8199269 [DELETED] 

Now he posts as wtH.

>> No.8199274

Grow the fuck up. The ""White Ren"" moniker is a great part of /jp/ culture, even if it is little more than posting Anonymously at this point. I am all for the ""White Renquisition"" being launched on shitposting newfags that simply can't learn their lesson otherwise.

>> No.8199279

It is sad that QC is gone. His tenacity and dedication were great assets to this board. The lose of him and Suigin to provide a base line of quality is one of the reasons that /jp/ is as it is right now.

>> No.8199282

I have been on /jp/ for a long time and all I can confidently say hasn't changed with the board is that, no matter what the actual quality of the board is at the time, people have always and will always ask "why is /jp/ so shitty now?"

>> No.8199288

People keep telling me to stop using my own tripcode, and I can't see why I should. It frustrates autists, and that's a victory in and of itself.

Enjoy your little crying club of "shitposting." Being lame isn't the same thing as being an accomplished troll.

>> No.8199295

That goes for any board though.

>> No.8199294

>>Alchemist !rt4PMP8zGc!!Vcza4q62dHf
who are you? there is two people who use that code who aren't just anonymous and it's annoying when people from /a/ come and use it to assert their shitty thoughts.

>> No.8199301

That didn't start until a while after /jp/ was formed. That was the result of the dawson spammer and the proto-autists that lapped up that shit.

>> No.8199300

Remember when shitty threads were ignored, with no replies, and didn't have the "Every thread must be replied to, no exceptions" mindset?
Good times.
I realise the irony that I am myself replying to a shitty thread that would be best ignored to say this.

>> No.8199302

I miss Arc. Say what you will, most of the time he represented a different kind of poster (and tripfag). The kind who actually put thought, time and effort into their posts, and who make posts that are actually interesting to read, rather than the kind you forget 5 seconds after reading them.

Same with athens

>> No.8199306 [DELETED] 

You could always just state your shit and get out any meta-ing you need done, then delete the post.
You'd still look like a faggot on the archive.

>> No.8199310

Lies. Putting ""White Ren#chilly"" in the name field is a time-honored tradition and is a great way to troll while allowing other Anonymii to filter you.

>> No.8199316

That never happened, nor should it. If the shitposters are not responded to, then they will post again. They must be put in their place and reminded that they are inferior to quality posters and that there ARE consequences for their actions.

>> No.8199328

It's a time-honored tradition of using my tripcode for my posts.

>there is two people who use that code who aren't just anonymous

Is two people? I'm only aware of me, and I don't think I have an evil twin.

>> No.8199332
File: 82 KB, 454x591, 1314220221406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ is so shitty, /jp/ is the best
Hows that denial going /jp/

>> No.8199344

I understand what is you are trying to do, and I do not approve. It is the same as the /b/ meme of assuming that all posts marked ""Anonymous"" are the same person and are addressed as such. Take that attitude back to /b/.

No matter how /jp/ can get, /a/ will always manage to be several times worse, faggot.

>> No.8199352 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 409x254, it_eats_money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8199356

>The loss of him and Suigin to provide a base line of quality is one of the reasons that /jp/ is as it is right now.
Backpedaling faggot.

>> No.8199361

You have NO FUCKING CLUE as to what that phrase means, do you? Don't use words unless you understand them you ignorant shithead.

>> No.8199363

you're the reason why this isn't true any longer. /tg/m/co/toy/c/u/g/ or whatever other board you enjoy is shit. /jp/ was good since it was filled with veterans from /a/ not faggots from other random boards.

>> No.8199365

Using shitty /b/-originating trash on /jp/ sure marks you as awesome.

>I understand what is you are trying to do, and I do not approve.

You understand nothing and mean even less.

>> No.8199366

You suffer either from retardation or selective memory.

>> No.8199374


>> No.8199387
File: 569 KB, 703x625, 1322679290212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alchemist !rt4PMP8zGc!!Vcza4q62dHf

Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.8199388

You seem to have been lurking for all of 5 minutes. Lurk for another 5 minutes and you will see why you are an idiot. Every single one of the shitposters can be traced to /a/ nonsense.

"/tg/m/co/toy/c/u/g/ or whatever other board you enjoy is shit"

I use no other imageboards, but I do concur that they are all shit. Only /jp/ has, or had, the userbase to create a great community, but the shitposters had to ruin it.

"You understand nothing and mean even less."
Oh you of little knowledge, telling the philosopher that he is wrong because I disagree with your flat-earth theory. Live in ignorance White Ren, it is your choice.

>> No.8199389

Is Alchemist two people now?

>> No.8199392

Stay frustrated, my friend.

>> No.8199406

your either the shitpostes or brainwashed /jp/ers, if you are i really feel sorry for you. the shitposters really fucked us good. I never seen a board destroyed so well that the users start to act like the shitposters because of the shitposters themselves. Its pretty smart but they are not fooling me.

>> No.8199403

go back to the /bun/ irc or something. you lost your mind you stupid shit. stop associating everything you dislike with /b/ you fucking mongoloid. it's painful to read that type of retardation.

what the fuck am i reading? god you neo-/jp/ers are the worst of the worst. suigin brought quality to the board? do you down syndrome retards even know suigin went to /a/?

>> No.8199417

In during good old days-kun and his everlasting delusions.

>> No.8199426

Get out fucking brainwasher.
You just want to shitpost and fuck /jp/ up forever with your fucking friends.

>> No.8199421
File: 525 KB, 1000x1000, 1320480210229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread just keeps getting better and better...
stay shitty /jp/, keep blaming us when it's really your own posters and /v/.

>> No.8199424

I assure you Mr. Ren, I am not frustrated in the slightest. I do hope that your testicles drop soon and you mature quickly though. Good luck growing up.

I assure you, I have been a /jp/anon for longer than you have been a teenager. Even when I could not be here, /jp/ was still in my heart.

Suigin fought the good fight, but I can see how he was discouraged by all the shitposters and gave up. I will NEVER give up, however, until I /jp/ is once again a great board.

>> No.8199428

>stop associating everything you dislike with /b/ you fucking mongoloid.

Then stop using /b/ reaction images.

No, anonymous, you are the shitposter.

>> No.8199430

I noticed god days-kun too. I checked the front page for his meta thread.

>> No.8199441

I don't know what's going on.

>> No.8199438
File: 1.25 MB, 1159x1720, 12716565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do hope that your testicles drop soon

Little girls don't have such crude things!

Enjoy being part of infinite summer, illegal immigrant-kun.

>> No.8199439


Who the fuck is this guy and why is he acting like he belongs here?

>> No.8199442

Go kill yourself.
your nothing but a shitposter, we will never be the same because of you fucks.

>> No.8199445

It's weekday, after-school /jp/. Who knows.

>> No.8199449

so you've been around /jp/ longer than me, but you haven't been to the other boards? are you mentally ill or you mongoloid? i came from /a/ the day it was made. tell me how you some retarded faggot from who knows where found /jp/ before a user 6 year user of 4chan?

are you tokiko or something? you seem as retarded as that guy.

>> No.8199458

Being an internet tough guy doesn't work. It doesn't really matter how long you've been on 4chan.

I've never contributed to any of the autists' plans.

>> No.8199462
File: 277 KB, 1197x900, flanfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a flan thread?
I sure hope this is a flan thread.
Can this be a flan thread if it isn't one?

I've had a shit day and desperately need some flan in my life right about now.

>> No.8199464

When the White Ren army trolled these guys for shitposting a while ago, they are still upset about it. Now their post quality is the board norm they are trying to get one up on WR.

>> No.8199466

Go kill yourself.
your nothing but a shitposter, we will never be the same because of you fucks.
It funny that your all from fucking /v/, it figures.

>> No.8199467 [DELETED] 

You and I both know that you are a liar. You were not there for the Schism. Your cowardly attitude and poor writing styles are characteristic of the typical /b/tard. At best, you found 4chan a few years ago, during Chanology and recently migrated to /jp/, maybe a year ago, to advance your shitposting career.

>> No.8199473
File: 339 KB, 831x1173, 20551794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never an army. Just a phenomenon. One that thankfully died in its time, and didn't end up becoming something mutated like all the rest of the shit that's accumulated in /jp/.

>> No.8199482

So you want /jp/ to just be /a/ and gaia? /jp/ was great when we actually had a userbase, now you might as well go to someplace else and see the same shit. Well im sure most of the people who actually gave a shit about /jp/ is long gone now.

>> No.8199485

>internet tough guy
you're defending the guy who's probably from gaia and proudly says he hasn't been to the other boards? what have you become. you've become the infinite summerfags. since when did /jp/ welcome people who found the board from animesuki.

>> No.8199488

tell us how you found /jp/ you mongoloid faggot. you're so proud you came from animesuki tell us about the thread where you found it.

>> No.8199494

When did I say that? That's right: I didn't.

I'm saying that nobody is impressed by how long you've been on 4chan. Infinite summerfriends will always be shitty. They can be here for 5 years and still never become anything more.

>> No.8199523 [DELETED] 

Someone on the deepweb told me that /b/ was a great place to get free CP and I've been hooked ever since!

>> No.8199548

you're really losing your mind. you should retire already. all your friends are irrelevant and you have no idea what's happening to the board anymore. i only mentioned the length i've been here since a person who has only ever been to /jp/ claims to have been here longer through his "heart". you wanna take your medicine and think about that for a bit, pal?

i didn't mention the quality of anything i do so it's irrelevant "shitty" i could be. someone from animesuki who has only been to /jp/, is new to the board, and blames everything on /a/ is worse than someone from /b/. at least someone from /a/v/b/ stay on those boards mostly instead of bringing their shit here. why don't you just check the archive for his high quality posts before you mention anything else.

>> No.8199578

You are the stupidest piece of shit we've had in a long time. Go away.

>> No.8199588

I dunno, the competition is pretty stiff.

>> No.8199589

Suigin was a pretentious dipshit just like you. Kill yourself.

>> No.8199609

That feel when you think you've found gold, but then the trip is wrong....

Oh well, I still don't like him.

>> No.8199626


>> No.8199629

Slashes in filenames?
What filesystem are you using? Or are you some kind of wizard?

>> No.8199641
File: 62 KB, 530x533, /’*???///<>???////.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using NTFS.

>> No.8199697

It's not a file name, it's a (relative) directory path. I created folders "Remember When" and "jp" and named the image _Was_Good.jpg just so that this would work.

>> No.8199700
File: 10 KB, 225x225, tenshieatingacorndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aren't what you should define a board by.

>> No.8200426
File: 423 KB, 643x481, it can't be helped..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8200518

so good

>> No.8200523

>that feel when girls poop out they're butts
>who are you quoting D:<
>try to walk the dinosaur
>spaghetti falls out of my pockets
>mfw when i have no pokerface.png
>dinosaur turns into a dragon and starts flying
>holy shit i'm flying to 0.0
>spaghetti still not done falling out of pockets
>flying spaghetti monster.exe

>> No.8200805

>tripcode argument

Tripcodes are for faggots, no exceptions.

>> No.8200809


>> No.8200859

Glad I'm not the only one that see's /jp/ becoming neo-/a/ 2.0.

I think another split is in order. Or maybe we should all just migrate to 2ch.

>> No.8200863

I only ever see shit that started here on /jp/, that doesn't make it any less shitty however.

>> No.8200873

>I only ever see shit that started here on /jp/
/a/ reaction images
/b/ memes and images like coolface
greentext stories

>> No.8200883

Nice metathread.

>> No.8200885


Minority compared to the homegrown bullshit.

>> No.8201037

I left, I didn't go to 2ch. But I left /jp/ and I left 4chan. Stayed gone nearly a year and a half. Learned new sites, fitted into new communities and f5'd different shitposts. But no matter where I went every time I ran into someone from /jp/ I valued the interaction. In the end this place is my home, and even the utter shit field that it is, I still came back to it.

tl;dr We did this to ourselves, and we'll never have anything better.
