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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8195652 No.8195652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it less acceptable to be a girl to be a NEET than it is for a guy? Are there any on /jp/?

>> No.8195657


>> No.8195656

I told you to DAMARE!

>> No.8195666

We have like six threads already. Here, some tools that will help you out:

Chances are you're better off in >>>/adv/, >>>/r9k/ or >>>/soc/ anyway.

>> No.8195663

Because no one really cares about guys, including me.

>> No.8195673

because girls would smell worse as a NEET?

>> No.8195684

Less acceptable? I'm under the impression girls get more of a free pass for doing wathever they want, while guys have to be able to support themselves. For a guy it's shameful to live off your parents, a girl is expected to live off someone.

>> No.8195682


>> No.8195691

I was going to say something about housewives, but then I looked it up and it looks like half the labor force is female. Is that really the case?

>> No.8195697


Housewives aren't NEET. They leave their house to buy groceries and actually do work around the house.

>> No.8195709

>Housewives aren't NEET. They leave their house

I wish I could hate you dead.

>> No.8195715

"labor force"

>> No.8195720
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Do you really think most people NOT in education, employment, or training actually leave their house?

>> No.8195726


That is meaningless. The goddamn definition says nothing about whether or not you leave your house.

>> No.8195730

Hikkis don't leave the house.
NEETs are not in education, employment, or training.

>> No.8195732

There is a difference between NEET and Hikki.

>> No.8195739

I leave the 'house' all the time.

>> No.8195740

Not him, but probably. They're still normal people who are just out of work. Even the typical slacker still has a social life and what have you.

>> No.8195744


Such is life in Japan.

>> No.8195743

Yesterday I saw somebody seriously say that they were a hikikomori during the summer. Now, people make fun of retards who claim that they're hikki during the summer, but I thought these retards were hypothetical.

Well, maybe it was a troll.

>> No.8195816


I don't consider myself a hikki or NEET. But I plan on not leaving my room all winter break since I just finished off my classes and don't work. What would that make me? Temporary hikki?

>> No.8195826

Neither, you idiot.

>> No.8195841
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Female NEET, have been browsing for over a year now.
You people still don't believe we exist but believe me we do, gender isn't really relevant until someone makes a thread about it (like now).

>> No.8195855
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Patchouli isn't a NEET. She has a 'job' such as it is, and she's always educating herself.

Don't compare yourself to an intellectual like Patchouli-sama, just because you spend 24 hrs a day on the internet.

>> No.8195864


>> No.8195869


Are you also a hikki?

>> No.8195886

Female NEET and shut-in of 9 months

... yep

>> No.8195892

Reported for many reasons, first and foremost being that you are a piece of shit.

>> No.8195926

I wish I had a NEET girl that I could come home from a hard day and work or school and quietly sit in the same room as her on separate laptops browsing the internet ;_;.

>> No.8195924
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I bet you smell awful, 3DPD.

>> No.8195950
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I don't have any interest in non fujoshi NEET.

>> No.8195954

>>8193418 this
>>8195652 plus this
>>8195841 makes this

>> No.8195952

I only shower once every two days

sometimes more

I wish I had a reason to dress up and look nice
but I don't
people scare me so going outside and being social isn't an option for me

>> No.8195958

You guys are retarded, see, most of these anons that are fucked in the head WANT to be girls. When they say they are girls and you take them seriously, they feel like they really are one.
There are no girls on /jp/, if there were they'd have tripcodes and could not resist posting pictures of themselves, including faces.
Those few people saying "I'm a girl on /jp/...", and the ones posting pictures of their legs in stockings, are one and the same. Deluded men who want to be women so badly, they look to here for confirmation.

>> No.8195963
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Anyone interested in a yandere bf.
all I ask in return is affectation and loyalty.

>> No.8195978

>Why is it less acceptable to be a girl to be a NEET than it is for a guy

What world are you living? Because I want in.

A guy with no job living with his parents is far less acceptable than a woman living at home with no job.

>> No.8195969

Wow, some of you have been ere so long you think anyone that claims to be female is a troll, how pathetic. as I said I only mention it when it's relevant, this isn't your secret clubhouse.

>> No.8195971
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>9 months

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.8195979

Men scare me
I'm sorry

You're very wrong
I'm female and I'd definitely never post my legs online

>> No.8195985

>NEETs being fucked in the head
>NEETs not being the true intellectuals who have realized the futility of a normal life long ago

>> No.8195993

No. I'm not trying to impress anyone.

>> No.8195994

Yes. You see them hanging out in front of the mall all the time.

>> No.8195996
File: 100 KB, 450x360, there are no boys on the internet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what prompted OP to ask this question. Is it the whole /jp/ misogyny thing?


This is kind of how I feel as a guy , though. Lord knows I seldom see parents nag their daughters to get a job as much as their sons

>> No.8195997

I bet you're fat as fuck.

>> No.8195998

Making the mistake of thinking every girl is a dumb cam whore when that mostly applies to normies, that girls that would wander onto /jp/.

>> No.8195999

I never said NEET's were fucked in the head, just mtf transexuals.

>> No.8196004

What, you have a problem with transexuals? What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.8196006

The shitposter have won, dude.

>> No.8196010

Every single person responding to this thread needs to just fucking die right this minute..

>> No.8196008

>Men scare me

>> No.8196012

No, fuck off from my /jp/ I beg you

>> No.8196011


How many online friends do you have? Every shut-in girl that I've encountered has about a million online friends.

Even when they're shut-ins it seems like women have still found a way to be more normal and social than the rest of us.

>> No.8196019

It's not very cute
They scare me because they've all been violent towards me
Strangers and familiar males alike

I have none

>> No.8196028

I'm not fat at all, actually

I'm just as surprised as anyone else

>> No.8196023

These threads are getting out of control.

>> No.8196029

When I was sixteen, I raped my next door neighbor kid. She was a lot younger than me, ten or eleven probably. Cute kid. Skinny as anything, long brown hair, always bouncing around. When we were both younger, we'd play ghost in the graveyard, capture the flag, and hide and seek with the other neighborhood kids. In our version of the games, if you got put in jail, you got tied up with some old clothesline and "tortured" (tickled, lol)--we had enough people that it worked out, plus it was fun tying people up. At least that was the part me and my sister liked. But I found out that Jessi (the neighbor girl) liked being tied up. Whatever, it was a game, she was a kid, and no one thought much of it.

Fast forward five years. I'm in high school, my sister is in eight grade, and our neighbor Jessi is in fifth grade. Sis and Jess went to the same school.

Jess came home with sis (her name is Elizabeth, but I don't want this to get confusing) one day after school. Sis had promised her she'd let her go swimming in our pool. I guess they went swimming, because later I found Jessi, soaking wet in her swimsuit, in myh room. "Sorry!" she said. "Lizzie said your goggles were in here, and the water was hurting my eyes."

Fuck, she was cute. Dripping wet, pink suit clinging to her, cute little ass, tiny barely-there tits...GOD. I got hard just looking at her stand there.

"Uh...yeah. My goggles are actually over here..." I went out to the hallway and hunted them out of the hall closet. My eyes hit on mom's clothesline, though, and my mind went downthe gutter fast.

"Uh, Jessi. Do you want to play a game?"

>> No.8196030

>Why is it less acceptable to be a girl to be a NEET than it is for a guy?

Because all it takes for a girl to achieve a modicum of success, or at least get a husband with one, is plastic surgery.

Men can't get away with that kind of shit unless they're going to be shooting porn for a living.

>> No.8196031
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We're all fat as fuck here, Anon. Also, basement dwelling virgins

I should not have to explain this. Is this your first week on 4chan?

>> No.8196032


>> No.8196033

It's been like this for a while.
Fifty /r9k/ or /soc/ tier threads always up.

Please fuck off with this shit to /r9k/, no from here gives a fuck.

>> No.8196036

She bit her lip, cutest thing ever. Her swimsuit strap was starting to slip down off her shoulder, and I started to pray that she wouldn't notice. "like what kind of game?"

"Like...hide and seek," I said.

She grinned. "Okay, like with everyone How come you don't play with us anymore?" I guess the neighborhood games were still going on and she still joined in... interesting.

"I was actually thinking, like...just youand me."

"Okay, sure." She grinned at me and gave me a wet, drippy hug. I felt her cold, wet stomach press against my hard cock and nearly came right then.

"I'll count, okay? And if I find you..."

"You tie me up?" She giggled.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. My shorts were tenting out like the fucking circus. "Yeah. Tie you up," I said.

"Okay!" I found her and covered her eyes with a bandana. She laughed and let me guide her to my room. I laid her down on the bed andcarefully began tying her up--I started by just wrapping her up, mummy-style, but changed my mind partway though. Instead, I cut two pices of clotheline off, snaked them under the bed, and tied each end up one of her limbs--effectively tying her down to the mattress, spread eagle. this would have been way easier with a 4 post bed, but I had a twin, and it wroked okay for an eleven year old.

"Are you ready?" I asked her. "For what?" she giggled.

"For the TORTURE!" I yelled, and started tickling her. God, she squirmed. I sat on her chest and tickled her on and on as she bucked and squealed below me. I stopped every couple minutes to let her catch her breath.

>> No.8196040

God, it was hot. I traced her face with my finger and dipped my finger into her mouth. she started suckling on it, which was suddenly the hottest thing i could imagine anyone ever doing--this tied down, swimsuit-wearing little girl, sucking hungrily on my finger.I ran my other hand down her body, lightly tickling her through the still-damp swimsuit. She murmured around my finger and sucked harder. I ran my finger quickly, lightly, across her crotch, and she bit down on my finger, arching her back, then went back to sucking.

I smiled. "nice girl," I teased quietly, running my hand across her tiny breasts, still flicking and stroking, a weak attempt at masking what I was doing by still pretending to "tickle" her. Whether she believed it or realised what was actually on my mind didn't really matter.

I lightly traced circles around her breasts, circling closer and closer to her tiny erect nipples, and she began to squirm again, this time straining to meet my touch instead of desperately pulling away.

I kept circling her nipples, moving closer....closer....closer...and then I stopped, hovering just above them.

She strained even more, pushing upwards, trying to feel my fingers on her nipples, the one placed I had avoided touching her. but she was stll blinfolded and couldn't tell that she'd never quiet arch her back *that* far.

>> No.8196039
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>I have none

So perfect 3D girls do exist after all.

This is depressing.

>> No.8196038 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 960x720, DSC_0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat, just a little chubby
inb4 shitstorm

>> No.8196042

not me

It's not perfection if I want nothing to do with you or any other male in existence

>> No.8196045

I've been a shut-in for five years myself, and I have none. I used to have a lot, but eventually I started to feel more and more self-conscious talking to them, and it just kind of got awkward, so I just stopped logging on, and now I haven't talked to any of them for several years.

Oh, I'm just a regular male NEET/shut-in though, not one of these elusive female ones.

>> No.8196046

Damn, a horny ten year old girl. Who would have imagined?

I pulled my finger from her mouth, anf used both of my hands to caregully, firmly push her back down to the bed. she whimpered.

"is something wrong jessi? do you want me to untie you?"

"No!" her body tensed, then relaxed completely. "why did you stop," she whined a little. I forced surprise into my voice. "Did you like that?"

"...ye...yeah," she said shakily. "Please...don't stop?

"I don't know," I said, drawing it out. "I don't know if it's really okay for me to touch you..."

"but we played this all the time when we were kids!"

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I returned my finger briefly to her mouth. "What do you want?"

She squirmed. "I want you to do what you were doing."

"What was that?"

"You were...you know!" She was so cute when she was flustered.

"I don't know," I said evenly.

"Tickling my...my...boobs."

"You want me to do exactly what I was doing? 'Tickling your boobs?' Just that?"


"What else, jessi?"

"Keep going?"

>> No.8196047

Until you find out she's used goods.
But seriously, stop replying. There was already a thread about how we love to pretend we are girls online, not six hours ago. Can you not connect these two fucking dots?

>> No.8196050

Ladies, if you're going to blog, please put "sage" in the email field. Some of us are old school hipsters who lurk the front page, and this thread isn't exactly high quality.
Thanks in advance for understanding/trolling/flaming.

>> No.8196051

Not pretending and a virgin
Why the hell would I have sex if I don't like people?

>> No.8196052

I shook my head, though she couldn't see it. I didn't want to push my luck, so I said okay. I snaked my finger back to her mouth and began circling her nipples again. This time she started squirming even faster than before.

Before long, she was breathing hard, and mumbled something around my finger.

I pulled it out again. "What's that?"

"please touch me." she repeated.

"I am touching you, jess."

"There," she said. "You know."

"hm?" I circled dnagerously close to her right nipple, which I still hadn't touched.

"there!" Please."

"Ask me nicely."

She squirmed underneath me. "Please...will you...touch... my....my....nipples."

I smiled. Finally!

Without warning, I pinched both nipples as hard as I could. Jessi screamed and nearly threw herself clear of the bed I began rubbing her nipples frantically with both hands, while she tried in vain to suppress moans of ecstacy. As I rubbed, I inched my face closer and closer to her burnng pussy. I could feel the heat thru the swimsuit, and at that moment I lost what litte control I had.

>> No.8196053
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Anonette, I must ask you to fear women as much as men. Females are just as capable of violence as men, after all. I find your attitude towards my gender sexist and unfair

Then you can be a full fledged misanthrope! Remember, misogyny or misandry is only half the battle!

>> No.8196063

Homestuck General

>> No.8196062

Don't worry
I'm just scared of people in general

Guys have just been more violent with me than women
Women are a whole other story

>> No.8196056

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.8196065

I'll show you something even better! I told her, and pulled her swimsuit to the side, exposing her young vagina. Before she could say anything, I got to licking. Man, it tasted sweet! A 10 year old!

She was moaning loudly now, so loud I was afraid we'd get caught. But I didn't care, I was lost in the ecstacy of it all. Everything was quiet for a minute and for a second I had a crazy thought that I had killed her. But she moved, just barely, beneath me. I ripped the blindfold off her.

"okay, jess?"

"uh..yeah," she whispered. Then, weakly, "...ow."

I smiled. "Did that feel good?"

"Ye...yeah. Yeah, it...it did. Really good."

I petted her for a litle while, and after a couple minutes, the usual spark was back in her eyes. "Wow," she said. "Wow."

I laughed. "I think I'd better untie you now," I said slowly.

"No," she said quickly. "I mean, no... I'm okay. We can keep playing...if you want."

I looked at her, surprised, and incredibly turned on. Fuck, if my ex-girlfriends had been anywhere as hot as this little minx...

"Sure, jess." I said. "What do you want to play?" She shrugged, a cute gesture with her hands tied spread out. "I don't know!" she said. What do you want to play?"

"Hm... How about this: I ask you questions."

She looked at me funny, a cute, confused expression on her face. (Let's face it, everything she does is cute.) "How's that a game?"

I smiled. "It's a pretend torture game, okay? I'll ask you questions...and I'll torture you until you answer."

A flicker of doubt crossed her face. "You won't...really hurt me, will you?"

"Nah, Jess. I promise that you'll love this game as much as me."

>> No.8196073

She smiled uncertainly. "Okay. Do...do you want to blindfold me again?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Sure, jess, if that's what you want."

"I...I kinda like it, I guess. It's cool not knowing what you're going to do next, and it feels good.'

"Okay, jess. On with the blindfold." I carefully tied it back around her head, and she leaned back on my pillow.

"Let's see....first question. Hm. Something...embarrassing." She squirmed a little, playfully. "Okay, I've got it. Jess, when was the last time you wet the bed?"

"What?!" she squealed. I'm not gonna tell you that! "Yes, you are," I told her, and began to tickle her. She began to squirm and scream, laughing and gasping for breath. Every minute of so I would stop and prompt her to answer me...no dice.

"You're a stubborn one... I'll have to resort to other measures." I began tickling her again, harder--it might have been almost painful for her, to be honest, but of course she was laughing so hard it was impossible to tell. This time, I didn't stop, and I just kept going until I was worried she was going to pass out....but I didn't stop.

Finally, she managed to choke out "I'll tell you!" I immediately stopped tickling her, and let her rest. her small body still shook a bit, even after I stopped tickling her, and she spent a long time breathing hard, catching her breath back.

After a moment, I was done waitng. "Alright jess, break time's over. Answer the question...unless you want me to do that again?"

"No!" she shrieked. "I said I'd tell you. I... I was eight."

"Really?" I said in mock dismay. "That old? What a messy girl!"

Even under her blindfold, I could tell she was blushing furiously.

"Okay...next question... Let's see." My mind raced through the things that might embarrass a ten year old girl. Having never been one myself, I was havng trouble.

"Uh...how about this? What was the worst grade you got in school this year?"

"Do I...have... to tell you?"

>> No.8196074

If there really are females here, how do you feel about the whole "suck my cock dude" and other penis/glory hole related content that has been flooding the front page?

>> No.8196071


>> No.8196072

Oh, that's sad. I was hoping it was because of social anxiety because that's the reason I'm afraid of women.

>> No.8196076

What is this, "I'm a female, ask me anything"?

>> No.8196079


"It was--"

"--you don't have to tell me right away!" I burst out.

She giggled. "I get it. Okay! Wait, I mean... 'I'll never tell you! Not in a million years!'"

"I guess I'll have to torture it out of you!" I said, using the same mock-boastful voice that she had just spoken with. She giggled again. Damn, the kid was adorable.

I gently pulled the blindfold off of her. This time, i wanted to see her face. She tilted her head and looked at me in surprise when she realised the bandana was off, but she didn't say anything.

I covered her mouth, and pinched her nose shut, and watched her eyes go WIDE. She immediately began thrashing underneath me. I silently counted to ten, and released her.

She sucked in a deep breath and glared at me. "You'll have to do better than that!" she boasted.

"I was counting on it," I smiled, and blocked her air again, this time holding for a count of fifteen. The expression on her face as she twisted under me was amazing--a mix of terror, anticipation, and rage--and once again, extreme relief when I let her go before she *really* needed a breath.

"Will you answer my question now?"

She smiled and said.

"--ok... please, no more"

"That was kinda quick of you, you know"

She giggled. Oh God she looked so cute...

"Yes. I'll try better with your next question."

"Very well then, do you like it when I'm doing THIS?"

I instantly started sucking on her nipples.

"--ahhh, no!! you can't!"

>> No.8196084

It's a little of both, I guess, but when I use to have both male and female friends the guys saw me as their personal punching bag.
I got choked, punched, hair-pulled, groped, and threatened more times than I care to remember
I'd say that's a valid reason

I wish someone would suck my cock
and that I had one

>> No.8196085

"Answer my question, do you like it?"

I started sucking harder, kissing her nipples from time to time.

"--yeess!! but you can't do this!"

Damn, the kid was adorable.

When I finally let go, she really gasped for breath. When she recomposed herself, her face went back to it's normally cute state.

"Okay, okay! My lowest grade this year was a 70!" she spurted out.

I didn't really know how to tease her or not, and there was this kind of awkward silence. She bit her bottom lip again, which was wet and pink. Might have been wet from the pool, but she also seemed to be licking her lips alot.

I decided to just try to impress her by complimenting her. "That's a good mark!" I said.

I felt pretty dorky after that, and it got a bit more awkward. Amazingly, she groaned and arched her back again. The awkwardness was lifting fast, as my PENIS started to take over my brain again.

"Aren't you going to ask me another one?" she asked me.

My dick was throbbing by now, and I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I pushed her gently back onto the bed with my palms. She stopped squirming, and my fingers ran up to her top.

I rolled up her top, so her nipples were revealed. They were so hard, and pink. I started to suck on them, when she started to seem uncomfortable.

"mmmmffff...." she moaned, as my hand darted for her panties.

>> No.8196090
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That's unfortunate. On an ever-so-slightly more serious note, you should consider working on your fear-proof exoskeleton, reinforced with layers of self-loathing alloyed with misanthropy. Mine is coming along pretty well!


>> No.8196089

It sickens me that there are still people on /jp/ who think somewhere in the back of their pathetic minds that "hey.. as long as a girl is on the internet I've got a chance!"

Come on guys, stop feeding this thing whatever it is

>> No.8196093

Oh it's you again? You should try /a/, and obviously /cm/.
/jp/ femanons are fucking filthy dykes.

>> No.8196095

>used to have both male and female friends

You'll never understand.

>> No.8196096

I yanked them down past her knees, and she started to do a sort of pushup, trying to get me off I guess. She was bound pretty well, though, and she couldn't move.

I pulled my pants and boxers off in the blink of an eye, and started to stroke her vagina. She started to protest when she saw my PENIS, but I put my hand over her mouth again. I could feel her tongue breach against my sweaty palm, as I continued to play with her.

I positioned myself ontop of her, then, with my hand still on her mouth. I kneeled over her, and slid my PENIS into her finally. Even though she was protesting, she was really fucking wet. God, was she wet. Her pussy juice flowed all over my dick, and I nearly came right there.

She bit my palm, and started to scream under it. My room door was closed, though, and I was sure no one could hear her. I started to thrust hard into her, and this seemed to cause her pain. She obviously wasn't developed enough to handle my penis.

After a few minutes of me fucking her, I came inside of her. I pulled out, and there was a little bit of blood on my dick. I guess this was her first time. She was crying by now, and I finally released my palm from her mouth.

She just laid there, shuddering. Snot ran down her nose and mixed with her tears. I unbound her and rubbed her belly for a few seconds, before I felt this really guilty feeling. I rolled her panties back up, threw her towel on her, and walked out of the room.

>> No.8196097


>> No.8196104

Threads on /jp/ about the UBW installer came and went, and with them months passed. But now the day was finally here; the installer was complete and would be released in a matter of minutes. As my download was running I kept thinking about how it'll turn up to be a simple, trivial piece of software and I would be joining the shitstorms flaming Message on /jp/ soon enough. But I had no idea then...the download finished, the installer ran. But instead of what I expected, the screen went black for a moment, with the text "Thank you for downloading our program; UBW installation will soon be underway." flashing on it. Then the application closed and refused to do anything on further executions. I figured this was an elaborate prank, and as I thought, nobody on /jp/ was the wiser.

This way, a few hour passed, with no response on Mirror Moon's part. And when I was about to give up and watch some random anime, I heard a knock on my door. Strange, I had no friends nor family and I didn't see who could be here at that hour; nonetheless I opened the door albeit cautiously. What stood there defied logic. A face and body that were all so familiar from manga and anime, yet should not exist in real life. But she was no doll, no costume. Everything from her eyes to her skin were visibly real, soft human tissue. I was speechless. My mind refused to work. I stood there, stunned for what seemed to be an eternity. She was the one to break silence. "Sorry for making you wait, I'm the UBW installer. Mind if I come in now?"

>> No.8196105

> when she saw my PENIS
Is this pasta really that old?

>> No.8196110

What could I answer? What could anyone think or speak in such a situation. I stepped back, still in shock, letting her pass through the doorway and into the hall. A sweet, pleasant scent of perfume slowly invaded my house, as she made her way into my room. By then, my mind had cleared up a bit, as much as it could. With unsteady words, I asked: "S...so y..you're h..here to in...install UBW?"

'You could put it that way, I guess...', she replied while looking around my room with a slightly bored gaze. 'W...well the c..computer's over there, uh...' 'Ah, I saw that. But it won't be necessary. That's not quite how it works.' 'Eh?' 'You see, the installation will be a bit more... personal.' She had an eerie smile on her face while saying this. And with that, she slowly began taking off shirt, gradually exposing more and more of her soft, white skin. 'W... wait, what are you doing?' I panicked, and looked away with shock and embarrassment. 'Getting ready to install. It's what I'm here for, isn't it?' 'H...uh...err...?'

She sighed. ' I've been warned you'd act this way; you 4channers are all so predictable. You act tough in your little imageboard, talking of everything from rape to child porn. You complain about being lonely all the time. Yet when things get real, at heart you're all whimpering nerds, afraid to leave the fantasy shell they've built on the Internet. But it can't be helped huh... it was to be expected that your kind will be the one interested in UBW to begin with. I was prepared for this much... but I really had hoped that it wouldn't be this troublesome after all...'

>> No.8196107
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1322614884684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Avert your eyes, /jp/! Don't fall for the wiles of that temptress.

Why are you being unfaithful by talking to a 3DPD? I'm detecting a hint of flirting in some of these comments as well. Why are you doing this? What would your waifu think?

>> No.8196114
File: 157 KB, 696x750, 1322000168423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8196117

She sighed again, ending her monologue. My brain registered less than half those words and made sense of even less. I had backed up into a corner of my room not knowing if I should run or demand that she explains herself; it was a lot more likely that I'd faint on the spot rather than follow up on any of those choices anyway. She had stopped undressing while saying that, and now her face shone with a warm smile. 'I guess I was too blunt to begin with. You did wait for me for a very long time, didn't you? So it would be pointless to hurry now instead of doing things properly. I'll do my best to make it comfortable for you, ok?' And with that she smiled again, and moved to sit on my bed. 'Take your time and get back to your senses; I guess this was more of a shock than you could handle after all.' She looked down, taking her gaze off me, which made me feel slightly better. I regained my balance and slowly started making sense of things. 'If you feel better, please sit next to me for a bit.' she said, pointing at my bed, near herself.

I did as she said, sitting down, albeit keeping a slight distance. 'There's no need to be that shy, you know...'; she had obviously picked up on my reluctance to relinquish my comfort zone. 'You spend half your day fapping to hentai anyway', she said with a playful tone, 'so you should know how this works. It's no different from what you experienced on a daily basis, except it'll be real this time.'
