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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2949, World-map-2004-cia-factbook-large-2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8165738 No.8165738 [Reply] [Original]


Kinda continuing this thread. I'd like to know where you live /jp/.

Place your mark

>> No.8165752

Holy shit was Congo always this huge?

>> No.8165794


No, they conquered Aftricastan a few years ago. (Those mongols got everywhere)

>> No.8165814
File: 61 KB, 646x822, 131498495848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brazil, São Paulo

feels bad

>> No.8165822

Bons tempos!

>> No.8165831
File: 2.87 MB, 4000x2949, 1322598169732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let Mr. Wright point it out for me

>> No.8165840

At least post the right planet you idiot.

>> No.8165852

but this is the right planet


>> No.8165858


Also, stop posting that fucking indian girl. This place is alredy shitty as it is.

>> No.8165872

Phoenix, arizona

>> No.8165879

/jp/ - /soc/

>> No.8165880
File: 958 KB, 4000x2949, whereilive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2x2 for privacy (oregon)

>> No.8165884

I think that there are websites for this already. Why not use one of those?

>> No.8165883
File: 13 KB, 315x238, Diaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165892
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x2949, World-map-2004-cia-factbook-large-2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt there is another /jp/ anon within at least 5 hours of flight time.

>> No.8165899

You're the one at the arctic research station?

>> No.8165902

/jp/ - retards without knowledge of other boards
how do you cancer even find /jp/? it's like instead of going to /b/ first they decide to come to /jp/. i swear you fucks find /jp/ when you google otaku culture, weeaboo scum.

>> No.8165903

You no using tripcode now, Suigin?

>> No.8165904

This is way too bad. There's a website out there that let's you place your location on a map. I forgot what it's called, but one of you guys might remember it.

>> No.8165909

We take it easy and kind of just drift here.

>> No.8165913

I'm not interested in the /jp/ mansion thing, I just want to know if there are other Mexicans around here?

>> No.8165922 [DELETED] 

If we're going by flight time, I live 4 hours and 51 minutes away from you.

>> No.8165918

uh, who are you? nobody. shut up and go back to gaia.

>> No.8165926

Sorry if I interrupted your role-playing.

>> No.8165937


>> No.8165944

You used 'you' in the plural meaning in >>8165902
Therefore he replied in plural.

>> No.8165942

I live in glorious FURANSU
Any other french anons out there ? I know there are.

>> No.8165947

I don't know if blinkenworld supports /jp/ but you can just use that.

This thread is practically a/s/l bullshit. You want us to post pictures and put on trips too?

>> No.8165949

Because you're a faggot and nobody wants you here.

>> No.8165957


>> No.8165958

I thought nobody really cares
but it's okay, I will stop

for you anon-kun

>> No.8165966


Put your location on this map /jp/.

Let's see where you guys are from.

>> No.8165969

Well, it's not only him posting it. I know it's a Brazil chan meme or something, but I built a collection of her face which I've used a lot already.

>> No.8165979

how we use this shit?

>> No.8165986

we came to /jp/ when it was created. you came from you learned about umineko on gaia or when you googled otaku culture at your high school computer class. we didn't drift here because we take it easy. take it easy hasn't been a catch phrase since 5+ pages started being deleted and all sorts of vermin crawled in. trying too hard to fit-in, fuck off.

>> No.8165984

Looks like you have to log-in and a host of other nonsense. Although I might be wrong.

>> No.8165990


>> No.8165998

Cali/Colombia here.

>> No.8165997

Edit Map ---> Click an icon ---> Add your location

>> No.8166004

Oh /jp/, you and your ploys to discover where I live, break into my house and suck my dick. No way I'm falling for this.

>> No.8166008

Last time I used this site you didn't need an account. Though I added mod approval right now to try it out since it's a new feature.

>> No.8166010
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1305412378910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but have a dick sucked is a good thing!

>> No.8166016
File: 35 KB, 364x458, MokouEditb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my country but is kinda fucked up.

>> No.8166013

You're taking the internet way too seriously and you're probably slightly mentally-insane.

>> No.8166014

Vu la tournure que prend le thread je m'attarde pas, bonne soirée !

>> No.8166021

Maybe you should go back to /a/ now.

>> No.8166019

He's also trying way too hard. Funny.

>> No.8166024

He's not even trying. He's pretending to try.

>> No.8166026

And what if I don't?

>> No.8166033

You'll get a stern talking to.

>> No.8166032
File: 1.09 MB, 4000x2949, 1322598169732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh crap, wrong image.

>> No.8166048

Spain isn't that bad anon-kun

>> No.8166054

Yes, I'm french as well.

>> No.8166056

Adding my location to this shit...

>> No.8166055

Not on this board, but I'm sure you could hang out with your cancerous friends from 2ch.

Запилим епическую сходочку в Новоссибе ололо

>> No.8166063
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x2949, map of my future rape victims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8166064

So how the fuck do I add hotspots on this shit ?
I've tried adding one for a dozen times and it doesn't show up.

>> No.8166071

T'es de quelle région ?

>> No.8166080

Fuck, are all Frenchmen this retarded? Don't they teach you that punctuation is NOT separated by whitespace?

>> No.8166089

I'm in Sao Paulo too.
And it's not that bad. Not when considering what we will find in the rest of the country.

>> No.8166090

I'm sorry.

>> No.8166091

Alright for some reason this website's gone shitty and doesn't place the location for you. Forget the site.

>> No.8166100

There's me, and that other dude that sometimes replies to me whenever I reference Mexico. It's probably you.

>> No.8166104

>French usage must include a white space before the question mark (for example, "Que voulez-vous boire ?")
You made me ckack wiki.

>> No.8166111


>> No.8166106
File: 89 KB, 691x227, roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny, OP

>> No.8166122

Ok I got this shitty website going. You can only add your location on the default zoom in settings. So I zoomed it in a bit closer. Give it a try now.

>> No.8166129

What are you implying, faggot?

>> No.8166133

Jyväskylä, Finland reporting in.

spurdö spärde

>> No.8166140

e/b/in xDDDDDDD

>> No.8166146

It's not my fucking problem french language is fucking retarded. I'm ashamed to be on the same board as you.

>> No.8166158

dude you're on the wrong side of Kehä III, only rednecks there

>> No.8166162

Where did all these yer-a-peeins come from? This is an American website, take your socialism somewhere else.

>> No.8166174

They're not even from /jp/. Shitposters who think this is /soc/

>> No.8166186

Are you frustrated ?

>> No.8166206

My sources tell me that there has always been quite a lot of europeans on /jp/, may you like it or not.

>> No.8166207

Oh god, I just realized how stupid a /soc/ board on 4chan looks. It used to be a joke of sorts, now it's reality.

Where am I going to go once /jp/ gets unbearable as well? It's the only place on the internet I feel at home.

>> No.8166236

Alright cough up your locations /jp/

>> No.8166237
File: 46 KB, 451x392, 1317663448269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>map of my future rape victims.jpg
oh wow
still can't get this >>8165966
to work without loggin in thought

>> No.8166246

You can do your part by pestering the administration about threads like this.

>> No.8166240

Don't worry, we'll always be here to protect this board from the normals.
And if this truly becomes unbearable, well there's always bun

>> No.8166262
File: 205 KB, 603x740, 1313013329344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can I edit map? Can I do it without registering?

also excellent music in description

>> No.8166282

I really fucking regret I didn't apply to be a janitor when I had the chance. Fuck. My reasoning was that I wasn't ready for such responsibilities.

>> No.8166285

I'm not creating an account for that.

>> No.8166298

You probably wouldn't have been hired.

Report everything!

>> No.8166301
File: 342 KB, 860x1169, 1322041498790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a map.. I can find a better one

>> No.8166308

you don't have to kill the poor boys

>> No.8166313 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 384x549, 1318837923381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you win the thread.. 33

>> No.8166352

Newark, NJ. I know that this town, state, and country are shit, and everyone in it.

>> No.8166508

Are there any other Singaporeans out there?
