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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8179587 No.8179587 [Reply] [Original]

So what makes someone a normalfag? I thought it meant someone who lives a typical life, has typical tastes and typical moral inhibitions (a social life, career, possible significant other, sex life). Now it can mean anyone who doesn't share your turn ons (loli, dfc, furry, etc.), mental health, or works.

/jp/, you're the oldest and wisest. Enlighten.

>> No.8179589

Those I don't like.

>> No.8179592

>a typical life, has typical tastes and typical moral inhibitions

>> No.8179600

This is mostly right.
What you forgot is their bad side: no individuality, shit personalities, all normalfag women are slut etc....

>> No.8179602

someone who places social standings/ their career / their friends
above certain hobbies or /jp/

>> No.8179608
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>> No.8179606

I define it as someone who bases everything in their life around popular ideas. The people who do things at the drop of a hat because everyone tells them to, but they never really think it through.

That sounds very hipster of me I know
(hipsters are usually normalfags anyway)

>> No.8179614

My definition: People who look down on people who are normal

>> No.8179617

Normalfuck detected

>> No.8179618

Here's the complete definition

>> No.8179619


>> No.8179622
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Normalfag unless you lick my cunt, dude.

>> No.8179623

Normals look down on other normals for being normal?

>> No.8179626

Someone who thinks a 2D fetish translates to a 3D fetish.

>> No.8179637

Anyone who gives any amount of care or effort to their social status.
Anyone who doesn't (or does) do something due to religious or peer input, a.k.a. not thinking for themselves.
Anyone who gets unhinged due to, say, a report of a child being kidnapped; still being sensitive to shit that happens all the time.

>> No.8179639
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>> No.8179659

A good normalfag test is to insult their mothers or call them a fag and see if they get mad or not.

>> No.8179671

A good normalfag test is to ask them about facebook, parties, girls or drugs. Any of these would get you enough data.

>> No.8179695

The type of person who has a facebook account, and enjoys wasting hours of time on that vapid website.

>> No.8179705

People who don't turn their computer on as soon as they get home.

>> No.8179706

So you guys don't do drugs? Why?

>> No.8179718

I do. Mostly mood suppressants and vicodin, though not like they work.

>> No.8179725

its just a term people here use to make justify their own patheticness
this is a much better definition

>> No.8179731

Not trolling.

Have you ever tried pot? How does it affect you?

>> No.8179733

I can't get drugs if I don't know anybody.

>> No.8179738

Sorry, meant to say not normal.
But yeah, if you look down on normal people and mock them you are not really any better

>> No.8179741

At this point it's just a way to point out someone isn't TRUENEET, thus insulting them.

>> No.8179745

Somebody told me you could get drugs on the internet if you search enough, but I don't know if (s)he was trolling me or not :/

>> No.8179746

Normals do normal things because that's the normal thing to do. Joining facebook because others join Facebook.

Hipsters do weird things because they're weird and unusual, for the novelty of it, not because they just sincerely enjoy it for what it is. Like smoking a pipe because they like the idea of being the guy who smokes a pipe and is eccentric.

>> No.8179747


>> No.8179769

I tried it with my cousins 10 years back. I'm 26 now.
Had just a little shred of memory from that night, of my being incredibly hungry, then puking from overeating. Then I got angry about puking and drove my cousins into their rooms. Next thing I know, it's 3:30 next day, there's a half-empty pizza box with puke in one of the corners, a bottle of Jack, a pile of budweiser cans, and NGE on the TV across the room.

Even if I knew where to get it from, and could summon the power to talk to them (imagine how fucking scary a drug dealer is...), I'd rather not relive that. They didn't put anything else, like acid, in it either.

>> No.8179788 [DELETED] 


>> No.8179794


>Hipsters do weird things because they're weird and unusual, for the novelty of it, not because they just sincerely enjoy it for what it is.

I wonder why people on this god forsaken site don't understand this.

>> No.8179846

A normalfag:
Is interested in the 3D realm.
Works hard to gain social status.
Has open, accepted and popular hobbies, i.e. sports.
Has a Facebook account, or else some kind of social networking.
Does what the majority tells him to do.
His topics of conversation are sports, girlfriends and other relationships, social events and simplified news about the world.

>> No.8179847

>People who don't turn their computer on as soon as they get home.

Who turn their computer off when leaving home anyway? Only normalfags do that.
Who'd leave home anyway...

>> No.8179855

I do a lot of things because I want to be a certain kind of person.

>> No.8179872


>Is interested in the 3D realm.

Are furries and pedophiles normal? Or do you mean they must meet most or all of those requirements?

>> No.8179878

It's just a term the angsty teens with scope vision at /jp/ use to describe people who aren't them.

In reality, most teenagers are just as narcissistic, non-caring and indifferent as they are.

>> No.8179887
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Plenty of people on /jp/ do drugs, mostly tame, yet destructive ones such as alcohol, because it's easy to acquire. it's hard to get most other drugs most of the time because we're shut-ins.

>> No.8179888


I meant those as general features, that doesn't mean they are accurate for a clear distinction. I tried to define normalfag under /jp/'s light.

>> No.8179892

Depends. Anthropomorphic 2D fans are fine, faggots who dress up in sweat-stained mascot outfits and hump eachother in filthly hotel rooms are not.
Same with pedophiles.

2D is superior in both cases. If you're interested in the 3D world in any case, you're a normalfaggot.

>> No.8179925


That doesn't make them normal, though. Just different. Most people would choose the 2D fans over a person who is sexually attracted to real children or dresses in fursuits anyday.

>> No.8179945

So if someone dresses up in a sweat-stained mascot outfit and hump other people like that 1 day a week, and the rest of the week they spend on /jp/ shitposting and dumping touhou and fapping to loli onaholes.

Is this person a normalfag?
This person also hates 3DPD as much as anyone else except for a strange furry costume fetish.

>> No.8179967
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>fursuiters and pedophiles

You're trying way, way too hard now.

>> No.8179972
File: 311 KB, 757x535, 19025869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you take hard drugs while being all /jp/-like and depressed you will likely have a horrible experience in the dark.

It all depends on the drug, and you shouldn't really "mystify" bad trips, but your mind can come up with some utterly penetrating and screeching terror if you're unprepared.

>> No.8179975

The word normal has a second definition in /jp/. It doesn't particularly correspond with the common definition.

>> No.8179973

It's not having a job, or a career, or a girlfriend, or friends or a Facebook account etc that makes one a normalfag. It's bringing any of that up on an anonymous website as if anyone cares about who you are. Normalfags can't separate the internet from the real world so they think that all the indicators of "status" in the real world also matter here (they don't). They also tend to apply day-to-day morality to the internet, thus making them generally massive buzzkills. They are the anti-thesis of what the whole anonymous posting thing is supposed to be about.

>> No.8179982
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If you ever wanted to live out your yume nikki fantasies

>> No.8179990

You can just do meth and get it over with.
$20 gets you a full day high.

>> No.8180001

My sleep is dreamless on benadryl.
Takes a couple of days before you start freaking out due to lack of sleep, though.

>> No.8180002
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I cant even do lucid dreaming right without getting shat on.
I think i will stay far away from drugs.

>> No.8180006

Drug dealers are surprisingly normal unless you are dealing with thuggish niggers from the ghetto.

>> No.8180011


You're tripping on benadryl; not sleeping.


But meth would actually feel good; if you're a masochist, surely you'd love tripping on DPH.

>> No.8180014

Is it so bad that I'm willing to change my life just so I can get a job? I'm sick of living off my already poor parents and I hate how I probably shattered their hopes on me. Even if it's the same as I live now except alone, it would not be so bad. Everything else, social status, sex life, drugs, pop culture, world news, I don't really care about. I just want to be financially free.

>> No.8180020


That's the case with most boards that frequently use the term.


I think that definition is the most accurate. That gives an actual reason to hate on an anonymous imageboard because you otherwise wouldn't know who you're posting with.

>> No.8180029

Don't do DPH if you are an arachnophobe, just a friendly warning.

>> No.8180037

You mean I have to try and stay awake? Fuck.... Too hard.
I'd say about 900mg of DXM would do the job with less nappiness

>> No.8180045

It's not bad, everyone must figure out what makes them happy the most and persue this goal on their own.I'm not gonna judge normalfags for doing what makes them happy.Or maybe they do it because it's the easy way

>> No.8180055

700mg+ of DPH and you won't be doing any sleeping, trust me.

>> No.8180064

>Don't do DPH if you are an arachnophobe, just a friendly warning.
One shouldn't do DPH at all.

People might think that it'd be interesting to have a crazy trip, but you won't think so when you have that first "This doesn't feel very good"-thought. And, oh boy, you're only going to go deeper into the rabbithole of delirium and horror.

You might be into that sort of thing, though.

>> No.8180156


No, that's fine. Just get a shitty part-timer for the money like I did. Your parents will get off your back because you're more financially dependent. Or just get a job where social interaction is limited or you have more freedom.

Money isn't everything but at least working a bit for it or making your own whatever other way will give you a little self-worth so you can spend it on what you like.

>> No.8180170

That should include the ones who take any chance to inform us that they have no friends, no girlfriend, no money and no job. That's an equally pointless way to drag real-world status into the discussion.
And yet they are the first to shout "normalfag" when they are called out on their shit.

>> No.8180312

Ideally nobody would bring their personal situation into the equation at all, of course. Personally I'm just tired of all this classwar bullshit in general. It seems like it's on every board, in every thread, in abundance these days, and it's pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.8180350

>Ideally nobody would bring their personal situation into the equation at all, of course. Personally I'm just tired

Get out of /jp/ normalfag.

>> No.8180437

lmao yeah nice one
