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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8161307 No.8161307 [Reply] [Original]


>The latest found that 61% of unmarried men aged 18 to 34 have no girlfriend, and half of women the same age have no boyfriend - a record high.
>More than a quarter of the men and 23% of the women said they were not even looking

I'm in the not even looking kind.

I'm obviously not from Japan. I'm from an European Country, I have IRL normalfag friends and I've seen them with their girlfriends and I can only say. I don't want that, they spend way to much time together. They stopped playing games or/and TV series and Anime.

Their time became so restricted between university and girlfriends they don't have time for anything else. I want to have that time, I can be with girls later in my life when my reflexes and well the youthful things fade away.

I personally fap mostly to 2D. I don't see whats so special about sex, sure it feels good I bet it does but do I really need it? No. I'm more comfortable with my Free time > University style of life. Sex and whatever is not worth it disturbing this equilibrium of good time I have.

Now I'm not some hunk but I'm not some ugly ass fucker. I'd probably find a decent girlfriend if I tried, I mean looking, personalities are a different thing, but I don't want one. Is that so bad /jp/?

I also believe the opposite of this :
>Some cited a shortage of money, others a belief that it is impossible to find a good partner once they had passed the age of 25.

What I want from a female is companionship and fun, not money or sex, I'm a computer engineer so my salarys going to be average, not some hunky rich guy. I think females that passed their slutty phases of going after the bad boys and whatnot are going to realize that they want something stable and pick me later in their lives. Assuming that some of the slutty ones are actually good girls deep inside if you know what I mean...

>> No.8161321


>> No.8161325

You don't have a girlfriend because you're the kind of aspie shit faggot that blogs on /jp/.

>> No.8161333

1. Goto Philippines.
2. Pay dowry for a girl you like after spending time with a few of them.
3. ???
4. Profit.

It's not that hard, OP.

>> No.8161345
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I think you're missing the point here.

I'm saying it's okay to be without a girlfriend. I'm actually saying I love it and that I don't one.

I don't want see either.

I just want my free time to do the things I like, I'll worry about females later in my life.

Thats what I'm saying.

>> No.8161347

>I don't want sex either.

>> No.8161350

Then why make this thread? No one cares. I'm sure /r9k/ would actually love to hear about this, which is why I gave you a convinient link. Put threads on the boards they belong, and everyone will be happy.

>> No.8161353

I gave up a three year 3D relationship for the sake of being able to choose my own lifestyle and pursuits.

In this day and age, more often than not, it's just not worth the hassle.

In before getoutnonvirgin.jpg

>> No.8161358

To be honest I'm not sure why I made on on /jp/.

Probably because it's the main board I visit and I wanted to hear what people thinks of this, considering that I at least think that most of you here feel the same way I do.

>> No.8161361


And what I'm saying is that since you're here telling us this, you're clearly trying to affirm something and should maybe admit that you're not really that comfortable about being a virgin nerd for the rest of your life.

>> No.8161362

>The survey also found that more than quarter of unmarried men and women between 35 and 39 years old said they had never had sex.


>> No.8161365

I told you that I'm the opposite of this.
>Some cited a shortage of money, others a belief that it is impossible to find a good partner once they had passed the age of 25.

I do believe that I'll find someone later like when I'm 30ish or more...

For now I'm comfortable as a virgin nerd because of the above belief.

>> No.8161371

That's a lot of wizards right there. We need to find a way to contact these people a put together some kind of wizard army.

>> No.8161375

My advice to you and all virgins was, is and will be the same.
Try it once.
Hooker, one night stand with a drunk slut, anything.
It's not that special, it's not that good, you feel empty and disgusted with yourself afterwards (especially if girl wasn't attractive enough and your standards are up to 2d).

Informed choice > "it probably doesn't worth it", but you still have doubts and it eating you away deep inside

>> No.8161380

This just in: Sex isn't really the end all be all of life

Japs just figured out that money is a lot more fun than sex before everyone else did.

>> No.8161389

There is more to life than getting your dick wet.

>> No.8161394


You keep telling yourself that but deep down the lonliness is killing you. Why else would you be trying so hard to convince me you're OK otherwise?

Let's be honest and admit that while you can put it off and say you're just not ready yet, things are only going to go downhill for you over the next ten years.

>> No.8161399

Hello dear aspie nerd.
Life is exactly about "getting your dick wet" without it the mankind would die!

>> No.8161405

So you want a used up burlap sack just looking for a meal ticket?
She partied away her good years, and now that she was about 1 or 2 good years left in her, and nothing else to offer, she knows she is in deep shit if she doesn't find some poor sap to pay for her.

That is absolutely pathetic.
>it is impossible to find a good partner once they had passed the age of 25.
I have to agree with this mostly.

>> No.8161423


How is that any of our problem? We're going to die whether we have sex or not.

>> No.8161425

Wait, what's the question?

>> No.8161439


Will the OP die alone in a pool of his own urine or crack under the pressure of knowing he's a failure and decide to take a busload of schoolkids with him?

>> No.8161459

>Life is exactly about "getting your dick wet" without it the mankind would die!
>Implying this is a problem when the world is overcrowded and we just hit the seven billion mark not too long ago

>> No.8161478

Get a load of this guy. Let me just blow a couple hundred bucks on a hooker. I didn't want my wizard powers anyway.

>> No.8161482

What if there are no wizard powers

>> No.8161486

The world is not "overcrowded" you dipshit. The entire world's population could fit inside Texas and this fact has been spouted for eons. Do you live in a cave?

>> No.8161489

I'm not convincing anyone here, I'm asking people if they feel the same.

How are things going to get worse? I'm studying, I have a house, I have money saved, if anything it's going ot go uphill because a job implies 8 hours of work and then free time the rest of the day while university takes 8 hours of being there and another 4 or more working at home for it.

I don't see why you're trying to convince me that i'm lonely when in fact I'm not. Maybe you guys are lonely because you don't have friends or some shit to satisfy that minimum of social interactions that I obviously satisfy.

The question is, do you feel that being alone without a partner is okay and perfectly fine and that you can have fun without a girl just fine.

Why do normalfags think of girlfriends as a MUST and if you don't have one you're a virgin lowlife scum.

>> No.8161501

fucking gamestop

>> No.8161504

Of course it's fine. That's a ridiculous question. Are you 15?

>> No.8161505

What if the world was made of pudding?

>> No.8161507

>It's not that special, it's not that good, you feel empty and disgusted with yourself afterwards (especially if girl wasn't attractive enough and your standards are up to 2d).

That doesn't really sound like something I want to waste my precious money on.
The friends I had some years ago said the same thing really and I trust their opinion.

>> No.8161510

Fit in Texas if we are packed liked sardines. We are overpopulated in the sense that resources will come to be less and less easy to ration.

>> No.8161515

I agree with you, but I don't think most normalfags really care one way or another about how we live our lives.

People are motivated to seek out many and various different things in life. It just so happens that sex is a very common one.

>> No.8161522

The world is making enough food any everything.

Problem is most of it spoils or gets uneaten because the distribution and the way we conumer eat it.

Look at all the vegetables in the super market. Not even 60% of that will be sold.

>> No.8161532
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>> No.8161544


If everything is so perfect for you why are you on an anonymous imageboard looking for people to validate your lifestyle?

Seriously, why would someone waste their time writing these huge posts unless they're trying to justify something.

>> No.8161559

I'm bored, someone is torrenting shit in my house and I can't play BF3.

So I stumbled on this article.

>> No.8161565
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>I found a link saying 61% of of those Japs dont want to be in a relationship!
>Hooray! I'm a virgin nerd and I can dig that! Go european me and the 61% of Japanese adults! Fitting in never felt so good!

Personality score:

>> No.8161566

Japan is on the fast track to being a nation of Wizards

>> No.8161575

It's their fault, once you go 2d you never go back-i

>> No.8161581


Do you often start offtopic threads when bored?

You're asking whether people agree with you on a board where you say you expect to find people who agree with you.

You're looking for people who will justify your way of life for you. Admit it.

>> No.8161586

>I do believe that I'll find someone later like when I'm 30ish or more...
Just old washed up bitches.

>> No.8161616

>They stopped playing games or/and TV series and Anime.
Sorry, anime sucks.

>> No.8161640

Former virgin here, I actually enjoy masturbating more than sex. I might be a narcissist though.

>> No.8161643

OP, it sounds like you're trying to walk a fine line between 2Dcon/waifufaggotry and leaving open the chance for normalfaggotry later on in life, and you should really pick one or the other. Either embrace your solitude or seek human companionship now, because the latter doesn't get any easier or more fun when you get older.

>> No.8161651


I agree with pretty much everything to say but this isn't your fucking blog

>> No.8161652
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Japan is superior.

>> No.8161688


>> No.8161786

I just had my first sexual experience: a girl dry humping me, refusing to let me do more to her. She refused oral, fingering, everything. All it did was crush my balls, I got nothing from it, and then she didn't do anything for me because she was too tired.

Fuck women. I just hope this doesn't revoke my future wizard status.

>> No.8161806

cool thinly veiled /soc/ thread, cunt


>> No.8161809

Without any quality of life. Humans aren't meant to live together in crowded conditions, packed into tiny spaces together. Experiments with rats show that if they're given plenty of water and food in a closed space, they'll reproduce until the stress of living so closely together causes their society to break down, mothers canniblize their young, males become reclusive and lose interest in mating, though otherwise eating and drinking as normal, etc. etc.
Similar experiments in humans have shown that the same concepts occur, large numbers of unavoidable social interactions in daily life lead to stress.

>> No.8161840
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I can't exactly put my finger on, but there is something about 2d that's way above 3d.
Almost all 2d girls are attractive and likable, even side characters, even ones that supposed to be bitches or sluts. I would marry them in instant.
3d on the other hand, I don't know, there is something off-putting about them.
I can't bring myself to like them even when they are genuinely attractive and/or have a nice personality by 3d standards.

Guess I'm a lost cause.

>> No.8161847

>Why do normalfags think of girlfriends as a MUST and if you don't have one you're a virgin lowlife scum.
Several reasons.
Social pressure is on them to conform and have a girlfriend. So firstly, it's socially expected of them to criticism and shun those without one. And they can fluff up their social position by doing this visibly.
Then there is the fear of how there can be people who think and act differently from them, who aren't restricted by the norms of society. They can't understand such freedom, and so they try and destroy it.
There's also resentment of the fact that you don't have to run the same rat race as them, that your time is yours, and so they try to destroy your freedom and force you into the same chains.
There's also the desire for them to try and convince themselves that their decisions are the right ones. Sunk cost fallacy will stop them pulling out of relations, so instead they try and attack those who made different choices in order to justify there own.

>> No.8161850

Probably because it's harder to impose your will upon something that has consciousness.

>> No.8161857

After reading the thread thoroughly, I have come to one conclusion:

OP can't get a girlfriend.

>> No.8161858

Right, and you can really "impose your will" on an inanimate object.

>> No.8161866

Alt-F4 works every time.

>> No.8161869

Fictional characters aren't objects. They're concepts.

>> No.8161913

>I think females that passed their slutty phases of going after the bad boys and whatnot are going to realize that they want something stable and pick me later in their lives

>> No.8162009

Source on experiments?

>> No.8162034

ROFL /jp/ i just lurk around here but your thread is really shit compared to /a/'s.You even have a "keep telling yourself" that poster

>> No.8162054


>> No.8162061


>> No.8162071

Don't go down to his level. You're better than that.

I didn't bother reading your shit, OP but Freetime was the better expansion pack.

>> No.8162075

lol Japan

>> No.8162083

Who are you?

>> No.8162089

Who are you?

>> No.8162099

Why, I'm Anonymous. I've been on 4chan since its creation, and the majority of posts are mine.

>> No.8162103

Holy shit I didn't recognize you at first. How you been?

>> No.8162127
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>> No.8162143

Me and my friend are going to get married. She's not sure if she wants to become a wizard or not, though.

>> No.8162145
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1278625236422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Bawwson and why is /jp/ so shitty? Because fuck that guy, he had it easy.

>> No.8162147
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>> No.8162157
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Because everyone is Pygmalion

>> No.8162323

/jp/ at the far right

>> No.8162529

So normalfags berating those who are different from them can be summed up by the phrase "buyer's remorse"?

Sounds about right. The only real shame is that you can't convince them to see their lives from an outsider's point of view.

>> No.8162568

We are all Pygmachan.
You're right anon. In our glorious sloth faced forms.

>> No.8162589


Being an idealist romantic is suffering.
