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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 303x303, Cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
80780 No.80780 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/, can someone translate this Kanji for me?


>> No.81416
File: 10 KB, 326x172, 1204012480557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this when downloading the dictionary.

>> No.81646
File: 299 KB, 450x637, 1204014783840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love Jim's dick, too.

>> No.81666
File: 113 KB, 588x482, 1204015068361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shi----

>> No.80788

that's japanese?

>> No.80807

にほんの 試駄 がひどかったから、かなしいです。

is the whole sentence.

>> No.80824

It says:

>> No.80827

I think one of them is for test, and the other is like lesser or something. Its late were I am right now, and my apathy is kicking in.

>> No.80833

it's something like 'burden' or 'ordeal.'

>> No.80834

駄 ダ タ burdensome; pack horse; horse load; send by horse

And the first one is test alright, but I'm rather sure your 'word' is a typo or something.

>> No.80837


haha oh u

>> No.80846

I don't speak moon, but I will try to guess and see how wrong I was when a real speaker corrects me:
"It's sad that Japan's burden was cruel"
Also wierd that there's some crazy kanji like that but nihon was left in hiragana.

>> No.80847

whole sentence seems to be badly typed in a computer and someone chose the wrong kanji

>> No.80851


OP here, when I typed it I left what I could in hiragana.

>> No.80856

are you sure it's not 試験、'test'?

>> No.80861

Don't do that, kanji are different despite having the same word.

>> No.80865

The sentence doesn't make any sense. Maybe you made errors when you typed it.

>> No.80866


that's it. sorry about the mis-kanji

>> No.80869


was just going to say that, probably the reason

>> No.80879

You mean your japanese test? That would be 日本語、 not 日本 (which is nearly always in kanji BTW). And you wouldn't use の either, it's not the japanese language's test.

I'm not surprised you flunked that test.

>> No.80886

It is clumsy Japanese of NonMoonspeakers obviously.
Therefore there is not a meaning.

>> No.80887

...Perhaps, the original sentence was 日本語の試験がひどかったから、悲しいです?

>> No.80888

get this :


>> No.80919


>> No.80973

so the op was trying to awkwardly say he's sad because his moon test was difficult?

>> No.81011

Also going to need the word dictionary.

>> No.81023



>> No.81039


Fail for error-ridden craptionary. Use ALC like a man: http://www.alc.co.jp/

>> No.81359

Op's picture got me wondering, what's Japanese for Weighted Companion Cube?

>> No.81513

you know, の doesn't just stand for 's, it can be of as well, ie 日本語の試験 the test of japanese, or even for simply connecting two nouns. if you had taken the most basic of japanese courses you would know this.

>> No.81580

you know no(の) can also be written 乃
BAMMM... u just got 学校'd

>> No.81616

Searching just now, I mostly saw "コンパニオンキューブ", but on at least one occasion 加重コンパニオンキューブ".

>> No.81636


>> No.81675


>> No.81698

after Googling and noticing most valid usages of the word are in PDF documents which might have been scanned and OCRed, i agree with >>80856 that it's 試験.

it's probably an error from OCRing

>> No.81701

oh, yeah, noticed that this page is the top result too for 試駄...obviously the "word" doesn't get used much

>> No.81725

Enjoy your burdensome horse load.
