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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8191349 No.8191349 [Reply] [Original]

I'm headed for Gensokyo. Thanks for everything, /jp/. As terrible as you can get sometimes, I probably would've taken the plunge a lot sooner without people to talk to.

Take care.

>> No.8191357

If you're a hikki or NEET then rest in peace. If you're under 21 or attending school then fuck you.

>> No.8191359

What horizon is that?

>> No.8191360

Do it outside, no one wants to clean that shit up.

>> No.8191362
File: 2.81 MB, 2645x3637, 1320210081590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if /jp/'s become terrible since all my friends have gone to Gensokyo.. perhaps I should go join them and be done with it.

>> No.8191364
File: 132 KB, 533x703, reimu dying by heartstroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could go to Gensokyo too. I hope soon.

>> No.8191365

Stay for a bit longer. There's interesting things in this future. If you really must do it, careful not to end up in an undesirable future (in case of failure).

>> No.8191378

Godspeed, Anonymous.

Christ, I wonder how many of the folks that settled here after the split are still alive at this point?

>> No.8191382

For every anonymous poster suicide, there are probably several lurker suicides as well.

It is quite depressing thinking about how you can have a pleasant chat with someone one day, then read their suicide note the next.

Either way, OP I hope the next side turns out better for you.

>> No.8191384

Say hi to Reimu for me

>> No.8191395

What brought you to it OP?

I don't really expect you to tell me, nor do I really think this is legit. But I've been wanting to go for a while now, and things in my life are to a point I could probably justify to myself to get it over with if pushed. What pushed you? What can I do to join all my asshole friends in Gensokyo where it never stopped being NEET/hikikomori General?

>> No.8191403

It's nice to see someone recognizing lurkers. I always get annoyed when nobody remembers how many lurkers killed themselves. I always think all the lurkers whenever I post, shitpost, or spam.

R.I.P lurkers and posters who were hikki or NEET driven into a corner.

>> No.8191407

Have a good trip, I will probably be joining you mid next year if things in this world don't get better.

Please tell Youmu I'd like to say hello, and if she would like help sweeping.

>> No.8191409

I would ask you to stay a while longer.

If not, well, best of luck to you, I guess.

>> No.8191416

See ya.

>> No.8191434

Neighborhood has sure gone to hell. Can't be too many left.

>> No.8191442

Lurker here, just can't bring myself to go through with it. Yay for being a pile of shit and a coward.

>> No.8191450

Why not?

>> No.8191451 [DELETED] 

Don't kill yourself Anonymous, you can make your life better. Find a hobby, try to meet new people. The world is your oyster. We all care about you deeply and want to shit post with you on /jp/.

Never forget that you are part of a community now. The community being /jp/, a place were we all gather each day to shit post in a very specific way. You are a part of this. Stay with us, now and forever.

>> No.8191458

Because I'm a little bitch? I don't know, pick a reason. It's a probably accurate.

>> No.8191461

I will remember you
Good luck

>> No.8191459

Because he's a pile of shit and a coward. Just like me.

>> No.8191470

/jp/ helped take me out of a lot of my depression, ironically.

Glad we could help you, OP. Sometimes I feel like we have too many of these threads, but if I was to go to Gensokyo, I don't think I could resist making one either.

>> No.8191481

If there's really nothing that we can do to stop you, you should at least not waste the opportunity and try a carefully engineered quantum suicide experiment to locally confirm one important physical theory and maybe win yourself a few hundred million dollars in the lottery.

>> No.8191482

Stay shitty and autistic, /jp/.

>> No.8191475
File: 473 KB, 900x900, b6d4bc0a4f6229cbc5a4f9d796742c9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because you want to stay alive! And you should! Don't worry, no matter the troubles you have ahead of you, you can make it and take it easy afterwards! And if it seems big, don't sweat it! Great problems are for great people!

>> No.8191479

Afraid of hurting those left behind?

Or just afraid of death?

>> No.8191493

I'll be going once I go homeless, probably around Christmas time. Going to Gensokyo will be kind of like a little Christmas present to myself.

Take it easy, anon. I'll see you there when the time comes.

>> No.8191494

Personally, I'm just afraid of death. Even though I don't really have much to live for. Just been taking it easy for years. I don't really have something I want to do later on down the line. I don't want to improve myself for others sake, I just want to take it easy you know? So the only way to take it ultimately easy would be opening the portal. But I'm a coward, so there you go.

>> No.8191499

If it was an idea fraught with failure, I'd offer to do it with you. Maybe the feeling of obligation would be enough to push us over.

Shame westerns can't really set up something like this. Especially here.

>> No.8191506

mabye when I'm 50 and done with life, going to gensokyo will be a nice present for my 50th birthday, perhaps I'll blow all my remaining money on a really stupidly expensive coffin, lined with all my hard copy doujinshi.

>> No.8191509

You don't deserve death you piece of shit. Philosophers think of death as the greatest gift bestowed upon human beings. You get to rest forever in death, but you don't deserve that just yet. You haven’t had to deal with life’s bullshit as long as 80 year olds do. Why do you think you can just die without earning it?

>> No.8191514

There's no reason to be afraid of death. Aren't you excited or intrigued about how those final moments feel? Or what comes afterwards, if anything? Or, worse case scenario, of what it is like to fade out of existence altogether?

Your whole life is a build up for the climax that is death. If you're bored with this world, you shouldn't be afraid of skipping to the end. If you have to, throw on some encouraging (or sad, I suppose) music to get yourself into the mood.

>> No.8191519

Please don't all kill yourselves.

Those left behind will be lonely.

Even if they're just people like me here in /jp/.

>> No.8191523
File: 117 KB, 588x575, neet hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya in the next realm bro.
Try not to fuck up the portal.

>> No.8191525

Because it gets ruined. Think of it like a Christmas gift you're really looking forward to as a kid, and it's months before you get to open it. You know where your parents hide the gifts, but don't you think opening it and not patiently waiting for it ruins the whole experience?

Look death comes to everyone, with every passing second you're slowly dying. So why rush? Wait like everyone else, unless you wanna be that asshole kid who opens his gift early and ruins Christmas.

>> No.8191532

> There's no reason to be afraid of death. Aren't you excited or intrigued about how those final moments feel? Or what comes afterwards, if anything? Or, worse case scenario, of what it is like to fade out of existence altogether?
While you may be right about the first part, most of the second part can be partially answered by physics and philosophy (given a few modest assumptions about the nature of reality), however 'testing' such theories is another thing altogether. It would also tell you of certain interesting edge-cases that you might want to exploit to your advantage instead of taking dangerous risks (imagine the worlds where you fail and maim yourself thus diminishing the quality of life in your future).

>> No.8191535

What a stupidly selfish thing to say.

This board belongs to the shitposters now, the few of us who were stubborn enough to stay here can only hope for an end to it all. Maybe your lives are fine, but not all of ours are just as dandy. You'll make new threads, and meet new people better suited to your interests.

But if you gave half a damn about us, you could at least wish us a good trip.

why the hell am I even bothering

>> No.8191539

Because we love you

>> No.8191543

The board belongs to everyone. And I have no power to stop anyone here from defying my wishes. I simply made my preferences known.

>> No.8191548

...I don't really think a material Christmas present is similar enough to death for that analogy to work.

Anything you could recommend reading? I'm interested and need something to do for awhile.

>> No.8191556

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you want to commit a suicide primarily driven by financial hardship, I hope you will consider sending me an email.

I can't promise anything but I would like to see if there is anything I can do to help.

>> No.8191559
File: 142 KB, 500x600, 1320295741521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe in all that self help crap OP, but
Have you considered traveling?
I want to at least see the world before I go out.

>> No.8191576

> Anything you could recommend reading? I'm interested and need something to do for awhile.
I would recommend "Theory of Nothing" to start with (and take a look at the mailing list referenced in the book, there are things which are much more detailed there), and some very relevant (hard science) fiction such as "Permutation City" (along with some of the author's other works such as Quarantine). If you just mean the one particular experiment I mentioned earlier, some variants : http://lesswrong.com/lw/188/quantum_russian_roulette (only apply the QRNG to something like a national lottery, while ensuring that win rate would be 1/n and failure rates are 1/n^2 or less (it might be difficult to engineer such an reliable device, but maybe a delayed one could work better, such as a pill+antidote or a cryonics fallback)).

>> No.8191581

Could all you suicidal fucks please go be reverse terrorists and blow some people up as you go, thanks.

>> No.8191585
File: 21 KB, 360x360, 21259403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood the fascination people have with traveling. What else is there to see, in the real world? Maybe I'm just desensitized to nature's beauty after growing up surrounded by it.

I'm more interested in psychedelics and lucid dreaming, but I assume the latter would require too much effort for those on the verge of suicide. So many beautiful sights, tastes and smells that are impossible in reality.

Thanks, I'll note those down and search the local library and a few buy-and-sell websites.

Also, is 4chan occasionally not loading for you guys right now? Some posts aren't going through either.

>> No.8191587

Just noticed I could download a .pdf of Theory of Nothing. That's helpful, because my local library is terrible.

>> No.8191593

No thank you. When I go, I dont want people thinking badly of me. Its OK to be thought of that depressed guy who unsurprisingly killed himself. Its not OK to be thought of as the bastard that kills someones family member. Why start another chain of suffering extending to strangers?

Im glad we can have these threads without much trolling or shitposting, though. Im relieved I wont be killing myself for the foreseeable future, as I can still game most the time and read /jp/ when Im lonely, but I think if I ever lost /jp/ or my PC I would have nothing left to keep me here.

>> No.8191596

Pretty sure you can find PDFs of all mentioned books on google.

>> No.8191606

Having trouble finding a link for Permutation City that hasn't been removed.

>> No.8191607

The world is a big place there is no way you've already seen everything. Not to mention all the various cultures, food, and traditions.

>> No.8191608

For just short of three years, I've been a NEET and somewhat of a hikki (fluctuating symptoms--I never want to go out, but on good days I can do it with only mild annoyance). I am not depressed at all.

What am I missing? What is it that makes some of you so depressed?

>> No.8191613


>> No.8191618

If you're under 21 and go to school, die faggot.
If NEET, then don't do it, we'll miss you too much.

>> No.8191620

The crushing weight of responsibility and the fact that I could be on the streets any day now. I don't want anything in life but one meal a day, internet, and a PC but even I fail at getting those right...

>> No.8191619

But things can't be TOO different. Then again, my idea of different may be a little extreme. It just doesn't seem like the sights or experiences would be unique enough, or last long enough, to be worth the time and effort.

>> No.8191627

Just found a valid link of it on filestube, try it. Of course, you could always get it from the library or buy it.

>> No.8191630

I'll probably be on the streets as soon as my family gives up on me. I've secured an income, but I don't even have a driver's license, and I don't think I'd be able to work up the courage to take a test.

Call me dim, but I've decided to just not think about it and be happy that I at least have food and the 'net right now.

>> No.8191631

I just found it on a blog. Removing .pdf as a keyword helped, oddly.

I also found it on the library's site, but this is far more convenient.

>> No.8191635

No, I think you're right. The food would be pretty different, but the commonalities between all human cultures really do outweigh the minor differences. Nature itself is pretty much the same... The only place on Earth you could really visit to experience something totally new is the ocean floor, and... that's not really habitable.

>> No.8191640

Same guy you are responding to here, I have $5000 in the bank, a laptop, and a car to live in but I don't know how long I can live like that. My family is really pulling the "if you don't do something with yourself soon we will kick you out of our house" card a lot recently. The only other plan I have is my biological father but he won't put up with me for more than a few months.

>> No.8191667

They pulled something similar a lot with me, too, but they just stopped talking about it eventually.

It could always be different for you, but it could be the same, too. Either do something about it or let it work itself out. Just thinking about it won't do anything but make you miserable.

I know it's a irresponsible, but feeling responsible in this case isn't going to help anything, really.

>> No.8191673

There are differences so profound about other cultures that you can't even imagine them yet. It's impossible to even fully understand a culture unless you've been born and raised in it, and it would be years living in another country before you began to pick up on subtle cultural things you'd never known about.

It's incredibly easy to get caught in a bubble where you feel as if you've seen everything, but if you make an attempt to shatter it, you'll learn a lot. Crude example? Boards on 4chan. People here tell other people to go to /soc/ all the time, but I'd assume none of us have ever spent any significant amount of time there. I'd agree that there probably isn't nearly as much to learn from lurking /soc/ as there would be here, but still, it's impossible to truly understand anything until you apply yourself to a degree you wouldn't think you'd have to when you first set out to it.

>2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.8191689

What he means is that people everywhere do the same things, and think about the same shit. Sure you can go on about the nuances of a different culture, but really, it's just the same patch of cloth with a different color. People excited by traveling and having new experiences haven't thought about life with much depth, and can only understand things on the surface level.

>> No.8191692

Are all the boards on 4chan the same, deep down?

>> No.8191693

There ARE differences between cultures, of course. Both minor and major, but as you've said, they're subtle.

I wouldn't consider them large enough, or interesting enough to be worth traveling for.

>> No.8191703

I feel like people that think there isn't always something new to explore aren't looking hard enough, but I understand your point. It's all basically the same shit, but that depends on how far you want to simplify things. Were all made out of atoms and the floor is atoms and the computer is atoms, whatever, and everywhere people are much the same. If you're determined to reduce everything to those terms though, it's no wonder depression sets in. This is just rambling from someone who has been where most of you are too, so I get the feeling.

>> No.8191706

No, because they're divided, presently and historically, by choice, not by geography.

/jp/ users and Japanese otaku are more similar to each other than either group is to the "culture" from which its members originated.

>> No.8191709

I don't go to the great majority of them (sometimes I stop to remember how many there are that I just don't browse at all), but I feel like the major ones are. /jp/ has more in common with /a/, /b/, and /v/ than I care to admit.

>> No.8191714

I ignore it most of the time but threads like this bring these thoughts. I usually go with the flow and things end up fine enough for me to enjoy another day. They don't even mind the lack of a job part, it is the fact that I don't have friends, stay in my room for 23 1/2 hours a day, and that they think I am gay due to no girls around me in any way ever.

All things considered I am actually the least unhappy person in my family, they are always so angry at each other as well and in a way I feel sorry for them. Happy people aren't full of such animosity and anger. I rarely get mad and I am the jolly neckbeard streotype most of the time but I can't take it easy with threads like this.

>> No.8191724

I really don't think that's actually true. Maybe if you were going to compare shut-ins to shut-ins, but I think the average Japanese visitor to Comiket has more in common with his old high school classmates than he does with me, and I with mine.

>> No.8191733

I guess traveling just isn't the thing for you guys.
I dream about traveling the European countryside along the mountains and the fields. Exploring the Forrest's of South America and enjoying the frosty weather up in the north where the snow makes it peaceful. Maybe watch the Aurora borealis while I'm there. I want to visit the meditterean islands and spain especially. There was some website I was looking at some time ago where you could explore random countries in Google maps, some of the places I saw were really beautiful you guys should take a look

>> No.8191741

I actually want to explore Greenland in some way, Frozen Earth has made me really interested in arctic and antarctic climates.

>> No.8191769

If you guys want to go out, could you at least kill some niggers or Jews before you do?

>> No.8191778

I'm tied of you faggots always complaing OH I'D TAKE A BUNCH OUT WITH ME. WHY DON'T YOU GO FOR THE HIGH SCORE? Blah blah blah, if it's so damned important to you, why don't you go out there and do it yourself?

>> No.8191842

What I mean is that social practices and conventions, among other things associated with humanity are universal across the globe. Food, shelter, security, invented bullshit, the only thing that changes is the flavor of the culture. If you’re easily excitable by that you wouldn’t be on 4chan.

Anyway, people only use travel as an excuse, a means to immerse oneself into life. The fact is, and this is an empirical truth, is that we’re all floating on a rock in the universe. People don’t stop to think and realize this, because they never have to. By nature, human beings are like ants, absorbed in work or some kind of illusion of self-important matters. This distracts them from realizing the nature of reality, and having not realized this, they are happy. They worry about jobs, relationships, children, material wealth, and it brings them happiness. It’s all an illusion, that is, happiness and living are subjective and contingent where you must maintain this mindset of self-importance. Once you lose that, you become depressed and perhaps suicidal, because you’ve consciously, or subconsciously, realized that your life means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of time and the universe.

>> No.8191856

Seriously? Because they haven't given up. Duh.

>> No.8191864

Nihilism 101. Great.

Personally, I'm perfectly fine with defining my own values instead of depending on the world to define them for me. Maybe you should try it.

It's why I'm happy being a NEET, after all.

>> No.8191865

Fucking. Hell.

Forgot my sage.

>> No.8191868

have a free age on the house, then.

>> No.8191870

Pictures of the universe soothe the soul. The reason is that they force upon you the realization of mankind's triviality. For all the hardships we confront, the feeling we get when we compare them to the sheer vastness of space comforts us. With a universe this immense, one's own efforts are not very important. Bosses and politicians and fallen dictators are all insignificant humans. One should work to their own satisfaction. This feeling can be sensed from just looking at pictures of the universe.

Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn (Mary) are excitedly chatting at a sidewalk café on a university campus.

>> No.8191873

I spy, with my little eye, a newfag. Lurk more.

>> No.8191876

But once you realize how insignificant you and everything else is, you can give up the quest for achieving something. You can just enjoy yourself in whatever way you can. That's where most of us fail, isn't it?

>> No.8191881

Existentialism 101? Well, defining your own values means you've just described your own mindset of self-importance, not that it's a bad thing; rather, it also seems like the only response I could come up with.

>> No.8191894

Making that realization entails the loss of interest of well.. everything. Then you're really just awaiting death in a positive manner.

>> No.8191899
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>> No.8191916

Just enjoying life is one way to go about it, but that doesn't mean one can't work towards higher goals if they want to. Existence is worth having as positive experiences as possible and their frequency can even be increased with some work. Not to mention, existence is a fairly interesting state of being, don't you think?
I don't care how significant or insignificant I am, but I do care about things I want to care about. If there were no conscious observers, the universe would be a pretty useless object (if it's worth even considering its existence without an observer, but that would make the discussion too involved/long, so I won't go there now). You are a self-ware, conscious observer capable of general intelligence. That in it itself grants you some amazing possibilities as far as what you can experience and what you can do. There are so many dreams one could realize, if only they wished for it and worked towards it. Importance or lack of importance is merely in the eye of the beholder and you are the one doing the only meaningful judging (as they are your own personal goals and desires).

>> No.8192087

This thread went somewhere strange.

>> No.8192406

I wish more people actually read Nietzsche. Nihilism is silly.

>> No.8192689

I have read Nietzsche. His philosophy pretty much takes existentialism to its logical extreme--expecting society itself to submit to your personal and arbitrary values.

Don't really get why people associate him with nihilism, honestly.

>> No.8192721

Don't fuck it up.

>> No.8192766

Would you postpone gensokyo if I were to suck your cock and let you do me up my rear?

>> No.8192809

RIP Will.

>> No.8192827

I would like you to stay a little longer, but if you already made your mind, then good luck, bro, thanks for the interesting moments.

>> No.8192834

at least stay until RKS Freudenstachel comes out.

>> No.8192875

My repulsive meat-sack body feels like a prison from which death is the only escape.

>> No.8192880

Megaman ZX is a fine game. Too bad Capcom is ran by faggots and they don't care anymore.

>> No.8193837


I thought no one would notice. ;_;

>> No.8193848

>killing yourself with only a year left before the apocalypse.

Stay a while and watch the fireworks.

>> No.8193948

Sometimes I wonder how many people who make goodbye threads on /jp/ actually go through with their plans.

It saddens me. Were we really worth saying goodbye to? Could it be, that we were all you had?

I don't begrudge your decision, because I'll be following you soon. But I feel a little bad nonetheless.

>> No.8194084
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 116053 fuji_choko tagme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meh, it's one of the things that makes /jp/ what it is. I'd be more curious to understand why the posters of the board need these threads at a psychological level.

You could always find solace in the idea that there'll always be more people who need /jp/, if you can ignore the part about them eventually heading to Gensyoko as well....

>> No.8194137

This is just a shitty tavern on the way.

People stick around for a little while, but this was never their final destination.

>> No.8194780 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry to break it to you OP but were not talking to anybody here; this board is a product of your imagination. You made up all the posts including this one. This is actually a 404 page.

>> No.8194786

I'm sorry to break it to you OP but you weren't talking to anybody here; this board is a product of your imagination. You made up all the posts including this one. This is actually a 404 page.

>> No.8194806

See you later, space cowboy.

>> No.8194815
File: 39 KB, 93x194, lisaface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Committing suicide

But anon, /jp/ is already Hell. You've been dead for a long time now...

>> No.8194828

I really wish there really were /jp/ suicide meetups.
I'm too much of a coward to do it on my own.

>> No.8194836

I know this goddamn feel.
Maybe we should make fake emails or something and arrange it one of these days.

>> No.8194859

I could read the headlines now:
Group of Pedophiles Commit Mass Suicide in Local School Playground; Children Scared for Life.

>> No.8194887
File: 250 KB, 640x480, 6a00d83451be5969e200e54f49ca4d8834-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name.

You wanna go where people know,
people are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name.

>> No.8194893
File: 324 KB, 800x600, 92ac1b9073e7ddb35e412f035d7cd022056081c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, don't go to Gensokyo yet. I love you. Let's hug warmly, please be patient.

>> No.8194903

Someone would do the Welcome to the NHK thing then we'd all pussy out one by one.

>> No.8194912

This is why one or two people bring guns. You can either go with us, or bleed out while we do.

>> No.8194925

There'd be no pussying out with me around.
You're going to kill yourself and like it.

>> No.8194932
File: 744 KB, 1400x1050, 2047951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'll come in costume as a HERO OF JUSTICE, rescue a suicidal NEET and take them as my own. They better be prepared to be loved and wear a dress for the rest of their lives.

>> No.8194955
File: 49 KB, 315x480, 1253216520183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a disgusting liar.
Don't you dare to say such lies ever again.

>> No.8194969
File: 89 KB, 400x400, kica395400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho villain, a hero never lies. Slander me all you want, justice will prevail in the end.

>> No.8195049

This thread is sad and strangely lovely. I sincerely hope we all find what we seek.

>> No.8195061

I agree, sir.
Makes one feel better even though one wished that he could make tears at some points.

>> No.8195089

Good night sweet Siddartha.

>> No.8195143

We do seem to have quite a lot of these threads. I hope they reconsider before they do something that can't be undone.
