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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8156781 No.8156781 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, why do bad things happen to good people?

>> No.8156786

In a world of subjective morality no person is truly good and no thing is truly bad

God is dead

>> No.8156788


I seriously hope you don't watch this.

>> No.8156793
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sup Nietzsche?
cause this good people are actually bad people , you are bad OP

>> No.8156792

It doesn't matter if you're good or bad. A good person is just as likely to flip a coin and get heads as a bad person. And even that analogy is broken since "good" people tend to be more easily stepped on in life.

>> No.8156805


Picture unrelated I assume.

Though I'll say this much for Ken: while he totally deserved what Kiritsugu did to him, he didn't deserve what his whore of a wife did to him.

>> No.8156815

Is not that supposed to be in a world of objective morality?

>> No.8156822

People are still watching this shit?

>> No.8156827

And for a long time, morality was considered to be objective! It wasn't for a while until morality was considered to be an artificial human construct by most people.

>> No.8156833

Bad things happen to good people because there are bad people.
That and the universe doesn't give a shit.

>> No.8156840
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/jp/, why do bad things happen to good people?

>> No.8156838


People are still watching the best anime of the season? Why yes, yes we do.

>> No.8156845


you are posting in this shitty /jp/ ?

>> No.8156852
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>> No.8156859
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whyt did gae newell: autistic werewolf have to die.. ;_;

>> No.8156862

If you're referring to Kayneth, he isn't
a good person by any stretch. He's an
arrogant prick who looks down on his students
who only married a woman out of convenience
and her looks. He got used to having life handed to him and didn't know what to do when stuff went to shit.

>> No.8156869

Trying too hard.

>> No.8156872
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Because people screw eachother over regardless of whether the victim is a good person or a bad person. In fact, being nice makes it easier for other people to screw you over, so it'll make you actually suffer more.

Hell, you're posting a Fate/Zero picture, either you missed the point of Fate/stay night or you haven't read it yet, in which case I strongly recommend it. The protagonist is pretty much the perfect nice guy and he is used like a tool.

As for Kayneth, his arrogance was his downfall. He attacked a hugely infamous mage killer assuming his superior magic would protect him. A clear case of people with moral flaws getting what they deserve, something which only happens in fiction.

>> No.8156937
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>questioning fate

The All-Father wrote the skein of your life long ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish. You won't live one minute longer!

>> No.8156982

>This anime is popular so I don't like it!
Seriously, grow up.

>> No.8157016

>'I can't wait to be a useful servant and win all these grail wars'
Being Lancer is suffering.

>> No.8157022

Nice straw man.

>> No.8157032

It tends to be the case.

>> No.8157050


It tends to be the case? Even if that is true, that doesn't mean that it's true for this person.

Here, let me try that on you: you like this because it is popular. That tends to be the case.

It's just a worthless straw man and an assumption on your part.

You can turn to dust, die, and then suck that pile of stuffed animals right up your butt as if your bootyass is a spaghetti noodle!

>> No.8157053

Kayneth and Kariya's resolutions is where Urobuchi really went ham-fisted with his usual darkness shit. I would've liked it more if he'd kept it a bit more toned down instead of raping them in each way possible just to make who know what point.

>> No.8157061

Shut up. You are embarrasing everyone.

>> No.8157064


I didn't know that a single person spoke for everyone. What a faggotry jones saga you are!

>> No.8157065

No, it doesn't. People can dislike a shitty show because it's shitty. Has nothing to do with whether or not it's 'popular' that's just a retarded excuse fans of things like to use. There are many popular series I like, doesn't change the fact F/Z is shit.

>> No.8157073

Kariya was HERO ROUTE: BAD END, where he breaks down mentally and physically to the point of losing all frame of reference to his actions.

Basically, he was Fate/Stay Shirou, but with penis worms and an extra helping of crazy.,

>> No.8157079

I meant Heaven's Feel Shirou, where he decides to protect Sakura above all else.

>> No.8157085

You suck.

And now and forever, you can't change that.

>> No.8157086
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Then tell me, why do you dislike f/z? What do you dislike about it?

>> No.8157093

>boo-hoo he doesn't like my baby anime

>> No.8157116


He didn't actually say that he didn't like it. He just said that it was a straw man to claim that if someone doesn't like it, that must mean they don't like it because it's popular (which, since that is also just an opinion, may be a valid reason for some people).

As for someone not liking it, they could despise it for virtually any reason. It's just an opinion, after all.

>> No.8157118


Is he gonna fight a servant bottomless?

Which episode?

>> No.8157123

Nice ad hominem.

>> No.8157136

Try to understand what that means before using it again.

>> No.8157140

Remind me, why was Kayneth fighting for in the grail? Finding the 'Akasha, the Root'/the origin? Is his wife's goal the same?

>> No.8157152


Ad hominem: You're wrong because you're a retard

Not ad hominem: You're a retard


>> No.8157155

Because when bad people suffer, nobody cares or notices.
But when good people suffer, it is called drama and the entire world weeps.

Both kinds of people get bad things to them, the difference is why we only care for one kind.

>> No.8157161
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Episode 8, IIRC. He's not fighting bottomless, he just doesn't have proper pants (see picture) so Waver won't allow him to freely go outside since he would stand out too much.

I think that if a person calls a series 'shit' in a thread about the series without giving any reason as to why it is 'shit', even after being asked for some kind of arguments, he is only doing to to annoy fans of the series (what is considered 'trolling' nowadays) and says that only because it's popular and many people will disagree with him. Unless those people post an explanation as to why they feel the need to claim it is shit, I will assume they're just hating on it because it's popular.

>> No.8157170

>Remind me, why was Kayneth fighting for in the grail? Finding the 'Akasha, the Root'/the origin?
>Is his wife's goal the same?
Has yet to be revealed, but considering the deceptive slut she's implied to be, I doubt it.

>> No.8157179

Sola doesn't really get a goal of her own until Kayneth is out of the running as a master and by that time she's already under Lancer's PERMASWAG.

Before that, it was pretty much just her role to support him getting his wish.

>> No.8157180

bcuz the universe is ironic as HELL =__=I|I

>> No.8157183

> Has yet to be revealed, but considering the deceptive slut she's implied to be, I doubt it.
Damn. At least that seemed like an interesting goal, too bad it might not be that achievable given what was revealed about the nature of the grail in F/SN (or maybe I'm wrong, it's been a very long time since I read it). I wonder if she would have had the courtesy to heal Kayneth (if she got the grail) and not just use it for personal means,

>> No.8157185

What happenned with his "proper" pants then?

>> No.8157187


If that was true, then the literal translation wouldn't refer to the opposite premise that hasn't yet been made, now would it? Basically, what you're saying is extremely opposite to what has been said previously, and because of that, your arguments are suspect. If that wasn't the case, then why did my bootyass go creakedyness under my footness this minuteness with absolutely zero failness...?

>> No.8157193

>Is he gonna fight a servant bottomless?
>Which episode?

None. There aren't any fights in Fate/Zero, just CG.

>> No.8157201

>so Waver won't allow him to freely go outside since he would stand out too much.
He's 7 foot tall, built like a brick shithouse and his face is covered in red hair.
The fact that he's wearing a skirt might not be as big an issue as Waver thinks.

>> No.8157213

The universe is such a shitposter

>> No.8157229

Oh, sure it's achievable. The better question is whether the wisher (and any other person in a huge range) is still alive to see the wish being fulfilled. The grail can grant any wish, but it just has a negative effect of equal magnitude to the wish, so a wish that's that difficult would cause the greatest massacre the would has ever known.

He doesn't have any modern pants since he's not from modern times, only the clothing in that picture. In ep9 Rider is shown with proper pants on, though, so apparently Waver gave in to his demands and bought him pants after ep8.

>> No.8157245

So that kid summoned rider and he just appeared with those shorts?

>> No.8157267


>The grail can grant any wish, but it just has a negative effect of equal magnitude to the wish, so a wish that's that difficult would cause the greatest massacre the would has ever known.

Wrong, the Grail just interprets your wish AS destruction. Destruction is all Angra Mainyu can do.

Kiritsugu's wish of "a world without conflicts" is summarized as "EVERYONE DIES".

>> No.8157291

Remind me again why was the nature of the grail so corrupted?
Wasn't it initially just supposed to be a very large natural parana store? I would understand that most mages would be incapable of handling that sheer amount of prana, but is there no way to safely handle the grail?

>> No.8157307

Avenger. All the evils of the world stuffed into the grail does that.
Same reason Sakura gets corrupted and the sahdow appears and all.

>> No.8157309

Because that faggot Acht dumped Angra Mainyu into the Grail.

>> No.8157314

>Remind me again why was the nature of the grail so corrupted?

It's the fucking plot of the game
Why do you guys keep asking such obvious, retarded questions?
Are you TM fags that stupid and brainless?

>> No.8157318

Because of the third Grail War fucking it up with Avenger. It's still just a giant prana battery, but now it's full of EVIL too.

>> No.8157320


The Grail started as colorless, and would respond to one wish.

Avenger is an Anti-Hero who's existence is basically equivalent to "a wish that all that is evil in the world truly exists and is given form". When he fell into the Grail like all servants do when they die, it heard one wish, and the colorless prana turned black as night.

>> No.8157321
File: 341 KB, 800x600, BLACK HOLE SUN, WON'T YOU COME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f/sn HF spoilers: Idiots (the Einzbern family, to be exact) tried to summon the devil himself, who turned out to be a small guy chosen by the people to act as a scapegoat for everything wrong with the world (Angra Mainyu) and treated like that, tortured, etc. He was beaten quickly, but his wish of being everything wrong with the world corrupted the grail when he was absorbed. Ever since then the grail has been evil.

>> No.8157327

Its been many years since I last read F/SN. I barely remember most of the plot, so I was asking for a reminder.

>> No.8157328

>Are you TM fags that stupid and brainless?
Most people asking those retarded questions are probably casual fans, who probably stopped at watching FSN anime and playing Extra

>> No.8157336

Why not? Did anyone told you that you would be safe from bad things if you are a good person? What an idiot, go back to church.

>> No.8157399
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>Its been many years since I last read F/SN
HF patch was released late 2008. It can't have been 'many years'.

The participant from the church survived the war (keeping a servant from the war all the way until the next war) and became a major contender for the next war. Maybe he really should go to church.

>> No.8157430

> It can't have been 'many years'.
3+ years is enough time to forget enough details, especially if you don't think about them. Not that it matters anymore, I've remembered most relevant parts after reading the posts here.

>> No.8157443

It's not a "detail" it's the fucking plot, one of the most important thing about FSN.
So you are simply completely and utterly retarded.

>> No.8157499

The plot that is slowly revealed over UBW and then HF (and I didn't re-read UBW before HF). You can't expect me to have perfect recall of VNs, manga and anime I've read 3+ years ago, especially since those memories have not been brought to my attention since I read them. It could be worse: there are VNs which I've read 2-3 years ago and I can barely remember ANYTHING about them. Given access to a short description will usually juggle my memory, but if a memory isn't brought to my attention/refreshed in 3 years, do you really think I would be able to recall it in detail without some help? Maybe if I were to participate in TM powerlevel threads and similar discussion, I would remember it, but I don't talk about what I read/watch/play much after the fact.

>> No.8157528

>>Type-Moon Wiki
Thanks, now I finally know what the hell happens with this story. I don't even remember how the anime ended, and I never read the VN.
There's so much lore on this. If I were still young, I would read Nasu's works.

>> No.8157571

>I never read the VN
Go read it immediately. The anime was a poor adaptation, trying to condense a full f/sn route (length equivalent to a full normal VN) into 24 episodes. Besides the anime content there's also two completely different routes to read.

>> No.8157626
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Will I see Avenger and Sakura?
