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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 500x500, 10161729b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8150710 No.8150710 [Reply] [Original]

Go buy this t-shirt.

>> No.8150711
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 10159748a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8150722

Only if you're a japanese hipster.

>> No.8150729

Wearing homu automatically makes you bad ass

>> No.8150741

...can I like them?

>> No.8150747

Too obvious.
As much as I like homu homu, there are no differences between wearing these shirts and wearing a naruto headband.
I will pass.

>> No.8150753



>> No.8150760

I'm not so open about my power level that I'd wear pictures of animu girls. But a witch letter shirt would do.

>> No.8150763
File: 76 KB, 226x300, 10082294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would gladly purchase merchandise of shows/characters I love, but they should hide their powerlevel.
Accelerator one is a good example.

>> No.8150770

im not a fucking nerd and that looks gay as fuck

>> No.8150771

actually I'm tempted to print a megucas shirt myself.
its plenty of good hidden powerlevel pictures out there.

>> No.8150785

i still have some shame left

>> No.8150788

so you people dont have any clue about ANY style lol

the first shirt would monstly look good and mostly normal. no one would think you're a nerd

>> No.8150817
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1266909490875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime girl
>no one would think you're a nerd
Really now.

>> No.8150838
File: 14 KB, 300x300, COS4206248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have this one. It looks a lot better than the long sleeve t shirt he wears in season 2.

I also have the trace circuit t shirt which looks alright.

>> No.8150841

Homura kakoi!!

>> No.8150844

With headphones like that? no thanks.

>> No.8150853 [DELETED] 

If I was ft enough that the shirt was skin-tight then I might. The man makes the clothes, don't hate a design just because you can't pull it off.

>> No.8150856

If I was f it enough that the shirt was skin-tight then I might. The man makes the clothes, don't hate a design just because you can't pull it off.

>> No.8150858

actually, yes. its plenty of anime out there, the world changed from the last time you get out, back in 1998

>> No.8150874 [DELETED] 

Wha.. what the fuck man? Really? My brain can´t bear this much insanity.
> about as stupid as Naruto headband
No, my friend, this is even worse.
with this you arenot just openly diplaying your powerlevel, which is bad enough as it is, it but m think you´re letting Homu overrideI your persona because if you wear her you consider her very important, and basically more important that what you, as the person in the shirt are doing

>> No.8150898
File: 3 KB, 120x90, lucky star normal poeple shun us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wha.. what the fuck man? Really? My brain can´t bear this much insanity.
> about as stupid as Naruto headband
No, my friend, this is even worse.
with this you arenot just openly diplaying your powerlevel, which is bad enough as it is, it but m think you´re letting Homu override your persona because if you wear her you consider her very important, and basically more important that what you, as the person in the shirt are doing and this is about as creppy as kig, that means very much, and it is likely to trigger pic related in the nomal people around you.

>> No.8150908

If anything the situation is a lot worse now, there's a lot more weeaboos around then back in 2000, and the ones who get the most exposure are the weeaboo type shit that you see at conventions, so they'll instantly think you're a one of them.

>> No.8150923

I own a few anime shirts, I like them and don't give a fuck about anything else, not that anyone cares anyway.

>> No.8150941

pal, the worst is that somebofy says "oh look he likes chinese cartoons, he's one of those guys" its not that they will bully you or something.
I'll never understand why people is worried by this. hiding powerlevels, when they're not out of place, is a pretty pathetic thing in my opinion. sure, not being american I don't really have experience with the original weeaboos, but most of you guys sound like in the desperate need to start not giving a fuck.

>> No.8150973

Because when you grow up and get a real job you start to conform, and at least trying to maintain a "normal" image.
And wearing anime t-shirt isn't exactly normal.
While you still young, meh, wear whatever you want.

>> No.8151010

Actually no, people would think that you're a fucking socially retarded person for wearing a shirt with any anime character.

Trust me, I've experience.

>> No.8151013
File: 38 KB, 704x396, ha ha ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing shirts with pictures on them

Why? If it has anything more than a small logo on it somewhere, you probably shouldn't wear it in public.

Though, I admit it would be awesome to get a gang of /jp/ers to wear homu varsity jackets and troll the streets of a major city with baseball bats, pipes and gats.

>> No.8151018

This. I will never understand why people wear text or images on their clothes. You never see successful people doing it, you know?

>> No.8151030

...okay, but apart wearing it when you're at work, purposedly pretending to be normal, at a funeral or other situations that force everybody, weeabooish or not, to behave in a certain way, I don't see what's anormal in wearing animu apparel. people will not let you fit in for other reasons than what you're wearing, trust me. plus its a good way to be social...
well whaterver, I guess it depends on the person.
I never really fitted in any social context, befriending people only singularly, and I never left outsider zone...probably it can be stressful for somebody never having your back covered.
okay this post is long enough.

>> No.8151037

you /jp/ people are so tiny people

>> No.8151042

Are you asian?

I guess if you do that in asian countries people wouldn't give a fuck but here things are different.

>> No.8151044

I'm 165 cm. probably its the right dimension to uppercut your peanuts-sized testicles.

>> No.8151051

Most people have so little personality that they need to define themselves by what they're a fan of.

>> No.8151064

no, italian.

>> No.8151069


it seems, you are one of the tiniest people here. of course i dont mean your height, or any height..

>> No.8151075


>> No.8151100
File: 1.18 MB, 3300x2039, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's half my reasoning for not buying anime shirts right there - I'd feel too weird wearing one unless it were under a sweatshirt. We all know "that guy" on campus (high school or college, college more so) that wears the anime shirts. By wearing an anime shirt, you're also associating yourself with him in the minds of others. If you're on /jp/, you're autistic enough without the cartoon clothing. People wear t-shirts with designs because they want others to see them and think better of them for it, right? So why wear one with a design that'll make people think worser of you?

There's also the cost factor. You can get maybe five or ten blank t-shirts for the price of one anime t-shirt. You won't be supporting whoever online is paying his bills by reselling T-shirts online, but that means more money for yourself. You could just buy some cheap t-shirts and donate the money you saved to the guy, it'd be more than he'd make from his shirts anyway. You can get free t-shirts at cons (I usually grab twenty or so whenever I go to one), but other then that, it's just stupid to pay so much more just for a little person on your shirt.

Just my thoughts on the topic.

>> No.8151106

Go back to /v/

>> No.8151126

Madoka is very popular
Although it is expensive, almost sold-out

>> No.8151136

He has a good point.

>> No.8151139

His name invalidates it.

>> No.8151145

How old are you?

>> No.8151148

As old as him, actually.

>> No.8151149

Where the hell do you guys come from, people who like anime are discriminated against ?

>> No.8151188

Anime shirts are fine if you are good looking.

Anything is fine if you are good looking

>> No.8151190
File: 939 KB, 1000x1250, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my high school in America, at least, there was one table for all of the kids who were flamboyant gay/ADHD/autism/furries/trans-/whatever that all had one common hobby: anime. When I left, Naruto was just starting to get big with them. They'd wear Naruto headbands and share their manga and try to make their stupid handsigns and everything. Everyone that cared about their social life stayed as far the fuck they could from them. I went to a smaller high school so I don't know how much better it is in big towns, but from what other people say online, the anime clubs are always filled with human trash. In college, there's not as much hate, but my friends and I still stayed far away from people that "showed their powerlevels" in public. We'd occasionally watch anime together, but we all viewed watching anime as something shameful, to be done alone and in private, just like masturbation. And there's always the association of adult anime fans with pedophiles or people that jerk off to "cartoon porn"... Where exactly do you live where anime ISN'T associated with human trash? You can't get away with saying Japan, either, because everyone knows how Japan treats otaku.

>> No.8151200

Every non-asian country.

>> No.8151215

Actually even in Japan people that like "otaku" anime are discriminated.

>> No.8151223

here in italy anime is associated with anime. and even if it was a common interest with social trash, its not mandatory being associated with them.
there's also another thing. most of /jp/ faggots ARE introvert and outsiders. why they should avoid the company of other funny guys? what's with all this conformism in a board full of porn adventures and traps? bah. to me, all this looks only an excuse for being a hypocrite. and hypocrisy is the main skill of normalfags, you know.

>> No.8151240

Why do you think this faggot represents any part of /jp/ at all?

>> No.8151308

Although I am a Japanese,i have no courage wear this and come outside

This is carefully put on the room

>> No.8151326
File: 43 KB, 253x214, tryingtoohard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cool and all but

>> No.8151332

Why is him trying hard?

Are you that much of a delusional faggot?

>> No.8151345

>and hypocrisy is the main skill of normalfags, you know.
>why they should avoid the company of other funny guys?

>> No.8151348

What the fuck are you talking about? Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.8151351
File: 18 KB, 400x300, 1315788974469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are YOU that much of a delusional faggot?
It just clashes way too fucking hard. He's not really Japanese.
I couldn't even maintain a suspension of disbelief because he overdid it.

>> No.8151354

What are you guys angry about now?

>> No.8151357

[Sironegiya] is good.
The book can be used very much.

>> No.8151390

well, its not the first time I read things like these here.
I can't grasp what are you trying to point out, but maybe its just my half-assed english.
...somebody is angry?
