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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8187907 No.8187907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8187912

I don't need to validate myself for you, shitposter-in-disguise.

>> No.8187910

In before 200 replies of people going through each and every point and trying to justify themselves on an anonymous board.

>> No.8187922


And yet here you are. Hrrm.

>> No.8187924

If you post shitty threads like this, you don't belong here.

>> No.8187927
File: 39 KB, 560x545, opisafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8187934

>Liking touhou
>Don't belong in /jp/

This is obviously meant for /a/. Get out OP.

>> No.8187936

I am blind and what is going on here

>> No.8187937

Count in another 100 arguing whether or not Touhou should be a part of /jp/

>> No.8187948

See ya

>> No.8187994

---The joke--->

Your head

>> No.8188074


As a game and not a vn Touhou only belongs in /v/ soooo

>> No.8188082


>> No.8188083

My butt hurts.

>> No.8188095

I had a sexual encounter with a Touhou when I went to Tahiti with my friends last summer.

>> No.8188103

i'm here for the hikikomori threads and everything besides 2hu. moot needs to make a shut-in board so we can leave /jp/ for you 2hu niggers to rot insides

>> No.8188117

Why do people call it 2hu. It's pretty obviously toe-hoe.

>> No.8188124

it's a reference to the main characters, the two whoes

>> No.8188123

God yes. But couldn't you all just migrate to /r9k/?

>> No.8188126

But there's already /r9k/, /adv/, etc. There are dedicated NEET boards on the Web if that's what you want.
e.g. http://vip-quality.org/neet/

>> No.8188127

東方 is pronounced 'too-hoo'.

>> No.8188143 [DELETED] 

You and I both know there aren't any shut-ins on /r9k/, only angsty, self-obsessed 16-year-olds that think they're autistic because they get sweaty palms talking to girls.

>> No.8188149


Who cares how it's pronounced in chinkland. We don't call Japan "Nippon" we call it Japan like red blooded Americans.

>> No.8188163

This guy has it right. /r9k/ houses a different breed of loser: teenagers or normal people who desperately want relationships but fail in attaining them. Most of us here are past that.

>> No.8188183

I don't see a need to divide people into particular subtypes of blogging, whinging losers who 404 my VN and Toho treads. You're all the same to me.

>> No.8188189

This guy is right, /r9k/ is for suppressed extroverts and tryhard normalfags imitators. At least /jp/ has Eroge and touhou as a subject, /r9k/ is literally a board about NOTHING.

>> No.8188194

You're just not one of us yet.

For the record I find blogging as irritating as anyone, but the occasional NEET/hikki thread is nice and an important part of the board culture. I'd feel uncomfortable if I felt the person I was trolling/flaming/whining at didn't piss in bottles and live off autism bucks.

>> No.8188203
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it's sad to know that I don't belong here just because I went on a road trip with my school this year

>> No.8188208

you're more of a pathetic loser than those on /r9k/ your vn and 2hu is shit. those aren't the only topics on this board you retarded faggot.

>> No.8188211

Take it easy.

>> No.8188218

Shift key broken?

>> No.8188247


don't know how to actually make a trip?

>> No.8188261

Some levels even I won't stoop to.

>> No.8188312

This is now a Kisume thread.

>> No.8188316
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.8188318

I bet Kisume is a real cum bucket.

>> No.8188322

That's rude.

>> No.8188333

thats lewd
