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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8191611 No.8191611 [Reply] [Original]

>have childhood friend
>haven't seen her in 10 years
>she comes back to the city for thanksgiving
>we meet up, hang out
>she's a solid 9/10, funny smart and easy to get along with
>talk about the old days
>share new interests and hobbies
>remember why we were such great friends
>start falling in love with her (again)
>night after thanksgiving
>we go out and have a few drinks
>talk alot more
>"Hey anon, do you remember when we were kids you promised you'd marry me?"
>spill some drink
>laugh it off
>she laughs too
>bring it up a little later
>she says she was just remembering silly things we did as kids
>when she leaves says she'll be back to xmas
>get all excited
>tells me her boyfriend will come too, he likes video games and stuff we might get along

This is nothing like my VN...

>> No.8191616

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8191617

Greentext stories?

>> No.8191625


>> No.8191623
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>>talk about the old days

>> No.8191628

She is implying you're similar to her boyfriend.

You are her type.

That is, if she weren't dating him and he wasn't abusive she would be interested in you.

She wants you to eliminate him.

Or you could just take him out to a bar, then to a strip club, make her dump him or NTR etc.

>> No.8191629
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What the hell is this? Huh? What the hell is this?

No spaghetti, no bears, no shit flying, no deaths, no cute girls behind counters, no little sisters, no toilets, no dinosaurs?

Your story is fucking shit man.

>> No.8191637

Fuck your greentext, and fuck your story, mine is much worse.

I'm 26 years old and a NEET, but had to return to my home town because my parents were getting remarried and wouldn't do it unless I was there.

As I got off the platform I heard someone shout "Hey! you with the black and green bag! STOP RIGHT THERE!", I froze on the spot, "I knew it was you!" she said as she got closer "Will! How have you been? It's been almost 8 years! gimmie a hug you lanky shithead!" Twas my childhood friend Holly. I told her I was in town for my parents renewing their vows and that I needed to get going, we exchanged numbers and decided to meet later that night at the beach we used to play on as kids.

>> No.8191638

>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur!

>> No.8191643

>get on the door
>walk the floor
>everybody open the dinosaur!

>> No.8191646

Mind status equals blown.

>> No.8191645

My name is Holly and I had a childhood friend named Will, and we lived near a beach. It would be really awkward if you're making this shit up.

>> No.8191649

Wouldn't it be even more awkward if he weren't?

>> No.8191653
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>have pet bird
>haven't seen it in 10 years
>it comes back to the city for thanksgiving
>we meet up, hang out
>it's a solid 9/10, funny smart and a great cook
>squawk about the old days
>share new interests and recipies
>remember why we were such great posters
>start falling in love with japanese bird (again)
>night after thanksgiving
>we go out and have some spaghetti
>squawk alot more
>"Hey anon, do you remember when we were kids you promised you'd cook me spaghetti? SQUARRRK"
>spill some pasta because this bird is fucking talking
>laugh it off
>it laughs too
>bring it up a little later
>it says it was just remembering silly things we did while posting on /jp/
>when it leaves says it'll be back to shitpost
>get all scared
>tells me sudo will come too, he likes otaku culture and stuff we might get along

>> No.8191652

Fuck off to >>>/v/.

>> No.8191657

Well, no not really. As I haven't met anyone on any sort of platform, ever. Especially not him, lately.

>> No.8191664

Bwahahaha, I love you /jp/.

>> No.8191669

Then what if he's only making parts of it up and the names are real?

>> No.8191676

Who are you and how did you get in my house?

>> No.8191716

So I met up with her that night and pretending to be a normalfag I did everything I thought I should do, I showered, I styled my hair, I wore an open shirt and a vest with 3/4 lengths and tennis shoes, basically raiding my old closet for things that still fit, then I set out to the beach and she was sitting there on the same rock we used to sit and talk on as kids, she had bought a bag with a few cans of beer inside and we started to catch up.

She went to college studying biochem and flunked out, spent the best of 5 years working as a waitress in a restaurant then decided to become a station attendant because the hours and pay were better, then she asked about me, seeing as we used to be best friends I confessed everything, I moved to Alaska after HS wishing to become a medivac pilot, found living there was so much more expensive than it seemed and that I couldn't get the money together for the second half of my training, loneliness, shame, stress and pressures got the better of me and I developed a mental illness, and spent the next 3 years as a NEET popping prescription drugs, she pushed to get more out of me and I cracked up, I told her I was too ashamed to return home, that the plan was to act normal for the week and then return to my miserable like in Alaska letting nobody know about my shit, I teared up a little and for the first time in a very long time I was shown some compassion, she opened her arms, took my head and placed it on her chest then wrapped her arms around me and called me a fucking idiot for not coming home, then she confessed that there was many times when she thought about me in the years we were apart, she thought that I was doing great and had forgotten about my life here, she was glad I was back home, even if it was just for a week.

>> No.8191721

This never happened, and Will is a sick fuck.

>> No.8191723

I didn't get to the bad part yet, and it did happen, fuck you.

>> No.8191731

I'm glad I never promised to marry anyone as a kid.

Though according to my dad I kept talking about how I was going to find myself a good woman deep in the woods when I was a too young to remember the crap I said.

>> No.8191732

Stop it Will, you're acting like a crazy person!

>> No.8191759

I'll do what I want, eat shit.

So after the renewal of vows (it was a family only ceremony and very short, my mom just wanted all of her kids in attendance) I spent a little time with my family and I actually started to feel a lot better, the anxiousness I felt in Alaska just wasn't as bad here and although I couldn't be considered normal I wasn't overly weird, I spent most of my time on the beach and kind of treated it as a vacation (with a house full of parents and sisters, just stepping out and having a cigarette is a vacation), the beach is empty out of season but thanks to living in Alaska for all those years 22c was more than plenty warm for me, I sunblocked up then I sat on the beach with a towel, my mp3 player and my fruit juice and just chilled out, opening my eyes to get a good look around every 20 minutes or so just to make sure, eventually I fell asleep, when I woke up it was already 5pm, I checked that all of my stuff was still there then I started heading back, on the way back I took a quick detour to the station to see what Holly was doing later (plus she looked cute in her uniform, who could resist right?), I took a look down the platform and noticed she was speaking to a male colleague.

>> No.8191765

Oh poor Will...

>> No.8191781

alright, enough happy end stories, time for some serious internet DRAMA, bitches.

roughly 3 years ago, while in the youths of my college years, a classmate of mine introduced me to a foreign mmorpg.
thereafter, i met a very cheerful/respectful girl after finding the english community for the game.
back then, i was pretty much a spineless, introverted, socially-withdrawn, full-blown wapanese otaku (games, anime, j-pop.. etc.) i couldnt stare at any girl in my class for more than 2 seconds in the eye. i couldnt even bring myself to say the word 'shit' or 'fuck' irl.
i instantly fell in love with this capable, independant, nice, intelligent, and game-loving girl. we spent much time chatting in her mirc chatroom with a bunch of other english players of the same community. after about a year of gaming with her (and other friends i made while playing that foreign mmorpg) our interest for each other grew rather steadily. though i never asked her for a real life picture of her, because i wanted to believe that i loved her personality from my heart, and not for her looks.

>> No.8191787

I felt a little scared that he was there, but trying not to let it show and knowing that if she had already noticed me it would look weird, I went to greet them anyway, as I approached the guy broke away and with her usual big smile she commented on my tan and I asked what she was doing later "ohh I'm just going to have a night in, I've rented a few DVDs and I'm planning on taking a long hot bath, you know, girl stuff", so I told her it was no big deal and that it sounded a lot better than drinking on the beach and listening to music with me again, and that I'd probably spend some time with my family too.

Later that night after dinner my big sisters convinced me to come to the bar with them, my eldest told me that if I had a few shots down me I might stand a chance with one of the girls there and that, being a former barmaid she could get us cheap drinks, when I got there it was all pretty quiet and I just rolled with the conversation my sisters were having, mostly about how much of an asshole I am for never coming home, when I heard a familiar voice laughing as she walked through the door with a few other people.

>> No.8191790

it was some time shortly afterwards that i finally brought enough courage to say the words "I love you." over msn.
i should of known something was wrong when she casually replied, "you know, a lot of people said that to me before. but they've never meant anything to me... but you... I love you too."
i should of known something was wrong, cause i got a weird feeling at the time when she said that. but nooooooooo, being the naive virgin dumbass i was, I thought i was the happiest man alive, being loved in return from a girl i respected and desired.
and then i felt like i just got married or some glorious shit for like a week or 2. then weird things started happening.
i would message/pm her at times, and she wouldnt respond. or not talking to me as much, giving excuses like "oh, i'm busy griding in so-and-so game, or i've got tons of homework." almost like she was avoiding me, the weirdest part is that, she never said anything that remotely suggested that she was actually in love with me. no fake hugs, no fake kisses, nothing.
all i'm left with was the feeling of pure, cold, emptiness.
i told myself, "dont worry, just give her some personal breathing space, she's probably really into her game grinding right now, or busy with school work, or both. just give her some time, she's a good girl."

>> No.8191793

this continued.. for days.. weeks.. months.
fuck, i even memorized the maintenance days for when the game server she was playing on was going on, so i know she was avaliable to chat with for those measlely 1.5 hours.
i was a desperate and blinded kid, with no experience, and my mind was literally deteriorating while i waited.. waited.. waited for that single moment when she would talk back to me.

at some point. i finally snapped. I was getting delirious. "She's a smart and talented girl, why the hell would she love a loser like you?" "she's going out with other guys, you know it, you just dont want to believe it." "She only enjoys you for your quirky personality, she wants to keep you as a clown, entertaining her forever. she never actually loved you." I finally left her, leaving her a rather bitter message about her heartlessness. she, of course, being the sensitive loving being she made herself out to be, banning me from her contact in all shapes and form.
i was free again.

..until half a year later. i grew some confidence. and decided that what i did wasnt a very polite way to end a relationship. as a friend, or lover or otherwise. and re-entered her chatroom and try to just assume a normal friendship again, since obviously being her lover didnt work out so well.
we made amends, and became casual friends again. and things were lively again. this continued for another half a year.
until finally, a particular night came.

>> No.8191795
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>that feel when girls poop out they're butts
>who are you quoting D:<
>spaghettit falling out of my pockets
>mfw when i have no pokerface.png

>> No.8191797

hey asshole, I was wall of texting, thanks for ruining my swagger you dank ass bitch.

>> No.8191802


>> No.8191804

she pm'ed me a message:
"Hey. you've always wanted to meet me, and i've always refused them right?" (she insisted we never meet before, because she didnt like meeting people over the internet or some shit.)
me: "yeah, what about it?"
her: "well, wanna meet? i think i'm finally ready."
me: "are you serious?"
her: "(time)(date)(location) i'll be wearing a black jacket."

when i finally got to the place we were supposed to meet at.
i finally found out why she had been acting the way she did.
i finally found out why she always refused phone calls, or webcams, or meeting in real life.
was it the long black hair? no.
was it the chubby figure? no.
was it the ugly face? no.
i could of forgiven all that. at one point, i honestly was ready to accept her no matter what she looked like.

but not when she was, actually a man.

>> No.8191806

And thus a glory hole thread was born.

>> No.8191807

it turns out, that he was feeling sorry for some desperate loser like me, and pretended to be a girl that liked me to get my hopes up or some idealistic shit like that. but he didnt actually think i was seriously falling in love with her, enough to fall into depressions because of 'her'.
in retrospect, i was very glad that he finally told me the truth.
i imagined he trusted me enough that i didnt go ballistic over the matter when we finally met and beat the shit out of him or something.

but when i first met him and found out, i talked to him like it didnt bother me and that i kinda knew that it wasnt real to begin with. but in my head the entire time, my brains felt like they were frying and melting, thinking: "THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE RIGHT, ONE OF THOSE JOKES WHERE THE REAL GIRL HIDES SOMEWHERE AND ASKES HER MALE FRIEND TO PULL A PRANK ON ME, RIGHT!?!?"
i felt like puking as i left the meet afterwards.
i kept handing out money on hobos i met on the way back home too, to try to get my mind off of the whole ordeal. I dropped all my coin change in one bum's cup, it was so heavy that he nearly dropped his cup.
i gave another trash digger a 5 dollar bill. and he was like "HOLY SHIT!"
went to sleep that night in fetal position hoping i'd wake up to the real world.

all in all, i think i came out of that experience with a lot more than had i not.
I'm a lot more mature, open minded, and confident now.
and i hope my (tragic) story gave some of you some insights or laughs. i know i certainly look back at it and laugh at the desperate mistakes of my own youth.

>> No.8191815

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

>> No.8191821

Now this is quality.

>> No.8191831

Will, what happened after you went in that pub? Did she NTR you? She did, right?

>> No.8191845
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But the question is, was he cute?

>> No.8191853

judging by the description, he looked like mugen

>> No.8191857

Could have been mugen, we don't know where this story took place.

>> No.8191859
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I decided not to get up and bother her, she was with her galpals, maybe they called her last minute or turned up at her place or something, I was with my sisters anyway so I stayed put, her friend came up and got their drinks and then they started talking, just about typical girl things, music, clothes, how things had been going... then Holly told them a little story.

"Oh man you guys will never believe what happened to me this week, You know I told you guys about Will before right? That creepy kid that used to hang around me when I was little? He's back in town can you believe it! Hahahaha!" her friends laughed and started talking about the things she had told them, that I never had any friends in school, that I couldn't afford to go to college because my parents were poor and I was too stupid to get any scholarships, that I once tried to ask out this girl who was into video games and that she shot me down in front of everyone in high school, just... everything, all the shit I tried hard to forget when I moved to Alaska, at this point I wasn't even hearing what my sisters were talking about anymore, my mind was focused on this conversation in the background and having all of my weaknesses blurted out over $3 cocktails to entertain this clump of whores behind me... my lips started to wobble a little bit I just bit down and drank my beer, listening very closely.

>> No.8191869

Source on that?

>> No.8191875


>> No.8191882

And then he caressed my cheeks softly wiping away a tear. The then whispered something into my ear. I didn't hear him, because I was feeling kind of grim. On my ear, his face so near, he started to nibble, and I felt his dribble. He pressed his finger to my lips, and laid his other hand upon my hips. First one finger, then another, he slipped into my mouth, or rather, he forcefully gagged me, and realizing it was he, not the image of my fantasy. I couldn't take it, I shouldn't shake it, the feeling that swelled within my breast, and so I bit. I bit with all my might and let out a scream, or was it his voice, it was like a dream. There was blood and more blood, and it somehow brightened my mood. I spit out two fingers, one pinky, one ring, like one would spit out bad food, and somehow it just felt really really good.

>> No.8191891
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I saw my childhood friend almost 3 years ago now, she has chronic fatigue syndrome so she was on one of those scooter things, she also has BIG TITS, I want to grab them so badly, but I just couldn't, we had a short talk and she had to go because she said she'd be out of energy in like 10 minutes. What a waste of giant E cups.

>> No.8191900

Then she continued, "Oh yeah, I took him to the beach expecting him to tell me that he had sorted his life out, turns out he's a bigger loser now than he ever was! He lives in Alaska and that he never leaves his home! He sounds like one of those freaks you see on documentaries on TV or something! He's been trying to hang out with me all week and I even had to pretend I was staying in tonight just so he wouldn't follow me here! He's only in town for a week, saturday can't come quick enough if you ask me, he'll probably turn up at my work tomorrow begging me to go to the beach with him again, what a loser!", they all started laughing and her friends started teasing her about me wanting to go out with her, she blurted out "I'd brick myself up before I let that freak anywhere neat me! hahaha!"

I let out a tear at that point and buried my head in my arms, my sisters stopped talking and asked what was wrong and I whispered for them to keep talking and not say my name too loud because someone I knew was there, my biggest sister looked around the bar then whispered "I remember her! Thats your friend Holly right? were they talking about you!? I choked back a tear and whispered for them to just drop it, feeling my throat tighten as I got more upset.

>> No.8191903

Ask her to stay. Beg. Then rape when she can't fight back. Then feel bad because you just 3dpd

>> No.8191906

I never had childhood friends because I didn't trust anyone as a kid.

I still don't trust anyone, but it seems to be much easier to find people with similar interests to hang out with now though.

>> No.8191911

How did you get out of this, Will?

>> No.8191914

>My name is Holly and I had a childhood friend named Will, and we lived near a beach. It would be really awkward if you're making this shit up.


>> No.8191921

Why didn't you kick her cunt, Will?

>> No.8191932


OH MAN, can't wait to see the ending of this story!

It's probably a troll anyway, but I love those stories as well!

>> No.8191935


>> No.8191939

So Will, how come it take you so long to type these out?

The dude who met mugen had his done in minutes.

>> No.8191947 [DELETED] 

I don't think meeting Mugen would be a particularly traumatizing experience.

Unless he raped him or something.

>> No.8191951

That explains a lot about Mugen

>> No.8191956

I don't know about you but meeting mugen, especially after a Yamazaki troll would be grounds for suicide at the earliest opportunity.

>> No.8191970

It's your own stupid fault for believing in some 3D slut, Will. Hopefully you learned your lesson.

>> No.8191977

This experience will probably be with him for a long time.
This'll push him further away from ever settling down in life.

>> No.8191998

You know Will, I can't really relate to you. I mean I guess the situation is common enough, but what the fuck were you thinking? Can you even think? It's like you're a damn alien or something. Has your whole life been this way? Your story makes it sound as such, but perhaps this incident did this to you?

>> No.8192032

This is why 3D is bad

>> No.8192038

>Meeting mugen IRL
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.8192057

She continued with her insults, for half an hour all they did was rag on me, my eldest sister Claire was begging me to let her go up to them and give Holly a piece her of mind but I begged her to just let it slide, after all most of the things she was saying was true, I was always a social outcast, I never had any friends, about the only things I was good at was being the kid everyone picked on and all those years later nothing had changed, I was the same guy I always was.

Then I heard Holly say "I'll get the next round" and my heart sank, she was going to see me and know that I'd heard everything, it was too late to escape now, my middle sister put her hand on my shoulder and told me that if she said anything or tried to make a scene she would throw her drink in her face, even my elder sisters bar maid friend was watching what was going on, I started to feel sick with worry over what I knew was coming next.

>> No.8192060
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She walked up to the bar and said "3 Sours and a long island", then she turned to us and saw me... her eyes widened and she whimpered my name, only for my eldest sister to stand up and shout "Whats your problem you two faced little slut! His first time home in over 5 fucking years and this is what you have to say about him!? What the fuck is wrong with you!", Holly took a step back, her friends had stopped talking and were probably watching what was going on, then Holly turned to her friends, looked back at my sister, smirked and said "So what? It's not like I'm lying", my sister went to grab her but I grabbed her arm and looked at her, then I turned to face Holly and said "So thats how it is... Fuck you Holly, and for the record, you're not all that, why do you think I never asked you out", trying to keep my composure and not burst into tears, I grabbed my glass and took deep gulps of my beer until I finished it all, then I took a deep breath and in a low tone as to not let her friends hear us I said "So you would sell out the only guy in the world who knows you still used to piss the bed in junior high for that group of bitches over there? I hope they're worth it", she stared at me for while, probably desperate for words, until she looked over at her friends again and managed to come out with "Whatever loser", my eldest sister went to grab at her again, but I tugged at her arm and asked them both to leave, as soon as I got out of the bar I teared up, I fast walked down the street and then began crying full force, my jaw locked so I wouldn't whine and sound pathetic like a child, my sisters were quick to rush after me and they tried to comfort me on the way home but I wasn't hearing any of it, I was mortified that the only person whom I thought was my friend secretly thought I was the biggest piece of shit on earth.

>> No.8192063

Oh Will.

>> No.8192065

Also you should have tried to fuck your own sisters rather than wasting your time and energy with Holly.

>> No.8192066

You did it to yourself, Will.

>> No.8192076

Will had a hard life.

>> No.8192078

To say that I enjoyed reading would probably have perverse implications that I really don't mean, but I did enjoy reading that.

Thank you for telling us your story.

>> No.8192079

Will still does.

>> No.8192086

You shouldn't have insulted her, you should have let her see you and just smile at her. Trust me, that would have hurt her way more.
Also, nice kopipe, someone take it to tanasinn.info

>> No.8192082

You'll be missed Will.

>> No.8192089

It doesn't matter what he could have done back then now.

And for god's sake don't turn it into pasta.

>> No.8192090

Not after today.

>> No.8192091

Are you implying that something good will happen to him?

>> No.8192094

It has already been archived and it's memorable enough for someone to dig it up and post it again sometime. It's not up to me. Welcome to Valhalla, Will.

>> No.8192104

Already put it aside for my personal collection. But I don't think I'll be distributing this.

Will put his soul into it, you know.

>> No.8192107

for the next couple of days I didn't leave the house, my sisters had taken the week off and I felt sorry that they had sacrificed precious vacation time to see me how I was, I went full circle and behaved the same way I do in Alaska, just a pill chewing zombie who barely says anything, my middle sisters boyfriend came around and tried to give me some guy-talk (being 6 years my senior) but I wasn't having any of it, I just couldn't stop reflecting on all the things Holly had said about me, how pretty much all of my childhood the friendship I cherished so much was a lie and she secretly laughed about me behind my back just as she did at the bar that night, I dwelled on the fact that in 26 years I'd accomplished nothing with my life and that I was always going to be all the things Holly knew I was, I remember on the Friday my eldest sister got sick of my shit, grabbed me by the collar and screamed in my face "If you always think like a loser then thats what you are Will! Amanda nor I have EVER thought of you that way, but if you let a whore like that influence you so much then what the fuck are we to you!?"

>> No.8192108
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Oh my, is it blog night or something? I guess I'll join in.
In my freshman year of high school I started playing my first MMO, a mistake I regret to this day as I've had an in-and-out relationship with these evil games well into the present day as a college student. Anyway, I eventually got to a pretty experienced level and lost interest in reaching level caps, so I spent most of my time loitering around public venues and towns socializing. I eventually met a relatively low-leveled person and helped them out with a few quests. Her name was Katherine or "Kitty" --as was her nickname. We quickly became close friends and would talk about a plethora of things for hours; about our days at school, our plans for the future, and the like. She lived in New Jersey and I, Hawaii and we would sometimes talk about her coming to visit here if her parents decided to take a vacation.

>> No.8192111
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This was during a time when Myspace was getting started and I had convinced her to make one, where we would also chat through on occasion (during maintenance and such). At the time, I was completely in love with this one girl at my high school, she was a sophomore, Kelsey. That little chapter, in short, ended in a bad result. In hindsight, I can see that my level of obliviousness was stifling. As a result of such a terrible experience with Kelsey, I would constantly vent to Kitty whenever we talked. She did well in comforting me and cheering me up.

>> No.8192113
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Eventually, when I had hit rock bottom, near the latter part of my freshman year, I lost my virginity to a total whore named Jinjer. ...Well, actually, that's not really fair to call her that, she was just a very impressionable youth that happened to be there at the right time for me to take advantage of. Really, it was me who was the wrongdoer in the situation. Regardless, my chats with Kitty, as mentioned, reflected my daily life. I told her everything from my heartbreak earlier that year to my new girlfriend of which I espoused sentiments to the effect of 'Oh she's the best blah blah blah', ad nauseum.

>> No.8192114

Don't include this post as cannon in future distributions.

Original ending was better.

>> No.8192118
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Eventually I left Jinjer after dating her for a total of about a month. I felt accomplished like I could do anything because (and not to brag, it wasn't that challenging) it was initially only two days after meeting her that we had sex. I remember this because we started dating on June 6, 2006 (6/6/6) and the day that we did do it was 6/8/6, the day we saw "The Omen" --a very shitty movie, I must say. Beyond that, I was feeling like The Man and found another girl that caught my interest. She was my reason for leaving Jinjer; yes I was (and probably still am) a giant asshole.

>> No.8192121
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 9898989898988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This next girl, Nicole, reminded me, initially, of Kelsey and that's why I decided to date her. We're still together now, in fact we just celebrated our 5th anniversary 3 months ago.

But this story isn't about Nicole. This is a story about Kitty. Throughout the course of my high school life I'd always talk to Kitty about these sort of things, she was two years younger than me, so when I was in my junior year of high school she was entering high school as a freshman. At this point, she confessed to me. How she had always admired me, how she had always wanted to be with me, and how she loved me. I was, needless to say, blindsided. I mentioned before of how oblivious I was, but this was the shining moment where it really came into light. Kitty was a very attractive young lady (she's the girl in the pictures) and I, the shallow young boy that I was turned my attention to her. But at this point, her confession was one of retrospect and reminiscence. She said she had admired me, wanted to be with me, and loved me but was only telling me these things because she was fed up with my bullshit about telling her how great my life was and all that. It was a crushing feeling, but we still remained friends.

>> No.8192122

No its not the ending. That was only chapter 1. I'm waiting for Will's revenge.

>> No.8192127
File: 48 KB, 480x720, 968161_1619007438707_1342086855_31714539_8754372_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still chatted as often as we usually did, but now that she had revealed to me her feelings to me (however dated they may have been) I began to look upon her in a similar admiration. At this point it was far too late and any attempts for a romantic relationship with her would be in vain; if not for the sheer fact we lived a few thousand miles from each other, but that her feelings for me were no longer thus akin to those of a romantic nature. But I tried anyway.

The rest of the story would be too long to tell, but what I'm leading up to is that kids are stupid, boys especially. Obliviousness is a trait possessed by the naive and stupid and I think we all have experienced it.

She is now an engineering student at Hopkins University, and I am a student at a community college due to transfer to my state university next fall. Life sometimes is pretty stale. We don’t keep in contact much anymore –though I don’t often keep in contact with many people these days. She has a boyfriend and is on the track to success as I am on the path to mediocrity. Though my current goal is becoming a lawyer, in the state I am now (not geographically) I don’t have any motivation.
Pic: This is her now.

>> No.8192125

I'm still telling the story, the worst is yet to come.

>> No.8192126

I'm probably going to give this story negative one out of five stars unless something incredible happens.

>> No.8192130

I think Will should publish everything. His whole life. Maybe do it offsite so we can still follow it when he gets banned.

>> No.8192135

To get worse than that it must really suck.

>> No.8192143

Suck my cock dude

>> No.8192152

seconding source on this, please.

>> No.8192158

>She has a boyfriend and is on the track to success as I am on the path to mediocrity.

in 10 years you'll find out she quit the school and became an abused housewife with 10 kids or something similar.

>> No.8192162

Cursory google search brought the answer

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to

You've already been spoiled, so enjoy that~

>> No.8192176

When will we find out what happens next? does Will kill the girl in his drug-fueled rage?

>> No.8192178

That's nice and all OP, but why do you think we care?


>> No.8192182

Staying up late to hear the thrilling conclusion of the Will saga.

>> No.8192191

I can't remember the last time there was a story on /jp/ that I cared about. So uh... good job Will. You failed so spectacularly that you got a following.

>> No.8192200

I looked Claire in the eye and said "Look at me... 26 years and nothing, not a fucking thing to my name, tell me how she's wrong about me"
"Oh like she's doing any better? A fucking station attendant? The little tramp has to drag you down to make herself feel good, you're at least better than that! You know what your problem is Will? It's the same problem you've had since you were little, you give too much of a shit what other people think and not enough about what you think, if you don't sort yourself out it's going to kill you.", I said nothing... Nothing she said was wrong and nothing she said was news to me, I just stared at her until eventually she dropped my collar and left the room, before she closed my door, she looked back at me and said "One thing I can say about you Will, out of all the guys I've ever known you're the nicest and most earnest, it's your best and worst quality, Me and Amanda want to take you out tonight before you go back tomorrow, you better snap out of it before then, you better not let this holiday be ruined because some silly little trap called you a loser, you're at least better than that"

>> No.8192207

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku. I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, God Hand)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer for Square Enix!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.8192210

I don't like where this is going.
Do you get your ass kicked?

>> No.8192211

>you better not let this holiday be ruined because some silly little trap called you a loser, you're at least better than that"
weirdest boner right now

>> No.8192212

Inb4 he gets with his sister

>> No.8192213

If Will doesnt get with Claire, and Claires not hot, ill be so sad.

>> No.8192226

Stick to /a/ ken-sama

>> No.8192228


>> No.8192234

Hurry up, Will, I want to go to bed.

>> No.8192236

I didn't snap out of it, I was still miserable but I owed my big sisters a good night seeing as they hadn't seen me in such a long time, and my big sister was right, I didn't want to look back on that week in a shitty way, I wanted to make a fun memory, just me and my sisters sharing laughs, fuck Holly, I didn't come home expecting to see her, why should I let her ruin what might have been a series of great family memories, who knows? Maybe with their help I'd get lucky or something.

I told myself all of these reasons while standing in the shower, I tried to wash off the shower of shit holly rained down on me in the bar that night and slowly I psyched myself up to have a good night for once, I'd be with my sisters, and having it such a low this night could only be an upswing, "A few doubles of rum and I won't give a shit anymore anyway" I told myself, putting on my tie, I sat in my room with my laptop until my sisters came home from work, Amanda came in to check on me and gave me a big grin when she saw I was all suited and booted, ready for a night on the town, "We'll go as soon as we're ready, if I were you I'd go and grab yourself a burbon now, loosen yourself up a little", so I did, and when they were ready Claire called us a taxi and with a few butterflies in my stomach we set off.

>> No.8192240

Tied up holly in a warehouse for him to rape. Read this one before

>> No.8192246


I swear, if this is true (and I am credulous enough to actually believe this due to fatigue) and the whole thing turns out to be a pasta, I'm going to be slightly upset that I wasted all this time staying up waiting for this and go to bed, finally

>> No.8192253

Sorry Will, I still like my canon end better. I'll pick up the rest on the archive, stay dry Will.

>> No.8192255

Go to sleep and read it in the morning.

>> No.8192264


>> No.8192267


>> No.8192272

Finish the story and archive this shit

>> No.8192275

I'm not normally a sadistic man but the tale of Will has filled me with a certain malicious glee.

>> No.8192279

We entered a club that was very familiar to my big sisters, so much so the staff greeted them as we approached the bar, it was a little early and the staff we're still in the midst of preparing for the Friday night crowd but but barman was very friendly with my sisters, they introduced me and he asked why I looked so nervous, my big sister said "ahh he's not really used to this scene, he's going back to Alaska tomorrow so we want him to have a good time, look out for him okay Steve?" Pouring a drink under the counter he looked up at me, smiled and said "These two talk about you way too much man, you should come home more often", he threw me a beer and said "It's on the house, have a good night", then smiled and went to serve another customer, I cracked a smile, I knew that this night was going to be great, we talked until the crowd got bigger and before I realized the place was packed with people, I was buzzed as fuck and laughing with my sisters over all the stupid stories they had over the time I was away, then House Of Pain - Jump Around came on and my sisters took my arms and pulled me towards the dance floor, I was a little nervous, but I thought to myself "You can do this", after watching what my sisters were doing for a moment I started copying them and hell, I started having fun! Shit was going great.

>> No.8192293

Why am I so hard right now?

>> No.8192294

Bumping for content.

>> No.8192295

it does have the hallmarks of being too long and too detailed to be real though

>> No.8192303

Bracing for bel-air/the game/ps3hasnogames/doubles ending

>> No.8192304

Fuck it, I'm going to bed. This is taking way too long and it's already passed 3AM.

See you all later.

>> No.8192306


3AM and you're going to bed?

>> No.8192310

Hey, some of us have weird sleeping patterns, okay? I usually go to sleep around midnight, sometimes earlier.

>> No.8192313


I've got classes in about 4 hours. I'm the faggot that wrote about Kitty.

Time to really go to bed, now. Fuck.

>> No.8192317

It could be worse, it could be past midday and I've been meaning to go to sleep since this morning. So hurry up please!

>> No.8192338

..and? AND?!?!?!

>> No.8192348

Come on, man.

>> No.8192399

I don't even care if this story is true or not or if it is used to troll me but It is well writen enough to hook me up so I want to know the fucking end. Even it is shitty Bel-Air or whatever just make me stop waiting for more. Seriously. Pleeease.

>> No.8192414

Got drunk. Banged sister in toilets. Stayed foreveralone.jpg


>> No.8192424

So sleepy that I mistook italic bang for bold bang...

>> No.8192441

Sorry, my doctor called, apparently my perscription has been ready for 3 days and the dipshit nurse didn't call me, I had to explain why I keep 1 pill from every bottle just in case things like that happened.

To continue, I was ripping it up with sisters, the song list, although a little dated was fantastic and my sisters were keeping me sufficiently sauced so much that even if I was dancing like an asshole, I didn't care, it got to around 1am and we were taking a breather at the bar again doing shots when I turned around and saw Holly, all dolled up with her friends, it shook me so hard that I dropped my shot and it spilled out all over some girls foot behind me, I was quick to apologize and luckily she was very cool with it, she went to the bathroom and I felt so bad that I told her that I'd buy her a drink as an apology, when I looked over to where Holly was she had gone off somewhere and it pretty much ruined the night for me, but I was determined not to let it ruin my sisters nights so I carried on and pokefaced as if it was a simple mistake, eventually the girl came back and I bought her that apology pint, we got talking and well, as fate seemed to have it she became interested in me, I introduced my sisters and after a brief little chat she asked them if it was ok to "steal me away" for a dance, a felt a little out of my depth but not one to pass up a good thing I went with it and we had a little fun, after 3 or 4 songs she asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette and a better chance to talk without all the loud music.

>> No.8192442

After that he opened the door. Get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur. Boom shakka lakka lakka boom

>> No.8192443

Unacceptable. The shortness of the text, not the banging.

>> No.8192452

I know. Just trying to pass the time while waiting for next installment

>> No.8192454

That's how I became the prince of Bel Air.

>> No.8192457 [DELETED] 

Things went well and we eventually got married we have 2 daughters and a son now. Truth is Im actually glad I met Holly on that holiday. Im glad she did all those things to me. Because if it weren't for her I wouldnt be this happy right now, minus the nurse who forgot to call me about my meds fuck

>> No.8192460

this cant be the ending.

>> No.8192461

So we chatted and everything was going fine when I spotted Holly and her friends walking over to us, inside I was shitting myself but I just told this girl that the disgruntled looking girl in red was a former friend and that she might want a word with me, if she did she should probably go back inside because I didn't want her dragged into my mess, as soon as Holly and her bitch crew got close that girl took her leave (with some verbal abuse from hollys friends) and remembering what my sister had said in my bedroom about not letting her get to me I sucked it up and prepared myself, she was pretty drunk, as was her friends, and with her friends there was 2 typical dipshits who looked ready to pummel my face in at the wave of these girls hands in hopes that they would get their cocks sucked.

So the verbal abuse began and I was trying my best to keep up my best facade and act like it was amusing, when really it was tearing through me like bullets, there holly stood with 4 people around her drunkenly loudmouthing all of my faults as she did in the bar, her friends laughing loudly, attracting other people around.

>> No.8192466
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Oh boy, shit's on now.

>> No.8192474
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>> No.8192488

Oh man, I was right.
You are going to get your ass kicked.

>> No.8192495

Some retard on /a/ is trying to copypasta Will's story.


>> No.8192502

Mangaka to Assistant-san

>> No.8192517

You're a funny man.

>> No.8192522

Will you got awesome sisters. I'm only in this thread for them. I wish mine were like that.

>> No.8192524

If it bothers Will, I'll stop it.

>> No.8192536



>> No.8192542

I don't have a problem with his speed. It's not like I got anything else to do so...

>> No.8192550

>have no childhood friend
>see no one ever

>> No.8192557

Why have you forsaken us, William...

>> No.8192570

Well, he made me laugh, at least. Silly barmaid talking shit about him. It was funny.

I don't feel sorry for Mr 'Loving family'.

>> No.8192573


>> No.8192579
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>> No.8192588

Oh god someone call help!
He has to finish this story.

>> No.8192584

Perhaps he took the wrong pill

>> No.8192585


>> No.8192591


>> No.8192592


That post just describes /jp/ perfectly

>> No.8192593

Don't do this to us Will, finish the story

>> No.8192596

this is a interesting story

>> No.8192599
File: 423 KB, 600x720, 881515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came all the way from /a/ to hear the end, after reading tons of text, I ain't giving up now!

>> No.8192608
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>> No.8192617

Nope, fuck off

>> No.8192624
File: 123 KB, 507x369, 1211530008324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me the summary?

>> No.8192627

I must know how this ends.

William, tell.

>> No.8192629

Depressed NEET Will goes home for his mothers wedding. Reunites with childhood friend. At a bar a few nights later, he overhears her badmouthing him to her friends. Confrontation and he runs away crying. Goes clubbing with sisters later and hooks up but childhood friend and drunken friends show up to abuse him.

>> No.8192631


You guys not a fan of /a/liens?

Anyway, I concur, William, tell!

>> No.8192638
File: 34 KB, 319x302, 1306662211292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William Tell
Don't know if that was intentional but i lol'd

>> No.8192639
File: 44 KB, 626x348, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8192643

No one likes you, Cirno.

>> No.8192646

What's the link to make these things again?

>> No.8192647


>> No.8192649

/a/ came. Thread ruined.

>> No.8192653


You're new to /jp/ it would seem

>> No.8192654

You're ruining the thread by being a faggot.

>> No.8192655

Huh? I'm a pure /jp/er, idiot.

>> No.8192657

Google photoshop.

>> No.8192660

Come back Will before the /jp/ pureblood faggots rage war with /a/

>> No.8192662

OP here, I decided I'd said enough and it's getting late. That's as much as I plan to write.

>> No.8192658


>> No.8192666

>implying Will was the OP of this thread

>> No.8192669

Greentext? Implying?
Sure /a/ is here.
Fuck off.

>> No.8192670

C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker

>> No.8192672
File: 459 KB, 500x292, tumblr_lrq9l3blue1qklm53o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure William Tell ruined the thread by not finishing the story.

>> No.8192675
File: 109 KB, 492x600, 1300662002339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor troll is poor

>> No.8192676

How can you even say that when the entire first post is green text?

>> No.8192677

>have childhood friend
This is where the thread got ruined.

>> No.8192679


>> No.8192680


>> No.8192682
File: 66 KB, 812x245, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop talking like /jp/ is any better this board dropped in what little quality it has earlier this year.

>> No.8192686

You are hopeless, anon.

>> No.8192697


>> No.8192700

Don't know, maybe because I'm not OP?

>> No.8192703
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>> No.8192704


>> No.8192705

maybe that's the troll?
not finishing the story is the troll
trolled hard

>> No.8192706

Are you telling me you can't open the fucking image on paint, put a blank box over the text and write with whatever font you want?

>> No.8192709

Are you for real?

>> No.8192710


>> No.8192715
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>> No.8192717


>> No.8192719


>> No.8192720

Not that guy, but he is obviously not the OP.

>> No.8192722

You must be from /a/
Fucking ret/a/rd.
Go back >>>/a/

>> No.8192723


>> No.8192728


>> No.8192725

OP says this is nothing like his VNs but I can't think of many happy VNs where everything goes awesomely forever.

>> No.8192726

Suck my cock. And I will tell you
*grabs dick*

>> No.8192736


>> No.8192734

Shut up, and use your tongue to lick the tip

>> No.8192765

Maybe Holly came to Will's house to finish the business from yesterday....

>> No.8192782


>> No.8192800

so she ended up having a bitch at me for a few minutes. her friends jeered and the dicks they were with were pulling faces, flexing, trying to look hard. holly called me a dick and a waste of space, glad to be rid of me. it was even worse than overhearing this shit before. now i was getting it in full. being told your shit to your face from someone who was your best friend. eventually they all seemed to get bored and i went back inside. the girl from before had disappeared and it looked like my sisters had gone home. i;d wanted to leave home with a good memory at least, a decent night out with everyone. i walked home alone and drunk. the next morning, my sisters came to check on me, thinking i;d hooked up. i didnt want to waste their time with more moping so i just shrugged and left it at that. standing at the platform for a train home, i saw holly working again. this time she seemed to be avoiding me or she just didnt notice i was there. this bitch had caused me so much pain. id opened up my heart to her and she just pissed all over me. walking over i grabbed her by the wrists and threw her in front of my approaching train.

im currently awaiting trial for this shit. childhood friends are nothing but trouble man

>> No.8192804

I don't care if it's a fake ending to a fake story, it's hilarious as all fuck.

>> No.8192808

Sugoi monogatari, aniki. Except that the real Will properly punctuates his posts.

>> No.8192812


Learn to capitalize your shit next time.

>> No.8192817
File: 2.65 MB, 2843x1681, 1321710922529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit will, I'm late for class and your spineless ass is unable to type out a simple paragraph to continue your story.

By the way, you are a retard for not staying with that new girl you met, and for continuing to listen to Whorelly.

>> No.8192815

Sorry everyone, I had to go and get my prescription filled, I was on my last 10 caps and didn't want to risk shit happening at the pharmacy in the afternoon and not getting my drugs, I'm glad I did because it means my reserves won't get too low, I take 4 a day so I still have a day and a half left in reserve.

Should I continue? I see the thread has been busy while I was away, sorry for the wait, I really should have posted and told you I was going out, I'm really sorry if I made any of you wait.

>> No.8192821

I'd suck Will's cock. I'm a gurl don't worry!!!!

>> No.8192822

Please do.

>> No.8192824

You know, when I read the first paragraph, I thought of posting "Holly? Damn, that's a slutty name for a girl, don't trust her guys" Boy, was I right.

>> No.8192825

I wasn't trolling, I really just finished my coffee and decided that I should get to the doctors and then the pharmacy before I chewed through my reserve, sorry anon.

How the hell did /a/ get here? And why would anyone want to make pasta out of my story? There's much better things floating around on 4chan.

>> No.8192830

I like your story and want you to continue.
I'm sure others feel that way, and that is why they came here to listen.

>> No.8192870


Other people were just looking on and snickering, partly due to the things she was saying and I'm guessing partly due to how fucking absurd she looked while she was doing it, even so I started to feel self-conscious and rather than retaliating and making it all worse I decided to just try and walk away from it all, she started screaming shit at me as I left, trying to goad me on and as I approached the end of the street she, her friends and those 2 guys came running up behind me, she grabbed my arm and screamed "Don't you fucking walk away from me you loser! Come on! Aren't you gonna say something?", I was starting to feel pressured and knowing if she involved those 2 guys I wouldn't be walking out of the situation I looked at Holly and said "What do you want from me? Huh? Why the fuck did you even bother talking to me at all when I arrived back here? Why the beach? Why pretend to be my friend? Why this shit you're doing right now? What the fuck is your problem Holly?" She started mocking me with her friends making a stupid voice "Why this Why that Why! Hahaha" I muttered "You're fucking pathetic, you know that? Leave me alone" Of course she tried to start on me, tried to get into my face and I just walked around her, then her friends started joining in and laughing about it, until they were all around me preventing me from moving anywhere, I felt scared because I knew this was getting out of control and that something bad was about to happen. I wanted to take my phone out and call my sisters but I thought better of it, how weak would I have to be to get those two to help me, plus they no doubt would have snatched it before I could dial any number, even the police, so I decided to keep it stashed in my pocket.

>> No.8192878

You got shot, didn't you?

>> No.8192885
File: 110 KB, 1000x667, 2001_finding_forrester_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, fuck belair ending, I'm bracing for SSJ ending now.

>> No.8192889

You got my interest Will.

>> No.8192890

People can be pricks, but this is probably on another level of prickery

>> No.8192892

You should find a publisher and get your tragicomic life story printed, I'd buy it!

>> No.8192898

I thought my best chance of getting out of the situation was through the multi-story carpark, there was a taxi lane on the other side of the building due to it being a high-street and if I could make it through there with a bit of luck there would be a taxi waiting for me to hop into, then I could call my sisters and tell them what happened and they could get out of there before they found them too, the girl I was talking to I imagined would have been left alone as she had only just met me and it would have been problem solved, with that I pushed past two of the friends and made a break for it into the car park, the situation was fucking ridiculous and something you expect from school children but when you give 3 whores and 2 dipshits alcohol you pretty much end up with the same thing, it felt just how it did all those years ago, and I felt that fear, something I hadn't felt in a long time, that unique fear when you know that you're outnumbered and outmatched, that just like in school there wasn't a way out of this, even so I ran into the parking lot towards the high street as fast as I could, but I just wasn't fast enough.

>> No.8192904

You got this, Will!

>> No.8192914
File: 17 KB, 371x300, shocked and appaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit

>> No.8192920
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1283199717972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if I'm watching shitty high-school drama!

>> No.8192922
File: 468 KB, 1024x768, fc848bbdf8c4d93ac92630e97ecafaa3a09e0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it felt just how it did all those years ago, and I felt that fear, something I hadn't felt in a long time, that unique fear when you know that you're outnumbered and outmatched, that just like in school there wasn't a way out of this

I know that feel very well myself, Will.

>> No.8192924

In before his real name is Will Smith and after this his Auntie tells him to move down to belair

>> No.8192930

>taxi lane

>> No.8192931
File: 31 KB, 350x383, cavafy13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.8192936

You should fuck your sisters.

>> No.8192935

Your sisters sounds like nice people though, you really should visit them more often.

>> No.8192940

Maybe if you'd had your katana

>> No.8192945

This is why you always carry a gun, you live in america, you have no excuse.

>> No.8192953

The two guys managed to grab me, they dragged me into an alley way. I couldn't believe this was happening, they were beating me up while Holly and her whore girlfriends were watching and cheering them on. I punched one of them in the face, pretty hard but I knew I shouldn't of, he got out a knife. I tried to wrestle it out of his hand, fucking stupid I know but long story short he ended up stabbing me.
The police found my body a week after, when my sisters got them involved and started a search. My funeral is on Friday. Fuck childhood best friends.

>> No.8192969

I felt a palm grab my shoulder and a surge of fear ran up my spine, I felt my eyes widen, my teeth clench and as my body shifted backwards I felt that moment of complete despair when you know you're fucked, I fell onto my back and the two guys stood over me, one of the girls shouted "Don't let him up!" and the other started goading them, as they caught up one of the girls shouted "Kick his ass! Go for it!" and the first boot hit my gut, the guys started laughing and calling me a pussy, a bitch, a fucking loser, I fought the urge to curl up and instead protected my head while they continued to kick the ever loving shit out of my back, legs, arms and torso, I fought the urge to whimper or cry, instead I just lay there while they lay into me, the two girls screaming with excitement with every kick, I didn't hear a peep from Holly, not a word, not a sound, one of them tried to kick my head and hit my arm, in reflex I reached out and managed to grab his leg, and on instinct with all my might I tugged it as hard as I could and he came crashing down beside me, not wasting the chance I lunged on top of him, grabbed his shirt to lift his head, drew my head back and headbutted him in the nose as hard as I could, I felt a momentum of anger and rage building as for once I had the upper hand over one of them, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pressed my thumbs into his jugular, his friend kicking at my back trying to get me off, I could see this guy panicking and one of the girls screamed "GET HIM OFF HE'S GONNA KILL HIM!" I looked up and all I saw was Hollys face staring back at me in horror, she knew that I was a gentle man, she knew that all of this was because of her, maybe she felt a little guilty or maybe she was just afraid to see what I was capable of when pushed to the edge... Unfortunately it didn't last long, finally the guy left standing booted me in the side of the head and I fell to the side, my body felt heavy and I could taste blood in my mouth.

>> No.8192976

I knew it, you did get your ass kicked!

>> No.8192977

>felt a momentum of anger and rage building
About time.

>> No.8192975

Your names is unnecassary you didn't even copy his style.
That was weak. Better luck next time.

>> No.8192980

A ballpoint pen would then be enough to stab him there, but whatever

>> No.8192982

Protip: Don't strangle, just do clean blows to the throat.
Strangling takes forever, but a crushed windpipe is a lot faster.
And it isn't even that fatal, just incapacitating.

>> No.8192984

If you're that cornered, you could just gouge an eye out.

>> No.8192983

Worst thread on /jp/

>> No.8192989

「Oh, couldn't read you」

>> No.8192992

Go ahead, tell your story about how you were molested, then we have a full thread.

>> No.8192996

That's a bit mean, and you need to have more balls for that, since the texture of gouging out an eye will stay with you forever.

>> No.8192998
File: 90 KB, 680x500, 1240426884173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, he managed to overpower one of them while still being outnumbered, that takes balls.

Go Will! Here comes the bel-air ending!

>> No.8193001

>since the texture of gouging out an eye will stay with you forever.
tell me more

>> No.8193007

>250 posts

God fucking dammit /v/

>> No.8193008

Will is telling his life story, please.

>> No.8193011
File: 11 KB, 287x300, walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, please.

>> No.8193024

u mad?
>implying a story about a NEET isn't /jp/ related
ya u mad

>> No.8193033

I tried to get up but the blow to the head along with the pain made it impossible, my mouth was bleeding and I could feel a small pool of blood inside my cheeks, everything ached, I kept my eyes locked on Holly who at this point I'm sure had sobered up quite some and realized what she had done, despite all those years apart and many years of change I knew her better than anyone, I knew those eyes, I looked at her in anger until the guy I had tried to choke got up, or rather, was pulled up my his friend, he lost his shit and jumped on top of me and began pummeling my face calling me every name he could think of, for a moment I thought I was going to die, beaten to death by some knuckle dragging piece of shit some slut met in a nightclub, he stopped for a moment and got right in my face and shouted "CAN YOU HEAR ME ASSHOLE! HUH! COME ON PUSSY WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW!", I have to admit at this point I felt something I'd never felt before, I can't even name it months on... it was just a state of complete peace, I just didn't give a shit anymore, I hawked up air into my mouth and spat blood into his face, called him a dipshit and laughed, I couldn't give a shit what happened after that, he got up and told his friend to hold my arms, told him what he was doing and he took my shirt off and used it to wipe his face, the girls were all silent, it wasn't funny anymore to them, it wasn't funny to anyone except me, as this guy wiped his face his friend said "come on, we're done with this piece of shit" and they all left, as they passed me I turned my head to face them, Holly couldn't stop looking at me all the way until they reached the exit.

>> No.8193043

This is why you carry explosives with you rather than a firearm or a knife.
See, they can take your gun or knife away from you, but if you explode you always win.

>> No.8193047

Small bombs

>> No.8193050

I feel bad for liking Will's story.

>> No.8193057

This is why you should never leave your apartment.

>> No.8193064

If this doesn't end with Will filing charges and netting enough money to NEET for life, I'll be severely disappointed in him.

>> No.8193061

Stop being reversetroll and stop using greentext in a wrong way

>> No.8193078

This was my dream, >>8191611, please listen to me, it's really related to this thread.
I dreamt I went to Yoshinoya; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>8191611, should just stick with today's special.

>> No.8193076

>Almost choke somebody to death
>File violence charges against the other party

>> No.8193077

I hate ragestories. I know I can kill now

>> No.8193079


What is self-defense Alek?

>> No.8193087

Are you fucking retarded? He was cornered.
I'm adamant with my concealed carry and I would have fucking embedded a 45 in someones head if they followed me to that parking lot.
