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8181884 No.8181884 [Reply] [Original]

Kindergarten friendships help boys develop social skills

>High-quality friendships in kindergarten spell better social skills in the first and third grades for boys and also fewer behaviour problems as compared to girls.
>"Overall, teachers reported that girls in the first and third grade had good social skills, regardless of the quality of their kindergarten friendships,"
>"Boys, on the other hand, clearly benefited from the good start that early high-quality friendships provide," added Engle, according to an Illinois statement.
>The differences in friendship quality for boys versus girls did not show up until the children were older, she said.
>"Boys who had no friends in kindergarten had more behaviour problems, but not until they had reached first and third grades," Engle said.
>"As we expected, high-quality kindergarten friendships that featured cooperation and sharing, taking turns, low levels of hostility, and little destructive conflict, gave children, especially boys, practice in positive interaction, which they demonstrated in grades one and three," Engle said.

>> No.8181891
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>> No.8181906 [DELETED] 

>Kindergarten friendships help boys develop social skills

No fucking shit.

>> No.8181910 [DELETED] 
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did you know obsessing over kindergardeners is a sure sign that your a pedo?? i mean thats just common sense but really your a fuckin gaylord b!tch idiaaattt
please sut up forever and die nerd and stop jerking off over little kids its disgusting your disgusting

>> No.8181936
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i had many good friends in kindergarten until 4th grade when i moved schools. then i was a social outcast.

i even had 2 childhood friends that were girls. we used to walk to school together and would even play touching games. yeah, i got more boob at 7 years old than 27 years old.

>> No.8181942

I know that feel man.

Fuck you parents for moving cities.

>> No.8181971

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8181975

>keeps citing first and third grade

why the fuck not second grade>

>> No.8181983

I thought I had friends, but then I got suspended for a while and when I came back they all turned on me.

>> No.8181985

>"Boys who had no friends in kindergarten had more behaviour problems, but not until they had reached first and third grades," Engle said.

But I was always a loner in school.

>> No.8181990
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>> No.8181989
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>"As we expected, high-quality kindergarten friendships that featured cooperation and sharing, taking turns, low levels of hostility, and little destructive conflict, gave children, especially boys, practice in positive interaction, which they demonstrated in grades one and three," Engle said.

So basically schools are now teaching boys at a young age how to be pussies.

>> No.8181996

I had a best friend in elementary school. We used to play genesis and snes jrpgs together. But his parents move him to an inner city middle school since he's half black and they wanted him to be around other black kids.

After that he joined a gang and started dealing crack. Now we're both in our mid 20s and barely see each other anymore. I'm a /jp/er and he's recently gotten out of jail for killing someone, and had a kid by some bitch who left him after he got thrown in jail. I wonder which of us has lived a more fulfilling life.

>> No.8182013

my moms side of the family is mexican. the cousins i used to play with all the time turned gangster in jr highschool.
one is dead from being shot by another gang. another is in jail for GTA and shanked someone during a riot. so he's in there for life. the other is a meth-head and only talks to me when she wants money.

>> No.8182044

> Correlation implies causation.
Ah ha ha wow

>> No.8182053

I remember the only friend I had in Kindergarten was a blonde girl that was really bossy and obnoxious and was always wearing frilly dresses.

When I look back at it now, I realize that it really explains a lot.

>> No.8182058

Yeah, no. High school has a greater effect on how a person behaves the rest of their adult life.

>> No.8182072

I don't remember a single thing about kindergarten,
the earliest memories I have are from grade 1 or 2 I think

>> No.8182076

So if I ever have a boy and want to prevent him from being a horrible person, I should ruin any relationships he has in kindergarten?

>> No.8182096

>socializing increases your social skills

>> No.8182102

I remember a color-by-numbers worksheet.
I colored just the numbers and the teacher got mad.
